wwum LiADA gt l1 iii vi tlluzcl hltftefltltll was tilts Arr hi tnnpmnc blue with Lizatclnnag any 111 and coralcc of red Toronto =i1ktltl Ill llllllltl 1138 Ht Tic llll LUNIIIIIMCIAIIEN 321 at The bride pmmd ranting bt mkl tiiinyc Emiilcsi 114 ltccllu iiiiiss BRANCHES Fine PIumpChristmas TURKEYS rlcbuddcn lmitd till are of excellent quality They are young tender birds strictly fresh all Govern ment Grade and carry the GoVernment Grade Tag As the Christmas Turkey is the most important food purchasewe suggest you PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW Manager will select to your requirements tag and hold under refrigeration until needed BUY BY GRADE BUY WITH CONFIDENCE 031$ rO Bunch Llcrla Uttitcn lt mu Ktkdzllt 11 12 bit Hum ltcl tr iltzc haunli otit Mm Tla1l sic of n1 budv gl ll ltti Itccic oft 111111111 Wilma of Iitgltgugl lti ifai Iliallirli It litiinil Warlll lltd II lnronuc 511 ixwing valVLlltl patran KUll tlitl Iltlly l1 Llwtir lllt lilttlltlutiln lu AM ha and Mrs ylll lIlt llzlcir tnzt tutti tiniltltllm at lLl in topic of nut baby$ breath reception full at at the DittitFI Imitl gilthl weir fills lie ltlll lrani lriitnr lcrhznx rttlrxal lltt 111 Viol 112 tilllliflx raten titgt gitl itlaini it Llclgc ilttl liliir It GUM With brown iCttEssillth Silxillki lflit of itd mew litVltil lhan nni ibUt Mclmy tlxlt1li Illil dtlirtm it iilrktlxu fallwvn in Wmi tinmot app uniti 10 1lIntviiainnwni Shanty by hits Kendall MN illlotiixf Itl Mb laciiiti WI inio Station Mn VIIIIII Choice Prime TenderEating Beef STEAKS or ROASTS SPECIALFANCY STEAKS or ROASTS SPECIALWCHOICE lb 33 gggggsnm ROAST izec tulluclitl wIivl tilt yltli accca match Noinmn Kilwn Wort at 1gtrltlvllll piclcr rain inc 11 IV of Ii1lll nllipltl 111mi 1h iaik ha 11 ttl1l lfgyplaii of 2000 ltt lZlt how chinc hold liwiimx favor tlk My fmi my DIME infill ital llh litzl tlawfuiri Iti unit ml rpm to lit fromp Eliunmmmg Mu It lxciulao 1p tail trawlinil Iw Mn 315 liilc An 1311 mi Rugby lvlh llicl ltml ill Mclicici ltltlill IN and iv Lilli tho willilliti of thc Itglbttfl Minith rm brme Marshall MN Mix Roy Mir Mr or Saustin rm For POULTRY DRESSING Loblaws Three Little Pig PORK CHRISTMAS SHOPPING HOURS OPEN SATURDAY It USUAL410 PJII Ill3 Asz lllilcl liusiirJnia liJtl cn iil ii twic liars With ball Mix It timhy aunt of do Irruic my iliwycii tlec wciidinu llltldt and i111 Diluxmi thlfl HI Dutruit HllSill Ml ix of tin tunic Milli If your hair is not bccom lug Ihcn to us you should lu coming PERMANENTS $5 crcam wavc for $350 $350 cream wave for $250 Morning special for $198 with push wave CAMERONS Beauty Salon llappcrton Phone 356 examination see fit litiij lizlluiig ihc ttlLlllHIly icccp lion has hchl and was aitcndctl by about gtttlltIlt titltnls dc lccihic huflct lunch was scrvcd and plcasant cvcninu Sptlll Ani yum thaw Ilthtllt Wllt Mr and Mia Ignllts Woolscy Maxinc and loycc of llclrolt ax wolf as fricnds from Toronto Baritc Angus and iltllti puinl lor the tlllllt1llfll to soulhcrn pomlx tln bride chow winc cl vct mil Willi black acccsmitcs Thcy will ltnltlt in Toronto DAlDSONBOGARINS Eric was thc sccnc of Wedding of much local intcrcst on Saturday lcconnuz Doc 13 194 when Lois lisllicr