Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 Sep 1941, p. 8

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We sit In It For Ff3dm ll1 11111 Wm WatchVie 111 11111 1111111111 111 le 111 1111111 ll1l1li111111i 1v 1111 11111111111 11111l1 ll lili 111111111 11111111iliilil 11111111 SHIIIHH llt ltl111ll l1 11 11111111111 rlll 11111111ll111111 lil1 plalzlull 111111111 11111111111 111 111 Ill llllil lluv Iltl 111111 Silillltll 1i 111llili111 llll1 is 1111111 1111111 1111 l111 In 1111111111 11111 luv71111 111 mail 1111 11111111 111i 11111111 111J 1111 T11 15 crannies LIFE iiNCE COMPANY IOHONIO CANADA if INS HEAD OFFICE 1111s111111v111 1II11l II iiiiili 7111 IlItlI Slltlilil 1111111111 11n1ecr Inn rMull tbu cinch to lnml mlrirrss rpvrn move 111111111111 illJrll1 11rr1rl1rirl1 1111 rm 11111111 dcrrlr nil1111 flu 11111111 11 1111 lLwml I11 11111 1111 mm own11 II 11 Wormwood 11111 tour 11111111 trill not More mu 11I11l 1111 1111111I1111 rum to 1111111 11 11 Age Address LIIIljuuuIIIIuiIluII ui Hrlrs 1111111111 1111 NEWS M11 MOTORle DRIVE 11 Clapprton St in roll LERSTIRIISERi lcr IIAP IABPLETON Barrie Manager Phone 525 ORILLIAeZZ waster N1Phone 482 I1111 11th 11 1111111111 ii if 11 11 HIIIIIH gc Limit kl 1f 111 EI 1i 1v lltllll 1111 Ilctclu lllt itiull 11111111 1111 11gt11111111111111111111111 r11111i 1111p ai 15111111 11 11l311l111 111 11111 1111 11111 1111111 111 1111 11111p Itll 11 111ad 111ic1l through l11111 113111 glass Ila111 111 1i111111111111111111111lsl1111il 111lly 1111111111 111111 10011 11111 r0117 101111 LIVER Buck it up right now and feel like million Your liver is the largest organ in your body and mostilnportant to your health It pours out hile to digest food gets rid of waste supplies newenergy allows proper nourishment to reach7 your blood When your liver gets out of order food decomposes in your intestines You he come constipated stomach and kidneys cant work properly You feel ratlenlieadachy butkachy dizzy dragged out all the time1 For over 35 years thousands have won prompt 11111111 11 19112 1111111 111 111111lls 111 111Il 111111 If 111111 THE BAR EXAMINER BAKER ONT 311 T1111 Young Aviators Graduate 1i 11111 N11 1=l11=1111111111 111114 I1 lltlrwl Donald 1211 1111 mi 111 JVil 11111Ellh Mllhl 11 5111111 Sex11 12111 111111117 I=11111 l111111l11 11111111liy oi 11115 111111 l111 111111 11111111111111111 WEATHERIDEAL 1f111111=11i 1111111 l=1 11 11111 III 1111l1l 111131 12 taut19 lllll 1Illt gtt1 111 11 111111 111 11131 11 and 115111 1111111111 1111 1111111 111 11 111 1111111111111 1111111y 1111111 11 111 pl1 111 lb 111 11111111 ill11 on by 5111151 111 11111111111 lhcr 11111 111111 11111111111 tyil toolt 1111 111 1111 111 11111111 itilllllt 111111113 1111111 1511111 Win M111 11111 1111111 1111111 111111111 Ital 11 11111y 11111111 1111111 11111151 f11111o1l 1111111 1L1111111 1311111 1111111111111 Iduckm John Brown li1111 111111 1111111111l11111 liillllt 111111111 111111111 1111 llvgtl 111111111lay llr 111111111 Itocks 111111 11 11111 Itllntci 11111 atlulc 1111 lJltthltllltx 111s 111 1111111 1111 1111 for 11111115 111 1111111 flocks and ithnorcf 15111111 11111111 1111111 second 111 1111 l1111111 11111511111 Grant Sl1l11 1111111 lust Itil 011111011 l1rlllll 1111111cc111111 111 the White lt11 111 prlxcs wclc taken by Many Morn11 Barrio 111 tlle whitc 111111111 class 1111111 111 Staynci was first 111 1111 1111111 section vllilc 1111 Hunter was first for female 111 New lllllllgtgtllllt Lee won all p1i1s Itoots and Potatoes 11c exhibit in this section was 111111 ahead of last years Quality 11x11llc11t thew being very 111111 111 inferior tztilfll Chicf winnels 1111 Irwin tlark 0111 Statioer Stanlc Wall William Wall Mid burst lCllgc11eSl1111h Utopia lhorburn rillra Brown li11r1c Facial 0111 8111111111 1I 1111111 Stayncr and 11 Robert1 relief from these miseriesviwith Frllitatives iron Craigvalc So run you now Try Fruitstives youllha simply delighted how quickly youll feel like 1111111 was not poor tray in the new person happypnd well again 25c 50 show and large display both 1111011 Canadak largest Selling liver Tablgts wru BUY THE UNUSED MILEAGE 111 