Creamy Hot CHOCOLATE 10 Lunch 11 BRYSONS IIItLl and Iilllll Shop LOOK FOR lllli SIGN 22 lilimlicth tit Cl lltll 11143311 lhoni A4 wrenvoiii hin LUCKYS FLOWER SHOP WEDDING BOIQIICTS AND ORSAGES SPECIALTY Member of TlS PHONESShop 581 Greenhouse lOlilW tii3e Illl kof Flowers Thinkof Ours LET US EXAMINE YOUR EYES AND FIT YOU IN THE VERY LATEST STYLE Just call at your convenience an appointment is not necessary We are always here to serve you GLASSES COMPLETE SINGLE VISION DOUBLE VISION FROM FROM ROBTH SMITH orromifrmsr EstablisliedII since I1920III 53 Dunlop 51 Hours 96 Daily Phone 80 BARRIE Saturday to 10 pan lnteruewed Over Air EXCLUSIV ishes on Lockup Floor gt STATIONERY CW We Alleges 14 II Smart Gift Boxes thin 11 VV BOOKS VVV lIlt tiiili llltl NiiilIictloil 141 VVVV Lutltlilil lixll lo III 311 li VVV lUVl but Vlst Milwick IV ll llltl lltll 11 Jlli 111 lltt itlt rr 30 let HIAVVHJ JJil irltV 114 lI 11 VHVVNVW VVVVVVAVVVV by V1VV 1Vl Jury 111 33 KIIUU VV Phone Barrie M0 Er gilVKlIH 11 luluV also up in an 11 VVV VV VVV out i1 V1 Aw 1mm 51 in IRHV EV VV VV WH Km lilianli l1 Kw llrl4 um II III 513 111 iii RV mV t1 hi 111m 4t 11 lt1 mm to 11 ix 111 ltii1 111w ti ii itfltZI ll or loi ltl iii lol 1V4 mi 31 Ml II lil fills lltdlt iiiii 11194 Still1 limit 0111 11 It IKIIIIIIIIHIFeIilI I1 linb LTIN NIIIISUX at is mun33 pl hm 111 mun VV Illllilrll will 011 iILillllI than your lialll iilllt cl lltlt iullv to 3119 llllt Nclson on Nov RSV SAMIVLI IilV1Vlllt ll lllll at hm llioillt licyliurnI HHHXVVHHIVNEHY VthVVVliniizlif VritiViV1clnhl iingViVIVtVillrl SnSkV Fm WkS Imwim Vhl VV VVVVV VVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVV VVVVVV dim VVVhU WM Wmeulm AV mg cm vamwvnwd Mum my WIVIHIVLVVI Palm HVIVanw buymi mH105 nunh mum Sliill lllll llflllld It lmlll 11 VI VV VVVVVV 1V VIV VVVI VV VVV VVHVVI VVWVVVVVM1VV thViV Ni Um Dual Huck ma very Impnmmw iiiii 4IIII till 1111 II IIIvlilil on Notciiiiier 17 in her V1110 lllmlill StiVllc was held at her 111 Vin12m Hit Wm yam Silo had mm 31 111mm in vbunV wmmcwd by illll am Bump iil in iaxt ll illliitl Airltilr 531 became law VIiInt5 II IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIIITIIIII IIIIII mu iciits ltSNlllL Sets and Military VV IV Hi VV lllt iiiiliiii Mil brought to 1111 Mum VV CVV IV 1IIIIITHIIIIIII III IIIIII IIIIII IIIIIIII Ill 1mm 75 lllll Ill if ric iccoiiipanicd by llLl sister Mar IIIII5 IT ml Hm 1V ML 11 Mn Link llldlngt hm dmlglnon Ner hp or llllll illf lit film Swill UP rail ii iiiii tiic noon s1iatiiiiii lililllt ltcv Doc illaycs Harrie on November 20 twin Fridw Nm 10 um llllllirltl or NH ililllill Illitiilltd 1111 NW Cooper minister of cial pioccedcd to the Sixth litic 4M My Vumt mm mm LRM m0 wow tciitial initiil lituili offitiiliiii 512 and 3H in icinetciv lniiisfil vlitic iiitc IIIII IIIIdIIII JIM IIIII IIIIIIII IIIIIIIKI llIItlltIlIIRtllllillIilll iiiiIdIItII iiiciit wzis made in the family ploIt Hi mum pin34110 Hm ii W41 WW