Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Oct 1941, p. 10

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liliLilJAr Ui iii BETHESDA 959 TEL ll iiAliiYf ill EXER Bdiiflli UNTARIO CANADA Mr and Mrs AJ Wallace Mark Golden We ENGAGEMENTS lJ YOUR LIVER II II0rgaIinist mt TRegt$2V95i tions lo doing the right thingatj rill Buck it up right now ii andIteelllkeamilllonl Your lim is the lugrat csgm 11 no to ll lllills ii Ind whirlponnllowtu lkdilli libc131 III In II bile to digest iced grts rid cl Muir ion IQ nevencrgyaliou proper mariilgumt to MM Maintainer gets outeiutir 1I Ml lood decomposes in your intention lou come constituted stomach Mid kidneys cant VIII In II wk iMluI IgIIIII II sxou lllllx in more Enhfijfftli3ei Luigi tni llill11ttl lll liker gt $1 F0OvtllsjfllilliklldlhlsluVr 111 ugt Imd IM Bun relief liomthese Illiscllcs Willi llllililtr xsounwu inlhuliaim mm vtiu1plydrliglilcd how quiihly VvlilftKlllu 21 rm Mw hummluplsllduillasiiri iv II ft II II III II II II IIII I1 13 It IIIIII3II1I iilieii M1 NH it if 11 xii 1ll Ni PLAT mi 33 ii 11 1v VII momomomomomomomo III rllIIIIiII II IIIII may Ill II1I 31 I1 31 13M III 111mm 13 mu II ii me it L1 ii iiv it l11i1 nllnliilr Hr each ii llvti nil 41 Him riiAiltli llr plig gt II II II III MISS Genevieve Jameson mm In Extraordinary Values in This Clearance CI lElected Fresndent olttihh H111 It II 51 It II Iisoufh Slmcoc Deanery lllllI pl1t1 itlIHl 11 gt l5i ll 11 ll Pu rum 01 705 to nun SWIFT Um AA gt to widths lllllt black brown tune and tiltHi I1I 110 ubIlnI and high mch gt lli 11I Narai 191111111 gt it h1 1111 itllt2 II III III II 11 11 in It Hi sirets li 1llc vvvvvvvvvvvvvivvvvvvvv VV 19 111Il lltllilt1I iiitl 111 SIES ii ii lli11 l1 tiic No it Shore it 111 Ali 31 jun gym lio tntt it vi lllltl mm UM DWI illllill ru Lu l111 111 and 11 43 Ill Al in 11 in lil Iim lull IIm Ilm Hl 1p IIIth Si II iI MU 751an Ilo It WW NI In nutty 311 mg KIWI II bin 11 13 Im fa 11 LN 13 widths Rellilii 111 II nu lilaih 1111115 QIT 30 Tell itiitl liitl Slit DWI1 11 Sims iii ti Iltll litll llll HlV him 1111 Clearing llitl 1li ll1ltt ill 1Ll it bi if llioiie Ni 12 MPH lleaclis White Make Flour llilahtth phone ii111 til i1I I111IilI Iixl IIIIII III III III IIIII i0 Blt pr Sf sf ned IIIIIi CT DOT OCICO In the tlltkllltl 01 this Flouro 22w4wi II II I1 OrOlllO ivers 13 Th Th kc our MM 5mm BARRIES LEADING suor sronr WhenYOu In owelS ml IAN IAWMM Splrmg ermons BARRIE FLOUR MILLS lmtiklIirf Vinephi iI tunimlimi St II itiiIiI tliilLtlI IIIIIIIIIIII III IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII Illinmvnod iilliurI St lilllutl Clill1Ih WFDDIVG HQFETS AND CORSAGFS SPECIALTY lli liliiillil 4W 11 1031i Tnmvmsmy OgomouomOEOmenoz foDS Mic l1aitt Kirik am itt WM Us WI urge Coiiurcizir PHONESShop 181 ltnhouw 10 pm in mwl WI XXIII HRIHIgm Mart 11111 lihicl 511mi livwtck at Ilioth services and specialzonomo==0===0=0==0m0u0 Vli itll Mldhml WV hl the heir The speaker 57 mm ll miE iiikid xlelimiuiimmi Ailil 11le1 Iiiititili the occasion was Rev IrCS IV Vv l1W Inn Maclicod minister of Roscdolc Ind III SIIMONII IIIIIIIIII IhIIIICII TII ll Mr and Mir IZIA COllihlmI fought Mm 111051an ho and Miss 11112111111 11111 lllllflll MIIInm Service isil01llrltllt wrekcnt II VD YOF IN THE ilinll LS MIII and MIR III KIImIIIdIV