Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 Nov 1941, p. 5

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mii m3 XKTCJZIIH has 53x TEEBiRREEEEQWER Bgtilglf Munro CANADA Tum51 NOWmm VV Lmsf btii crc 11hr III unIISulitm SIoIiIJItIaIII3VeCSIIIIiIoeI AT PT lt llptllt 15gt tVllCll tiiti huts ml ir 141511 iczi slime Jack Enlrrlziim W1 addresses The choir was assisted byt quartctte from Nobleton Eomsowmnvwcumtcndmr jIV read or p14 or the our III ml Ill LHltl VV VV lostup dork Mill in it 1V iv in li1 llfioiul light in use mu rm UV V9 VW WV us how Tthiifhislniltltd NV lt mimum isk epumni to it 11 linieiit tllrtkttl up on Air Puree in nlSlll CUUHCH 1t 113 Oill vies latch better Alitlcz ALF triennitli iguin alt INN Pink iid ll 211 lLl=lll piteve bkIll nil 314W them qumllrd JHJ limit it gt 5tlill uni Mr III Hwy III rd iI IIIIIIlIil ll ClimbIi 14 in iiuic plentiful held 11 in phi Yi mm HI m1 HII II is he ll lltt Iliibl tuiililiil ofiiil iii truth xii II II II IIIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIiIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII IIII IIIIIIIIIIIIZIIIII 10 ridly at night iiwhen heathtori lull li wimwl to II II III llml Ur Ilh lllml llml ll 111I in moans VV MALL v51 MM is gully llilril 4st Mi MM Livl 1011 liltilitli li in 111 lilrli lull liil Hl1mmn5 BHIIIII IIIIII IIIIIIIII IiIIIIII III III IIlIIli III VI II uwr= trim 131 Nlirf hm hi oi Ltr tllnl Milli hillllllilrl its tlillltl iull Nlll 11 ll 1111 WHWHM 173 HEUnVlldd WWWW is de VV Jan Vt 11lxilii Mr llrillg islynilil ilintr tlmlililliss ly Lang ll ll ll lrli lutiuc the it 3w it intz Lnl 111 Mid mm In VVVIM IM 11lllrllg yrle My EU 71W Autumn iliiiu1iilrlrrlur1i 1131 twlr ll itlllHltlsl TVV 4V Mm ilA lim1 IVlirlhvh thw fx VDlVV HVV f1 lIIlIIIIIIUII lllIb LIJINII DI irIIiwivIIiilIvIrrII iii1 ours es itch 3H hun llH In 1131 in Liri him till ifix ii Ir lie 111 Wellington Hotel i1iiilt trait 11141 wi 1111 wi icon 11 IiiI 111 =5 innum mi Julot Jmn ngigan SLmigV mi ilinue sunit giim Jul Mitiitli illit ltiiii 01 rwbMwNMM 353 to itiimn ion lomiitir Liegl in thin iv Aiilir Lilltl 11 mu gt IIIII 15 not iio iit lih lilir titanium ilit itlO Hi ln Miiiuniiil tiw ii li IJI out ltlllit II 511 Wk 11min 15 mit 31 lIIIIAIIII III livid 11 51 MM lIlIImIIIII If Im WII Menu 11 Fillllc ll lair11 lllllzlill Hill111 lilfl ll ill II ll ititli ilzifeizctubie iiiziiiur ii 10 11 Wm iluldizSuutIvh 1052i jtlm id hm wt in it 317 II 2n gt innl in lxt in list um LIL mid Huhbmi VHVUVVV 1001 311 91 41 Illli11lllli My 1h lis the be mm int ii ii linti lllr 0th Mi lim 01 13 sow gcsbV SPGM lui to llli iim lziimmi ilk1 lie livi in 11ml 101 Wt all illlti aha lln siient use Vus iiovelleis oveioge ma tII 1111 lilwtl 11 km Hi llttl1 ii IlilIAllitilI Produce mm IOe lePcrgollcn And IIy fills int Millllll loronto mind out to ORW Paw HM ittlrlllltil Liv lumen i2tii VV 101 along we in immoral Ari 31le 01 free mommy WV Cm ii liiv it lmwdl 3tl iIIllIlll uncut the tgttii It It II mm lint lb in ttk uni A1 JV pth VVHW VNVV VHHV Mm ha Uh 