13 Mt 1111 111111rv11111ii uiuL u1 1Vu 111115111 is 15111 us 1111 Julswluli Nut 11151131 THE EARRE EX AMZNER realize is whole llllDfIlllltll1 it 111y useiul lllStltlltIOIl coilldmot now even attempt all 11 mum 1C Public School Board decided that farmers because their roots are in Cmldlm mum Agluulum 1119 apprecmuon allH rasion of Britain this yeah Peonm Whole democratic World has as yet ili its efforts tohvin parity condi 111 community 1111 would have become 111st VV VV Vt 11 1111112 11 11 11 From the Files oi 111 The northern Advance VVO VV VV 5111131111111 111 11111 111111 11111 1120 Devil tltlclnu 1c 111V 1111111111t 11L1 111 151119 11111111 illl i1V 111 11111 311 rliziiri 1A 111 ilkhilik 11111V1 1111 111 11llll111 1111 i1111 11111 111111111 WWw4 111111 111 1M1 11 111111111 111 11 11 Vt VV VVV VV 11V1Vi V11 11 111 112 111111 11111 111 1111 1l 1l 111l111 111111 51111114411 Vt Vtttf Vt Vt1tt tt tVttt tt Wu 111111 Div1514 11 111111iitr1 131111 11 11 111 1111111111111 31 3111 11112 11111111111111111 11 1Vli1 Alli11 i11v1111V 5111111 ttVV WV it ht Vthtth 1M VV cht Vt Vt ttttVVcht ttttttttttthtt gm $1111 51 11 1t111111 1111 1111 VtVVt tttVntVtt Vt tttt thtt tt 111111111 Many of tin 1211111 111 hit ttt ittt VV 1mm M111 tt t1 5111 KINGS iiiAl 514111 11 1111 171111111 5111121 111 31 31 V1 11 Continued from UGUL 1111 i111111 11111111 1112 i1iv1 111 111 11 1111 1111 11111110 11 liiiinlu WI ililmzdhh 111 9111111 111111111111 11 11111 mu 3V1t11iiit3 li1 V7 VVhV ht thVV utVtVt thtthtt Vtt ttthtt tt Vtttt Vtt ii 1111 1012111 11111 1111 11 11 11111VVt VVVVVVt tVVVVVVVVtVVttVtHVt VttVVh VV Mh l111 til Iii 111 1111 11ti 11 11 01111 v11 bl 1111011111 11 111111111 it it 111111111iRHHZEL f1 1W l11l1liilull 1111 111111111111 41 twi 11 11 11 11 111 111 11 1111u111eluc11 11 mm 1111111111111111 in 1111 mi Mumwiml worn111 11i preimi it ttVt 11S Uh VVXVVVtttt tttttl11 11i1111ill1 11 11111111 I1lltztElVVIVVVVV VtthtVVcht ttth VV 1tttV1V Uh it VV tt ttth ht 11 111 1513 Lttttth httV 1111 11 1111 11111111111111111 11111 ttV1tthtttttht ht tt thtttthth 1t1htt VVVVV gt tVtttt ht htt tttht 111111 $00111 itllt 11111 gt21111121111w 1ii1iu Tun Km MilV Um 11 f011111115111 10111111 11l ii 111 i1 111 illll 111 11 11 in VLU 111 at dcelgira WWI 111 11 1121 ml i1111111111111111minim1111113111111111 11 v11 111111 1111111111ii11111i1hr 111 111 111111111iwiilmizu1101111i1111 1111 11 1111 11111 11 11 11111211111i1111121 iltiiilitl 13 511111111 ii 51111111 11111i111 11 1ltw1111111r 1111101 in WW 111111 VVV VVV VVtVVttVVVVVVVVV V1 VtV VVVVVVt 1tth 1th 1th TV RN 111 11111112111119 V111111e 1111 111111 tVVVtt tttVV htttth ht ttttthtt Sthth tV it V1 EV tt ttttt ttVV ttV htt 11 1111 111 1001in ii 131111 11112 111111 11111111lhrdl pm Md In itln oininuinlv 14111 lr1ii1 1111 131 11111111 1111 iiiivi 1111111111 11 It tl 111111111 111111 lllllgt1ilty eviiiuiil 11 11 VV Vt VVVtVVVV VVVVVVV VVt 1l 1111 111 11 11th 11 11111 111111111 110111 ttVtttV VVVV chum httttttttmthtl tinttlt tttV tVtt 11 111 1111 1111 111 111 L1 1il 11111VV 11 1111 1211111 1111 riiiiiiii 111111 111 1111 It ZWV hm will hmI 111 ll 30 111111111111111 1111 Vl 11 11 ii iihtkt 1111110 111111111 VV VtttVt ht tttt ttVtttt pith ht tt1ttt tttVtt hhth VtVVVVVVV VVVVV tVV VVV 111 V11nc1 1111 111113 ilrx an unttht ht Shhch tttttt tt1tt 111l 11111 111 1111 111l 4111111111 VtVVVtVV VVt tttt