Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 Jan 1942, p. 5

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THURSDAY JANUARY iii 134 DOG81100111111 11010313 11111 1111 11111 131 1nrlle11CCUf1CilDtilClES oi FirstMeeting Various Motiers Jp REV BEIIRNEIR SPEAKSI rIIi 1151511 i=5 lc1ill11wiiig 11 Todd lllklltxi to be presciii 111 111g 11f llllllgtf1 41111 111111 111 OiiilrchilL 1111 1111111 12 Till 5611f lirV Lhiiichill 1111 111 111111 514111111 1121 iifflcc The b1111 if 111 lo NilLlilfli 1111 that xill 111111 partially 11 11 11 Run fire iitl 111 1111 111611 ledge and 1111111 1111 11 I1 11111 1111I1 111111 llilllflil of 1111111111112 11 win elected 111 the Tom and that have 1111 1111111i and will not receive any 111111111 111 10 ward or pioiiiisc if 11111 1111 11111111 crcisc of any 111111tlll 111 reward oi promise of such 111 1111 11 11 any partiality 111 1111111t1gt111111 111 Lounul IlIlli lfixl 111ltll1 would 11111 11 slli11 other 111111111 throughout111L 12111 11211314 Mid My my pm my 11111211115 Hilliitlz 11111 of 191111111 111111ll11111111 iloiy Homes 111 Pillll 011911 Iiiaiiloii 111 i1t $5 passed 111111 011 11111 Ssnnipcg 1111111 Y1 11131 bc11g11czi 13 111 1111111118 11 ya 111 picseiz 21 11181 1111 gfliul hiltl 1f the 711111111 1wzi1taimi from 1211 Illlllt11 11 1111 Iizltlkdl 111 111115 11111itt 11111 the 1119 1111 attend 1111 11111111 be acted ilL 111 tifflkiill iyunc 111111ced 111111 1111 would 111 iii ozdcr Work 111 llcliif Asked lconsidcialioii be given 11111111 in thc 11 111 is 11 C1 ail111 would bf 511119 111 Thili letters were read fioii 1111111511111residentsaskiiigthat 5111111 3W3 ll Hilli oir since 1920 am District Sales 31111111 rc discussed 1111 no instruction imd 1111 Maritime 11ojin1e 11ncc11r work Them 31 BARCLAY Iflh 111s11ccn appointed 1111111l isl1ui1ir1 1111i fliilllli Willi head office 1i1l far 111 llaiclay 111 been 11ss1c111tcd and 11s littltktv 1111s gtcivcd 11 Igt1 iillltl 11111111 0111111111 111 111111 flit Hum 14 Dopamine 1451 1111 yeah and that have 11111 by 1iiyclf 11 partner either 111111Illy or indirectly any interest 11 any contract 111 111 on behalf of the 1ul our Rev 1111 llLillti 111111111 by c1111 gratiiliitlag 1111 Council 1111 their re 1iirn by acclaiiialioii 11c 111gt111Iltl the poiiil that 1111 l1111111111111 of poli tics and iiliguxii was 1111111y and this was as It 5111111111 111 We are fighting for ltlllilt111 and 11115 if left in the hands of 111111liclicvcrs Would not be worth 1111111111 for We feel that all our leaders aic lt1 by the Almighty llllltl is removing the crosses 1111111 thcclurciics of Germany and 111lllltllli them with the swastika 11111 1111 act except Deputy Reeve Cook sliifillttl 3111 Allan interview 1111 11131 1111 letter as read from 11 solicitor no the tax collector 111 reference to sinlire 111 chattels 11in former rc gsulent faiiner who had since moved 1111c goods out of the township The nialtcr Will be dealt with in court 1111 llziriic week from Wednesday 1111 tax collector reported Town of Barrie for gravel and us cd lire sold that body 1erklrcas been reiidcrcd through the propci An acrount was received from the channels and not billed direct by The Companys officers 111e W111 lblchil President 17 Cvl111111 and 1111019 l1fgt1hi1 115 lilr HHMMIY I1 llaich Viceliesiilcnts and Ill frookcr Secretaryl1casurcr 1M to the IiiW11gt1111 p111 The 11llll was for 11411 yards at 1101 yard Snow Fence N111 lip iroperly Sonic llgtC11511111 was 1t11 tin lialts Two 11 I1151111111111L 1121211 111 15 11 further 111111411131111 il 11 1111111 Haul 1111111114 liklizcis 111111111111 for 1111 iziipoilarl 11111111113 111iiiiil111icis of asphalt f11f litlsl iciiuiinwg 111111 dI breadth