Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 2 Oct 1941, p. 4

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Page tout 18E BARRIE EXAN BRRIK UNI ANADA WWW WW WWW Ibursdn Ultobcr ll af If hm BRADFORD COUPRRV VCELEBRATE JUST ARRIVED 3R ah1 VAJ may SIXTYFOURTH ANNIVERSARY It quart wimn New SIOCk slut RV ZR iQIRIEbrlllt for RR oIII no II HOSIERY Ch Let at IIRIngioVs Ricwpomt RV ll lVVlVlH Ollth TllOt jIVRj 2471 Valuin to Rt is of brine is Ll PWPOMIO I1mixi IIr III ing plelilm Brine for liltkltgt should not be 100 51 of hot In betm slippery und solicit Do not UM salt llia contour IIII IRI II VlIiIlIl II tIVIVIII bran 53mme 911 III VV iailiodtlrtl Hint RAlunglI li lt II III RVI VV LNRI VVIV 11V Ici lRlVlilV IIVVVll VVV=lVtVVIVTV lIVcli VI VIM hm 3th lllllilltltlgtl IIIRIIIIIIi sugar ullilV her bride Lllt lmppy to lltl Izoiznce that our full Fall II rltltli ol the stv ish chnR Rzng an peni III mow izmte llosicry has now on VI IIIIII Runnelscs illllcll Dcspltc the difiii Betty Smith Mr RRi til 11 iicnlly in scnrlng hos mm PhVl Icric We have been for2 RRR III lliaiilR RRi Mrs Utmilt SIIRWIIIR ll Inl llnitma UnderhillV IingIsban She Binniford Ilgt lltrlllt liIorpRR til lIIr ltuslIIIl when trIdvzllc Seven liiltlicn wild II IN hm It yrmddik m1 lgt IIIIRI IR inIIIRIIIIIR mini Im Intllllt RR VnwM VVXMV EVIH VVVR 1h hVV VHI Vll Mmt VVVNVV tiilidtt in receiving it complete range featuring rill the new lzlll shades Inrl lull size range from use the hostesses it was pch ll rimwer and the brideelect ii Illttl hm Home NIII lItll iIRcfiil titllb lheI liI RIRintllw chnmg making IIIIRI Ult The ten table centR Itl ktttl lhtlllt was pimidvd over Mix lliitlllHllIlt and Miss Min IIia Xin lioiiulnzet About two hundred nwnibcrs ol the muons county branches of lllt II ens lllllttllt are lit town to VVI Ii ML do Il lIliinlliiw for their annual MW lltllllRll convention Mf$ioiigt IIIt lHlllN lltltl lll lllt 100 hall VVII III II Inm IIIII IRIIIIIIIRuiIIIRI zrrorsn MUSKY IIW III WI In II II II ill lIIl lziRViiinl of Rilc VIVVVVIIVVIIHIHI HI ilIlszmIS VIVVIVIRV VA MVHIVVVW VVVVV VVVICVVVVV VV VVVLVVVIVVIVVII VV hVl VllultJVt lVl IIIRIRIVVnot Iw no IllnITqVin ItkIVltIVlnit ill llr llllt II III RR In amine symptom tluit tnn In iiittslma tht gt0cr lVIiJ IRlIl ll it 101 II II II ll lldi ll II fitnlx wf iIiIR lll lead and use hlemincr Classrfieds yum LIIMung shoc 510 Ind llIs lIr siiiili tl In IIIIIIIRIl xti llunlop Sturt Phone 1060 ilk lJVRVR Willth RnRiVl AR RRR lt RR fI II RVVVV VXUIVVVIVVVV lVVrViV VVV VVVVVVVVV now Ia niarrnti moonf illlV VhVtki1RiilllRllR lt lIIrIl to simult along with lltntl lint vlIIs And she tlllll1 tlI IltlllIL one III tr RIlthoinil gtl1l ilv IIVj slii=I1tliVlr IlalVIViniiff gtiVlthlindlth Inal ll tlltlt llnrtwrtillc while out fisli trim in pllttnl VV VV VV lhI veloutnmana illltzlslllltsd uitlnn IV VV IIV IIIIIImR III caught II 1lpoiind mushy couple IrIR lucnly I1IRIIJIl In tlicl lVo llilp overwiin the tIttlrt of lltlltllttllt it is It