RAF FXAMTXTR BARRY ONTARIO CANADA VVV V7777777777777777777777777777777777fV7 390m 77 STAYNER iV Miursmc iti 77 coruc Albert Smith has been 11 wilf lo 37 Yul is 27 is iV 13V 7i 71 gt2 l7 rte Mix Pittr Sr in ex luv it Friends and mlntttcs in the dLlt mr th Li 3m 7V tzit WHY mocked to hear or the jlrzllh or Mrs VMantilrl Beil txntiu mum 7V VV VVlVVV VVVVV VlVfiVleVVVVjV Sztuizer Sliiilill LE arm45 My iVV7V7VV TV ATM byway Mini VV tVV VQVV Mr Mrs Ur luv lFlttltllt ind Brit air ie jV VV 11 giltzitritrii anti are internal til The AWN Purl Ve wixfi lli ali Illx Incl 7V Izt ltl ii ti VlAVVVtvztertaizieltli sible sitar ie in 7V pail1i 2llV PVVV W33 Vi 27 mt VV llt tll Illtl7ll lll 77 gt tVVVV VVVV of tan tl7ltiiVllllitV VV 11 17 V7 hurtli VlVJJVlit it VttVllt 7V VV VV VV tt and 77 VV VV i7lutitl uzu fulllil W13 VVV VVV 73 77 51 VV WV mi itllllg tlitl tt lElth lLs lull tlltl 7n7 iv in 017 mi 47 Id tV Vlti VV EJVIVV VVV t7lV tVil VltllVllt PIlJVlIlH wi vi iii itz ii wt H7 771 arts Lb VVV VVVV VV VI VKV IVVV VIV VVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVV VVVVVVVVVLVVVVVVVVV VVVVVV VVVV MIN7 Al VVVVVVV VVVVVVV VVVVV VVVVVVV ll 77 27 til 2t3lzs Rubir llllrn wi77 addti to 7tw the toningitn 7i rllttlitV iisitlr ill ltltlltbllll ol the 7i 77 77i 7M7 1W7 Band Im 194 In the ribi 7tlr ulr will Ullliltln tn LlSlNIliZP ill tilts llrvte Anderson duo 17 AAvw 77 NHH7LEIUW dg llxlnllx lMllltiit1 ffll7tUlliillixllii to uni al asked ti tiilllitl liv tn M17 7i lllht 10 Mix film 51mm filo uric llii lllllllllll ot her it this VH FlVlhh MAW mlmlmdium 7V hm Mk ltlll ipiii 771 wt 7m tlllM tt minau in Mir l7 mod the ltltLll rauv Mrs 111077V Rwhnrough xvi7 7V huh 77 i77tei attests No 1mm hm ltllll port til the Sectional 1727 11 53 MQm in mm no unntum Ytillnitzuuutl on tt Nil3 VVH VHMV 7m mo pm 11117 1055 771 31 whim wood and 2l i7771 VV 1L7 Vent m7 11 17V7 7m tlu tVVVxnt 3V 15m Viiiitt VVVt7thlllllVVVlttV VVlVVtV7ViiVi VVLVliVthllVHVVVV VVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVV V7 1umg7V ll luinwiiihis are lirillli my ltlllV VV hlmw Mrs l7ul isitswi llllitltlll aliioiiiit now to euvtli QC Sin1m Rm LOSS Slumwli Viru hng Ann JUN M7 MW VV WV VV VVKVuvaV mun tllllulliill lied ross lieultiiui VV dummy stun lilJllIIHlil =Itl lZ th V11VmhVhVVVVVMV VVVV VVVVVV 102 lorunu this week 17 easesV it Mtlllili til 31il3111 THIUIW N7 Qum 37 11 53 1mm Mill13 WWW VV V7 VmVi Mn VVVVIHVVVVVVVV NV VV VV 7VV7V V7V VV VIM Vli lleznliztrt Cider and Vtiieigai 7V7 1377 17VltV77V iiir ltill 71llllll luiunio L1 It ii 0th5 izilt or the British War Vamp rm MCP V777 VVI VH iVV VVVVVVV 7VV77VVVm V777V My Vlmg M77 HVM llim 1mm IWvni 7llll Victims The labels lllt out on Mt tic 7VV Vtiuntym n3 hi Vintnt of huge and tell that he by pupils of ltiie Continuutiou= VVV7VV