Vthtttttytt tVV VVtt tVtVV tVVVVt VVVtVtVt ML Kth VVtthht ht thtVVVVVVVtVV htt VVV VV VV VV truiiiui 1111ii1i1 111iii New ttttttt thhtth tmhhtht we twht VttVtt hittit tii1tr tittttttt1t1 hthtttwththt t11 tt 11 111111 ii1 Hvillbuil mm MM Km mumm ml 21 mmxlmllm 111141 lhmwmii illuim 11511 tniinnunity Mtllllll 11111 1111 31 1111111 Ht 13115111111 1111111 11111111 111 111L Uiiited 111111 1124110 411 11v 11w 9111111 111 gt11110l 110 ht t1 itll11 11 1= 1111511111 liUdJlt 11 11 111 9111111 with 111111 1111v 11111111 v11 11 ik 151111 110 1111 last 51111051111111 1111 gtt1 crutch1 1111 11104141111 Mi Mum Illiliilll which had bwn 11i11 HIV 11 111111111 11 411111 1111111 11111111 1111111 51111 l1111 111 1111 1111111111119 ttt11 1111 111t1tittt tittthtttttti1i ht Ht Vh VVVt 111r lll111 1311111115 Dialikpigf t1 tVV ttt 11 11 11 1111 11111111111 111 1111111 11 111 Pliilllltl 111 11s11d 111 the 1111 111105 the 1111111 1K1 ililiix AHMU 1mm dwmm 11Iigt1i1iii11iijIiiilin11 tlllllHIlHlt11XI 111111 1111111111 1111111 1111 illlldl VVt ttt thtttt 1tt 1111 11 111111 prolic 111112 21110 thtL thtthw it uh tVVV V1V1VitV11nttVu ttitilVItliVVitlitliVilV VV 11chin V1gtthttttthtt ht tht ththhhhhhh V1VVVVtVVtVtt ttttt tttttt tVtthtVt tttttttttt htttt ttthth vitliiiil 11 llttlillihiil 111111 phtmhnttt tht tttt ttttmtttttt tht Um it tinrefine 11110 1111 111111 1111 1111111111p1 nul 111rules on 1t tflfpfllllwt 110 111 the county l0110riti11n 11111111311111111 1tv ll 111111 Illllll 110111110 11 11111 711 1x 111 11111 Ch 111 lllblip 1112 10111111111 1111 11 1111 1111 11111111 11111111 iitllttlt 11i111 11111 11111 111 fL VV lm1tlns winl0r This method of 11115 1111l 1111 1111 11 1111 11 Vi 11llt 1111111 111iiltt VV 11d 11 tthhh hC thttt tttt tttttttttt tth Cttttht 1t tV tttttV httt th thh htttht VVVVMV Vp1i11111 11 iepoi 1011 to be favor thtt Vth Vhthttththttt Wt it httpth In tht1tttttit tf tttthhhht ttttth 11 11011111111 11 111 1llllt Willi til ll li 1111 1111 Tit1 1111 jiiiid 111111111111111i Lt 1111111111111111 111011 Vy ht Htttt tttttt tttt Hip 11 t1iii wtiilViV 11VV1111V 11311111 tent1t tthtttV VV on 1110 111i11 school 111111 unit V1 A1 111111111111ixii1iiuiiiitiiiiiiiliimg llllllii1li 111 11 111111 111l1 1111 httch ttttVt tttV tittttttht Vtt Sttttttt Atthttttlttt VVth VVth htthttthtthtt ttttthtttth tttm lttt 1ch tt1ttt1d 11151 ttt1thttt htttt gllrl 11311 RUB htNth tthttttwltw t1t1ttttth1tmht ttVt1111111itlt0 was appoint311 1111 i1 1111 1111l 111111 131 11111 1111111111 11 slit WUAIM11131ld1txu111 Hit1113111 Will it 111Uiildltlmt 11111 only as tum WM 151mm IlulttDtlllllflllltlll of Kilnmtiiiii and 1110 11 11 ilfHlltUuIW Hi1111311 1110 111gth11111 111 5iilllllWm 111115 1t Vh tht tt ttttwte It 1t1t th thtt Vt tht Duchess on man at Auburn tt wt ittttm tttt1t tit tt httVV VVtttt tV Vt tttV VVVV VVV V1 tV 11 is m1 VtttV Vt tt VV VV VV Vethtt tttt tt ttttctt ttttV 1V 111V1 111V111 11 1VV1V 1V1 V1 VV VVV VV 1V Lttttt httt tVtt tt httttttttthV tttt 1411111115 111 Vt VVV VVVVVVV VVh tVVV tVVVVVVVtV tVVVVt VVtt hVVV Vth VVthVVSV thVV VVVVVVVVVVVVtVVVVV VVVVV VVV ltVil sltltl Alix hltlultlltlll 111V VVVVCCVVVVV VVVV thtwtttth Vtt thVV VhVVVtttht 11V 111111 t11i11111 11 111111111i 111111 s1tttttttttttttV thh ttt Vth tttttttth tttttlttthtzttt bt SVVVVVV VVVVVV VVh hVIVV tVtVPVVVVVhV the huh VVVVVVVV Vht thVVt tVVVhVVVVVVhVVVVVVV VVV VVVVV