II II II Sfrow Ho as New BCl RUGBY TEAMS With Wzsfmirmrs pLAY ORILUA HERE Good Tmm RICOId SATURDAY Ch llt bl on 1c or 11 1111J111111 nix 111 matunln Iirli llir lint VV VV 111 11111141411 1111115 ililflllll 1111111 11 His Agru 111111141 l1iI in 11st gdnir liir11u at H3 II IV IN illal 1111 gr in in Mr vml Wu In IIIHI IImIIHIN Juniors OUIWEIQIICdI LOSC LOCOI SCNOS 51 ItIIIItInInn IIun III iI unIIIIIIIIiI Make Better Showmg Although Defeated 1114111111111 111217 11un1111 11111111 lftl 1n the 4411 1111 114111 IIVJzf it urnlul 11111 1121111 1311 111111111 VV lI1Vthrr V1111i11 lIllilrllLfll llzlw 1V rell 1r I1111111 VII IVVV1VI II 11 Isl 1H ltnmtn 11111111 111 l1ml 11111 11 hr lil lllxl 1111 11 1ltV11 through 31 11111 1111MB t1 WW II IN VV 111131 111 II IVV Vw 11111111 1111 11111 111113 11 Li II VV VV 11111111111 111111 11 11111111111111 113 121 111111t1 1111 11 mm In tho myrgmn 11 IIlV pp 11111 rt 1111 11 1111 11111 111 111 1lt 11 ll 111111 lillli IxIIDll 5117 III llllllV c1111 11111 111 111111 li1l VV VV VV VV VVVVIVV VVV VV VV VV 111 1111 unhou 1111 11111 the wnim lllll List 211 but rH Willi DI I70Lllte ten 11 the pltcr 111 slill on TV Illltl haul IHV 111 Illtl SIWOCS IIICII IUII the 111111111 of some uliun il rtll llu lmnl Illllllll Hlt IOI I0 IJUr P039 111m 11 ulllthlglllll 11 In 111 51111111 Illtll 11111 111uml llu IIICYVlll VllVC YOU ITIIICS V7 IYVIV II VI lllll 111111 is l1l Hair 111I1I 1111 11I1111 OI WU lung COInfOrt Jung 2111 1111111 1111i 41111111 11 1111 and 110 COHOCIY Ull 1121115 1111 11 11 hm for H1 11111 INC llyltII It 111 11 If Igir 115 I1 11101101 8111111011 VV VVVVVV VVV VVVVVVVVVV VV 111 11 31 Modem IV VVVVVVVVV VVV VVVV VVV VVV VVVV VVVV VV z111V1 111 11 IV111Vi ltJ VVVVVVV VVVVVV V1VgtV11v VV1il 111VI1 111 111 IIIIIIIII 1111 1111111I 11 MW my IIIWHI III II IIMIII WII hm 7II7I Annually VVVVVVVV VV VVVV VVVV VVVVV VVVVVVVV1VVVVV VVVVVVVVV iVIIW IgtV1 VVIHI III IV VIV VIIV VII Per Pair Wff Idlf Vl 111 1111111 121111 1111 1111 11111m 11 im 11 at if mil 111 It 11 3111 VI 1121114 1V11ll1 l11ul1C tritVtt 11 VVVVV VV VV VV VV IVVVVVVV VV VV VVV In IVIIVVV VIVVK VV MV lVVVVVVV per POII 550 ItmIvM1 IN MI my WM 11111 I1II I1 11 Im My gum II US IOW 05 tune 111111 111i 111111111111 1111 Il II IVI FIJI VVIVI IIIx IIIIIIII VIII VI7 III II II II VIIIK wlm Inn mm Ml 11111I1v 11 Midi 1W 11 11111 3mm Li thVVe Van 9111 11111 1111111111111 1111111111 mm 1111 2111 11111111 Hum IMAM 111 1111 1111 1111 111 1111 1111I1 II Pm uui 111111 2111111151 the 11neten1 1211 VIVHIZIIIIIIIIA IVAIVIII IV VIVIIIV1i 1111 who litllt 111 11111 11111111r gt1 illlltI 1101 III III NI Cunt 111111141 lyriu while 111111v111s1 111111151111 VII VHIV VI if jf VVVIVI VIHVV VVNV VIVVV VI Hm WV VVVIHHV IV II Ion M$PF0wm athlete 111 1111 11e11111111e ITVWI J=II IlI IJIIIII IIIV IV 1h VVVlVlVVHVV IVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV1I VIEIIII I1I 111 BARRIIIVS LEADING SIIUIi SVUIIlli me mmL my 111 there 41111111 1111 atttr I1 111 1111 11111 mam 11111111 111211111 pmNH r8 um Hum 10 PORDHOIIEISICO NURTHI BAY XVIHQ nevi 111 221111 detachment 111 111111 quarter luv New 5111111i 11111 11110 1311 1111121111111 111 111111r Ilium II 1WIHI Tm mm Hpm 1110211 1111111111 ll11illueen pl 