THE BARRIE EXAM BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA iilhllttiBLEM llltl me things done urueti uomouomon liii sgiioliil Miscellaneous port will be published in full and should be standard for municipalities to strive for Coun Lockhnrt oti request of residents near the Holly district moved that the Clerk write Dept of Highways more sand be placed on No 27 Hiuhitty especially on Littles Hill This is said to be danger othe the asking that at Term 35 Days iil LltSl AY Etfh113ER 13 941 it Lmouommomoaomouom $60 EDGAR ForDrunken Driver go Convicted by Jury and My Av pcxa Ct Ll 12 an Lh lid tended no one his Hui at lilt regularV VEVV 0801 51 01V 1HIVSV rm Wimswv gt6 MCI ilw rum oi ll ir oi Aluhlhbl Bed Imps Report for In gICKtJ up it very inc The HedCrtm and 31 it Cc geese were on Cdft gt iD Pl iscussion on now 0w Kin lhnl lllt llllallntzr SVV VV VV his Sltlldi thlVbllligUili LlVlCeV of iiin my 333 Viki04L V531 is annoy p1it iceprp5V SVVg PVVVVV VIV VVV vV zine VtallrltVVJtiIV leuVleFV Meenng VV ON AN UPJIOVDATE PoplLAR FR L1 11 YNMiss tins my Maui JlVFVlLF 598 with strut 36h Will rilllllvll 01W ornrir n5 Jessi 11o inzi me in ml COUNCIL STANDING JlVliNth 25340 all kllltt tint on uni li WOlkV for hlll thve lut while butch 3an SthmV ALL furl ll Ii lV VVVVV will35 VI tl uclllizii 356 In lnl lbi It AIi lllistilms Ilxv llxill 33 la Burl lo bovs inn mired LT Wurst to gtt an use1 Vt which The if lJl igtlSlt LI V3 13 ALLUEXENAH toxin 342 HIVA1lyiStiltitiltltlllxlll tt CHM Luis QT i$itl tenant who hid 18100 ill taxi inni l1 rue Nltkii llAllcl hhAlL 145130 him wl 3M tears With 2115 rent it IVt 41 11 iic ll will lluti VV XV were lel leJt the Council toulti io take any lttlwll it to Lambs pol 101 White hole Mtklt hgmms lilia no penalty would ii lllutd skint FAIL VV 9le Exc flu KKK izq 11 li rl Viltl II Evtnrbmh IJwi lMM vUwVC VbtillVlc bllUWlilOW rlticisni 25 tin lILEEli file 35c iuty some litttwvirs are 011 iglillmlECZi WT 35C 9Wlil 33 515 sin MENS Stus 51012 VVVOVV VVVlV IIVMV 504C aiiViiiltiitiVits iV toip iiiV VV VVVV II WWI that the eoutpnren nail iouu iliV VI VVIV vl Ami 0m wax on the road then tinned VV ans bolt iris HR twin nml 1w bunch 10c sth II or toiilii llit lat VV Mi VV II Ollie Vlinri ulw Viiitt inulshes for Se Tum mum 1m in 5ir1llIVV IV VIVV VV VL VVVV VV 331 llllkllgl Wildhi gt Vltn lettuce re erI the ninchiiii was lltllll testizlfl VI WV 1V lj raw mu stiititlisftll 109 ii Monday they had been VI IVl ie past one nintiliuiVItIeg 11 3510C ed to open the thud lllttI iV 1H ythi Tritium Vino Hi VIII 900156 her to inrnui liiiieral til ss for lzie Vivl mm liii in Vf Liter Reeve iodii iLskttl tiie niuiey Ugo VV VV eke3 WWHOWO VIlV VI VlVlz VVVV VVI VVVVVltoVnd Suinivisor to outline the it Amino1 1oz lg MEWS 539 to $1250 LADllb $349 up po lt ol its tltllllllilltlll as Maggi yup iv Humme tinv tnit wt minim l0 lbs ittc501bs $170 grant to he lllttl work VVIII HV NV VIVIIIIIVVIIVV ImIIIiIll 3th AN POLLS ll type for 15c We are itllillljtillt RPM tWVH 10 iannlugys SKIS 51V pHVES 5H5 sllvnyus 30 gt II lei Emlm Jlctl let lihlltilllinlllcnulliitl kllllill fir Hut of on And Alllldh Shh 5311 101le 3100 lLdh 3351 in uo niri so usi ic VfI wm PM NVII HL VVtV txl Edwinrd V1 Ptlllitt ilitl Ewe Pimm pffhi lulxllsllk lgnilkilzlmll iil til ll fl illlij ljtll ilii cable last 19 easier than at lllttI with litltilfiiziz liv iarinir SKIS LEAKED eohir bis llllgtll ullti xixail $125 llVll of Kc ii gt ll llllih Wm lilclcr Winn llttt3ll to kc lilii in ii tlll firini r0 in ex 14 VV VV iIiV rV VV V1 Vt LI Elllfliiltd lilfilliiiltr 00 machines working