40V my uV lt l1t 1ixltlitei in Toronto 11t ill 21il1i mull ll All VI EV IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII111IXil ii rltlil for lIilillH linking Silililtl1li lvit Sitiiltiiv or hut ORD $7 II IVII IIIIIIIIIIHIIII IIII III II N1l ill USP 11 iiiBuns and cnkm l5c doz to 25c 12 Who 51 MilfIllit1 MONTRFH 918I II Id iiiidilmrnn llliit cliiiiive Drmylmuio dri 20c 11 Bornii rim iim 1y my II 10 iv III IIIIII IIIIIIiI IIIII IIIIIIIII lIIIIII IlII IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII II lIIIIIIIilHomemade timid white or 11 1111 lllnih to reude in To 51 VVARINF $6 9r iilm moire lid ml ilit ll ttillill lill hit irigt loiticiiluzit Monte it VV 10 Xllll ciiterluiiiiiiuiil lul lllll Sttltiltx lll re in illustrated FILM 25 MIS 11 lioekltird about it ieiil MI 891 $1100 tliiii on their di lililtitiit 119111 III1I1 IImImI11vIII IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIQIvil1 1lill 311 and Mrs llziiolii Hit in TM includid tx1 your inuiiiciliiilur to tziw voui Wk Im mirmmno l7 lon I9 Um11111 Ticket iiiiisl Iillli gtiid Xii Ill1tIl IIIhmIIm Iw MumImm Spec Baking 30C mu Bl Vlliumh llilll de Information vf Frtlit iitllll ltiionio where he liiid been at iilliili 11 tlilllltl he lint nu union in 11 WW 20c to 25v wmmrd to hmmul St Monster CHURCHILL 3ltul 1VVVVVV ML NM 50V have Vivturned lo ioioiito 111191 V1 Imxn It lt1 mm 1m VVWUWM WV 75CJV131111111Cil thltwgullljlhgtti 1th her mIII II 3I5 VHWNx PM Cl ML Mun 81mm ning an 100 150 Frwnds and nomhbom of it Mdrkliiim and Toronto will Dzllxf 15C Packard met Viit lllS home lllSti Mrs ilitll shanty Biiv spent it llnlilitl giliims qt 151I V1llllil 11191 and lireseniedi Ctillli Biiiek itll that ii drive few ifivs mth lier diiuuhter Mrs impiiunmm hiiii with ii reineiiibriincc uiit Would be 1m on All once to 01ml Show Wood ptr mm slosmiw some ol the hruh along the roads Mr illl lisVV Ily IllOIIlVilSV Vino 1m 1de smw File money could bt better Illiltl JIInh IIIIIIIIIkII Sprint lqmil mam Wing Immd Ml illlsie Wrivht Midland hrs 111ml intuitr lb 251 interseelimix tor siilety xiike boon WM Vl iv in Mm pmm mmmi 23H listen to LlKlis JOB We are spriidiiis money for Mm 11V 31mm THESHADOW Luckicn white in trout inow ieiici without removing tliv Mr and Mn Burl0 and Mr VVVVVVVVVV Radios Mom Scrjt liunni lilutltl vi the Howl brush on the roads he said and Mrs Ihcs rive silent Thur 9mm CilllIiIHllilll Allilltl 11111 lirttl 1091 that tlii men can innit not hit lll lorolllll be mm jmwwx MC 19 mm in my park in the mm Our sviiitintlii is extended to pm NJ iv mm 1nd mm mo mm brush Mr and Mrs Lorne Mitchell in Ay been Iill llltl iSI iIn lllill Ir lIIllIt nl nor IIIIs IIIIIIIIi OlIl III IVlIIIIIIIlIlIlllI ii Intended for Low chki II II II II 0m III Hum V0 lioiidqumiur iii 11in notion It ms illiiittl thin the men monk mum muowpim Dam Mm Rem 11L 3331mm 3mm mm Anny MW 1lllllll complete the work on italith in St priuls Church basement on 11 low dnvs iit home recently NUlllllllJ llliltl lltV ltli lll nil Wind IL 30 I9 11 Tiltilm VIcmlm MXS 