Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Oct 1941, p. 3

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777I77V IV VVWVV VV HM 77 37 71771 11 71 11V 7771 Vr II Improvements Oted JUdgC Pl 111E BULWARK acing he 1rst Awar j1 DEATR DECISION 111 or UTC Cutest 377 111111 L111 1111 11 1111 VII 1121111211 111111111111111111 111111 jV Charmed 111111 page lIl IIlfIllI IV VV ii 1i 11 513 V3 lll I1I1 MM It lo 111 HI 5V 1V 1V1 Vf IVV VV II 41 1111 11111111 VI VlV VIIIIVHI In 1141 311 IIIVIIIVVIIVI II m5 1th awn 113 DOUble yo I1 51111111171 1i111Ei 1111115311 1I Ix 31111 1311111 MIN 111l l1V 11111111 11 111 111 11lgt ar ll Alta7 DUN mi WIM iziirzzlrii 11 1111177111115 1111 1111 111 11 WWIHl 11 51111112111 1123217111 ruin77 1111111113111 v111ltCi im fluml 11 1111 mi11111u1irngt 111111 lii11li 11111 111 Thu l1i1111 91111 1112111 DEPOT ron HEALTH 11111 all1111 1111111 111 1111101 7117 11 11 Iliz 13111 l11 11111111111 There 13 no substitute for HEALTH G001 HIEEAL din5 not Vusi hum but miller Vie uuicmw of can 1r 1111111 111 appiuuirmlvix and one could not expocl to have GOOD lllelJH if the precautmns and necessary essrntmls lor pmtccting 11111 1111 1111 111 117 7111111111 1111 ones lwallli are disregarded Moderation is possibly lllt greatvst urnsally in rvspcct to HEALTH 1311 in IV 1111 711111 111111111 11111l men addiiion to that you require7PROPER FOODJUMPER CLOTHESEXlZRCISEWCIJZANLINESSRE3T II IV VV II IV VII I7V 11111111111 111 1111 hull1 1111 111117 RELAXATION and generally 11 iii in lickping with lllt ruggedness of your constitution Many of the 1111111 51195 Reg lSC essentials an things you unaided can lnmll Illlr but again many of tho non35160 for BETTER lllA LTH Are of necessity supplements to your regular routine of 1111 111111 that is wlurc your Tomlalyn Drug Storecan nmlvr 11111 111111 7111 711111117 1111 1111 11111 101111111 1111 very definite service for there you Will find llUInhrrllSS rms of mrrclimrdisc tlcsrgird to Improve HEALTH 10 1111 11 Illl1lll1l1 itianlod 111 11111 and mm willll 14 11 mm 11 111113111 111 mini 01 or correct lNDlFFERENT HEALTH and so we ncommvml that in coniunction will your physiciansinslmctiona you insure BETTER HEALTH through the proper uso of HEALTH AIDS many of which are mentioned in our list of 111 11 my 111mm 1111 111 111111111 1111111 117 HV ll 111 l1 Uh III IIV VI VI III III My 11 It 11 VVVVI1V1ltV1VVVVVIVV1VlVVVI IIIIVIVI IVI VIII IIIII IIV IIIkII VVIV IIIII IIIII ITIIII II1I1IIII 11 1171111 111111111111 11111111171111 111111175 111111 to match Reg 9c II WWI III I7 11 11 111111111111 111117 Jim IIl 1117 IIIIII1V III III III IVV 1111111111 now Mr 1111 21111111111 111 111111 1111 111111117 IIIMI IVII IVI IIVIV ml 111 1111 Winning 111 1111 war 1i11117 151111111I 1111 Sum lcoplc izikc The Barrie lIxzunui Doyou like to hear lhe Highlighls of the News Then Listen to MRS AIIKEN Each Morning Over CFRB at 1030 Monday through SoftWhite and Fleecy 1111129 01 inr 111111111111 11 110111 Ulllllllh ed 11 appears C1I lhursduy People think it is 1111110 11y lllltlllll cry 111111 51 many 