Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Oct 1941, p. 7

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lliLRSUAi UVUWHI 134 M315 LIIllm 351 liifiiIlgl 9175 BCl GRlDDERS AT DonSowenv to Play Rf Rev JWS Shelli Wml PlCKERlNG COLLEGE With Believille Seniors Chaplain of OCA WINSMILE il rlllur luuilull lralil twirl lu rwlngikr uii Silun If d1 morning ncu for rhi Oiliii lrUfI dikHI hillun gunir titli llckrring oh Fecfurei Senior Aeef Or lrvr gt II IIII crcitx Ctiiun H1959 lly lJl ilttwiu lllr lutJl 317 lift Pain iiiilnh AgC lijfvlti rliiliili11n lllJlKh hrrr lgailhl rnnlulrl High 811111111 min ruiiiliiiird junior and I1 III II r1lior tlUJli hr lurhlirldx 17 wn iltrriusrd Nrunurlil I1 13 111 uilli mirtl tumh 1111 IT 1w Hiilllx on the lel DH 11 lll tunic ltJlUrr IIJI of llH 4111c as I1 IlI I11 II ltlmrd culllplctcd ionmrd 111 from Bill Lulw to Jurk lllSlt iltllll thc mic touch Clix i= I1 12 II II III II 1III II v2 IIIIIIII II IIIII II III 11 II IIIIII 11111111 illtin AN 1111111 IIIIIIIILIIIII lIlI iIi llilWlIw 11mm 11 102 ISM IIIIIiI II II FIIIIIIIIII IIhIIIILlII1mm I141 lwlIgt II 5111111 lI1 111 11 lx vI gI we 11111111 itill Bill turtd lo lltllllh iiiaittcvi 1111 kliiulrx tllrkrl had 11 11 11 II lll 01211 51111111 llti 1I lt 111ml by Del 11 lwch lll IM 5M 111012 WHEN ff 1111 il hi lrlt lIi 15157 SillVl 13w hwim imxlm 111 11 11111 II tinmum xmnvy 1m MIMI li II IIvI 11 lilt an 511211111 111111111 I1 III II II 11 mfl IlllIUfl 11 111 111121 1211 ltlllii illiillovvi llcd Siix the 111111 111 llllit I111 I1 1i IIIII III III IIIIIi Ihiizitlqzloln lllltlctyII lIiIle BIG LIVIIH 1115 ll 1111111 11 111I1 11I lIII IliIII IIHI II lIlillIllIlII HIM 1I11II3II 5M IIIII IIhIIII MI icn1i111 linI rumul 1111 lmluli IH II $1 to II HIIII mlan Illiili iziilivul tlwun 511111111 iii11Iliz HIIIIIIII IK iiviJI 1111 1111111111 Hm 13 111 WW 10 mm ml lid my hm Him 511111 501 by It 1111 11 vimII If 111 1Il 11131111 lll llll WL ih Vltltllllml 11 1511 llll 11I III Il1ilil1 1111t1i11 1113111111 IM 11 N1 1r111 Lindycnlu Ili I1 Hm 1m IHI lNlillll lustin Wllll N111 11l ll1n xlIIIIIIIIIIII II II Ivor 1111 1911111 II I11l III so 111ml player ll 1I1i 1111 will l1lll 11 II 1Illlllill I11 111 11111 1111111 llilt Il mm lmd 1111 gt xilll 111 howl AIIH Hitlll limp lllliill IIIIIIIII III IIIIII I51 1m 0m SIM MIMI IIIIIII IIIIII III IIII III II in 11 7A 111 11111 hull111111 IMl 11 in HM Hm IlIlills Whilcy lrulmp llllll 15 Kilimhlu Drum II III1IIIIII1II MI 11 Ill 1111 Until bound 1min tun IIIIIrIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII l111i liillllclv li111i llllr MLlll 1115M 011111 In 01ka 111 Illiiiii Mill 111 llllill11 Vlilil 111 Midland IUIWIII BLIl III mum llllltll il Marc iilll llltiI Sll and 492 vir i1lill lliiiiy hm IM illliliillll Anvil Roll111s llakcrfv 111 1111115 311 3I IIII WNW III CH1 NHL HImlili may lilacl 110 ll 111 Illl 1Ilgt 11 Mi Ipill 1le in Ni 1111 hp 01111111111EII iulnncnlillil Ifl113rII XI IILIllI lIxnmnc1IHallie burn liillly who lllll1ltll lhc 51111 with lllfI hum High Ilmlhl Nillllillli illllllkl inillulltc Cull in tinipl1y1iifs ilso 1111 lllllll lIIh will Jull 11inirr 111rli1I Jacobs Dulitnili IvniIlzmil llltllllUlI 5I 111122 Onllillll lullttl lllillllfi Mtllltl YllItIHKI Misti iiiltilIilrslhilic Burlull 1111 nl lhtu JUIIIHI lligtltlH Ftllml lll Aliplclnn lini Mcilhl ltllllllll lllUlllklS ll PM XIIIINSLJHMIIHt Smitty llcl1gtliill llicd Andcrtim illct lllll 21 11 from 11111111 ilu yI YUI round iitlilctcs viiiizcs tux lhis 11 now innvc indi l7I 11 11 lind tIhc IiiisIt tIhHU 1111 ilJllIlllIlIDlllI IiIillIdlIlI1IlI1 WILLSth Cl mu H1 lrcntiref Qiiillltlill licst T1118 15 CI Of all Mens and BOYS Clothlng pm ylull1fthiscounly buck wth lcw lill llihillc1Lwc lnlw l1l DwwumnxfMW 11111111 liillson 11 born iii Bltl Villlillli libsmi Doii Williams