VVVVVVV VVVVV VVVVVVV VM7 V111 Mun vrurmih mm Mom mm Hm StlVioVol 7Rtlll71tt clothing girls V7VV VVVVV VIVVVVV VVVVVVVV V1VV 777 IVTV NV IVV AV PVV VWVVV SVVHVWVVV This 13 mt 51m lVIVllllrt tootrs oidiV4 units girls hymn Mnn so bum7 mm 7H7 mm mm mman unlit Vtlll V3 boys sweaters IV llvrt liviill lo TIllml 31 Klliibli tvt lll be poiiiiiient lllltlltllollldz ms In Wills 7711 Ml Vlel liit lllll itltlltlh or Ius Btrl VhV TVVVVVVVVVVV yVl burs Jul enrsiV gent95V lit7 ill be Iid to learn llt is ablt Dill llmmn Slllllltl57 lildiCSt am wummhlu bi but at work littlllll at7r 1m mu It 115 1115 sweaters 16 Vearsi 10 1an 1V VVVVVVVVVVH5 my Wm mm till overnintiit through the War pairs tIiilds iiiitts Armvi Fast lemme motor transporla 11 rumm hm Union litlllllt5 son of lltv miius Silllll7 llehi llllV war Ullllgtll7 74 turtleneck sweaters 5f v7oh3n can5553JLnNHHaLHHNW itnii llllllltl lelt lllp Mitllllii Blilkkbllllgc lllil U7Hllll scfnws Dims Mme Hemfll Hon eepSouf C0510 Wng down lliltllllll 3m Ithllulpit it seiVKhs in Jllblltt Vslmud mum rcdcmuon 01th cups thth socks pairs Bestdcs bringing what we need n777 77 121 mil 19 Hijlll HAL faugfn ruVu IMle 11 1hth 1131 11111117 $th Slyriabnwti lt Bum lieliiielf SeltllililcsnlellllllogITFTCSh andelliilmevk3 Ut AlfUlltlllltllllllll Vlltllltl Slit overs New tar MVVVVV NS omit in Iiudiiie will in mm 10 km llititVitV till persons iiieuidiiVigi mum WNWSV VVVVUOVVVOCM handling as much as 50 and WurrVumV mum Vin meV 77VV VVV 111 VVVVV by lVVVVVkV7VVV7IhOSV VDIVVRVVMVH1 VlltVVVtl pViVeVsLth it lVit VuwcmersV miirs seaiiiens stockt mans reected ilnhclower priccs VV VVVV VV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV V75 1mm VVHVHVVWVHVVV USDVVMV Vyllltl oi tlit tall Illtllltl of me inizsV lllS whole mittsV 10 mil5 lununn unnuuunuuuu the RCle 9mm Ioneiatuluium at an 7m Federation of Aptlitlllllllt held in seaiiieiis sotks aero can and you and pay Ill 5th hllt l7l limit II 77V 7V7171117V auxin lavas lllttV Aunts Rigsscii this IMHO 011 Mmtdn nmw VVVIWIV Etta1 Wm 01ch But cutting our livmg costs is lltl lllmlllll lslml ifiIl HHD ltll 7w Iltlllowiiii tll unllmt WW mnlllitl in 0mm out The topic under discussnm was Wmbltl $13 01 blnkrisu 7H mmm 1mm Miss0n only Italthe story Trutks enable 5mle 193 vlimVuigVxnV SEDAN IVVIVVVlllV VlVVlVllldVlViVlli VVVVVVV ml 10 VVtht iVTVIVIVIIIKIVHVHEVVIRSCVVOIZVVVHHml uld JVMIN ProgbkimhnmEVEN us country folks to hch more tl its lt In lil YHOIT in It Yul i0 11 my MIR Mic vnlker 7w ll AMI 54 mlwd WVmVVV 7WOVVVVV hiiiiih llllllt retinal of Com money for fast flexible motor 77 VI 190 ll Ht II IIIH HM 5Il II Hilts liio 125 of Dut CVVVVV mem Prmwmrmn WIN 11 1117571111 ML Sillllll 7777777 777dq tretglit Carries rural produce to The lllillllltllll llllllh were Hill 1939 FORD