Vl19IiliilIfif$199195EEEIII lint1c hold service the lllavc short service was held at the mm with Imp II Stiliibd 11 the Sandal lItlllllt 1K 1mm iic lll0 conducted the Rev ll II II VV VV lliour iiraiiicd ii Ililllll llordczilmHi Hi EIJLII 1de lillbcarcrs were William 5101111 Sinclair 111 Allandalo 1HWl Will ll llllll cicsl lllliillldill iii ill Alllll III KIA Illjmllh llImI Plum lW Jim MCCHW EVIilliNo lfIlml The pailbearers were four iicp 11 mi WU WV AV 11 31H 10 llt 10 was tunii lll Iiiar lay George ll Coles lori on Spcil cmwm lintt Iq iaitc 1w 1nnlicrl hlcltiildlilc MW and Cecil Arnold Among floral IIIIleII DIIIIII IiIIZIIIIIiII1IIIfIIIIIIIEI RI lILIII I4I IrIIm IMIIikI DIHIC Iich was ciililiilini ill floor lllblllm Twelve INC Hurlngs Shun II flax IIIII1IIIH IIIII CV may Ill11$ wcl on the tilllEt liiugtlullllllc itgll Vvml V1lll 11mV with 1IIIIVIII diam ftiinndiiuiii Duncan II 113 if11 MLIFW lililli VlIIIIIHVIgllI II III IIII1II1III SIIFEII lcntral United Church and lIllllLU Born 11 the lillh line of liiiiisfil hm 01 utlc 05 15 Eran ii Mayor was the ruesl full halo Vilt Vliiillli Vidlllicliii Iloditc Detroit Mich on July 23 1868 she was the old ROLLS RAVORS $7 Ipi my 1154s isolois at liuth llltlllllili and vcii Relatives and fiicnds iiom hr est daughter of the late George IIIIII IIIllImIIIIimI HIIIlIliIIS 10 IIiIIItIf IIIIII lIIIIII IIIIIIIEJIIIIJILCZIJIIIII IIIIICII IIIILIIMIIIIII IIIIIIIIdEIIQI MIISI EII and Helen Neli SllOlHl who TRAVELLING CLOCKS $545 3s Aftrtf11ph wnws 3714541 5541111175 wum HA ting illil HOUlcrAMISvJM UUJJLL 4194909359441913944mm 3f lyg 777 WTti IllIllltILIliIll SIlIlIlltLlIW lIIlie ICllfhflitITtIlIIIIII chum Sh lmnvd bountiful ml ML to MINI IlIIIlItiiIISI lespcctivclv ller oldest biiIitlier CIWIHIIIE cases an ngIIIIIII II VV VVV owning wrap mlmmn Hth me DEMHL MM MV um VSV IN VAN VVVV VVV VV VV mm 1331 311IIltllt50 IIIiIIXIIItI lhc liiiilIcsiiiaid Miss loy llcncry Flw mm IlIld Dow1 wk IiihiiIIIimI Ivlifg0h$d AI II In ICCS Immgrdsplixiln Toronto sister of the bride wore 151 MIS Mjblelml wrll It tI Cltlllllllgt Mi and ll Miltil 11 Stephen Mis Hail Bums 101 1U W0 were guests MK and Mm Em 1001 ULl him 11 fl my and Mrs Curl Huit Mrs Cora burn and have rcsulcd there since $100 WSW00 wirwwm iiitinis and Mr and Mrs Dick Im IIIlEIllll hm mm Cook Mr and Mrs Wallace Fiiid Miss Nelson was very faithful ASm elm lm Old any rm Always an Robertson Ml WW 1le litr MYS DRWC Patterson Miss member of the Presbyterian Church lrlsimm Amwpiabio ta iiiilt 11 The Conliil ENGAG EM ENTS Mr and Mrs McQuay ivy Exchange Your Tired Feel for LiVelier Pair DR LOCKE SHOES Dont let aching feet come between you and your activities See how DrIIocke comfort featuresdeveloped by the great CanadianphysicianhelpI strengthen weary foot muscles See how aching pair airman new Dr Locke Shoes Marion Isabel to Aifr Karl Gil Christ son of Mr and rs Wallace Gilchrist Oro Station the marriage to take place the latter part of November bodice