llogardis laiiizhtcr of Mr and Mrs William ll Bouardis 227 lNuiill ilHHlt of lclbcrt Lowcll Davidson wit lit Mr and MrsThumasll This you Who cc iyonc is trying to saw lllllt in oldcr to support our War Effort ytt still IIIVlIlti as bcht they can there IS pronounced irch toward gifts of practical naturc and glasscs if necessary citlicr one or both as you may wc suggest an cxtra pair of glasscs of ncwer styling or for sportswear What could II of more practical value than ii complete cyc An cxcclicnt gift Can aim be made of pair of quality sun glasses goggles ski goggles ctc scientifically tinted to eliminate the harmful rays llllfl ground and polished to prccision accuracy 18 Illllelnill St OPTOMETRIST +1 Iclcphone him mInqIHsunir Lovc Yougumpuam oulmn Iauls Anglican church Fort St Fort Eric bccamc thcl iltay an warm 111 land tlowcs Mrn Madman 1M Colliolllu on Mariana and Nod lliztchInron cl rown ylllll Mn tari Diary bl iVlm Both lhiiry twl DIISS linkci Itll Dalston Mrs nbornc 14 and wt Mi llarkcr Itl1tiiitliiit Mrs aldwcll Mr Italian iw Wcs Laldwcll tut Milchcil Square Mrs Paisley Mr llan McArtliur Il Xiikc itlalioncy Willi thc wiiolc hcartml coopcra tion of thc abovc nicnliuncd officch thc tlro Branch looks forward to anothcrprospcrous ycir is Ilavrdson of Fort lIric llic Cklt mony was pcrforniud at ncvcn clock by ltcv Canon William Burl Miss Dorothy Davidson of hurt hric sistcr of tho Lilimlil wzm hridcs maid and Miss Marilyn Moore of Iltfiillhllli cousin of flip lllltl twas maid of honor Mr Lloyd Russ of Niagara Falls was gunninxinaii Thc bridc was richly mired in lwhitc satin brocadcd in clcll fiiSllltulttl on princess lines the skirt cxtcndinu into widc train llic loin slccvcs cainc to point occr hcr hands Shc wore fingertip vcil of slictrcst illusion which fcll from wrcath of orange blossoms Shc carricd ancascadc of Talisman roscs and boilvardia Miss Moore was gowncd in pink satin brocadcrl in silver fashioncd in colonial style butterfly sleeves and hoop skirt matching not head dress with shouldciulcngth veil and carried in Colonial bonquct of whitc mums Miss Davidson wore Simi lar gown in blue Mrs Montillion church organ hymn 33 MONDAY AND TUESDAY OPEN Until pm WEDNESDAY until 10 pm CLOSED CHRISTMAS DAY snombcn POT ROAST 1t llltllll ll KIDNEY sun lb5c SAUSAGE 1119 ll li llll ll IIIIIIJ LilliLITIIIti lUIth Slltltl COTTAGE ROLLS lb31c SAUSAGE lb25c rusty Christmas SPICED BEEF Last year only few markets handled this item The demand for Christmas Spiced Loemwb FAMOUS saw Bccf was so great that in order to avoid disappointing customers this year all markets will carry it We RESERVE the rixzht to LIMIT Quantities of all merchandise to fam ily weekly requirement II Ior IIIIICAII tltl nail II RI ROYAL maria 98 239 39 ahcxstm WW pmd wurnwor oimmA Mics IOBLAWS 16 CHRISTMAS doliclitlul riieiirtmriil ol Illtl NIIIIIS Sparkling Illl SCOlCll SIYll SHORTBIIIIRI In Attrzu IP Tartan Om lunml iitl IIXIN LIME RICKEY CrystalClear Double Soda Ilus nal 51 lltll lltl CHRISTMAS PUDDINGS llli in 33 Iol Without Ituol 59 53 Festive Crystallizcd MIXTURE ITTITSTCT After the ceremony 11 lOCUpilU1i was held at Mather Arms Hotel for fiftyturn guests from Barrio Brant