Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Nov 1941, p. 10

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SETEN WI 21 new am Sit 1111 1111111131 11111 11 IIIml XIIIjg III THE BARRIE EXAM ii INER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA wk AA HHW BllU ROBERT MIIK TliURSDAY NOVEMBER 12 iv iii IIIII In tu Men Mats KM Hut111 i1l lttl at 111 11111 11 lllt li 11 11 Liz Itltl mi II lion itiillt Cultii ti 1tlimd III IiiLRtlxmg 111111111111131711511 My 51 11ris 111 8111 1171 2111 11 1111 it 1x lt itllv ic 3121 11i the l11cl1t tl 1ti RHIIdltlltl dill iii liiulitlti tlall tucplitvw Iiul Ii II Iiimwfi Privy Im IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII My 11 1111111 II JiVJdlf 1rirltl llir AilJZ liIZIII1 Saul7 11l III 11 Toronto 11 31 IitstinLti was 111111 Jul illfl gt11 of liobctl il 11 111IIltll IIt Wow 11 IVIVTHFV 2111 1111111 1d Illill litctl cii 17 nvi 111111111cvtltciav II AWWmrmw air 111 tlic otttzr imztcilcatt WM lM II II 115 father had rultltti 10 mi III Hid IV LVNi It 1v tili lie was IlIJtllI 11114 and illiitzou isicizi iiEIiIIIWEII hipifslriNiisii 11 11 the lizittil ttutli IIILUHIII IMIIIIII lcl to almtltll ltzs loss are l11 It l1c delta11 tlu 1=111ti IZIIUVHSTYLVI IJHTIIMIIIMHIMI l1l lilt Ililt All and falls elliltlcs iuiik iijlitdhit112111 lIliIIm Ic111 131111ct Ann tumii11111111F BE SAFE p1 your CIHIITCU mm DENIONSV IN ti tI1t Jse your Ir himI ItIIIxIEI IAJHIII on tlu striping garment which for fifty years has been friend 71 mew IIII IIEIIIIII iIIIIIIIII t0 MOIIICIS DIZNTON SLliIZIIERS are warm but non 131 lily mod II Iv Quinn IIIIIIIVIIIVII IIIIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIII lltttdllngICSlgCd so the openings cannot gapcw about In MW HWIONSI 1111111111 to 1111111111121 lnc cars ago rubber buttons that stay onxtra heavy rompcr fcctm ltIwlus I1 111111 passed away zit Sut 1111 11111 11 cu11 1111111 11111 sllltt sturdy and durable Made in Canada by Mercury Mills VOL llHWl WNW Illlld 00 then had not tllj11tl boil litallh Limited cert II 117 IllSfl 11 th Rim lie was of way omel thspmalioirl II HuIVn IIIIHIHIVIIK 11dIlle had becirpftuilinl ttctlllll liil 111 home and 11111111 notchi ONEPIECE GARMENT TWOPIECE iARMliNl II I1I gt gt Inc 1110 last few years and was 111 WWI WM ppm in Wynne prim gm CONSULT OUR YRAINED iti IllllIlI St Opposite Illhl Ifltt IIltmt 273 Vii hTIIllili Ill ICI1V ill and attended the lliiilctl thurcli ml $139 314 ff Iwm Im Im miIh Ml iovc11bc1 Lli littlti he married ll1 169 141 liiw1nt was 1111111 111 111134 111 the 11 II 11 11m $111 uho p1dtttastu 12 0C I7 tl11llltIll of lnntsfil on llle ninth 111111 on October 211 19111 11 35 my 189 151 II lime son of William ltowland and Vim11 DI SumI TI WI mu 219 1111 in IMHE lmuilm limilunilttImfsii Timmltlli Your brothers and four 89 239 IV 11113ears 1e tlit wi 11s iAIKItEY 51150 Dr Locke gave the world happier more cOnifortabIe feet when he designed the nowfamous Dr Locke Shoes And our trained Dr Locke fitters know just which last it II best for you consult them without obligation $200 and wotl1 more FUDGE SUNDAES WITH VANILLA OR CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM 15 Butane Dunlop St Phone 1060 Tea and Tandy Shop LOOK FOR THE SIGN It Elizabeth St Phone 3ft MEL MRS CTBAENESI Readers of The Barrie Examiner the news for Barrie and Hot CHOCOLATE 111 11 15 lilti 11f Fruity 7ltlllhc11 lr1 llarm lTS loznio Witlcn 1citl12ui tut thirty11ch 11iillltIliiilltll liarnex were Illt rcI beautiful gifts 11I Alice Mary niluix wuin 111 and 111 Barrie by zric lluv llziratr on Nov ltlill llrs l11tts lgt 71 There are seven children eraiidchlldren and ten great llllit tcn 1c ltlrtn llrx children are It Ilt James Fchxvclllearll tli rcen Illerlhal William llowardf tcll and Margery all of iii rrlc Mr llaincs and his two eldest suns 1l 111 the last Great War Mr 111 was born at 1315 Bay Point and lrlt