THURSDAY procrttnck leiit PAGE SIXTEEN nWD yd THE ERIE EXAEHNER BARBIE ONTARIO CANADA If won AN REWM HUttIIll tUtiKlliS vii llaoxi llttillltTh llluill ANADA of strong ile Pcoce Convener Hos yBarrie Concert Party Charge of Meeting iiiixri Presents Fine Concert liuii food products the Uizited Lil at Mincsin Wl centre yes iii EUR 41rd La nvll iii HOMEBODIES an or giiiiiiivTL mm 11 tireli prepar In mm with 1w Mound Nov MAW out Hall scitaunt ll tan lilcl was lllllkl 31 touch is zitl UA luLlliiIi lithtu uf Aldri isl Liiiddztiis in Ctrd arm in idle ill ptiz ic was liltlYilllxl Viilt fully Gr if llltitl fllt of re itlllll rillgt$ Tlaydre AliAnny fittulillltl li Illlvlt fitfiiil igtLill lllw tin iii ti Iliiafc Mrs li enlist rd Page viicii iii i=iiiil gttl haying llltllxl llell xtl Walter Bell iILtll It piiiiil lIv vtul ix Hit of So and iiislriieiit1ilist Bobby llJllIHI Mi Dc ine Itit 5in in ion lap dancer Mr llclaiicy vir could uly llwml liiiit lli3lt Delaney tHlLIll two giill tr III may can Mlittl tale flil Leighton Llaiir trombonist Jeri tint rini not tint2 in lxJIw illl iillltl Laiitilniis lulllllltil Beiiiice litilil mo up My In pond cup butter ii in lltllll hiiiii lliiill lirli mqu zine pew flwllt ll wiltlib Hiirucetiiimi lllllliilzlillllj Jack Nixon iltllltlltl the 1tkt1ii for Waiut tne klwfwl iztilvl it terim iii An oldfashioiied snugmin in ltlll2ltv tr ih iiiiiy CHMdint ft 1mm sad tllltltfl tlitii old favorite as it Was uiinude no tni UIil 13 hell lttl lqiiiie ti thifhiiiiied Harden lhe nip they ner nIWH Ch littli Old Church iii the Valli5 mu should it Sift i2 iiiitt mane add tlll and ts Just llllll Sltlt llttt the time ti pay for Wag Iziiiiioii imutlci ialltl lld lHieiitis Ellict Wipes for sum was ii litrill Iiitlllill whee tour ltiii littillfit liltiliil thailik Mink Him gmuli on ei itlrilt oi and litil tin ed tie conceit party or its iiic VI mm My my lumping all and tltJftl llltl until Iziii coiitiihutioii pivcn Without charlie Here Tnere$ted 1mm THU mu WI mummy iiial flint xxtlmfiliilt iiiti lll the success of the evening lli Way To Get Rehef it hl Miwg gr Jump mm mp hm of inlu eating the hrs of ttlllllli iitalilu and but tail Addl flour IlilltvlLiltllt scriptiii of thei Got an muse dmromng wens Hulk mm zip lllti illl what the Dimple in All lltllllklln llIslllllt txlllMd Hilll of coughing mm mm misery of Imi 2mm Mimi ii whim Must ptiitilt find 22PM jl 111 MHIIWMi the cold the Widely uscd Vicks my NW hm Mr WNW 14 ml mp MM to thin sinct on iihti lulllttl Ilie oiieeit liirtN started fuel vaylloilsoinc viiteizlour it If All hm bpmmp 05 hwm Md hwml iit with liftl cookie Llll concert Sunday afternoon at Camp hillglfgvz VIl li 1r Iiii rt pit eiiLitiiix of the wii cm were i11llllf MN ll3 13 $111191 in ltli11f1 Efren YMC mlfungalfilli fittlidstcuniilumddlclnu vapors Il fun in lllll iv Ila lllllil hct Morgan lint 3ll Zvlllt to IMF Particular attention It5 19 Willml ml lllbllwi With every breath you take 11 ll il tin rutilll Ioni tIiiiimiiil iiiiiiiiih iii iiiiililin the recipes Which give you WWW WM MHWS 31 Him 14 HUD S5 VIIORllbS mldlmllm 500m tiLliliil HM mtHI tn HiI mm 13 low by 30 ivltlillllly exiiyday foods stimoIlWWI lmtll lihri toiiiiiiiitec Persons desiring to lrritatioiiqiilcts coughing helps lll ixlll lllII of dining car parked in tlic yiiiil at Montreal of llillll you may not have made to tlllist llltil MIVittb HL invited to pug lly mu 118 It on 111 lb Itllii for gtliilll cooks willxtS they will act as reminder of PIUIII Yililllklill ll The EX Illilll MR 131 ML Mt gigginc ml cps vlxmufon lil HltpIphiulniti ipii shun to llttlif Siunziliiiur hltrlill Itiiiiistin lt iiiicthiiig you have not made for iillllllltIoiiiiiitt liitIle pr lirtcs ANIOY throat elustund lilll$ poul lilt llilrlllltl lif laincs Human AyLl Joseph longdune Iof litllgt up on In Hit Inc VAN Aw3 tlcevapoi action waiks to bring um Ii lirl lttAl ll Ilriiiiiiiiii Meltziii Anderson 1tC The Early Dessert utchcs the Ittl unis lines of this Extm copies of The Examiner Tie You 0011110 While you sleep IDXIIIH 11m Ii Allllllilf at all news dealch and at this officel 143 151 lgttll$ are an importantpart of iifiiiihvl Liam 