11111111115 of copy paper and 511 many 111115 111 news print arr1111x1111 111111101 and put 111111 one end 111 niacluni and 11111 room PASTE lunch 11 111111 1111 111 1131111111 111111711111 111111 waxed farm by 131111111111 11111111 11111111111 1111111 11119 111 111111 111 111 swig11 lfl 1111111111 1r111gt111lt1 11lilr1111111 11110 ll1llI 11 1111 ll11ii1 Iifllwll ilullllld 11111111 1itl pipesl iiics 111111111 11 U111 7211 113 mlMl llllllllff 111111 and 1111111 111 ll1li11ii 111 111mm and vlllllll lll lxciilmli11ledim lam11111 and 1111111111 11 1121115 111 Tamblyn Shaving Cream Reg 23c 101 25 Lilac Lotion mentholalcd Reg 25c 18 Valor lavender Shave Colgate Dental Cream 25c 40c loam Tooth Paste 29c 49 111111 11111 wax 11111 11111 111 1111111 fltl1iri p1111d 1111111 111111 11 Cash and Carry 1115111111111111 111 11111111111 1111111 11111112 TI II II III II III Imvvnwnw hm 1141 113qu V711 iqulcrIlrum 111311 11111 palm VlViIlViIii 111111 11 Pepsodeng Tooggzouggc FVd BOWI 49 II II II VI IIVI VII IVIV VVV II xi II II VIH IV ltiIIIIIl 111W IIIIIIIfllhIIiIIILIVIIfiIIhIVlJ mm Splendid 11in pmdm II III IIVI V110 iavcndc 5km 11 11gti epsen 00 ase 11M 11111111111111II IIIHICIWIWE I1Il 11 1711111 11111111011 1111111 5111 MVAI n1II1 V1V1111I11V1V1VI1V11I12501315 1111 29 45 VIII IC III II l0110nV Rog 39c 29 madrole 111311 171 01 gains osan IllltItIIm l31 llI I91 11111121211le 131i1lwllildgt 1117 11111111 all 11111 1112111 111 1111111 llcl Pebeco Tooth Powder iniemons WM Shamgzgcmzk mwl Mllmlm mm ll 111 hi immunity to 1101 111111105 31011111 19 29 11 31111Iillli n1111111111 hurl0111111113$l Lilli llfillllfIlI 2331 ll 11111111113111 10111111e1t iiiitiails 111 no TQM P0 Wl at Film was 1111111 arm 30 11111114 111 111111 11 1110 Bette full11111111 1111 111111 Wds limm WM pm 0m 17311117111 285 45 Enlargemeill Gillette Shaving Cniam MW 111111lmi1ij1xmidflxii hot 11111 11117 111111 Mrs 1111111 111mm Listerine Tooth Powder gt and lo blue blades J1 11111 111 Calwiry 111111 1115111711 11111 large and small both To Size 250 al 59 NOIIIIIIOIMIN Wt lid 11115 11L glass 111105 111 411 Gillette Tech R3 1VIIIIIIII VIIIIIIIIIIVIII VVIIIIIII VIVIIVVIV VIII CIVIL Mcnunniu 111110 111 111110 39 In 1071 IIIIIVVV VIVI VI IIVvaV IV VI SIIIIUI IIIId MIV SIIImIV II SIImIdIIVV Widen IV 39 and13c VADELMDE IV we made 25 111 V111 11 1111 11b11 1111 IIIIII III CIVIIIPSIIIIIIIICIII IIIIIVI IIIIW IV II FOLDER VV WIHIIIIIS Aqua Velm min lull lml itllUm 111111 two 01 three telephone calls Magnesm 002 5369 49C 98 311112 111llilhl11ll 101 CWT an Smith ml 17 Coloidfg533fra ucln BOUQUET SOAP 1221 153 31021 155001150l Mmm Blades for we LI VII awning 1111 vorandahz new lawn milllkzllzgattlliagtulingldifull 1111111171 mum 1111 M1 V7 $111117 I1 II VIVVWFV1VIIVVIVIIVVIVV 11 111111 10pVlial was as in burn or II 15 ml IIIV IVVVIVIIVVII bV IV FixId whether tthVnamc MILDmi IV IIVIVIIII IIIVVVI VIImII IIIII VIIVV SIVOII VVIVIC VIVV IVVIIIC IIVIII lllul fem pm 19 Ilc WVCd whether it was Capital 111 lcli cull 11dde hmbmm 995 small whether 11 was Satiu 11 111 suCcrs mm lacs and ma day or