31121111 TOIOllU l5 Vlsllml wmtringing Debi VA servue vlll held in Sixth her SISLCI MrsA Reuben Pinocheii Accounts presented for the 11101111 Line Cllliltiy 011 SltllltlilV N0 Mr and Mrs Reg Dr sdnle mid on of or October for park work were ncmg Children Toronto and MISS Edna 193550 IllOlllllllttlllRlll memxorv of t1the liite Moriariw New Tome were II mm Morlnritvs lor the weekend Aaccoum I01 pom 13 10111v 50 be mild sin 11 tiitOs Joll ISLewl My Chang IMUC Cc submitted by Harold Wallace and the United Church Churchill 0111 Rufmi Mrs1DomV will lien your home steadily and CCOn0I1l1111All ri in it $2Faiytlognlfiznglded 44 mllglgllllgfStipglljvPigglioiasz Gray Dr and Mm Stewart and WlNVFLR LONG Ifluinc llS yiiur order ttfitluy Stiirlt HO uiiii IseveliIIlllCISClit Roll call in Thou Archer all of Brad1 enlgitigtzcnesvlilgdzhriyshuffnxiinl all lei COll gt if Yh l59111111ih leslmlb 12 Mn18m mm were mm P1 by ljlsen III IlillII IiIloWIquitiiIIIliIEis DoillI DIillIotigllllI llglslIIngmllIlICCtIlllI JOIN Presmtermn chum Balance of 56090 outstllunglVS conducted by Sloan and 1329 $6 Mirioru Plotter Study Lmtiei Rand SUDIWSOXI Stewart IuhILImiEthelHunter took the 2nd chub tliere was some work to bCIdOIlL Hme of Henlmn She was yctLtrnd when thisless been delicunrsmr xi1315M he sold the account should be of Sunday School papers were Phone 999 Every siiilor SoldierI and airman Advertise in The Examiner needsWilmlmumr paid tied up to send in bales lunch iiiisriiiuiizsc verywluubleinuse There wassome discussion re Ba m5 QUICK RELIEF FOR purchase of propertv to straighten The Salvagepommmw of HEAD COLDS CHAPPNG 113de 011 25 Sldmd fronriosFmsql Im In IIIeIOIISISPIDh 01 we 85 Venmg TiRED AND ACHING FEET north of 13th to and it cdttLb sglytTiismuANDugESRgE nod rilinAfsgImd hIllant1mildg mmnsm You 81 some 81s 18 8911 hid andother con ditions heard from an owner on the west side committee was appointed to iiitervieuLthe owner onAist side to get anVoption on that pro perty and report iL KILLYLEAGH Fisheries re Iniiisfils hunting by II opinion anyone who desired to contestthebrlaw mi lit he iveii Mrs Roy Kelly is leavmg Mon IIItIle benethor II amnion coup day morninv for Lorbourne Man to towns ip so icitor aso ad vised that the same bylaw was not WSW her momer Whols unm valid because it gave rights to one MrsV Ireton returned home individual and took them away last Thursday after ten days with Tom another her sister Mrs Wm Cornes Ham In view ofjtliis motion was 11ml Ilm authorizing the Clerk to Mrsrtwmer IKeaSt and family are moving this week from Cooks 1take mm to havem3 hummg town tooccupythebouse recentl ton To Rescind Hunting Bylaw COMfokT Intended for Ls Weeki gy letter was received from the Mrs Wm Sharpe is Spendmg Deputy Minister of Glimer Tow dais Vlth flieiids in Thorn installed last wee by flow An old cookstown WWI16012695 bylaw rescmdedg ly vacated by Frank OHaras After 31500551011 the 1ng Sundav or weekendvisiting Mr ll of sheep by dogsV Counlnagt and Mrs Strulgess WllhEa HEEREEZESV lstlmgcnb