VVVVNQW VANhalt tttts tttt ht ttttth htt JV VV httVVttVttttt1t1tt t1 nil 111111111111d11l 111111 1111 1111 1111 111111311 1111113111511 111 1111 1111 13 1V 11 ll111111011 111 tV 11 11 it th ht lt mint th V1tV VV iron 511111 11105 which he claims lklKWVtltkS PFC9111 1111 V1 tit Ht tt 111 liltiikiidllli itlltgt1llllt $11311 11 51211 dip 111m dbl 111 Lillllctlv tllillllltlS iiuiv hllltSlyiiilllllllllii1 liniflicurtediv Univ 1111111191111 ltlttllthlllZuIlL 11v bvlmnwi Shim Wwd bVt wunwnis Imtmnm mv muml llltliiiliiititi liiiil iiimin 11tlit1lilii 11 ii ill 111ll111 111 1111 mun um Mzm Hum 111311111111111 is 11111111 1liticrent 1111 11111211111111110 Will 711111 111Mritl win 13 1111110111410 llllttl tithcngwc bf Stiltmmm 11111111 Fltlillill 011111ei1nr0s 1111 rr 11 mt tti th titlilhtltlttt 11 Wt 5111 41 1th mm mm tht hchtttththt thtt VVVVtVVZVtVVtVVVVViiiu 111111111111 111111 111112 artwork 111111 111111115 111 1111 v11111111 that thhh ththtthhtttt tht thhhtt latt 1111 111111 anxisiiiiiit 111 11gt L1 11 tXtCLt 11 Cinkstmv 11 111 lllsllllll lh co 1cludin tt 11L bill 111 111111 lib 11 ttt 11 11111 inset 01 cheese PM 11 it lttiit in 1111 ti1lt11 111 which 1111 11 Ll drink Tilvic lieu1 has been 101813111 lb III1111111 iiokstuwn cheese factor 1the afternoon was giveii by Rev mum ml pmm llpo tt 1tt tt itOty Cd iHmUUUU Md that the Anal ln 11ttttth deception than that 511113111 TURN BY DOUBTS Blowttt tttttt th4 titwtttd ttvu 11 George Murrtson vyctntle The stttolnl icstillitioi iq uh fitl 1t 1V VV tV 11 tV gaud IV 113111 101 1111 111111111 111 be L40000000 for months past that it made 1101 it 11mph of the United States 0mm irtt North tmtu Ht tRelationship of the Church to the Im1 WWW15 111101111 111 HAlma nmutt in hot whether 01 not iii1 11 1mm 10513011110111 liiiiuppv Ct At fiiiigidn tiQ vidcy nutmi 114d in the 11V1V glllURT 1t itlitse tliys1s illv 11 1101150 Cm 51 1ullu LAIR 11011111 VIM5 Recently 11lt Barrio Kiwanis Club appomt 111111111 sun 11111111111 111111111 wm VVVVV VVVVVVtVVV VtVVVV 1111 tut ui fif mt mmhietttm tt ttt ht thC htttth was served and met supper in 1111211 areas tr the 11131 BillliC 1114111131111 11 on Mommy fol to 10 UlL upon organizing 11 N5 hallmw 11 bikes 11 33 willuhlihlc sion of Crown Hill business session was held The fin 1mm mmmmmy is Ismg oh moot hut mum the tttttcrtmt th the 1mm ledibu 111 thun Ihey 11 tiyini tt tdttm ht thC tetttt thrnuch 11110111 the rarest cases of What in 111111011 1111 111 llltlilolV 01 111059 llOlll the 11 1o make 11 their minds 11 11 1t 1111 111111 tlttldlallull 111 111 by to 11111 Lot MW Votes ted by Rev Mmitm Ftemtmn it uh 11 1114111 111 ton1111111 that 39851111 iitlis 111 11 11151111 011 11 5111 1Lt VV Vt tt trout the labors VV VV VV Wt Shtthht ht V1 Vtt VVt Vt VV ttthh 1111011 unmanuty 11 111 11 the builtd 1311th 1111111 lung in VU VV 50w thpttVLtythtt ft httuse Cohthtt1t the Chuttih th tt Cttttttttthtt 11 11111 1c 111L 1111lcuicd to that httttmttmtt 1titVltiilV VitiVVVVVlVVtVVVVVtVVtthlllllOl tm tVVVVVVt VVVVhtVVtVVttVtVV Such tt Setvwe has beenVStVVhtVVhVVVVVVS hthtttt Chhsuhtcnccst VVV V111VV1V11 iimi 1t th chCV thtttsh VVCVVhVVVVS is ht tVVtt htVVsttV new world 11111111111711 tin111 iural congregations enouiih mm mil111 at is un unnmuuhmnvnb lltlfl tVClV ll lJV Bllllt LOdgC 01 the 01C1 which would not only lunch to HIHH Slitmld no 15 11 11 