1111a made the 11 nil IIINI illm 3111 lini II111IgtHIIK IHII V1211111111 4777 12111111 1111111 111111 11111 51111111 11111 1111111z11 1111 1111 Hour Unw 51121111 run out wt Intuim 111111111I11 1111 yaw v1 11111111 111 pltnttitlttl 111111 11511111 1111 lllViillVlli 1111 111I1111 In 111 I11111111 1511111111111 777 77 777 7777 7777777 VV VV VMYV VIVH1VIIV II IV VVV HIVV VS Vllil VV VVVVV VgVVVlVVd VVVVIVVtV Hindi 77 V7 ml In Hum VI WI IIM IIPII mp II WE IImm mle WI II II 111I111I1 11111 111111111 and 1lh111 Iltl1=11311 11 11111 lYIII I111tiliV1 1311 11111 111111 l1le11lltti 11 lIIIIHH 111 Imrlitirltlhv IIHIII IIHWH IIIKHHI MINI WWII with Im Mr Iinmmhi II This remark is commonplace VIvII1IIi HIM I3 WIH 131 II Iitrllililt MINI WI III IV WIIV V3 11111 11 11111111 111 unit how 111 111 11111111 the lenglli 111 the field 11 mu IIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 111111111 111 e1m 111 the 11111111 1111111 then 111111111 1111 tneir lust 5111111111 111w been touch 80m 11111 It imlicules IIH VPUVlIlV lllt IV VVVVV VVV VVVV VVVVViVVVV VVVVVV VVV1V1V1I1V1V1VIIV1V1V1V 1V11ii1V1111V l11V11V1VIVVV1uV1VIt VIlliilVVl1iV1VV11VilIinrVtViIl V1V11Vd tlinV iniv VV VV VV V1 VV VV VV 1111111111111 1111t tle 5111i MTV VVVV VVVVVVVVVV to Jud on 5VV1VVVI1lVVii11VihVvVV111IVIiV111i1 1111V111sVll1V1VI 1V1V1VV1111IVV11Vl1V cVVirritVtlVlluIVblll 1I IVkLV him IVVVVTVVVVIVVVVVV VVVV VVV VVVIVVV Hampton 11 1111 111111111 1hr 119 11 51 111 1InI Willi lIMll MITIIIH as lulu 111I11 11111111 1111111 I1111ll 1111111llfl 11111 the 11111 pl1 ilnrrw 111111117 10 III Bun my VrVlV ON THE 1111011 1111 111111 111 1111i i1 I11 111011111 to gel change or to ear1h ii elieque 11 WW WWI Am MW SWIM 1m MI my 1ka lvlmsih urmnw ply uw 1111 811111111 e1cu Ipettnr under way Just 11 1111I111111 tumbled 111111 11111111 1ttlmtltl 1111 ended wuh Owen Sound 111 1111111 VVM buy VVmV VVVV SSIUIL the 111115 there was 21 xi IIIIIIIIVIANTIHISNmfI tenyard penalty t110wcn Sound 11111 the 111151 part 111 the third JVV VIV VVIIVWHVVVV VVV VVVIVVVVVVV VVV VVVVVV1VVVVVVVVV With the bail 1111 their own 11lqllartcl 111113 ranged between 1111 II I1II In llarrie kitIzod 1111111 on 1111 IIN 1111gt1lt 11111 111 1111 == 1110 1111 11111 1n mvms 11v1s1 11 qmmd Ml 1111 1111 111111 1111 11 11mm 1111 III Mlvmmln Imulm ml SIIIUIV lilneked uul Owen Sitiuul ILtintltllipo Mull 1m lllL Barrie 29 Billl IIIY rimV 9579me wilt 111 theliznricdflgeon broke 1011811 iriiniuught his wny to the B111 brmmm hmlViIh VIV 11 that time 11nd 11111333111115IIII1ie tamanrd line 111111 Birnie 11nd AIIJIIItII Wm IVIIIM Ilurric oneyum Stripe Poul RIIIII1110 1111 live 111111 ended 11111111111 Aiiundale l1 bowling club 1111crt11r11 went utl on thc next IlIllHHtmI W7 planncd its ululinl fowl tnurniuncnl or the lIiIiIIIsIlIIIscureIItiiIIIlht gameI 11101 Starting the last quarter Bill VVVI332 VVVQVER AVCENTURY OF BANIKING 1111 Friday the 17111 iriws will attempftnan 1Vll unsuccess mbum Tm HIm1 mm Impk 10 turkeys 5711ng 11111 chickens 1111 The hull limo Stoljv was 54 III iluthiunm covered 1110 ILmillmlll Mens Stuuh Doubles are schedulklavornwacn Sound Ipntt for the second unconVcrtcd cd tree lAenrl panics each rink Shortly utter the start 111 the tlIurIrIl