Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Apr 1942, p. 7

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URSLJAY Alltll 11 1116 Vt ALLANDAH LAWN BUWLHlS thylslilll Fiiwlils AF Buiru Topnco Ellljiii1rc laziiicrv litOUl lilcphonc iKnights Dru13 aural iiIstrirlliulhlll by Baltic Town League Playoffs =o===o iltOU WON 1081 11112111 ltKXthxiiw SPRING is lit Emmanu an ruic7i 1Btll liiLtil lilil lull rt5x 1112 lllWlilli Edozrri or cx 11 lilllt ihall loltiitl but olhi tulkii 1ii c1111 SOFTBALL fluidr1 rioltm It 8912111 lgiir iliilltl llin allitll titIr gt1ltil tilmp 21ll lll tKlEt Trill whit l11gtt 105A Junior nyuliillbi Tilt Litllt ivti 01 liralrl 1942 11 ll llttlt lititi Stririv now 5ulil 111 lzirkc llllttllFllxltis 31 lint 11111Iilcl1015 rich Ottirt Ivcrs iiirkc Playoffs to li harkixiiw Sniokrv Smith oi 1111 claim to hair inurli lln hint on hand Most of lllt Conn BordcnRCAl tenun ot smlson are still Around lllltt 111511111 llalli ConsJ gittoillilk llitlil School and York hrnrti tiltilicz tiiczu lloitlcn 11th to tilt Mixt titularlx 011m 81111112 turn iltoi lill 1211 luc vso hotwcri lllllz ilk coldr ltllt Air Sound Uii ll ilotidi 11 tilt lltlltltl lllt lllIJt In tritlalti ouit Lotlnni tlllIV =ill itlitliti on tl1 iitcliizizz aviiilziiilc Sound around War warns l1illi it llllf JilVilellI ALI SlhhltfiL lttll1lllll ltrictliii ltltiirirdsnn Ponc 11211111 itltlitt llr Lion ttllil rich nod Patric ill Ilztlt tlilitiit Max Duruan Bill Armstrong Peric Jriniw It llYlllllll lown Lcach ltcsults GOODYEARS 31 Burton Appltton Marshall Aridcrtoii Mciniri Handicap Jar IiAltOSSTI illmcnt llallic Sound has litltl irillin has iacrox ditl no to rillllllltt to winnini wars li IIili MORE ilkriot in11 iiiic tinre III 111 lawr howl it lizarric Colin immi tllv Altaiaiair club Itillll pnrposm iitlouli tuilt lind 11v oll Iarcntc 11111 inc winv ahotlt runs tunipcli into 111 gr wont siltiltx 11d clubs and sitelti Tint il ltllitl no rictitllc lilANClS iv lilNiY iioonrt who 1x slattd litx1 ottlccr Lincoln thrillillitllv ll cruuziil Sccoizd itlitilitl 1111 rillla itlt inns lllltl nrcsldcnri ltiiH ltltlti 51011 I1 Ill ltt1illlltlll tlilllll in ltlllll orobicin oi iciiior iilavcrs and 21m tllMUtll iXttllllVli drciiins llllS war and infd 111w niii intciits club trout till 1111 TIXAMINITR Snso Coopir Villls iarncr Jacobs Slicphcxrl Colo Handicap 5111111 115 liJIllzi iinu 212 111 tr1cl iiitii llASlIllAll lorill out last ucaron ticalli no Mrlnlicrs oi ttiv last txttllillt art this l1 ltittt in 1042 titll tlit lili imr iho liltllttl tor iii ZItI imtis to irnnshv whvn turncd itiillltlltltli 11111111 vcars oi was 15nd Colts liislicr and was in thc taiiiotr llt111 oi If won lilt llA crnicdirnc mic and tlltil stlitillstd r1iiiol ircvhnuinis iitiro in gt1 llAl hum ltl 11 VGICTIING illACK 1o iiic latt 11 liitlllitl lotztl Iiorkcy sruson llt hatch 1tt if llllt vcsts ilmm honnrt pairs of iiorlm llililt 1111115 crib ouilts Illtill lltl nutty nio lairr wvnt iii1 ic 1ch COPACO Spcncc Baldwin Strtitychuk Grahmii ltindlni Bates HARRIET lANNlQRY til 209 11115111111111 Soo vriior wiiiinis in thc ltcccntls incrimch ot 1h lcach Kinks ltrc touctiicr attain tor an cx riizaiiist andmliislicr don 11111 tuial 1111111 llUlISIil 11111111011 iirnlisliv llttl liciuftit llllllOl 1111 pads 13211an Handicap lli IIAP liMMS is 1111111121 rniotlicr 1m V111 11 coach of the Omaha Alllllltll llockcv tczini and is now Kansas Clil Moorc Jotlcs Garvin Grccnsidcs Kerr Kriigiits Association southrrn division cccdnist to knock i111 tllt Inials 121 DH 245 11111 no 244 PFINElANG LIONS bowcd to Olllllutvlllt I11 thc OMllAJnvcn Orzuiucvillc tram Sill1L1 0111 Adams Harris by 11 Wiles of Walter and Watson Rulpli Gllicspic pills