Sltlthiilk has been laid on 111 Fun Fulbkm it help we runners meet their pub 11111 11 beliilltl Vllltll 1111 story 01 i111to stlugglo hows In Tittthhbhrg VV Stuttth setvtce tthtd we tum 1111 1111V111 ti 1111f globe VVVVVVVVV VVVtViVsVViitVttiVVtiitVtiVi 111111f htttttt Stdo ht Peuctuntt StV Whyt ht opening the Ctmtcmncc OVVVVtttVV 1LllSVVthlt chVfuiZVVxVu VUJLLV 1111 1111 11 gtziiVn aimingrem my OXISLNKT 2mm bxmbmon 111 Upon on 131 1111 same 11111111111 society has dCVClOpLd HIVHVILUhVIhVlVV iiiitiiiitwttt Uhttm StttCg which 1111 URL by the Bonn Todd Mild 111111 1110 fill 11101110111ththhtttt ht thht httthhm trth thjltf VV 1V Monday only lJitLlllt its otherrs 111111 lllCC VVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVXVVL Commenting upon istlianVlOV VVVVVCIVVVVVVVV VVVVmVCg WCVVVt 1111 not accept our premises about VVftV1V11LIstioltttinii legulationslwhich had been developing 1min thttttttts htthtthttthhh VV VV VtVVV VV VV VVV Vtmt the tatttt to 111 VV V1 VI 1VV VV VV VV thh hVVhtC tictVVVVV VVV 111utini holidays Mor the past SCtllC of years had nowt 11 1015 111111 111 111111131 the 01th recently item the Tillhoiibulg News slime1111111111 in then diiveV agains tth die 11 me 11 011 Mm htts been tttehdmg the retched tth acute Slade The Chm lhit 11st 11111 in 1110 in 1u1al lt Ojiavca 1131 VV fully 011 Lll mm 95111191110115 Hl 51V Sttw The StitViCCS at the jcnotuph and in the 131111in 111111 Vsinu Vuithchce VneV VVt British VVVVVVSEVVPVVVVtithlVthVl VVlVI1Vlll Royal Infirmary Edinburgh and 1111110 stress on the farmer has pro VVFtIIVLILhI V11 UV mvt 1110 mummy Bun l1 D455 uh cemetery were very illiplESSlVC Those htllltih 181 31 L1VgVVV scuiusly or unconsciously fear thVVt 1111 RVoy 11 LolngL of Pliyswianstduccd somal problem that might Ttht ht VVUVV tthVt VhtVVVtVVIVVVCVqL through 111111131111 111312 Al lllllts lLS llllllcus tho mOVVm VVVVVVV comforted Vin the thought 111VihiVVVVtrfeithcstlt yVIVV1VgtVVVd if thciy do plunge in and hch to led buVrtgcons London got homelwcllbc termed rural decay After htttm hmhhhhts be ctitth on the luck of tttttttttth4V ttttttt hmtththty threatened VV VV VVV VV1 Lth thth WVVVV the outcVVVVV 11 cw iysV 1th The Inspector outliningsomething of the c2111anochhmhtC hht Sh VV VV that the loved on dig 1101 Olgot Lll figuratively honed 1Vsiih of ie VVhVVVVlV VV 11111 be of Mothtth InhtttutCS tOthtte of the rural problem Mr TVVtht c1111 1111111LllIS of its 0x15101111 ml munV at Vbotard Of dlmlt0t the community For 1116 ieveitntly mallet V9 BV seimnbeltl tithwuitm Wittgtttthllhtttg glfztmtot 13093111110111 0f EdUCiilioli was well pointed out that agricdlturc lS the minimal tt With 1085 infitmllly W01 we Ewen ill rtlliZltiollS have Wong in everyone tla 1e 21715 111 pleased with the local Institutc basic industry in Canada and that td 511Vlt8 tlu sponsm 11 failed to realizemut VVVVVVVV Vt VVVVS West Ward School be separated in the land are working to create everywhere began to make the lnana lenient ft VVV tiuns 1111 1111111015 somemmg you ma 2mm local hum mostdangerims of mistakes to do Iwm 15 lleJtn and lilaccd 1111113 1111 we we 07 Sm selViCO But the Board of Directors are 11121ch 01V BCCVVVVSC the danger 0t htthtttht SVlVVgiittgthgcitthttwto the gutted scum teacher of that school secure equity thmetg VVVVC VVttBt1itldS Ciiillnuttccs 1111 the case otve rituin Vt stelnei