Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Nov 1941, p. 8

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PAGE liltfllll 111101 COU CIL 1111 1101111111 Flytng ForlTiss Bristol Beautighter ILM King Gnome 1an many olhcn 11 th fit 11 1111 ill 11111011 1111111 11 iDDGM Pays Visit To Kerr Lodge Here Many Visitors Present lizli tt ii Wu lllIII lrrrrl ll llrr It INIIVII II II 11 viaz ltllxl III by 111 liieliii wt JIritin1111t 1111 kasii willll hi tyl Ill 3111 Ill1 IIl tour gtttitt 1111 and lath11111 lirl sat ltr iIliiiIie and had eil111ce stiisl tLlltlil t11 tilvllit Alli liuii Alli lei Iree liltlltIls one th is 111 the lillt iair Iiwht year to htI the tIw tllllllrlil ltr the llini lllltlIiru 1131111 1111 St Vincent street to Ve rerxsureouarm 1041 IDSON SEDAN 1941 ELTAIOIYTH crsTOA SEDAN 1933 PONTIAC sEDAN 1931 iERRAiiANE sEDAN 1913 FORD COACH 1933 CHEV SEDAN 1939101 511 11932EORD COACH 193 101 701 19211HIl1CHI CLUB COUPE 1935 CHRYSLER SEDAN 1911 EIiCK sEDAN Iv 1935OiDsAiOIHIE COACH 1931 PONTIAC COACH 1935 PLYMOITII 017113 1191 DODGE SEDAN 1914 ciiiIv COACH 19211 FORD COACH 1931 TERRAEIANE COIPE 1928 CHEVROLET SEDAN iONtNttlumolmmommmIWCOchwmoNh TRUCK BARGAINS 1937 Ford ZTon Dump Truck 1935 Fargo ZTon Chassis crnd Cab 1936 Chevrolet 112 Ton Stake 1936 Ford l2TonIPcrnel 1930 LOISCIlle Tow Truck IIONII JO lllllgl lIIIIOINIIOOOIMONIONJSiOOINOIW Buy War Savings Certificates airshow HILL CIIRYISLERILYMOUTH DISTRIBUTOR and GARAGE 55 Elizabeth St BARRIE Phone293 It 777 It LVWIU1AMB ll Storm 851111 Series 30 pirilleat Loss how inziny homes installing stOrmsash will save car load of coal for defence this Winter gt Thirtythree homeswill do it Josephine That may bejilsta problem in arithmetic to Josephine but its probably upblem in budgetingztoyou beat 1051 through single thickness 15f glassto 15 times as fast as through adjacent walls But the dead at spacbetwpep aiming thicknessmiilljreepmthewanmIair in Kyhere you want it 7A millenallllanLnrMllme ans arwarmerrtyinter in ING ILL COMPANY ftD PHONE lO9 the he said crowded in the lower nearly fifty pupils in some The hero and they must be educated and the Board is try ing to carry on with eighteen teacer crs he stated Owen Soiind has twentytwo teachers And sinalle registration The teachers are doing good workin the schools and the success of the pupils doesnt always reflect on the teachers The teachers are efficientlle thanked the elec Itors for returning the three men to If Ihsrllisal he tllrind ti 111111 lollldcost two miles on the Nilltlilitl finally was found aettliii the set 10 and the people are irate Council didnt feel the 11009 sary capital Xllttitlilllrr should bc latte at present was sincere in win tie Io 1111 ll titlIirii lll that 1111 1511 +M WI fsriiiiios lt 11K Pho TOR Christmas SHOULD BE ORDERED EARLY tin 111 11 all the 1111 tin 11 and ir away MEYBRS Next liiipcrial lliiatrc lililirlieth St Phone 173 wt The low it i1it1lit ii Iv iv Hl irynirt 111131 11 the idea of loiizr line be thing under the ciieiiiii xti diroi IIrt tli iiiumtx gt at lardeii retiree liaii wondercrz 51 11 lo 11 hao iiien 11 111 oiizitv oniicil had the riizht tr II IIt ta riti 0111 hand the money over to recruit lll H111 tilllll lllt tll illit committee to he spent that way Street as one it the town lrl 11gt It in tovn 11 llttltlhlltl wt Irilv 11 tilled oi llilr tie betayeti he had man uralrl ie1l ddiib 11 CJllllCll woult the 1111 Width 111 111 liltlii tic l1 employ 73 llI and 71 by 111lit The speaker gttli he would like we lII toxrn all aheri with swinuII Iizlin heat 11 at the heart lit the Ilit land tilll1 docks in front of tltry ilr tElll St Vincent larks lte aEl gt11 fironreit soine permanent bench Ies lol the dock people could vt Illhli Iiiile kLitiiu for boats iizl lseail of falling into the i101hc111 illlllt shoiilil he done were lichts Ill the rilltslillls of the town to ti111 1111in thiiirl you want done but 11111 mail llt arch ward and publish 21s tll 51WLl llll 1111 ll ill ItfvldtlH oi the voters list itlcclaied chazrinan ot special