YOURIOID 111115 5111111 YOU OFF ON NEwcoooirEARs AI REAL SAVING gt Yes Thats rightl Wellwgive you real allowance on the mileage you have left in yorir old tires so that you can ride iiifsafctfjfo ndmLGdyaLSZDVe in and Choose the tires you need from our 717 big stock We have guaranteed Goodyears at all prices To get top service from your new tires be sure to equip Era1hamwlthneyjlow1cost 01711111511115611 ER v1c TDAY= while lhorbllrn was firs 1c11llection with Babcock sec iond osmos IO of Mrs OPRHBlac red ticket Therciwcrrnine nice entries in dining table decoration and the tickets were placed in this orderzfMiss Campbell Mrs Sco Iotatocs were execptionally hood 111111 jllnior Harold Whitesidc Cov Carden Produce Garden produce had much first class quality Babcock liar rie was the biggest winner by largc margin Among other Icadlngl winners were Grant Fagan ItJ Thorburn and Miss Berthax Cowan Fagan won first for dis play with Thorburn second Fruit Iruit was not shown in large quantity bllt the duality was ex cellcnt the applcsbcing clean and hers were George Campbell Shanty Bay yMrs Kneeshaw Tottcnhaml Mrs Weldon Barrie MlAr thur Oro Mrs Ritchie Shan ty Bay Flowers There was very attractive floral showing both in size and quality Mrs Cowan Miss Mary Ca Mrs Black Grant Domestic Science This class1was not extensive Therewere but twa entries in but ten five loaves of white bread three of brownand five of nutloaf The biggestlclass was tarts with13 and date muffins with nineschool lunch With six and seven each of apple andrpumpkin pies As at the Oro fair the majorityof the prizes were won by MrslRusseII Iermey and Mrs Charles Jermey In churning cream there wer nine entriesJamesMcArthur was first Mrs NLR Giffin second and Cyril Cook third Ladies Wark The showing of ladis work was the lightest seen at Barrie rFairrrin years For example there were only 15 towels all told four quilts five spreadsfthree rugs and seven pairs pillow cases Some sections had on 1v one entry and some didnotlfill There werebut five entries for War activities Work three of which were mens sox Chief winners were Miss Bertha Cowan Miss MargMiI ler Barrie Mrs Thomson Ora illia Mrs KfCavanagh Barrie crmncnt field man said on the whole the showing was above the lavelage for of fine color Among the main winJ As usual gladioli Were strong fcaturc Ithitby took first in all three baskets and for floor vase Astcrs were the best seen here in years an evidence that this popular flowthas comcback 550717515th the display of 40 square feet of flowers there wcgektliljecicntrics anthhesc were placed in the foll lowing order Larry Whitby Mrs Scott Mrs Hall Zinnias Were big entryLE Babcockhad nice lot of tuberous begonias LARGECLASS 11111111111111 1111111 now one 11li 11111 11 llulalr tic 11111 11111111 111111111c1 111 11 1111 111111 lllot l111111111111 1117111 111111I 31 111111 hits 11 =11 l1111111111 11111 11cphc of 511 If Flynn 11111111 possesses 111111121 11111111 111 brother li=1t 111111 11111111111 lhclan 111 11 111 11 111111 accident 11 Up 111ltt11 111 1I11111i 1111111111 111111 Flynn 1111111 lalll 111111 1111111s1111ct11r 11 t1111p 11111 111 lwo other brothclsali1l two 1111111111111111 1111lo in uniform 111111 1111111111 lhclan Irish 11 111111t 111p 111111 111111111 of 111s1 1111111 111111 11111131 111 SC and 111111 llarlcs Del 4111 Irish Itcuimcnt 11 Irandy fflcmtcs 111111111 Captain It rlalllly till 1411111111 commanding ItCAl 51111111 who officiatcd at the pie1 1111111111 of wings and pinned 1111111 51111 11 again my privilcgc to 111I111 111 illl All 5111111111 11113 IOltl r11s 111111 Moods of our personnel and parllcularly those of our grad u1t1n class The presence of so many is not only great pleasure to 1111 of us bill it is an indication 111 1111 real interest you have in those young men who are being presented with wings alld 1111 in BOND HEAD Mr and Mrs Wattspent the lwcckcnd in Toronto as guests of Mr and Mrs Tomlin Mrs Nat Brendon returned from lAIhston hospital last Saturday bringing afine baby boy Con gratulations bc atthe home of Jas Fever ed to her home last Monday cral Hospital Highway