films NOVEMBER 13 134 THE BARRIE EXAMINER BARR iORo FLOWER FOLK HOMEBODIES Smith it its BY Annual Meeting llrciiles to Lend Encouragement to Illlldrtllilllie3 lalriotic irants JilliNbUNBAKIP pact not pretty in llit Le vr til an 5li2il lNl pl Pad vkirrli i9 ii auditory il ltai ti Jtlhlll bride of El place Ur llllllll lid Iliie hiaic night blue it carried lardtiitl and iv ed and the uni giurents of the in IIlllC grow pearl llLLriiatL Mr and Mr ltlL on the 91mm Miami iitita ilal cub and lrrzi rile Dorothy lid who atltiJicd her state tsiili xi more sniai navy liltlttl sail will no tial gkiilsrilc siitri ti trial wrisn ta Hats Lllgt iliLl Jilt lliiiilt and WORKS UN IllRthi Illtl iltl fiaixit Iitl tins illJ amp lli irivr it liy l5ltl liar l1 illr lIl pl in The iiix nice lllcll1i lilltlllfilj i1 do inc talitdx cm vv lIlicsintciiuni an be nl izynow inc ultt ll lieiit vl lli ii llllll$ til iwikct lViiloimii tire tttl1ili itziwn laid Wtu nitI rial ciit lit ri til iii llai Number of lla Iitllttlllill lii1ilrr lIor trip to piltllilltl point llit ll ltllll donned niail lichie point Id cnal lhcy ill livc at Stiotid itL Ill twlil lI= pr lilt liilM Im IMRKKJHLHB The limit of the brides ltllllI Slititltl IlI tile rktlit cl Melt wedding at it oelni Suttiroa Jilcllliliill NlAtxlrlltl lftll Miss Drill llu IIIIllil tlrrittiti rliLILIIIIIII II Mr and Mip ii if Weill llttlll3tlgIIUUIH IliiliI lllC blltli ill llfllrirzl liiitilicn lIain rick on of lllrl tin cit ltllnv wl lblilltc ll 1mm mud li lmltlltlttl the ltthllllgt were Zli mummy all Ullllulltl lvlarling Slim lIlcai try The bride tilerttl ltl hineihxb IJHN lIIIl Mi with lliiecihiaiter lciiiitn rlkttilmlI IlIli ml My ml lillumlm Hum Prod llw That ttlllgt and carricl bouquet of IlllltlIIIIllI llIIllilMl Sittll AttlUllllHUllilllUll Hle inall mum limm I1I lidIlIiilIEmptiiniIIIiiiixnl ml Soldiers at Meeting of Illlflgtlti ix uti who iiiitr llit budtanaid wort Mirui tli n1 hmumg lb ltlllllill not ud ttilrtlgt of while nitiiua the 11 small hi the Mr Garnet lInziicl lviriinto lilii of icoimhlisament in tin li li livitlll ltltr lllt Lilltttlllmhtl lchcraI Cases Re orted ish one lltlirlt ill go tiid ll rpm Maui grit LX1ILIi lg tlIltIlIIlUN do in tlir larger Iil itlta Milli it 110M ct to the raounwi Commumcablc Dseascs lIiIIiiI IIIII LII ii IIINIIHInticlis lhs thing the teachers thui Iltl llttlt liilaitli of the man pan ill lltl fililw In LOCOI Pubhc Schooki gtiizii lii llltl lll llszi ls an marital oppoz duty to your lllltl smart sun suit at ridiculous price anil right at the start of the am The Ulilt in if and It piecc styles in heavy blanket illltlrllltltkllltlw cloths in sires It to ii llicv are warmly iiiterliiied pith llannclcttc and ttillH in hronn green wine lllllt and plaids Remember the days onlv AiBOTANY PARKAS lIiilltzl Sllilfliil Whit Hittl WANT HOISIEL OR HOSTESS HOUSE FOR SOLDIERS liic and estate lint risshltil also tlltgtgtttl in black lalu on 3Illdlb The and lluudlei fir knul tl pairs Sit lJl ii iii llr tttc lii llali hilt li lilin Hlli ill children nii0i si lavi Read and use Examiner ltlli 9mm or to 911 ilitl rin were introdtieril in mm Il Il Al the reception lrilli7lll lln Wt sum who lnldrpn hv lintwnis tlil lontli cvnin certinonV tno brides inotlicr ltl TM mu rpw wm rmum Ili lean Malcouimn supply lll lll ill llllL st AH imper of the Ischool iiuisc made her monthly rtn IVINlUlNH owed at rctcn llitt port fur lileLr at Manila mron ih11 of the Wtflll tlljlllj1 that lIIilllllIinI 1h lllllll55l Ollwl lllrlIS metlint of llarric lloaid otlllostts lloroe irl llosltl br opemd lililll School has hound ho girls YOUR IlIducation tin Harri for the acctimmodaiton clim 3m 50m lime Id mo IUII PHOTOGRAPH lIlic lollnv figures