PAOE SIXTEEN ll 11111111111131111 31111113311111 BUCKS BBBBBB IIrillitllIlllvlllllll 1111111 SURGICAL CARMENTS ltll llt monomouomonomouom THE WEEK IN coousrowni OEOWOEOWODOd Quowauomanomomom NEWS OF ALLAN DALE ounmonomo uomomozzz bottom Aers 111 he Mrs Ivszal daygt Zl11 dau were ll 111 neck Mlss 11 ft 1111 lll 1111111 kalttr formant11111 Hllti 1H 11 litillln Tile ulnltlll 11 111 1111 belle Allab 81w 1i C4151 101 Colllplk ll 1111 NR 11 1111 flkltl TRUSSES lllklllllltl litill 111111 Jlml family inztzlla lives 111re all MD B111 fllill the 113ccly after 1ec 11 111211Ill 111 1111111 wrllrlltfs llll2 lll Kllr ttilttl 11 2111 111i unknown pnl 11 l11111iay mall llltl BELLE EWART 11 2111 Mrs 11 lllllll1 1I 111 11113111 CLOWES lllt gtlrl1l1 Georges 1121gt 111111111 l11111 7111 Alli Ila Kiltllla hitch 11 lllatll 11111 11111 The Siluriar Mix Wham all =I eruulalo 1t tktll Ale 111111 pcllt and Mrs John lvllll AILs litlill1 1111 uteri 111i Allan and l1ll 1141 at 711l1111 111Itn 31111211 Ml 11111 111 11 lYastc 1111 11 11111o Ml nu lltllt Orllila Mia rllfll 112 Slllll11i1l and spent Moorn and Easter LrttfullllUllltl here Camilla Mrs Monday Illllv 11111 1111111111 111111111111 1111111 holltiavs Cicelnole Monte 11111111 Saturday wneks 111 01111111 itnttctt 1111111 Joyce 1111111 Sunday 11va 211111111 ll 111 Ilnlmlli ll hulliau BUY YOUR LAWN MOWER NOW IllSAIIUINIAIIZNI 11111 trick llkill llm ey 1113111 aetllzlmli ll gtl11 Airs home l11 1111111 attack livlllfv Ilti 114115113 t111111 ltlli1 11 wLli 31111 ANI AW BUY YOUR OIL COOK STOVE NOW illlJY ARE VERY DIIIiIICULl TO PROCURlJ We have some and Burner Models available at present BIRD SUPPLIES 1111 1111111l17111 CROWN HILL Alla ll11l 111111111 11l 11lt= 11111111 Illa1 1i hill 1111111 l11i1 Alt 111 Wood who II Sulldzlv 11 11 111 l11111 town all al1l Mix II l11 spent 1111ltlclt Wood lllanv rlll ll11lill 111111111 111 51an 1111 llollli lulwlzlw 111121 tliItt l11lx Mia 1111 111111i1t 3ltls 11111115 Kendrick Sonic and Fllday 111 1111 law stones 111 pl 111111 with 111 11 1111 bereave attended lot svt Mrs eral lllltlee tan BIRD CAGES 11 Stands $4115 $7311 v1 511111111 ltcarllll 1111I 311 11111 IIntcrtains lotllerx 1111 711111 11111111111111 thcil Mondav 111111 and Men lvil lotllt llotlI 11 112111 111 11111111 111111111111 littlllv glass the Kill lid f111CC whcll they 1111111111s served is Easter with h11 zralldlnother 111 and bin their two alld Mrs Week somewhere Sllfi1111 Carry 1111 School itself t11 through the bl1d as well ii 1H txlllllltl l1k1r l1lr1111 and Miss turn 1111111111111 summer Mis il11li HANGING STYLES $2213 $2310 $300 $375 11 111 home aint ll sptlttlllill iltllltiI 1111111111 IZstilel hostesses 111 11ml their 111 i2111l11111 1111111 at lltll NIIW 11111 11111 111l11hm URGED TO JOIN RESERVE ARMY 11111 151111 11 l111 ualda liutl l11 cable 1111111 last and 111111111 McAlllstcr Moliall 111 coursl 111 Barrie this week MEN Alla Rose Bushes Shrubs and Vines NOW IN STOCK Plant early soon as frost is out OI the ground 010111118100 owl 111111 111 11111 1111 1111 lull11 111 lfll 113111111111 Taxi 235 Bradford SL Barrie Phone 3832 LOCAL OR 0111 OF TOWN llIllS Service 1111 Vlllallli 11111111 1411111111 loroll 11111211 ll 1illl 1111a llil1 111111 lJll lhl 1111 llw lion 1111 e11 11 11 ltl111j wine vwlltv itll IvI11111l1ltlll Maelatren Appeals For Recruits For Foresters at if Meeting of Service lull Members and Mercil ants 1111111 Ultt 511 41111111 t1111 111 11111 ol 11l 111111 111I1 1111111 rlHI1 lronlpl Lelitl 11 Ali wavl will 11111lt1 llLthl 11111 null Reasonable Rates 11111111 11 12111 11111 as l111 humi lle he It11 11111 lflitaci cream 1111 11 111 prlll l11llIl 