Improvement on 11111111111 27 Six Tractors Bought usefulneSS bethus diminished The Teachers in Charge United WMS Jhenlt8dQburchw bell won the most prizes with Larry Whitby second Others prominent in1listof winners weref Mrs IHall Mrs Scott CowanHMrsrAlvin Webb Classified Adwrtising Mrs Ed Carri PaibsifrickxTired GASHitmmlmum 25c home of Mrs the 9th EECZIINTSTQLO lat his heme in Flos mer home here Misses Mary FrawleyiuJeaii Tedd and Helena Flanagan picking fruit at Nia Mr andMrs John Flanagan small entry ltgt nice paidinadvanee look 1111115 10 Will 1111331111 WAR tfnuttrinmt 1m 1111 our Ewan 21 11 li1ll11i 1111 111111 111 311 11 11 111ll11l tl Scni ll1 t111 t1lr1 llli 111111 11111 li11111111 11111 111 111 It 111 111111111113 11111111 which 111 111111 11111 111 1111 LESS GET WINGS 1111111111311 111 1121 1111141111 llcn 111 1111111u l111111311111 ll 111111111111 171111 1111 1111111 11 11111111111 1111 1111mm 11111111111 111l1111111 11v 1111111 ill 111 1111 llc111 111 1311111 11 l1111111r 111111111111wt 111111 211111 11111111i ll= 1111111151 rtll 1ll111 111 1111 lv111 you archand knock 111111 11 you Vutoly ulllst conic w111 it and if 1111 tlltl 11111111111 1111111111 1115Utltitlllllllrll 11111 it 111 1111111 lblmlltl Mayor Mawhlnluy 111111111 11 ldldicatlon praycr and lead 1111 ltu itllllsttldllllll ll11lg1 11111 winch lslanlhnu obsorlcd 1111111111 111111 Arthur lily 111111111r welcome ltucst at 1111 111111111H was 111s 111111111 Judizc 11111111 115i angevllle lQsl you take 111 1111 h1l llavc Ilfltlt vcr 11111111y gradualnn class would to say this You l1111 that 11 least your standard of 1111111111 as highas 1111 enclliys 3111111111111 can be so therefore wuh 1111 1111 ing 111 your hearts that you 111 111 fighting for freedom against it pills the fact that lacroplanes are as good if 11111 lut thc enemys should have the edge 1111 1111111 l1 maintain that will at all times have to 1111 511111 11111111111111 instructional you mighlwbc called upon in do As have said on more 111111 1111c alld again rcpcal it would notberpossiblcior 11LL111L111 to receive the standard oftrai11111 you have without the loyal uropcrl ation of every branch 111 the staff 111 this school flying personnel and ground personnel both service and civilian personth 11111111111111 wish you good luck Rosy 111 11 11 1111E til 111 11111111111 lmll 11111111111111 1111111 11I1l ll 11111 11 11cc1111 11111 311111111 llTABLE 11111 all appuqumtc ln th1 on 1111 young alrmcns left 11e11lsl1 ralllll 1111111 than then 111 edge though very study best 11 11 ally 11131 occasion 1111sc0111111001ls shower is being held F11d11y1vening of this Week for Marguerite Fever bridelo 117151111131 STAT ON Mrs Geo Molison Winnipeg who has been visiting her sister mIaw Mrs Wm Jardiue return lthcir quilt for the Red Cross at MS Brillbrook and childrrn arclthc home of Mrs Harold Bowen Visiting her sister Mrs Burger Arthur Greenlaw Toronto spentl the weekend at his home here Harold Spence home after trip out to cm provinces Elborn Toronto Miss Smith Toronto has been SpCthllIlL the past month with her sisters in the village and at the home of her brother Jas Smith We are sorry to learn that Mrs Tom McCracken resident of Bond Head for number of years Is at present 111 inToronto Gen has returned he west EFieIdhousc has Mrs Adamson Mr and Mrs Alex Peacock Pittsburg Pa and ME Jas Peacock Frank Greenlaw while onvaca The Jupp Construction Co were busy last week levelling crushed stone and constructing roadbed of fal visited with Mr daycvcning ZELLERS mr THRIFTY CANADIA HUMPMAKERS It is LITTLE THINGS THAT ttllNl 111 1112211 llccoriv 1111 111 gt11 of lltllhlics crisp curtains piny lamp 1111 111z11c remarkably pleasing ctfccls 111 home that Is jxtlildjl 1111 Iitth weary of its present 1111155111115 In short such Little Things can 1111151111131111111115111111115 11111111 1111111 cost Scc 71311118 assortluclusi liltillllllllll 1111111 srl altar2 IllaooicolllllilcrlIotllallaoll IIIIIINY 111 111311 11111 1cn Al 11 11111 f111 131111 111 rs 1w 11111111111111 11 11 f1sf11 11 11 k1 III Illlllllllllfl oolilyloltioIOJUIIoitNJOIaIOOI LOVELY LACE CURTAINS 