Sunday and in whom was NI cut down deiidVNCCS IBDairLd who relalcd Mr to Mrs MoD 111 IfVLZIIIIVIVIIt IIIImIIV IIIII III V2 new IIIIStSV MIVSV SV IVV MIVI MID IVIV MVVVVV SI IIV mm i$f will Silngh cm MD Ml MI MD OLD DUTCH 17 11 removu ur 0015 mm and what was theIre 21110115 111 lorchurd ILlliCd barnyard l1viccral Norm pengle open their news ch 51111111 field cast of 1101159 11110 paper on Thursday morning the PEIspiIaon llld llw mowed CW Chimney dont realize all the labor that 1111 390 131111111111211111 1111 1111 111 ll0 gone 111107 11 They cant see the 777 This laim is hilly and there waslcheckmg and doublc7checkmg the III 1111111911 The bulliof this work was gathering of the news the writing done by Mrs Gibbons and two of the copy the editing of the copy FEBUO 330 pm 05111 daughterx great deal ofhard la sometimes the deciphering of the III iinirlisw for 25c my hum iNHII 1115 farm had me cleanest copy Strange how many DCoplc 110 VVd VV Ebumyurd mm mm remarked the pmud mm they Tm 11103wa HI Ple Davis Cod Liver 11IltII1V13I1I PMWW ll 01117 GIOCOI Judge in concluding hm 13mm praise to them for to them must b1 Sinus 55 125 Aye calcium Cami BEvzgglg Who Sells PafkgIDavis Halgvero OWENS NUCLEAN 401s L10 1005 200 iIIn1I1mI1mi1111p BlllZA1 SOME NOTES ON CONTEST Thomas Gibbons wilsV boVrnIon it 117 Caps la and Ayersl Alphamin Caps 133111211313411112 CARI8 PIES and has 11vcdthcre all his lite 50 95 155 lg John Gibbons father 01 the pres okllelills 50 2257 375 Pafke Davis Natola Ayersl Cod Liver Oil AND BlSCUlTS 55 129 Ayerst lOD Cod Livar Oil 67 169 10cc 65 50cc 225 Parke DavisVitamiii 59 en OIIOMINWIIOI NO lllVCClO mill Off thef lgznlng fumdl MW Glbbons remarked to The EX 1m ominer My husband hauled 1111 MAZDA lAMPS 111111111 FLAKES you in he eseri e9 oo buse 2515 I15 505 250 home He cert my do mm Hummus VHIIIHV was 345 15506075100 Walh Abbotts Penia Caps 25s 140 501250 ll 1151111111 Liver Oil Caps Reg 83c 690 Reg l40I 119 Cod Liver Oil Capsules Reg 98c 77777 791 11h lumber and material used in cu building this house ondvbarn even ColdSeal cut71he77irees7in our77bush7and7haul77 7PaElella7ct14 23c Reg 1000lvr 1711 lilem the mill in be sawed in as lZozam erWilda 777777777 Malfireiarlicd to lumberior both buildings Dont Liver Oil Abbotts A8DG Medium for 896 159 213c Mr and Mrs Gibbons are fortun ate in having him fine daughters Large for 19 59 25 85C Mary and Florence both in their wamI Weenswho are mUCh intelesmd in giggles xtract 011 Rum Honey and Cod Liver VVV farming and took up the improve Phlllps sm Eii Oll merit proiect enlhusmslically Mr of 50 Reg 59c 47 pm GibbonsI unable to get man 10 59 98 Re V98c 79 WHERE mercjhamo 1911131gbt190lc off 11191tu VV eplers Malt Willi Cad Squibb Cod Liver harvest with the aid of these girlsI MM L1Vf0IIIFITT7I1125V 77V IiIIII55cII1I10 IVQL 91V laxatiu Illale 615 WM 043 cod Liver The judges report showed that Corvem 005 RegIncl 53 nearly all the contestants had their dammit $533113 115351100 Squibb Thiamin Chlorid an 39c c1111 17112111 77777777777 7a 11 Va lo 15 F9011 115r245 lo mg50 350 