lirfriiiiiiilreiimhi invesT it tried to as far as the police situation was concerned he said the Force particle toimlll1eii smoke cleared lived in Barrie all his life except for three years when how115 over seas in the last war an away 11111111 hurt lie hart Rev Dr Sihctaii Rev Dr It Sinclair chair lllldlCll are he Board Trustee Trustee Blair man of the Board of Education said the Board spent Quiet year There is certain amount of work that should be done but we havent done it because weve tried to spend your money as economically as possible The Collegiate is over forins with Blair chairman ofI lthe Finance Committee of the Board int Education sea 05 of theBthrwerc in good condi tion and the Board had kept within the estimates Commissioner Craig John Craig chairman of the Public Utilities Commission declar ed thatthe membersof theCommis sion had looked after thetowns in terestsefa ithfully inqlrwell provide ittr protection one alder A111 Goodwill Affioodwin Emuhe had 111 mi 1111 Council two years and had tierii in town only seven years It Isrc1ll an honour to be in Couri lit During the past year he had been charrznan of Water Fire and Liam Committee fire truck had been purchased for carrying the Iladders which had been iii the fire hall for iiiiinber of years Aid laines Aid James chairman of Public Works Committee said there was usually plenty of criticism Of the Board of Works but while there partinciit the Board of Works es raped He was completing his tenth The Reeve had accused the De partment of being insolvent but that could not be when the town was solvent The committee had 71Fll for 320000 tirade rip of $17 500fo1t the Board and 32500 for sew age disposal maintenance Cost of the sewage plant IriaintenanceI would be about $4000 and the Board of Works had spent $19000 Aim61111111 $3000 had been spent for clearing snirw and ice Due to street plowing in the winter the conse riience was that in tile streets could not be fixed Ifiyou not the Work done you must pay for it he said If snowis cleaned off the streets you have to pay for this service In IIIII Ald Lougheed Aid Lougheed stated that Council should keep the tax rate low but not too low Some side Council should consider costof living bonus for the employees of the town He thought everyone should get costofliving bonus andwhen lllCItElX rate was struck this should be remembered Well have to consider means of fighting snow more economically he con eluded Discussing electric power he not ed therfollowing increases in con sumption during the nine months ended September 30 1941 as corn pared with the same period of 1940 domestic 98 per Icent commercial 91 per ccntIpower 181 per cent water heaters 2135 per cent The total increase in value was $12037 or 1205 per cerrtIIep1eseirting ti differnce between $988490 in the 1940 period and $11192271in the His Worship announced that ai 1941 period Glgairman Craig pointEd 0th that for Barrie had been formed thatday the cost of poWer for the nine IEriday wiihcounty Judge JG month period was $8947273 lihls Harvie as chairman Mayor Robert Ieart as against $37783 last year son as secretarytreasurer and Mag anTnCrease 0f $168460I0r19 pert istrate ComptonJeffs as thethird center less than onequarter of one member The Police Forcewould be peTcant This favourable result is attributable 15mger to Control of 10511 heieiplained Tenmonths water consumption waierharet nowI owing on agreements was now laslittle less than $2300 prompt payment IiiiV$f1hg here rctiTerLWIIs prescntin the Was 17467757700 gallons thTs year as compared with 158459000 gallons in the sameirTeTiiioIWEEFyear an increase of 16216000 gallons Debentures outstanding are $11 11575 in theEleetrieLight Depart ment and $1615138 in the Water works Department both of which will be reducedfurther before the end of the year Mr Craig said that the amoun range purchase that DArcy Hinds former Masterat Mayor Robertson Mayor Robertson announced that he was not in the field for neg year and would not seekOfIfice of Mayoror Reeve next yearYour Council