Ltd named ansdulc ctitirelv Handicin club finals strum brothcr cl lllllt hcrirlcd twin Hourc who too good for lOrauizcviilc fans scriouslv cvcn for luvcnilcs They ran special train to Owen Sound Chomiski thc aftcr Foils Th Crouch proved Pcnctaniz like thclr hockey 11211 10111 RCJH first uomc 110011 at that and won 82 second uziiiic ttt Midland was 11150 McAskln giving Orrmucvillc Bumamt the round bv the substantial mar Oranizcvillc trini But Comg lnsideAnd See0utNew Kitchen Cabinets Willi Bail Planing Mill cahinctsdyour tiring excursions back and forth across 011 kitclicn are eliminated criptnrcd 94 ltlhl 179 tcttlll must nicd players season in Junior company This be good which silent You have ample storage IIIOV KNIGHTS 1iscd thrcz Sjbbuld most of Illlscxm0n Knight Barth Robson Handicap to spricc and working surfaccs at your fingertips Our custombuilt ruhincts are scientifically plannedtheyre built to fit your own kitclicn space quickcrin gay morlcrn kitchcn 1II 3023 today TWMILTWORW0F ALLiKINDS Tm tcam who 117 Youll find that preparing meals is easier and frcc 1stlnlalris yours for thc our HOCKEY TITLE lid come LCZCI 273 The lightly rc asking to Owen Sound gardcd nOrphiiiis wen vthcmlnter by defeating Markham in the finals last week the sounds title since the Greys won the lun ior crown in 1927 Ovcr 2000 fans Owcn Sound Arena finals interest Markham home UNITED CIGAR t1 212 H180 180 172 117 861 ONE mediate crown It was first OHA Spams Hines Stronsmon Bakogeorue Low Score LANING MILL COMPANY LIMITED PHONE3023 BARRIE packed thr three nights for Xgreot wotlic gladly transferred grime to Owen Sound for the gate and even the last meant the title ML their 1033 1131i BELL TEIEPH 225 Juck Elwood Broom Toronto hil with his mother Mrs Johir gt Owen Sound used 11 Juvenile itOilllC 1111 season and me Lewes Dunworth liillv Tomlinson Bzirtlcy 21 111209 167 146 888 STORE 169 140 167 141 189 gun Acton Partridge West Mills Quinlan Handicap E1177 ROBSONS Robson Emmywr Hillehey Peterson 210 2197 179 7129 Long Robson Handicap 71E 198 204 201 184 Stephenson Carpenter Cutler Smithurst Robinson Harris lms Oscar Paddison Alliston 87lll 71756 other like Andy Blair nachle wamy TennantrCec Shears and Fred Smith THE WAY to bring hockey 31W visitors at Richardsons ers lilting is to start right at the bottom Take leaf from Owen Roman and Mrs LcSSOr ore all The Sound spending Easter holidays in To chk McCon Sound forVLexomple has now reached the Dolnt where Tonto lmports are not very necessary Tn the M1110 Hockey playdowns this season Owen Sound had bantatm midget and liivenlle terms These boys will develop lntogciod mum and senior players Greys this season were nearly all brought lumbv this Owen Sound homebrew system GREYS in citys championsth ldeus were entrusted this Season Wort thelll0w allrtrzhtbut lost out to Hamilton in the semi11112315 The Hamilton team were much better outfit than in the SPA last fall when they went out in the iiistground Since then 1th acquired some players from the Canadian Army Irfadeg rSohool jovmn SOUND whom yd gait helplthe man in uniform merely by savior feguhrly because when tyousuvei you icredsejhe ftw efjlabour dhdmuterial from civlliunto war woollen And when youlendaccumiddtaiiuvlhgs tolhecouptry In War Savings Certificates and War loans ygu hlp our fighting then the arms and drSeize this patriotic wounityiirr Whichiitilayed the Military District final included the Nicholson Odini Borden in These Alex vSpike star and forward Lorobie bothlrom the West An other Hamilton forward was Andy lastwyeorwlthrGrillia rjun koalie Cunadsuppiy equipmentlhey nee Pull your full weight Start slavingiNOVWInl Broom tors SCHOOL ro MIDLAND HIGH Junior girls basketball