snlmd tum11mm xtirtinw 11 oclock Chairman quarter Owen Sound got the Late in the fourth quarter 23 to March botanice 21 rr11C 11mg slunpc md Stitchny EphI on theIleiiIitI 31I I611 III II Iy111IIp1Iss fiItInnlecetchIinput pm Meladdcn expect but why 111 from McKnight to lld no ma swung pnsrcwun H17 this 1111111 event of the season prn ted 14 yards and KI011111 illIlllgLd kicked Bin CQLllnolw Vidmg the wvmmilnjs gum over for the sec1111c one it own oI luqklcd 1bchmd 119 we Stnvner Goose ldurncv IIIC EWIN MLKIIIRIII IIIVQIICG iSuilml line by Clute for Barrios 11n KIIIICIIIIV IIIId Coombs Baldford fmmmmcemem WWI Later in 10 IIIIITI V1U1IIlCl wih entire Owen Sound backfield 1120 at the St1y11c1 33 Vigmnley Monday me the ball 011 10 Billlle 49yard 5WD ipaciied plenty of groundgannng VSiiVand 111111 2nd 3rd and 6111 BIIVIIC IICIQ 05 DIOCked QWC lpoucr DonClark handled the team Money Smmd ICCIIIImo 19 Bum Inch and his dctcnsivc work wasI IIIIIy and McTIIIIIIIIIIIIISUImIIII Bimie went rm flVIeI McKnight 11mm Something Chm and Higgins Ville llnd Hood Smyer Were 4m kicked over the goalline and Kazjiwked very good for Barrie md Allmdule Winfrepresem arion tackled the receiver before lt77 fed bylw Ieck md Webb he could getout WW lllVd Girslde Mere Ban18 lIUOklIlC ball on lhe1rI3 WW dith and Wharton but they all yard 1mcITheV ILIICkddOIlNthIfinlz linisliedoutside the money There 10 hm was 0C he V1 were 92 couples compound 1mg it for Owen Sound on the Bar 39 7777 MCKIIIEIIII Faltlled II IM yards and Paul Birme went over I101 slup engmes full pulling out the Ilallery for your car Is there any Ulllll Books for Our ForcesIm foerwen Sounds third touch T111 lights silencingr llltVltltlltVltll that critical hutleryul1hJ1 2m thoroughly merits Iroiir oa time nhitglfihifk UllllTllfllIIV Halfway through thelast quarter the Home team was backed up on essels large and small rely 011 Exule Bal Thorn an Exulc Ballery especially tierm mspecg Signginidi RESCOEEOCV IIIEIY Ioild eThebkICked WI VIIC IlSCIF I5 III SVIIg and teries lo pinchhi1 for the regular pomr signed to suitvourparticularrrquirements re Li 11 De wmimn Cilich the ending Mas again blocked OHaIzIIIfallingctciyone is loolnnhI fonI11Il I0 supply and lo operatenot only radio and 70101111 txulc Dcalcr 111 your cunuuumtv pV nVV Ion the ban bemnd Vhe Bame Vme gOVVVV me 1th VVLVVIVV we VVVVVVVVVVV Ii IllVIlll steerinxr eu lire 11r11ultuulV He l11lccn eirtqullv cli Nn in wire 11111 of I30Jl3 to Canadian Oiccs 1n I01IImothel touchdown It was nopgemm secretary for Canada at 111 1s If famDSXIIICSIWIdowd EIGWIOIIM converted Late in the third quar uur first meeimg A1 the second other safety equipment honest lepeiulahln sglltI Ask him about and 05 ICES mug IEI Barrie i00k IOIIIe air In des one we had group of snidents from SI IIIC Itxrtlo Ilycup an 51111 lutrli capacity 117 are not lonc 111 1e 11 the STYIFS IN TELEPHONF POI ES lh CUnhy 11 of POEMS perale IIempI I0 SCOIE MCnght 11 Toronto school and now we are IIVI lump for mug do 101 01 Sum MI 181st IOIIIIJUORS THIS ILIPPIIQLLLintercepted pass nearI theirOwW 1mm tobusiness Oneimpoz121nl lefiL Panda II3OIVEXIIHIaktIII 111676m m1 PH ViVVVVVml Therewas once artoVon of the ground The mntmst