fDm7sde77pfmit it WVon be TIME22 Frosst NeeChemical 3er Davisadoi71777 teresting to give therjudgelfreporis 50 II 391489 Radio Malt 89 V150 on allihenriesas quiteadiver= sity of bettermenls was seen each of which might be suggetion for FREEZONE so TABLETS Carters little other IVIVmeIS and IVVIVVI women ID IV go andrdo likewise Removes DEXYEA COINS 2501A8LEB lve Plus Therewere many indicaliohs of uptosdate methods On the farm 1for example Samar Pure bred stock accurately kept lt lalm7lecords1 modem machinery V1i llligltfizerifess litrIdeezIarmb burlding7 131119 Cake He new kld Hfeiw 0mm 11 accept planting of tree ertcrlllhrei ggooftl LATEX 712212i112$l1231 l1111ur7l on riot easily aord other types ofII Th purchase ofVVdW threshing ma 71777 insnruuce the nuucial system as you Chloe Capable of threshing all the rim Quali maid tey 87 sewPIIin meet theexlra demands upon gmin on this 200 acre mm by Mr pl 7parzonsl your incomeforwartime gt 77 30 nllgummPCd 7me xes arid warGavith em Ken and twbys Wlhoulomd hi We 117133 77mdeswhnuetnuwna help 13111111111111 T1 Plan Work ke BulmbmgmmwNorl VVilnlhimolseriwerg med flleglzsa iilt7 gtGT7OLD7NGLISH7NO7RUBBING mam synngisrlml choose any policy that suits American 133 mommyBud electric washing machine and other 7mtk Shep semeg 771 yourIneellsbuunlead oproy get Plan is the Safe ImodemI VlabVor saving devices liboral use or LotLee Birlllarmne 25 WAXundlAMB SWOOL APPLIER Lamar 43 mg the rst years premJVuln easy way nancial mde DIEint and OItherIdquoratlons addx Comma Shgmm 11mapplywimmenewmiemmi soul to udhm Tamblln Amino fean pay atone month7only7777deuceSemltheceuponfor we 11311211 electric w1rmg and fixtures 25 basogenuineLambnWoolApplierto Vitomlm Reg 97 19 For eranple atogo 30l11e Budget Memo Booklet and etc while the 110111 Surroundings egI 19i iukg 01 019 all 3le Fountainsl1i iromrurn 011541100 Double folderlellinghowyoucanhave are brightend by better kept laWns Vaseline Hair TonicV 111mm 7wvrxglmggag 3199 79 77 HEJHA sillTfay11ffrye ilialglxgcsugliniiixihneed iiing 3151113111353 Ofannuals prVen VIIa7v 35 NERVES invalid kings las If it were feasible to have these Film Shampoo4 99c eg eg an infant Syringe R63 25 18c 35 69 98 Cakes Th original chow 1111111 11 NORTH AMERICAN LIFE 115 311111 11 HOT WATER VSVIVIII II akeVm IO emeIII IVI II III IHI HEAD OFFICE 112 King Street Wsl1oronlo0 vo ea om 191335 Iaieand Mal F111 33 Th 91 89 10 mg mg Reg 406 Plegae Hemline lYIlfOlmathn about you 11111301111 Budget 056513011501an 17 3710er ilion oaIIdiak an BVYeaV Guam VSyVIIIIge LengIIISVSIII Policy together With free Pocket Memo Budget 130111161 111 alreVVVadIy attlilNoIilh on plansbfor 39 ah143 gnuI1 ISV hand mm SIVIIIIP an7 ere ma QJai nor in Name IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII 31 number of Pew entries Lou III kin cum VAL Tin SI IIVIVlsc gt 35113 for 100 les 99c Reg 339V rumour Address YOU GET rr ALL 459 Readch of The Barrie Examiner got ALL the news for Barrie and District $200 and worth more Bryicreem 25 11nd 49 11

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