MIIIIII Illlll VIVIVI Ill VV IVV IVIVHMVIM In honour of Mrs Moulton IIINIIIW Im gel 1m uh IIII IIIIIRIIIIII own IIIIII WWI IIIRIIgtltirv to tlllllllllllt lltt Imp matter from the swim llurtloIk lllood II it woho ll MN MNmm Weve Kim IziiIIIIi lllt line Imd porch for trends Both plI curd lot lliiicrs holin tu lltllttVl lllt mom of lwmlaths by rcgnlnting tho liKIIIIIIII tVthlt MHVI tVIVl lVViRt VV lh Ill lllttlltt ll III rum ciiinl was held III the Parish llzill not was the liitllltst fish to lltllth Inrl llll1t inniilr and twill it til ltlllt WNW ttltTllillttg tliltlltl HLHlltltl lt t1llillttl limiil IIRI iI IRl mui nor or IIil RR iIIII iiIR lllR lecture RV IVHVN Am hm Vcek li ltitlltlll llllt HHS 515011 Ili litiiiw tlittlitls recently mil WWW tl tllt Fllllzitisli lthY and when this luis lucn iIIRIIiiiiIililIIRRl llIIR IV lV VlVlli Vil iR plemant ironing was spent by thcl zRi nun Ur IfoliI RI 1nd own IIIIII 311 thm Mk PM IIVI lt It IR II IVV IMVV Um WSW Vlllll lIo our present plain HI lixVlemIl RIMS at $10 and lb Ind mum 1h NI mm my at It it It iIt tlll drug ll lliltr pr $101 hotlh ilt liRl RRi 5Hlllt III IVml ittrtlll wlnst During the evcnInL VI IV VIV VIVIVI illtl lo tlIIRIIII VVHNCVVVVVIVVV WW we IV Itll more pcrtII of mic who lltl tlnounhl In Illlit ll II IIIIui Vluri II It ill IL IRRII IIIIIII In ti ltt VVV VV in llt II1R nd pail ttlps Imd saucers was made to Mrs lV Vl ll VVl tl VMoiIlton lw lll llico llcwson AN PERSONAL erVILE IVI IV II RV Vti If II r1 Il IIIIIII VV IIV VV VV Vt VV VVIVIV VVVVVIL VlHliVi IVVIVIV pwmivm If mush Am 1mm OMPF FIlIVl lRI F8 VRV hm III II mum Idu thtlltlllllS refreshments were servedl tllh MISS Howsm and numbers RAVVVVVV VORVMVNV VVVV VVVV VVVVPVVV VVVVVV VVVV the lVtttltlt in charge Mrs 53A tIaIloIIl St Toronto it ll Irti li IViottIIis oin li RIHRHd mums mm mile IV Vb II lIRI ital illilltlllll lttltllt HWHN fur mm mm III RI VIJ misc certificate o3 VV in given Rl trc our My ll 1an En Burton Arc IVIlllttI Church Will VVVVRVV VV he the setting for II pretty weddiin In 0m CHI VViitV tSll lllillllltllll 23m VR VRVV VV WWEVVV VVVm MW VHVanVlnext week when Glade Thompson flint charge oi the coiltStI IIVtImHH MN lnlomts lllt llltlL of Ill Clone HIH IV II VI VV VV VV IIOII mepwn dd lbhm1 IiIi l= lloc Mrs lieInanV Mix RSNCM bridcmnmd While DCLMCI RIIIIih mvl Mrs vttilttt Jpn 111 Do IIomnsnn Tuvl Ushers Irc lVtVllltlLll Crowe ilmll special values and Reminders for ThiirSday Friday Mid Saturday RI titsin Niits EKRR We rescrvc the right to limit quantities IVVItlllRll independent IliIrIR Ztll very low oiiitii Allianc tIIIIIn llli are not doing wai Mrs ltitliard bpillcttt til Vai VV RR IuI III Iii one lunil or another II nu iIIIIRIII IIIIIIIII IIIIII III IIIrIIIIIIII IIIIflfzitlvk ll wmummmmmm IDA HOUSEHOLD NEEDS SPFCIAI VI Vli VVVIVI VVKII VlVVV VlVthVVl lV iVVVVllVllthVlVgVVVVlllVVVlV VSCCVVVVVWVVVS SVVOWOVVV WVVV VVVVVl VVLVVAVVV At Special Prices for the Wttkttitl Ii RII IR IIIiii its Ville ninth ll itlltVVV tlltV Rlininu