OM ANA THE BAR 77th Year ENLISTED Robertson Suiccessfully Bucks Robber rv my ExMoyor Struggles FOR SERVICE TO THEIR KING The Enminer is anxious to en nlrr those he have enlisted from Borrle and District for servirv in their King and ountry innd friends are requested in write3 this office or telephone 2lll the publics conprrslinn romplrlr rreord of enlisted men rm be kept Thflr names will be published at2 received HOUSE OF HITS THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDA CONTINUOUS SHOW ALL DAY SATURDAY STARTING 230 PM TWO MEN WITH BUTA SINGLE SOUL LIVING LOVING FIGHTING AS ONE Relatives o==io=ior====or=ior=o RESERVE ARMY ENLISTMENIS Mm mvimmv or must ISpi Stewart 17 lliseri With ==V cno1====ox=o== Olllllll Sllll haul 41M Emma lllllllll IRVIIIIIIRI lllllllllI IiIIRSIIJllI RRIIIHIRS ii boiln il lini luil ntii Ililllll vlnlli liiiiii Vciii Canadian Assn Jean Iainl Mrs Wllll II clLik iicotiiiiiiiiz enlisted ILli li fill IItlllfllll gt John IilAdHl Frihch fly SI HutuiitxIofkni lIl vlis Millie Attiidasin Imitch Illt tdditss tiiiliiii Aim liitntilo Geoffrey Austin ltilils Iii lint Ill Avc liiiiiic nextof lioioiliy llilda loiic Xiilittlinli Arin IAtIiHi liiioiiio ACE liivicnci Oscar liiidcll iNo Mouth it of Mr and the imm Iliiilcll Iioiii Slayncr zilui Anan iiioilict iii 1iio iflilll IAtlivli loioiii litisci litiiuiiici of All livid Tlhll icciziiirc Divisionit rm married IR merit in are 3050 single 3550 younger men and all others single or inur ricd whose medical category burs them from vice Prospective at Barrie Tuesday or lIiursdays enlistment in onipuiiy IWoincn Uls ml arllvr scr recruits Arinouries 730 ma IAcici iipply 10 pm Headquarter outl Battalion lrcy and Situ Foresters IVlls 509 itlili Us Illi FOOD WEAPONS OF CONQUEST CANADA AllllllIS ON Also LATEST FOX NEWS REEL llil following llilli Iltill IIiis lll foiincrlyliicl have iiiiistcil in llcithiitiilct lInlisietioinpiiiiy Second linlialiiiii ire in lllIlllllMl IIIII Willi II lliiil Stiiicni IViicslcis illif siiiii lulilk new policy governing the lit lsvivc Ariin xiis ttlopitd licll Iliil lliiiilop Iiiuric Boyce NIitawzt James lliislow i2 inn st Hal liill itil How Parry Sound ax ON THE SAM PROGRAMME xlillllillttl at Miiniiinu lliil roiilo Vlllldlll Iilli and Mrs David Litidcll Parry Sound ftiiiiurly front Shuntr andi Novcinliir Navy Howard Limitll soil oft Angus iili enlisch Meiclianl home on ftiiIouiih llioinas Iirisiiiiu Alis now COMES THE SENSATIONAL ACADEMY AWARD WINNER PLAYING ENTIRE WEEK STARTING MONDAY APRIL 2001 Matinee Wednesday 230 pm NIGHTS at 645 and pm Iilllllllvvliilll Siiiiidin 101 lifftn SI Al UlHlL siii tiflinrlili lllll Aliilriiin Kciiiictly ulliiiizwoorh lIiluiiiil Sinllh llll lctlcoch and llioinni illlll foiincily of litirric llllltilifli April cilh RCAI for Elllllll stationed at No Manning lupoliliiiiie Ioroiilo W301500 AWE llichiiidsoii ll llarrtt Ilorincrly Rota Desjitrdinc of liar iici cnislcd in the RCAl IWoillarric February now stationed at No lli Service Fly on lriiiniui School at llagcisvillc Onlario llcrbctl John Watson son of Mr and Mrs lcrcy Watson Utopia or Iisicd with Royal Canadian Navy as scainannlinncr reported in liiroii in April 13 Ilitllll Worsloy Sitliiiips 07 John lIllllllll Ii lliiwlitiis inch5 Division 191110 Wm VMH llarricl Ronald rziiic Jones l3 iownn SI Allan ilalt lili llilll Kelly llioililoti olt Lilli Hayfield Sf liar iil lliirvcy ii Irwin 1511 He Ibis packer androachrd with the1 her Sf llarric liillbrtmk Sill Hayfield SI Ilairio Archie ll