liarncs is 11 native of Bar 11 They have resided in Barrie since 15110 Outoftown guests present on Friday included Mrs Leonard Surg cnot 1111 daughter Mary Elizabeth 111 rillla and Mrs Orval livers and tiauginiirx Elsauor and Sharon of CELEBRATE THEIRII GOLDEN WEDDING cs were lliclt il lr Marius is 73 years of age antlII Sonic there trout distance attended c1c Mr and Mrs lclptnc Guelph Mrs Jas chlpznc lr toopct anti iivrlltll tuopcr luronto lidwartl lclpic llcllliavcn Mr and Mrs Ylillilleluu Berton lbns Put ltrwn and Miss l1111c Patterson vii 111 f1olsl111 11 EDGAR YOING 13h cry sznccrc regret is 111 lidgzar Young dstrct learned of his 1111 which 1111 31l1es on Saint tlo Nov 15111 his homein Sl tthiri He had been in ber 111 lth for lengthy period lueIto tin hear ailment which caused Ins titill Edens Temple Young who was3 in his 1tltl1 year was born at Dalstpn son of the late Young and laicy Mattiline Jory llis father taught school and carried on agn cral rltllC 11 Dalston for numIer Inf years and later was Customs Gol lector 111 Barrie Edgar attended lllarric Collegiiilc and then entered thc Barrio branch of the llankvot Toronto when John Lamb was niunager here He served in branch 135 at Coldwater Copper Cliff Nor iwoml Toronto and London before going to St Catliziriiics where the was accountant for 18 years While iin London he had nervous break down largely title to very severe iilluess he had in loronto Before lwrmito coinp to St Ciitharincs he was on tl on the farm Before goinu to llochcs loint thirty years tllltl he had resided in Belle Ewart for i11111lgtcr of years lle belonged to 1111 liaptist church Mr ltowluntl was of kindly na lure was phytiys reuItIlyIIto help those 111 ncctl lle will be greatly missed 11 the conununitv lie was unmar ried and was the last surviving iicmber of the family The funeral service was held on Monday October 27 when Rev Ii Whan of Fontliill Baptist church an intimate friend of deceased had charge of the services Interment was at Briar Ilill Cemetery The pallbearers were Frunk Shannon Millar Brown Calder Boyd Sandy Walnich of Roches Point IVllllll and Mark Wlinn of Toronto Those from t1 distance who at tended the funeral were ltoliert Lamb Willard Lamb Mrs William Lamb and Reurdon of Letroy cousins of deceased Mr and Mrs Mark Whan and Whan of To ronlo Mrs tRcvl Wlian of Font hill ANDREW MATCHETT The funeral of the late Andrew Matchctt who died in Toronto General Hospital following short illness on October 30 in his 84th year was held from the residence of his son Harold Matchett lot 12 concession West Gwillimbury near Gilford on Saturday after nOon November LUCKYS FLOWER SHOP MmINGEOILQUETS AND CORSAQES AEPECALTY PITIONESLShSSiGraiiiduse 10171Wtmmlmnf T053 ir 21 Mrs Alf lringle announcesthc engagement of her eldest daughter Miami Marie to George Kendel Kennel loronto the marriage to LET US IEXAMINE YOUR EYES AND FIT YOU IN THE VERY LATEST STYLE Just call at your convenience Warns take place on Nov 28 1941 Mr and Mrs John DArcy Gart lan Stuyner announce the engage ment of their daughter Margaret Patricia tleggyl to John Brodie Dean son of Mr and Mrs John Travis Dean Toronto the marriage to take place inWToronto lateIin November 11 Tfl Kennedy WhenYOu Think of Flowers Think of Oufs ENGAGEMENTS Sim itpflicliileidlltzwand Mrs JJCT 31116111si36c111311 Sidiffhfol ll time 11 11936 he retired from the bank bc tcause of ill health Referring to him the St Cathar iines Standard said in his passing Ithis city loses one of its wellknde and highly esteemed residents DurI Sing his residence here he enjoyed titliih count 11 t11i1ecSlr1p Maxim friends Mr Young was member of St Georges Anglican Church and his fraternal affiliations were with Nor wood Lodge No 223 Norwood Qnt and Empire Lodge No 87 IOIQF St CatharineS Of kind and thoughtful disposition with Nice sense ofihumor he won the friend ship of many