team also should go congratulations on win mm the iLCGtssa title the only team from Georgian Bay district to go right through at the Toronto playoffs recently ists lost veor Midland beattCo bourglOtl in this seasottfs final WARM PW further Ball rle baseball pitcher is now heated in Whtbby otter snendln five seasons arm am They were gt Final CH BA us OF CANADA Ethepast Crown HILL ilgt Tin 111 1ororito 1141 55ch Iv btl Pu mrinbcrsititi izt ttlltl xisttozs tlifl Mrs llill ini ioz Jinnazr our and Match ti lillllt iiizlisown il llt5t it Illtlith liltillt Hour iityiitizontni KlilltlltL it lilllltl slit1 11111 niovcs lintt lollattri pairs tl chil llllillV Sliciit Tlic Wmlicndlii To Ir and Mrs irfd Iuvnc fliltl ltilllt Mrs llnuh Donnclh tlliiiltllllttl thc MS nicnibcrs 111 bur honic tlrdiitsduv riftcrnoon Mr and Mrs cho and Mr 2qu Mrs Roy llouchton visit cd 111 Toronto Itllltlif the wcckcnd lh svnmnthv of thc comniunlzv is cxtciidcd to Mrs Itctd whosc sistcr Mrs Forsvthc died at Stvcrii on Friday last The lttll cral took plzicc 10 Strand Ccnun tcrv on Monday aftornoon Eustcr visitors Mrs Lloyd Mill cr 1an Joan Barrio zit Alcx Cni ninus Mr and Mrs Corner Toronto and Mr and Mrs lhmn ton Stcphciis Avlmcr zit Thos up Stcnhiins Mr and Mrs 11 1300llllISWilQtLMrr and Mrs WWW Brown tilt of loronto at Allans Mr and Mrs llar old Gibson lomnto at Seymour Kclls Mrs lloword Morris Mfllli dilcwiili her familv Miss Join Ralston Toronto at her home Cpl Crcichton Wicc with his inm 1li Mr and Mrs Ktcrstcud T0 lGIltoMtS Frank Ross and datusz tcr Pctcrboro Ml and Mrs 101011chcr Toronto at Woltchorn Mr and Mrs Domr Reid i7iiggsMiss Benslcv and Miss Lucv Jack all of Toronto at Will Reids Mr and Mrs Sotherii Miss Luelli 1engonnclIy Toronto at Hugh D011 ncllys Miss Mabel Jack Toronto Miss Norma Jock Ivv 11nd M011111T0r01110 with Mrs Evclvn 13110011111 OAKLAND HILL 3311 Robinsons sawmill is busy again lwitli number of logs to be cut Mrs Gordon Wliiims Midhurst spsnt few davs last week with her sister Mrs Kell number from here attended the croklnolc party at the United Church Crown Hill1011 Thursday night Mrs Melville Smith is home after spending some time with her mother Mrs Knapp C1111 dles who was quite ill Mr and Mrs Arthur Bonnier and baby Harold Lee of Toronto Mr and Mrs Nelson McCutcheon and Keith Johnston of Barrie 1001 spent Sundav at Milton Hicklings Miss Edith McLean With Misses Emma WHOLESALE 185Blosspm and Ileen Corbett Bar rie Mrs 105 Pratt with Mr and days in Toronto last week Lend daughter Diane scent few days in Q01 pei ClitLlastwweek con Bobby Toronto were recent Bill Friel Miss Kennedy Jim Miss OConnell teacher is at her home Aianlndstiy Visitors here War the holiday included Sander Ambrose Loftus Frances aridTerry Loftus Toronto at their home Miss Mary Moron Aurora and Jack Moran Toronto at Ambrose Morahs Jack Six11th Toronto 31 JQNeills Misses Peggy and Genevieve Moran and Bill Toronto With their mother Mrs Moran wlio spentu COllDle of days in Toronto at the weekend Mics Phyllis Carson lit her home Mr and Mrs ronto at Carsonis Jack Rich ardson Torontb at his home Mr rind Mrs Arthur Dyer and family sbent Sunday at Bert Robertsonfs Barrie and Mrs Charles Comnbell vlsltedairrsundoy with thrlotters mother Mrs Robson Crown Hill Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Geo Glassford nee Olive Srin ley of Toronto on the arrival of son Weeksnil and notidav visitor5 Bert Robertson and Lewis of Bar rie Edgar Dyer of Gait at Dyers Mr and Mrs Milton Louvheed and daughter Toronto at Helib Loukheed thss Lillian bush 11nd trle Phelmton or art Roushs Hamilton at Reg ergleys Velmri Hubbert Toronto Normal School at her home BOND HEAD CRAIGHURST 11 tJ iJ liver Com Iious