Durlng thlS sale people have Vlslted our Store and have lI II FRANCIS SWIHIIIISI Midland dC Ilmd but played most of his hoclu Itoipluini l1ll purChased merChClndlse Ctl lhese extraordlnGrY 10W pnces Thls 15 Men Pure W001 fcnccnllili will hc with Guelph Bilt rm the mom Ncwnmrkm RCI Buliic vlltlChillCCllllCI Flulon IIIIIIICSI IIIIIIS IIIII IIIIS IIIIIIII IIIIIIIQidCIIIElllIen all ligftllCIlllInllllIlf Istollllfillll iiillllS Nix1iilIR1ilJiii II NOW Come in While we stillhove sizes and colours to suit you All 111111 111111 5171 $130 1111 junior name 111111 111 landihmno 01 gt1 inlalmluul in lacrosse with Bradford Inlstim Key Slew mm iii1511s Lealhel 63 in Midland in 193$on hm wont tuliluc lines again for Providencetiniild Robinson Jiin Willis cal Fulcnnbridic lust 02131111 Swzllcs ilt Reds the Agilgicun IFuguoJHlls 3211 PM IQ Hm iI running mate iagiirzi unlc lCi Hit rugs2 1c on II Poillund is back with lllt Munlrcnl captain Hines McAulcy llnb 77 Canadians sun Sharpe Clpil0 Spence lid Slinlld ICOLLINGWOODWwith two senior 113 llll travelling in his hockey cnrccr f01$1hii0 lhrcc yours 11311 hc wigtl Imlnlt tillptzlllll III111 inn111 11111 in La Sullo 11111 Wm Bush CIIWWW IIIII0I which must be disposed oi This store otter Mens and Boys cloih mm 1m Im spasm hm he wcm lilld Orillin Icrricrs for many scii Ed smnmem Chic Imam Dim Read these items Wthh are only CI ieW Of the hundreds Of ULliCleS Hill ti funniest1151111 that college tried to nil the wild mun the 10 1mm ing has been cleoreo W111 becarried on as on 11 mmeqkers 1Dint Scuit ind D1111 Bowcn IlwIw Cami NilvIAllRlN 19 is 1flmw ALdmzi lczlliI mm 11 nk HI luck 1081 bnuncing them right 11nd left on the llunlicrs llunlcr llunnuli hour Ihe IctzilkixiQ0111 and immoral United Citalliclmljlll Splillis Sllid to be strong 111 WRIT 11neyI mm rmwcc51mrh slilii lflltliil will be back in Who Strut Ballrogcmge tCtit1iiiI Rel ef Found at La from Barrie on the forvolrd llnc BulLI PlaningBelly shenrd With perfect frankness woman and the new entry will be the Clyde Bruce lWQCulllcy lCupltllnl Muthc OI w7 7f xiinfriij 3311 Is 17 Iris lt11i1iiluzrl lti1tllii IIlllllS II II III IIIIIEII III IIIIII correspondent mm22 BombelSI 0W0 50mm may ll be son Harold linking Walker 1111 1111 gt11 111 l1iIt1 11 to ofl SI have suffered from constipa in tlicIthochlLigiiiiors to the contruryx 11bsmgWllesI HieheyI IWUI II must WHI II Iticn as longns can remember and They announced the acquisition ic Robson EmmsI CI Robson cupmmI take 11 SONSOI lllllESWlllClYinI cently of Garfield Millzir former Lukoviorg TomlinsrmI aner on Ii smear nKrdlSChen my tea every mommg nOith counhYI with Gelilldlon 301111 er Captainl West Caldwell Bur ICFV run have done so for over year Miners some of he Owen sound deuCI high Hill II 11111 giiiesllxrnvgdio tdohgooa Glmenhllmt 51315 Mmm is 1103 Idiotc Thomas captain Part Io ave no jfnghvlffggatergcrgg playeitsthavc beenIshuttlinl buck Banle Tanneryalgal 551111111 All SIZBSIVCOIOIS andSEYlGS i1lgtltoiuBiNIATioxvtiximn omo WI and forth twiBellCVllle S0 they 710 Moore Jones Jack Garviiitcoplil WEAR All 3121s SALE PRIEI nldwin 1cziptiiinl Slriilychuli tciiinsithis winfer Thats whittlJim Findlay veteran now but he has been playI iridge Corbett constipation and have felt very ic0ndilion of internal cleanliness MENS lilizlyr Iwmolir woor The evenly IuI II ience George RamsdzileI captain ifatimuliitei the 0322125 eliiriiiqzicgiie ROCK TALK Del Emmsv 1319 Jack Rogers Lorne Adams OITO OMBINA 01 agto smooth gentle action Your of 11 North Bay Curling 01111 last II ixiiiclrliuiiin All siz as system is thus kept clear ofclogging cs 55le lliltlla IIIiwaste and poigonous impuritieSI or to incoming chief Lewie Ray and the curlersare starting to haul their EeeCt Tho limught IiWOUIdNY ing smart senior hockey in the Smiths Fmni1umleid