Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Nov 1941, p. 4

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1111111111121 MADE 11 CAIAD f1 1211513 HI 17 411 Nuthfdlitdl 11 19111 111131 Elm 111131181 GRAHAM PAGE FOUR Till BARRIE EXAMINER 1111 151Altlt CANADA Todays Fashion Birthday Party Given For Miss Jessie Miller Nearing Her 80111 Year Sunbltllxti 1111111 xiiisll 301 axon Womans Viewpoint on This end That 1mm 31711 111 1111111111 thNflplqu 111 A1 uh 1111111121 ill 11 1111111 11111 1111 Voted 11 131$ 221111 11 111t1 I1 111111111 Walker of Mayor lttith11 1111111 11111 made 11 1111111hant maz 3111 Ills 11 Mix 1111 11111411 11 1111i 1li1111111111111111111 111111111 llitl1 II II laidies ll11111 W911 311 111 1111 S1 Georges held 111 1111111111r1nthe1 aficinoon the WA 11 received the tea tables tt 1111111 was 111 Jannex lea 1111111111 1lltll1l11 111 1hr 1111I111t111111 IIII 11111111111 1111 211111 l11 11111 11 tt11 111111 izvi lHiher 1111111 1111111 31113 ltlillts l1111111d 11111 31111111 Many beautiful 111111 21111111 11d1oe were 111 ev1i 11 11111 Ottawa Ne1111l1111o l111 11u1111111 11111121 to Miss llttl wt kci 711111 131110 1111111 dis 11Li11nlil 1111 111111 11 Page pits Ke 113 11111111311 while 11111 11111 11111 kitchen ttre 1111 111111111111 Mrs Fruit 111 Alln 1111111111on popular feature 11 attract1 Mrs thllox tl1l1i and 311s Carter wr 11 11111111 111 the novelty and apr l1ed iosnty loodwui the fan Marsellus him 111111111 111 root 111111 1111 11111 homemade 1311s 11111111111 Mrs lilhooly During the 0V01112 enjoyed Prizes for this wrz1 won by Mrs Kelly Mrs Seininei M1 illtltl and llooper erai draws were also IIIHdehA 1111111 won by Mrs Han Sim Christmas rake by Mrs Osborne patriotic 11111 by Mrs Bayliss The Golden Mr and Mrs Graham 1111111 to all present Audrey Lewis had Ilillllt the 1011111111al period her topir Caldwcil with with 11 7111 11 as 1111111111111 tables purchasers l1linl 3111111111111 11111111111 Barrie 111111 other points 1111111111111 tea was served with 1111ei 11f rilha pouriiiui 111 11111111oerelt1 with law 11 graced with 111auvc 11111111 1111wers and centred w11h cake decorated ill11 1111111111111 mauve candles 11111 of the snow storm every 1111 happy to have attended 11111y 11 11111 will cherish 1111111111ies 11f the days 111 conic 11 121111 3111 111111 Maa 11 111111111 Ereli lwozit Mrs Ii liilii 111111 11 121 1111 111111 1111111111 baking tab 11 1111thday 11t 11 111111 tolc11d1r 14111 were 11 11111111 1111l11111111y table number 11 geurhie party itl11 ilittsts 1111113 Se AUXILIARY OF ii1x1i 11111211 sr UNITED 111111111 There will not be ull 111111 lied 111 campaign 11 fiii1i 1111s However the local lira funds lxzni i1l Miss 111515 pillow have 411111111 wvrk arr 110111 appealar 11 lllllgtl 11111111111 111111 was held 1111 Wednesday recreation The president 1111111111 the meeting and gave wei meeting 111111 111 out 111 1111111 11 them 111 take 11einbcrship 111 the lied Cross Anyone 111111111111111ne dollar or 11oigt becomes member of the So when the mem herslini appeal comes to you take 1111 oprmrtunity of supporting an orgznmitian that has made such an ciiiitiibntion in the present lUtHll 11111 111t1 11 111 Do on llcc adding 01 111111111111111111 11th M1111 thCre 11 he still 1111111 131 33 111 li tllllli 11 branch Mr and Mrs Robert Graham 11 McDonald St Barrie eelcbraial FiiilhH their golden wedding anniversary the home of their daughter and 511 111law Mr and lrs Wm DenaulI 28 Osborne Are Toronto on Saturn day Nov 811111 Graham Miss 11m ired Wharton The Barrie Classified Advm or town 11 ekl 11 Canada are the reason Miss Lewis Mrs 111111 carries more suit 1h11 any 11th Results and excellent CIItIIl war The new study book for this yeai was started at bmnm1ais meeting and the first chaptei Wishuw Smugmdl me son Hutwas taken by Miss Christine Mc late Air und Mrs Thug Grahmnthiugill and from her many years arm PortaelloSe11 Mrs Graham was be BathgntcScdtland daughter and Mrs Robert Steele T111111 ere married in 1891 by Rev Kitchen in the United PresbyteiitiiiChurch Bathgate Before coming to Canada in 1907 Mr Graham was in illt dairy farm business jii Edznbargh for 113 we ars He 11 great interest in show ca horses like his father 11111 well known exhibitor principal fairs throughout Scotland won several plowing matches horses for over quarter of cen tury at the Canadian National Ex hibition 1nd Royal Winter