of 1941 gave good service he declared The Mayor said that dition of the roads was the Camp Borden vehicles using them NeWPoliee Commissidn Beard of Commissioners ofvPolice sworn in at ceremony tomorrow afternoon Friday The Mayorrrientiotied tlrejexpense Of operating the sewage disposal plant but said an agreed ItTWES rthwh for the pastvsix years and feel that in retiring have done my bit he declared in conclusion Town Clerk Smith In bringingthe meeting toa close Town ClerkA WSmithmentioned the fact that number of County COuncillors were present and also Osgoode Hall Tortmto and now 111 1ieiriier Izicater service he ilcclar The deputation had come 11 war would be very much in favor lilittlr Council at special Tuesdaynaltemum Orillia Cranston Midland Smith Colliiruwood llam ilton Barrie and Mayor laCk Orillia Coun ll Oliver Orillia soldier one Of the chief rcasonsfor the con yedithTMorscdii COUNTYCOUNCILi 1111111713 111111111 FORRECRUITING ti lttltttrllll 111 they 11111 lilll litzr Iltarii ot1t lenetaii he should pix l3llll led rtiy 11111 1111 In rlltllli ll lIIliivln Harrie 11 that the toiin 11111 111 leinu asked ll sponsor 311 1111 let 11 111 oiniation but only help we it ilt lttiltttri llali illttnris tillliillr iiecaurr ltmlaty toiincil liittitl be 11 Ha iltlrlll of It11rlttllllt flttll who had 11 II IIiilrli had their chance and hair iltril tlrfhllllkll on this matter itzc toxcrnnient xllttllltl take it All It more t1 11 ieponsinit1y and say where 111ch 11 31 Istllltthl 111 11 ever Walk of hte tr Ii Indirelt 11 1111 Cain loner Hos said It rantiiii $3500 Would help win the it havent son so that this ltllllltt doesnt affect me person 11 15111 as far as going out 11 los and askini for recruits wont Hill It Colin James llrack Nottawasaua narkod that he had two sons one 1111 the other 10 years of age If approached anyone in my owilship they would say Go back and mind your own busi hc said The Dritton motion was put and ost eiily seven puttiirgup their lands in the affirmative Iiiepritatioii Iuts Case The recuest for financial assist Ince for recruiting committee was Ibly placed before the Count session latr ltSS They were introduced by II llalc who was prominent in similar activities in the last war outlined the purpose of the depata tion the organization ofu central recruiting Committee central committees war the County Of Simcoc had the honor of taking the lead in being the first to organize battalions and he thought it might nIII been storm in the Police De take the lead again in his wan small last with 111 the two county Mr number from Simcoe Hale recalled the visit of County to C1 Toronto to secure information re gardingl the array for recruiting purposes and the great Opportun ity for service which offered He pointed out that you cant make in three months In this war there are six divisions in the Canadian Army as against four in the last in addition to the Aii Force and the Navy There was great need for reserves to maintain these divisions He felt conscrip tion was the most effective method but pointed out that no effort fOi to the last war had yet been made Simcoe County was the first cdun ty to raise battalion in the last war ln c0nclusionhe pointed out that recruiting campaign couldnot be carried on in this county without fundsrthese if granted would be spent to the very best advantage $1200 country committee would nOt located MruHale suggested that ty Councils eOntrol LW Srnith Collingwood ser geantmajor in the last war stated there were many reasons why the youngTncn ofjtoday were not join ing the army as in the last war In the last twenty years ppce had beenlpreached on every side but even now the conflict might land on our own doorstep He said that ICanada had recruited only fiftyper cent of the last war scription should take patriotic stand Conn 1W Benson Mr Hinds song sung by Grac thetowrr iiscir NI eiiainiiiiity through the llianclics JH Cranston Midland declared that we wartt to shake the people out of their complacency impress on young mentheir duty which He