THURSDAY DECEEWWMW bmmmhmmm Ollmoi Mm Wpgm1mg III ylt il ulv wiivM id we lauSE bull ovum alloy in hilr flcd sacral II Iv drip rI YIllIclzIVlibIchjugc l$ 4ch baboons TM lIUVlchd iI II piII lg if ltll II ana lan ltors eac an it sz Kim 7l rwn ml of ii of afllclta mom Bndllluln in In WI xrni Britain 25nd olher curl II lrles Hailed during Sh weeks In Imp and Amnun II lumen sprnall or rm ckly illspawn of lrudzi by melt min rcpresenlallve on ihe tour liu rllplll llr rigus Nellyllrrord II For ck IE quhoutineaCtlonTake ClnMMA Jr ll lililil fimiliw ltil Hum flip rider ckyl llrvil liir illl of Elm fil Ill iy rlt il illz rill illl lll UH Hf ll fIIII II II IIl IIIII will HIM II III III Axillqu JKutll ll ll III IIIIIi II lid IlIlIJIlIlII lull mil mmmgg ll 59100118 lr in xvil ll llYuil AHII Send Card Thll Year II In if II in Ii in imsll II II il lilil firm lilill lll That Really Dierent inf shylyH IIIIII NI FIIIII ml min Example of ur Wd ill in iii iii TH Him Wlll ll Willi Your friends would reall II i1 Uni in gt lrilril ilili ll lzi my Limb Wol lillllv 11 up mpI be deII III WIIII one OYI lesIl rill Lmllw luv III IIIIII III IIIIIIII IUIIIIIH III Hm IIIM these ihfISImas rowers lino lrlil iilrllllj he JI 11 In WI NW Md lllvliyql Illll Ii iIiiillili liill Embossed can made mgr my IIJul IIl IIII III IIl IIlIII HI IVIHIiIIIII 13 mi WI ham your own Intemsng Many of us leave our Christmas shopping unhl the very lashnor because we mm in nor because ii is more convenient but manly Jirz foil riliil skill liil ilf owl ind IIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII III IIIIIIIII IIIIIII1luivI rimh lime Mil iii negative becauxc we have no leaded on the APPROPRIATE GIFT The result of delaying has disadvantages In that ilie selection 0mm which hymn mum lid ml mmdmn null lhc lalt Vlill wild or El ll 2h wmr Mm WHI hWWlSlnmlblY millennnd 35 mull 10 lEQUCMlY have be satised with less suitable gift Uncueslionably the early ivwv 111mm Mlz hail liixnlzzll Stimuli mm shoppe hasavey dellmle admhzem 013 YOU 36 Ible if more mele Dds tamed by 59 retailer Md 50 if on il mini lilili hiewni loinll will ROUND Ru mnplzzll shim Yllz soil llunl III IIII II III IIIIIIII IIIIIIIII Complete wish the MOST ACCEPTABLE gilt your Tamblyn Drug Store recommends that you do your dropping as early as convenient in rim lml ill lli lrir liiuill IiIIIIII IIIII IILII II lIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIl III IIIIImI HIM My II Mi With for 89 may have the pleasure of showing you more comprehensive assortment of gills which will win unqulllhed approvala representative gt II IlI IIIIId III CIIIMIIS My III WWIWS IIIIIIIIII1 INII llllpII our lltllllrlllti inlanziiikI Envelope group of which we oller as DFI 191344 IVIIIII IIII II In IIIIh If Wmdpvm hm ii dimly ll llDHURSl to 11 lll Ml cm Mle Im Ml an fin xvzirlzllio the lltk from low lillm lll llll Slim Willi llirll l1ll Clmd ols Euh 15 Ex gORONTO Illlllllf ii illiil LIU nirililws con mi VllJl would licv iii illml li ImIHIII uni pruduczll Hood Alleillhl lrLlll ll slml in II loll no1 flrrmleilljd llllt lllililll ll llll Willi WV ll For News of lfmvmillnilli Ilx lll luxiriil WHMHH of in trighIVllllll clrclc Hill offer illl llllllilll TOOTH PASTE Indispensable For Special Gift Package mm1mm ll Du lllils and producers ill llll rnrzll or llisl vlllll 1hr illllpll rlcn could ill III For All hours Doc 13 lens is of grave concur in ill Cilll welncd lllllOllrllll