PAPERS Eon magnum October 13H WMM IOOOIOIIINIJOJIIHOIfletOl ll 014 Ill rl no gt LOCAL NEWSPAPER IliinlllTitinliliRnn TH BARR IN mnmr oxr l5 SPAIN ADVERTISING PtllNTtllhliOPPIB lKIIli our BUSINESS MAN ro nnnrHEn EVALLYOFCHURCH to lllnll it thrillt Run is ll ih to it till zn iii lltl ul thl llllt5 yo hut Irnt llh tht hillutlttl of Speaking of dlltllll IIl1l sown your itivc uncut ill local plttnl ct besides cant that lIlt any xcll main nl roplziti ru was pause whlc llanl tin pol hing the windshield By wiry Illttllt notice that you Acme radios and lJ titllll bit advertisement in the paper which Ligt put in by in nearby ty Dom you it would pay you to lot the of your own town know that Continued from page four Weekly Newspapers Associa came into existence The As employs secretaryman who conducts the business of Association and who issues each month in which gen news of interest to publishers New ideas are passed to other publishers through bulletin and today it is rend an increasingly important ser ce At the present time Char ters of Brampton is the Secretary Manager of the Association an of fice he has filled with exceptional ability since 1936 Mr Charters re presents member niispapeis in all dealingswith the government He investigates questionable adver tising and warns publishers against various rackets which are injurlt iousr to publishing interests or to the general public Of special interest to Examiner readers is the fact that theAMan ging Editor of this newspaper has een director of the National As ociation since the organization ame into existence and was its resren in Each year the Association holds ts annual convention and the c0717 ention alternates between west rn eastern and central Canadian ities There are also several pro vrncrldivisionsoftheAsseeia ion which have separate execu ives and hold their own conven ions each year The next time you read in the asthead on theeditorial page that The Examiner is member of the tanadian Weekly Newspapers As sociation yourwill know that this newspaiaLlslgugsJthaLAssocia ion to make itself more proficient 11 its task of serving thisvcommun EXAMINER BOYS ItlllllIIlllllllIOIIIIIIIIOIIII lll lliu some lllul lIl he pulilu uhut lIt has hi it to deliver the gov iliiu IltlIllzllttl support of the lllhtll ptdlllt of our tilllllllllllll ult at Home pr uoulti but it us all war that read SUIIOI lllli AND IROMOI XIUNI lROSllIRII two should adopt that slogan make it work Nope cant attortl lt Marital Boy you Slll mouthful lIIank nothcr car honkcd uni so when you go by or tell him want to sue um about printing me some lc tcr thcalls And think Ill 11 with thim hit that ad too So long oinc in again drove home my conversation wuh Hunk kept llllllllllL through liny mind Maybe that would loollt so bad in print says to clt So here it is IN AETIVE SEnvrcE Since the outbreak of war three employees of The Examiner ave enlisted with the Active Service forces of Canada Sgt Norman Hooper was called up when the First Battalion Grey and Simcoe Foresters were mobil ized in May 1940 He is at present stationed with the Foresters in Nova Scotia Cpl Jack Crawford of The Ex aminer mechanical staff for 11 years also enlisted with the Forest ers but transferred to the Royal Canadian Ordnance Corps after taking course at the Army Trades School last winter Cpl Crawford recently arrived safely in England LAC John Dyment enlisted with the RCAF in January 1941 and is stationed at Saskatoon He joined The Examiner Early in 1938 and was in charge of the stereotpying when he left In addition three members of the presentnstaff are attested with the Second Battalion Grey and Simcoe ForestersCanadian Reserve Army and two other members saw consid erable service in France in the last war WHAI MY HOME PAPER Woman Reader One hears seesand reads much of Information Bureaus My local paper is tome valued Information Bub Glancmg over the tea am one gets general outline of the doings of the Week Turning to the edi torials one gets information com ments and criticisms on thesedo ings From aripus itemsone keeps informec on the progress being made by untiring selfsacrificing scientists to whom is owed more The weekly newspapers prime function is the presentation of the local NEWS accurater impartially completely Bill and Aime Palmer live over on Church street in nice little brick house They might be people you know because theyre just average folks They dont play an important part in world affairs themselves but theyre mighty interested in what local peopleare doing planning and thinking about They like to keep themselves informed about whats happening in their hometown and district43nd they like to know about the things that napJ pomWHEN they happen Sothey readtheir local weekly news paper Theres lot of significance to that Theres lot of Bill and Anne Palmers in the world and most of them are hungry for news of their own hometown and districts Naturally they turn to theone source they can depend on that theyve ALWAYS depended on ever since they were kids Their local weekly newspaper TheyiKNOW that the prime function of that news par the presentation of the Newsaccurately impartially completely Thats what The Examinerdoes for you And its an importantjob BF The Newspaper Is the Sentinel of Democracy Its Voice the Voice of Free People thanlcan ever berepaid Reading the social columns one keeps in touch with society in gen Very heavy rains in the Ameri an southwest last winter supplied ctus plants with enough moisture last throiigh three years of rought Whiteupped peccaries attacking herds are so dangerous that ese piglike animals have been lledLPulilio Enemy Number One eral From the advertisements migh that is useful can be learned The localpaper is the Whos Who of political lfie We hear on every sideJPropa ganda Propwanda Propaganda is more readily recognized if one keeps well informed through the local papers of