promised that the spend any grant recklessly Young chaps who shouldfrbe Imitherarmyrshould be 70f wealthandjvsrytblng jh the moneyLalwaxsbekept7under Colin To be candid believe in con Mr Smith continued but if the Government says at conscription we must do the next best thing There must be some thing done quickand it must have the full cooperation of the County come thm ever one OLE Government should financeaand Mam Back urged Council to study deeply theIrequest made Penetang said there wag 141 from Penetanrl on active serlee and hedldnl audieHCe Mr Smith declared that Fieldsgentitled Each for all and all Ifqrzeach would be very good keyhotelor this meeting and for be referred Tlll BSDAY NOVLXllSEIt 21 1041 1111 PROJECTS oiet 144213 csatts fro litf ttlgt 11 caicltlated 15 fullPA gt1 212113 111 Zt Ilri ilt ld rcpoit it these tests 1111 be ril1tle later throng Hop lipiovcz1eit rgtgtvrtltilltl1 but round it nary be concluded that type of lrllllllll are salad 11 pauperly ined and it ad ttIriltht conditions exist all probability the Club worki he Considerably extended NaztnSiziivoe next year Li spccra effort is living made to we Is made available r4 111 111 Iii le Siiuoe Federation of Agricril time 11 ll is intended that Clubf azenxh iip should be enrolled anle preliminary meetings held duruth the Winter months Similar lloiirc niker tub projects aie available for the nuts The Club projects he llzt dressed for the coming year are the Girls Home Garden and Can 11111 Club and Nutrition project liiesc two projects are Considered especially winthwliile in wartime Individuals or groups wishing to see Club work developed in theirt own collimimity should get in touch with the local licldman of the Fed eration of Agriculture or the De pailincnt of Agriculture Barrie Boys llolsteiii Club Harold ltrlbcrtson Crxiigvatc 1101 points Dalton Vlllilll liar Iie No It ttttti points 11 Bruce Cum ininrz Barrie NO Bltlpoints Ralph Robertson Craiuvalc 841 points Albert Reynolds Stroud lltt points ti Keith Sanderson Shanty llay 828 points Neil Ken nedy Barrie No it 1124 points it Cyril Cook Allandale 802 points Wallace Couch Barrie Nol800 points 10 Beverley Cough Ilarric NO 737 points 11 Gordon Hick liiig Barrie No 028 points 12 llarold Quinlan Barrie No 592 points 13 Louis Brown Ilarric NO 591 points This project was joint activity of the North and Soiltli Simcoe Dc partments of Agriculture Club Team selected on basis of score obtained for Judging and Questions Competition Ralph Itob Ortson Craiizvalc Harold Itobert son Craigvale This team represented the Club at the Provincial InterClub Judg tng Competition held at Guelph on Friday October 24 1911 Team standing 14111 NWSIWWFCIUUW Earl Woodrow Oro Station 071 points Lorne Carrutheis Barrie 1050 points Lewis AllenI Stayncr No 1041 points Wil fred Walt Midhurst 1025 points Cyril Cook Allandale 1002 points Berncll McKay Hawke stone NO 986 points Gordon Woodrow OrO Station 975 pointszi Ivan cumming Barrie N0 043 points Club Teamselected 011 basis Of score obtained for Judging and Questions Competition Cyril Cook Allandale Lewis Allen Stay ner This team represented the ClubI Wilfred Walt Midhurst 927 14111111 Tie 1111 imperaliie Services Special liu $0111 Slitllrill ill fiawfoirL Uzi 5111541 TL 11 illtsliire8lii1 43313111 1111 07 poiiils ti Li 0111 Sta Seiriors lIail Wilt 1111111 1109 points Illikcstoiie 1117 p11 mm may iArlhur lliiitlvlll 111111 1112 VItleriiell Mclxa Winner of II 111 Felt taxi ill tlri irtl 1llltll lcll IWIHch MINI al itilcb for this tfoiizieti iti Btu iuardcd Dy ot 03 82 Id it sunwum AIL Jumois lhmelt Strainer in gSlatlliii till uii Illilt if iiit Sna lletchei flay 11 $1719 Irllxld it It dviltnil1 11111111153 flat Crawford lio Sta ir 700 points monobozoomoo ELLER RETAILERS TRIFTY CANADIANS Imany extracalls 0n IyOlll IN THE SLlPPER SECTION SLIPIERS Womens velveteen bridge quilted sock lining split sole fur bow on vamp Duco crepe Zuidcr Zoe emI at the Provincial InterClub Judg Cllbzm heel Colors ing Competition held at Guelph onl black blue Friday