Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Sep 1941, p. 2

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sun lids lln hf Vorce of Experience Tn is in iiioii gt lillow hi in illr iv lrom th Files of The Barrie Examiner tllltllii lll iv ll ticllimz ii iv H213 til gt gt vi ll gt siciiuni ii is into aii Scum Vein Notes ii Li lsr ii It ii iiiiiiiii lllll iliiiiii tyiuiawi Iwmi it 1o Li Ki it ii gt it ii mm li 21 ti EDITORIAL ti Val zt liil ia 1i l53 ivi ll ll klll vmv it El ii liivzltiii titr wti it iii Hid lZl ll vii mutuyf ti loi Illltiil 11 iv ll iri xiiii gt ii lei How Canada Pays Its Bills Il Elixir illlt ivl will deliI ii ll it on it iii Rf ml ion can free yourself of the burden of IUUlqu after your aniei ieilieii in litlit in ii iiiii lot3 li ii It MN NJ WNW MM ltli Km iiiyislnuuls by appointing the loioiilo Inllllllll lriisls ili iil iieui Illtllt iv ill ll lxt llill ii zuaiiiinu liesi Md INN 1W iiilU 117 no tll the tivu ill your Agent to do the work for you llie oiporiilioii Hll art 1lil Wu lio Ilifillm it ll lilii Iill ie asked to iy WM uoiiip it ow iilillil ll 1i ii lll Ill 11 Hd 3th mm wammTH in lintl Mtl IW collect Interest iiiulHi nu cm paying them into your will iilil ilio iitided that the Altman llil cost 133 ll Lil Adi if oi ii fillih uiiieii ti iiiyii um with up chm NM IN iiiti min WW iiiuiiiiitsiipi IM yoiii xiiiiiitiis ii Irplllglillu ranges it instiiinieii mat ivi tnllttllif It lltt tivniiiiaa the mar gr oi lwl mm ML ii ion Aid to Britain mm C2 alludingr them and render slateiiienls to you periodically Hmiillm iiv llic tii liiil oii ii court Tii ii ill ltltll 7li Jill W5 in To ii lLlXt will lllii Will not lit lm II lvlihl 11 Unit 1in gt101 llldt lllllltlziiiioiii lllllltlil ii iiieil iii an 31 Wm Iii llicimpotantniutteiol reinvestiiieiit llieorporiition LUlbdllillillii lii ltlllt zlittli applies le some towns reel wt the 31m We i=1 HI1mi l1 util mile ilht It you to iivilisie iiie lll Mum HM MPH 1mm ii tliti lilillttll IlttIl sit 11gtf diflfli lvl viigiii protein villieilliersulnuil Iistsofeicurities forym ltHlltHlMfllHll lllltll Full ill in lie liti ll lllSlLtlllltlii lll hhml Tm 1m In 01 on llll2ti was for ii piiipiisir ii in on in Khaki In the toliil pirud of that ii li hill mm Is lllltmbl ii io lii1o oin io lloid llt litlaii tlt Mm WWW MIMI mm mm dH in Tim imitlt it or you pie any out ii imi sum of po it you 11 mm WM 31 the discovery oi iiiv slot machine in any llllltillll to the tll or lllt period Hllit lillli 12 33 UhLid 1i WNW 1M NH MW eriige roitm would result in prompt SllSltllSltllll HWIHWlilil 11W smll till or Mr llltl Mix William mm up Hui ml lust four months ot llll rear and in January arbitrary date to Maril ill 1920 MW ll W1 llli WI 5011 Hi lillol ll bl 01 llsi WW INA CWUHMIHWN mum ileiiiul litiplnf lnio to will agreement is all that is requiredand easy to terminate they vill estimate theii total in pays mm viii ti dot of thi Atti hi war mmmmvd 51m Hum =lit iiiiiiis ol iiilliilioii lli ptllstl it ntw iiiii supiiat ililg Iltlll yimimi why trump Hpdidmp the unwary In my mm iiiie it tlii lliillt iiiaila is llll one there are no complicated eomlilious Ims tire very 111W illml W1 11 Hamid operation or slot iiiiicliines throughout On iiiiiieioi loomy imi being rolled lttlinii HI WNW UH Hmlilm niiiiiider by eiuht they will know how mueii to pay each month during the eight months 1942 Jillnlml Miillll mummy lit the lillttlti see that illeuiil machines are The scheme appeals to be ii modern seussIMdv ible way o1 disehaiuiiiu ones obligation to onis country and it is to be hoped that lllllll tn TNruns THE PRESS take advantage ot it But this must he infidii Cmmmmmg MK wk whim is Nmmlm my ml by HmmmQ pay In SWNewspaper Week it is the intention of The mm ml PM HUWHL 1Examiner to feature an editorial each Week izw for period of nine weeks outlining the func FOREIGNMHHTURS SIWIL HRH tions of the press in democratic coniniunl Describing last weeks orderiiicoinicil tel ity and its relationship to the nianyphases signed to prevent strikes in war industries Wi of community lite There is unfortunately 1p Buyfold sometiiry treasurer of the Canaimuch ignorunce and not ii little confusion us than Federation ot Labor says that it isftl tothe position and prerogatives of the press halfway measuri and Weak one We be in the area it serves lhisignorance is almost litive that most people will agree with Mr5 entirely the fault olfllie press itself for it Burtord that the new government measure has neglected in the past the important duty does not provide legislation with which toi of making its readers conversant with the tll effectively with the Wlth of strikes that fundamental principles involved in the pro Cure sWeeping across theination