SEDAN mum mm 1VVVVliiiirrli oii Vvtliirsdai eveniiie mom 12d mm 30 market anydaywlieii prices are ltlflf IIRYSHCH tllIIZ 1936 lllllllllHiI HHI llllill DIHK SEDAN 1935 ILYHUFIII fllilli Ill IllfllriNl SEDAN 001000 IntrlllttIItaintIll0501Ilealllootllllotltllgl illllllgll SignIllrgiglllltvtlvllllt571llilllg through removing the Caruso Mr and Dmlm Tommul to keep the mks rgllixg lnm pm 17ml 57 mp Hm lxi number from llolly were 5m weekend th MI and Nothing Should be permitted to Mis Donald McMurcliy JWV 711 mum Hymn 10 11VVVlestlll7 winch shows that iiiteitst Miss MVVMVV Boat H0de Gem new home in lomuto 1VgtVIVVVspreadiiig Another meeting 01 lye has assumed her duties as Gerald Mtltae has arrived safe Szroud branch will be held touchpx70f Godm vap school mum mummy Wm mm Iy iii lxinuston lllllllllt Mrs iii about two weeks Roy Goodfcl Norman Etshawu who uscd tiiities ot the Institute and ad twin 5mm my Oklltlzllwthl lisxioii Buidof lh Used the Strand Federation tlial ghtmand dehvers It Ull I935 DODGE El 1930 DODGE SEDAN hm hm mm Bum Umtu hmlhul 7M ii rot or less than 91500 ill COIldltlon 77 hm llk IllRUM 1ily71V fllll 71 77 193a OLDSMULILI ll lllil MlII aiitiVivVis liius ii lilo dinii llltiniVVVVVVVVVI VV VVIVVVVVVKVSVlVlVVVVVtVlEVlVlVortzVSOVglVi 1lllllV litVthllllldVVllH VintdiLaIVV Miss Vistlior Downer is visiting Because we are 10111 dc t7 19 liOID lllAIllllN If FOID ll IlltVlttt iii uassiiiu lllOVlUlhI who V7V service lll wont soon stow rc ier rOlier Rev Wallace Downer my railed iii lllll police 51 WWW suits by preventing serious sick Duiitrooii pendent ontrUCkSvt behooesus hamper this vital service Tuner BARGAINS 1937 Ford ZTon Dump Truck m5 my 31 mm lMFRill Vim VPillllCi 31 Viilm low eliaiiiiiaii advised when they work in this district is serving as Fargo 2Ton Chassiq and Cab JV me LVN V701 VHVV mthiViVitViIVstVVViVuVgliiViVnVrnVitiVVVMair beloie7ivitl then go into the matter or gill9V Vwith the army transport VVVV VVVVVS VV VVV VV VV VV VV VV VVVVV VVlVVVVVVlV on 11 niiiiii hunt John RVVVVVVV BVAVV Knox COHWVVV Vllllll they Will ask fOi author ll lls 1938Chevrolel Ton Stake 193BFord 12Ton Panel 1932 Chev Stake 112 Tons VV VV ity to establish local COIIlmlllll The fall plouiiigr is about comV All 311 MontwllmllPiislntlelilian ElllllldlltcllllmSllllllglllily It 1113mm mm Ipmcd mull mm acreage than Illlt Miss Man Jack lblltrd DavidHVVVV1 VVVCOVVVVVVV PVVDVVVVVVVVVVV ViiSualV as practicum none of Um Jack in Toronto on Tuesday Ctuisloltll cud Lefrov CS ian Cliureli Gall next Sunday 941 WWI 11 Weeks new seeding is 00d due to or ltllll played llll on the schoot Mrs Peter Gitfcn John leflelection campaign are as follows by stilmiml Pasture is above ZIWIIIIWJZ NV vvvwfw coco rclfllmlN ottolutox VVV Mondm to wmd he mum 1ch Pics Janus