Fair he has won nearly 501 ribbons as well as many cups and trophies The couple have one daughter Mrs Denault Toronto and one West China Gladys 11011 bride of this week has been feth at several interesting parties during the past week 15 AAZlN ALE 11111 RIGHT 1111118111 LIICC Ill llIld lllill this chapter veryinteivcsting Miss Elizabeth Rodgers talk on Temperance and Christian Citizenshipiind pointed out the evil the liquor problem Jean Goodfellow and Miss 1111111111 Fetch gave papers on the temper ance subjetit Themecting was then brought tola close with social halfhour or 18 and entcrtained at surprise miscell laneth shower at the formers home The gifts were arranged in cedar chest gaily decorated in pink pleasant evening gave andwhite was spent playing games Monday evening Flebtham and Mrs Wiley were hostesses ahavmiseellaneous personal shower held at the home of the brideelects mother 1Mrs The many useful gifts were presented in pink and white decorated basket Games were the evening with el Graves and brings Mis Mrs Orville and COLLIER STREET UNITED EMS Collier Stieet United Missionary November meeting as speaker Mrs Atkinson Toronto field sec retary for West China who gave most informative address on condi tions in China past and present It was clarion call as to Chinas great need and our great privilege to helpsMrs tRev Greenslade of mlmirprwm IherWIIfIOIMeFIOT Mrs Heath sang very beautifullya consecmtion hymn accompanied by Beth enjoy good health 1111110111112 Mrs Mccuaig of longlived families How mos 111 the Dirndlsl Peplums Glitter Dresses Wool Jerseys SheerIWooIs Rayon Crepes Womens their had H15 Society medals A11 exhibitor of also played during prizes going to Isab Ethel Sulley Gladys is being married Saturday at Central United Church to John David Dyer RCAF Mrs Jack Boxall will be her sisters brides maid while Mr Boxall will act as 3901nsmmmw Were not Waiting until at Here truly amazing event ter iristmas to put these dresses on Sale here they are right when youz need them at savings of 251 tual cash what that saving means inthe five groups listed 1511 511113717 Crepes and Spuns in attractive womens and inisses Agoudvalue at the regular price and mustnt miss value in this sale Plain colours and 1stripes Sizes 12 to 20 and12011g to 44 $3311 See in ac below itiidiimirslzsf DRESSES eight glttlldChlldlCll and two great granddaughters Appfizhq Breakfan Treaf There is one little lad in the United States North Pole is not so very far from letter from boy in Ohio was recently receivedin Cal lander 121ddressed to Santa Claus Callander North Pole cntly he felt that Quintland was that believes On behalf of the Society Mrs James Robertson extended to Mrs Caldwell congratulatory good wish es on the attainmentdf her eighty here styles Choice Recipes Become Cherished Heirlooms fifth anniverSary Miss Chappell So appar returned mis arara Brooks Every family foods Some are cherished recipes Sided dun1g the programme the that have been handed down from Close very pkasam 50cm tum one generation to another frayed brownedged scraps of paper with freShmemS iaitoldfashioned says Aunt LydiasFruit Cake or Mrs Partridgcs aus favorite December meeting Mrs Petch pre the North Pole Written in round schoolboy letters on paper torn from scribbler the letter read as follows Dear Santa Please bring me rocky horse ferrirwheelrasclmoterrred rubber boots express will write again soon 11 DRESSES ON SALE Sava$l74 on every dress Crepesdn womens styles with size range from 1812 to 22 Colours of rust black and cruiser blue rsizesatrrfsvithablack brown rose red and blue in the 101 $521 was had duringtheserving of ref Claus Wool crepes in Littllfhthat Wagon Your bOY Ttimat armay lade Now we love these even if they do call for fourteen eggs Todays recipes practicaland often just licious rows Willie Hintz mnmgw my DRESSES ON SALE The better the dress the more you save On this group you save$224 to go into your gift fund Womens dressesirrplain andnovelty stripe crepes in sizes 1812 toZGIz and 40 to 52 green prune brown cruiser blue and wine 3v Reg $895 for $671 Fresh Ripe Sfiawberries From Local Garden Served at WI Lunch 1The annual Granmothers Meeting of Barrie Womens Institute was held on Tuesday last at the home of Mrs Corbett Duckworth St During the business portion of this meeting resolution introduced by Miss Rodgers cfActive service Club and representative