duetion of ii community he ispaperTlhis We believo that the government will neveriseries seeks to make innends for the omis solve this vital problem until it takes theseisions ot the post and to present in simple professional labor agitators and puts them in language an explanation of the main iela position where they can do no damage fori tionships between the newspaper its readers the duration of the war Most menin iiiits community and its associations with or dustry today are getting better deal tliariigzuiizations business groupsand institutiOnsi the man who has donned ti uniform and who within the realm it seeks to serve has gone forth to protect the privileges of The nine phases to be discussed in the scr these selfsame workers whom thescugitutors ies are The Freedom ofithe Press The fPress have incited to strike It seems almost 1111 rind Governments The Press and the Churchf believable that men Could be so blind asgtoiies ThePress and the AdveitiscrIhe Press hold up production on war materiahenmnd Propaganda The Functions ofan Editor those materials are being used to save themThe Functionsof aiAReporter The Press and from practicm slavery Theyhave but to look Local History and The Guarantee of Free to Germany itself and see how labor is treat dom We sincerely hope that Examiner read ed They need only look at Norway where ers willcarcfully study and digest the series labor leaders have been imprisoned and some tario iiidoriier its strict enforcement But as tar as llarrie is concerned it is stpiiiiely up tilll at an ac War expenditures are celerutliiiz lute ltl the month will Hm 1mil NSIMWV to March Ill lllltt our direct ai llllvlll Illlilllllll ll expenditures were it rate of Hlllfldtlllttl gummy tuba In litat War Canada paid lq ANIA your Hwy win at tillits bills by taxation and the rule of 32 millions daily Hllml llkhl For the Ltllltlll iiseiil year they Vl mm limp orricir 22 im siiuriJi lltNlO we lbqlmymwl In numb LI ltl of 11gt natioiiul budget out ol it4ics the United States 36 To Mulch 11 uch iinada vvill Fr have spent including financial iis hm fin lt Sisluiicc lo licul iriliiiii $4053 1178 ilfwllm inillions ll this vur ll our live Hm will Hle lll this wur iiniidiis tilljtfllVli From the F1193 gs toi tire iiirieii vex Ili WAR Expuxnnlliul llixiiiis with llrifiiiiis illilllt The Northern tdvince Years to irci WORLD WAR lillti fulfill millions As the world VillLllti the battlt of the titans lll Russia thcic is tendency till the part of every wilt of us to iissumethut the worst of this war is thlitllLl that eyery thing isclear sailing from now on lhiilcould prove to be the iiiost tragic niistiilfe ever made by do western democracies The scale of the fightingr in Bus sin is so huge the losses so slag geringzuidzthe stakes so vast iliii upthiiig is Certain except that lll fighting cannot continuc iit tht present tempo Even if winter were not just around the Corner the struggle CLllld not ptJSSlbly go on for prolottgcdpcriod Either one side orthc other would surely crack There is point beyond because we believe it will give themu new Wkillgdifor their labor activities understanding of their local newspaper and The men in uniform driicipirbcitihlth rights of labor gained through the long years and now some foolish elements in labor arei holding up the supplies which are to ensurel their own future freedom We believe that fugitstors from across the line should not be allowed to come to Canada in wartime and organize strikes One such agitator has pub licly stated thauhe is against American aid to Britain and yet our government allows him to continueghis nefarious work In many instances special play is made on foreign born citizens and they areiper suaded to strike and thus hold up production It is rather interesting to note that six people arrested at New Torontorecently in cOnnec tion with the Campbell Soup strike allborc the hitoric piirpos ofitsmission in the com munity EDITORIAL NOTES ious colors of our autumn woods In this issue appearsa notice from the Simcoe county Council War RecordsCom mittee asking the cooperation of the public in gathering the names ofthosecnlisted in theActive Service forces from this county Any assistance that can be givemtowards se curing complete record will bgreutly ap preciated foreign names gt lucal garagegman suggeststhat contin uation of compulsory closingiof service srae tions at pm afterthe war would be de sirable move After all thereis no reason such places should haveto kecpopen hours in order to accomniOdateVpeople who would haVe no need to beiserved at late hours if they would exercise little thought fulness SUPPORT or RUSSIA DOES NQTMEAN APPROVAL ouHERRECORD In an editorial entitled fIs Communist Menace