and At the moimhg service the theme mlggrli ding x1111 Iozmltt were rcckcml sh 1h Fm Sim W01 10 Vlalllt Al In Mm hum Mm 111 tililplllSlOllS and the text Now St at Ni l0ii1ii Allie Show WWW Ssmmmli ONeill has bought the 41 mill ltlm W415 PM in Prison an appointment is not iitIiItIssaIiIiIII Mm III WP1 held IitIIM MI11IIumI1iisii mid lI lllrlking leus came mm Grimm preaching may NW MIMI Md innth WNW NDMMMH my Chum 1L Wm Drum ngdom MGM1 iiiliiinmd pmmmny mo swis Mrs mum ltWmmm Bmy and Mini tuition Inn lake shore propertiesi11ir spent trir lgivs with pom Jesus was horn and lll vhilelI SXNGLE VISION DOIBLl lhltn 11111111 had been protested honieIald IVliIIl1IiiiIIliIOI this itIIIDQSIlUgA ill the flesh in world of compull on FROM him lllthtlll W119 trusted and 11 hilllff If 6315118 Imd stall but Ille came that all people ati liiimty luwiretl One farmer statedLilmmIm NH all times might have life that they 10 lthat he was ltatiltfmltl with his as Quemmon mav have the tree 9Dilil loth This ariespoiideiit unsiies to say 0m but hwm mn Iithmlw iiid tlrtiiks autiin as inc mm mm or NW ll0MlillllSl Established Since 1920 would not be raised in the future Iillfm amigme mum get pulsinns The countries of Europei mm gt RRII any ilcw Miro Him1RD number 0f mm 10mm 01 The Emmmml Spa overlimi bl our renlmiles are gov Sanng 10 um points mm more owners one and ColrpgpondontsI IA minus emot Iv ymnmcn MCCI and in thm 89 from Mr Gray of the Depillhhmtl hillrhmhr 11 WUUUWP WW3 otIrIoWn country we are restricted Municipal Affairs in Toronto 011 11lllllm 3mm Elslth in many ways The Free Spirit MIMI III III Wife whose name aIiitIi tiieziI111I 313523IirguleIti IL1IiII1Ii cannot mam normally but that gm 8mm ItlIieIIcotttitce at lolleiidalis owned Illdpmiyloptqoi bk remcmj is the price we have to Day We tilniodItillttlIll lengthy IIletItci to tlithm and mokm 1mman 10 ciao ll010t he thedFree Spirit eri tiat ie raisingo tie assess ward to me an is is icing one by the ment on one area alone was quite wonderful free service being rend unit of order ered to relieve human suffering Six Teams for War Savings Drive The Barrie Womens institute and by devotion to the Church and Arrangements have been made to will meet at 230 IDST on lucs what the Churchstands for N0 11 have six teams tinder two captains day Noveiiiher it at Mrs Corlietts Jesus died on the Cross because no you each hmde the WI Saving DUCkWIMh 5L ThIis willVIbe thxo 3f extlemm domination by CCPIOI the quality Of Wabasso Drive in the Township The local erandinotliers nice inc rs Ii ain Ic ass but He brought liberi sheetSI The have been II ChETirmaii has now about concluded Hogan will give paIiIierIImiIIlisiatinfd Gosgehto all in dominated the reCognizeil standard of the organization of these teams and tllCll Research 11 21 eumnte wor an Iave the old at 181011 II Collier St BophSt ChurCh Df Andrew es by already some very substantial sub is requested Visitors welcome of human lippiness to all Jesus quahty fOI yeals Hales riih FRIENDLY CHURCH Church scriptions are recorded Twenty 77 lived in the riearbm of the spirit your opportunity to save PASTOR REV WHITE LDMUND HARDY Mus Baa live cents saved by each person i111 even in dominated world The ON SHEETS These are FTCM the Ihwnghip eachwigekwitl put free spirit of God111dthfr 