wherever he lived an appotn men IS We are always here to serve you GLSSES COMPLETE itlttffiffl $750 gggggysm $1250 lt ROBP OPTOlIIETRIST Established since 1920 53Dunlop St Hours96 Daily Phone so BARME Saturdayto 10 pm ale it Sample Coats THE EQTONISVAEE AT l011avllrssimrles Saturday 111 RR Barrie announce the engage ment Of their daughter Ina May to Frederick Joseph Elliotson son of Mr and Mrs Joseph Elliotson Stay ner the marriage to take place the latter part of November Mnst JACK years months Born on Alpine veryicapably Her marriage to John Harbridge Eliza 113m of Guelph October19 1889 at Southwood Muskoka IsheIwas the fifth daughter of Mrs Susan McAl pine and the late Capt Edward Mc who sailed the Muskoka Lakes for 47 years She had lived for twelve years in Rainy River Dis trrictandJimlnnisfilJoLfteen years had taught school at Smiths alls Emo and Painswick valu able member of Painswick WiI She had heldoffices in that organization Lancelot Jack tockjplace athmo RainyRiv er He survives her together With two sons Lesli of theIRCAF at Camp Borden grid Francisxat borne Her agedimother observed her slst birthday on Remembrance Day Of the family of ninethere are three sisters and two brothers still living Mrs Sarah Lalond Emo MrsThos Gravenhurst Mrs James McAlpirieAllce To canto Edward Bellhavcn and Wil The funeral was held on Monday Nov 10 with service atSt Pauls Church Innisfil and interment in St Pauls Cemetery Rev WgtA Doe of Burton Avenue United Church and Rev Mr Knight of St Pauls officiatedi Pgllbeafers were In Sheppard Forrester Pattersonvand Leertmeuihhispasslngare town conducted the services which were followed by interment in St Johns Cemetery Coulsons Hill Pallbearers were two grandsons and four nephews Elmer Moore Earl Moore William Mitchell Stewart Hogg Richard Davis and Harry Dale Friendsztndrelattvcfnttcnded the funeral from Petcrboro BIarrie Toronto Agincourt Becton Totten ham and Dundalk Born at Newton Robinson de IIchaIIscd spent all his life in that dis trict being well known farmer He retired eleven years ago anu sincelthat time he and Mrs Mat chett had resided with their son Harold Gilford He was mem licv Heres it group of dresses we are very proud to offer at this most attractive price They are Wool Crepes Silk Crepcsnnd lleutlicr Sliccns They come in rosewood browngrecn and powder shades and black The size range is 14 to 20 for Mlsscs and 38 to 44 for Women Theres delightful group of tiptothcminutc styles sisters prcdcccasctl him The funeral on lhurrday afler noon which took place from tlic home of his sister was laigcly 11 tcnded Service was conducted ltoy Armstrong assisted tiyf Rev li ll chnon anti llcv illlI Wilkinson There were many floral it tributes The pallbearers rcre thrut nephews Specrs Ivan Maw and lrval lerrv Ivan Caldwell and Stewart Friends who attended from lls Mr and Mrs Ito BESTSELLERS IN SMART NEW IFALL FROCKS 1519 Dunlop St Findlay Mrs cl tlltl 11111 est Ito Mrs TN ancc were Miss Alllllfhll30llll7 McLean wry Spcers Mr anti Mrs lliw lety Mr and Mrs Shaw loronINewton Robinson Mr and Mrs Scythcsof Mutton Patterson and the Misgtcs lattcrsou McLean Mrs Orillia BARBIE Phone 74 llzirrtc Walt cl Orton Scythcs Scythes Apto See thcmwthiS weekend SPECIAL CLEARANCE or SMART SPECIAL VALUE Special FALL HATS We know its earlyifor reduced prices on Milliner butwc want to pass on this special saving right in the middle of the seziSon group of Regular $350 hats reduced to almost half price Mathis wetSkangssgllingAllaleltsrifggmnthh wine brown and blue The Styles of Course are the last word $198 JACOBI GRAHAM ltlcimanfhlrrs hnrlcsvlicelby nnd Dalton McLean NEWEST IN TELL vier formerly Flurence Mace of St Catharines whom he mar ried in 1919 two sisters both resid ing in Barrie Miss Grace MIIYoung and MiSS Laura GY0ung of the BCI teaching staff one brother Major Newton Young second 111 cErFmandCOthhe