October 24 1941 Team and red Pr II standing 7th Barrie Boys Potato Club SLlPPERS Womens points Ray Hickling Barrie N0 Bio points Lorne Carruthers Barrie 807 points Comartin New Lowell N0 806 points I5 Cyril Cook Allandale 772 points6 Harry Stainton Barrie No 729 points 7Neil Kenney Barrie No 721 points18 Elmer DObson Bar rie No 715 points JohnIPatter son Barrie No2 707 points 10 race ummmg arrie points 11 Ted PattersonBarrie No 697 points 12 Orville Dobson Barrie No 2629 points 13 Ivan think there were more than half dozen young men available now think this county would be bet ter to go on record as favoring con Lh interim COLm Thomas Scrannage CO1 lingwood recalled that county nucleus had been formed ata meet ing in the Court House He thought there was only one way to handle 0=0=0=OEOEOI=IO=Q broidered front opera quilted sock lining split sole Duco cuban heel Colors black wine and blue Pair PIULL OVER Extra warm Pullovers for to 26 youngsters sizes 22 the Situationiconscnptm Con scription of manpower was not enough there mustbe conscription oneIboy overseas and Ianother eh gaged inmunitions Work Coun Scrannage said that dozens of young men had left the farm to engage in war industry Ioure not going to get the young men of the urban districts to go and fight your wars if their jobs are taken by others he declared The Govern ment must put over this idea thatl this is vitalthing to our Existence These civilian recruiting commit tbes are ofIno use underI the pres ent settip He suggested small central committeeout of the Coun ty CouncilI Warden Barr declared that this is Domlnionissue It is Govern men issue and getting moneyis Va Government enterprise He recall ed that in the last warLgrangs and chocolatebars were used togetthe boys to enlist He thought the ture al VDEBUTANTE BRAND Rosewater and Glycer ine SkinBalmrWitICh Hazel Lotiorr in handy size bottles I317 NOXEMA CREAM This popular Face Cream in ii $33212 rum rACIAL remedy will help But 11 11 M11 111 Till YOURS FOR ttREATER iiiiiiii WITH CHRISIMAS only several Weeks off you will want to stretch your Dollars as far as possible to cover the enable you to go long way towards greater thrift Heavy cotton and wool mix With polo collar and zipperjat neck Longsleeved Colours scarlet maroon EIOinLI 11111111 Almond Lotion EBrcrAcrii Slaggisli kidney siltrtzzmusc lame back Gin Pillsaha old retistlc kidney tins condition Soil on money back ti size It Fllls Largo Illa 80 P1 in tla ask i11 lit Budget chlers Thrift Values WOOLLEN GLOVES and MlTTS FOR LADIES FOIt CHILDRENI Warm gloves and mitts thiit will keep you cosywhile addng it col ourful note to your costume Some are solid colour others embroidered in gay patterns Zellcr priced For Men and Boys NIEle COMBINATIONS Merino tape button front litteriitziTr Eiff$ll69 RANDOM COMBINATIONS Fleecelined Winter weight itiifffifth $159 LIA Walton Flannelette Sizes styles BOYS PYJAMAS Of striped Waltori Flannelette in sizes 10 to 161 Lapelcollar style BOYS MITTS Sturdy Sheep skin Mitts warmly lined El iiaisticiwristsfi Black for ages to 16 brown 59c CHILDRENS CARDIGANLS rBotaiiy Wool Cardigans for children selffaney stitch button front round Fneck white edging On ribbed cuffs and Waist Colours scirllelx royal and saxe blue not ows rANrms utensilTar fancy Woven rayon in tailored control recruiting CranstdnMIidland one of the deputation said that the only thing is compulsory selective ser vice The army needs men and needs them nowiind civilians must dOtheir part CouriD MaeLaren said the re the idea thatthe matter would not be seriously consldered It should to committee for re port deputation should not go away with TISSUES In near box 150sheetsligr DOT WATER BOTf TLES of red blue or green rubber Guar 322 33157 49c ZELLERS LiliIITEb sty1es orwtrpmnred with lace ribbon Tearose white in popular sizeIs Kt LADIES PYJAMASO suedeftafo feta with rayqnstriping Twopiece Butcher Boyl style in tearose sky blue At Popular sizes ll III on===0o====ouor===loo==r

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