EXAMINER EEK 35 =ttA itbe human IV VV VV VV gt OMEEQDES RINR RECORD MtlVRRPPLUW KVRVRVUV srnooi mmr AimNu llU JESS ALLEN ows Applr hing RI 2L harm lily Ilfllc lt ll 52 RV nu II VV VVV VVV PCS WV Iltlll ll Ateliim db tZiL EJ the lIlIllet5K If IV Sutttldd SclIlritiJri LI VV VVI VVVI ellooorlcoro11101ocolroavtnlioa4441llcrt40ltocooa RR II daughter of um ItI ll plclon lldriie in MI lmn llrltllt zine RIII iI TRY THE NEW FLOUR MORNING GLORY lVllsl lotvnt ili pIrpIRI iii If in In RlII ti hard RItRII Wtsz Grace Bdtlti lte Snail Will DDI Inducted the LQZtllltvlgI lay IIUInmn September Vt vII IRIVIRV II Ii The brides llt mo of iquuI 1gtt tllVI Md VlRLl Jersey Sire wore leLl xLttS VVIVH VVVLIVVTE Dim RIM aullt and it Corboc tRl tllnw lwrt lVL VV Mos Edna Letledr IlnlIVlt RwlzoVV It19b11=lR Vm Wm rl IIIIIMIII MI Mn up IkIRI II IIIIIIR IR II ind RV hang lllU Hr aumsont Iiid IHkImVMdV IV mm VVtVVuVV MW IVVVM mu VVVVV msdge oi rum dumwd HIM 1mV VVV lit II The VVWVHNVVVVVV VVVVVVVV MVV VLVVVVV Rlngk MTLVMVVHH mm limw ll lVlILs iiiviit turd ltlt tRI VI MVVDVVVVVVV BfVVVrVV VVVVRVVIVRVVVVVVV IVVVVVVHVR iSVViVVmVV VVVVViVVV VHHV VVV VIV wn Vt VVVH IA ltltltltgttl VMm lltltl follownn VRVI AHR VVMDDR lllV RRRthHdllohvcllVtizltIIId when llltllV the ceremony meats attended lIoII1IRMH tltL llXHIRHNHUH dtitl AHIR ltlil girl gitt Ionn their tIIIRl schools uithhlt Toronto llitlllt Niauzira Falls Inil RlRml llliIZRttl lllt kfltlltlll WRK liIIIfl lIMIanIip UVIV uinp Borden Vthc Klnolirs girls were to the wztII navy fitLtgtgtIiltt$ and Vi WNW fpaitlalciies Iiziiuluics gilng the iil 11 MW Now llilEIL illlIVtrtllLtttl RiRr lot25 llltIt of $2 ll pvr tail lI lIIIII JI In IIiIiIIIIhIR IllVY TRIAL lli llllltlltl thi YtllVIl VINVIVICIRZVS StVlll luf ll KHltllim trip to Innate 3PM JV mix ml ll Elllullltl UL lllt tjtltltj do LiguliIsR IN Hm with bride imv blur gtiutitml IA IIIIIVI with block accessories ii limit thV his WW umn5 The bride At the lttcptloll the lllltltVbV liriilt Ii lllllllItlil lnoIIIlI ct with lVlV VV VVVV VVVVVI Vm zllltillltl Itecivvd In It Ivy HIIhngIIIIR FOR THE SULI BY YtllVlt tilttltllt BARBIE FLOUR MILLS Barrie Ont IIitglIIitll In llivul KAI livIIIlIIIlIV IltJtlt If ll liImIIRc of dial vlis irri gtIIpphIIIR lltltgtlltll crnuavctl loltl compact and to the grotniisinan Illl Oooatloi0o000OoioIoooOJllaraaoooo Illllllllllllllllld the mm mu VIWllll IIIItcliIiI Ictewriics and II 53vV WNW rclcptmn gt hI ltvtoln nu IWIHI lilutk accessories and II tur was Hill It the lioinc of the brides VVf Ixx 113 mm of tho lin 1K Itll Isagc of lulisinan roses lltt pubis parent li If IV yco ma leio attended were from apreol For trip to Niagara Falls and VIV VV I3 IV I1 iIl iIIII loionto amp lloidcn Ind lIiIv points south the lllltlt core tol HRH DIR VIII oItVI com IIIIIIR Sotiiid tillllll llllit crept lltgt black liourlc IVIIII In VI II Wm rmdmw Itll travelling