weir llliiImiltlitlsl lllll trivt and lriLitils if illilllllttl lilo killilllmrf fridch visits liildien inspected All scivie club ami rllicl organiza in mL SIIXIIAI LU PRICES IN EFFECT IIUR IIIHSIIIDIAS PERS 070 first aid treatments 27 vision tour in llurrie are bean asked to mill MW Imka ltlx home Visits ll connnunio rlttltlla the lcntlltllitill which will lable lI lioIS pupils with dental bu loiiltltl to llurton Tor defects corrected lti pupils lllislvlliti liairinan of the War Scrvrccs other defects coriccled cliick tlvuud cnpox two cases at Victoria scruHi lis llttlils mod the resolution let fever one case at Victo which stressed the herd of such whooping cough one case at Prince place for the soldiers who are on all yllaless measles one case at lic and too far away to go lioinc ilrince of Wales II II llIlISIiIlIIIftil IsiildicisI wivusmr friends Ninetythree childrcn were l1tll Iwh clinic to visi lhcin itoxoid lose under direction ol Dr Mm HMS USNMHHW ismml MOnguml 0mm with the Active Service Club said lhrw Chlldm well We IXMd that she saw great nccd for some lose under direction ol Dr Smith PM Ur Wkle when mm could and two were Uiven lose LOBLAWS Quality tlicrc all many other schools that are doing good work too but this is the one happen to know about lhcre is an inspiration about work iii in company aiiltiitltll more will SpecialAylrnerI Homemade Style Sweet GREEK TOMATO PICKLE 21c large lill lhis IIlllllrllV liiiir lIltlll ttsrnst thruliHnlnmwrl tirccn lomaiu lirlIr pailwil in season Iriini an old tislcil lrtllll lasliiirinrl and lllllllllltlll scal ll lor your piotrilion eats Assure Satisfaction SpecialFresh Young ROASTING Conic Smith Studio and get Lchll ivIer atIsurpiisinit llc different this Send your phmouraph creals be lanu by thi girls in group than by working individually Wth the iaolwcathcr comes hot cereals are more often used for breakfast When you use one of the cereals made from the whole grain such as good oldfashioned oatmeal or crackcd wheat with so car and milk you have nourishing wellbalanced Ilish People corn plain about getting tired of cereals It is just as easy to have variety on hand and not cook the same one morning after morning If you cook K2 your cereal at night when you take it off the heat cover the surface yr with water and that will prevent it II from getting hard lf you have coal fire after you have cooked your cereal until it is thick pour it into covered casserole and pop it in the oven for long slow cooking overnight Have you tried cooking cereal in milk This is specially good with the finelymilled cereals and is cracking good way of gel ting some extra milk into those thin children Pour off the top of the milk and use the snim milk for cooking the cereal tart thcm eat in about third of the usual amount of watdr and cook until the rater is taken up five or ten mli ulcsvthen add the other twothirds liquid using milk instead of water Childran and grownups too often cnjoydates raisins or figs added to the cereal Instead of always using granulated sugar with cereals try brown sugar for change and mo lasses iscven better as it gives you extra minerals Leftover cereal may be packed into halting powder tins which have been rinsed with cold water Bolth ensMid wer nighl then slice and brown in not and democratic and in the latter fill in the frying These the jury system is SlillIlllC bulwark gtOd Willi b80011 flShv 01 any Clmm of justice Mr Justice 11 Mc Cd dvlSll They brown bell01 if lilo Farlancl remarked in his address to Slices 30 dipped in flour before the Grand Jury at the opening of Win Cermlc are CheaPIIfOOd Id supremecorinmassimatinc Wc MIrnft0useithcm oftcnthcw Court House lastweek days By no stretch of