of tXptlAlikt 11111 111117 Igcnce 111111 111 the aspects 1f 11111 11 Montreal and 1111113111111 fac meter ninth win ionfiiiciac 11111 2111 llainil 11111111115 loii 111 51111110 Count 11 11 groan 11p and developed 11111111 121 1111 tin of 11 1L iti New $11111 1311111x1 do 111ppor111111tics 11f lliltllliJlililgli and 11111111 llc 11115 only 11w for Quebec twelve when 111 1111111 11111 for 1111 1101 George 11w came illlL on the lctcrlioiolu THE BAILIHE EXAMINER BARRIE OHlAItlti PAHAIWA 11 Elixi Kt1ltl 1111 ls111c11 08111 111111111ccs 11111 lLI Although he 31111 from 11 11 l111 the ircsbylcriuii 711111111 111111111 ruial community liis 111111111131 duration 1111 coiiiplctcd 11 1111 11111 iiwn ilall public school 111 Noitlii iMoiiaghan At that tune the ol legiatc institute had no iccoiniiioda tion for all 1111 students who pre I21t1llttl themselves 111111 1111 C111111 mailer of snow ftlltt which liazl try and the young raw 111 those fallen down and in other places is 1me mended Mimmmk Cumbmw not yet installed The Reeve asked the 1111111 SiipcrviSoi what liislriic hemp Unmwd ml WA up lions were given to patroliiien as 111 111cr Allan took exception to 1111 nupmtly NONI mo rpm 15 fact that this account should have instructed to make 11 tour of flu After l11111 111111131111 11111hc Road Supervisor lhcsc ac tasked Wm mu ml ng up Mr llcrncr 11111111111111 by wishing the Council success 111111111 the com 1111 yea remember 1111 11111111 An account was passed for fill de IllClt1 by Messrs Webb of Stroud he said the cartoons thatuused to appear of public men and am glad TOO11nI 111 11vrvo1uIi Morgan lmy1e 111 tin11 11cvclupnrnl 11f iii1iliiiit during 1111 last 111111111111 years pcriod 11 tl1ll11111 dominaicr if vision We must $1111 bcforc we can DO Good Vision is necessary ccss 111 this 11111 of machinery winch 1111 rcmittingly demands quick seeing quick thinking and quick action Experts say that seven 11111 of eye defects 111111 without knowing it until they hggiin to hive trouble 1111 ii lifc Make sure of your own having 1111111 Xillllllltd by competent iplomctrist regularly 4ch 18 Elizabeth st OPTOMETRIST Telephone 1832 1111111111pupa1111111111 1010 ME 10011017 HA yr 12015 Avif BETTER FOR 301 cd lhc Clerk maintained has been by men for 5111 tcn have vision by 111111io1iooow Willllls should be rendered by the 1lIo1111111 office and copy retain donation of $1500 to the Salva lowed to the 11111 and 12111 liiics1 of highway The Reeve suggested that an grccmcnt should be entered into with each farInicr where fence 1111 been located and contract record l14ooIil11Irn1IO cd with him to store remove and he responsible for the snow fence on his farm You will have it used for chicken and pig runs Colin Black suggest ed The Road Supervisor was 111 striicted to act in this matter To Hold Special Meeting Conn Black suggested that spec ial meeting should be held to give attention to the necessary service aiid appointments for the year soon as possible in order that those desiring to tender have an early opportunity to do so quire about the park concession This will be dealt with at an early meeting tion Army was authoxed to Stroud and hefro $10 to Thornton library DogShooting Bonus Refund on Hewitt Ditch Award Owing to an error in the tales of 1941 the Hewitt Creek award deben ture which was paid up in 1940 was added to the taxes of1941 this will be refunded by tiie treasurer This matter was investigated on com It was really almustard poultice that did so much good for Sonny declaresMrsLQBLeV1i91 Rupee Albert Sask SaidIshe The boy awoke one night and felt very ill It Was imperative to use ahome remedy as couldnt getAa doctor fbefore morning So prepared poulItice