Coldwater announce the engage ment of their only daughter Norah Helen to DonalndLean Jamieson only son of Mrs Jamieson Toronto other coat BARRIES LEADING SHOE STORE lop St SPECIAL Iv learancsale or an LADIES can IRENSJ conrs lt PhonIel0 miwhlldthosoloetlonisgood lllE KAREN mnmm nannrcoxranlo CANADA THURSDAy mummy 11 in nwy7rrvrmiu4 WWMM with veil of blue not and carried noscgay of pink roses and white inums was always ready to lielptliose in Ontario announce the engagement MilCh if 1011 Older dllslltcrwlovcc Lil IIIL I3IIIIIIII5IIIIIII IIS lIIiIIIJIIdIII 1873IIIilecbisedoliidIIlesided iii Bar IIeIdI HfIII VCIII IIiIIdIy dISpOIIIIOIII VV Wilton Bailic cousin of tic gloom VV h0me10vmg 1311th and neighbop thlJuLhuimthLFinme 141de the mhmu were XVIOVVVHVIVZVMV foxwmgpastuklq yams St Catharines son of the late Mr Tomato ind ACl yd Gm She was member of theVUnVinlcd won or 01 1mg Crde llzd asctveintie 11 John Lillllxlell Hill 0111mgV RCAVFVV TronmnV b0 MW ksglociiimqof Central Unit Len to mom her passing are DIAMOND MERCHANTS mars the 00m ed Church aiidlhc Red Cross unit three sisters and three brothers 76 DlmlopSt OPPOSITE POST OFFICE Phohezlil CleVtdll VH Rutledge vDuring the signincofilic register of that church She was also JeanV George and Margaret at LOVS llllunce Miss Mmjoivy Goring sister of the member of Beaver Rebekah Lodge Stmudhand winV Robert and Elsie engagement of then only dmightci groom gang When Song is Sweat 100p and Lady Grey Lodge of weybum IoiiiIlIIIIliIlIiZII JIIiII0IIw0IIItiI mmpmod ma by iigiIIDIiiiiiiIvdaiii IIcIIoIiiliWiZiviiiIiIIlI 81 Thwin no flowers were request Feel 33lall lorSneeze 1ft Imt DlltCllll met N0 Loop de past ed beautiful floral tributes wcrc ltiiiVSiitiiVit1V Vliiiaiiihc 11 act reception was held at the ONE Nobie Grand Beaver Rebekah received Aron the Presbyterian IIltIIIII1 EIIAI ilI CCIIIIIUOII 195111111iml Allmldltl Who We Lodge Barrie Church of Stroud and from in am 15 lIthVnm 00 grooms mother assisted by the Survivingtare two daughters Mrs dividua friends Then comes the cold which if not attended to bilttln mmlolmltm llllilillwgfnwnt young couple received in benuti Mayes Alice M551 Friends who attended from Immediately shortly works down into the bronchial ion cs alibi ei oina ooxxlenggh gown of black my Coles Gladys Barrie an wo distahce were Mr and Mrs Ernest tubes and the cough starts feta with brocadedturquoise blue and carried corsagc of Talisman roses and white mums Later Mr and Mrs Goring left MI and MIS Norman Dumfmd on wedding trip to Timinins and travelling in rust wool crepe dress with matching accessories and black lThreo Soldiers Smashed son Margaret Tboiiipsoii Mrs Rich Mr and Mrs 9700 Mrs Gerald Finlayson Mrs Adams Miss Marguerite Stephenson all of To ronto William Stephenson Tot tenhaiu Mrs Chester Thompson and William Thompson Belleville called in the work of the Womens Missionary Society and also the lloineinakers Society of her coni inunity One