agarch THE BARRIE EXAMINER alum ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY UMBER 11 194 WW my ma ftp yinch dun ow cri wo Cl IfIIIIIIIIIIIIDIt IIIIIIIII YUIII II II II ME THEBARRlEEXAMZNER or ONTARIO ASKS 01 JR F0 DD 11 pl bi lizs BY Elmore Phpo EARLIER CLOSING minim NllillALLY rox XWNA Niisrirlks by mus AlKINS farmrr journalist li fl lil lll El NO lOWHEN NEIGHBORS ARE LOST fur Jun Inge mm is SHlmg mm III II II III srlu lIvs IClIr Iv lli riiiiIiis llrI loverlune ullsldlruig II 9le lflrlI in lllc Milllcr ZI1lgt ll The Examiner ls limfrr of the PirrmC Ci arm mm ri 33 lll II II IIIIIIIII XIII II II ll II II IIIIIIIIIII IIII IIIIlI llI ill II II II viii xxililcil X29 In II II IlllilillLI Elli LlllLl IIchligI II II Inmle Wm Fl RAILS 3193 in lrx AJW ilkmll inn All iiidc lm All by 13 iIII II It lllr rill llu III fI Inigxmdenmn lav Columi of cl III II II II If III limblull gull all All Hl ii isilll Allin lalz rm zcz lltjI VI in llLfJ Nun rlo lii ll 53 lf oillizkilox lililllf vowml bl 14 ll ll Ili12li Iilllii ill IIlllll lllrgv mgrii lialr lcvz=e lli may ll Ill xlrll il lagc lz 1U ellinwli in in ll Ll lzlmll All lkxhlxlll HI BARR IXIIHXIIR HI II III From the Files of IIIIIII II III III lIHIIII IIIIII lllc Barrie Examiner ll Willi zcr 51 jle Ll INK5 II II II ollillll lIlIllIIIlII IlIIIJ lIl IlIInIIVI ill NlXilll mllil lic lillii iii VilePica 25 134in illill fgLixI Hm lIfIIfIIlIlI Ilhl laii lickiid is loilslilcliilg llw il lily lllrl ll loll ls l1 lltlrr Lllllll llit lilllll Wm IIIIII IIIIIIII IIIIIII liilllN iillll il$ nlxlc lm ll1lll HmI jI Wm pm Tillll 11 ilullil lll Aim rain illiiiliilii ll lElll dypnw ililllxrlllii ii Elzig lrlwzy ll lllx no in Llkllf mi WII IIIIIIIIIIIII IIII IIIII III IIIIIII II IIII IIIII IIIIEIIW III lJlrlLl izlliuillrii to lliu ml Nun Notes Md Hm pm III IIII IIII IIIIIII II Isi ii is lllllll ll 73 it AiIsIlIMIIlinpl iiil ih 1mm lllll Ml 3min snul ll is ill itllo IREIFRS NPR TM HI HINGE ii= Nun wl Alllrlll lii li ii III II IIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIIII III lII II lI IltI ulI IIIJII ll ImnIiulrlL liu illIul IllIim illll fl ifl lac ll is lll TIN iIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III IIIIIIIIII II rtltllk rillll lllllllilil ii hiss imp II II IIII IIIIIII SIIIIIII II IIIIIIIII IlI IILIIIIiiIIIlIlIliIIlIr IIiIIIIIIiIInIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIII bloll ll lllllllllt Iili llilfr Killfllll ll Wm ilmlmlmmll HillMP 0mm hlwm ml llwlllllvmcml WM il ii il ll ll lii uzl inc Hill II lilililli mvwzillllcll liliv hi ililllllllWil lllu ilmlr lillMdl Sln nllllli second uld vrrxllust lxiillil lrll llli lli ii will lilt lulu Mil it lh IIIIIIIIIIIIIII III III IIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIII IIIII IIIIIIIIIIII II WI ImiI III III IIIhII3 IIIII III IlI II II II ll ii lyeukll win IIII IIIIIICII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII la ii mm lr hr ll II now II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII HIIIIII ill in Ulll iinliilI III III IIII1II WIIII IIIII II II IlIIIIIlilII II IlII IIIIIII no mm and mm In mg VI IIII III IIIIIII IIIII IIII iiwl II IIIIIII IIO IIIIIIII III IIII IIIIII IIIII SIIIIIIIIIIII III IIIIIIIIIIIIII III lilrlill rzull illi or ll lll Ami ii lllIiIH 1h III AIIIII IIIIIII II IIIIIIII III III FIIIIIIIII IIIIIII ill lll lllls llsiih inn ll zlillIlll oni deIIII II IIIII IIII IIISIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII IImllIIrIlilll ll llliiiII III1Ii II I1 nu mm in hwhuhwdlj II FIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIM CIIIIIIciII ll Mina llllllQ srllil Suil lilrmI 315 IIII mil II IIII II II Tl vi lrikca lll lilillll illllllSlIllW lilillp Murray MI WW1NIIWSMIW ril in lrlllll lvilliulsl ml gle bltwpml V0 way hh LIV 030150 All llllllll Lil illi lllll llill ll llll lilA lllm WW lms Ullwl iilil cllmlzvi ll