liixlf ill DIHIIECZJ lultc IILI lniitii liijri II iiiiiii mt iCil Iv uni irniii ltiiiltiwt his uiittid the it on liii lint uoivioii itilcilclt liav ii IIll lllL of Illl IIILlillI li li it iiiill llniilt lllIl ilsiv li it iiisci Alllylllxli HIEitmxxwoti cccivwl ihcii ii Ni ii Sir ltt rIvinii Tint ncisidc Ill Tuiin lloitlcn List cik winn lllitl Take Gin lills Regular Ilu 00 Pills WW We I=IOHO IN THE EIGHT FOR FREEDOM iill Cotillionml link Page for limit Iisci Non Malionctl il Usliana LAC hips lid It zt Jda iii Yr winl llcizdc ll iW It it moans=0 Iiiv iii unla be Iii put is lot Huh lutiiirr Inltll tlli lallicr and lim Noiis IIV Sluicoc olllll llms ilJllllJlt li llilti Tin twi illit spailxs iltlili iriliw brimit iltllif il 30 vii et lira inn iii ir llvii flan ti Minn 51m lltIlnHll VMA IIllllllllfllil lioitlru iml It him pleasant affair iooI pl if Tl Ii litti til in rid friends vcio reunited tp li NH Id NW nioiilii ii oimi Itiiti si iil Cin Itt iIil ii xii iiliiiitic TIRE EASILY Iil lll In the US ask for iiiu hits 304 You can get more satisfaction forrissworkahdarless cost if you check your plans with yourCIL Pimatlffladdition to the highest quality CIL Paihts he can supply almost any kind of material for home repair or improvement He has dozens of special aids andfsuggestions to save you time and money and do better job null liIiitri llc hit his ti the ICIIII or money 1i Juli back kiilncvrcmoly toliriprcmme inciclmiii 13itli4 Matts lbeexrcssaciilsthat may lie the cause of that lAl1ltl log Money back if not Silllnlltll itiit Illlilltill rinntncni gtIlltllllgtilllli have gtlll lillwll revis nu oven mm on cruel PAIN DEALER it 1t Li lillliiiil llo lllll oiil iiii liitm litizipsm hood Iwi In wi IAr llam lanlt lopulir Hoimia ta lllll Link fc ir Gunners Nlvtlcil Wlllh llit 1tIi til llilllflll Iol tlIAi ilur iii crcn ill iiii Ill il has liltll Imll 11mm ll lilieI Ioi many works lil llllli Sgt has liccn ii lillili1ull in tho iiuinbci large Illa 30 pm no tlcsiic to hocoiiii I1ltis uinititts it sliilill iii the Ioilimml ill lilo homo Iroiiio IlLIiIllillL depot LIIII Ila SI rBefre you start to paintyoucan accrrhowithcjgb will look in thousand different colour com binations with the CIL 1942 Catatirswiing Book 99 actually painted colosheets 93712canrbe visualized through 10 separatetransparent four Colour overlays of home in teriors arid exteriors URRY BROS ouoru JOHNSON HANDY quorum Evans CIl PAINTS FOR LASTING PROTECTION sing Spent the weekend with their LISLE Wrapped to keep it pure full strength ROYAL never lets you down Gives you bread that extra linem costliest sweetest in the towni oIiiii Ithn with his bro ltl Iill ir liit Ilit LItuxi Miss llllili and liitiiiiic Adams MIDHURST STATIONI piano recital in Eamo Ihomes iii the community Nne inrrived safelytin England alfOiiIV lDITIWILOI Misillll 110 has none to Pcrerbmo WM Sllmniectines There were 32 iiiciiilieis Mrs Morrison and Billy rc tturned to their schools Monday Saturday or the siiddenIeAth of Community all insulin her sister Mrs Bartholomew ioyed Campbell gave moncmouomomcmomom ll NEWS OF homomouomomomomom Luv tillilll1l flailllr it win iii rillht Iix lidth ILivvi lliliii arm lirici ileuiiicn with iotiii iln ri Johnston Iloilt vlis ll Mdizi llaiitc inci tl his vtl It iiiiitIi li Wm yiiiiiiiic the inr llil ovumI MW lllIIllI lin Kit of tin iit immmg iiimi ch to oiitzi on Thu Tililotd llitlc ltllllitl honic Io aiici Hzllll 7hr lioii or lItiI It Player iilo iii his filthli iiinl Illlitll on