inizlitx in xtgtli loiin llioiriiioii tarnivilo BM ELM ll and lllllllgs lunlmstd from Its Miss Mtixnt ltttl Vi rump Itltilis it to lot tii tlt iouid bi illttllllbltISUVIHVIVIZV hVI IIIV Lyn min per nun5 IV VI VV VIVVVVVVVVVVI Produce Roads will be Ulltllttl iroVin entl tollglw WWII UM 1III COMPLETE STUCK 0F Kl GLOVES PADS 1S0 0f Honolul end and in order un ess some VI VVf II IiV containing no VVV mam oi tnl rthlemV 2301 2ICISIIVIVI1 CHIWHVVIVIIICI warm iVli oi Violate thAlLLS blot KIMIS llLKh ilVKLY hllLKS lVIer ItlcVittie ilflvt Illthllll1 Sltuiiil fowl lb 2022c cliniiuiiieVVWe have t0 iloVgtVll NW lV VlVllr pr noon Dill an ililii vll amt The De Ucoch iiiI 25 and shout be able to keep al Hgtil Iiilhtmllll 11 XMAS SCHOOI 11 vil oust bi roads passable tlll Shintoit larnrer Illlfit luwn Apphances Dort the res lmi Vi IiVIIIIIIIH IIIKIIIFIIVIFIII fryII iiieve lodd pointed out that hp fund Fedd is Clttli No ii pittiolinen were cxpttttd to render WZ SETS ht pm 1de mm and u1m assistince to see that roads were ll ti It mouomomomJmmmomb Md 1=Ll PM ll 186 not tied up so ihn iiiitlls and cm Vllmlun Ill Alfvn LTlm li xtii one the tiltiilllttlr llind quarter lb 20c sential services should not be ligltllmhum than J0 cord llrril We Aiilltlll iloriey clover lb ti 32c stooped There lll be no far1m use Mn 5mm mp VH 5375 up on ti oriiisin the Reeve assured Coun liltl 11 ll liill DC hitttMtUIgV Mineii pioiiinrnnre of pin inrs Bar to 40c WW that 11 mm Iark Supt Donnellv expressed toys k5 it anninwi the need Golden ll 50c l5 the opinion that Innisfil Park 5110 msgpfwd $2 up III III IV To Iiivestilzate Iiiditzents would be something that would Indigent accounts presented ciill gust the younger generntion to other Sets at 85c $135 5195 llliAl PADS Heat $305 oi the iiepiir inen Buns and cakes 15c dot to 25c ed to some comment from De always upypcintt the efforts 01 Model Acro lane Kits I1 vllll llm Writ of the Doughnuts doz 20c JillyReeve Cook VWe sVliVoiildtiimso who had made it Dossib10 IVVI YNVV ODEng V50 50 ILOOR LAMPS IV VVV 1IVI1VVOM planning Homemade broad whm or Vliavi all thitsti investliuttVedV itV thi other citizens called on werV 861 IIOIIVI10VV 7WAY lltluGllT $1505 Hale and lrmnlt and 112W MW 011 VusItetijiii intruhnihch iosnowninii nn VVV IV 777777 We 1515lIdI073 PEVVWVVLHHW M89 mWUeilltlilt residents Biniioip Simian who an wished me cumusiitr sets 98c min Al iiuuGiii 3125 Mm mu TH Pm NC amt other places Will D355 llltm Council and others the Seasons tiililm hi IKSHH its lllNlUCllll Tarts 10201 on to us it we do not assure our best Wishes 36 Baytld SL land for Freedom llliilJIllllllltli lSpecinl Baking selves that they are our littbilltv mwwwiwmws Phone 453 We tiionid appoint National Fruit Investigate everyone 0011b The electric eye is being used to OPEN EVENENGS For employment bv laree munitions lltlll near llarrie VV Com LockhmL agreed VV VV limtl iind enpnlilc ot lllltllllillllle IApplOs of viiiions kinds D1 811111101 Medic mm perforate postage stamps ouo==0t==0=0===0=oa GOVod saliin loi thiosi VVilti tan qua Izoit1t national M10 CNN tlqt baskets from 2o45c Ollicer gave very satisfactory Tall Qllttll Iltilil till llllllStlLlVV litilil to until lill l0 tl til Willingness to viioperate Hump VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV 31V 150 rpm on the health and 5mm interview mnmmnm Mi elements oi our popula i1iul5V 5th basket 50011 of the Township This re MWWr III II III IIuld Ihmic SHHC bunch 56 fdii f67i4 iv 10C 94 43 onelinril oi this countrys entirebnmy population into an intensified ef lull that illl in the end assure icl