FACE minim THE BARRIE EXAMINERBARIRIEOYIARIO CANADA mummy DECEMBER 11 1941 UTOPIA PHELPSTON Red over THORNTON SPINNER III Mr it 1111 1111 Mrs 111m SHEEP LOSSES IS II II Joiy 11111 litif Cross 11111111 111Sui 12113 ntrii SIII Mr ill Mr II ILI Fury at Mrs SS 5mm Slldiv IzilI 1Silently onumhnt 11gt 11 Lia111s lztnrttu runners cm and no CO flit W310 Wcli 5mq$i Stlltix D0 II II IILIII TICIIII II of hhclburnc 58911511161 m1 Fm IS IS vaci lur saint lllllt s1 1211 ildililiilig 01 field ti 11 his liouir line II 11 in HI 1S DECEMBER MEETING II would appreciati vain1 011111 RC isms it My 11 lulu II ISISI amwsr 151 HI1 rim 21 mm Um mm Domini vfS ft IIII IIIUGRHIS Rm II TIhSISI SIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1311121 ill and lbolll the 01 all IIIIIIIII III IIIII Lllllxl SlltllL 11 Ellitlnrsg P1121511 1111111 llmlltt 11111 S1 in 111111111121 srllool 01Ltll Soc Corning Eire lt 111s ziiglill Dillilllil SI It hurt AimvAAmmr wr Wkiidrw mm maivd DInWOOdY BUMI1+ IIIIIIIINAMIIII II 33 hIhy SI game I1 II Im SS II 1111 IIIIIIISIIVI micm 4th 10 Macem Walton It 11 33 imwl My mi Mb Hm I11s Maw Ihrllildh gt at lSr wmv 111 Tout In 111 H1 huff 111 11 llts 111 fII 11 iu 11 iii If II 1S ll 111111111 111 11 1111 olllilzt 11 211111 111121 111111 111 111111 31111111 11s Sill1311 IS II S=I 13 LJ Ht boyva 5111mm Ilftft 11111 11 9111111 11111 141i ONE of 131 11 111 11 1111111111 VISII MI mm 111 Mrs 11111 111 liloxllaut 11 EltlwllilitlS 111 DH 19 1111 111s 11 111 11113111115 11111 II IIIfIiI III moxhnm with All Intltl Mt ulytltill 111willy IIIMLIISIWI III II 11IIIIImII II II II lllllllitfc this 311 thno 111111111 1111 51 on 111111 lltlti 111111 11m lllllilS liorll lll 1llllllltill 111111 MSgI IIS 131 IJIHIIII I11 PURFDSE 11 hmM 11111131 of Ill1 lll11 5111 1111 iloll llosllllul oil luwdav 11111 HI 11m 1101111 111 11 311 Vii11 Wkmri WSW ll 11 311 II III TIMI IIW Sum 1thth1m It 111 1111 1111 1111111111 llu pros 11111 110ml huh rmIilll IIIIIEIFIII IIIIHI IIjII ISSISIIII XII llls l111ili 111111 was 11111111 lo111 Mrs 15111 llml INilmiilllII UniIi 11111 11111 111iilil1l lllSs Y1 writ1 11111 1f1I1113 11111 II IIISII SIIIIIIIIIII 1111 111 tOllih 111 1111 1gtSl 11Wl11 Ill 131 It 1111c 111 I1 11111 1111 11lS 31111111111 Hm IIVAHINI tags 321 IlIhl 4111111 11 3111 1it 1111 PM 531m Onlwr Ildttllhp I1IIIIIIS1 EDNA 111 311111 11111 lalrllr 11th UN115 11 WU IIIIIIII If IIImz Imuhl MIN IIIHI Shth Ihht hh1111c 11111111 111 1111 lcrrl1lhrlI IISIIIK III IIIIII NIIIIIIIIIIII 550 hm hm huh MmIISISI mooring lollous 111111 111SIIII II II RIII ISIIII 1mm III mm 311 numbIS Mrs 111111 lrm Mrs AlS IIl13IIIII1II1 IIIISIl II IIIIIII MIII HI IIIIII IIIIIII RIIIIII III IIIIIIIISISI Mn I11I11 III oISIII1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IISIIIYIIIIIMI SI OPTOMETRIST ISISIIIIIIIIII mm lr 1111 1s 111111 Putci Jan Sit11111111 211d V111p1 IlrS III