regulations regarding Sturgess Shanty Bay NEEDn dogs running at large Moore Camp Borden at Roy 4r aiari ofth slro KellyfsiiMFTad MlzTh05Mayes l1 at Wm Walkers Jas Randall twmeaner dvanced $000 pet with his mother Iii Toronto MissL month Harry Ferrier Cliff CarsI cadden rand Haroldeallacetorer 33 Wgglrwagnsd ngggwg reqelve $4000er monfh and at Wm Woncirs Mn and Mrs Wiceito receive raise of five MLowrie and children with friendsl dollars here Irwm Craward Toronto at his home here Albert Kelly RCAF Trenton at home Ken in wi umess CBAIGHURST Vbe mws Knox Church at 730 pm hVWmfSlalr1VCamliiorden was 0m 01 wee en In II Intended for Last Week Berta an Lorne Sheffield have 8011 hung algwga onlgiiinfnuiellglregnygc ZIlleIIIRIvS mewend Ia st Kent iedthe grolmIrinyaI VMrsV Mable Blme Hamilton very interesting Bible Vstudv of Now is the time to buy yamr new DodgeV oilI longer life with iewl repairs and EATURESV OF THESE NEW BonaEcRsl andVoniVoy the very latest in engineeringffgreateifviiltie for your dollars Dodgc Narmmkr mm mmwmbh 11V InddCSiEn D0d8 Dpndnbiliw 15 mefewowners MeII8mnilFr35d Plgasule riliinIingIbaIilaI mum1111er kiriiiigi ilcrmIleil important to you now than ever before fromjhlr Dodgg ownership in every way libriepomr th yew goblin and oil raving because you may want drive your new imrawiirf iNWbarr7jrmm permilowermg Y0 may approaCh the PurChase your Iliabud without Imiraf beaifroam Siam the Gospels Olive JohnsonChrls tiari Culture convener will be in charge ofVnnext weeks programme United Church The United WgA held its Octo ber meeting at the parsonage was weekend visitor here Harry Brock and Jas Readman Milland Were home at the week en Mr and Wm Coward Golden Valley scent theweekend liefF VM with Mrs Kent as tea hostess d5 of miles OrillIIlhIIIIvIere IglsilIIoIiIshulet ares gIIIIlllIgIViIIlZ vmaVny neWodge With complete condence in its smirk bathfmm and rear Large luggage comprm Dodge engineers have made scores of enduring valueV mmf Full FlanmIgVer Dads lmzmmon hydro11h broker improved Oil Burl AimMiner out the winter The firstbhatitcr mgCIIIIIIIIlIIII Improwmems In these haw5G0 mIIydur Dodge dener and Iinvqmgme Oil Filterw SGftURim wlmr rind mmaf wry Saturday Ernest and George Watkins was read by Mrs Kirby Mrs Margaret Binney Fleming and Dean kindly offered to be has Mrs Steven vlsltchrs sWat tess lit silver tea acher home carsund they mean money saved in fueliind these cars foryoursel camfggiafuy features kins duriri the weekend tinOct proceds for WA invlnizA dison Archie McGinnls work The November mating is to AbeRichardson HNe11es at be at Mrs Kirbyshorns with gram and Wslrhurlow and Mrs Burvund Mrsro our worth tip Porter Htllsdale went to assisting with tea Pakesley tor the deer hunt WW AA ANEA8YWAYL An easy wail lotiud articles lost is to advertise in The Barrie 15th liter Classifieds Onegcent word CASHminimum25c Anglican shuttlesAt St Peters 91111151 GhVVh Vesnra 30 pm St 39 It fan antes 1310th the his liree ill EIiw

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