llu Xll Ills 0m All will llOVOS in 900001 01 ill mallllllllll Wllllm ill IIIII II ill II it ah IIIVIII KIII IIIllllllllllt And the lcly lch tilul ihim Hun paypiiihri my llvv 55f5 lllll Ml Hi gt ll vi risk sullls if minim in MOI and hp Iii ii Apr II1HmIiLI uIil II II II II iIniI liii lliLll iiisilliilllll lllLllrlthHI III Bum Cm II SIIImIIII llLlIlll robot IIIIIIZIIIISIIIIII lll lllilll ill il lllll lllll lililli lulls Ilooiialilub ithv lll lllL lypu lllirdcsl liilIIIIIIIII III IIIIIII LiIIIIIIICII IIIIIIII IIIII llllo llilvelngr IUlllll rllt rillo lixr pundilllris such sis lllllL Ill llil ii Hf llll till slilllrrt of our Ilililfllllll lllllll min llli ltnllklll pliluie So i1 The strong aflliillluvlz oi lr lllllill llilii wu ii lhliilllwh lnl ill II III II A11 11pm 1Inl guy ilmimli iiiillrtfh llllt lll UUWJ 016 Ill dui ll of llilwil in ru llozs Ulll mm lllll Ub Slillllvul HU ll Jmlm 0m lvhul lililcmlluw iilm illpl lllll Tunilillli vllill rill Lnnmlu dill in lilo lisI pm lim ms 30 Mill Ml sailcs lll vVIllllllLlllll W11 ll lllllllllmlz lII an ItIxilIlIII II IIlltIriius llCllt inforc this vurvfi c7 mI Imd mm 03in In lillltlllllllV Events have already prowl my Impan L1thlI II IIPI IITI II IlI Ill llll ili siliilliillu lilo lltll oil toirI IlmwmnI ClIinnglhr Imd 1I the Inhpmnt Path 01 I15 WI Simply WW llllIlll 1an Inst lillllllllIiIilIlrls lll July in Bll illlv lllllkt cm no bemusil llloyIl Wm PIIIIIILkI Smde mum helm MUM WU mIII IiIIlI longed 5131035 HWUSSIOHS mm DWIIIIIHG Irllll lzls 3000Iil13gt lflls Ollllxileil lllll lilyWilli lI IlllllI llIlIlilUSl ltiiil ill KlvlllCllll from llll Uni lo bring 177m llzllnlml up lo for III InIIjIIII IIIIIIIIIII IIII IIIII UIIIIIIII gIIIIIN TIM llglllx ll lllJOllI 3300000 lllilllflilyIi lost ill the no lilllllallll schmiib In in llhprIU If Tnmmu mm hm hm gummy Fm myI II lt Mi Lilli ll ll Arillv lmlunlllirll izrl ILlll llllt Japan 0118 boilli ll Wllllllg slllllflll 01 Nibl lllll 335IztIlllIgzIIfn the imp mouth ml my Dlsfross linonii SollliorgI depend III IHI lilIlllSIIIIII MIMI Shiv IIIIIIIISI223 ISIIIIIIIII 12 117le Inside and ouIsIde Ihe home Odd iLr Ines IS not hard to so BIIIIIIIII IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII III IIIIIIII II III lll is llIi iltlllIt lil Last of illI Ilium of mum 00m Imam mcmnmg CUHIHHHOI hm II III One of the cffccls of Japans olizick llllci ll An hvslnlzlls Will not udlllll lhtmi 5220 bllll from lllc ill iilircl an order riir l0llllllllllll in ll 95 909 C0 Iful ligFliing Choose dependable Edison Mazda lamps Tlieyicoin in variety of colours and sizor iunlwd Slaw5 has DOC PromiSUd by llbalii liUbllC Dilllelllbl USIlIllL 10 llllll ll lerr illullllgcr of BLIlliL be worn by flu lllcll who lllw of londers who lIt most Clllllwlllll lilsplzlk illill IllllllI Willl Illill llleIllllSirlrilgc Co clcclcd Worsllipllil lcrcd their ServiCrs llilil Ellllc lLll ithmr will mi no sum Vhy unr Canada it lllllIllll till biIWk lRlllllIll ilisel of Corinthian Lodge Rcvircjcclcd by file Mcilicnl fllcl llUlls lllW 10 llclillllll 010 lSl Wlllium Price rccior of Christ The mm is enicrlllg iil illlllllllllh Vbll t6illlily illcllnlioll and to spur the pro pic on to uphold lllc honor of the United States In his address on Tuesday night the llc lqu and cu ou Ill fr was in PrESldCnL 592 we are now 1m ml gum MILK all Ekfgrklru ll 11 It Pmml 530 lulilell ill Church has rcsigncd cffcclivc lllL lic lLIzlnl in lhc Olin Illplll UN We are all in limcn women and Clilldlelli IP II Ilm 005 lllrl l3 fol curl of file your George Dunlop Liclll Cinwford Miller Orilliu son me wdyr SllOllg CllOll by llll DOIllllllOll IOVPllllllClll mus llill lllls connection llllllililllilllllilll bus service bclwccil of Capt Miller Oiilliri llzls is lliOdCtl at 01100 Llllcl tVOl loyal llllliliull lwv lNc Points and Allundilli been killed in flying llciidclll in We who am