SISTI1I bingo111111 lil1Kllltl thrilqm 1111111 1111111 Visit1 11 INcHllu lllllllcsoll Souk itllttlItYtIIggy IIIIII gIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII TIIIIBIIIIV um IuIiISIu I11 huh hm It mamI mgh My mi My jitIlthUH Afslstilllt Mrs DIII1111IIIIIIIIIII IIII BIIIIISIII PIIIIIIIWM 1111111 11 gt111 1Slulgtvlgt1111 111W SI WM WELELI My Munmlwm my Filmymelfl CUng Mim HIIHWiiinrllgtflir 1113311 or 11111 bush1 II SI 1hIIIS MImhhh All Iij 111 111 igt ios 11ugt1 II 1111111 1111 l1I Idlfj 111211 licpoi Iorouto SlitlllS 111v 11111111 Fusion Mrs Josh 1111111IIfjl fqIh1W1lr tiligtlilnill Im Bank 111111 11 llllI1llIIIIIkIIIIII mm MI mpth ILHIIIS IIIISIIIISISI SIII MA Im SI11I1IlS1 It I11I1I111IIIIIISIIIIIIlIIIIl In IIIII W1 151 Mm Illv Vonlhh Asstitltllloll 111IMtlhlilal1l Ass 5111111 illlfVltL IvmlIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII CIIIIII duff 111 1111111l 11111 llitiltl llzltI Youth 1111111111 hilt1 wry gttn Jimlicson 1hallkoitorltly SmraIiIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIEmmi Im hpm Him roiiiark is us coniinoiipliut 111s 1111 111111 11111 21115 111111111 sat11111 1111111 on llrldur 11111111 11 11111 1111111 MVSillilh IM ILI mdZIHIIHHJIK HIhm ng sluuhpinu nl hm III WHIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIII IIIIII SWYI me 5M Mpmhmxi I11 III III In IIIIIWII COIIIIIIII IIrS Sllmtl 111 Iircsvm with 1111111 11111111111 111111 was 111111141 Toni Mrs rriloii 111111111 Mrs III IQI III hm II mm some ulls make IiIIIIpIIIiIlII Isiiilr 11111111 Mrs Robt OiioclS II 11 11 ll 11111 131111 111111 II Mm mm Woks Newcomm lights 11 111111 bur 11111111 1111 IL indiuilio eurydli list of Hm Mum III11 mId u1h Cour Mrs i101 Mrs Fred ch llli 11 111111 52130 01 Vmk 111 servicesnecessary tnniiiizind wormn l11 1111111 11111a1 111 ilotzs HfiElmIl 011 TV IIIS milI MRI III5 MomSI Mm ImVI on smuttitty 111 1111 011111110 111111 dike hum wrumlu ml in umnmh 1n Suntut 1111 11Wttl to 1m Hly NW1 Mrs Fusion Mrs 1111111111111 Pro 111 1111 12111115 Ill 1111 711111011 01 I111111 11C1lt1 liltilllsl11 131ilfthhlhmunashratf tllllhlllliltACllll Alis Vllllml Jun 1111 0111111 81111111111111 was 1111 111 lion With 1011 burnts21 activitics 12111 11 will S1111r 511111111 slim11 11 11111 lutcnstillr titlk cl MCDUSWW MM Mm inmd Th 1W mo mug0 mg um Bunk my WWIV 1111111 411 gt 11111 Woodrow iuod Food icons tho FlilllllVI Ichfuslvg plumm VBYS CWT 13th1his1WIIk guiighiIIStIv 10 got change or to cash 11 MINNIE II III sss 1111 illlVlll lnilvsouI II ISI1 S111111 ISlSlltoll11Ifiillts IIIlhI 1I1IIIIIIall 1RM10rS Rourvscutzitivcs Mrs and Mrs llarrv llollultrshoild 11 may In main dqiosit lllllllllLt 1111 411111 12111111 and llllllllll 55 RoI Du Mm phIImmn was um III Qh IClilttiI study tor Ithrcc or livabili n5 1111111511 prcsidim lfldllbll Prcs LYlaulxo IS SS S1 l1gt3 33 mllnmd mtg Illinois131311201311 yum