Im IIIII llll Iixiinni lllli lullllll il Intuit Thumb IItum rm izxauiiimisiirr EXIIIIIITAT rIIIIi PAPER 217 YEARS lt INVITATION GIVEN WA III Ipiiiii Jillil liIri II Iltlll Sou llzrl trill Hi litt li iililti iiitiIcsliizi lliiiiili IIIIi no mm It ll mm Iiitl tiir Itll lil Hump im in lultcr Stubliin gt Ilmllinumg iwl III llil Iitllll oi 77 YEARS IJf1ifizti3 lhi llarrir lIiiIiiiicr and its was stall niakr an important IIintri wal mllmknlmv hwy tuition to tho lllllllltlpJl tax pay up mm Hm mmml 1W Hm km Incnls ol lllt toiin ptiiiiciitary niInio pads fltll out wIIIn IIII IIII lt tli ii In 14000 sn dthdi to Fifl Continued 1min Patio Id Grllll 1111 III IttlITlll II Cousinani from page one IIIsIIIcss IIHIHMS lt II liiiiiiiicr the assessment of thc luddqunwl HR Idtxlull and llic Llt llkttl u1I III Ll Iiiinutvs tors and thc newspaper must but loiulinmn ulIII ix still ii Illrltivt li thc married members of our Many pcoplc it tho Fair Iiskcd iI III iiiicnl Iir liIiil tin gt IL II 1115 nplom 31 in RI who staff makes total which at Viv in flr 11$ it thcy Iiiighl soc through the gt 45 mills yields total of Hp 15 illltl plant The Examiner is pchis llirru no other tilllligtttr iith lislicil in the lllhtilirlll iil tho Ru imnmm In 17 Hr m0 WI H073 ltu asscxmicnt figures ticd to wclcoinc lSllUiS to its prnitlt YH Tux Hhifn but linlln 21 llnl mil an takcn from the 1910 roll vl Illllvvinvn T11 gnu tug plant one of the lIcstcquipped mom on rented proper 1in Siinroc County Visitors will be iJIIItit who are iiioltt or 55 new innLin riocnicri LI Iiiin lll the in included being gen is Just this You are not llllll mmvn mmuuh vuwup dam til gt 1111 of in m1 allv nccdcd that the tenant Wk iiivnts and thc lliltlrlll operations inIiuIchi III tlIIsc JlI Iars tho tull llic lellItl was returned but through his rcnl indirectlv pars mm HEW If explained to them iiiIntiniz so III alter lliliss llir pl oi publication ltlll ncIlI Iiionov voii expend lliercs Iio illt1r lilt rlillilltl liiiotypo optr in attic III bathrdnr lIi guess Work about it Its an lllldi 3mm mmth Prusftuw WIWI 45 We ml Till him 15 10 mtt th Th HI llLtl statvincnt and any incrchaiit 15 nlymw or the Iniincr sinri Ils liilllllttlllllitlliiii lliIlltl still is published ipriiits and folds an ciglitpripc scc may look over at any 1mm in Im my To Sum hmgs ll1I bl ill On li ll 1939 an cxtrciiicli it in it 10 other wm like the consumer en the bg Duplex MUdCI Il TI 5le Th Adiappv business partnership LieHNVSIHIN 11gt IICClUHtd l930thc Iiicrchniit is protected in his Aunllb tIll IIIIIIlI urI llIlll IIIIIIliiisIIII vhl Tm EXHHMH hl HS llll lli audi Vlilltl Siiziilni Lil Mi lIurI 41 MM hp bmmmr proprrtirs owned and occupied hHILd Wm m1 his Hum WU WW ML HMS and My AlitlIilu 51 Netting nunshine 0madvertising buying when we sayjnnii various kinds of largo bills aic $CllLl overseas with tho Tlitli ButJLMTHI which Md cumian fur Incd by The iniiiicr was ll lmw we have 4550 circulation in tlicglilimmf he ltdt Mich cr mm in bmkm when My Msihnca The 53mmy Mummg kd imldmg arm we can we itfiitril p183tiiitvthllrllle book no llicyoiiiiuost iiiciiib of The ixisscti lin1pc md hc lwmn hi totalCjmxl1Svilefmftl iiiziiicr iiilining stuff is Jack Ill II April The Northern Adlilnalgulllimd no no 195 ClNUlilllUH Vim NOW Will WU 1185 UK or Glllictitldy who has been here fir3 iicu which had been publishedlwele PUICIHISCd The EXillllintl and we believe that thcliicrchuntigllmlfgldek minctldlll illiiteiis months although with less son1 elixir 1935 than in by pmsnow has three typesetting inagis vitally interested in knowingi tlfntc Ct llktll me is EXillllllltl3 9W ltdJUN DJVWS 115 PUFChilSGd by Thlcmst HUS hUV many hUmes his mess imsy SIXLOIPln lmmme mUder vcrtsingninanagcr Bert Mortlockwlixanhncr and Iiiiialgaiuatcd with An interesting sideliglit of Ex is going illlOI 11nd how Illull DI 13 Ctm machine nd they equlp who has less tliziii two months soilin ainincr history is this When Mr pectiVC Cllstolllkls his advertiSiIlgimmL to his credit in 1940 limited company was MacLaren purchased the paper in i5 IeilChing This 217 years is the aggregmcifiiiltlcd to em on thcbusincss 1895 one of the men who iiIoiIredl ABC circulation is the only re fiery dayth sec Illie Duplefx ewice of presem mmmerinder the name The Barrie luxain for him was Thomas DaVIesClgtngd CHClUii Statement ac