1g 39 ll it meal indeed to many they are in ihiili liil Mil 131 illilt iiii most important Dilll Somehow bltll 1L1ll1ll lt i7 lltll havc the dessert madc feel IIl Iii Itl real lllw ex lll itfl 111lt3=rs it tho 05hmrllwr Ihlbuomoru 04 ll hmth Up hunks part gf 1tringgt7 Ctilltils ii Il vi ni rich pmiiiic livid 1A imp whim Mm 11 1mm AK Hm Tnbmml he POL daiiier ready out of the way One lII$Iiii=lilii siliigd lilil iH llilll WNW ml twtiild nsiialiv Ltlllllltllts to the iin girl sliowed no LUllllllltlll whal 55le mukml 1h dessert is ofhulln Iicip km ii1iili Iis WIN 3M 3ili1f1rpm My 1m 0wa chore is that we do not make it mum hm Isa up iiicd Hill and 51ch products 591bp mm hm mC wughtally enough You know yourself Cereal of in ma mania lllil diiiik llllknl Review of lttllllllll lleV tTIVWU mm1mm m0 good llltllltSlllLll and used to hard WW 10 he plenty of ultl lint li illiilu Conditions ii Canada iiccupicil lands lhcse woincn Ship has Mays 100 mu Serb cide what you will have for dessert NLBRAN 11 llllill ili lives iind homes have been iaii tradition that women support It l5 11119 hme Sloumld lUd llltS It lll lllt uiii iiwi IIc iuwi friend xvii would lo HI imm mm ow wiin mp diiigz the oven is not hot for baked llfllll lift 15f TILT 11 llodziv these women glorv in living 11 Nl 1011 IS not 0110mm llmt iial NIHllt In pununpdm try lf QMHW mm hiiiiunui Wm songs to chill milk pudding properly or MMch IVHWW HA 11th ioiiiiai the Iiie tillt ll thi iiI ml illllsrltill to ham to sabotage and 411 Mid Wmtu fight to At ll of mm SLL nu to llltIt iillllllt hated invader lwmm 1h mo or Team Mil dessert burmc you get mung lichlng Burning Sllllgmg ilN DENMARK A551 NORWAY 11 mes iil 11 Shmdtmf mk mid0 mm 105 the Invader TheY aill find lllt pioin in much casui inm WW hm IllWY VtillS pk the mm in undermuuna one Too many people do not like ienjoyed full political rights where liliey have taken equal part with iinen in civil administration and 1local 5gtL1Iililtlll passive resistance llillti been the main weapon There are two rea sons for this One is that they are too thick and stodgy Remember that starchy puddings thicken as icy cliim Tl as you would serve it when it is hot then it will he too thick when cold If this is the cash add more milk as milk puddings should be fairly thin when hot to let them have the rightl consistency when cold The second reason for the dislike of milk pud dings is that they are not properly Chillcd Serve them very cold as warmish one is an offence to good eating Moral plan and make your dessert right after breakfast Graham Muffins cup flour 14 cup melted butter cup graham flour egg table spoons sugar cup milk teaspoon salt teaspoons baking poivder Sift the white flour baking powd er sugar and salt then add the graham flour and mix Beat the1 egg until light add the milk and melted butter Add the dry ingred ients and mix quickly just enough to moisten If you mix too much there will be holes in the muffins Put the batter into buttered muffin tins and do not be too fussy about having them smooth on top as this makes crispier surface Bake in hot oven of 400 degrees for twen tyfiveminutes MilkShakes beverages and are much to be pre ferred to pop thoughit has its place too Most children like milk shakes and they can be made at home They are particularly useful when child is not fond of milk and to add nour Eczema or Salt Rheum Eczema or salt iliiiiiii as it is commonly called jg one of the most painful of all skin troubles The intense liiiriiiiic itching and sinaitiiig espe cially iit liltl or ltlll iIii ullcrted part is exposed to heat or the hands platii in hot Itl are most im bearable and ieliif l1llllv ltltlilllwl The relief Ulllltil In Iiiiidoik lSlivoil liittcrs is based on the kiiowlmlgc lllblllll iiihiicnts tli ecxcina and other skin troubles are caused by an import blood condition Bring about inner cleanliness by using 3131 to lipr cleanse the blood of its impurities Ask at any drug counter for II ll ll Price $100 ii bottle llic Milliiirii 10 liiniitcil Toronto Ont lolish women will irisk everything to listen to the London broadcast Their ingenuity an achieving their obicct knows no