theNewmarket Era saysthat it is understandable that some people in this country and in Britainare halfhearted in their sympathy with Russia against Germany It points out thatRussia did not come into the War 1withjits handsiclearndoutmRusstas jaggressions are not the real quarrel that most ipeople haveiwith the Soviet The Era con ftinues by saying that most of the old world anatlons have made mistakes and people are 1broadminded enough to realize this fact The question of lack of sympathy with Rus la is to our mind largely one of that nations ecord in the past few years It is true as he Era suggests that Russia has made lot D5 encmies bccduse it has sought to spread its litfcdl philosophy in other countries and hat that philOsophy includes the overthrow gments byrforce The editorial con was pointing out that the main differ ihcebctween Naziisui and Communtsin is that he formeris fanatical doctrine of racial oa influential and at thesame time most in dependent newspapers produced mammoth 124 page edition last Week Entitled Dem pcracy on the March the issue portrayed graphically Canadas effort in the war It is latlonlsts of the United States who think Canada is resting on its oars while the us aids Britain In its title page preface The clent factories Spiritual faith All these are wholly and without sting dedicated tovvic tory The issue itself backsup the statement admirably and The Post is to be congratulat ed on big job well done grate or explode Lind The Huntsville Forester agrees withThe know Ithink the Nazis and not Examiner that steps should be taken to at the Russians are more likely to tract United States touristsitoiviewithhcrglor Clack first idea will 1ea13fipmcermau mind to German mind that the game is pityit cannot be distributed among the iso Post says Canada has rich resources Effi whichhuman endurance cunnotgo Either the Nazi war machine or its Soviet rival would surely disinte the sures from within and without Regular readers of my writing But that opinion may be based on gaps in factual know ledge mere wishful thinking or er rors in judgment asbadusthOSe which made me sure that the Frenchiwouldhold the Nazis 0n the western front Reds Wont Save Us Whatever else is certain it is clear beyond all reasonable doubt that the Soviet armies will not be able cfthemselvesfalonepto inflict an early and complete defeat on the Nazis No livingsoul can Say when tth up thotthe Nazi gang must be brushed aside and peace sought Whatevr the cost If that lesson has to be pounded into Germah hearts theliardi Way it willcertsiinly require dcmonstration of fixed purpose by the democratic world not yet sufficiently displayed Add it mayiakc onetwoor evemthree yang offighting in which this coun The Financial Post0ne of Canadas most tlrwould have to Pay the Cost of freedom in the most pre cious of coinageehuman lifc+and find it costlier and more tragic be cause we have escaped the worst of such payment so far All of which means that we in Canaddhave to make up our minds to makein the next few months really crucial decisions Our Prime Minister Mr King has been mak ing some really fine speeches late 1y For the first time since the war started he has won from his own people the kind of sinccresupport that Churchill has achieved in Bri tain or that Roosevelt carries in his owncountry Why has Mr King now won that gistinguished it i510 die forones support Because in phrases of Turn to Page Three Please is llllillll to three dollars out of ALSI SEE IT By EihingPhiipai aiindzi Must lleeido in parliament andhhroughout the my loiir of the national budget 50 reasonable We invite your inquiries past year and gtll III the current fiscal year of liaish wllllllllill tux ilioii Slilll2Mllllll 21 1801 Simeoe County Briefs There itlt 32 students at liadfoid Model School Bradford sawmill had closed for the season much ear lier than usual Crecmore taxes are threerccntsion therdollar Farmers are threshing in East Oro he simples sincerity he has told and the grain is turning out well he Vlltili world that all the people Most formers around Egbci if the tltilioclalic World lust mm are through seeding Hog chol the cause of liumiinitv to far 51islllilitlllllUlVlClUIiltHalbml neuter degree than they huvo yet and vicinity Special services lone outside Britain These timilv were held at Rugby Dalston and ind noble umrds have indeed been Edgiir Congregational churches with word and had effect votitsidc can Rev It Black Barrie as preacher ida But it is right here at homg Bears were seen at Rugby few hut they should have their chief days ago The mills tit Severn result It is Canadian policies that Bridgeaie rapidly reducing their Canadians must decide Mr King 51le Olllli mlln lleb iasdonc ii fine thing