stuff liuy not only cxpicsscd 11111 conquest of Britain was past the VV Morgan Public School lns ector askinr for rivile to but the will with tn the tan VQlbtlllyV but they were Will VV SAV 13 01 increasing assuinptiolrwas that the 222$thztjntfeshhiltdmfit3m sug I310110d 111111 not stifficicntatgzntiori no loliigcr caihy indie than their air 11 Hera Huh111 911 ih war was won Mr King has heip 01 lwlUICIM has been paid to drill music 111dsllaic of the common burden in mg to back it financially 11th 1101136 wt 1111e1d 1111 1111111 day 1111 some of Lanadas at th Shutter this tthtsthV AS he by lecdging its aid in advance to busthesg 0t CUhthtemtht education Omet that Others mty my hrqu known but 11111 directors Signed persona Vtthht htthhctty Seekers use tth excel SVVyS tepe my tuture attempt at VVVVVtVDVV BVVVVdVVVVVd VVVCVVVV isse club Won the After describln the historv and notes forntoriSlqutbliwsumor money thatV lr grad 111 i1 11 the picleiV nitV rialswctioixgtfg The httwtt be tVtt hmgeh tart leggetltfntheptlznuslt15151171311999ight chhtmmtshtp by 3Vtwtnh growth of the tgcdemhhh th th Vtngc tt at tt 1lrrange tel15V ut last yeal F1111 might be tallied on Facet 1111 111 ml 011 11L 1111am 111 mole despudte may he of the ClllllCll of England the United Church the Presbyterian Church and the Baptist Church to distribute to the ministers of their denomination the pamphlet of the Canadianjicdcratinn of grieultulei entitled What Share of the Nation SUdandedth same with Barrie at county and in Canada Mr 11 111 with debt which appeared overwhelming grade imd 11112111 111 517 twp $qu free mendonut rally to your $11112 titlnttltateghl 11231 0111513319 Cd Orilligi same 500600 persons went Stated the 3th of the Fodcrttthhi 110VVe3t00E11 Fmmelttbdet 111111 ivpcwlitl 111111 SW95 we while you are at the fullness of 31191 10 need 0V 08 mos ur my LOOK up me Chullonge and made the Fan 51111 lentiltrtclilllbilitz5111115 1111111111 p411 We 1101 yum Strength Resistance uhthe fOI such terms will come formula mm Bme to see the game as follows F1151 to create 1m inL the 11y sessions Rev Mc 1V pay its Way 8111119 Exmblmn communes 136 til1 1111111 111 these cliiselers will take affront at thlS Witt httchttng victoryV Utt1t1Vs the Vthh 011m be aplled later to all nnge pmgllm fol mucunme Ht Glllicuddy presuled at the evening market M1 11 bl acomson w1 ena aiineis compctc 111 cause the men behind itweieWilllllg 10 back men153 mneewtliuie 1115 111tn 1llltllllLl advance of ten whole tesotttcesV the total energy llTlVVVJnS Voile by one won several prizes on Engtish an equitabte basis with tVVbOVVVV and SLSSIOI Rex buiclan glcat need is tha we should this gap will be to find ways of lowering costsof doingthings morecheaply more efficiently Inevit ably an emergency such as war increases costs In VV at tVV ht th hatht1 miept iiQWspl m1 VWLVllhttLDl of the tree whttd ts tht Wh htt VV biollhht the resolutions b61019 the it With tllelllltlsmlal funds The whole com iltLVVCVVVVbVVttCVVV VVVVVVCT VVVVVV VVVVVVVV buy it when It comes the SVVVVVggVe the WVVVV mVVVVoVVVVVVg mt all know ttVaVVtweuhave V0 act0V 325 ItzchlVblthoineis at Centlal Vindustiy secondly to assuic the hteettntt The Cottthtuhttons Com munlty Owes 1mm Gem of giammde tam 11111 111 Ulric13 13 1211 111151clltler basketfull Thanks foiyears carryingiii its train fain doubt