to loronto Ottawa rout lrmamctl lll sIIiiIricl Iiiitl Irmvlqt IR In their refund II IIi IIi pIIIIItt tllt RR RR orlooowvouoto ldn tllKLlVVltl lltlltl llt Nl VII duly no on VLltilIllllelIillltl wore British ltlllt 1le HR HIIIRI lRURRlR lRtt At is to anll Montreal the brute wore black suede 0Inicf VXVl VVhIlll mile VVUV linir blue ltlllllll with nary or On their return they will reside fcessorics On their return they wrll on the moon mm VII XIII VFN VUtUmbtr 1livc In aprcol line of IVlo Slicv snidll iII lllttlllllll cucum hers crock Mix the follow LOCKEONN IKI1nnysnx in Ingrltliints but do not cook Ideas o1 good many things Vt pretty weddinz ccrcnionr tool mI II IIlIIII uliItI xlllt Intgai ltlmL Ill III 5i llltt at tho lreshvtcriilli Manst ut tR lR St ll ml mm 511 VVlV VVVVV VVVHV ion iv an in iniiiu nut our Flower WI Hunk In three Oclock mlumw II lug salt Ispoon ltllllltllt o1 II RR an IIiIth Sliiint Bay In hat Sept17 lJtl when llev orIIIIIII In 9R lill VRl XVd VV IV tlltIt inoon rpt IV II make Your Ned IJUHOS Muted murmmo MM DU PIRIII IIvI hi LllLtlllllt and stir mmw thmw when Dorothy Snah llryson laugh otliy Isahell Inn dun hter tlr ltl every day foi ten days This oiit dlng Day forever and Mrs EzulV Conn IRVlVlmvachi Vinil lIIIllVlVi VIIIRIVVVVIIIVlIVIIIRIl VtRIV lVglVllVltVlVllll Vljw brplklvll Vmvliivcr VVV VV VVVV VVV VV lml they Cherlshed mem VIIIVItIIiLLn nitol MI and MI LiillltVb IliltVllVIlllvlIlllVLV VIVIIV II VVS HVVV gt1le HINDI Mud IUL L15 It and is lllu Innuani RR crunchy lllc llllL tl It llthlllLIll ltlllt llrtllllldill tllllfoii velvet Ilrcss Willi hat and llox Louis nnnislcr of tol mm ncccssorics to mulch ller flowers lltl St United Church llzirIIe IltlV llRRV VVVlw were yellow uladioli houvardiu follihtl lli ttlll1tinyI mmul litIUittl lit1 11 RI tRH itd by babys breath and fern Miss Marion ltuv ross rector of St 14 33 Vtdi Wm JV Buic Stuyntr cousin of the groom IlIIIinas tilinrch Miss IchIIR llryIKMNI ilht liIt we lid IWlIIlc it t9t2 Prices Effective Unti Saturday Night Oct 4th llItlt lltt light to limit quziiilitilw ut all llltllllllltllt Io lIInilI Illl riquinnnnts was the bridesmaid and wore son llurric aunt of tho bride playIis HM Vllll llll jtl WV raspberry crepe dress with hat and Ltl tho tttltlllltl llltlSlt it liltli rtttpt my mldhroniil Hi Iicccssories to match llcr flowers The bride given III Illilllliittt lmtlltilk 75 many rccrpcs 1R tillltllll lll tlii ovtr With IR in HIC Itoiu ttltitllU It Ulll Iti ill lLt iIgt Bldkc Ihunc flowers babys breath and fern crepe gown with braceletlength mm mm mm bm Mr William Conn llhnvale Sliivt round lltCltllllt suntos brown Mk ml hmVVmlfh Fm gt RR RR RRRRR iVlVlitlttftl foil hat tllll liiiiitlcutl felt asthfsntiliVlilulxgtih VVVV11VVVVCVVVJH owers sunI rown shon lcr RR IIIIIIlllIllIllllIIIIIVIIViTVIIIIIIIIUY FEAIURIIIC HARRY IIURthS DOUBLE CREAM CUSTARD