THE BARBIE EXAMINER momma CANADA RCAF Strength eds 90000 Now THURSDAY DECEMBER 18 1941 M325 REIDEN EWXHAM Relbun lllx at Urcrlsi tapers lt imam oraro Judging King Honoured of Alliston or MAN ENDS mwrommts Ekce ohc itiLi accepting Ir Ann victl lutcilo and Edwa i2 Bunch Pedal lc1 cl Itmiuixte ltd$4 tel 11 official Lgtiaf The It Pi then or land oneness ineri Tttatcit Steve Dymondg 22 Ontiml Iliiiion Large rowd at strength Canada ruin the develop force ill the for gorics no Id lbcm ia The boys won trie iitazio cliitti red up their MICt pittuiiig province Doiziiiizizii at the competition mouth The tltif Speaker If radix the Yorkshire Swine former Flowers Holly Wuiiieiis friends Iii included Mi Firit Mtleirt Mr Toronto olive Bull uric lici oefca nut ct puldtu other accordance intention ctu cittligt IULI fir inniouii It Al every effort l5 1o turnip then ft cranial pcisoiiiei as well crews distance attending Stephens Mil and ilirS Ailiitt Ioliui all loit lift liiltt and lifts Ach ttzrtai ji cders AXSUCMUUII and lcf of the hvestocl branch and our for ntaiai It halter Mitts JACOB HOLT tlnotiiion Coircsp attirech Iiwinlcn coiiiiizizitity was sziddcti llccciiibci air by the gttidd811 death of M15 111121 rudely it ixspctltil resident had enjoyed good health and her pt rig taizic as gicat fllxltlt lilltltlllt McLean laughter of IIIL late Mi and Mrs John McLean and she was born at Bandy Bruce County in ltltil llcr girlhood was spent aioutid ookstown She was member of the United Church and villing helper in all good Work Besides her husband oiic sister survives Mrs Lavina McFadden Toronto Fiftytlizee years ago she married Jacob llolt son of the late Jaciib Holt and Elizabeth Fildcy lori many years they fziiiiied WV Eli In her hour of sad licliattllltllt she bcrt later uiovuig to Ivy and thciiilms NW Mummy mm to Thornton clcvcnyciirs ago The funeral was held Wednesday afternoon Dec 10 with short scr yicc at the home and thence to Trin cyfl junV11 Char4 of mm Ar ity United chitrcli Rev Aiiiithnr Lehman 55 strong conducted the services itspert Graham sistcd by the Rev 11 ll llcyiiiiiitlici there was very large llllci Rev Wilkinson and Rev Jilin of friends and neighbors in till Simpson lorouto Interment was in Thornton Union Cemetery Pall bearers were Clifford McLean ICI uier McLean Dalton Solomon Will McKcovWIII Holt and Roy Ilolt Many beautiful floral tributes testi fied to the high esteem in which de ceased was held Relatives and friends were pre Orauizcville VBCVLIQII Newton Robinsonu townAllistoii Barrie Sltlyllei and Orillia BTU HIIYWOUD Vlllttiilibtill and Mn 1904 aiv Ln illiltijicd to out they named SIR cotzi lltilt daiulllci of the late All Jtliiliiiieoli Tliiiiiitoii dlica Itctibeti llloxh til Hiilly iflti ti was hieth respected iiiu1irt tttkli iziziaii of the aiiitli Retail bide atuau which has opciz rclVL 1mm ti bonds klilllm Hum ics of tric retail trade it Ccti the govciniiictit Zlfltl confronted vitli problems 1oIILt most exacting Club president Wil was Cllltlillliiri and It 1lloycs was master of ccteiiioii ltlicr spcakcis were Lashley 1UWII ind Iltilt acid Suii Ictllilt 11 of tvaitiiizc price control iutl as Leticral iiianarri of livmgrelinc Shops Limited IILtlt Hunter an the was Martha mm It Surviving husband and Hey nante Jutltit Wliii ltiltl 1cgtliliI titli llltlti scicral ycais Joel lhompsoii lIolly littaiittc Howl Altiiun Baxter lllibltlill nth Allistoii Agricultural Society Mayor Reevef and one liiiitlitci ticstiil lliill SZZUIKL Eiliiu 5il1311 in tuiiiiiiiuliaiii Allistoii George Banting Essa Reeve Apparlcy lccumseth Reeve Robert Dtimiitl Iiissuiiiiitlti Butci man and the lll fated Itsciiptiois is of the jJlllt oc il ptk5li1ittli of tile the MRS WOLFENDICN lit for only botit one month the death yf hltr drch Woltendeii on liicsday Des emlicr was qtisie unexpected She was imifim so ill 1881 in loroiito and came to Iliiie when