of mustard and flour and placed it on his chest for 20min utes Later IIwas toldTcouldiit 1111151111111 is one of 11mm The flour of the mustard seed contains an active ingredient Declared Mrs Lewis haye doneIanything better as the mustard poultice had helped to clicckthe development of serious congestion Mrs Lewis said that for week at contagious colds 31111 31111692111113 1n0t undress for sleep There were IIral cases in her family to be dared forsnd all weregiven the reliable Imustard poultice treat ment She was glad to report that each sufferer made splendid recovery the Oldest Remedies tard on your pantry shelf offers you relieffrom manyI everyday which exertIsIaIpowerful remedial ailments such as pains and con inuencgiponpginsiand aches In olden times the1whole mustard gestions due to colds As preventative measure for seed was used But the modentfhpse threatened with cold mild milling and superning of mustard chest troubles or Winterdlls mus renders it far more effective as relieving agent The tin of mus tard is excellent as an extevrnalIi remedy Free Booklet on Medicinal Uses ofMusThrd IAhIandy little booklet willbe sent Mustards painJeIievihg virtues to you promptly if you will Write depend uporrrts strength and pur to Reckittida Colman Canada ity If youIbuy Keens Mustard I111 Limited Monticab It IgivesItheII you are certainthat you aregetlf Standard methods of using this ting mustard unstirpasaed in safe economical rernedleeep the aquality And keep in that Ibooklet jaod a1tinomustardin mustardbath can 1111111111 ahd reservesothat you are ready toII refrethyoi when OVGItilEd II gef relief from grippe bronchial conditionsyhead oIr chest colds rm neural gin rheumatism lumbago or back ache If symptoms are serious consult your doctor ms iiiu last plaints ofsomeLof1thtaxpayersto Coun VBlack Those Office Chairs Fred chstei was present to en also $15 Owing to the desire of hunters to use dogs for running rabbits and foxes the bonus offered for shoot ling dogs will be withdrawn until May lst It was felt that sheep would not be out during this period any way Already one valuable hound has been reported shot sponsibilities and into the field of lion School spending two years the Collegiate institute in this city Mr rav had planned 11111cr1 lsiiy course as an aid to his futurc township and scc that the fence as all properly up ouir Lockharll and was student at Western U111 veisity 111 London Ontario but 111111 sidcration of his health at that time compelled him to abandon that way to manhood ilc ltlllllltd lo letciborough and 111 conversation one day he was adv1scd by 11 owaii 5119111 take up ncspapcr work loincd Examiner 111211 As it happened shortly afterward he learned of vacancy on the staff of the Examiner applied to Hover then its managing director and was immediately on gagcd as reporter That was in March 1920 when John lleion was City editor Two years later Mr Heron went to the Toronto Daily Star and Mr Craw was ap poiiited in his place Continuing 111 that position through the change of ownership of the Examiner to the present MrCriw has advanced the hard way to the managing editorship of one of the leading daily newspapers of this country He had his share of sinewy work even as tcenage boy of the Springville manse ilis summers were spent as helper on soiiieo tie arms in hood and he also knew the toil of road construction When the hith way was being built And that labor was not only during the school holidays but even on the Saturdays throughout the year Its unforeseen increment was the spirit of enterprise and selfreliance which have carried him along through reportorial and editorial re public service and other activities and Iinterests