of Sal vationArmrreropeningaSAHosta ess House in Barrievwas unanimous ly supported Mrsuc E1Weldon 118 Codr is entertaining Branchiand all soldiers wives who wish to attend at Christmas party at her home on Tuesday evening Dec Definite arrangements will be advertisedithrugh the press at later date MrsAdams gave report on wariActiviliesahdamh enjoyed paper10nd The Bell Tele given by Mrs are more as de Perhaps theyll be tomor Anyway the paste in the that the 11111111 heirlooms secret is to file or scrapbook those callsfor again and again Here are two to start with already named 00 Aunt Sues Corn Flake Drop Cookies 12 cup shortening cup sugar eggs spoon SOdaT TV powder 11111 1111153 BRANCHES Black navy VESPRA TWP BEAN OUTPUT The monthly meeting of the Work Convener of Red CrOSSUnits of Vespra Township was held in the Barrie Red CroSs rooms on Satur dayNovlQuite an encouraging amount of completed work was handed in and on Saturday Nov 115 the secretarynand two helpersfin ished the packing andshippingof the following articles Medalgo duilts7 cribquiltjs Ziafghans prs bloomers size years 11layette prs seaboOt stockings acre caps rs navy heavy sera vicesgcks 10 111112 neck sweaters rs gloves 10 helmets scarves army socks 25 prs seamens gshort tggkings I5 sleeveless sugar REGULAR $1095 DRESSESgtON SALE These dresses will be rightfor the smartest social extents oftheseason iTheyEare crepes in womens and misses sizes 14 to 20 andllz to 21112 gThey Vare extremely1s stylish and you have ehoicejof these coloursprune rosewood black green brown rust and wine Reg $1095 for $821 $8521 V2 teaspoon salt chopped nut meats 12 cup chopped dates12fcups corn flakes Blend shortening and sugar thBr add eggs and beat untii light and fluffy Sift fictir soda baking powder and salt together add to creamed mixture with nut meatsw dates and corn flakesf mix well 3Drop from tablespoononto 1cup ington the Barrie oughly REGULAR $1495 1311135535 ON SALE The best we have in stock and every one new Fall purchase Crepes wool jerseys and light wools Womens and mises styles in the group Sizes 14 to 44 i1nlight blue beige green rustand black Reg $1495 for $1121 JACOBI 11 GRAE 1519DUN110PST1 51pm mitts Never beforehas individual thrift been so vital factor in ourl Every dollar we can save countsiiithe oouducf 11 1113 eounirys lIlstor 1ofthiswarwau ELL pl greased baking sheet flatten with spatulaapd bake in moderateoven eryfcreditable To overivhelm thoenemy and haslen victorious peace the Empire musthuveamodern smooth ruiinirig hard hittingghtin machine B111 such machine cannot be built withqptindividua sacrifice self denialthrift Until this war is won Intake personal thrift your watchword Watch ydur spending Build 11131 reserve of lighting dollars but nings Save for 375Fwabout 15 minutes Yield3dozen cookies inches in diameter Aunt Janes Krisp Magic Macaroons 1A cup condensed milk rug cup awem gt acility Given To Gotlntoxicafed Welter ofLiquor Magistrate Jeffs imposing fines in several cases of intoxication in public place at the police court on Saturday morning phaticallyz If had my way ld dismiss every one of these cases The man accused of being intoxi cated 187$er the most innocent inthe court for he had no deliber ate intention of becoming 50 Every facility is provided with 1a Welter of liquorround him phoneC0 was Hogan The grandmothe Every rs were hostesses for this meeting and provided much appreciated programme Mrs Kavanagh gave humorous read ing She Sniffed When She Smok Mrs Hart read poem enw 111111111 The Old Tin Cup Pianorse lections were1contiibuted by Mrs God Save the King brought aveiy delightful meeting toa close pleasing item lunch which was served after the programme was fresh ripe straw berries from the garden of Mrs The Examine worth more gtThls book will help you save The Royal Bank Family Budget B031 showd you how to budget your income how Ibo alive by planned spending Ask for free copy at your nearest branch The KatCaad BARRIE BRANCH 1111 FISHER Manager fagTI shredded popped rice cereal Mix condensed milk copanut andovenpopped rice cereal Dro by spoonfuls onto wellgreasedibak ing sheet about inch apa in moderateoven 350 utes or until delicately lit0111711011 dozen inches in cocoanut if current car vietory ed stated em Weldon Bake nin BARBIE of the pot luck Yield diameter sells at 320015111115 11111 Tuck

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