tori Ili lloue said problems such til txIV inalitl could act upon were llividc this lvhole country into IlitliltllYt zones lltstv suited for iv it loose thingzs which they can pro RI nurt eiliciently and in quantities Allocate to each zone its 1eon st vid the National As there is no Milk Delivery on Lhristmos onViVVVVVI VVVVIIIIIIIVVIVIfms IVV IVS schooi AssemblyV is At the Assembly Monday morn insiiiooons nc tniiitd out and New Year Day kindly toke StilltCtCnl 115 IIIImn0 hmwdmeyy the mg the school san Christmas Jllltitllltllt goal for Canada forlcaVlOls 311d ball played The mlk and mm AllWVlOz lml OVCl lhiisiix 194 and ion This estimate Liberty Bell Well mm in be based on the needs of Canlbv Sim Pfmmpfll Glrdwool the hOIldali li llritain other parts of the EiiiSPUkC blleflyV the effect of the gt lillt United States or other allies LVl lllVUUY lVlvmgV8nd 110111 iielpine us in our fight against ag 15 W111 1313 mm eVldence icssioii CITIZENSDEW LAKEVIEW DAIRY an This figure must be doubled if not trebledif VIIViV we are to some anywhere near our prodiiclive capaCity essential for le total war Most recent figure fromthe Bur canred Statistics at Ottawa estimate Ithat 5700007 personsVaVre engaged in lltiertilizers being available for ngrii Vt cultural purposes xii Perhaps the most urgent problem lgiin Canada today is the problem of lvlputtinu CVVanadian manpower and III lixvonianpower to the best possible guise VV Vhr industry today employs SPECIAL NOTE Please leave out for the about 50000 vomeii gh driver ony empty milkbottles their you have on hand osit is very difficult for the dairies to buy bottles at the present time gt lt wk ivy YI nV lat least 100000 more are required in the immediate future Steps must be taken immediately to move workers away from luxury to esVscntiaVlII industries This can Ibest be doneby tightening the con trols over productionof nonessenV tizils if labour shortages become more acute than at present plansshould he made to move industrial pro duction from cities to small towns dstrmakhemruceessbwrto the supplies of labour in these com munities VV Labour is required to assure ade quate agricultural production and this problem must bemet at once All thesethings can be accom 1934 DODGE COACH plishedswift1y and efficiently by National Selective Service Then 1933 PONTIAC SEDAN and only then will we have truly EDAN allout war effort 1933 TERRA Ibis board should commence 1933 an immediate surveypreparatoryto 1932 PBYMOUTH SEDAN National Selective Service becom 1931BUICK CLUBCIOUPEA ing operative in Canada sovasto 1931 BUICK sEleN assure adequate help being left on 1930 DODGE SEDAN the farms This board could bizempower 937 OR COUPE 1929 WHIPPET SEDAN 5V ed to purchase farm machinery 935 hnSMQBILECOAC 1929FORD COACH and makesVameIavailable for use 334133 APL EICVQUVPE EggCHEVROLET COACH on collective groups of raring Where 1such machinery is not now is availabe This board could ER BARGAINS ZVVTonDump Truck SEBITorgo ZTon Chassisand Cab 1941 HUDSON SEDAN 1941 PLYMOUTH CUSTOM VSEDAN 9193930HRYVSLER ROYAL SEVDANU 9395uouon SEDAN 9391F01Itnsnpan volunteers will be available for service Von the farms of Canada duringvthe spring and summer of 1942 and Varrange with the respec tive districts throughout Canada to make this source of labour availL able This National Food Board hhould study Ifarm prices in an efi fortVto bring them to aparity with otheV prices Unlessthis action is zV take Vi we will have the spectacle of price control freezingan unbalIt anced economy This would moVr than anything else curtail produc tion because