11px 1111311111 and cotton illixtllrc 11111111111 lylcs 111 woven tloral llitllllllttl bordcrs 1511 about 311 111111s by 11 yards Colors 1111111211 31111111111111 1269 1111 111 tuwtzlc 11111s probably 5111 11111 W111 1111111 11111 11 111 111111 11111111s 111 your 11111 and 11111roo111 Vr1111I 11 111111111l1111 l1 111 gr1111 11151 1gtllhvll gold with r3111 lloltilllltlll 111111157 711111 lliziltvpruwi RUGS 11111111111112111 lll111gtll 1111111 Illl 111 lilffcrcnt pntfcrus l1lll 111 sorlnunt you can clccl 111g 111 1rd Igt11 1H1111gtItlcrs for the 111111g11111111 1t 111111111s 1111 HOME ESSENTIALS lSII1llII WINDOW SHADES 1111111111111 with rolhr and lli1lii Whllc grcrn sand cream $1711 211161111 lllIAIN RODS Various SWINGING ItANIIS 1111111111 11111 brass and ivory to LII niches finch Villlllln iIt1 Ilt11 LOUIS lopular brands illilltI$ to 111111 111 Varioluly priccd lRAMIIII IIllIlI Modclnistic type aslt111tc1l prinlcd sub49 jctls Sllllllltj for dining room or liyingroom E11 Store HoursSaturday com to 10 pm ZELLERS LIMITED lion visited with his daughter glican Church gathered at the 1Mrs While 111Toronto home of Mrs Monticth Sunday services will continue in 181 Pauls Anglican Church at the usual 1111111 1030 11111 DST1 Vices they have enjoyed for the This section of Midhlust quilted summer months The evening was spent in games and music follow ed bythe presentation to Robert Newman the guest of honor of Miss Harriet Hamilton Toronto travellette clock Rev Newman and William Billings Midland then spoke few words and ex lspent Sunday with Mrs pressed his grateful appreciation of the help that Robert Newman Ernest Bowdery has been ac had given him during the suin 1mm ccptcd toparmy service and Ieavesl mer Lunch was served by the Waldan few tars with his sis for Galt this week The locallmembers of the WA bringin lboys chains of Ernest had alvery pleasant evening to case 0ch1 partyxfor him on SaturOn Sunday evening Robert New man left tor Toronto where he will complete his course for the Wednesday Bid 112111111 The members of st Pauls An ministry Ihunds Sept 18 1941 AAg UN 7111591 979 Friday evening to bid farewell to their student puntster whose scr Evidence of the popularity of farming with machinery wasrziven when pecil Maynard of Schom berg sold four new and two sec ondhand Fordson tractors on Sat urday the 6th inst Will dobbins The teachers in charge of our four schools this year are Pen V1116MISS McMaster No West GwrlllmburyMiss English W114 Coxs Miss Wilcox Bond Head Miss Kirby Miss Kirby is mak ing her home with Mrs Jardine splen id meeting at the horn ofMrs John Worsell on Thurs day Sept 11 with thirtyslx mem bers and friends in attendance Mrs John Watson conducted the worship serum and Mrs Alvin Smith gave the Bible reading Af ter the regular business Mrs Jars Andrews led in rarainme on on Doll which caused considerable discussion on1 differences of nationality and re ligion At the closeof the pro gramme lunch was served The autumn thankoffering service will be conducted at the October meet mg which will be held at the Jas Andrews on Uls 55 JiOlHailoran spentisuniday The Misses ThompsonToronto spent the weekendattheir sum area engaged Miss Jssie Miller is spending couple ofweeks with herlnlece Miss Mary Walker Stayner gt Miss Regalia Frawley has re turned to resume herstudles at 91 St Josephs College Toronto Vlsitors Neil Frawley at his home Mr and Mrs Art Robert son and family Eady with Mr and MrsWm Burnfleld Mr and Mrs Arthur Collins Port Elgin with and Mrs John Yates MarilynrrFlanagan Barrie with that women areso busy on Red Cross andother war work is sug gested as likely reason for the Has yoursubscrlption label that llBDunl anany oth The BarrieExaminer carries more 11111111 Ike 111or 11111111111 ct1444Cohrerve travagant and unpatriotic It tics up muchrieedcd trans partation uses up foreign exchange arid Wastes money CLAREHECLA Furnace cuts down fuel consumption eliminates unnecessary Wafe saves you 15 or more 011101 fuelblls Wasting fuel is both ex you need for otheriipurposcs rrgw If for 711 FURNACE

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