military training centre at North Bay one niece Miss Barbara Young Toronto and one nephew Peter Young of Toronto now oversczrsuithithe Canadian Forces After lingering ilncss of two MIISI JI LI Jack formerly The funeral took place on Mon Miss Margaret McAlpine passed way on Friday November 1941 at the Royal Victoria Hospital where shehnd been patient for two day Servicedn the morning in St Catharines wngwcphducted Rcv Mr Bognallrector ofSt Georges etery in the fifternoon the commit ww EDENvALE The YPS meeting was conduct brancc service Mlss Fern Maw few days with her sister Garnet Walt Midhurst here The heavy most as high ood and friends here their respective homes Due to supercbundance of the farmers land to dotfal and patchy number of men airport putting iri dra building large budget are there Church and at Barrie Union Cem tal service wastaken by Rev Lewis ofColliet St United Church are spending wTTbtonto ld by Eltreda Elliott as Remem is speiidlng Mrs Mrs Ross formerlyIiiar Miaw has returned to heuhomcin the West after visit withrelatiiles rains have raisedthe Jiver and flooded the Flats al as law snring Mrs Arthur Ross AntlertSaskI returned home on Monday after spending some time with relattvps Visitors this week iitcltidedi its Belfon Bradford Olive Dick son Allan McEuheIn Toronto at 11 anti get on fto he plowing Somepi the wheat is lacking quite grown from th ais trlct are working at the Ed nvlalg re Ilcrge number of hinges IfSt Johns Anglican Church Cookstown and in politics was Conservative Surviving are his wife formcrly Margaret Anne Davis Tottenham Whom he married in 1895 and three sons Harold Gilford Edgar Fort William and Lorne Churchill Three brothers William Newton Robinson Henry Winnipeg and Edward Winnipeg and one sister Mrs Charles Prangley Chatham also survive ROBERT HOLT Ephraim Holt passed away at his home 180 Bayfield street on Fri Iday November after painful ill ness of lengthy duration 21858 was nativeof WestGwil linjbury and lived in NottaWasaga 33 years at Ivy 12 years and in Toronto 18 years before retiring to Balirte Mr Hall was faithful Mr and Mrs ClarkMiddltqn giggly pf 1139 Church of England For themastmyears fromth pCcted resident of Barrie Robert Mr Holt who was born Novmber by amething NewI Many New Features The Mary Barron Dress fefenLEhaLls why it has been spectaculr stiCCSs wherever ithas been placed ion sale Here are the prin clple ffeatures summed up for you It fitSsmoothly and easily No unsightly sidescgghf and was regular attendant when He had held the office of WardeInpf the Church some years ago InIpol servative and his principal interest in Sports was Curling Two sisters Mrs George Prentice of 123119 Toronto survive hit late=resideuce on Monday af ternoon and wereconducted by the Rev Reginald Howden of Trim ity Church assisted by Rev John McIGillicuddy pitaFirst Baptist Church Pallbearers Were Walter Hook Smith Kain Herb BuddSWll 11am Cowan Frank Irish and Fred tributes attested to the wide pirclc of friends he had iculiivcbed in this an Sta Iuttddnd 17 health permitted at Trinity Church itlcs deceased was an ardent Con His wileth Score their mat pages yearsIago was Janet Mci Arthur passed away in July 1932 Stayner and Mrs Susie chCutch Funeral services wcr held from Waruica Many beautiful floral district while many others camel fromxrelatiVes in Toronto Hamilton at Relatives and frieudi the rites from Tdtonto ifbittdSI in backer it doesnttwisIt Strapslij Folldwsthe figurf in Slips makerSlipis radictilly dif PITII Itucvcrputcmfff Neverridcs upfin frontier Doesnt mg Iat Shoulder ChamoSuede and Chamc SuedeKidcombined Gloves in beige Chamois white LUXURIOUS NEW FALL SAG OrgpeIII complete with change purses mirrorsand black andnavy 00 SizeSSlz to 712 P123 some have zipper inside Handle or under am styles Special 933$ Qi and

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