iii voicing shipped four tons of butter to Eng hese precepts He could give hagg lziiid Oncot themenywpm precepts world de influence if ucnt buildings in course of erection the very firs day of the next 505 it Alliston is ready for occupation lltlll of liitliziiiitiblmwould spon illihmgll 11 is only four months or selective service to defend Clix incc the fire large DlODOI ida by military service anywhere tion of potatoes around Thompson in the world ville are affected by rot Oro annual fair is being held in the Iqiviillallltin Sent 28 men at Coldvv ter aie already ing engagcdfor the winter Medonte fall Show will be held at Hillsd Plums are selling citizen cents per basket at Creemorb Crcemore Council lhus granted $25 to the village band The GTR track from Beeton Junction on Barrie division isbeing raised on gravel bed Tessier and Thompson are erecting Majority for Conscription Onc reason WllY amsure Elliot compulsory selective service law sponsored by the King government xwtiveiihclniiiig supppmrtr ontyouwish we couldisllortehlhe war He 20untry is because this ministry has so stubbornly ingeniously and sin cerely tried to make the voluntary system suffice for war purposes But for months past mbcen more and more clear that the vol If Well in way we can you know untary enlistment system Was fine residences at Pnean guishene failure Each month that goesby GeorgeAyers Nottawasaga SlimBut George weal Qt tmwfd to 10 an Tnagnifies the problem in two wa 0n the one hand there is the thmxgm cumulating weakness caused by the fact that in at least nine of the eleven military districts in Canda themonthly enlistments have been insufficient even to replace rou tine dischargesmuch less to make supply men neededfor new units Summer= heat this Week The provrded for but not yet at fullscisonf0r trout fishing is over strength September and July this year And just fahead looms the cer changed placs Latecrops and tainty of battlecasualties At any fruitsare ripening and farmers are momentnOW Canadians may bejsent busy The scwer connections on 10 start the Nazis on the 10mg Dunlop St are nearly finished trektowardsBerlin 33 next year Fine fan 399185 onthemarkEtSaf they willascertaihlyjashmthihg urday at $125 per barrel Our can be foreseenbe heavily engag business men are looking for good dug potatoes yielding 206 pounds to the square rod or at the rate of 550 bushels to the acre The opn season for gathering ginseng began Sept and continues until Jan Fall seeding is nearly completed at CrownHill Local News Notes He Trziiping doesnt matter for wliatIin thinking aboutl wastvondering wlictlicrwc couldnt put moronrof ourljjncomejnto War Savings Ccrtig cates And why not We might have to gowitliout one or twopet Mimicsshut wouldnt it be Worth it to bring back peace again And won We lie glud of thezimoneyandthe interest it will have carnediin Woildiyithot ed and from then till the Vendof the timeduring the fall and winter War restrictions war The time for Canadians to The Water mains have been extend decide how they are to be irein red upBayficldHStjmto Q1537Cund1es gt forced is 051th When it is 100 cottages Barrieis Tale GETEXE The lielp of every CaailianfnededforVictorylnsheseQdayi tion this yefaris 22 mills fOr public school supporters and 23 mills for iscparatejchoofsupporters gWal ter Patterson Barrie was very suc cessful with his chickens zitToronto Industrial Exhibition winning nine prizesm Daniel Spry Post Office Inspedor is to deliver lecture on thedpostal servicei zitToronto Universrty shortly James Craig Mary St has beenaward9d the lcteto make the decision effective on the battlefield Boys Not Cowards Where think the King govern ment is woefully behind public opinion is in failing to realiZe just why so many young fellows fail to enlistand yet are completely sincere when they say they favor conscription They aiiqrivabsolutely immune to most of theold catchcries If they look yup at the stained glasswin dows as used to when was youngster atcollege trying to think of the answers at examination time andreud in Latin Beautiful and of war the thoughtless selsh speridr is trdilor to our war 9172211 reduction in personal spending is now vital necessitylre lieiie the pressure for goods to enable more and more labour and materials tobe diverted to winning thewur The allout ebrz which Carmela must make demimds this Selfdenigl of each up fice at Rat Portage tKenora Rev Brown has been appointed for the balance of the Conference Year to the pastorate of Westend now Central United Methodist Church Lamb was nine cents per pound on the markct Saturday Eggs were 1213 cents perdozen contract for building Registry Of CAT i7 ueROYALBANKofCanada

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