the past two yours lVVVV pVde VVV dumdmd Ddskc BlVGVSRllghI mm Hit Kin Vvlall has 0011 iii tllllllt VVVVVVV VVVVVV VV VVVVVVVVVVVVV VVV VVVVVVVVCCgt VVVVV VVVVV VVV MW iIIIIImIIcw lllt hurt loss Auxiliary Vszilvagc Mme mama fimmg down to the mum IIIII IIRIolIIRIId lll Wltltly ilml Ht ill or exww Vmlmm wcpmm and lR RR WV me ll lttl llltl the lthll tllllllllltllll lV Vb the Melb JLm rhomp tllttlh Is IRIli RI my IIII Rim lwsled hClI MCI VI tummy Ivnnpaizzn recently all of which is pemnt WI land Arc loronto wathostes the many gifts Iot only hard work but hikes in IIINSEED MEAL 12 3th Itll be Ill IIDIAI andReg $119 The evening was spent by the tiizite time and lilILIIlllljllltlll MW VV MM twenty Huesis lavm 2m In IIIVIo 1LLVlllVR VlVchVtVV VVlVlrliV1Ve t1 The abie decogagonf iILVIIVemmoL Max of gorl urllily CQD ru chwe on ioIll ho ureatly missed by the or men VVVV VV blldob he Led EVERREADY SHAVE CREAM icg ML 246 in ink Indehith Ind ink gelll1VR IInIIiion to whose Interest she ll denim Imd mecutlwovktggtl liit Ni tlilttli lllllc mounmmwmmmwm EEPEIftHESBEE iRRRRRsR7RR VNSURED VVw my gm NOXZEMIA TINCTUREIODINE withlVVOd Icg15c Dh hu the Lllls of the Bell Telephone aren mun IV LIV LR OIL GAPSV 100 hV ch 79VV onmwmocuoonummum he md vigour or IvI VV tl SODIUM 19 VIM lndeSiqnmliSlicle lliilerViVIVIthnihtir ureOVleszViViiV For EV QRAVTEV IOZS 9g RON VVVIAMVN VB RRRR handwrou hll ltlsl Rr IV as shown VI VI the putt was held at the home of MR BEEFV IRON WVINEV 16 OZSVV leg 39C 49c iIIIII llVlslL and the honored guests Effective general tonic AV wort Florence lmy IloanVs nc VCootmued From Page One ounce jily SYRUP HYPOPHOSPHITES1CgV 980 77c VV Pmlcimd Betty 5m mVSSOd he adder VVWLQDLY nlmVV 93c valuc OZS Presentations were made tor of this parish but as citizen of RV Itlircc eirls satin co orter and Barrie Referringto Mrs Moulton JEWELLERY III travelling clock were given to the speaker spoke of her outstand II 18 Elizabeth SIR lFlorcncc llounsoine who left last ingI cork with the OmCHVS Olgiilli FUNNIEST VV Phone 1832 lIIock IIIV Regina to become the zations andof hchSunday Evening Vlrile of Flying Officer G10V HOUF f01 the young people Mrs Moulton was presented with Vii love WItu CAIION or ly bouquet of roses the presentaiim on ANY being made by lime R055 MOVIERW on gap in TSimpson made the Prescn co rd tatlonof purse containingu very ICV substantial sum of money to Mr Moulton who was much affected by RI REASONABLE TERMS on III as of the congregationfln making the 10 mmmuc XTU presentation Mr SimpSVanmntion 112145 powmh 45 V1 28 RRRR RR RR RR ReAhd Is mils uOrVnrbnbEircofetliceogozrdVglcgtlugggol RRUB 0M There are times Mr Moulton IR said in reply when ones heart oV PS JV rie erilows and Vone has difficult 5V ll St Imaging El VCVOhEIEntleply Thiswas sue an occasmn VV is amazmgni he said how in six short yen one erl Can become so very attached to 3R WI SanshRandohts1198pm TheArch We have complete stocks of baby Dto eacon 581 received noiiI 11 Ing but the