lIiouipsoii Barrie llickclls Iiil itiwau hnwmmm mid WhM Inhdale Lloyd Cooke fill ilarric Icacockflli Frances SI MoreThan oneThad District Employers Have Not Completcd Moli than oiiciiiiril of tin lolal iiiiinber of employers lli llarric and district liavc their National Selective cards Howey tiger of the Uneinployincni Insur ance Commission Post Office Bldg informed The Examiner today The forms were in the hands of all employers by April and should have been returned he said Mr Ilowcy poinch out the Ex ittinc importance ofcnmpictinc the registration for use in the waref fort as the registration is part of the contemplated National Selective Service Plan We fully appreciate the fuel that cooperaled promptly in Iliismaticrand would urge that all those who hatinver returning their so at once Mr Howey declared new insurance contributions cannot be recorded and theemployer is liable Ifor employees contributions be IDOIIIICd out chlstration irjIIZIIIIUIIEIIJTIITL derlaking of vital importance an failed Io complech Service Barrie liltin WALTER WINCHELL calls it Cinemasler piece Life Magazine says One of the years most stiirlng films Viclire Iowawilt Lester IJ Cooke Essa Roodi Allandaltr II Harris 70 Sanford Ski Barrie Chapman 70 Maple Ave Barrio MCViliiC Barrie zone itiit Mary 51 immediately HUCCICSSIUL REUNION BENTON gt15 niilcliaiiIicipaIoil event of the week was the animal reiinion of the Beeton Old Boys Association at the Boulevard Club Toronto Friday evening Receiving the guests were the President and Mrs Baycroft Mrs Aitkcn Misses Mary Nichol andg Nellie Swales Mrs Marks and Mrs Joseph Hill Guests included Mayer and Fred Conboy Carlton and Councillors of Beetpn is an essential part of the national war effort Mr Howey said Reg istratior ustAbeaeompletedn Willi in the next few days SPECIAL MARKED GASOLINE The Oil Controllers Regulations now in effect provide for Special Marked Gasoline to be used for Utility Purposes sum as Blowtorches concrete mixers stationary englneSv Power law mowersetc Supplies of this SpecialGasolinemay ibe rpumhls ed without exchange of Coupons at theIOllowmg1lel Oll Dealer in Barrie McKenzies Imperial Esso Station Bayrieia Ross BlockNorth Five Points Plioeillmi We still have aifew odd size New Tires available Also good supply of used 60016 Tires and Tubes MAUREEN OHARA many employers WALTER PlDGEON DONALD CRISP ANNA LEE RODDI McDOWALL amount sou minor turn ritznrutu IATKII tuninm AVOIDJIIHILCROWDS BYATTENDING THE EARLY SHOW AT PM GRANADA ENTERTAINM THUR Fill SAT MAISAT 230 RM EARLY SHOW SATHEVE it 530 Martha Law looked forms Unlil secured books Reeve John Mrs AT RDIIIIIISIAEK IRIEHAIIII llIX DIARIES flllIlEIl RRIIII BRAVIFIIIIII IIIJIIII IIEIIIIIIII ANDY DIVINE an IlUlHIIIIIIIIII Phone 3486 or 3307 Helmet Good Insurance for Mary Beth Hughes Sheila Ryan EXTRAlUNIVERSAL IE EXAMINE Willi Man In Store APPREHENDED Pleads Guilty sI1iivi tint iiilti 32 ll l=li III with III it iIt Li Iim tlili liiii it lIiIl An iill Xiir IL in it limit if mil ill talc iiii Jeff fwd is lit lli ii it Ill=i iimll II IL rlI Hi 415 1i llw ll Huirind lItii flitizp Ii Iilllll is pro iisl tl zilviil fci iiii Iic Illtllll Illilllll of ll and itiiitiitcil Iilllil imcrl lli llEiii Imlj for oin xviiii ll iiic lliliitsl Roan ii ortlci that It mil lIHI iiii1ii be ii Acciisiti who ii iitc IIIJI iiltl lIL hail inlislctl Iiixiii is of onl lliililllll titiIiI biii well built and llt vlllliillliil hi ac vur foi ont of his years Sliclt cin lip Mr Robertson niillciiii iii