ford West Falls NY Port Col borne Buffalo and other points For the wedding trip to Toronto thcbridc wore white vool jcrscy dress tvliitc jersey turban fitch fur jacket and matching accessories Mr and Mrs Davidson will reside in Fort Erie The bride is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Henry Bouardis 16 EcclesSt Barrie and her father is BabcBogardis well known hock ey player formerly OfBarrie EIGIIT MOTHERS ALLOWANCES 20 OA PENSIONS Simcoc County Board Handles Considerablc Business at December Meeting Mrs Al McCall Collingwood Itc signs Because of 111 Health M4 mothers allowances and two yoldage pensions were mom Bowl us PlcasinitMAssortment of MINIATURE 2LB BOX concours 67 LL smegma8r Gums illlntlt Hun nLimnrrit OH ENGLISH SlYlJi PLUM PUDDING 39v KARAVAN STONELESS DATES 17 Ik Dainty and Small Hard and Soil Westons read Crumbs $117 12 CKV filliil laihlaxvx Porn 81 llxg Delightful Eamin Box ASSORTED gt on ALMOND 3333 TiPASTE J9 BHBCO LATES 2WWCritic kMMW 431 3=24 19 15 Illl Iin llol BRITISH COLUMBIA DELICIOU APPLES lllI Tin SHIRRIFFS Iellied Cranberry For Christmas liakiiiiillsc SW1IIS Jewel Shortening For Tasty Snacks and SandwichcsUsc COTTAGE BRAND White linlc limit to rncltcd Ilciit The Famous Eatmor Brand specially illitvllrd SELECTED QUALITY CAI assortmcnt OI Cher gt Store Mann hoods Ask nuke you FREb ticulurs or you inn satiation $250 3350 1500 iiiOI Loams CELERY SIALK bAhlElllliimc Style MI Hamiltonzs Brazils Ioz lltg the practicdlsolution to yOurl giftproblem Slippers ctre here dlso those Comertqbl Indian moc cdsins cmd prices will suitcl pockets LHURLBURT SHOE60 853Du11dpisi BARBIE Simcoe crampscocoogmrowr snon swan nun Tossorontio town Orillia township Vespra recommended at the Decembc meeting Of Simcoe County Mot rs Allowances andOld Age sions Board at the Court House hco Willmott Orillia the ch 1manrprc sided with County Clerk Simpson assecre ry and Mrs ETodd Churc and Bark er New Lo 11 also in attendance dered resignation as men on count of rillhealth She had ena member for several years Eight new applications for moth tionsfor reinstatement by former beneficiaries whose allowances had been cancelled were cOnsidered Others applied for reconsideration where an allowance had been re fused large amount of other cor respondence was dealt with Twentythree applications for old being left over for further informa tinniand twenty being recommend ed asfollows Allisten Barrie Beetdn Collingv wood Midland Penetanguishcne F105 1111115111 Sunnidale Tay Tiny one each Qrillt West Gwillimbttry two each 2A number of applicationsfor in crease were received and in most cases theBOard recommended an Mrs cCall Collingwood ten ers allowance were considered and recommendEdrAinumbemapplicaa age pensions Were considered three lt increase considerableamount of other correspondence was aISOcon Isidered GOEBBELS ON GERMAN sovi The poisonous qUality of the BBC broadcasts he declared would envenom the German soul it they were listened to Some Germansmight think their souls strong enough to withstand the Britishpoison They were wrong The poison would enterlnto them and undermine their faith in the Feuhrer if the German peoplc ghould loseefaithin the