utmostRkindncss codr VVLVCVh Vt pme Vhdt save Wu mfmg this he offered his deepest thanks Mennen Comf Nurser eCVidl form AV Hewouldleav Barrie he added johnsinrs Bab powder 230I550 Antiseptic II teIsy and goodwill in Barrie and for MeadRs pablumI IlbI Cm IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIII IIIII 45c with great regret and he left to go Johnsons Baby cream 30 55c BorateId to Toronto for one reason only tha Baby Pants latex pair 190 Talqum theAEhbishophadRmadeth 37c WW VV VVVV RRRb 1b VV SVV VVR VV msons ar Cy SIZE Sues RV quebVi Hg made plea for uncle IRDRA OliVe and 02 190 29c Standmg and Support for the new Infants Delight Soap for 13 9C 59C RV VI rector Rev Howden who he RR VVVSSVVVVedVVVVS hearers would We AtiSZpgZiugililEafgg lOcZ 01 19c ML large sue bf If RR DIS0NI RR GlltETTES fgrfggzinzitsgggdnlrjtggghgglR VI IR VI 133 prefllally prepared for the ocV Cleahing VV IV VV IV RV lt Powder RI RR QUESTION Box Mrs1B35k51Whatoccasloii Large Mangleia lly causesV pickles to turn black Box 12 ounce VR Answer If considerable ironVisR RR RV II KL VR VV gazirVtahbtglfenvlggWOlElc jVVgtrVifsftVl and 939 Vpius Due to difficulty in securingsufcieanhclp the Vidrdersigued Dnii Hard water containing lime VIVnVay IV TIMIo Ammfuc RR les 0f Barrie Will 09356 the delivery 0f millime Cream toconsumers ages gropglilcurlngtmfhe addi RR In 3ozs reg 25c cl on Sundays This poncy Wm IVOntlnlle in Effect for the Fan and to hard tiller Smolpo tJVgiiif LVngVEVFVy Heththoap 2V to 1VVVVz lVV VWinter months consufners areiasked to Vcooperate securing VR come this IR VLuVX Tyilet Soap IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII MINE Enos Fruit Salt 306 59C 980 leMlslilQl asks Why do pick RPrinccsstSoap Flakes for 29c VV BrOmOVSeltzer 25cR49095 Answer Placihg Ithe members LysolDisrnlectaiitRR 35c 6503125 Nudge Kirbys mm Yeast Tablets 90 VVLate Wmtef devery is now iVeffect and our cuslbomersare asked at once in heavy syrup too strong Edison Mazda Lamps eVach 200 596 NovaKelp Tablets V29c 790 $l39V Ian adequate supply of milk and cream on Saturdays II brine or to be sure to order suffrcrent Rmilk durmgI daylight delivery to carry Sm neg Vth th Vf th tVd co 0pm mm or allowing too much time Pebeco Tooth Powder 190 290 Ovaltine 38cV 58c 98m In over nee nex rear as to Vel IeII II apse be ween gathering and Hinds Cream 11 oz $190 vVVaqueV ation mI hi ne laanm be yecjatedI II pickling will cause them toVshrlvel IV IR pp WrigleVysVGum 50 pkg for 150 Ibo CITYWIDE DELIVERY NEW SA OFFICER VIIIBRIEVIIIVLLANDALE may CITIZENS DAIRYV ERIRRAREdRRIrRRI CROSSLAND DOUGLAS KNIGHTS ROBERTSON RIIAKEVIEW DAIRY SMITEIS FARM DAIRY RtIRRIRIRREIRJmore nave swam DRUG swam um strum and sworn VVIVVF III VVVVVV de1 Major McEachren who is 50 DunlopVStreet Wellington Hotel Block Next to R9 That oprtsm P6 om VV VV $393353biigogorignmgV PHONE 92 15 VVPHOVNE VV VIV PHONE Canada Rand Reame to AMldland direct from CampI Shiloh

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