the prieIe of farm Panel mmediately assume controlVVof Womenis ELaan Army and ascertain how many Vt War SettingsCeiiidts MILE1 on and GARAGE swallow cents huh 192629 levels dltepsvbc taken to assure ade VIVVefelICFlLlOVtheS Elk 01 VVDOITOthl tiiiiitc supplies of labour iiiucliineryV hlmpson ldSt 03 0n 19 same nonessential production to yessen ofV labour products are today 20 to 25 per canVibemeftolndketilrltllilng clear tastelessVaIVnd odorless the peace that is to follow He topic $170 for Ambulance The teaching staff of the school have contributed $170 towards the Ambulance Fund This certainly shows the mutual interest held by the members of the school both 01le when icv Rob Sutherland sheep valua xtor asse sleep at $10 from the flock of Herb Gibbons which had died through iiiiuriesin former at tack Amongr the accounts passed were two large ones of the Roads Dept $1500 for gravel to Cook lt31 Co and $1200 as payment on the road maintainer The Fin ance chairman Coun Banting presented his fiuiil statement as did also the Indigent chairman Cle Lockhsrt Feels Much Accomplished Before the motion to adjourn sine die was moved Reeve Todd made short address in which he operation II and him duringr 1941 We have this past year accomplished many thingsiwhich may in the future be constdered as ordinary requirey merits We have also been alive to the necessities of the lakeshorel assistance given thankedWhe 061111011761 theco residents and have passed legisla4 tion Which Will be of considerable students and teachers We under stand there is to be Senior Liter ary Society meeting held at the end of the week and proceedb of the silver collection are to go to the Ambulance Fund Basketball House League basketball is well under way this season Three groups are in evrence Juveni es junior and senior each group hav ing four or five teams After Christmas anew schedule is to be drawn up and the teams will play off sometime in the spring thm work has started plenty of juniors were present more senior boys are needed 1301 Baird to Play Mr Fisher and the brass section of theschool band are planning something quite novel for the town Next Monday and Tuesday nights weather permitting the bandsmen areIVgVoing into the streets and pursue the spirit of Christmas by the playing of carols and well known Yuletide hymns This is new role for the band to take but very fitting for the season and are all looking foruiard to hearing them and although benefit to that area in the build ing bylaw which though not yet in effct Wlll be early in the new year We feel that as to war en deavors we have taken our place with the other municipalities in this great na on of ours will offer myself as candidate for Reeve again next year and wish for all joyous Yuletide season All Will Seek Reelection =i lo for their assistanceandcoopera tlon in making the business of the Council success We have as the ones we dont he said 31 also will be candidatehext Vear and feel that Vin the best interestsIof the Township an ac clamatioikwould be in order How ever am ready to take on all contestants good looking or other WISE little to say other than torelterate the electors would be well advised to save the expense of an elec of the experience of the present council and give them an ac ciamation Conn Lockhart also expressed the same opinion have in the three years have been iiiCoun cil learned much have seen many changeslhiat have taken placeVeven 1n the face of Va de prehston have often come here to Work for those we like as well Coun Banting felt that he had the expressions of Mr Cook that tion