llilll lcurliil occasions Chnsmas Dolngs Cld5d Nurer ljlfllll 201 hum vlm 10in mm nfimdn that tho llllli opiriilor lllll silt Tl Listen in to llciIurnLImltTrum131D00 llllLfllEll of Iinzldlzill vcllbcing is Word to ill Aincricnn lvsllllill Famuy Chrism onsult Igcilis Al rocurc Im IWUleUI fund 01 mm which was Mendy its my Fawnu Paths garages of Inks IIIIIIIIOULIQIF iIIIhm has WW be ML The in Imp Wuwmg an 5III5I Each IIIOIIIIIIIII Monday IIIIIIIIgII II Il BI 5T JVENSON Imml gumin or present necIdsnnIrl cull III ncvvrIknlw tho llJllltIEIol Illil FidJyIaI no aImIIov 055 00k Barrie Cllllls future rospcril llpcnls lloilzi lly of lllfSlllilhll oIl lc run Phones 1009 Hill R95 196 lllpon soluilnn if Cilfllldilyls illzricul of lllucicw 25 liilrInl lllliliflll lllC halted of lllt In Touch with It Enemy ifaltff Ilflllllblllliss farm family may bl Lisbon wo camp in Closer Ashes of Roses Cllmt lllL llillltfly ll le Slllrllllllh louch with the enemy lorluliill is in neighboring owns and citing in mmme It mmbp warrgmg Blllilllb 1m 100 Clllmrlma nnfiolls find it to their advantage in kccpI lllC country lllill Wily Lisbon Gift Sal II ggyoage II is full of spies of all flilllollillllllS crquimdy TRIIUUM sn refugees people who mop hnd mon meg DIV and n0 haw Home gungsms AIIIIWIIMII who would make moncv out of lllvl II Il war in llllll lmli olll lll ill llil p0 All 5mm ml bllll allowed in go Tlll feeling of lollsloll and intrigue Slum bccomcs zippzlrcnt to every visitor There is Evening in Pa msrm ARMS $11 siIiyminhgit GcIriiigmyrIlncsn chon IIIIIIIII My Eye Right mum perfume ncvd to lllVildC lortucul Hillel mu mm 175 330 WIIII take the country by lolclllwnc any renayouicomplimenlx omen curax 5m lime he likes Thai is mrllv Gcr ime and Corporal Sci 00 am imlau no Momma CHI nillll propaganda bill it IllltSlll mall Calm lavende 5MP IPEIIISII zmIIZIHSaszlIM lulu QummIa sec 100 silly iii Portugal any more plcos IgIIDccamp SI I50 hm Spam RM Dwm mm 75 Lllll Those who go to Lisbon now ll0 not on holidays WW3 13W2422P lugulomlgiiullillit Itnlll For ll midnight when our group cleared Flam mm SHAVIING BOWLS Pen and Penal Set iowIIjIIEm hQIIIillEIngfI CUSII Two liilla luxuries Parfum dc Luxe With Trial FD 2215 CIrnd me Very TSFI iaIIgfIIIgeI Thc British Emgnsgv 899ml AppIopnate mm Mam people got us p1aced in big MI Ar Gm LORchN IIIIIIcSHrPnE supplied us with Porlugcse vscudos Wm IIII 85 Io 275 550 Bubbling gt and sent us own to the Esloril pill Complc Bath NO LAND IIIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIII IIIIIII 69 WIIIIIIII IIIIII Essence Thai 15milc drive lo the seaside resort of Esloril was ihc most cxI citing of my life It wns perhaps taste of things to come Mosl Lisbon streets are narrow but two cars can Is your cellar dismal spota last roundup for Iodds and ends Why not remodel it into gay colorful game room Panel it with wallboard from Ball Planing Atomizer Presentation of MIMI It wont wmpIand It ready or qulckI easym pass IIIIIII CIIIIIII BIIII IIIeIIe IS IIII IIIII Stauation at low Cost dad complicatinn when more is also For stron lovel walls from zittic to cellar Clll109 51 C8 inll down lheccn led tre In places an automoblchcouldI $556212 gamble zonzhzolxtn PERSONAL ATTENTION TO YOUR ORDER not pass street car Thai did not compact Wd and rouge in Black Bur gundy Catalina Blun Enamelled combination IIIsIecm to worry the driver He would go at 60 or 70 miles an hour