42741314 kworthrmuchgmo cf or mo over the objective This would mean spirit of man could not be kc ll re we HINDI HOVMMBER 19 0704711 071d ChmelSte II uld be dpalt even in II 11 ask this mm 01 the 111111 we or Hiiiiiiiiriifriilri be SLIPS Wm WM FEWBIBLE SCHGOL ll um and Dm MnNTS EARLY iiiecgmiilsgnf oggidlfxefffi ii PM REV MCCURLIE 55 ittheCommmeeimdbmc tir Present Stock of May we keen that free spirit alivclo Another Special youll DOt GOSPEL bFIPIVICE Walkerm IIheIr Stamps and cemcates II AMMUNITION II by seeking Gods guIdance and do want to miss Hemsmched 01 havesVery H13Wl mcomrne EDVESDAY PM FRAYER Successful 8210 Raised SHOTGUNSRIFLES EtC when the free spirit will ourishv 91am Yom ChOCe AVD PAISE Tlierauction sale of white ele IS QUITE COMPLETE againiii world that willacki Dhant articles and farm produce DO NOT DELAY nowledge Him as the source of tilt t1 Fun Gospel Tabernacle held at Churchill gt 311de lterLI II lite 72 BeByiamasunismallymeirr777m ller St noon was Very successful fine Wme H0Se has Idvs Eveni dium and lar sizes Bri lit 7o ng erVice REV BALL FASTOR crowa turned out everyone brim ed us that many items are off The Final Tegt of Lifewas SPECIAL Wool InWk 11 PAS 7h The salvahon Army ing atom some article or contri the mark indefme Mr MacLeods subject for thegl ENGLISH BI nk co Okurts gm rllm la ICQLLIER 31 SUNDAY NOVEMBER 2I 1941 button of produce The bidding was me enmg senice The church was poc pecla Ofcer9 in Charge DY SCHOOL brisk under the capable handling wen fined as central United Gong 68x84 MAJORBEAUMONT 10 AMSUN of Carlyle McCullough who would regation had withdrawn their we rb MEL1 cmpiigNDEN tl AMFELLOWSHIP SERVICE make many of the professionals en Phone 453 36 Baylield St ViceI ain 0W III ii IiIIi II in to Hotel Borders 730 PMEVENING SERVICE VODS Nprh l1 By their fruits ya shall know SUNDAY NOVEMBERZ 1941 FRIDAYI RM IOne of the higIhliglitIs of the saleI them from Matthew 720 was the Size 15x29 Slightly KIDDIES Emmi EXt Rengmn mUSl be Vital 01 Im rfect 7230 PMSUNDAY SCHOOL $1119 Of used we doniiteiiiaby the nothimrarnfcessary or n0 5C pe FLANNELETTE PMEVENIING SERVICE 6613110138 COYIlIIganyi YV 10 rought worth our concern thespeaker ac over 33o00 repvit up you re Tu RS Aux Burton Avenue umtea kv re mane er minut Stated Some the thmgs we es ay pm cm 115 21 mg II 100k for rehglon are not the BR00M pa II Thu333 ChurCh lhfm Never dld Mei en most important Such things as I2 Public Meeting Saturday Pm Rva DOE MINISTER mad Waller Ana VCepr951denl beautyjoyJappinessksatisfaction WWSIIQKWM LADLESL 2919961 38mg of the local Red Cross while the P1 MR FRANK DUTCHER Organist sense of grandeur are byproducts an aln C0 0111s Iauctioneer was handling the sale somethin el enmmw wool th mg of the wire One Innisfil man claim an en SUNDAY NOVEMBER 1941 ed to have aid out nearly $20I00I Rev Mr MacLeod said that there 111a ItrimI crew neck Ch Stripes and OVGS St GPJS urc Ir7 are hOSG upon Whom pain stifferw WELLCOMES YOU 11 AM and varwus ways during the sale ihg heavy responSibilily have left Plaids nd and 01 gt re REVI JOHNI MQIEWENI SchomhergII which shows that valuewas to be theirImarkI but there issomgthing tla gOOd value REV JOHN McGILLICUDDY at both gervmes had It is hoped thatimore sand With 17 IoutatthaHsgrcnek Beauty13 anwaShable