Cunningham VlC WINE Ill l0 tllf ODIOUS rains Ford TON Truck VVVVV EfVVVVVVVIVlllVeIJOV 3010 LC Mm Gordon vadm Bmmpmn Pres Mary Ives7SecVVVV Doreen rTm Mm DIVt MOW Beame SlutonlCainp7bellTreasAlexGraingciV 7777 77 ltrotottlJoltllrlolotlooloioltoalbodliloNottilllon and 0mm memmm 1181 mm Editor Melville Thompson As l7ltii iuiiierous farm crops thall 515mm Educ H910 Ben 00 BUY WGI Savrngs CGIlVlllCCIleS iii77 tne maltan of an automo MglsEdR Social memen ElsienpnimwnA VV clan VinitniiieViirer includes hogshouie wim may niotherVVMr Miljsistant Social Convener Norma fi 11 11 lid blUhiton Woodard who is seriously ill Seem Pmnm LOUIS Glenn Iicosttax an electrical iinlt in Collinuwood and Hospi the Deer um bcddizigc inniiund sugar cane pru fal The followitit hunters areron the vidiu alcohol for shock absorber Miss EdnaFowler Min and Mrs 91m 115 Veei T0 Aldbegi nd 1107 Garnet McDonachVnglgVAmherst VL VGouldV ArclL John Melon 1MiWrbarrcmnde GUCMWMSQ1 Dotolhy Lane Toronto were re7Mi G90 Sherfell Wllllam7 com guests of MR and Mm CVtGerald and Keith Groves BobLe RV Tait gate Norman VWoods Ed Lambert Christmas parcels were prepay Jack Lcivis Jim Bannerman Clar ed for the boys of Stayner serving 199 Wd7 t9 BaVVIQV Hum Chm with the Active Forces overseas Pom Bar Ch PukeyNor at meV home of MFSV Gerald man Trulford Tara Gordon Fras vaeg bV me LVOVBVAV NOV 479 er Ted Gardhouse Joe Corklll VV VV Owen Sound Geo Jackson Ar HAROLD HILL CHRYSLEPPLYMOUTH DISTRIBUTOR and GARAGE 55 Elizabeth St BARRiViiVVV rhonggsia Host week 77 The annual Fan Rally of Bap Vanwayne and Cliff Thomoson lToronto foMartin River Frank Its thrifty loplanfor leftoversmso buy an eidra large chicken for VIClguVIVVIVVVilVVlVQlmeI IVSIVEVVVSVVVMS CIVElVglVVVIVEuWatwn and Aubrey Peri 5V 50 Ill or nI eer gagging Rchlgrcgigcisr aggg Mrs A1 somemue and Mr and Mrs Chas Emertonhave moved into Miss McArthurs liousc Main VSthast Corp and Mrs 7Hutchmswo7have7 spent the summer 7in Chas Bennetts cov 77VV RECIPE Chicken Pol PieMelt tbs butter and blend with tbs our Add medium size tin of Heinz Cream of Vegetable Soup Stir till thickened Add to cups diced cooked chicken and pour intobaking dish Cover with layer of pastry or rich biscuit dough and bake in hot oven 450F until dale was the Chief seaker Centennial United Church fea turedithe singing by the congre gation of old well beloved hymns and historic songs of the cliurgh last Sunday evening Special inim bars were given by thechoir and choir Members and interesting tage left for Barrie Friday Mr and Mrs Wm McConnell and r7 family Wasatza Beach have mov 77 VV Ed into Mrs Pew Glffens house SLOIlVe5VVQijh hymns were told on John St Rev Stringer Ollve Ross Markham same MCV has taken rooms at thqmme Of Queen Newmarket Helen Besse Mr and Mrs