Lumps 11AM ya mi Aunfmlfm Mmmm my iww hw th WNW 5mm llllliitcldokxlw12gV1511 1311m Ilyixgnifiiill mm um plumm 111 1311111111 MIN 111195 Tllt Vollitils 11151111110 met 11 withers Mrs Ross 511 lml MRIHEHH gums Mrs tome Donor Pillll IIIIIIIII II WINE 10m IIIhlIILIINIIVIISIII1101II11IIIIII oIIIIIISIlII Maw AIIIII FmSIII CIIIIwImId Is IIISIIIIII MI NI Mm RI mm1 VHIW pm TIWH Hm 15111110 llllll lnv liaiilvsof bow and Mrs Orton Crawford Th Mmm 1le Brunch mum PM rm 1111111111 NvuVIovoll who lllvt vi Mr and Mrs A00 SitVtllSOll of Dmmmmm Hmhwavs has IllPWln 115111 1111 uslml to sond 111111111 Aurora lSlttd 1111 s1s11l Mrs Ill31nIlIiIIlh I131IIOI3$XI Illlrl 111 bhtlslvrll 1111Il 11nd uldrossls to Mrs Goo D1111 JtlllltV ImIIIIIIIxmIIIQILI5m ion IIdII If li111111 I1Nl1u 1111 plilillzlsi 11 Margin11 Duff plit 1111 conttst Mi and Mrs Harold Proplnt 111111111 1111111 11115 1111111 1111 111 hnnds which was won by Mrs Evermt 11nd Doll visittd Mr 111111 Mrs 13 ilisibltm Fliitgimg ESTD 1832 OVER CENTURY OF BANKING EXPERIENCE III Luwicnco Mrs Duff have 11 Scott recently II vvvVmw WIM IIIII1Eka Im mu vmy intorvszipg Christnms story Mr and Mrs Orton Crawford 15 15 bu Duomtf Imum GET ADDER Ki which was enjoyed by 1111 lttcndcd tho CalillsBuskcrvillo Path of AliXIllIl1V=ly llfl ZI pkfm lunch was then served by the deiilu at Oiillia IFllv sillliliilShV 01 1110 COlnlmm WITH I2 RUNGS 31 14mm Thumb MOW tmlllnsltXR1S Mrs Llnvrencc Mrs MissGilCilily Cockburli Pickcr 11V 11$ chhiidtd to Mary 111111 E1111 IUllll1ll 11111 ordcroll mid and RI CalMS and Mm Tom R0I hm IIISIIQII IIICI cousin MISS mum MffGlnlvlnVSI whose father Alex 11111111111 11111111111111 111 111011 11111111 About thirtv inclullors and visittus both Ann Johnson uildtjr MGlllllilVIDilSSld away ut iv 1l 11m 17 l1ll prosvilt Mr lllld Mrs Woodrow nud Collllllzwooll hospltnlI On Friday tfolnily visited at tho honic of Mrs lVtlllHL 11101111 WWW0 cm tlJ 11 11 lui ARICmSS aumm will be held 1111111111011 by Rev Isaac 111 worried the neveren in IIIIIII IIII IIIIIIIIIIIlII II IIII 111 the CClltlll Sliiillav Schooll mmm 15 crpvmm Cmc hgmolalgigc an SA HST t1r If the 11111111111 pyrmium 0111 haw 1hr lmllnr 01 monthly LJ De 39 PAHmo Masonic Officers Chasm She eta run down and becomeBSIlelYon and polityudvtilullvlmnllzIIHIN lilllfnllt 11PM Yhii II VVI IH md Togu higmllnmsf igrgms MES Jamieson 21nd hgtlf bum Norther1 Light Lodge and iii561116 bwnhmjbdddllicoumgwf mItTCSt 11th vWvl Imikn like stoma ll to iltryllv llltllltlth 11w ump lgt114 UINHdIIyJIS FIWI Tm dm branch of the Red of SS N0 are homing Uml AM hold its annual olectithi of night andgetaupin1119morningfeelingastirednswhenshewenttobed it you gitl aluilclir1u1m ii 11mm of twin Dustlluhd 11 IlniIm1gm 311$ Cross Society nict lt the home of conceit Thursday Doc 18 Evrly moms ms Ck Ofcers lea Women ngeringmths way my nd Mlbums Henlmand NW WI my