the imagination llldla Illddlll we see scene like this court 25 CUPS SCHldCd milk lliblt any part of tliCwoild except in Spoons cornmcn cup mo theI democracies His Lordship teaspoon ginger 1A teaspoonsalt Continued But our democratic V4 teaspoon cinnamon System Wm not exm here my Pour the milk slowly on the coitl Libbys long unless we are successful in meal and cook in the doubleboilcr lwuc wiping out this gterrible menace for twenty minutes Add remain gt IV PM Pmdud or LIBBYS EATS DIRT armour that confrontsusnowthis menace itllf illgledlenls Pour into gleilSCfi to civilization bakingdish set in panor 110 +80 Ti cw rowed GILLETTS TOMATO RNS SPORK BEANS LYE CATSUP s3 Cleanser an This Grand Jury is represenla water and bake in moderateoWT VI 15 FLoz 19 mitt 120 2c BABBIT$ mm my II III gt The New Discovery Vll Chili Lungs of II III Th III tive of the tree citizenship of the of 350 degrees for two hours Serve world at large he declared with topmilk Tim iroiun OXYDOL hours Manic heat iI Il lOlznl Tin 080355 BLABKWELI Wis II GELATiiliE 177 ly low Cost year SMITH STUDIO DUNLOI Hl llAltRIli Phone 1405 for Appointment SpecialFresh Ciiicriiiiis 29 Reruns FOWL 25 ll If it If 17 OVERSEAS GIFT PACKAGES by SWIFT AYLMER and CANADA PACKERS IV Full Particulars Available at All Loblaw Stores LAMB LOINS 27 LAMB moms Tender EatingPRIME BEEFI TEE 325 21 19 spend night or two Many of them lCotlltl not afford to stay at hotels RCIKICIIS The BillllC EXillllllVlI which were always full anyway and igct ALL the news for Barrie and miup hmnos do no impeul District $200 and worth more Ummf II laeiii Chittenden said that the Sal vation Army fouml great need of Illostess llousc or llostel to accom inoclatc the young soldiers who are away from home perhaps for the first time in their lives The Army Iuill undertake to manage it nd tin goveiiuncni would laketit over laftorthc war The only way lbget it was or all the organizations to CONDUCTED BY SpecialsFiesh Spring my ll tv CHILDRENS FREE Am llzinL on Special WESTONS BUTTER WAFERETTE ii ltt nr illipliniii rm urge on the War Service Fund Com mittee that the need is great President Roy McVittie assured the delegation that the matter would be considered by the Executive of the Club at an early date The speaker at Kiwanis was ipl 1l llowald Lutheran Chaplain attached to tho Armoured Qinps Di IVision Camp Borden ills theme was The Call Today to leadeiship in Business Political and Religious Life Hopeless Shoulder POT ROAST tltlll lioiir 21IiPRIME RIB niial ini irionrennouse lamw ll Mnall Link Hi Special SFFQ 15 39 Three Little PigPork Cduntryside Brand v0002107I11 STORE HOURS 830 to prn except WEnNESDAY 830M i23tl SATURDAY 830 tolo pm EDWIN WILSON AT HIS OFFICE ST 0N SATURDAY MORNINGS 810 oclock we IURY sySTEMiS sgifu BULWARK IUSTICE HERE ddaytlicrezireiitgiipsfftwo yslcnis of governmcnttotalitarian Beginning first week of November and continu iiigTiiriillasiEEiifdyin May PRICES IilIIIIKTHIl IINIIII SAIIIlllAl Nltilll the Light to limit mummies IIII IIATiIlyI Iftlill YCI mcn ST lulu411114111114 Quaker CORN FLAKEIs tie159 Mail two Bin Tops and He in Quaker Oats Icllr Nov 15th itLJtll merchandise to family EDWIN WILSON Doctor of Osteopathy ppIoiutmmiL only and is conned eliililrcn onto 12 years of age it Fl IIlidrIe lluncliFs It Tins in Juice ORANGES SIIICIALIEXlltA FANCY APPLES 85 wntm ioallio16rrztdejrge 314 JUNK SELECTED ONIIIlltll IIIIIGOIIBIEIRIBANTAM 113 lkg IIIIIIIIIIWIIIWII wasnnir NEW SEASONIS CROP FLORIDA GOOD SIZE 3188s Dozen inljell nitnisii OLLMBIA DELICIOUS Gum cr Dozen CALiionNiA EMPEROR Red GRAPES 19 ASSEQSI RENNET MIX 2241EaztllTraining Cockpit II Simiccricn ONTARIO Lorne Jin or urnz AlgLiuIlullma matIran LEAF CAKE ELOUR 