other illllilils iii the llllll the man no Intx lllllli11 tilillllltl til bestlctoii iitci socndii the bill diiv Willi llll parents at Allcnr ilil hit tilt llll ithultiii tioiootl llisoii Iill Ii llltlili iiiiiiilni 1lh tho iitztsti Io iiic llll iIiIl tunc Illllillill tin ilcslicrtoii slillll tin lhixfil 1tiIIl lion with it Hit itlii MM son lllnl 1m Iiiki ti hv Ii labah laiil Palmcr Barrie and Is HHJiral Ilarrit vsitrd the iattrrsmnnmmw dauclitrr Mrs 13 llllltlltt fort few days Mr and Mis oiicland witl ncsscd the Dctioiiioionlo LIllllv luv cvtiiin Obsirvci Owcn Siniih lilt oir blillll llllilli for an lIJst Talli idiaii nort after two vcks it iccotiilv II it iniiitdiili ciilisll llllllll can lie scilircd for this liiaiichl Sol the scrvtco Qualifications Itill Auras call for id lciisI Io yours oft lliigli school or the ClllllVillLlll andl pliysical fitness Applicants iiitisi lhil no color llllil The one lllllllt lfoi applicants is from lit to 32 years Imhi PR Mrs Pcacock Is on the sick pirllm We wish 3mm IClisiiiall cakes such is tartiiis covcrv Misses Joyce and Flora Pca Icock spent Couple of davs in Mincsiniz Mac Aiidross of Staten Island New York spent few days with Ihrs mother Anumber of pupils from MidI hurst took part in Miss McAulcys The reforestry plant has started ilhe summer WOIRIIII force everyl inan available being called Mrs Harold Bowen received cableiiram that her husband had Mrs Adanisoii and children spent few days in Toronto wherewPatsy underwent an opei HILLSDALE Lloyd Jamicsmi and Ed CalhOllll have none to Termite for week or two The YPS met at the home of R9l7alll Mrs Bury Monday ev cn Miss Dorothy Rumble returned to Toronto after holidaying at her home here MI and Mrs Alvin DlCllllll sprnt Sunday at the laitcrs home some time with her sister turned home after spendine the wmterrwith Mr and Mrs DiiddL iiil oit lt ll 1x it good Iiith Ill tin icin mid o1 lliilllli riiio iiir icpoizrl ht llllifliiy oi the iiiiii Ioi Ili inst tiiiitici $30107 short tlliiillll lIil chapter Ililii thi lll linulaiiil tliaiikiniz the branch illit WI history to he passctl adopted also sqcretaiyticasurcis tThe auditors report was present Miss Mary Kerr Stayncr and Miss Ethel Halbeit Toronto re moininLt fffiwnnim Diane and Murray Brown Lau grantiniotherMrsl Brown Mr and Mrs wA Brown and daughters Ruby and Lorene of Lansing were weekend visitors with relatives here Mrs searl received word her sister Mrs More Stewart Vasey This is the third deathef the kind in less than yearle families have the sympathy of the Visitors of Mrs Honey during the week were and Orville Hooey Oshawa Mr and Mrs Sproule and family Toronto Mr ELMVALE llllllilll li il til Yip Iii Alls Ii Iw And iritiin iine inti lolins ll ll iiI Ilill if llilzli II Ailv iii Hi iuioiiizli lilii Sciiptiiir ititzi lt tutti in Win llilll Ii lllillll IM llIIlv iIasfcr out Slioli lllf iiiiiiiiii loivtitliti Iiiliil li gtbcr Illasv lldll ln lis Iii leiiiizioiurtv men In It Knapp Iii hook wn li lhuiIou ltclitsiiiiioiiit liit mind by thcl lllnivalt ll lilills Ilucrs lht =Iilill1ll ltlllllllLl HI lilinvalt was livid at hits NHL Iiirds oii lliiiiIiv vth lil iiictii hcrs and one visitor lllll vote of thinks was passed to Mr JOIIIISIOIL who so kindly cooked the meat for thi lilillllllil let tci was rent from Norman While for Illtli parch of kiiittcd articles litor iouiiidiiiir the hook on Wl history llliiIv Yciirs oi illltlL was nail also on from the Niivv Lcioziic ltllilSililL lust rutos to send