kIVI ltvl llziiourI IIA RRVYR fionmax DESSERT IDllllilltItllltltltltltlllllllo llllllolll ITS APPLE TIME in ONTARIO This years crop of Ontario htaltliRuivinu apples ls now lltlnt harvestrd lho sIlctR Jmlllllllllllllllllllll ltlllli vcil corsaizc of lulisinan ml URVtd If 3V0 hill lit and qllitlitl im timid m5 and bwvmmV recipe pin down how many bottlt to Im SERVE llllRZIll oiIIIRzr roi Tm bmhwmid WI Mm Muriel Ii inadc and then next year you IIY Brown Toronto ltiter III the bride will know whethvr to make the EATING for AriIIsIiriII ltll IMKIM IV instance nmtllttl mild mm Hm 21 for PIES lt IIIun mosh QIRIIII CHIN tumor mm made that Succt ltd leppei handCut felt hat corsaue of burnt PWkl 301 bl me of lljllllllllLlllll1IllllllllllRlluRllll tioouolottotcolowccogfcprolootltot1IoIIoI Hililltl roses and houvurdln mt Vilmtll VCmCmbCV mm 1le SpeciarGraves Pure USWCCtNCtl VALHVORNM RE FL9 RII RR RR worm Webb Hamilton brother We fird ho Ml5p II III iiilaw of the groom was best man tilde this year iin Jotting VV lins down on mv recipe Cards the tllili bteuait Biyson of Lindsay biothII 27f 10 of the bride and Aircraftman ltee 01V bilXCV mmm sum maid BrysrmI HIIgCISVmQI ushered tbry required and the number of AI II IIIN It bottle it made for such things as VV llthcl Barrio biideVsL nlthgllleVLfVCV bllvbgrrim Vhith Vnh tnr ilu rm FIRM VVVV ccivcd in moss green crepe niod SlCl 1le 1h V1 be Fancy Quality 597 MIARIO IV cl black crocheted felt hat block llllldi 10 blllVIlLV 391 lm accessories II COISiige of Cape prim WV wellth NIHV5 VVV largo NHL roses and bouvardia and the W1 hm blle WilyHM grooms mother worc Churchill hmnwh suglr used lI blue crepe black accessories cor bClVlKS WC think we lCllltlli her all these little tti gs Maybe sagt Ilpt pIImIosCs and bou vzudia you do at than But you dont on Aney IIIIIIIIVVIIIWH mp Mu IInd systematic and szi work and wor we know which hairst lc like NIVVVVV 11V net nfiim Vl funk in you look younger and more charming Barrie bwfstmnrzt LVN We know how you can whiten your AN VVCVVVV but gave it without CVmVVmVVVV Skan banish freckles keep your hair VV RDVbUTnhRLAND thVi never midc it am rc pretty autumn wedding 00 d5 80ft We know hOW you can look like place at 230 ORCIOCRV Saturday af D0111 it 215 dually 15 0110 II ful pickles have ever princess on tiny Investment each teinoon September 27 1941 qt WECR IS it worth few hours 9301 Stmud PreSbyterian Chuwh When RRldexVVsIVR $2555ng Itbl week to find onto ThenStart Commg lMiSS Jam Hunter Stltheiland dWlCllerl mm est dau mar of MV used it as Parnishon sin today IV All suthelllzandV StrminVnie Edisostamadegugmgh SHAMPOO ANDISET Hand Wellandson of Mr gm the mlxtures YOU 11 VFACIAL PERMANENTS VV VIBE WJLagVVVVVAmStOR EVE find moreh 113st okausiiig it than MANICURES you can SV aV $$ Reg LabeVBVaCk SELECTED ONTARIOV FRESH W3 BLuE mam mt 37 WASHEDIISVPINACH II