of her first consider ations was her church Work and she illc mild of homo MisstrMargnret Toronto worc bluc chiffon if your gift has To go by mail or xpress we will be glad to pack it for you to CllSlllC safc arrival sons Victor Detroit Mich and Wilfred Barrie Three sisters and one brother also survive Mrs Ber tha Poole Detroit Mrs Cora Burns Toronto Mrs Frankie Ste phen Toronto and Lorne Thomp son Vancouver BC Her husband predeceased her five years On the tirstsi of cold or cough go to any drug counter and get it little of Dr Woods Norway Pine Syrup You Will find it to be prompt pleasant and reliable remedy to help youvget rid of your trouble market for the past 48 cars Dont ex disappointedget Dr IVoods Pyle Mrs Carrie Nelson and Grace Mr and Mrs Irving Nelson Miss Elizabeth McKinley Toronto Mrs Mary Kirkup Bradford Mr and Mrs Douglas Nelson WOwen Sou Mr and Mrs Jas Duncan md MurrayV Guthrie Mrs Gum nee 3ooabottle tlieliirge family me about 3tinics as much 60c Hickling and Roy Mrs Robert Look for the trade mark Pine Trees Wattle GeorgeWarnica and Mar Barrie The MilburnCo Limit and matching accessories It has been on the perimcnt With substitute and be the bride northern points ROIBERT JAMES ARCHERV Elmvale Correspondence ed Toronto Ont ith mink trimming Othheir inarriageIto take placen SIatlrIdIay IVGIIIIII ey WI me In 0m OI resident F105 an in Town Dec in Coldwater United Church Many beaumul and gem gifts ships in the person of Robert James The engagement is announced 0f were IIlfiIcered by ytOIlIIIgCOIIpIf Archer at his home Lot 13 Corr Georgia Mary wadi daughter of as we as sevem1 dVecglamfsV F105 on Saturday Nov 15 1941 MrsR VWld0nIBallliEanId conglgluljmons mcj lg one 10m came mmmmmmi GHQ kite 7M de0nV4 to SeigtVPi16t thezbride spa1enfs who were Vlm Ilri ailing flI Arthur Linton Ashworth RCAF able lVO Wendi Other 10m sometime had been about until the son of Mrs Ashworth and the 2155120022 fills Wednesday Dgath wasthe result me M1 AShVmlh JaCkSODVllle of heart attack FloridasTheveddiiigiwilkitake thengalrcanadulnmml Force The late Mr Archerrwasibornron IphWShonly bemre ChriStmaS GueStS fmmIa Stance mcmded April 16 1873 on Con 11 F108 and M1 and Mrs WilliamH Bogardis Mr and MISA Lambert Mel lived in this township all his life 0f F0 Erie announce the engage Vindale Mich and VMVFSLE exceptiottenyears spent on C011 ment 0f their only daughter LOIS Hunter GIIImey MII and Mrs w1 Tiny He farmed all his fer Esther to Mr Delbert Lowell Dav Lambe Gravenhursh and but also did quite bit of ham 1d Mrs Wilkinson TorontO Miss son es son an Mrs framing and buildmg Thomas Davidson of Fort Erie iThe wedding will take place Dec 13 at St Pauls Anglican church Fort Erie The bridetobe is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Henry Bogardis 16 Eccles St if Lloyd The silk oiuunriinrnIIunLunn Imnnuunuuunnt IJAKESrRIAXWELL The United Church parsonage Merrickville waysIthe scene of pretty FallWedding Wednesday