maple situar to the boys ill the iiivv Mrs Simp son thanked Ilii branch for flow ers sinl io llil in tin hospital It was htidcd to Iil copy of around the incnihcrshin also to acctpt the new oiniiiittccs as oili lind hr the drpiirtincii Anyone llSlllllL to donate maplc suuiir for the boys in the iiavv are asked to leave same at Miss Fosters II is requested Illti be made in Th roll call was answered by NllllllllL ii Wild Flower and De scribing It Reports of the stand iiiu committees were prcsenied and IJIIOIL and report on war work ed by Mrs Beardsall The bereavement report showed that baking had been taken to eighteen teen parcels have been sent to boys from the community and quantity of knitted articles arcon hand Mrs Black presided for the election of officers which re sulted as follows Dist Directoro Miss Foster PrusMrs Copeland 1st VicePres MissS Tipping 2nd VicePres Mrs Thompson SccynTreas Whitton Asst Miss Drys dale Pianist Mrs Robillard Scribe Miss Foster Direc tors Mrs Jones Mrs Bradley Mrs Beardsail Mrs White Mrs Wilinot Blackz Auditors Mrs Bert Rowlcy midi Mrs Butt Flower Comi Ccni Mrs Jaso Black Mrs Bradley gave very interestine and instructive paper on Malay Peninsula Refresh It Stilton Mrs lliock Mrs Wynn111 nuttyd who nws Iilttci and Mrs Snider awe1 rmwwg CRAIGHURST WWWJ IJK It iii iliilh lilillll li ul liali iiuxiitli vlldlittid Iiillll WZYEI iiir inn know tlilvxi fiiillil on tioiii ILlls tc lw iiolii tho p152 thicc ll iltlll tllll the Iioliiiv sintson iiiotini Mis Oadcs iiiii tiliiiicil and latit All illil Tiiiiizic chks laiciic Vliii sprii with Mr ltil llninriis ltisliluti liicii incllint of tin Wu tiitc was hold at Mrs now in iiiocis pics llox took llll form iiilltldl discussion IZverv Itiiltlitf bioiitrlii an article valucd ibmit Lific An auction salv wiis litId tnd 51380 was Illlllll Miss istoii contest was won by Align Till lliIl ros woir for the mouth It niliioiiis llIsrillitl uiiwiis 1m ifxldlllilfx quilts siaiiicns Will and ii units niiiv socks lht Apiil illllllllL will lI hcld Mi Mchackciis itd tostcss BOND HEA Li Mr and Mrs Watt rclc lll loioiito on Wilncsliiv li Robinson Whitcsidrs and Mi Cainiiliii are both ill Kenneth llcll spcnt IllL wcck Mrs llriiiiiiinu l3ticitoii vis llill llltmls in the village last week iiio YIS inct last chiicsdv ciciiiiic With the Ncwton Robin soil society The topic was iIlio llJllIllRO of the IllllllblO Youth WALS Meeting The April meeting of the Unit cd Church WMS was held at Mrs Bradleys with 20 present iindMrs Andrews iiiesidinu Bble tcadinu was eiwn hv Mrs Batcniaii Mrs Ritchie rcI viewed part of chapter of the study hook It was decided to send the halo north as asde for by the halo secretary Delegatesl appointed to Presbyterinl weir Mrs Jewrtt Mrs Andrews Ms West and Mrs Sutherland IMis sion Band assistants were Mrs Smith and Mrs Watt for lunch and Mrs Jowctt to tell story Garden party date was fixed for July Proarannne committee appointed were Mrs Culbertl Mrs Watt and Mrs Ritchie Mrs Smith and Mrs Andrews thanked Mrs Jewett MlSBlllC man and Mrs Reynolds for boxes sent to friends Mrs Mc Lean ICd cards from Vera Lisk and Mrs Fever Meeting closed end uitihhis SISlfIMI WrWaizt with music prayer and lunch brief survey of the funds prised Ifor war work during the year sliowinrr that meat deal had beetraccomplished Warden Toner have short speech coni ruratulatingrthe Board of Trade on their work and hoped that beforei another year peace would be established in the world Baker introduced