She had been res idcu here for fifty years with the exception of Candles quite there bowling Immediate relatives surviving are her husband one daughter Mrs Moran and two sons Colliugwood and Ernest of Candles The funeral took place on Friday from the Mrs Fraser feature of the t1i1iI111t was the presentation to Mr Lastitey ofi This was gift frotiiia the AttilCllltllllil Society to Mr 1isliicy for his real INN1F HOWl Id NIH and untiring efforts as agricultural representative ltlis I11lll was the ieciptciit ofa bouquet of iiiuiiis BARR POST OFFICE CHRISTMAS posting receptacle liristiiias mail to Barrie City aid dresses only for guaranteed delivery on December 23 24 and 23 is now open in the Public loliby Address and stamp your mail now Mail in neighbors John Pickering Ircd Mc lthc special receptacle in the Public FailaiiC George Allen Stephen lersl ry William Synnott and Fred Wcal Interment was made in IZbCliiistiiiis mail will be delivered at the right time Address all mail for Barrie to street and number Your cooperation will facilitate delivery of your mail and help the Government of liandliug mails thus contributing toward the war effort 7N Ihoiiisou Post master lllltrll ituiicciiiiioiz if He iIctirlii 31311 Llflllllt ir Miss desk set Lions ii by one ls who has baci his through ixrd Minnie REC constant and iiiiiiisvii He but child South Siiiicoc circle of friends The fiiiiiiiil took place on Sunday lleceiiibci ll with sciQQc in Eben aboiit four recently Red years had iiisi She was also very fond of been Work and retire cd by licv lio Despite stormy wea LOCAL MAIL Advance William of gt Beautiful floral otter leiidaiicc lugs paid tribute to the high esteem with which the deceased was The palllieaiers were six home of Moran 77 December her daughter Maple Avenue where she had pass The service was taken by Rev IIJR liowdeii of Trinity Amali can Church and interment was at Barrie Uiiiou Cemetery Is were Simon Geo Doherty ScyttiesSMMditlh Moran Relatives and friends from Orillia Toronto and St Catharines attended Rummy Lobby Take advantage of the spec ial service and be sure that your friends ed away Barrie thcral LlltZLl cemetery situated corner of Itickards homestead Representing the Noisy River Iel cphone were BryccVinccnt Flynn Webster and Jack son Creemorc and It Machani New Friends and relatives from distance included Mr and Mrs It Cairns Paiuswick Mr and Mrs Archie Dike Sharon Mr and Mrs Ncwiuarkct Mrs John Dike Uxbridge Howard and Miss Annie Dike Aurora Wil fred Dawson and Oscar Dike Mt Albert and Miss Hannah Woolman North Ioroiito Pallbear loronto from sent crtson and reduce the Christmas cost Lowell HENRY ARTHUR RICKIDS tNortli Silillildtile Correspondence Iii failing healthYor some years it Stiiinidale lleiiiS Arthur Rickards passed away at his home on the 1211i line on Fri day December 12 The only son of the late Henry Rickards and his wife Emma Dgikc he was born here sixty years ago By his death the community loses fine citizen of sterling character He was markedly successful as former being ever ready to adopt l1h1lIVCdlnetl10dS andappliances in Zthe work of hischosqn calling cpliune lie rendered valued service for many years as president and of the company years ago accompanied by his sis ter he made amp to his fathers and resident Bert Dike GIVE iiiiiisoiis CHOCOLATE 25c 50c $100 and $150 lifelong Alicrdcciishirc Scotland deceased had resided and farmed iii Flos for forty years and with his daughter in Barrie for the past fifteen years Presbyterian liehad been an elder of Knox Church Flos superintend cut of the Sunday School secretary tieasurcr for the Church and infers estcd directly in the erection of the new church in 1909 on his property He ws alsti Liberal and member of independent Order of Foresters litmus mummith of 88 10 Flos councillor of Flos Township one if the first Commis stoners in constructing the municilt