1111 sitll 171111 1111111 1zi1l1111 31111111 llll 11 11111 ltl1111111 111111 1151111 villiI 111111 llltl llovl Alis and p111 1111lll1 durinf 1r1 lll11L 11111 l11111lll Maciallcn HIAI Illenrlquarlel NWV llllllltulllpall Second llnltaliolt ill Hand Sllllcuc l1111st1r 1Rt71 ad lllcssltle large gathering of 111em 11115 11 Kiwanis and lllm YINlmfl ltl111 111e11 made strain 11111 lgllwll l1 111111 311 121111 1111111111 111 Mr 11111 and tonic 1111111 ltl were 11111 11111111111111l111L1 115 1111111111llll1111111 CHURCHILL ll LJ Miss 11lltse Allan Shelli 11 IIW Vacatiolf 111i 111 II BETTER 3E1 011118 All 11 11 daughter l1111111111 111 lllt lilttllld lilnnlas 111l 11111 relatlvc of his faulilv l11111l Kilif heck lull Clubsl latl lie 15 it and 111gt Hill who livIs 1111 MOIORISIS Used Tires and Tubes titttlxltig Springs made to order for all makes ofcars and trucks new and used batteries for all makes of cars and rellncls usod parts for all masz 111 cars 1111111 Satisfaction guaranteed 111 money refunded Dominion Auto Wreckers Opposite Barrie Flour Mills MAPLE AVE lillrtl ll The Home llxdllllllll Wmomooor OIOIONOIINIOINWOOOIIINMOIllII WHEELS PROPERLY ALIGNED TIRES BEAR FRAME AND AXLE STRAIGHTENING appeal for recrlnts for the Reserve Army campale for which is in llilll swing at the present time 1111111 Maclancn stated that since llattalloll xllncoc Foresters had been recruit 1111 111 111111 7111 men had been cu ltifl had ltlllilIV gone to the army and the 1111111 1111 active service The speaker Government lutlcss 1111 the Reserve Army and now feels tllat single men 3713111 and married men 3050 should spend one night week ten SunI ltiays and two weeks in summer leamp in the SIEIVItCill 111cir cotln davs Easter Toronto Glad loo Consiable as uetlillu alone 1111 11 aittl an 11111111111111 11111111111111 Ml and Mrs Skdllttt and 111111 visited Mr Sunday 151111111111 Sneld the Week with mother Mrs have report ilhe Second Grey and trucks tubes new and ilv Toronto and Mrs Wm Constable Doris l111lled 1111111 subsc trucks ioronto 1191 um 11d MlSttlilllllizll and Miss Mrs Coleman moved to Pickering Mr Coletnan is 110w working munition plant Girls of the Junior WI are as ted to take note of the chance ofl niceline Tuesday April 21 IWm Constables alld Mrs Todd theirs tuchter Myrna and M1 and Mist that the increased declared is placing SAVE COLLISION REPAIRS TOW TRUCK famllv where 111 PHONE 3355 NONOINOIWO OOM at Mrs Itltllll0ll JIOOJIIIJIIIIIIOIJIIOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIOII tlhe Green Front Stores 98 DUNLOP ST SHADY NOOK LAWN GRASS 111 65C QUICK GROWING LAWN SEED Sitter Pkg lb BEANS PEAS CORN DUTCH SETS lb FLOWER and VEGETABLE SEEDS P111 5c lOc GARDEN TOOLS lluucls Wettiers lloes kinllslli1iugIllrksalld Spades Your Lawn Mg II Kx 41 llltttllllt aees Bird lleat TIME TO PAINT UP The well known SOVIIItlIIGN Line 111 laints llllalnels Varnish Stains and Floor Enamels QUART JAN COMPLETE LINE OF PAINT BRUSHES BRUSH CLEANERS Richmond Paint Varnish Enamels LOWER PRICED CV PAINT VARNISH ENAMELS MEDIUM PRICED Glidden IapaLac Paint Varnish Enamel 11113 VERY FINEST QUALITY ASPHALT ROOFING Light Medium Heavy Extra Heavy SLATE SU RitACE TOO MOTOR OIL IN SEALED QUARTS 1020304050W QUART 30c HARRY ARMSTRONG ONIINOINOIIONNNIOOIOINOIJIIIIOINI IllIO OOIIIIOIJ OIJ Kine spent the vtekellul in with Mr and M11 all fun 1112111 Mac lhe training is so that you will be prepared to act ill the toefencc of your country and be lrcasonably well is 11111 tin 1111uls1 they haw In SIIMI been weather all winter mworth Wallace Quite Ta protected Because 11n dcr cover they have bet ter paint tires lletter motors 1041 PLYMOUTH