i1huister WAYgm alcmir befhrrresultf MISS ELSIE CEOUGHLEY Aaibytproduct ofrsomethmg else and Wooltex c0 Olflie 89 Pa 11 yet isreiated to fulfilling condi cu III Reg $100 thrrighttime Nonejiof us have seen the beauty of Jesus noneIofl us have seen it in His physicallo aspect We think of His form midi SERVICES FOR SUNDAYI NOVEMBER 1941 41 AMMQnNING wonsriipg Subjectiins organplllol ours pMsuNDAy SCHOOL InductionIofr Rector Nov The induction 6f Rev Cress as rectoql Isl giedParisai Sf shnnthnvwi on nnsdav Nov unt Thomsm Brita ghting Planes and warm seek the peace and happiness He ChUYCh The Rt RQY 39 29 NOW AVAILABLE deserved Instead He went on priev Suffragan Bishnn 0ft Flyin Fortress Bristol Beautician do the right thing at theright time Diocese will conduct the service MMIIKing Georgevundmanyothegg Thkowershofqifkhavtheir and win assiEtetIi by various For each plcture desired send complete laden v= mnrcmded Ithe Engska clerEV in the Deanerv of East Crown Brandlabelwith yournameIaridad ET tth Simcde ARev Kunt MA dress and the name of the picturetyou want hey are ovf ey are no Bl of St Johns West Toronto written on the back theIfinal test in IwiIlil the snfclal iIiIrIeacher The ggres Eegt DII jSpeCial Music union sew ca 1111 commence xarcv choir un erthedirectioncf at 730 standard timel Follow EggsnsitLdvggxtfh L103 TffoyddI1enderd special my the sewme there Wlu be music In the morning the 11m thems were was GladWhen highmat raging ev ross were an They Said Unto Me and Come10 Blessed Lord unaccompanied absent from the parish on stude last Mr Cross was condiictinsi The malequartetsang Thanks iBe to God the services inBOWmmville in er change withRcvcannh Spencer At the evening service the anL who was at CShatitIIiIII een admin$113M Thaniimeelor ow them were Will LIayIIMe DownII AYPA This 11111 mi reouire bin inPeace unaccompanied and rpmnval from rhhnnw Favrnbnl shvleurBreathefanEvenmg BlesIs gig with soprano solo30y Mlss In aldwln and violin accomI will be carried on in addition to Lpal jnt by Davlercidou Central United Chorch REV COOPER BA Minister nun VELVET JERKINS ViiSileeveless Jerkins side opening arid tie back styles Bg5I$295 777777 figure only by conjecture But He did not go outftoselliHimselfIto Missnst ANDWOMENS AllW901 SWEATERS cardigan style sweaters in Aacarlet brown black rose II green Chamois cruise and special purchase makes this clear Skyblue IIIlpcssibierm$138 Lined BengaliheGldgBlaqk andNdvy Reg796On Sale 59c pr SUNDAY NOVEMBER 1941 PMEVENING woasmp Anniversary Serwces subject Rearl Hunting 11 AM AND PM endlyalfVHm1iwillicllow REV WILLIAMT9MASxLMA Corrie andget acquainted 0f Cookes Presbyterian Church Toronto atbotlr services llier StIUnired ChUrch PMCHURCIH SCHOOL JESSIE 11 BRYSON rawIs EILEWJS MA 31 Minister Organist arid Choir Leader LLOYD TUEFORD qrgnist and Chairmaster my Free Methodist Mission Clapperton Street xJ mm Af NOVEMBER 21941 it $1311 MINISTERI REV FA LOFT Hillsdcle Pastor MeTIiEGHIIBQH sermon The congregation will WOXr AND SYRUP lHl rAuac sinltu CMPAN 4l SUNDAY NoviIaMBERIz 1941 tlicziitraivuiiited Church SUNDAYSCHGQL230 PM aslen oftheir anniver SERVICE1 PM ilIHIIIRISDAY oclock his parochial work Friends hern wish him every success in these newgdutlw 1I

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