pal telephone lines ofFlos and director of Elmvale Fair In 1877 he married Jane Mathie son of Aberdeen Scotland came to Canada 55 years ago and settled in F105 Township He made return visit to Scotland in 1920 and spent six months there Mr Strath was 19 MRS WILLIAM GRAHAM Previously in comparatively good health sudden heart attack was the direct cause of the death of Mrs Graham on Tuesday Dec Lunch At Tea and Candy Shop LOOK FOR THE SIGN 22 Elizabeth St William Formerly Miss Evangeline Patch ell youngest daughter of the late Robert Patchcll and Delilah Mer rick she was born on January 12 in King Township of Irish and Loyalist parentage and of the early families settling in that township llcr girlhood days were spent at Quccnsville and Keswick and she came to live with her sister the late Mrs Charles Bennett near Eden vale in 1883 After her marriage they lived at Minesing and ha been in Barrie since April 1903 Ftliijiiierly Methodist and mem ber of Central United church for nearly forty years she had been ac tive in the WAwhcn the present church was built Home family and friends were her life interest and she alwayshad cheery greeting for everyone Married at Stayner on September 22 1886 it will be pleasant mem ory to the family that they were all present when they celebrated the fiftyfifth anniversary of the wed ding here before Glenn Ramsay grandson left for overseas Oct 26 The funeral was held on Thurs day Dec 11 at the home 30 Mc wonaldistieetpwhere the service was taken Wev KN Cooper Central 9mm Interment place in Barrie UnionCemetery Pallbearers were Burton George Huth grandsons Alan Douglas and Ken neth Ramsay and Lorne Adams BMLowers expressed the regret ofthe family and friends of the WMS and WA of Central UlT ited church and other organizations Surviving of the family are the husband William Grliam two daughters Mrs Ramsay and VMrs BurtOn and seven grand children all of whomwith the ex director Some Phone 39 Sh Gomg Strong Despite the Fire which severely damaged our Green houses we shall haveoplentiful supply of LOVELY FLOWERS and PLANTSfor the CHIUSTIVIAS TRADE LUCKYS FLOWER TSHOP WEDDING BOUQUETS AND CORSAGES SPECIALTY PHONESShop 581 Greenhouse 1014W After The Fire predeceased by his MWELMH He is survived McEIwain by three daughters Mrs Robin son Jane Barrie Mrs Albert Ly ons May Barrie Mrs Ed Patter som Polly Cziledon East and two sons Jamesand Alex of Crossland and ten grandchildren ate ERNEST JAMES SHIPTON LEE minister of the Free Methodist Chuth for the past twentysix years Restrnest James Shipton Lee died aat his home RR Barr1e on Fri day December 12th due to heart condition and thyroid trouble gt Mr Lee was anative 0f Raven hoe Ontario where he was born on uly 1883 IAmong other places Eharflived Huntsville Frankford Newmarket Orilliaand Barrie For seven years he served 35 travelling elder hi$9llur9lh leave awanindustryagiinstDavld andma umber Yearswasptes McNab was dismissed in Coiting ident of the Lorne Park College In wood polfmf olitics he was Liberal Mr Lee is SHIVwad by his Wife five months in the employ of Clyde and one son Harold of Toronto and One brother living in England The ircra Manufacturing Company funeral service was held on Mon1 day and was conductedby Rev Gregory BA at the Free Methodist Church in Newmarket was in Newmarket Cemetery Pall ceptlon of Glenn sergeant in the bearers were new Messrs Sutton that McNab had attemptedIo get Chatson Loft Moffat Babcock and Beautiful floral tributes Were banked around thecasket from Lorne Park College church societies and many friends Am0ng those attending from distancawere Mrs PSS OLD FAMILY RECIPES ii iii MAGIC MMADEIN cm DEFEND PROIE of Death was 446 rs Peterboro took England Kingston Markham Toronto three nephew Notice to the Motoristsof Barrie We are closing outwpartsond service Dept at seven plolockaST for the balanceof thiswinter we ask all our