my me in you mm IIImlIIIllSIIIIthIrg 1W 1JU3CIrllInqnth IMFSI Frank Mchhn on Monday 0m welcome 111 11111 WM NonnanIMI Oliver mammedy mt winch when recuperate their health bhlld up them your Hlllliulll in 11111111 siiiitll 1111011 ritlipliuvli iiiuiitli iliihi II LI II Itt II II PCk 31191110011 when 43 Christinas WI Murdock GuthrieI 00k SW Bully IHIaVkmSvI JAY IIlown system and assist them backwhcalthhappmem again IIIMMI IImIImmSI mmmIIIII III11111I1II1I111 IoIlIimftr I011 IIWIIISI boxes were packed for Um Owlbuslmd Of young people to MII1HI0thllI CIlIcIalan TylfxiIBchl Pnce mcaboxIss pins at all drug countem V1 rill Imli lll liiiq 111w Nuitl llii coupon for foliltr I1113111111121118 1111 1111121111 of boys on active smVice i1 cmmdu land weenuy ommmd their gcgliuLSLglea REQKQOH look for our trade markaRed Heart on the package Prvviourl 39 boxes wer $0111 to Seasons flrst skate Budget Payment Plan is IIH lrllriig hmv its lilllo its $3 IRoliIult MchlilV WtrE the 11811le he mvn oversehsI MISS in and Iher pupils of Chair G00 Cleinencc Trilli The TMlhnm CL1tfiTnc0n nmhmdSu Hymhnumhd mmth in huy pmwrlh ot Iruulun IlltIMahon and AchhIlc We um glad to mm JrI as No 16 are holding me tees rMcDerlnld yours illdtptilulilliv lhis 111111 foxyour imuilyIuml 11111111111 Hgliylilifm HKlnifmmo md Au Uncles is recoveringr from 11 tChristlnas concert Friday Dec WMISOHHZ 1931s Rommgn uppitcmuaiiy iypiotIiolicylo md inniin tor wur c1111 II111I1S 151 the first me luck of pneumoniaI 19 SEvervone welcome Il 50 IIIIIQIdIW 1mm If Mm ICE ITIIII IINHIII IIIIWII IIwi IIJtDIIIlClIIIberi WI me Mm thh swnmthy is extended to JillI Ibo obscllu as ms 11 101 IS MIS Albert Jermty 111 the 1088 0f 1L Si 111 tor 1110 1111111111 1111 may expert ac 10mm Sister Mrs Thog Clarke John Ross BA KnoxI 001 solllvlhlnc lnthcr unusual By Beh who died DCC 1010 had charge of selv1ces in St Finlay Dec the daildcliolls ev1 Mr and Mm Irwm Clark mm Pauls Presbyterian Church Slm 11131th H111clIl1gtlI that $131121 had familv and M1 and MlS coc again last SliliclaVJ 1111110 111111ts were semi gt 131 Ulllth 112 In 511111 ihl lormiluhlt lin bloom IIIII urnd IIIIL bqhnv ande t1 Veddlng vnls andlehghf servlce III anniversary of their son Mr and The annual lilectlrlg of Centen lltasi sand 1111 inlnrmzilitlii 111111 your amial litlil VI II WV Mrs Frank Clark CallanderSS lilal Womens Missionary Socwty Policy logilllri will 111iv Innkm lrnlo Biltlyvt Booth1 on took the form ofI cgndlellizht When 11 comes to tall tales service The committee 1n charge about 1113 vagaries of the weath had very carefully planned pro hum or the tacts regarding the 6X Rllllllle enabling all to takebartI lllOmi 01 1941 should about 101 IW in the 511121111 of those much the list at least as regards North loved carols Mrs Leggott was at Arltlrcss ISllllCOS 111 general and Suiiiildale mdm Haugh has gone to the