Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 2 Oct 1941, p. 7

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uomomomoao ilutlxlllll itrztvimi ttiW tip in 31x AA POTS AND PANS NO need to scrape and scrub in slimy writer solution of Gilletts Pure Flake Lye just lifts off grease layers loosvns hardbaked food takes the l1l Keep tin always handy ltlzl itil Nudr dirmlro lye in hot Illlllf The Wild tiii lltitltl plnjunx action of NW yr hull had for izizil iiiin nitiii itsl llltJllt ll mil xiito lltl tltl Hi iiivrtzi troti it llt no Cilvlllt the other div tligit Storey was the roster Httllttt in llttltltlllli inch llt piitliill ill lit cll Won the thiniiiiroip tlllt pcciil doinnmd lilitt tivcl lllltllt llll lltligtit 351 out of washing liiiilton tilt illltr lltlittlfill vxih km to pin lsocttii ii ttn Staten lliitl it illlllltttlltfttl lll the ttl lt tilt in tor thc sixth conv tllll lH lilltl IA lttlilliltt Jill protctt his it did so tlltt HZibtill Bill Gamer Se tl lJ oi ttil in iw Kv gmltti nilit lii Iit is iznt lrl Ilxitl ti Itlllwl iiml li it mug iiiivkly Letter ltot1t on Uriy and Simcoc lo lly thick lHtHSllllth illli COAST Had lot of Ion lot iii titit and 2i lot ol tllHiiltlltitl lat wotl JhIii thc toiipiiiy was ordered to attack ital spot about the oif of thc lltllt loll at nooi and did not lltttVt lititl lnitll noon on tho sccond day tollovin1 lliIiit c0nd oi Meotord Derby nibI filiziii tipliit 2ll llli lt llilt iattlic iltiliit lili lLl ltlll ii ulmt iii ltit idil syuabus ipatiy ll liirsl Battalion rcstiirs lihcrt NS lliirty toziiiit that ttt against llllliltllil pitpnicd poritloiis and superior lttltt as tar it nun lcr new civiicciticd lllt mimic llilll pionicssctl thi llttl clinilt lliilltll the thillm ind Midland lcnctani tillllinilh but thc ltarric iiitlltl followup dillcrcnt roult it ii ltM wilds SETS llllt iI COURSE RECORD BARBIE GOLF CLUB KUUII rigid lmlla for ltult zinl lh Jimm llll at Huh on Mturday llilhs shot thr ninr hulrs inst tour around in itirrr Ulttltr iii thrii took on tlu srinziit round or totxl oi It rtrit ix lo the Burro outst Hr plum ILitttrt up tut minti iith lion Loisr xt the tune lhr tlTl Jltl lln Innr holes Is ronstdrrrd trii tough to unit par illh liitrd of our oirr on No wind our twin and had bird in on tour including the List hirr tllttll are not the Jlti Hi knit up 111 slniotin lltt lUlltl Hiltlld but as llIIii niri llii holes Hi llll good til it 7U antlttllllll gollcr bin rd 311 lilt tune as wt in thrilr null local toursr Lt llltsl good on no lLSN in Hutch toursr us ltllgllitllttl tour is no rrIoul oi as loii tor iiini hoer In Club llItH this trllrr at thi Hank ol liltolllt Iiinii to Barrio from London ihrrc hr played it thr llinit luli llis lllllllt cit lo innlo llnic tiIIiis ln lll iuii thr tlllllLll Bank of forum tournament Hmidm Loiir tliiiii Kcarsri ind Its lttlllt icrc playing in tlic Jllll tiiiiisnmi iith Willis dining ills inurtllircukiiii niIii and Hi llll Vva READY FOR BIG MEET AT OBILLlA liivl Iilltl ili lllltl lt ii 1llltlliltjrtllllllnli oi Stiid itirii ii lli it idicntiin iic ill tiiv tm llru lllv llllll tliiitliii Itlillti tltl itiililt Iiittiil la tilr it liizi Midland tolliiiuoiiil iiiit lid lll lit gtctlin tlnt top and jtllltjltl niti tiic tj My all itlhill olliiitjuiiod ll ii ycij tliillitlotlt tliI your llltl jui llltll Mttitttl iii lltt lltli llltt locnl track lllttl Ittcntly lili coiniltctl ot licttvrcd llziriic Izmik lttilt ii BOWLINGl nit OGREENO 5t trilozinr lunatic WYEV ALE tm JIIB Ht uni Inciih 1434 Ani ij 11 mt nonunion Vv ti Vitli ilitiititdtjg triumpliing in tlic picicnt gigantic struggle tlic homes at our country llt Lipt sale from outsiit dcsliuihii forms It may havc bccn this thrcat which is llllllll pcoplc takc stcps to protcit tliiir lltHllt mm illnu For this llll$t Tartarinns im lllltlltliII mt Iiirugc of no milion IoLox of lift insmmtrc it Dccc from 11 London Mic Vlicrc it is necessary to crcatc an estate tor the protection of dependents