Specinlssort0il Shade RR SELECTED ONTARIO 2m1 our rousii won CABROTS4 15 3CiiVVViiV1RViiViiVVi 49 Willillnmnv BRORCKSV slap scabies 14 rlt I1II FUR lIIAKI IonmisoiJ oomn PASTRY78E CREAM WHEAT CHEESE HEARTS RI 10 lI ROYAL HOUSEHOLD Vii ElRlli Vllag GLENWOOD VVARTIFICIAL SpecialPRIME BEEFLean FOR SALADS or FRYING Boneless ma Roast 32 MAZOLAOltT EXTRA VALUEPRIME BEEFRON IELESSI Brisket POT Roast 19 RRR EXTRA VALUELean BONELESS Prime Beet Shoulderpor Banish 20 fllfimiiiinsmc gIIR ttslltsallcitlu II tier SPLRIRMMIIIICIIES RfVVIRIR Ill VVVMV gt gTASTY SMOKED EHADKERS VIM MACmutt III 13 spillilfi 533 26 1t Giiiiilllollii slucRV zRIR 19 YOULL ENJOY LoisLszs TENDEREATING 508mm nln Shortenlrtg Pimento 15c at CI Andrew of Clinton brotherinllziw oVI of the bride officiated at the fore md se The mceSt pd Of It VK Phone 996 I9 Appomtmcnt mom and was assisted by Rev that you do not need to use bottle up as soon as you open it as you HAIR STXLISTS AND BEAUTICIANS EulaChSVmCth DD mmlster 0f the have to do with piImentocs because The brideV who was given in map It Will keep endleSSIy With these RV V7 VV shy hm mild words Vof Praise will JVC CHRISTAS SALON We WR fVOOV Venth gown 0f PeVuma velm gt1 wItlIrmatchmg turban anda shower waSh sweet red peppers Vp dry Cut slice from the stem end bouquet of Talisman and Ophelia 73 ELIZABETH ST IR BARRIE roses She wore the groomHlft RI IR Slgmng of the regIsterIVMlss LOIIISC hand carved gold bracelet the only II VV jewellery wornV MieraBtHand mam mgrmgfg amen VV Vi ISlStEV of the groom vyho was the th Charmin mm in lbridesmaid was attired in ans TV picture gown of white faille The VV velvet floorlength dress with leRlmcs RR matcmng halo and Rnosegay 0f szvaesetlirlaitf nggklsilrlgp thrch autumn flowers Vi quarter length ght SleeveRRRR Miss HlelendSltItlhellagfiItf Cook full skirt Shirred onto the slightly 0WD aye we 111 Willle VR iV 7V VV VV lowered waistline fell into deep and during theVsigning of the reg folds veil of tulle illuSIon Clb we ister Miss Helen McGowan Barrie caded the length at the dress an sang Promise Me Both are ht mthe head with nat coughs Of the brMMrV William JV ca Sutherland Shroud br th ural flowers IShefcarriedfa bou er uet of Butter roses and corn bride was the groomsman The ush flowers with drzoping garland 0f ers were Mr Sutherland RR RiVeTia Vgladloli Miss Betty Baird Bram ton and Suther was maid of honor and little Miss land Stroud ZenneferVwoodHahn of Toronto wgrgmtsteqifggyEggsyggg WBS ower gm Themd LOBLA Ws New SeaSon FRESH SPRINcIITMB iIVVlVViVVVIVIVfSVVBVKVEKS 44 253 VllVlVllthtVlVllT piiuuis 159 SpecialFRESH LEAN or was gowned in blush pink chif 0f the ma parenls ASSStmg the ton with full skirt and Bishop VI IV VVV bride and groom in receiving the sleeves She wore aIIbandaIu of on pa no guests gwas the brideVs mother in mVatchin chiffon and natural ow IV VV 21 lye qre5 