piano Rev Graham speed +SIu1IS5Igghp IIIgUIgartlrfgguhealsetggg Torgnm for few weeks Iliicrercsonfghctligclmtlhigcggl 35f frail1 5011001 t9301191 M155 MC Dlstnct OHIce 22 Dunlop St Bafe LMmIch to midJuly to be followed II Doweuv is gating the Children lows Hon 13165 Mls LeggottI I1 SI in tlofall months by one torrent Mrs Patterson 1111 Past ije electrical gifts and you give convenience 11 price In II 11 the rea or Cilistinas conceit PM MI PIES +u1SSSSa SS1+0 mm Mrs Greer and Mrs lfsn 15 an less gift for little money See our complete selections 77W lame me the Counms living 316115 bthGahHII4 Vfegres me ec flea some are own 15015111 SllmoetS 19x21 an1th rtlg Waikom one day last week 1de $0 sson fi as it 01 co we Mr and Mrs Bovrllpand 01 9n 89 ecyu 554 below isorl too dry to plow Manitoulin Co e1 nd ts well 001 Secy Mrs Geo Pain SIMCOE DISTRICT ha eh NS 81 oron snen un Ives Pianists We Britalns Fighting Planes and Warships day With Mr and Mrs Jas Mc was 15 0519901le bless 71th autumn 29 NOW AVAILABLE Knight trams 11m$ fall II Mr and MrsI Roy Tu ner are 60mm SgrmkefrgmheyeAFIy onreslranolBaaughhg YSI Mix HM clung Georgevandmanyothars Spn mg WEE 0319 thiAM WSmm me DU no Fm each bicllire desired send complete Tm has mag of the am giggglbomgilimig Frigzdshi ZIimc Crown Brandlabel with your nameand ad dun the absence Hawkins Mrs Ed Walker WMAHSSAAWM drcscand the name of the picture you want The 1813111 Workers met at M1 A1 831 gt Mrs Turners on Wednesdav DP Y1 rs 9x 8cu jlze Wh stand vW $3633 aftelnoon Sand pieced wamum Christian Stewardship and Fln rcss The Camgi Starch Whmhxim be sent to the BrmSh g$1nglfyleieriffggg Electric Toasters up SI Fresh Supplies of Quality Feeds For SSV mWWd49W 15 chsc deh Mrs Coyson press Mrs Geon WW liligtOiiStEToronto her hbfne maToroggo agtglrn Clemencc Every Reasonable PIICGS Mr and Mrs Herb Griffin months With her brother Presbyterian WMSI Election 774 Id moved to Bar on M0 Gamer Her husmnd Thos The WMS of Jubee Pmby Heatlnqvpo eat wWfledT fdWE terian Church held theirmonthly Cade who was overseas for the II II II UNIVERSAL Let Us Help You ed cm Aberdeen Past Yea111returnedhome ow meetini Friday afternoon in the TREE LIGHTS Mazda BS gus We 0m GTH Murat mg to illness church schoolroom Mrs ID R055 other Sets at 3125 to $350 MILKERS Solve Your WWW gt 31 MRS Benn led may IOUI SLOTEKEEDQFS Angus Edgar VESPRA COUNCIL 61 M18 GOIdQH BYQWHEMJI Christmas Gift 1W1 be conned Vespra Council met on Decul talk the me of G5 Fr hSSI Made by one Of Clnaclis few daVS as he Sufermgmm with all its members present in Arrafgemitmsb were mine es 93 yrex are Id tId ProblemI gagIIIIIIIIgvIIokeI thch he hIId on Commumcamons were mad from ggiloggggl Sgtferinwereagaed f0 ALL ADIN ANTEL LAMPS Ham $695 es an mos enc Chas Cmekfle 8th1me abIeI companies us wlth glftvfrom our 55 ggthgteagggIfggguggmgg AIwIard Drain HColeman