and thc family liitiiit lids tin ill tht ttlll hillixi and Mid laid ilv conic up with outninth nthlctcr llot who took first phuc in the Btl truck incct will represent the school in thc various ctcnts it lttl lia With few changes since ttll nountcd by ll tockburn coach Ivor unnuingr will do the jllliliil hop gtltj and jllttlj havniii taken Um Hm llliil iicnt in chnllciiztc last wetk ll it ts ELI 11 llst INT lltll lllLl it till ll my nuvnul hits my llttl St it lit pll lllLl dlld llltll up Hm Tn an Hwy uvmlpn HHTMUHIAS lullcd to slttp try tlIc tt siiiiiideiiii cmi thiougth to dangerous spot for by Hmm H141 11 roar ol the Atlantic surt we could ttii tltltllltlgt llut they wore tlIcII lthiow stoiics into the otcan lllllililllllitlllttl that llll huttlc was over itnicd ltltllttttliilt liainis hunks Midland player who has tiicchirc We liltilltttlittl Dew heavy in tlic iliscntc ol llttll Pratt l1ttttHhortcd ashcadcd for llarrip tlllitljlll to be taken for ztntlc vsho has been actmu Adjutant icons Swulm has lone insurer ram and bctoic turnout trust milacnt line had churgc of the lla ht lltitil lli circuitous ri utc folliwin table hockcy traicllniit from llll 11th mi Nlltltl QEE3KETET Gfnius hmj imomjm In 310 in scraped betorc the trucks could hc road lccmcd almost impassable co ow is wrrucennscr dam dogged dmmaf km um iiois brick to Midland juniors thcn iuotcd crc some of lllt Xlltlltltl for chiclcs ilhc uscd an Ixc in liouacsctmn unitodorlchtiyttmirovinp to liliiiiiliiili1c Ill the NO 91 mm llhis season ltl last in junior tltll petimns dozens of instrs Scml tor paiiy will lind him at lilltlplt and bicz greatly reduccd by war obligations lllt iiisiiiu tlllt now provides the only solution for most pioIihz If you want to know why Ctllulidns in turning to this Company in such large llllllllltli risk one of our rcprcsrntatiws to show you how present day conditions irc llltl by llH london Lilc plans of insuranrc We moved against tlic dirlcndin gunrisons ill tiltltl hours ttlllltl1l at not copy to Stnndnrd Briinds Ltd Franc Ave Toronto Ont and LilxIt Sinit ihv should bc onc of llll host icari iillll in the group It scvius to its that Bill lrilihlc nicntioiiid the jtniipinc oll point about titliltl Stratus as due to loratc in Oshawa tlltll The Count ofhis booty Includ cd four trucks thrcc Ultllitl car lltlS scvcral llrcn guns Vickcrs pole vault ll McKinnon lll riprc scit lltfl in thc lllltlltlttllllll hop stcp tllltl jump this winter but luclph must llttn1hjnc mm etc Not mu the ti2rls cvcnts will also lt hold til couvass conj WARTIME purr Br PREVENTING WASTE Findlay Home Heating provides ltgreater comfort yet uses lcssftmi Becausof the very highclhctency ofthe furnace the utmost heat is extracted from every ounccof coal The Findlay policy of indiyiduall engineered instal inensuresxhnt every particle heat IS used to good rdrvantageeTlIereismiywiTm aw It is your Wartime duty to install an efcient heating sysreni Let tisv tell you about Findlay CustomBurl Hamclclcating Lamor write tOFlnLllityS Limited Carleton Place1 DELtor licc booklet Choosmg Hating System 21 MORAN Is YoutCar Tdiiight BARRIE ONT extnive and wellliiid it is stat PARKEQ AT THE CURB OR IN THEALLEY AT THEREAE jYou udoll it up With fancy horns lighters dcfrosfcr1adlwheOferand what not BUJ of Whai7About Shelter it GARAGE COMPLETE FORTA55 10W Painted size to by 20 feet THE Ste had morc attractions gtAi FRANK KENNEDY who played for lltttllt lillbillt the 193738 sca son will try out with llcrshcy Bears forml tub for Bos ton lilltlllsdlltl liotIld cvcutw rally wmd up ith the new It ll Bluebirds of hc USEAl enncdy cam Toronto Barrio as in import but did not makc alavorablc im KENNEDY picssion as secondstring leftwinger He was only 17 then however and in two later Seasons with Woodstock dcL vclopcd into qultca smart junior hockeyist so much that the pros Were interested in him Kennedy cnlisted year ago with the 24th Field Ambulance RCAMC at Kitchener but after spending