ev ening Nov 19 1941 when Evalynne Maxwell daughter ofMrs Pearl Maxwell and the late William Max well Merriekville became the bride of Corporal Lennox Harold Jokes COTC Broekville only son of rickvllle The ceremony was per formed by Ray Armstrong the pastor Miss PearlCorbett of Ottawa at tended the bride and Pie Wm 80k son COTC Brockville was bast man The bride wore ver suit of Mr and Mrs Harold Jakes Met Autumn brown wool cr pa with sil laccessorles Her carriage was of iilallsman races The bridesmaid wore irwool crepeuitV4in bottle LCHOrIl ChiSholm Capreol MissRita He servedas school trustee for Bernier Toronto Mr and Mrs Jack aynumber of years and was Sun Goring Toronto Mr Sanders 01 erintendent at the Bracebridge Misses Margaret alldIlIiIigle SitteIthodIisItI Church until it Thelma Lambert Gravenhurster united with Knox presbyterian and Mrs Firman Torontol Mrs Church Where he taught Bible Goring and baby Vson slippers to the organist pair of gold cuff links tothe bridesmaid PreSblieEian ChurCh and was at an evening bag to the maid of hon ten Ith friendSnd Inei hbors Iltrwasun der 3115135385 Of AAlleInWOOd VV compact ILO4L jRev G4lones conducted nyihlrim clillly mIOIfnlgrfnci gt the service Interment was made SPlleo Nabisco Shredder Wheat bearers Were six sensWebster do bum an 14 Ashton buglaa Colonel Wilbert 41337531 milkIII III and George Afgeritff rr vAmongitherr auiii ora if Buck it up uteswere those from Ladis Aid of of mungthe biscuits ma bevsewedV 115 atdrurlilzraa Jar asmeycomesealedpallbeareran mmmmmmmmu 11mm 4HerrieaVesiomoumtthehas or mdkand urrfgsjibisco Shredded Walowlmsamdimhmrli lovingrrhusbanavand lather hisiwid Wheatis readysco kedreadIyto eat Iris mwengrgyaliompmpermmlshmenitormh ow 0qu daughters Mrs Lush 100 whole wk includin the Ivan IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII WIyouIIIIImIOIIIIIWI WETIMEIOIGIIEIIEIIIIJGIWSWW IOI Md ammo new mmmgIva Rum Mrs WileyIJoneS Sadleh at eat germIEquauyappenzmgmd claim mbpdrdnbmcll Ind ignition wit F105 Mrs GeoE1riek Meryl of neurishmgfoi breakfast lunch or as Wk PW lel luldh Phelpston nine sons Webster betweesmeal snack Ask for ith th bltldlyrdlub thud out the 3m Hr ammo LAC ForuverSSyearIstiiouimilrhrewbnpmmpt mmva relief frointhew nurioswiIIiIFmiIIlives So an you new Try Fnilbiittmaywillie Vet rox trimming an otftheface Who mum in England Ashton Colonel Genrge Nlagani milieu iii matching furufelt hat and brown d4 thn 1mm 15 um VV an IV mm hp all 25 50 lAlllliSj Clasrgmwo we He was grooms gift to thebridewas membec of Allenwood LLQLI No dressing goWnwith matching 1119 Th coror funeral wasaheld in Knox dedIIby large gathering of mi biscuits toast lightly in the ovIen in IElmvale Famelei The I98 lllijname Nabisco Shredded Wheat iii cIANAnlANISMlEllDED WHEAT commute Wilbert Brandop Man LAC DoulasMMontreal pie Albert teen grandchildren one brother airmail Jos Archer Grassland and three MW sisters Mrs Geocnellnand Mrs th MinEiNCANAnI