igpgisn1gsSmriwfva We starrva largerassonment 9fDolls 11 the new him Eiitiofiitirellcs ittiitigmc AlxLGraham SecyMrs MeantMeal Toys Skinsmdr give you anhestmate on uq 318 wefEK is $001 biggie indigen Tz new Count tgaihciliasisiisicraeiiseitg At Lowest CompetitiVe Prices the in tallationOf or ClerkSadvisihg admission 1of Dat Sf Stde of Electnqu $7 ham tO 11g 951 18 1023017211 V1010ia Hospital is FRolsst anrSSIriinglmbgro BOYSranSdG115SS versalMllker II Goods were copy surlmsef acmmmmed by IIlet DfIImquiry laps IIHISI IS II aIrIid slclIocked when we healIIl ob and copy of Clerkgtleml SLIM crgtarlets Innis II tingrsiu IS II IISTnII Silr1fv i235 311111 also notice ofSnatlent admitI EVaIISFa5n30mlms 535 RnisborLSgh 131293115 Use CoOp TCOncentrotes and MCtShGS Hoit 1366 identycf id 11Genemllnsmtak Hmum GladTidin Mrs Criiig gun Sn to which Clerk wasSlnstructedto SL it gert community grealgnum reply COUttShCleIKDfVIES svva mgrv erafiurg wrf II er of years and staunc heln Dia revlewtniz the case Bonney 055 9m 817 in IEgbert church Active for Red Cross Tho Egbert branch of the Red Cross is busy as usual The fol lowing is the November sunnlv turned in turtleneck sweater 1v sleeveless oater13 pair mitts helmet acre cap 120133115 sock skirt girls blouses fare Mrs LDoner MrsA GilbertalidrMiss Walker 1942 oiiiccisI for BIIaiilIshtfumIcIt Atameetng up Womens Mission Circle and Aid MensTube I1 vs Two of Vspra and giving his opinion in the matter subject to submitting same to Township solllienireasurer waslnstructed Ito WHENYOUGOBYBUS Sf tk if 1999 last Th day th following of 511le tgxgs ssaldx Max111 1213 8111 ficers ng elected Hon Pres BUSES LEAVEIBARRIE accilmulatlon of taxes on prober MTS MCCOIt PfeS FSUSEIHLGiPrrs gesgiaglchaedby theTownshiDatFRI twigs EHE rcoMEsoilLiiisvDSAiica fSSEVlIIRY WEDNESDAY00 ilALL Ru55SCreIighlon and His Entertainers VALUABLEiDOOR PRIZE EACH WEEK Watson Downer and Roy Holt are the executive With Roy Holt and McLean Sony JS laid 611355 2732131 drsliind Fiir TORONTO FolWORTH BAX LUCKY SPOT DANCE PRIZE bloomers liner quilts 740 am he following accounts were RMrse SlglasPIschistIe MIrrecsj FOR EVERY MEMBERIOE THE FAMILY FXggPtggnmgmngt 1155am 1200 Noon gil AT ERwrglggsgmi Ergo Mirthr 154W LDrew Ilaitch II 335 am gt Agriculture was present gt 530 pm pm gigglje IL MScGOlt Pominlon IngieigeeIIInI ub19b gal IIIII II II 18533131 oigrglgntsrustees oII Cedar 905 pm Orig II Iota glwggs Jm 05s and Comfort Bbx IMS IO II Winn $2 lit Garrison iigrce154ilwissnn organIZIng Ia II II culturergrouph AArnold Geo of nail g4 hos Cavanagh Agar Fnafnk Broiley IVlc Church Times Inhmmm Division Cgurt Balliffs fees $12 vouchers $66480 Barrle AgrlculI DunlIip1MulcasteiStsPhone ASF Omar weedlinspectorgsliilo tural Society ntIII$25 regent 11 1111 111131 II sarm aon IRA COD JNE heep killed bydogs $12 road 10 am Dec 15 Ipresiden Trolls