Coop not just know yet whoin they will IIBWSOnS BreadShaWI Fishen AI 1tkrug$l mqinhin hVe by Saturday the llime Robinson captain Lewis BoxalL Icieadlin Shell OilCuldwell Harris Law IVI IPIENMANS AND of town BRANDS MENS 9mm WOOL stories out of storage for another seasonNorth Bay Nugget Vx Inumber of mene between lhe age MENS MEDIUM WEIGHTICOM ccssfullycompleted their second 400IIN THE LOT FootWear all sold at mens and boys Single garments Three Training Centres Now Open III COMBINATION INDERWEAR if in Oiitarinfm Riffka Work 5W1 hle Afizek Ir wrwr eI III SALE PRICE 6y staymg at An appeal for considelable gt IV igv glidlii iiigciizgigglioiiglllijtI all COIOIS and man Shq ES to sult BINATION ENDERlVEAR has been issued by ItheDoriiifiion your face A11 SiZGS SALE 3111013 II Proviircizi1Wa Emergency Train If HOTELS mg OLILLheJoUoCloose at MENS MERINO COMBIMTION be mm mm from Emismcml UNDERWEARAHSiZES 25 12 II vear in high school or collegiate iMenIS and BOYSLRUbber MWOSALDPRICE I7 located IBIarne CurlingClubI EnidItIhIey Lmust pass the RCAIE we also carry fun ranue of mm9 EXPECTS 0d mbershiP medical examination before starting mm TRrVMWLV Jan ihEIYTzlelVBSlLVICOUfSQMwrw below cost IIIIII slow lle rest en Trammg centres haveheen 95 If th 46 many biands at exceptionally II tabllshed at Central Technical ear er 54776ur rs low priccs he Rochester Barrie Curling Club is planning SchoolTorontIo Westdale Technical TweedsIWorsteds made from English yarns which are III II 3250 Fem good season for 194142 with SchoolI Hamiltom and Technical hardItoIprocure at the present timeI Prices range from etc ImanyInew members expected High School OttIwaI At present II II II III III At the annulIImegting at Barrie there are 260 studentsundergoing Writolo Country Club on Oct 13 training for importth duties over MAP oyI FOLDER II II If Nrcvmie was elected Dresmentuml seas The tourseIis Similar to that WW the ensuingseasonwithJ Bar being conducted at number ofI These pmes quoml jale as TOWIa What in Whom 3191 MEN LIGHTHOUSE BEND3 ce esidentI CPhilli IItI asksiisrufiilayi III V1 Camdlan We 135 II II II III II II secretarytreasurer Principal James Gillespie ofICenl Values worth noting Come andsce foryourself All sizes Club executive members choqen II ml Technical School stated that at werelR Garrett Girdwood Iv resenttheroore abouL130students J1 Rodgers IMotfatt gttcnding the course there rlJohnsonI Matt Robertsbn and Men who dcsne Itoenter It Spawn hlIanChofthe RCAFshouldapply ays an arms ommi ecJI Harris chairman Garrett vmcil Wm Emergency Trainmg ImxmdiamlyI IOIImeDOmnIthPmIII TuckrG CameronH Boyle ProgmmmeI EastBlOCkIparliament For mustbe on or before EXTRA SPECIAL $195 $239 BYle marriedImen $12 II Th meet ng opened With remarks hymecitiringl president Norm John To THETOP I1 PARIS RID ONEQUARTER son and reports by secretary Tom PORROUND Tm Phillips About 25 members were The fellow announced to grout II GK BjtRbt 3unio5ifenibeiim Soiiilee 31251315153111 siuiliiilezl November 1st SISTHANISMANI WRV Mcvmiev Chairman following rates Students boarding II Simon Geo Kennedy Tony Saso from hbmeII$9 aweekIstud IClyde Johnson Charles Kearsey artsy boarding homIeI $17 and JIIIsmmnII Nov 10 until 14 resent and displayed much inter of friends that he haId beenItInadei lggogineglhiesgygizfIf t71ndithusiism7fothhoIcoming manager ofIIIthe IIFirsIt National IiRITURNLeavcdestination notlater season The presidentelect will 8133 legwd IlItIiIcfgecIlI sgt rmoenew 1115mldmghtwednemwN 12 iiieezigbgrscliigfmme that he remarked What have vote of thanks was extended you ever manageId before to the rertirin executiverPresiiignt TheI fellow smiled condescendf 36m TAMiilcumson mgl II 77 Cameron Smith and Al II managedIto marry the pres yI Him

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