between boom OnlyOI If mlgzmes lews Sound 40yard line and Tan Wk Thing was wicner roast at C11m public safer and morecon ilorlalilc Rail II papers etc iseveml rds que re ned the defroster llooll I111 In I11tlc gtllllHllllll man Spunkhng gal en of hme the pltchback poles and the ya mungs Farm 011F11day 7101115 1811110110 companies utilitv com 11 telephone poles which were gleaming red copper wires of Personal KISh to ball 2191 bui 351m met kkV panics air lincs hospitals iiiihceV large honest VVVVVHVVV OICGS W1 lllLlC appre was 1111 lViVthVcoulViVlVaVIgthVV IVlViiVVVzVislVdiiisVthachVleVgliVV inVVeVlVlVIszVlVlVlVistiteVillVVVVe VS VV Slght lug matter now may hand In these Barrie 24 Keon went foggll yards or VVVSVddEIVnI1CVVVngV VVtqVVDVtiVVCtVVgVVVV Operamrs 0f WkQ ltl LII051 IIIIIIIIIIVRIWUI Prevent WIN IIY IIIIVIIIK IV VmV EVV VV whims at their Post Otficcthe McKni ht took it toVVthe twoVard Sim an lggms wch le 35 VVVVVV in 31111119 and various branches of the 1V IVeVVVVVVVVV was VepilesletheVV SdeViiVlgV VVVVlVVVVlytVVVpelS otfi treatmmt are books dVonzited shoVuld be clean and stripe Vaind Milt BVye carried theyball players as Vhey VVVVVnedVVVV grew ArginVV Waltz and Air Force liuve lcirnetl PVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVV Somebody cu mm mm app p0 es epeIIIlg the and condition will not even ovel 101 the na touchdown of the VV VV Illltlv 0W VV telephone company about this conditions of weathering and from long experience that they can entrust From the above illustration of decay to which they may be sub CCCV WWI Ihem PM 8amg II 735110 CPDYETIGCI essential sown 10 EXMCI Am literally jected 41017exampiefpolemwilljbeipl AlelelbgSSpCClillly Bari hadmmcticzillynowolfcnc 7IIII II II II IIII II NadaI 0181va I7 side pa ttesting field onemight some of the southern States have DmVIdCd f0 Ihe purpose Of my greet Id dld gleI deal 77767777 ins 0m dr mg VP VV imagine at the telephone com to be specially protected against IR to lVxIc= 550 III Ye pany was ctually trying to grow woodboring termitesA nTv type orfs at pplgsL readyFi11adc77 By studying qi7t7r7a7tm7nt7 has recentlnggn 77 77 77 777 777 777777 II9911lfi111190Isllnlifh77 VI Li the5e poles minty Vof which are introduced to protect oleETVfiom 10 gumwor rJlH 1y 10 at treated with preparations against fvtlIecay ot the groundline where Barrie 111niorsSnap Higgins Proveddcpqmluhilityof Exille wlicnliuying Weathering and decay Bell Tele tiny microorganisms 111 the soil Iinsides Baldwick Hamilton phone scientistsware simply en untkSodium fluoride is ap idles Cook Max Richardson out W7W urged in one more pint of their phed Itorthe base of the polarso ISIdfsatNeIlnnighluay 31011311353 wEXIDLBAHERmS drive to Isafeguayd teleph ne ser that 11 may apt11g11t ta II 1113 iii IYIngHIeIN 13 DUFFF vice and kepv lovviiTIHc st of heartwood and destroythe micror ton ar ta ves Oil8 iXQn JUN STRIII TORONIVO organisms there 1CreosoteVwiich docs notpenetratc so deeply into the Woodyis added to VVdelay the eeching out of the sodium fluo 11 and to idestroy thc micro org isms in theusoil around the pole This treatment regularly repeate will prolong the life of pole f0 wusidcrable period telephone plant To the casual