Didi31 PIE 0nd be nec emplmre Mam Others who haveiincr Limited with MacLaren who established the news ceptefi by national advertfsers and 0559 CW Wednesday wormd here in me past have hadlpxesident and Mam Editor and paper in Barrie TheMagnet back practically every outstanding IIe noon 0i Thursday morning The Not all these presses are III operaI long records of service to tlieiIIW Kenneth Walls icePresident in 18473 Although we adlpaper in North America is em gummaic 91855 gm gellemnyi credit we doubt Yen much land Business Manager vanccd iii ycai he was still able ber of ABC lhe Examiner is if 99 f1 9399 he any newspaper ofce 0k The When Mr MacLam acquired to do good days work as com me of only 27 weekiy newspapers tIe liliotypqs beiseen In aminS Sim Chadd511 3er he Examiner in 1895 the paperposnor 1m Canada who are members of gpfmdon at my me excel finer record of cniplovee Iovaltvlwas Primed 01d Whilrfdfile In 1895 The Examiner employed ABC and one of only 17 in On lur afaemoonsI the mechdn than press which was at first pow only five fulltime employees In tallo 1611 lepailment 01 Operating than di irm ered by austeamengimmdlmthisvyeurJLgmeemeiewspapen 7T1 Wr 77iiivww 71 by gasoline engine Most of tirelemploys 18 fulltime workers Empty Pocket The CustoQO ADVERTlolNG lAlb auction sale bills and posters were three parttime emplyeellnll 11 As Tommy was putting on Lady of the house to departing Thai weekly newspaper adveitis printed on Washington hand carrier boys while over Iy cor contrwhlctrhad been cut down Plumber must say that yOuve Int P1 botlhe merchant and theipless The Examiner was then an respondents coverthe country news from his fathers overcoat he be dime very well and dispmved themf buyer is truth thzncan be provenleightpage sixcolumn newspaper The amount of business transacted gan to grumble old adage of plumber aiwavs lime and again The merchant isiLater it was enlarged to an eight and the wage paid each year makes Whats the matter askedhis forgetting rewarded by making weekly lpage sevencolumn newspaper The Examiner an indusuy of c0n father Plumber Thank you maamIf was with 01d customers at avnd fourteen years ago to eight siderable value to the Town of Bar said Tommy this pack you saw me number of bills inal cost while the housewife is as colunins with from 12 to 20xpages lie Cts get no bottom to it send out at the end of the oath sured of qualin merchandise for week Thats not pocketsaid hilsoud know it wasnt only pt mblt only reliable merchants advertpe The mm re Duplex press which THECOUNTRY pApER SPEAKS father thats buttoriholeGr cats who forgot ii OHOOHOOHOQQO illIllglxifvpldest bliSlllESSdil IliisigOHO 00 OHOOEO Old nll lI Ibo 010 6d II gal5istle can an Have gone mar but gt still iOld houses old hotels of great 133 II tUon mv inkv IIUes ther near now The story of this place throughout the years told of youth and war of girls who wed Of rich and poor alike of Ihiefl and sage It orA how they livedthough most If of them are dead While ageless am of the press It Ma Ilans varied actshave always been my text What happened long ago and what comes next Though am old in truth still can say Nothing can be so nearly llp30 date Mi Every busmess man is interested in finding out how he can increase his Sales The an swer is advertising Consistentiandpersis ent advertlsmg your hometown Weekly tive medium for you to use in presenting the profitable investments you as merchant can make visible increase in trafficland sales cant help but follow an intelligent effectively planned ad in your Hometown Eoth yesterdays and morrows Isur Weekly Our advertising man willbrglad to of neeldowens and those of is practical inexpensive thoroughly latte helpij plan such an ad at no costotoqouw high estate message y0uwant to bring pefOFelhe 1311b Call us today and find out more about it gt gt gt other than the Fgular space rate Advcr Ilived because served and still shalllive tisein Because of all have to all givei Cereals important in staple and WWV WV speCIal foods lose considerable THE BARRIE EXAMINER mi EXAMINER gt Glacier National Park has 60 ll glaciers remnants of the Ice Age Thc United States got440550 LARGEST IN SIIMCOE QOUNTY ANAEFFECTIYE NEWSPAPER it it Newspaper advertising is one oftlie most rabbitslrms from New Zealand o=o===o=o====o=o===o=o womonomoupwonm last=yeai