customers to kindly cooperate With us in hiring tlreirworksdonejbetwenv8wpimand spam Arrange merits can be made to call for yourtcar for repaiirs during the day Interment RCAF overseas were present at the funeral togetherwith num ber of friends from Midla Oweri Sound Stayner Toronto nd Min esing There are alsomtwo millsisters Potter Bray BelievlilMr and Mrs Parker London Mrs Moore and Mrs Berry Muskoka Gibson Toto to John Gibson rActo VBiilibis Altai Flirertloiiiplaiiit IBiIiousneso Ii Striattaiiotlier for clogged or sluggish liver It is very common completingbut can Mrs Cation Toronto and Mrs Billings of Carman Mari JAMESSIRATH Inyfailingv healthier the past year and confined to hisrbegl for thepast six weeks James Strathr passed awayai the heme of his daughter Mrs Albert Lyons 94 Mary St on December 15 in his 86th Mr and ers and Mrs 15X Siir iStarti service Minute EnlargersTaster GNLYQNEQF Irs Elsi IN vr JMQXd year The fit The accumulatedcaperiencelot years in thesBatteiy neralwas heldxfrorii his late residence toKnok Church Flos where interment took place Pall bearers vvere Smith Ashton Lyons Will Strath TrWaitace 9manufacturinghusiuess is behind TtthSEWfaSIFV charge ppm 1Wewlheselish$etlitohOWJYQII$10th works ahowitehurgos your batteryinput hour after it tho ough test jbetquicklr remedied by1timnlat theow of bits This fsoftantilie accumulated mass the poisons are yum and the are relieved and Flos RIMCEIWein MarkhamrBcr Robertson rvBarrie Flora1 tributes include lioiiiKriox Ladies Aid and the staff 05 Victoria Public School Barrie Relatives and friends from disa tance attending were MrsaMilton South River Portch Islington John Strath New Toronto Robert McElwainMr and Mrs RJ McElwain MarkhamMrs EdEajtrsoy aiid faintly John Mc Elwaln CleddiiEst andTVIrs South Bend Indiana E1 offerings in Brunette BARRIE =0 carried out of the liver and bowels toned up Milburi LexiLiver Pllls and enlivolithe aluggishliver open ingup every channel free Yoweof liile and th cleansing 191 ofithestoggms impllfi ing ploughing with various types Thoycre small andlmy to take of ploughs The yieldsare reduced Do not gripg weaken or sicken Tito auburn 00 Toronto on quicken Elliott Mrs as causing Robinson 85A orn onaAugust 21 156Tatjldyviev WW n2 Gatehouse K1234 Frock order reserve supplies John St Oshnxm liamnzn ipiirceuents furs an LNTBJai in Ruffle hive been added as at Noc Huh can Uni halite bei 2t 21 In the of com If 53utt Queen lionl B35 21 only not be exporh It ltii EL except under per ttczi ITTALIJII Luis Idfiixti Holds LuckyleM itlmjtg mm were Ticket Nu 123mi IJIIII An of lraile and IIIIJI toiitcst tun by 111mm LL WW Lug c3 is rt ltt Dance Found Not Godly of Fraud by Jury Important Announcement We wish to iiiyiie all our rietids and customerer iii tact EVERYONE to visit tire gzieeiiiioasis on the itilgtltlll ozis Christina CLAIMED AN AUTO Sit IwkJif r9 Open House Sunday December let from pm to inl You are wegcoiiit tocoua and lli your friends and gtpeud few hours in the tllii attiic=pherc created by profusion ct rio AND MKS If OX BOULDERFEL GREENHOUSE 7i Blake siren soooboooooocooooooc springdike ioti bloom tllit1l hf it it Dr ceinbi we 23 Kip it Tl WNW 113 iIJiJ Col beaded li stiiiici for ll1tft illcctl cf of lll llll icli wa found in darn iiiivii3 cvcituiiad iiol liiiml in ihtch the fill of ith of Ulllilit nearly th ago II had told tii irtii company that he had liitiic to bed about Bill lilitlllglllltiIti11ltlt WAS claimed by hi Lrowii tlici llllitiltl himself had driven the tithe SCtIlt and there had gtltti1 the accident lle li illCiI down the road short lstaiii to the 1ti ilii1cc of William lil trucker lltlt he had telephoned for List to come from Illllii the Crown said The taxitlricn by Mack Gallows had come from Orillia and had ink IVE LASTING iiAiSPiNisss Kroeliler Suite on l111lllllllltCl there The car then had been reported stolen by Dy