observer to phone poles have changed little since Grandpa first used them or hitching posts Like all other pieces of telephone equipment however poles have been improv cd constantly throughout the sixtyodd yea since the tele phone vasinventcd Inthe early days most poles were cutgreen and dlivered with the bark still on them The yard where poles were stored and the bark peeled off was knownto telephone men as the Willow Patch VariousVV typEs 013 wood wcre used but thermost popular has usually been cedar Then it was found that pine oles treated with crgosote would lastflvtwice as long as untreated cedar poles The creosotgais forchtL into the mole undr tremendous pressurepressure so great that the pole will bleed creosote for months afterit has been sci in Ithay wit VtVand the stress of sleet and snow upon the wires for more than 30ye rs so that the researchesdiv ll Telephone Laboratories polng may be taken as surety telephone call will go th all times in all weathers tclephoneltioinpanies in tropi countries have to contend with the opposite candititm They are less concerned with prevfing the pole Vfrom decaying than from putting out roots acquiring bark and shooting out fresh PhIIII leaves and branches whichbecome tangled with the wires Ii FzL Godfr in background D1rectorMr VlipsCpl Corni 11 No II series prepared by Owen TI Br Telephone Company aII Canada VSGrandy presents prizes forithe Mile Relay VtoVFL1 of No Squadron Left to right FL Badgley Mrs adshaw who assistedin the presentation of prizes Grandy FlSg Taylor alternates Don ClarkFel tis Gnrtner Kelly LougheedMdr shall Storey and Wiscman gus insides tics Gaviller Kazarian Thompson Nicol quarter aid flying wing Keon outsides termites Wardrope OfHara Duffy Wooten Cruickshanks McLeinon Slemin Malloy Waines Cashiirn Henderson and Wain wright Barrie SeniorsSnap Wallace insides Conlon Kelly middles Mills Reid outsides Wiscman Peelar quarter Keetch flying win Kelly halves Hamilton Higgins Clute alternates Clark Storey Feltis ondJiax Richardson Owen Sound Seniors Snap vycrdropc insides Shields Sin coir quarterClark flying wine Bell halves Blrnie Buchanan Cas burn alternatesiG Casourn Dut McClenaghanYMCA McCorkindale FVL Phil From Wings OverIJBorden Owen Sound umpire mumBarrie head llncsman Marlottptomn Sound Owen Sound JuniorsSnap AnV Bye Fleming mid Guidi middles Gardhouse Codes7 ky outsides Brackenboro Simon fy McLernon Angus and Money Referee Inkermaanhomson Maurice Johm Copyrigbl 1941 lynx1110 31112111 111cm Limited CDO alves McKnight Birnie Rutherford 311 ElllllE VBATTVERV SEllVICVE MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE FOLLOWINGVVDEALERSI Badgcrs East ElldISEiV 3111 Roy Blacks ServStiIi Brysons Garage IV IJIll BritislViAmcriczm 01 Stations All McCollVFrontenacSltitlmis DISTHRICT DEALERS Roy Mustard Allandalc Archers Garage Elmvalc Frank Jones Strand llornn Alliston lctcVRobillnrd Elmvalc Sliciringfs GarageStroud Wm HunlorrAlIislon Spring Davis Elmvale Mommy Thornton Maple Leaf Guravzc Apistmr Porters Garage Hillsdale Maiel Thornton All lllcCollIIronlLmo Stnlions lllillIIlelLKa Son New Lolvell lions All BritishAmerican Oil Sta Chas Pllkcy Stayner BRNNA 12me WHOLESALE VBayfield Stroct