Clilzclls of Canada may Iucrl roud that lllc first lPCllllllOIl of war W111 welcome llV Stl lllmmll iIlqltllll Willi lllt Men in Khaki Ellllulld Slilkis ill illllllSllN mllt to Ottawa illlCl some days Loni Frank Quinn 760i Billlul aw upon the land of Lhc RlSillg Sun Clinic 0111 II III IIIII WWII of Quebm IIIIII hIIS IIII IIIC MIIIIIIIIIII CIIIIIIS In no WWI survey MIN this nation Even those who are DOllLlCillly ANY WHISTLES TODAY mood mm the mumy us whole Tm drum mm 10 MIN SIM Universin of wiser Opposed to the Prime Millisler will give him In Wn lltullr deceived about lilvll from lll 157m Bullzllioii iiiimblimlmn 55 of WW Ci credit for this mOVCI MrI King moved swiftly TllClO was once boy who Isllpposcdly UH louliiieg the conscripmm IIImC he pix5t Battalion First found to be wcnrillg silors illlil fli II to Stand the gide of 0m good paid too much for his whistle But who call question Cllllllilll Division the oldest Can only lziirlyyell 46 or llll mcn co on were rmlwellimed and 27 of me neighbor the United Stiles but to protect WW3 Vhlhlllrllyr How Well mm 8lm Im mo iii mm 1l gt llil Wlll Olilliii and NYC 010 lwmy this countrys interests against the DOSSlbllllylml boys Chwly hlsue 15 he pllmls he 01IIIIIdIlL ssglgnn lalllunangnnzli IlI NM Wwm of Japanese treachery Bmlsh 0111me papcl on youl dOOlinIcp How much the wins III IIIIIIIOI IIIIIV more III were IIm SmImI formerly If Edam IIII rr ilCross le lll Olillin ilwmthl an ev leatel d9 lee man the wal Em Hovi much your own Wlllslli is you llJOllL lllll or Nam Scum pioblcnl ScihtIlIllllly ii ope Llele ciganger Ollie present world situation your daily task tallied lo people of both rnccs IillKl the Military Mcdzll it is Silldlllnl II ru Already there have been reports of enemy Will51105 are VllllllS HIWHYS T110 WhlSlle 3323IIilcifilngieyfmfsflffl 331Z11y133333252 planes near our West Coast All llle great for work The noon Whistle Tllc WlllSlle ppm They are Hamming mat which lrnfls will be sent mrrance cities bf the Pacific coast are blacked out At that lets the workers out The day seems llal lllPSt FrenchCanadians who are as required Flo WI Ritchie any time the territory of this nation may be iernedwlth the flutelike Lllllings The pink really in favor of being Iinlhls war 33 son of VIVllIlmm IRllthKv ElIYjVHICIII gt violated Never was there time since Con chcekcd traffic policeman on the corner The IIIIIIIII IlIIIILImIFIIZIIKIIIYITB Climml nmmg Sllc 80 federation when national unity was more eS train at the crossing Two tramp simmersIIICCClgqIII formeoffecltive fight sentlal In the nouioo distant flllllle Canada saluting in pea Isoup fog Icople whistle mg of mm mm They have not yet index is practically foregone Conclusion And Pay too much for whistle IfiSllL likely have applied full conscription all if Mr King and his cabinet Clemde that 0011 In fact who would sell one if he couldn get the fan of France as the ham From the Files of will have to solve the problem of compulsory bcause the sky isblue and the air is crisp been shown that it is necessary SGYVice That it Will eventilallllome to 0311 Or even in the rain But the way they put it to me was this Mr King could just is ezisily ubllc scriptIlon musIEIcoIme they Inggd finlISnCOOIIJmIIIy 1L back Christian Selencc Momlm IildlirllfdconSCllpllon he did Iapply The Northern Advance reacthl 32th 1111 pldom II rId faces WW IICICdll tsoIIIllexl1 moIllth Ioi 39x1 and 99 emocm we EDlTORlAL NOTES Bl lmg an an 063 II vastly different task than that which Zip III IIlIlIlIIEHXIemSylajtdtillfl peIOIIPIIlIli DECEMBER 10 1891 rIII Kill lid his 139 nu ggcellel deSIggselvesg against c011 Vendors and intending pllrchaselsof high they have been talked to 50 far Simcoc County Briefs p951 class poultry are looking forward to Barrie Therels littleoubt that there Rye was 82 cents per bushel at folihbil scriptloIn Ithas