COACII 1040 DODGE COUPE 1031 CHEVROLET COACII 111311 11111111fplILUx11 GUATZFI a193871HRVltOLEl COACII 1938 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1937 CHEVROLET COACH 1936 CIIEV DELUXE ilblniwfmw 1935 itlllfSlll1N=ii 11134 PLYMOUTH SE DAN 1933 PLYMOUTI DAN 11133 CilEV MASTER SEDAN 19712 CHRYSLER SIIIDANI 1020 NASH SEDAN 1921 CIIEV COACH NTIAC SEDAN Used Trucks 1934 DODGE SEDAN DE LIyERYI lacihroauemsmnf ICIHISOIILR tives from SS No attended the meeting ill Lefrov Community Hall where Chief Inspec tor Greer Toronto and Insoector McVittie Barrie spoke 011 the 11111 Vantaccs of Area in this district Full Iluusc for llay Comin VIhru Friday number HART 100 BRADFORD ST prepared to in Mackenzie King had stated that the situation is now more cri itical than at any time The object 111 the Reserve was not to have force to Compete in any way with the active forces Perhaps you can give up some tttrlinp 111 senior 141111th Siftletl You may lose moneyI but you at so may shed twenty yealsbfyoul He mentioned that recruitsl 1111yapplyatBarrie Arlnolnics be tween 7311 and 10 pm luesdaysI and Thursdays 30000 BOTTLES MILK CONSUMED Lions Club Supplied Nearly 12000 School JhiltlrertItlld lcachcrsBought Rest 011111 to Supply KittoEzich Nurse of St Johns Ambulance PHONE 3026 ONOMMOOWWOND OMIOOOONDINOI on Sawmill jobs better ML Township School The play presented intho Orange Hail was played to The cast wore 11le their toes and there wasnt rillll moment success of the plavis due to Mrs Toddgrwhogcoached them wIQunnmr for Red Cros The April stitute will be held ill the Granite 1111111 011 Wednesday 221111 All members are bring thitnbles as first partds qlliltinu 1168 of several 312d 010 oililuPAhmtdlevrr are completed thc recular meeting will be held each nielnbel present an empty tooth paste lube Conveners of departments are askl ed to report The draw on the two hooked mats den of officers place Golden How Broad Atelier Shoulders niuht Rye fllll house Much credit lite meetine the In at 10 11111 asked to roll call is to will be Slii will made Elec also take ink Mission Circle The Golden Link Mission Circle Sturgeons on April 11 with 12 members and vis The devotional nor were con It was some sewing More than 30000 bottles of milk were distributed ill the four pub 11c audionc separate school in Bar ric during leonnnencing Decelnberl and coll eluding at Easter or at the rate nearly 400 per day Club supplied free children 118899 of the 169 dis tributed while pupils purchased the This was reveale business meeti met at Mrs OULD you willingly place too heavy it hurdcn 1111 your wifes shoulders lure of the family and management of the hardcore tasks that are naturally llcls as partner Yet if she were suddenly left without you burdens that are heav when shared by both would he hcrsaloucv How could she ace them without an income lllercis way to make sure that she would not have the Added crushing responsibilitvofearuillemoney Itopr111i1le Vibe faulilyewith foedrelotlling aadeshellera lFiHPtHo= teas you cudiliitolltos summed and gt lt lt as your eirculllstIanccs pllllLi ed to provide lioncancell ilicverbaIunccrrainethatT itors present and the business ducted by the president vdecided to do knittine for the bale The topic was taken by Louise Allan Mary Irvine andEveleen Stewart on chapter from the book The Sons At the Close mcctinc crib quilt was 11uiltcd 511111290114211111 hostcssesservcrl The mm at Dorothyf winter seasan 1929 PO BarrleIa rvmg ofshuh of the teachers lningmlglltltl aim the gnlonthly 111 he Libns Club Friday eve in the mountof Ithe Heal and Welfare Colmnit 1111111111 11fyotlriucvm iuclcziselhc