Ibouiids One Woman who was serr fVillliJllllln billitenced to death for this scicalled countries have refused to ttitipCIlmimo 15 housekeeping the itll tillltl Nill QlllllllfIiotise of Gcinian doctor With Edith res iiiition if iiiciiiheis haswa on few friends She 01 litll their answer to the itlllltlllignnjlod listeningqn contra us zippoiiitnieiit of political coininis mg the timings wireless and Honors whose duty was 10 tililthlrangiiiu holes to coincide with his tlllfm lmO NOW Oldtlioiiiicls The news so obtained was llVHlllCll lll public life have associaltdisnvibumd poms ed llllLlIiSCthS with every lpgotest CZE5L0VAK1A women vlltl and verbal made against thcimve leaders in whispering cam regime Oii oneroccasion tlicvpmgn effectively have they or NlllsCS Association in Oslo ll0$l gunned their monies mm me 0d EU forcibly against the dismissal Story mm Lump is no known lion political mounds of thc head 15 guns agency story JPPy surgeon til it mciital hospital that in Czech Spmds for mmens ye lQnislincs were obling to revetsic pork illlfll ilccisiiiii and reinstate him THE WOMEN FRANCE BEL At the International Womens Hill and HOLLAND are no whit Toiiurcss in Berlin Danish rcpie less patriotic andcmiragcous They wOIIltlllYCS were conspicuous by have their own ways of resistance when absence Two women had iThcyfflaunt proBritish emblems in occn officially invited but thcythcir dress they openly rejoice at didnt go They waited until thcBritish victories they encourage last iiiopibiit and thciipleadcd illheir sons and husbands to leave health The woinzineditor of tlicthcm and join the fightingrforces Danish paper Struv Avis resignin Britain They do everything oil when her paper joined forces they can to further the cause of with the local Nazi press freedom Over and over again the In every day life the women of German wireless makesdire threats DLllnltllk and Norway treat the illzalllStthSG peoplemen and wo Gcrinaii army of occupation with mienW110 hell Royal All FOICe open hostility gtWoinan shop as pllflts llswess Thmals 19355 by sistiints serve their own people be unheeded forcthcy willservc German cus Gallant and enduring these Wome tomer It must surprise the con lheconquered Countries SW81 riucror to find how oftenany par the army 0f Hillels enelmes The ticularly attractive and appetizing know them no hope for Secur article is only dummy and not ile forfamily f8 forJuSlice or resistance lot Womens battery for your car Is there any other When ships engines fail putting out the batlery which so thoroughly merits your lights silencing the radios at that critical time storage batteries take over condence especially de Vessels largeland small rely on Exide l3at There is an Exido Battery supply and t0 operae no oadio and Co to the Exide Dealer in your community lights but steering gear fire apparatus and He has been carefully chosen to give you other safety equipment honest dependable service Ask him about the Exide Hycapan extra high capacity battery for cars doing lot of starting or sulalel Ships are not aloneinrclyingmpontho proved dependability of Exidetomkrhe Take The uncut of Winter411 thorbughly sealer and shaken vigorously or it may be beaten with rotary heater or an electric mixer Teach the children how to make their own miilkishgeisandther willeniong ing it for themselves It is surpris ing how much even very small child candoif4theyoulnget4ho chance That is one of the best ners he know that any girl who speaks to him is regarded with scorn and hatred and that the ma jority would rather suffer any INPOLAND AND YUGOSLAVIAk women playa more active part Clommiunity Progioin For Study and Action Ills showing Expansion Planing Mill materials now Youll enjoy summer weather on the coldest winter days no more chilly uncomfortable rooms ordamp ifor youAndwttch your fuel bi 3de operators of trucksandbnsesmanufactur ing plants and various branches of the Army Navy and Air Force have learned Viromrliong experience that th can entrust essential servicstohExi And literally millions of car ownersput carstarting up toExidein 3111 seasons of the year Prevent waste by taking care of your car