414 41111 c1153 nfmtrirrnn By reason of pressure of time QUITbucfihups brown and expense we thought it advis SUSHY Cg CUPS flour Vi GUI able to dispense with the inspee Oi Will leaslmon SUdH lCll tion of county buildings and in Spoon sallv teaspoon vanilla slitiilions which are in capable cream the humor 311d Sugar dd hands the Grand Jury reported lhe healen ng thenthesoda dis through its foreman Fred Sar lived thot Water Sift in the Lgr lkg 91 I50 Pkg No Inspection Made Finger Cookies MATCHES V9 1101 lltg White Naptha ijeant Barrie It then dispersed Tiresday morningT Qtlieixmembersw Wallace Flos William Miiis Tassorontio TL Burris Orillia Gilchrist Oro Oscar Bowman ITS AszONGm WASTE SPACE AS ITlS TO WASTE MONEYl Think of the addedcomfoct andconventence an added attic oribasementqoom willbring Use it for guests for study or for play but take advantage of that waste spaceNOW These extrargrooms can be built decorated apdinsIulatedwlth slnglematerlal at no extra cost Drop in andse our collectton of quality wellboards to LPLANIGILL COMPANY LlMlTED BARRIEDNT an ssaTG eKem Museum Exhibits fisuppliedby Sirocco jCounty Womens Inst No 115 In Mary Queen of Scots Time In an old giltedged brassclasped photograph album with quaint pliotographSEt M31434 picture bearing the Royal Arms Of Scot land Edinburgh Castle 1566 The symbols were bordered by the Scot tish crown and the Scotch thistle Underneath picture where Queen Mary is presenting the in fant prince to Darnley with the fol low log lines401i one side in old Eng lish ltters and early Englishspell it widely grown vegetables of the nd the salt add the vanilla and mix well Roll piece of dough wmcf Richard about the size of walnut into ballI Put on greascdpan and make an Aindentation with the knuckle of the first ringer Anti ad itliisIwithjelly and bke in mod Lord Jesus Christ that crowned ves wjththorns Preserye the birth whOSe baby hereI is born And send her son succeSsion 10 reingtill Long in this realm it beThy will Andgrant Lord whatever of her proceed Be to Thyglory honour and PraiSe indeed This interesting Ibit of Scottish history is all lhibit in the Museum dov century ago potatoes were comparatively unknown in India but nOW they are one of the most IifI that country Recordings are used to teach stu dents of mzirine engineering to rep ognize sounds ofcorrectlyirunning engines faulty valves and other significant sounds Medonte Twiss Barilei Neii ing On the other side in modern rgtC Bush Essay Ramsey Te St SOAP JollclISonp PALoLiv Jokes 23 limit Bani Facial Soap EWOODBURYS ROSE Brand arrmi if MARMALADE amt31 MASTER Brand DOGBISCUIIS 25r Delicately lIIClIunlCId cakc LUX TOILET scrip p2 in lkgs Que CitronPeel AUSTRALIAN Slilylnll Stylo Golden SultqnaRarsms CALIFORNIA extra Fillmy Bleached Baum AUSTRALLAN lieCleaned Seedlessnaisins AUSTRALIAN iZChoice Currants SAXONIA Cut 4uzI arrange orLemon peer Pk his TOMATO soue with the purchase rot This Any Other Variety of time Blackwell Script Cigch 15s use cerium commasmurf Inside Frosted 25 40 60 or 100 watt Coloured 25 watt FlamezShape Frosted or Coloured25watt ii Lacs CHERRIES var mm mm CHERRIES 34am AUNT MOLASSES iiioz 1an 9c BEEIIIVE OORNI 2n rinjz34 animus tolrutcisiimigsu lllll00lt lasto FLOOR WAX tllJtINS tiiri Unsweetened APPLE JUICE 25 16431 Tins Z5 or Tins AlIiLENI51PHIC SWEET CIDER iIIWITIOFIVIWIIFKSIWTUIHIMUI arisen GlANlIIlianty rigmm ASPARAGUSrTIPs Ilil2tlMIANINS sarinwren SPREADIIv eaeh20c each 30 each 25c GREEN HAPPYVALE or MAPle LEAF ML Mincemeat Tin MRS nAMiLrous Home Style Mincemeat Carlin AYLMERAssortcd Glace Fruits AYLMERs CuteredyPeet 1lBERlY Brand icedGreen Natural Pineapple Ringo SAXONIA Selected meritedGinger 12 Idoz Ikgs 11 DIN All SYRUP