in this city Those who have helped him along the way even as agents ofordinary opportunity in hard work will be gratified in the preferences which come to Mr Craw this week espec iifllyiinhis wElldeseWipromotion in the Examiners household As to the fashioning of diligence FOP SEVeFHl years at the first in mans character Mr Craw once Council meeting the question of having some chairs for the office has come up But every year the matter has been left without any ac tion This year however Coun Black went further and moved wa timgrugirmEqre epidemc Of1inotionthatjchairs bepurchased and it was passed Collection of Tax Arrears Coun Black presented motion that the Tax Collectorbe sent to all those inrears and liable to tax salein order to see if some settle ment could be made am agahist spending the money of taxpayers who hdvemaid their taxes to collect from those who have not the Reeve stated would not recalled that during the years of his daily attendance at the Colleg late Institute accompanied part of that time by his two brothers he had to drive in and out of town with Iahorse and buggyywinter and springgndvfall and was never late not even once riom Ithat exper ience he learnedto Ishare the diffi culties of rural pupils attending city school althoughin this gener ation the automobilehas made tra vel so much easier than it was when the Craw boys were arrivinng daily at the Collegiate before the first bell for classes Son of Presbyterian minister his home life in youth spent in the 11 enber of care see anyone so on ese St Pauls Church He is mariied IIIIIeSI espemany IthIs year coun his wifbe1ng the former Blak stated We should notify them by regis tered letter and if they do not res pond then we could advertise the properties for Sale the Treasurer advisedIt was agreed that this pro cedure was in order INEW 11111101101 21831331111111 11111111130110001 1111 11111131011 1111111111111 18 1111113131317 we behalf of YEAR lEED CLHlHlCAlES OH up An ideal authorized investment for individuals companies cemetery boards executors and other trustees THE 110 TRUSTS CORPORATION STERLI 372 BAY STRUT QUAllPRIC E1 tit1111111 Limirs mourn Spaghetti 11 Fl orliii 111 11 111s iiiisxitr my Illlllitt Powdcrs 11H uorlril 11111111 111111111 11111111 STRIS 05 ZWED 1230 pm SAT 10 pm 11mm Fruit Marmalade 311 1w RESERVE loam 111 limo xlilliflfI oi 1111111114 111 117111111 than 111 ll loiiinlo 1x 11 111111 flucu It 11111113 111111111 Ili 11111 triiiliiiif Ixvcc 81 1u11 11111111ni1nn 11 111Illlliiilllilliiliillllll nuanceomega 11n1uun OG LVIE Royal Household BEEF TenderEating BLADE Roast SpecialThick snow 13 WeiCM IB RousiwII24QL PRIME BIB Roast lltil1iosc PORK SAUSAGE I11 251 lIlIlEII LITTIJI llti IORK SAUSAGE NIEAT In 1113115711 rosinz lllllNZvlairgc M711 DILL PICKLES llllNlllYSllHISnliill Link SAUSAGE DELICIOUS PRIME BEEF BONELESS ROASTS Boneless BRISKET ror 11111111 20 Boneless SHOULDER POT Roast 219 Boneless 11001111 STEAK Roast 31 SpecialChoice and Delicious Boneless RIB Boast mlllIllllIllllllllllllIlllllII11lllllll11IIllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllill1IllllllllilIlllIIlllillllIllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllll slflltlllliljN Lemon P10 Filling llllllilFFS Sweet Mystery 111185111131112311 1I1111111 51510 118 $111111s29125 lIllltLli llllllllllllllllllllllll 101 111 191 Ogilvie MINUTE OATS Ogilvie WHEAT HEARTS $22 1841 Large 19 10 19 111 251 199 21116 51 101 190 1601 ILg Ogilvie LENDIE blend of six grains Ogilvie Meota Whole WHEAT FLO UR fmWSSXVSSSSSSS PENN Brand SWEET MIXED1 IIIIPIIGKLES MACLARENS lMPliRlAL JELLY POWDER SMARTS CHOICE Asparagus FANCY QUALITY No Sieve 21111111511 PEAs VAN CAMPSNENV IMPROVED PORK 81 BEANS