Ill any event Christmas Market on Saturday December 20I 13 mole antiwar sentiment in QueIIBeeton yast week The water of political strategy Canadians must now th xtI mark law II beIc than in the rest of Canada orIworks question is agitating the rrpreparedrrto serve in any capacity its govern WI an 11 Id D01 131 moslI of Canada There Iare few people of Alliston The Everett mentdemands either in military or civil life 359 on Ely Iecem 31 outright faSClstS 110W lying 10W grain market has been brisk for the 2wI whole host of Vichysympathizers st three we ks Mr Am 1d new pr The mmal successes 0f Japan the We hope there was nothing ulterior hi the and eve We smcere nationalists 88 Essa father of Thos Arnold conflict are of course discmlraglngbut we can recommendation of the Grand JIIII at Gen who have no love for Europe as CookstownI died last Wednesday rely onBritlSh and United States ingenuity t0 I3 th such and who acceptI the Wheeler Ebenezer ChurchI DeerhurstI was In each 31 pl essonlo 909 at new couc Lindbergh them that North reopnedisunday II There is merlcans ou re on 10 Use ul County GaOI There were few Smiles when 232 North America Norlhla large rink arinIlliall atEllllWlifi fer Its first major defeat In IIIS hIStOIIYI which the report Was presented to Judge HarweI II Ia The new Methodlst Church at Stay agree With some hardsheaded neIr Will open Dec 20 Burglars FrenchCanadians who say that it are reported inthe Vicinity of Ivy will relegate it to thrd rate nation That WomheuidAhVbeen taken againstrlT0Llye yDlLJDll ighrjdieaiOtihowjvaluable is nearly insane to bother with but losses are light Wood bees the United States WhiCh helped Japan to part paper plays In Us War we mlght JUSt any save one oi these classes It hops and raffles are prevalent become major world power is not under mention that it requires 30000 pounds of they are really againstus in this aroundlvy County Constable war the sooner we smoke them out Reid Oro sold last weEl cs erfor the mere blue rlntsof modern WStandable T0 the msmutable Orlental mmd into the open where we can deal Sutton Edgar heifer which playin the game as Weknow ll means n07 battlesmp says the Thorold News wastepa withlhem the better Butvthe last weighed over 1000 pounds andwas thlng To the Japanese the greatest honour per 15 yervIvaluaIt3leIgpd there are many Ways named class can beshowntliat is prize taker at all the shows possible is to die in battle and untilthls out in whlcbl every inleldualcaneffectan 1n iiiose who believe in fightingfor where she was exhibited an is declsivel defeat crease in Silva eand conservation of aper Canada alone Fora the argu 100k is Changed merits are on the side4lf those BocalNevgsNotes In war as ill price file homcisIslillIlicIlcnndallcn ol our wily cl lifeand life insurance is the coine adian people wereIthinkirigibfthe necessity of conscription thanwas wmnmg the deals Tlle indicated by debates Iin Parliameng WCTU deserves well of the town or theprotestalions of Statesmen 10 PPsnting it With ll Itollnlain But nothingIcauses sensatiDnIIjn whichadorns the Five Pomts ed there is little hope of any change in that likiBrigadmPanet who show III II II Th III II II country fli$termmalilorl to wm Its 901mb by IIThe cilia of lullmg oblige ChrlISlmaS Pally that CanadaIsIfront line of deiecIe sevesal Ziyflzslwiglte gather home on quou inm means either foul or fair In 331 Armourles f0 311th Chllllren rGSId actuallyls Europeand that If was like summer how like 1941 II lt9 Ing In BarrIe and dIstrICII of fatherwho are IIIIII IIIIIe should IIIIII we would soon MrchImIs aggemng ready for It de at II CHANCEATOaSHOW COMMUNITY SPIRIT members of His Majestys Forces is an excel face all fight right here or our the rush of holiday business gt Page 01119 Pm mm SevcmmJ II ISOII We hear of some Stimhunting of III II Two weeks from today Christmas