alnoun Lifelusuraime can hcnrranv 511111 monthly inmate thatwill fluctuating values or market dilhcavals can never rcduec llIiua your heavicstburden vii fitted to curry the load MANUFACTURERSLIFEJL INSURANCECOMPAuvg EslublislleIdI 1887 1a sumptuous meeting to be held Constables SUDDBI 5119 111111111 lntoj ihog1ioorlllll take none7buc POSTSBran Flakes she says They give three important 111211111115 One encugh bran for gentle action twouseful amounts of iro and phdsplibrus threea theyresimply delicipuslto cat 11 YOUR CAR You spend much of your life in your car Accessqniesund re pairs which will make it 1110139 enioYuble can new bepuvchased 011011113 RRIS 1111111113 LIMITED Phones 2437 2438 8389 ElizabethtSt CIIEVROL ml Pu shmildslsl lu Safety Cotnmittee recom for the nursing diyision Of theISt Johns Alnbul ance Assdciation in the form of total grant of $23010 purchase first aid kit for each ntrrse SchoolNurse Miss JeanMalcom son vvlotethankinlith Club for assistance in supplying clothing and other necessities 1111 de children Several cases The alonded support Quite number in tifeComnltln itv have been sttic colds or flu and Mrs Red with severe Robt Brockwelia Sunnidaleg and Mr and MrsDavo Knicer spent Sunday at Gil pins Byron Keas Edi them for 11119111111111 benefits natural regulator whichhlps stipation due to lack of bulk in the diet Useful quantities of ironforthe blood phosphorus for thebones and teeth olden flakesfull of delicious taste or and so good for you 100 PS BMW FlAKESjJ IWITH 011151 was or WHEAT returned home Sat urday from Toronto having been rejected by the army on acco of bclnsz too young Miss Barbara Corneg Hamilton returned homeon Saturdayafter spending theweek with hercous in Miss Betty Ireton Jack Walker Camp Bordenaand Mrs Walker Niagara Falls spent the weekend Mrs Walker couple of weeks most enjoyable eveninlr wait spent at the Orange Hail Thornl ton last Friday when Mr andl Mrs MauriCe Hall were given very generous miscellaneous show er by many friends Geo Lucas who has been coastal guard duty fewmonthsrtat Keiso has 1ch Joined the Royallvfariue 1111 omcs ionomo CANADA =11 seryjng ImtI preveutconI of prevention dfi blindness and supplying Elasses were leparted by Blind Work Committee The Boys and Girls Committee reported that net cost ofopelating the Lions juvenile hockey team Was $140 donation of $5 wasreported from Mrs Archie Marshall Sr to the Lions British Child War Vic tims Fund 1111111111111 011111011 70A humor ST WENSLEYDistrict Manager Barrie the Sight an gxww Crisp tempting 7P0 ICIIIIIIuuunluIiuniIluuiI Mail this coupon local addvonIgivan ahovoi Wm Walkers II Without plating myself under any obligation please give 11 remained Ito Spend information to plan aILife hlsuralle cbtule mid 1458aLlMerried hr Single Hundreds of people have found that it pays to use Examiner Classig fieds both inbuying and selling IIIIIOIquuIAuIa II OLDSMOBILE DEALERS Address IPlumilllqliuInannullOImuuw for the past Scotland Hananmnmnmmm 1m Ir Chalileinf hopped my Aun dchdouscerealwith three benefits UK never foigctlitll 1355111115 rummp museum55 ZEFm GIANT carom SIZE Hgfp 152 fllliiil 11 13 PHONE 2801 50C oom4uowwonmmwmd 15C Rakcs IlltHiHl Rakes for mm 21111111121111111111 $4971 lllltlSc1l Bird Gravel llild Nests lclchcs 49c PAINT ltIiIMOVERS my II around like sick llien Is it love or bare you forgotten kncvahat she meant To avoid internal sluggishness shed always Hyman POSTS Bran Flakes the on NewIfulrlyblloozoIntoilirtiqkfunHurfah fordeliciws bran flakes I1 Singyouve choscdrlway the blues and helped makelme feel 1111111141511111 Yenmean delicious POSTSB1anFlakesl reprovesmy auut