until he saw street car coming then he would jam on his brakes and turn BAL WING Iii he barely made the turn running up on to the sidewalk After the sirei lovely haunting iragmncesure to be enioyed 50 and $200 YANKY CLOVER TwoPiece Gift Set 100 Exclusive Murveloul TwoPiece backe aoaill aiiilhzgniiiirslggi ii hiyigajruloblhe hotel It is said that Lisbon taxi er me 55 driverls have just one accidenl In Novelty Fm Powdu their ast Christmas and The porter at the how called Dellglllul 03 Tree In TelFire ER 0d ourpIreclouIsIIpaSSports and aIsSlgncId TWEEDSHANGHAL Package may clouds ofIquulslia fragII IrgIsceliIlggxghez room numbers while SleeDYWallEIS BlENTOTMIRAICLE Delighth Odo LAC venly wizbfurs servedbur first European meal WHISPER 125135 which was excellent 73B Sand YANKEE CLOVER 175 302 Flacon with Alomizer 150 VIOLET EC An Internallional Airport Fl IOPENlNc mm Wenilmd Werll up to our rooms 01 on mush 90 350 200 gelelevator German and an in NYEV lan and WOODBURY MILITARY Brush and Comb Set In Leatherette Casi Ladies 19 Gift Set Very Acceptable Gill was away again long before day light toCintIra Airport The Portu ges farmerQI must have spent hun rgds of year building stone walls albn teiTr dfit was foggy Loilon and Slaying Cram 210 315 mornlng but this time the lam drlv Genu ne BNSlles er was cautious and crawled along gt greasy Pavements KODAK Vicluluf PM WOODBURY II In Europe at war Cintra airport TodaLWaler IUNIORS 616 Brownie Iunlov 350 gt =1941PLYMGUTH0AGHWWAPLANEGWPE $513 $12qu Ema 5th ad33odl elm mm frag 41 HUDSON SEDAN 1934 DODGE COAGL re 00 ree aInesonIe ens an 9n 545 Ta Jeownlezkis PM v1941PIIYM0UTHCUSJOM1933 PONTIAC SEDAN mfeiillepniihyoi lililillecm II SEDAN 1933 TERRAPLANESEDAN mm rm the Du Len ll 11 slllelgm 1939 CHRYSLER ROYAL 1933 FORD COACIIi planewas heavy camouflaged II powder I1939IDODGIE ANI II 1931IBUICKII CLUB COUPEI IIKIIIMIIIIWIIIICIIIS the Royal Patch IAIIIII gt 35 211k 1939I2FORB SEDANII I193 BUICK ISEDIAN lineslfaye my IoneIIside ofIuieha11 sef an 1937 FORD COUPE 1931 PONTIAC COACH way andIlhe Lufthansa German Airer Slim eoiIinuIerqumim Spice Toiletries rcseniahon gt 1935 CHRYSLER sEpAN wlllsoinondrz SEDAN 1935 OLDSMOBILE COACH 19291F0RDCOAICH HEYROLETCOACH and Talcuru The passengers all goout to the flel hrough the same doorWayi and I35Irmvroumoourn 1929 areyeiglled On the sameIsca1e kilograms young Pottugesescrv ed 50 and cakesvHespoke Eng xlenlherlc II gshII zllyedI IlIhreeIIyeiwIsIIln Ngy uni rm MensIISei Barge ii rwel re 13 19 Truck gfhgaghi3vf bula 532 5mm amuxw reWM saw Portugal wasa sparate nationrShe New and Delighiflil 5mm tissues insisldfhe was Spaniard No I4gs +25 Imas VziToilgPanl wonder it rankled iicssrargo iZTon Chassis dndCdbi SMorH REM deep ditch separated the air field illoma sheep pasfire On one LILOWL aueoi Inside gthe ticket offices of thcl British Overseas Airways and the and the Italian Lines on theuotller tlleOId lresiamcniI BlIlIind the moilhlilis of Partllgl were tippcd with sunrise pink Flying overPortugal MsPERPLYMOUTIDimmm GARAGE whilllml ISldE Were the planes backed by Trudi Igroup ofultramodernlbulldings On rule Handsomer Ju Execllcnt 34 the Miller islde Was an old sbcp Il COIN mica Buy War Savings Cor icates held will ailStartling fiiwng Elm 0mm II eleeepS olfdulflle ipllivlfgaeiiiriio AW Blmv 15 Roll 25 macro E5 slight ln Fancy Dcanrer Bank 65 He might liayostepped right outof was glad when rthe plane rose