hesitate qlllbbl and V111 week Xlsloliligildn Otiwacanugs ffiifugnfgiiih1am mime hmed was Stewart Page the best way to repay that debt 18 to see tt VV theV pestilence and horrors vet hm 100 Otto bot m1 David Smith Eric Simpson the 1941 Exhibition is well patlonizcdV$1391th hjggeauwd 0fV 135 AgailYeagpferecent bolis dgith igllamfe11111311111121313 gfttglltd tit tinclm MC officers 111111 directors are to be congratulatedtVV mummy LOCOMOTIVES ON EREKKS WE MUST ATTACK yieldbasis of 535 pi cent icli has contributed so much 10 ml and EDoe on their splendid work in the past few year91 RAILWAYS There is no follyiquite so foolish 1V ruralCamida In recapturing this AYES mm and we sincerely hope that their ccuiageand trambroke StandardObserver as the current and widespread idea W11 theMei Khaki Community SpiritMlJ T111301 palti 13 51mm 1h m31c 11111 bc ciowned Withdsuccess 13111511113 locomotive works are still keeping qver that this War wiiiwin itSElfLthat Collectors Vstart Sept 25 to se cularly appealed to the leaders in fem 11 511731 50119 en exa was tttthtttvs Sttphttett with equipment despiteV the the Nazis will somehow or other cure $5900 lll Innisfil Township the Church for help In closing Mrmnumcmrmg plant New TONY he week fact that they are also turning out vast quantities of blow up and that the German war f9 patriotic purposes For the Todd referred ti the four Freedoms 10 thegmzlmger Of the plant asselted isuch Wills equipment as tanks twpcdoes shells lord casteWhith is Combination f11 limlt camDBaldn bat 0f PreSident 30059179113 and Said that that 51119 farmers Who are IS THIS WORK NECESSARYL Abombkulnmillltillgs and carriages and VEDPQ1JF31 SOPifty andtraig uniolLTWm es talonwas treathio 335 when the the farmers to0 watlted freedom 1Slff01mg from the labor trouble The Ontario 13955111118111 Of Highways has inLt burl and 1111011013 thereupon surrender the grateSt 711 veateapfe that Way freedom to cultivateThe lamiqu explm tam hitheugh they 11 11 ndcrs for 415 miles of concrete Ewcntvseven locomntiVES having 110131 11118 Wham ever asselnblednd thhtheut Wet Hewson GOdS $1 thatour Nation may be deliver we pmduce the ecmr 91 over 151110000 were shipped from Britain in thefirst us Walkmmild dictate teiVVmS of so JUdge Heyson Gore Bayi secureJ paw contra baSIS there 15 paVlng1 and me 1111195 Qt conmete andma three httththS of thts yew t0 TurkeyV EgyptV Iraq peace was killedeug 19 while on 310021 Education Needed SW11 VCIQUSQ the document cadam palmg for various part5 Of the pro South Africa and the Straits Settlements IexpeCtvthe NaZi regime 10 blow mlle rgconnalssanqe Over the Ger Dogald McLean openei his discus Wmhticttn reheyes the cpmpany many 4fmce mwe denitrknow jusc how badly this Shipments are 8m gomg on andlldespite war him up evintuablly Shining calm mam dhEeS accohdlng toliwsrivlm itrmtutfh plant 11133111013 isclecaiiteldlsmncis rtrhe the dei eries have paign as roug eventua ity celve ere rivers arr uca ion pom mg ou where Vany oma 093 pavmg lSnCEded binalt seems to us that as iiiidiLtcilclleiijilltqilvI llliclgytheugnlef 11111 first quar years closer Butthere is no rca From 18 F1131 and Fred Morren are now in France ever farm movement had beentsmCe saturdaYVmommg and it is llttle pavmg as possmle should be done Vin VVVIV m1 VV AVVVVVV 22 Vth year son whatever to beheve that we The