the Speaker LCpl JOSephCoulter of Port McNicoll Cpl Coulter was on the antiI aircraft guns of minesweeper ail the time of the cvvacuation of iDunkirk and have an verL VlVldi desciiumi9f what avenues Mis BumdsallBeleaveinent47115boatmadveqrmsmmmg the channel with string of twentyone small boats in tow helping to rescue the three nunZ ineiifs were served meetings and three executive on the roll with an average at tendance of 24 There Were eonv veners for seven standing commit teesand programmes vercuiveii on these one fer the Canadian Institute for The Institute catered for the Board of Trade banquet and served din IICILT or tlrcDistrictj Annual held iiirrrElmvale The project iEinpire Fiuits for Foodiand Player was carried on at two regular meet IIIQS and completed at special meetings Delegates attended the District Annual and Area Conven tion Fifty of theuiandnioihors in the community were entertain ed anthe Juiieriheetingu Adena ition of bag of sugar for jam was sent to Roselahd Institute Donation of $10000 to Red Cross Draw tickets on severalv articles donation of $1500 was sentto Queens Canadian Fund for air raid victims and $1000 to Camp Borden for the Christinasriree Receipts including balance from preVious year were $16579 Ex penditures amounted to $15612 leaving balance of $1067 Trust and Mrs Dodds and Mrs Wilson Midland BRENTWOOD Weddine bells are ringing Lorne Allen Toronto spent the Weekend at hisrrrhome Miss Helene Damond is visitinc her sister Mrs Austin Toronto Miss Irene iShaughnessy has re glace After all had done ample turned to Toronto after week at her home Mrs Packard and two chil dren have returned totheir home in Shanty Bay after Week with fund for war work showed total receipts $17841 expenditures $17201 balance $64m LCpl Joseph Coulter Tells Viviil story of Evacuation of Dunkirk Elmvale Board of Trade held its annual banquet in the Parish Hall on Wednesday evening when about one hundred enjoyed the delicmus rpast provided by the Elinvale Womens Institute Rev Geo Morrison of erwle offered justice to the good things pro yided Eiesidcnt 4Lawson Robinson called on Campbell to lead in Singsong Jos Lea of Hills dale sang number that was en lhe Blind andthe NavyLeaizuei Dunkirk Beach 35 strip of 18 were sponsored by thew Institutesi Central Fund also one of $800to dred and thirtyseven thousandi British soldiers which includch Annual RCDOll ltwo Canadian units They were The branch held ten iiuiilaigojng into France from Brest at the time the French army wasl blowing up ammunition and sup ply dumps after being pushed back by the enemy Thereserve sum plies of the British were lost at dreds of enemy planes Retirinq miles which the speaker said was diers waded out and swamto the rescue boats in many cases simply rowboats which Were towed across the channel The soaker said that white handkerolf spread on the ground drew 12 bullets in no time AWhen the rescue com and the Weather bureau predicted clear with no fort But for two days and nights while the rescue workwas carried out with shortly for an operation He taeerof the trainlna irithe use of firearms which will be carried out through home guard defence We must be united in our efforts ill Iiwe can hope to win this war gt Dr DC Halvey the few well chosen words thanked the speak er and expressed the hope that thehand that guided him safely through the evacuation cf Dun entered hospital for amioperation shortly McGuire moved hearty vote of thanks to the ladies of the