iioiids brother Later claim for ilaiiiaecs had been laid iiidc the theft insuranco policy trown witnesses called included Neville McDermott Insurance Coiu paiiy adjuster Constable llugh JohnsonVOrillia Pizovliiciul con stable 13 Bytes Barrie formerly of Orillia William Clark trucker rillia Township Mack Gallows tin driver Orillia who drch Dy 111igtlll from the urcideiit to Orillia Andrew Ross automobile dealer Or illia who was driving on Highway it from Barrio to Orillia and no tccd the wrecked car on the side of the road about 230 am Victor lIiill No Defence Called No evidence for the defence was offered by Boultou Marshall Or illlltl defence counsel lie was there ltilc accorded the privilege of fol lowing the Crown in addressing the The Crown closed its case Tl Counsel Marshall announced that he would offcruo evidence thus giving him the right to follow the Civnvn in addressing thcjiiry The three ad dresses to the jtiry were made Fri day iiioriiiiigIi Hammond from 1030 to 11 am Mr Marshall froui lit to 1133 am and Judge Harvii from 1145 am to 1225 pm The jury returned with its verdict of not guilty dBIO pm 28 Juiymeii Called harrttvcrrtrcrghtjurym were called before jury of twelve men finally was selected to try the case defence counsel using up all twelve challenges to which he was entitled Members of the jury chosen were Wallwin farmer Vespra Ar chic Stanton farmer Orillia Town ship Walter Patterson gentleman Barrie John Anderson farmer Flos Archie Currie farmer Flos John Thompson farmer Suiiiiidale James Batcman farmer West Gwil limbury Edgar Gray farmer Oro Percy Cook gardener Midland Norton apiaiIst Beetnn Fred Hunter farmer Tecumsetli large pieces including reclining back chair and foot stool exactlyas illustrated Upholstered in heavy velour with uttrav tive Woven pattcllL REALLY liARl BARGAIN Come in and see the dozens of Suitcsin tiiSlll rooms All the popular style mid emeritus VLtittltk Suitcs PIECE SUITES $6950 up NEW WALNUT Workers toaveWar 19 work at coilingwood Sgth$ycoiiia i113 TRIM LAMP TABLES lovely ChGStlS full cedaeliiied wrrw $595 up charge of inducing workers to We recommend this gift In the graceful Duncan Phyfe style solid walnut Thisis delightful inexpensive Yule remembrance bhdigiid with Inducing McNab it was testified was for thereand when he was discharged went into the employ of the Aurora engineering plant at Aurora Sev eral emplOyees at the Clyde Air craft gave evidence to the effect them to quit theirjobs with the Collingvvood war industry in favor of the Aurora plant Three of the employees to whom McNabbad spoken concerning the other Industryhad been discharg ed and rhiredat the Clyde plant it was said Evidence showed that one man had gone to Aurora of his ownaccord to seek employment with the other Icompgnye The others itwas stated weresboth friends of McNab and he merely mentioned the factlthat iheymtghtrinda job KNEEHoLE DESK Makes handsome addition to any room la TEILITEILAMPS and SHADES COMMODE Are in ever increasiiiguemand atvtheAurora plant after they bad bee discharged at the Clyde plant Mill sure of one for Your home Ackerman secretarytreasurer rthSVChrlslmaS Areusefuliorhall 01 of the AurorarEngirieeringComJ Lamp It snide living troom patty stated that McNb was mere ly an employee and not in any way connected with the hiring of men 21111161111516 RESULTS Accordin to sixyars average resultshof lnyestigations With var ioustypos oirplottghs on deep and shllow ploughing of clever Set for corn of corn stubble forabats and of oats stubble for barley by the Field Husbandry Division at the Central Experimental Farm Ottawa there is little or no diifer ence In the yield of crep follow ii mm TABLE LAMPS An enthralling collection of gay lamps for happier lioli day Aujnexpensive wag10 say Merry Chrishntisl slightly when the oneway disc is IV I129 st usedexclusively in theuiotation find no pouglilng gnu