Clarence Brown Lorne Park Allan Lebeck To ridge7 and Mrs Clarence Scott and room Fraser Robb ROAR children at Mrs Wm Robbs Mr Bramford Ge Eam7 7R7CA and Mrs John Black Jr have Camp Borden Cliff Jerry and Ch NObes RCOC Camp Ron moved into the house of Mr and Mrs Alex McLellan who have gone to Toronto Mrs George Barker Wasaga Beach has leased 11 7G pamyis browned don Gordon Bristow Trenton Jfndxegg alighggblg the house vacated by Mrs homes Somewme Corp Dickey and Summiale Comm WMS 7flitl193LDWEJElgilflletf erszilgrldwtlibgilljnaelgtiggrgb ii Haivefv VIIVDicker atVViVIdV Mary William Mrs Thos VRiseborouth Friday gVV V77 ggughtgn gr oingngVlrVs fy afternoon With 21 ladieVs presentl and Mrs Ed Sirivthe and Mists1 itghal 333sz $eesd dThte Greer of Glenhumn CV 7W an ed Mrs MIS == Edmonds77and George Mrs and llhigelhagwlallfeyMlmdandariliily 7V $3333 31m lggdgdg tVu row sav 77uccoun Vr gt Eggnog ggdgghgveggg 31 fenprces unt nVer 777820 0W Victory V7 77 77 2533 gambit ghaBstVoggzepsmmL gt 7V m7 VV Presbyterians Call Minister gt wetve 90 PuyforLe wmfunu 57W ngsuccounl This Eas Wa Eliminates 77 in Jubllee PresbyterianChurchan MI do be cause it enables ou lo unammms all was mended by Harsh Dnsm VV Ecumulalg the Gongregamn 0f Stayer and fundsfor axes fmoVimn Bonds and f0 AW7 gt own Heinz Cream of Vegetable Soup tliVe V5 Issnggldolemggggrsmti33h Jimm 777777 rV VMQS wholesome aVOurpacked dish folks are byteryV to Jubee Presbytery LONDVQNV Canadaw1enyou treat certified also providesforemergencies foryourslf hnngry fonweusefthe pick of the nations vege Church here constipation with liarsli cathartic gt ables Andlwe follow treasured recipesCook medltlgwgenoflgutigo Partyeb Vics only temporary relief Your Vcon Ed IWhmlyi 0P9 Cl 398 Account Cl RYDGI Ce 13 sti ation may be caused by lth of this favourite the smallbatch way to blend its ed Haubween With bingo in he gt7 tl ltklfllk dt 77 77 dellghtful utlours perfectly Youll alsolike fIOWUhHa and rehzedovmm rlLLllkAlllrl sllril 75 nor9n lo may Urgent Cream of MushroomChicken Noodlewad UJWI alga RdthcrsMrsd ply bulk needed for regularity manyanOther of the 19 rehdytoserve Heinz Effwmv prlzf ma $3 113 to Mcrg ALLBRAN it so goodwitti cream HomeStyle Soups Try rem andsee r7 CERTIFICATE grail prizeSVOf ffHdrtIElhBrOtmetV of glliVinViVVtViicesorinclViotmufnu1 77 yner unset Won eagaii evc 72m rin 7t 7831171MCmp can made by thetzirls of the Contin plea of watery Bill remember HOME7 uatlonvwschool The committee in ALLBRAN doesnt work like purga 77 Vt Charge are to be can rammed on tivesit takestime IntwoCmivenient STYLE their Vaugfessful even sizcszit1yourgroccrs Orin individual QT 7V The omccgggggggigontm servin packages at restaurants Made VV rV W7 7M77 77 77 and nation SchoolL1tmry7SOolety rmlm lend CW VV