Institute for the excellent rc past Mrs Copeland president ofrrthe WI respondedTwo mem bers of Russ Creightons troiipe entertained with several numbers SHOP AT RETAILERS THRIFTY ANADIANS LLE Rs ITS THRIFTY TO MAKE YOUR OWN DRAPES AND SLIPCOVERS Morisficltl retonnc L04 774 $3 015 The pattern shown is beautifully right for Slipcovers as well as Drapes floral design so effectively centred entire back of chair and on seatcushion colours rose wine or naturah You who are economybeund will be delighted at the small cost of Mansfield Cretonne STRIPEDI HOMESPUN Sunfast Drapery fabric with horizontal stripes of brown rust or green on neutral ground 50 inches wide Washable Menks Cloth Pattern interwoven in cream and corn Richlooking 50 inches wide Yard ZELLER Note the large Background 59c 89c 37 LIMITED luvrun poucirsr the same time leaving them no thing to fight with Brest wast TVo lag IlaV5 were SllonsmlIlost and the air was full of hun similar to Wasaga Beach the soll menced the atmosphere cwas clearl arose blanketing the channel foi few Casualties despite the fact that bombing was icontlnuousl Cpl Couiter received an injury when abomb fell enhis boat while docked in port in England and he expects to enter hospital urged his hearers to take advan rF+F6r YourrConvanionceV Imperial Life Assurance Company HEiaOfrfciTcTrorof How can provide Money for nut lin life for my children Their ages IMP rouanto noware My own age Norm IN 1897 Drench Oleolnrf Bank of Toronto Building Barrie The evening conCluded with the singing of Auld Lang Syne kids would be with him when he AYS CURTAIN FABRICS illt Nlil Yllii choice ot iiiiLritii weave l2 inthm with or Incl weavi ivitii ltili iiisign hi inches wide 29c iopiiliti bisoiic snide Yard lBlNCli SilNNIitiLllll beautiful ilaiitw iiititiiiinu uittahie ioi Livv lug loom Ilillllii ltooni Bedroom Your choice of lllliit chain 69c 1lfllll or ivoiy iard CLOCKS lllrilllriiid zit lcllrrs AMERICA SlYLil ALARM CLOCKS Ivory or lustrebrown finish Guar Illllitfl for one ttti SHOPPING BAGS ctiviziri riorii litiiilc siyii with Illlltll zipper Itllllli With strap handles and leather trim 00 Size inches On The Candy Counter LOO CABIN JIIOLAIIIS ll 290 diOCOLAilE DROPS ih 25c CHOCOLATE COAIED MAItSIIMALLOW lb 290 BISCUITS Assorted Sandwich and Plain types lbs 35c Cotton Work Shirts Sizes 111111 to 17 in cadet blue or navy Buttonfront style With two pockets Work Pants Of striped dark grey Cotton waist sizes 32 to 42 With pockets belt if tilii7iiiiiii $l59 Shaving Supplies CUP SHAVING SOAP Colgatcs and JB Williams at 10c SHAVING CREAMS Palmolive Life alloy at 33c ular size 9c GILLETTE BLUE BLADES for 25c will it Wining personyvill sitar college or buy into business this year with the pro ceeds of an Imperial Life policy taken out by parents little while ago Iast year of 8000 Imperial Life policies issuedover 1000 were entire lives of children and students Thoughtfuiparents appreciate thatch Inuktiallfolisxsivssthec lslefhcad start in life Alscit teaches thrift engenders senseof respdnsibility heips to mould character And of eiual importance policies Covering miners can they themselves can never liopecto du liczite in future Whygnot investigatethe iberal provisions of Imperial life Policies today obtained now at rate 7000 other persons of all ages also became Imperial Life Policyholdersin 1941 To large crossIsection lof thepepple of Canada The Imperial Life is my insurance conipany Tl Addrell ML His euro TA COLGATES SHAVING CREAM Popi