eight months at Valcartier was honor Tlyxtiisfjurged because of shoulder injury This has since been fixed enough that he believes he can play hockey agetin WHICH REMINDS US that Presi dent Christie and Manager llatoon had been captured slioiiiin what looked like machine Cpl llorace Powells section was la tactics seized more and more men cd they were getting within strik lo thcnlcitncss of scouts goes spccial credit It is believed that lltiiii llardy and rlaiid DAmbrossio wcrc the boys that first discovered the IltlllV position lhcy were moviniI alicad under cover and thought they saw movement on top ol budding far in the distance llinoculars proved the suspicionsi unn muzzlcs pointing at the road1 scntto smoke them out and they did without shot being firch From their on it was clear sailing Usinp the identifications of the captured enemy squad skirmisth attend and using fast striking gucril and material Just when they figtirl int distance of the main objectivegt the war was called off and thct fine work of the boys went by the board Every man in the platoon deserv ed pat on the back and if space permitted the entire list of thosc takingI part should be used here fig it as VIEW FHEYXTLENTICW There were other aspects of the trip tllttt4b4bt5ys had plenty GIT talk about It was the first time for main being on the shore of the Atlanticand they got kick out of ilcgizins altho they won thc titlc iprarrangediii Qrillia but will not count in thin Tttdliopc point scoring zin Softball Series PrOves Costly to District Clubs Problem for Next Year1 iNcwmarket lirai Richmond Hill sottballcrs lcagnto finalists ended the season 540 or more in the rcd wrth Mantiucr Charlie Ryan carrying the whitc mans burden Leon Simmons and Tommy Rank havent announced their deficit yet but we know they are into red ink too Barrie Col wont have plugged nickel to treat the boys All of which leaves YorkSimcot softball in pretty kettle of tish and presents nice problem for next year If we remember rightly there was some talk of bonusinn the clubs front the surplus in thc league treasury which would only be drop in the bucket Wc havent been able to learn if thisl series with the Camp Borden Fliers for the title but not the Patterson LiIst year altho Richmond llilll really won the title no award vas made of the trophy There can he no doubt about it now and we hope Ross Smith hits the cup nestI ling in thewindows of the drill has been done or lthe postseason lLLILDVHIiIJliW Examiner If it isnl there do ESTABLISHED I874 Insurance Company deaa OfIceflondonCaiiacla mar Disr Ollie24 unlo Street Barrie 15 IIV154 7mm yealanaith JWI 77st Colts will take aback seat to no one this coming winter Plans are ed There will bear strong team on hand from the net tis said there are some real dandies among them fJSllEISiLzwith breathless impatience the impend ing season and the first visit by OwenSound Greys THE WAR As BROUGHT clos err home on Monday with the an nouncement from Ottawa thatht Pilot WilliamitArchibald was missr ing after air operations overseas Bill Archibald an Oakville boy was star playerfor Camp Bor den Flyers in senior hockey last winter Those local fans who saw the Flyers in action Attendiwill recall Archibald who played on defence and left wing Vand was verycleanand effebtive player He received his wings in March and went overseas shortly after Ryed Storey lDisprchs Some Football Experts By Andy Lytle in The TOIonto Daily Star 1h the HaintltonMimico laterosse series just concluded the Mr Big ofthe team the man who camethrough as spectacularly as he did once on the football eld against the Blue Bombers was Red Storey the gimpylegged giant at whom lacrosse players no loner look but with the calculating eye of respect Until this season Storey couldnt take fast pass and his shots for goal were ludicrous efforts Red not only changed that he repeated ly worked out pass and run play Soppof our COIts claim that Saiiibreakcrs kept many awake File out Some his