an ha and R3 erSVVndg carried an 61 dfashioned II IR rs e0 merican cauyrosesR VII RR RR and the Rgrooms mother in blue gifazvorgttabgfggggrorgggza VV 3335 can and 4543411 advertise crepewith corsage of Talisman VV VV VV VV TwithImatchingfbonnetandicmrIEd ment to remindun again that you and rogtslestsVthteVndedV the wedding from anmquggfnggggaV Avning only you can glvVeRiaIphotIograh your IR OrotthI BeetOInI AlllstonIR COORS wa oomsman and the ushers IV self foro Christmas ngft and the bent VV gown Barrie VBrampton andLanV weeg rIRThomaSIROgers of Tpmmp Wyto Kathe bet Diet 18 WNW e61laipto Muskoka the brideR rghlzhgdggfgn8 Bgrizzep takgn nowmIIOm lewlygmalged SthPI Wore ii costume ofScthch tWeed 115110 was hgeld at the hoaneof the Bangle or n09 our3959laltSmls with brownhat and broWnacce$ Vbridas grandmother Mrs early so come in soiilis Wood The brides mother received VVVVV VtesidlaFIn $11152ng eRup hgmggcElggaitfixegfillgmg We have the most modem of photographic set large black hat and corsage tings to our equipment bringing to you the latest GARRETTWOOD Richmondrosesl Mrs Garrett as Pkg omxc EATEELIS 38V Vtttt FOR ALL FINE LAVUNVUVERIVNG The Houscjinld Lmlt IPORKIRIBEANSI W611i tlUX FLAKES iiIIIEff 23 COTTAGE Brand Rtor Tln ALWAYS SCHOOL GleCOMILEXION ESijifiqhu17 PALMOLIVE SOAP 233114 THREEMINIUTL um VIOR SHINING PQISVAND VIfANS White Whutewtlient OATFLAKES Jr us amuo 11 WI III The Newmsmwry 16 V5075 Iaslerthc NhW Tinl ROSE Brand Sweet IWVaIer Colm Lovers 4UL OLD Cleansgr zitWV Large Jar 21 NEfscAFE Tin OXYDOL am 99 MASlER Brand TLRRIERVKIBBLI01 33 12c ivonyRsoApVVV5 Vi 05 59 BSWTS RzRIiks 25 on on or an lkg LargeVRane NONSUCH Black at HEINZ COOKED IRENAMO CREAM IV 14 Orillia NewsLetter sisted in black crepe with coral SPAGHEI II RR typeof photography now featured in theVlargest Vs Jameti VAntglicanChurchV 8L trim and corsage of sweetheart ec ive wi au umn owers was roses and most excluswe studios the scene of pretty wedding on Later Mr and Mrs Garrett left Monday afternoon September 22 ona motor trip to Quebec The II VV 1941 at twothirtyRoclock when couple travelled lnmatching brown Isabella Elizabeth daughter of Mr tweed suits Completing the brides TOMATO 830 to 12930 PEANUT BUTTER VI and Mrs Wood Orillia was ensemble wasaRcorSage of yellow CATSUP RR united in marriage to MnJohn Oneidium orchids They will re II SATURIAY ruling Richard Garrett son of Mr and side in Barrie Im 830 to 10 pm ML VMrs Garrett Barrie Rev Out of town guests were present Emmett conduted the Icere from Barrie Toronto Hamilton ag Rh no no no KIMco II no an to hi to no g$wmw GBVOVGETEBIASII sq tVtthllEDVV+VI$$ ct mony and Mrs Roberts pre Lindsay Cotllngwood Midhurst +4 IVACK llLL AYLMER $130 to PVm HomeMade WEDNESDAY Fan Tins for STORE VV ltCOASTTOVCOAST Burrowing nexttoinpenai Theatre thorn 1739 33 sidecl at the organ During the and Avcning II