rIIIiitlilc Hllllilill oii Ilil sitlt lil was llliill III the store about pm ivlicn the young soltilii Ilill nccilstd LJlilll in and isketl for ictlaiii brand of tIuiiiciics ho rife laleil placed Illlll on tho casi pr co of your subscription by imd lilii he Ihcii lltllllilvl that change in and acting upon tho iilvoiiic tliiein for itinIhcr brand This did intids iii The Barrie Examiner lotion laying them on tho case WwWCW He lililflfl lllfill up out IlHIlll tii vlhcr hand into the olhcr side pockL as thought for the money butt instead he said SIick eiu iip llcl was iiisi in front of me then standi inc belwecii the ends of the lVIl do yoii niepii Ruddy bill be repealed Siick em up this is hold iip He then lifitlllCCfllllC revolver In heavy army typo Coll lel calibre and pointed it at me did not know whether was loaded or not but ilrapplod with him Mr llolictlson continued liei then raised lho weapon and struck me tivict on the side of the head and face causing nasty cuts was getting the boiler of hiiii when he ran for the front door but beat him to it and held the doori on the outside also not Iwo lllCll in uniform to go around In the side window oii Owen Street the only other exit went back in and heard the Illi trader going down cellar at the back so locked the dooron lllllli rWind phoned the police Constablel Stephenson responded He went down into the cellar but the prisonl Turiito page sixteen please Rummage Sale Saturday April 25 Doors open Tat0 St Maryf sPar1shHall COLLIER ST Auspices Royal Victoria Hospital Aid Anyone having articles of clothing dishes furniture to be calledfor by Friday April 24 REGISTERED smut ONTARIO CANADA written APRIL IZL TODAYS PRICE CATTLE EGGS POULTRY =A5 quoted by First Packer of Onem HOGS IIAIUN llirrsr fl IllHix CATTLE 1tiici llll liltllliiill litittIici Reinonded Unix Vivl iann Li tflvAt mail Lilith EGGS ILIllliLIWI Ilifl liter iiictiiriiit idillcs Alriikil lftfl IllllKIuNS trade Live licscd lili 14 ii itd in cu Dvul iii Iti llis lvii Ii ll Maikci steady FOWL Live Dresser chicken milkfed birds live oath roriiprthi =4 MICHELLE MORGAN CAPTAINS or THE CLOUDS JAMES CAGNEY DENNIS MORGAN BRENDA MARSHALL The Man Who Came to Dinner BETTE DAVIS ANN SHERIDAN MONTY WOOLLEY THE BASHFUL BACHELORL LUM and ABNER Al ZASU PITTS TRAIL OF THE LONESOME PINE Sylvia Sidney Fred MacMurray Henry Fonda INTERNATIONAL SQUADRON RONALD REGAN The ItAFs Foreign Legion THE MALTESE FALCON IIUMPHREY BOGART MARY ASTOR SERGEANT YORK GARY COOIEIVf MW VW hunting ARE BUSY NOW TAKINGWNAMES fioperaii Selected by Member ondf Defeated Condidote Firnshed This Week trill ll ivri=i wt it it llll rilll voir ll Agiiii Ill uili it inc trig III an limit to For th it ill it to eligible livl The Slllvbilliitlti aunt in woti 33 ri itli liii intention dim SiliiiSI 202 livid illLl Liniilna it fii liiwi ililiwlllil il Sillilitt illi ta llAlIlll Iiii lvlilitlllllll lililtilii III lIZlIli irliw Altillilll nishf ti Alis ll Williaiti itilflllls Ii Jointly fl litl Walle lLZ di lltioil int mount Si ii Miss llillllllll lizirlcs Itlipd lf loilclici itiiilicilaiiil Iii Ii bliss Couch LII Illll poll ii II HIIlHHHIl 11 Grad will Elli illln Siiilllll il his face intl head fold of ihiiill llf ioiin lc iii lullclsu Illiillillfil ciiisotlr of ilthl liNllJll Aliilllel SlCillL lt Malcolm illilll bill right lremiuni paid over airivc tau3 oi 05 TOWNSHIP llhmllld Iii Aplo Robert Jury Alvin nig Elinvalc ill llielpslon You can save lllhliy tiiiir11 ihi lltllll lhclpsion llll SIS Vigor ll