biggest enjoyment out of watchg EUWDWWWWWWH IWmWSENSTFEYmeWWWTbmstdyet last year and 0f the neWCOmerSJcapered on the rocks anddove into tain NCO was not quite sure of Tit Barrie lknow said the soldier just guess cause the joke is apt to be on you On the other side the Same Car others wokeat different times dur ing the night with shiversirunmng where they were Sgt Mainer got theLwater Others foundenjoyment in the rm colored people in section they went through There are large colonies in various sections down here To climax the wholeaffaITSgt Scotty Carmichiel Intelligence comes up with this one iA ceri hisbearings so he stopped farmer and this is thereonversation Heyf Zeke how do you get to the main road from here 53y young feller said the farmer how did you know my name was Zeke Oh don ed it Prettygoodat guessin aint you Sure Zeke best guesser in the llth Brigade OKthe farmer drawls guess your why to the main broad The mora1xont try and josh the farmers here brother be thats Timpani dS they wondered JUSHtime how many have benisalting The officer dtig where it should beiight now away little eiich pay in Company banking arrangement Downhere in fact many fields have not been cut This is apparently the time of year to visit NoVaSEtia Ithas wbodecl with endlesshills and deep sent picture impossible to canvass and hard to equal As aiparting gag we give you prank allegedly playe by alad in Company which company lby the way has been absbrbed by beautiful scenery being densely valleys and myriad lakes and boys The days have been warm and bright zmdthe turningr leaves pre others in the battalion Ks you know all our mail leavng the lcamphas to be eensored and stamped The story rounds has one of the French Canadian lads turning over let ter to be censored Asapostscrjpt there was sentence in French outhis French dictionary and this was the trans michaal saysLthis is an actual ex pertenee He was talkingfto an old fellow veteran when he was serv thepresentfracas The scene was set back in the woods where the boys were studying ground prior to doing map enlargments Says the oldster You know have been figurin on fixin up my barn this summer but just hate to cause am expectin my call any time now By the wayuhoware things goin these days Replies Carmichael Well rightmnOw Ithink they are very good Hitler bit off more than he could chew when hewent into that finallyvbaffled Mimico paved the way for his teams last triumph Iiootball experts tell me Stoiey can do everything but think lilol body who saw him in the finIi at Hamilton or who saw him stop Jack Williams coldiwtlltaccept that Russia Comes quick question from the old fellow Are the Bus sians in the war ii iii In LOOK FORWARD TO FURLOUGH The boys are looking forward to verdict Big Red today is the furlough time and their return to toast of Hamilton And justlyso Canada asvthey put it tor some you found out Until next week Buck Thirtyw mg wrth theCEF im the first great war about Hitler and the Course of gt Get your job printing from The Barrie Examiner fast autOmatic presses and fine assortmentof type HUNTERS OPEN SEASON FOR PARTRIDGE Oct 4io Oct 14 Get into the fun The least you will derive is Fresh Air and Good Exercise We can rent you Shot Gun and supply all sizes inVIShot gun Cartridges URRYS 36 BAVYFIELD ST Fgoing the lation Well Nosey are you glad Fresh from the style ceritiestliesc cxcit ingly figureflattering dresses Cleverly de signedjto streamline your figure for fall Ever popular peplums and newer styles from the New York designers Noted for their reasyirwearabilitry their style and their colorful fabrics Sizes 14t0 5tLInCludIng hall sizes $395 $1095 $1295 $1495 C2 These Misses and Womens new hats include the fashionimportanttWOwayfltsund dozen new er styles Which have proven hits wherever theyve been shoWn Theres cdlor at styleand hat to match your fallcostume JACOBI GRAHAM 15 19 Dunlap St gt Maudw Phone ligBarriey rr

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