Feuhrer they wou1d lose the war World Alf felryby =Wickham Steedlh we new WTCIIBFIW 9599575 Cashews 4011111 17 IltlIug V1 lb Mmmmmor Jrlb lin Economy Brand cllvl4c WWVVVV The New Discimnyor Jack and Illl Brand Coffer Lowrs CIIUNKY 16011 leESCAFEa pcr 31511 WARSAVINGSBERIIHCATS nclied in half and 00 Box JtlI forms SNACK pREMIUM mm ENGUSH INN Raspbctry or Strawberry SWIFTS PREM 120111 326 PURE JAM 1205631 16 blem+pmumm up SHIRRIFFSAGOOKI Marni919774 aDL Egggglgmn 11 11 MARMALAQF 1901 11231 smoueo genomes Tins 23 SHRRFFS CLARKS GRAPE JELLY 24 VEAI AND Penn LOAF 15 AYLMER 25 BRAMBLE 11ij 10 isozlly3r gt 210 SWEETORANGE ggftaBLACKWISLI VM NA DSHRIMPPATE AYLMER BLACK cunRAm IAMa SpeciaIgMANNINGS BISCUITS Sniukcd ROSE Brand aChoeola te SALMON snuowrcnsPREAp 2212953915 INGERSOLL LIBRYS swecr GHERKINS cAvemke Aces LOAE TOMATO 1015535 cArcHup isr =SpecielMOCORMICKI Bonnie Brae Shortbread LOBLAWSCOEFEE 77 lb er Brittle Rome Bi lMrage Th Pound cm Top1W your Christmas Dinner with 44 t9 the partial or peclalWESTONS Crisp ARABIA Llcligiflul cup of Fine or Medium 1111 an llb BREAKFAST DAINTIES IVETCHS GRAPE JUICE 11301 79201 LIBBYS FANCY Tin TOMATO mic 801 307 This Crunchy PLAIN or SALTED GoldenBrownz Sodas SpecialWESTONIS Plain or Salted Iiioz swim DATES Film or IIIalum limmul Bug moccugcor Medium IUIUI gt IIDJV TRUMbEtEcOFlE Bar 31 VACUUM lACED SEALED IN FRESHNESS HIGH PARK corraayaitg 25 lg 49 Fine onMcdiumn Bag Large lkgl mm Ih ALLPRIces EFFECTIVE UNTIL 5A1 Niel monolith 19413 minimum ft GINGER ALE gt Many hascd from Ilu filltsl grows in California usual JUMBO SIZE ra Fancy Quality SELECTED TEXAS SEEDLlISS GRAPEPRUITI ARRIVAL CALIFORNIA BRUSSEL SPRQUTS GREEN 01 WIIITESclcctd Quality Ontario SELECTED QUALITY IMPOIITI SWEET POTATOES ALLENS Pure Unswecfcmd 20 Fl on Tip TREESWEET Pure unsufccremd LEMON JUICE 19 GULF STREAMUrmzcctcncd GRAPEFRUITLUIQE IA waited STU FFED 111 SAUSAGE MEAT In iskinl uwllll Spiced Boot Recipe Ihc roll of Spinal llmI lioilil In Lippi in cloth and ininnrsml in Itll and brought to IIilIlltTlll point The rural ltltlllll In Ititlull It IIIIR limpiratuir tor prriml illttflllllliil In tho nnmlnr of pnumh tutti llllllllli il lb and lmnlil tlwn Irv tziltrn oil the IIIJI and il ll to ho wruil tllItI inol IIII nunt In tin liquid in ylliili it as mlluil brink to the Health of Your Guests With Refreshing Alpine CL UB iltl ol Largo Iiutilts IIIMII Lac Jhitlliw 19c III rcturnnblc Imtlhw iltl nl Luv Illlllh The Famous SIlNKISI SEEDLESS ML larloads hzur burn IDm At all storm you will nd complctc sclcction at least sizcs to choose from and mi REASONth PRICED Jumbo XX Sizo for Nico Silo 80s Woatlllolta oNoIlllllooillN mwTIIF VIZIN ESQ UVA LITY OBIA INA BIJ CRANBERRIES F11 Your Christmas Iurkcy ooativimllmt IFORN IA EMPEROR 25 19 loud Sim all Stalks FOIL THE UNUSUAL BOSE FEARS AVOCADO FEARS IDAHO BAKINGIOTATOES PINK NH LOBLAWS Famous 125014ch outlier iii11cc ici minpound Illllxilt ALSO in Individual TEA BAGS20 and 45 27 20 grin Im 20 OZ Complete Assortment of GORMANECKERT BAKING $93055 andPOULTRY unassiucs jLOBLAlIlIS HAVE AN ATTAcnvz ASSORTMENT OF FINE QUALITY ENGLISH 591cm Eonvpun cunrsmns TABL Bfitq1p Delivers the Good Ihincserllr 311017 wom r1131