Allacks plaint iv Il Liri molartuitilitf Anni Iolin JtlT r11 of it 1111 11 uriinx JUHHV titrs 511 hll iiitipiiim ili WW fidinzvi ritniiu 1Iztstcr xirclzclerr Ja ntinp it 1131 illl trait lwi lolonto iiid Mr and ltithi litl loon 11111 arol ot 2113i Miro 111 anu Mr Hid riiss Work Doin l1k1 tollow1 Ir Film of iuiloroiuo 11ml don 1i1ti lli and NEW CAR olir Iotzital choirr ANGUS Riverdale Renewed Cal llllliil titopiu it oim VH rtiiial lllllllt sow111 Conuiinnioii iliilflrl tltlllll zivciki in niorrgli 11 Hill lm Sold Hit 1i rittrn Lililldllltri huirn 1111 ioinriincsrioonion11111111111rioxr ltit r1rr11 lXllll rsoi11 IliltilllihldNtl tllll 1111111 liiv wrin Mix solo 1111 baptism Cl1llt choir lit illi lllllilllhtitu Annc 111 it Sgtrand Ml5i4 LLuHalilrtw lfnurd Mrs TIlll lltalv is sticlitiiiiu itszulur WNW UH Willi Enitcr work with Miss Mario lon lltlll loronto Ihc Yoiitinuution School pupilsltlll luastcr prouranuuc collirtcd couple of trilcklozids oflllll salraszt last Friday titan TV hll ll 11 TU mV ECONOMICAL TRANSPORTATION lllI Itllllil IHlil HS llli V1 lhc Il III In illlll Lillian trll Iltl lrb Iirixtian chain lln rt ad lit111111111 tulc Htl lil Ii rt and liltxsililt wcrc Johnson and Frank Easter rcadliiszr wrro 111111 hvll Ilnrothv tllil and Duck wort I1 Kcnt Mrs srilo ltlitltltl Fathci in llcnicn to tttilltlllltllitll in oiir own shop ior cronotiiiial op till rratmn ihc llXt iiicciinsz KKIIII MW MINESING STA form lurpiipptrl with rarctiilly iiispccttd lltt uitti mall iiiilcs oi cartircc driving IHHISIC 19mm Itll Sltitlx HI Popular Makes and Models VERDAL GARAGE LHMITED 735 and 177 IMNFORXII AVElelC TORONTO Toiontos llorcmost FORD and Millittltl 111111 TION Milttrlrz lartriduc Slitniii is visitlnc wotk Misscs licnc 11nd litiitiirtllaiixl haw cone to OwciiSoiuirl lllt courst hi tcciiiiical Mr llll Mrs daughtrr wcddinv lav Sundav vtsitors Elwood ELEV iistcr lltli ioii lttlllhdm mill is itur anti rrir lllitlt and litllLlllil ltllllitilll All Bairit 11nd Allan Mrs honic ittcndcd Ma rtlinioi ll wcrc Fishcr 11nd lllllt and Ntlson Alltc Ailcs at tho Mrs Shuntv Montcitli Gilbert Mr and Mrs chiidicn and drilc at Gco anti ilcv 11th Avcr and Luck to 11111 01k11111d Ilill Mr and Mrs GeoHaylitirst and tools of victory In Ontarios chemical industry huge plants using over 150000 Hydro homi power stationing oiit chemicals and high explo slvespndhmdie tuch pldntsEqie being built That means greater demands for electiicalrenf etgy demuiidsyour Hydro muslund will meet Here every citizen con help by conserving Hydrocunent by using itspurlngly Thats an important way we can all help to finish the jobii sooner CON HydroElectric energy handmaidenvol progress in peacetime is indispensable invlime olwctrl In guarded laboratories all ever0otario night aiid day chemists are seeking out formulas for everwmore powerful explosives that will help to shorten the warlhechemical industry and Hydro go hand in hdndl Between tltmiltwlpwiu exidostvt for uedal torLL ped095deplll bombslond and sea mines chemicals for Home throwersand mgnvy other weapons that will hit the enemy hard Bridges Miss Muriel Carson To SERVE ELECTRICITY in couldnorim automatic eontgoi and watch the switchis For lurgrquuntitlu at least utotop oven alumni will blotting pan and rack Instoad oi opIn elements Cook completh oven muklnranguovcnmlth ibottom utmmtwme electrical or local Hydro kup youy uppilancu In ctan order Vcomhisvs Mammary mm WM mm min an unr menu 11 may From the day that war has declared lms milllodiigmorilpowgwii ready to be harnessed to the war effort ondtoday more than hell of it is at work lashiopiriy the myriad your doalu 111 HYDROELECTRIC Iowan don Graham

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