Prevent starting failures by checking yOur battery now ALL 109 fortFULL DETAILS The CommunityLif Training In stitute reports groups either organ At the outset of the war Polish led planning to organize in the glllOf Selemeerf killed two Gel followm centres New Lowell man soldiers While making herlEdenvalg Allghwodw Wyevale things about thfnirsery schools HLLConada Consortia Since all automobile batteries 160k much f01sae The German soldier is for Peace while the Nazi hordes ishment to convalescent dietvvwro 11 1d pammny aware he is social aretrampling over Europe make hejilk Shakes add the de public safer and more comfortable Rail those equlpped With llosa heater 01 mu ion can ins in any tomeo 01 new pariah Cafes empty whenhe en sired avorihg to the milk and mix roads telephone companies utility loom defrosters Look for his Eyiilejsrgnsyinbol Beat cold weathei to the draw and insulate wrterall new he knows that any girl who It may be put in panics air lines hospitals mines arge it way to Warsaw with stream of Small children arelet do things for refugees shejczime upon bayonet 33233rgfriaddFOIgflrgg themselves aggffsgliggefiifrkEBilgmged by lhe 56 roaglueWThisTthF Egggghrggfead Toggag Bananomilksnakg 1W0 XI amen buyaagv ed under her coat and later thrust Allistdn Nottawa Avemng and ripe banana cup cold milk it into the neckcfa spldiervonthe Dunedir Pel afullyripe banana that is ON mad Later Sh iklled ailolher First cmmunitymeengs Or the one thathas brown specks on they lEXIDE BAlTEBlES OF CANADAgtLIMITED German soldler potato field mu concentratihg them skin Slice it sinfa bowl and beat 153 DUFFERINSTREET TORONTO tourism 1941 by Exiae ramp of cm um andlthen fled on on March 20th ct With rotary beater or put through She was sentenced to 168th at LOCE crlzaon EQAgcmuggvgfmifg Vwire strainer add the milk and tees have been appointed at Churc healeen 01 Shake Vigillfsly ma hillWyevale and Frest Home to sealer study the Municipal Doctor scheme as itWould apply to their own township and to bring it to the atd tention of their lCouncil Talks on Nutritign and tailks on Poult1y are planned for many the selgond round of community intings Most communities haw meetings once monthWitEStiidy gmgggdfm 19umm all Group meetings in between Two Dissolve the powder in the hot are Operatmg Oh the mmweel waterymix with very cold milk and schedule used last winter Two are experimenting with refreshments Shake well serve lmmedmely Any iisieirio inir SHADOWRadio Master Deieciivo Molasses Miikbhakd ltablespoon molasses cup milk Add one tablespoon molasses to one measuring cup of very cold milk Mix and shake and serve immdiately StrawberryMilk Shake tablespoons strawberryflavored Dont nd yourself on spot this winter Change nowtoblue coal EnioyALL WINTER LONG the esteady economical heating com fort of this trademarked anthracite the fuel thats coloured blue to guarantee the quality Its oasyits wiseils thrifty change to bluo coal Phone us today Askus also about the hluo coal automatic Hoar Regulator Bcs riioii Serv riir roiiowiiiii llEAlEIlS EXIDE BATIERY SERVIGE MAY BE OBTAIlt Roy Stn Badges EastEnd Serv Stn Ecol Brysons Garage Pete Robillaril Elmvhle Spring Davls Elmvakle Rortrs Garage Hillside Mather Son New Lowell malelv Thornton Chas PhloemSinner All McCallFrontenac Stations Exlim wnoLEsiiimn of the meeting Horan Alliston Hunter Alliston Maple Leaf GaragesAlllston All BritishAmerican Oil Stations Quickfrozen chicken will be serv ed to ULS army troopsduring man The expansion hog qududwn oeuvres in the Caroiinas this au lin anada has been proportionately puma greater than in any otht country The rst known writer on my onirecmd 51 1938 chology was Aurelius Cornelius Sel Sus aRoman who lived about 25 AdvertiSe in The Examiner BC to 50AD Sherrings Gariige Strand McQuaylliornton vaarrieu iuei tsuiplio Victoria St BARRIE iiiqu 999 Bayfield Street panIe out whichso far have worked out very gm ogslggg gmgeforgdz All BritishAmerican Oil Stations All McCallFrontenac Stations well tending to informality and art msmmr DEALERS friendly discussion after the class Roy us or andale Archers Garage Elmvale Frank Jones Strand