Barrie ExamnVne with the 4th Canadian Ammunition born in Ontarioit had been cradled estimated that If the strike contin wartime Canadas manpower and machin filich jV willever be able to impose actual SubPark Pte Harry Baden in adult education Mr McLean 35 JOSS 10 the farmers will Whezc llLW locomotive cannot be SUpRhed BL The Great War had then pro ety are needed for more tmportant thmgs Vain Vs sendVVVg bohets forrbequtppmg existing enghh defeat on Germtmy untess an uh gressed about same periodVas tVna letter dated 12 from contlanedbet stating that Wherever VaVVVmoVitln to near $100t000V each this11111811131161 any 819138 the governmentWes total 11138 was exported during the March quar tlbllwet hivehtutics readytntfla11311 present one his rheeiggeithfegdjtm SGLWOPfwldOr arcomnlumLYdtoanSe V1 lg 1311 way may take to out down On this work except 11st to IndwiguthlAmfafzfiiiiiluegzg 111qu and so control as muliTif it 79 SEPTEMggitt 19m tacit All reports ftromCamp VWilered Knowles Frost andA COSTOFLIVING BONUS where it is absolutely essential1 would meet altifVVVaVViViVVasveVroachtiVVOVVQSVVVOW mptoyrover ttt as necessary to impose peace Bowen agree that themhlBat tohembe captains WV ChathVVVVVVVV WOt Education gwim the approval 111 the vast minority of 000 htnds thctttdthgmtmy women If the UnitedStates armies now VNewsy News Notes Hilton has establishedVa high repu VIrueman Williams who has been wrote askingif th local Board had Ontario people actually 31131113 were P015 Pe Tc ovrcomecdngestion in the tan bath P1153101 Pd for 11 chartge Of DVhysmztl traitiViVing and yet provided for costoflivingt It Amer me men in 110111 1111111 11d5112$1f211iidl11513329 11 gag11 12211111911311 assassins 1111121i1121911151111111121 their thousands from overseas there W1 139 Fmalcml P051 merit the whole mirrnt wen ward and Soulh Ward 110015 McGlbbon DCalrns and left for France on Sept 2to JOln been borne in mind wh the 1941 ed for lent of obs An extensive plIO ti exec 1111 of one of the largest 13 ch nix Board Of ladCanonhas 39191th Frost to be lieutenants and Lieuts battalion at the 110111 42 hd ne Vy ecvnVy aVVc V16 be over r15 35 1121 the system of partday teaching sa e1 19 was drawn up gramme of pavmg mightweii be undertaken Us steel 12011101 atloos named ten ways In WhCh NV alternate factwell wortthhmkmg 301 has an attendance 209 in Vial that time Vas meansbf providing emf in110114 war Oaeacecvmy ugh mi 715 this ludinga large 1112111111 or BasinH ployihents and at the same time ofVattractr bridgsfhmgtiiessiols 1th 1retlesiwttig cgggdfhlz nters accordingtoa report of Erin ring more and mmeftulltlst fromtitlefnited 2L Hydroelectric developments fight right into the heartof Ger Iaeigre iggtg t1 States And wedonbt in it is on 9106 1De1eijreilindustrial maintenanceand 191981th many1ifnecessieiry1vvhat is likely thremmiStersRev wsUr i7 13 to suggestthat the gmmment mighgcon Nve equipment for railroads to come out ofthis war is ejtheiV Ltttattt coiiingwood sider the possibilityOi dual highway to New homesi war buildigifends be Seml yearsibf Stalemate twee and lctllchcrinind Stayner Rev lDr IAit lt permanent nature and Seldom 0f the rightly 015 real Peace however disguised ken Banks and Gb r6place the present nghway 11 QVBX slum clearance and suburban development TtsT0F CHABAGTH khakiVs theetmghaEwaiexd V1 FecenihOIdaYWeekend