lliuiylai Itobcr itll BKRHV lXllR Billltlt OX ANili Retained by The Examiner The New Mason Trophy liIr grrwlrst singlr loss lo nu HIinli um uI uIIIIII rilisrtt lilllllt fI sirms lliit min high is gt mitiltlf iII lllr tLt of cloth lllg Iitirs Is In as LIIIIc tlliltlil III thr rdsi of twir IlI grown Is much Is spent on Iiliritisnig on tlt Ilrrks IiiIl lljillillllt II Is sun In that sin IlIo not worth oi tiim of miles liltll or town cricis 0r pod iI or IgIiits iould not hau IIIoIinlislIlIl thI Illllt ltllll III tiii InIilri ltillilllrlllILL thr lotIII lHllllllPltt oi llir tlir Liiiiuuiii oi llillt IIiIl pH illllllllW lor tIllIlllt lliinl iliuiil gt lllt iftorl IIIIl iciiws oi Izriiis that would lII llttt Il III sIll ILllilUJtltl tlllllll iiors it SlII iitlioiit lt gt iIIl oi lilllll lilt IttHIHlillt los is not lliiI li iiliIitisin it is gt Ir lhirc Is no udder blow to tho prulr of an liuiiian liInn than to lic torgotlcn lli havc horn away lrom tt III Ionic oIi lllt but Liv in our Incmnry hcn rcturn wc ttl to iinct 1wa ltl lilit til tai siiiilIs and recent II unit iii In NEVER Iillllfli lllli lcoplc forgot casilv Firms lllllllg hands lcoiIlI mow Ii 1h mav Now husincsscsnro winlilicimi Marketing methods and mm conditions arc constantly changing II IIlHtlllti ilh ii13 Illll Ihinlzltl Illil int In In impri iii IIIIIlI Lliuo ilu lltiIIIil iI tliI iil in ii liii llih Is whyto bc IsurIITrfulTvcry lithium til153811131212 In out III lIIIil IIiiiiiiiuiii k0 minhlumfum us mm liII hm lllllii strm to gain ill onst Ii Busiiicss goes whcrc It is Iiivitrd and stays whcrc It Is le kcrp in business you must continually lNVlll ll vllHIl lirlr bugimgsl gt liiiiulili liit lll wo To invite ncw business von must first crcatc gooIl will 71 mmdh and Humble micng in mu and 310m firm on your lf01g uxuuy nu tinco for attcr alla lmsinrsx is but he uglimml Shadow of ONE mum Next you Hm mm mm Ham in mimlsof mm gunners and Drown III ot tlic surcst mm gmd am tidrnrc and in turn SAthus through thc IiIlertIsini columns mr Wkly gwqpnpcr if IIHWIINW 110 lllhimfdrt killllrtlsnlg 0t Diwlllg 10 ili 101 IINNIWjikit III holding tin lllltltSl of your old Customers ho IIII gt 5m pmslwdsl xlnmdmg huh gt moss and reaching the people you want to reach mill913 full im bmh IIIIIIIH HI IIIl 10dle selling is more kun tiIin tl oic TV Because the actual pllllllllg if ll WSDillWl i5 1mmvetd5LhuLluumfuw aw of itskiiiostiiinWrTInt jobs Td ilc Is 195 3mnc9tmpmffng aim HM Ilifll lcltimxmwwwmplinm1oquip competing f0 Wm 0mch pH wwblnhl llm on 1V To 1mm 39 present customers OMin your new market merit and to the men who mIIII UH it will pay you to plan now to advertise persistently and surtS you of cxccllcncc when you have your print consistently in Your hometow 09le Sll inc done bv your ncwspJDCTI It 150 55m YO gt onvictions arc habits of thought acquired from some one gt gt It fai Iriccs because of the ohnncol Vllrllltlltlyb 9159 has been 00 lazy to IV mm the helsllallfr 310 mt 89 limo IV ngmg ml lettinggus do your prmtn PAPERREADER CONFIDENCE REMAle 11th VITAL r10 DEMOCRACY LIIgr new meg If Conn innsl 1plu of 1businessf lt lOdilV 01 Iec peope grow or ncr1 todo biiIiicss llll The close bond offricndship andi They the mes who elwmcdinnd taiIhci dpdll hung thcm Io their readerssince this nation washavmg the world comeIfasmr to Advertise In The Enaminer Cmfldmce that has 519d betweeniihe Itchangcs of the past dozcnlbefhfl The conde VhiCh 636 and over the air They leaped at THE morn oNES Canadian Wee Nwspapels uHycars Thc eager ones Theyliked founded must continue them in headlines and pictures==============o=o==zo=ro===ogo=o ill new ways Io go more gt placea 1119 POSitiFn to be an quickly and more often Theirl the more hpfm the commmlliomcs wereIfirst to take to new 95 33d to themnation They havescomforts and new conveniences become large part Of every com They made possible new techl miinity adveitismd dh they were Any attempt to encroach upon the md of people Alive freedom Of the press is dlrd Eager They made its pace fast us thrust at the freedom of the peOple contents human They made it shun and is to be resented and prevented Ihe past fOl the present and the hi bymwm depend 310 ewsiture They wont let it relax papers for the truth ewspapeml Advertisindlike all semifg=aimsI do not ask for freedom of the press oggg for themselves alonethey ask tor rst rth likens 05111122585493 it in theiname of their readers the most WOW Take look about in the world Ones And advelmmg grows glealio rind athrotcdpress and you find er as inkeager elemwtmgsi Examiner Want Ads are sociieclive nation whose people goosestep andpmspers slihal mcm ads and whonare given no opportunity EdgemeSS And 93 1360919 gt results are so to learn the truth In contrat theyiand always have been WHY It pays are Single inserliOn dictators believe WilHurther lheill When you envisge the Canada Save yourself time trouble and are given news of the Iype whichltoadveitise cause today you must lVe consideration No this isnta falseTiy Oflalmito this large and EvergrOWing slice moneyjuse Want Ads regu no No newspaper can be strong withlot the marketthe new fastmow mldrlyi or II N0 community can prospefwith Modems hen YOU advernse tot gt languaeyl strong liveWire newspaper them youlnngpeARthmi no smde for St out the support of its community jng quic nthementaltrigger gt PHONE 222 on 223 ANDWE WEI DO THEREST democracy and free enterpliS to which both the newspapers andI IThBY HIWPYS have m0 Xt theirreaders must everbe alert 10 WendI and the 11 to tend I==ogc=agog=aonoz==onc=iona==a eserve you can Sellthem