Boitliivicli lhclpsioii RR lib Lillirraps Alvinc Crowc IIliii Turn to Page Twelve Please lillsl Iiil lllil comm FDTIIIC Imperial Theatre SOON PAUL HENREID OLYMPE BRADNA wr PICK OUR PICTURES TAILORED lO MEASURE WSUITSVsTOPGDATS $2995 $3600 $410 $4500 iAltMENTS IN STOCK priced from BOYS SUITS sizes to 18 years with extra pants HATS BYVSTETVSON $395 to $750 WILFFH TODD iridium EAST OF POST OFFICE Phone 2963 asiiiiniii run run wen MAT gwui 230 FORTMHREE ZYEARS companies ModeraieRats Prompt Settlements 0135114 PHo 125 Reliable 41 sum NE 3735 upI hoioe if VEGETABLES and Sweet hDoz 20 250 30c GBAPEPRUIT large size for 25c HOICE FIRM TOMATOES lb 20c BEETS and CARROTS bunches 15c CELERY large bunch 10c 150 Fresh Spinach Green Onions Cauliflower Cucumbers Rhubarb and Fresh TCalifornia Asparagus iiNCiLLAs FRUITMARKET Clappertonal the Five Pollrts gt 9umumthuguuuIduruuuIuhugnuquunmwru Visit canciiia WV WW ITEM Olin HI Drums Juiby The Bowerlijoy Puritan l10c IrLj all run 89 CoiriingE11ROLFLYNN in TIlEYipDIEDTWlTH THEIR BOOTS IIN no GRAN PHONE 2253 BARRIE HAMILTON MISS EDITH uawrm Reg Optometrist IN CHARGE NoucE Giving to the fact that physicians in town are rationed both for gaso line and tires they feel interests of the war ef fort if all patients Wher ever possible could place their calls before 10 am RBTR that it would bein the LIlirough the courtesy of lieTown Council our new Salvage Headquarters in the old Gas Worksareinow ready and steady collections are being resumed MONDAY APRIL 20+Frdm Town Limits TUESDAY APRIL 21From field WEDNESDAY APRIL 22 Limits andSouth to Elizabeth THURSDAY APRIL 23From Elizabeth Street Southto John FRIDAY Allth 24 iron Limits Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Signed Medical Staff of uuoooouuumubk wHavevyour Magazines Papers Rags andRubber securely tied in separate bundles and placed on the curb by am BARRIE RED CROSS AUXILIARY Section PDQ 959m l5 ne Summer Wagsthcr Big Current nature Snowstorm Last Week iil vesierday was IM six months With low of 48 The It on October rather it ll above on Monday It included snowstorm on when the highest in summer many and furnaces were High ins Iii Ling 115 lay as 13 cl NORTH SIMCOE LIST when vikl Low lll in Iiii ill and iiicoining fwi ill citir illlllll Ii tiniconniiii wann 60 tibvlv wcic lilllilifl Llillile IMPERIAL THURw FRI JSATo SUPERCHARGED ruins Lo sitting incitiliei ills numb intHid $Iitii$ ilt iii ilw tiliii ft II is Aliw lilli Illiiill LIl lliiiisd gt iVlitxi litll llzikci Iliu isjsidniii ll thlirtdt Ailclaiglol Charles Edward MHKFED CHICKENS ill Iiiiiioii Aui ll Alisa liitIL iiill OLLINUWOOD l1 iitil Ihil Hat Charles Tow hot llets and the blende hemboi who raids their hearts Lil Robinson 133 iliddon 20 ll Carr 277 Miss Jeaii than its ii iillluililllll untils iain rlctn Paramount mount Honing iii MIIUIIIII WILLIAM iioiiiiii WAYNE Mitiisiiiuii DIINIEVI with Constance Moore Veronica lakl Hariy DIVBHPDIlDiroclebyHIICHIILLIISII POIIJYE CARTOON STARTS seniority MIDNITE 1205 Also For One Entire Great Week NIGHT PRICES Adults 25c Children 10c Plus 9921 Tex GARY COOPER Academy Award Winner as Best Actor ol the Year GlAMOURDISH is ON THE BLITZ FOR GARY $895 to $1595 Others $195 MENSvand BOYS WEAR 55 Dunlop St BARRIE because he dont know hop to kiss at ii iii Ill at it an IIIIIIItl mm ill Berczy Strcct East to H0 nmsi sonnets limp Pufn Wilder Directed 51 Dimi erczy Street Westto Bay K0 Sctoen Play by Charles Bracket and Billy FAR From Hayfield West to Town John StrectiiSoutli to Town