W111 be lemon In mally Cases the father ls away 07 hemgrrrie rimu be Christmas or broken Overseas for Christmas and the Party De Kilgffiiicsbe an exaggeiaron to Xlifirfiifl billion tally emd lhlll mend IIIII WWII IIIIIII IIi II III Iv III II family Circlesa 9hristm881nwammebut 09mm mmdhelp WWW V0 that Say that the first Gallup porniris Sunday afternoon It Is sam at vOnly through lllE insurance can be male II nothing can he gamedby notII celebratmg theI be Im thifaI rigor of every child whose in Can da caused Sensation inviempis will be inside to bring out II IO Ichange hangsI What happnessjispossible MI rII show the verythiIthIthaItItheImag 31335 32526 II IeSLaItg Ion II under war Conditions will be enjoyed by the Mayor Robertgsqns plea Ifor presetrva IItzly9filgcfapoggagi 31222 that eight Insng ISIIOIIIIdII constitute and make sure on Ithe scemcbeautyof themghway be III egal days warm the negative Mp1 of Canada Itheen Barrie and Bradfordis timely Tourists do not come because theycare attracted by speedwoys They are looking for highways Here in Barrie the Christmas splrltis al qultc discernible The Stores present aI giw rescive appearancdand are full torbverj folprivglc charity crfpulllic icliel realm in his home molars flowingwhgiftmerchandise Inthis con that have variety and beautyrnotblevel urlf Th at Ottawa whre sense of detach PreommlPeemon re 19 of Tow petition the merchants of Barrie are to beI Interesting rroaIdS secured bycuttillgd0WIl ouncll staied that $740 had ben mll ix hlllly commended WedonmIifIany town alltlie hills mainly for the benet of heavy me 9f the IcharaCteFsl givIerIl sinceApIrll 24 forIthe relir coin he anada of comparable size hasa finer trafflc NeverthelSs thadtlleeffect of 37 PS5 that We ol fcvmsuranoe saw allllleedin national The Newmarket Era in reportan the re speeding upIIMlI Kings moVeHo system is entirely unsatisfactory bsanessseotlon and more modemstoresthan some The merchants arenOt sleepingfat helm and theirenfielprise deserves its ilThaii reward should come fromrthe leg of Barrie district who should make 3001ng and eleCtric Ilight corn panles privately owned submiiced tenders Ito Town Council for street 1iglltlng Simcoe Pioneer Society held its secondmeeting when the chief feature was an addressby forestall the return to Parliament of Arthur Meighen On Monday Ithe Honourable Jos TlIlorson went doWn to Montreal nd made conciliatory speech suit of the vote on the quesItiOn of establishing beverage rooms in the town said Those who drink and thoseiwho dontrclubbed together to say an emphatic No The peopleiof New AAIll can llllll llIljWL is one more important than ever that ill lillSPledgelo Wichita lamtime bar In fact some people go so far WarkSaVlnp Celrlcawsa51t01ay that the oldtime bar was prefer to contribution to Canadas thereto be patientth lilo Goy ineley constituted Simeoe District emmentrhada swepirlemanpower localcouncils were thenesiahlls schemelupitosleeveandihar when calm the townships for the rirrslt ametl the 51lLWDmlxedmpa9y pseudo it walk pulled outuevorvoneiwould blue the heudblhrepreaentatlve abbempbthls Christmas to patronize market made clearbut deciSion The vote which Stmng1y guessed the dan Si wagon GowanI who to nd to display real community wasth agamstIthe demon rum but spele gers of national disurlity and the among when he came toiling coun clam many and principally against theestabllsh allefgeId inquuitous extents of con tyv in January 1343 the Imode or wwwi me in Newmarkel be rmsf Wm film ll if laili Wr but lms wasllllihltir$ebakn and WHTTHAN EVER NQW the peoplelof Ontarioare beginning to regard him gxgiefvimfip $3cgii9liiiftgahaiiis in the same way that they used to regard the em Ontario and told thepeopie Iabpoimed ithexrstIw3rdeIn of the $315050 IslableabeIlfage abeIIIsatlstledI dotlieCountyCounCll III II 71 in in if mosii