cars Werbagkeq up around large 165 W1 be 1me 9151 LVllhat thedemocrat1c World 18cided by Vote0f110263 that for mlles south of Barrieand theh1gh 6Sewaggedisposalplan511 lt taming 1111111251 years 111stress is sixroamed school 1111111111 15111511111 way has become one of the most congested gigohe abatemrnt heals test If ctVlVarzlictelct There 15 Mrs Byrnes Con6VIsp1a suf 1391 measures ar aninivi ua fan c1tun fer 300 10551111111 11 Which tin the 1111017111081 Even 1h WWW nied Standardization Which Will be necessarVthocomV not nation which does hot tech desittogd two bams aha Stabte GMMNlVVnINVVESTMENT CERTIFICATES lnuSt be forgOttenfOrthetlme bemg he Pete with foreign manufactwers whowwiuhb9 him the embpdiment of evil in livtock 111111 exitifcjvuop In chinmm wmterestQf the most 111190113111th 01 an opera1195011 lower wage Swen Naziism 111111111191 Derosed New vistaTownshipP11115111 Associa Partnersotbtexesioniixndsplacedinthese camelie that of Wlnnmg the war 101Telev1510n Vand welding In both these areasthe order Yet in every western coun tion has set an objective of $5000 tf ltgt big development is 51111 tocomeiV tab try including our own 01in min LGeopgeV Cameron loaded 150ng er lcaegtand IPatfent PnnqlPal one of indiistrys biggest jobsin cping r1 ge crity of peopleWas 11111111 11 iak Vii30771 71 11750 iii areguaninee yir isrwemv ration4 SHARING THE NATIONAL DEBT at am vce 1$ Stephen LeaCOck the distinguished 021111 Pdsitive 8111011 10 fight and beat11e1cvt1orthe hogs It 15211111 01 $509 and 111111111011111119 of three back thatmenace until aVctim was erhvo yearsCiVaerVficates are trustee forced by actual Hitler aggression titlieiy 111111 any local hotels will close following theadvent of pro adian economist writing mine Wall Street Journal recently brings to light new phase Canada for example industrial material prices have The most damning indictment Jillyiiton meeting was heinV VV investments in OntaIio VInterestVis paid 02 the national debt question Moshe us are men nearly 18 from the 1939 average Further my ever mVanVgVof great nation was in St Aphrews VCthtch to Orgahtze Quite Lperturbed aboutih tremendous in eases mevmble that Wm passed the MP5 of 53811151 Chum 11111011 SJ ranyea y9que tV EVery dollar that can be spared for industrial re search willhelp to reduce costs This is one of in dustrysmost potdf weapons in peace as in war United States does about the War Industrial research is aneSpecially ingpocttmt wea depends more on Hitler than on pgn for Canada Whenwar ends this coj will anybody or anything Vels That is Franklin Roosevelt himself when he recently said that what the Fisherustartcd this new mill on Maple Ave this week tit has ca TORONTO Iday ln the htfstagid dryest VAT ON icceasgin the 1121110111111 debt due 19 the de mands ofthe war effort Dr Leacock takVes cppOSiteVView He thinks that the 119 110 at debt is quite healthy providing it is VAugusttln many yearstle highest ve to try to nd new markets 11m 13 grow 31 619931111119 in 10 1930311 It temp fureaWiloo 011 5118 201 an by the majority of the peQQJe 1158 industrial output which War demand is n01 135151be15181411511111 15011 NotfillmriNO entspef Pound 11nd out919 911119 Toronto 01141111 Willa9 lntgi 9111111111111 the national debt isoWnd stlitins Qnehoricst 11111111 moment citizen 211311 dialspa thozeii on mittj 131