this year and take aduantage itiii ONE LOW PRICEAS ADVERTISEDNVONE HIGHER TURKEYS 35 CHICKENSrresh Roasting 41210 612 lbs lb 27c GEES FANCY 10 to 14 lbs 1h 29 BUCKS FANCY to7lbs 130W FANCY to lbs llyas SlElllfSiirhllSTS 1112 lorterliouse Sirloin wing Cube Face ltunip or Boneless Round iiiliiii noiisr Enc PRIME BIB lltlllSVT lb25c SlltlltT iiiiiiitiiisi are riiiiiiiiiiioiii Glee lb 29 or Stuffing llb em 21c don Fancy Grade Graded 00 Government Standaiils All sites FRIDAY DEC 19 000 pm MON DEC 22 900 pm TUES DEC 23 900 pm WEI DEC 24 1000 pm SPECIAL ANN011NQE MENTln order that Remployccs may spend Christmas Eve with their families Stores will close at pm Wed nestlay Dec 24 Please shop early so they may have Christmas Eve too For your Christmas Table Drink Freshly Ground AGil Oclock llb California Novel Medium Size Canadian Red Delicious VV ORANGES Ii Large Extra Fancy Grade Selectfdesclfuality zsc islana Kiln Dried YAMS P0rtoRicoSlyle 3455 California Emperor leV 15c oran HEARTS Ontario Grown Large Luscious VVV Tender Crisp bChS up to these levels V9 This board should be empowers ed to place food production on pVVarityIV With factory production as whereas industrial indicesIare noVw war measure TheVibIoaid could be empowered to movelabour from tial food production if IgLVen Iche powerstrofparity ofiwages and hours 10 The board could provide ihat the owner of the landeouldhttye setVobjectives and would be adeV and vforhisinvestment 11 This board could tplan to build stock piles of finished food like canned pork canned ivegetables evaporated milk dried eggs etch These are all things that will =keep and will not go obsolete and are as essential to victory as guns and shells ilts Portable pipelines have been if veloped bythe us Army ripipg lug Igasoline overdifficult terrain to otorized units tinEthe fild Goaljrrom refuse dump 176 guatly reimbursed for his effort til the past with ideas that felt should be put intoeffect onlyto have them talkedout when discussed by the others and my own changedrenturely will candidate again Prgss Reports for Public Good Coun Black expressed his pleas opinion be athaving been in the Colin give great praise to the press representative th0 has at times Vreportedr some things which we may not have desiredi but feel that this publicity bps been of great niacinmeka us real in that our remarks and acts in Councrl are for public informa tion he stated Ifappreclate the discussions wand argiunents we have had and feel that our busi ness has been handled in credit ablgmennsr Very Successful Year ClerkTreasurer Allan felt that the past year was one of the most creditable the Council lead had since he had been clerk We bade splendid return of taxes un month but am sorry torelate twthe last short periud paymentsihavefallen off There may be many who will have to pay penalty for over due taxes We have had better reports from all departments and tumult very successful year Rocd Supervisor Stewart and Rood IDept employees Cowxm infiltratestrio CliaieVauV Prices limited to faintly weekly requirements irtsru AM 5r TURNEPS er REBBRlltEigt31e rcnmors taster 411mm 25 1V 819 VriK IV srrEcmL lb 35c IBIb 9c DEL Mng VVV BL ND VBag 12 IV census lV GIANT PEAS 133 z7c VIVIVVVVVIVIS VB VV 33 15 still VmeV FRWTMIE sour it zrttzscv=ciiiiniiiirsurine 2w Pllnlpkm IAP 2min cgng VPRE My =uNlng 09211 alves4jff we lkm Txlll Mix Efflgr VVVVVVaVVVzgc VVVVDVVVSVVVImgslgIVzV7c cut VIVIZV fy PEHHSVVVVVVVVVV gm FamilisclVVVVVe Pkg VV Cgiligetgslnins Militm llTcnnhligi 33312327c 9190 OR ml 3551 unis thrills xiiiiiirs 17c sunlcmg inn nglllfte VV WNWHWW