iiiliiiiai 1111111111 FOR BETTERBAKING USE ilol Ikgs llb 27117 111134c 111111111 c===3 F=J he Family Loaf COTTAGE Brand BREAD 1110 Fl 01 T1115 cutting WAR SAVINGS TAM P5 AT LoaLAws 111111111 racked hcii 16 F1 pnTiM 1lLl1 Ovaltine tiiokcd loik liiiilucl BurnsSpor lira291 llllllSBlfIi Gorn Syrup Iloi Coffee lfoieis 15 F1 oz Tins 801 arton made in 11 minute Donley known toIlocal audiences as pianist He is property own er at 774 Aylmer Street and has two young children a1 boy and girl both attending Queen Alex andra School alittle personal fact which some of his friends who am not amious to burden the were keenly interested in hisfcandi township With the responsibility of dature for the Board of Education keeping people who may hemmed mentiondTin the advertisement in Off the farms mmugh tax Sales his behalf which they prepared and the Reeve added but we cannot allow the debit to accumulate would rather take my medicine at the end of threeyears than have itpile up to double ConnBanting suggested IITownship Farm Aid Committee To Be Estubllshed 9150 Shall Be Like Him 97 in conjurictionwith Provincial and County movesponsored by the Department of Agriculture 111111 the CountyFedEration of Farmers meetingwhich was held this week in Barrie will appoint committee to assist farmers to form some sort of cooperative system so that lab our and equipmnt may be allocated Lilllan Kirby Christian Culture convener had charge of the YP meeting Jan 12jhhe speaker was Mr Chlsholmwho encouraged the Union in its work and also gave the young people an inspiring message for their guidance in 1942 Mr and Mrs Chisholm rendered beautiful duet entitled paid for In all these respects Mr Craw is confirmed citizen of Peterbor ough eagerto help its causes and responsibilities which everys man owesxto his community TooI late for last week ed the staff 81111 the Qddillows Residence Barrie sriiiiis 11111111 011 Top 40Ytears jAllandale other kindred ailments dale1 ewe emng cocoosooonooqog GLASSIGGIeanserZ T195911 The White Naptha Soap 81 80119 31111141 ivomi FLAIflES BLUE LABEIJ Black LIYONS TEA nooomouooooogqoooo BLAW COFFEE of Surpassing just add but water BIlUCiS 81110 SEED NONSUCH Liquid STOVE POLISH Bottle 17 llDDYS WHITESWAN Toilet Tissue 25 750 Sheets 10 Roll JjcecLFrom Florida LARGE SIZE 116s an ORANGE IDllIIlk Your 41 Small Ikg Vle Ikz 44 Vitamin Ctfze orange juice wag CALIFORNIA 130113811011 REDGRAPES EkTRA FANCIYPBRITISH 30111111113111 numerous APPLES SELECTED LO fellenccf Both men and woan recognize the stipcdafiucly fine quality gt willing to assume his shareyof the Miss Norrine Banting has ioi11I Keown Maude and Albert Mrs CowanNewcastle and Mr and Mrsj Lennox spent New Yearlsiiwlth MI and Mrs 83311 Large Has aIMcUow Richness All It Own 125SlZDO reclaim 11 Has MagnificIentl Flavour Twocur WV Very Fine or 1111 Medium Ground NTARIOGREEN or WHITE CELERYHEABTS SELECTED ONTAmo WASHED PARSNI SELECTED QUALITY WASHED RUTABAGAS SELECTED QUALITY ONTARIO WASHED CARRors 11911811111118 on 111m 39147 35c 11131 ARABIA Large Bunches 231 PS I3k1b TurnipsIIBI Very Fine or 1Ilb edium Gronnd Bag Coffee MW PIIIEIZEIJ in VacuumPacked TinaSealing Ilts PeakofPerfechon1Freahnesa Until Needed GH PARK COFFEE Very Fine or Medium Ground LoBLiiw Medium Ground Treating Sore Threats Colds Cough Bronchitis Tonsil Troubles and 11 SPAHRS first for quick action first for safety and first for value and results or money refunded At all Drug Stores and Whittyfs in Allan Vzlb 21111916 11111 Prices Effective 011111 53111111 3m 11111 11 111 Lilla lORONlO 55 11111111111 llll ml Enjoyable PRIME ROASTS 11 23 117 14c loz Ikg 113 1401 Tin it 38c 2113 ff ri

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