VVVVV nlr LIL1H uAnuu llul3tld tgir rrn U796 UVe Stochmen Italians work for the British to Make the Best Use of Available Feeds Strum It lir ttltdilult 111 vrr tktit luxi siirle piittw t1t1iitttl gtoiittgt Ll of relented tltll touted intimation tune to =Zlt poi lance inlarul for ilil large ltie toolth rrl tiriczt rztw ox iflirt lilrttllltill Lunar litinxiu and Limit the irri lttl and the layIlla ILlll twecr glitll lti boutin which enter hll is IIltl tatllrlllllt lllltlt there llklAttli pron Nip who lciwl ditch frcd irecaLiw llrlioli the processed and thc from its proditch all llltt intetcln or iiasir in war laiztc iarrrre pcopit may on whine iuttrrulllv plitiM if It it rc ill lt lrtuiztlr llotli it li in Kindlo tt lii llt NtJ llillirU lilrli xillt dull like tlltll til tirtr=lgtlr irild tillllltlt titanHM lla litillatl er prtuvctl condzllt rt but tiiw to he rccomrrtri trlil ltl at ftiillllt tlit yliotlare and HI tlxl of lllltt of illlt Illll of oliiri imd to lll itrililr II it lustL The feed positron fii liil CII lilxtlj lo pittiil lill lllllltlilllts brtalht anatlii both and the grain crops are below ror trial and the uritin crop llnriw pointing in rriarzy path of tin lo4 pitrtltttltii are of Al the iii Iiir lirr lati tLifltiiltl and fall lilulilll any di ir ii liir tititrrrlzi in the develop ln their iziiumuc rri liillii Illisl time depends tbiltiy M3 itti truced Iiilo lltllll lttl empty yards mainml Lllll Milo la eita lltc llrrtii pcittril ltlt cirra crates llill poultzy ror remainder oizor even to drivi llltll tiizcits into Neglect ol airy Whilcdanatiii had not litiii tIllA monriantiictail in their ttit prov torts drltcac rollrim buyer handle or crl lirc lords iratit with aitlron ile careful in fctdr new Lrain It may tiltl the bud llt ill tertliitl forum iltl it who to iiilxt lIastcin whirlc riarrow polao ltrrl txltlil liifll itirrtltltil iirc layout irrl iitl piaph lllt it lllil irolticc Iircj txrrry scr Dont awn such areas tritium as Western Imit crl upon lo llliltl itccf ttilii pioA ducts iii filllirllillll ltliiilllit fo Ililil5 fiil Itlllllltlitllilf lfllH cd demand had tievelopid for tary supplies and for tiLlllIl tttirrcrttcnts both in nniula trrd llll l7nilcd Slater dtictoincreasedv purchasing power of llth of month or limlt of vital production tateliil cfiicienl inititarzcrnent durg tin late sittrrrner and fall Will de lvelrp llu pilllets into strong vruor Hons littillty liens capable of tiicittlll of old lliiriii crease the il Illllt flittitti bers of live stocl irr Vtltiii nn itda its well tigt in the limit havc appreciably to The problt tda same llrit New Start with new main to per iiadtlally iiii csztllrt indi 13h Illlt been Nltppttl nice war ittllltiiitlillt lent of transportation and drstiib tion is liltcllictcltorc to be all the more tttil lliw lift llill IlIfll gilizc to it linking sitstamed production which will WWW and ntvc the nrtllions of dozens of stirillt Wild qttola tor licci cattle lo the trial pl Hip almwd by pm Bri taut and tlo by illliifliL iffttrol tarizitlr lflllf Wanted Iitltlllll from cvtiy hen til ltHil ltto trove rlitar and cakes the do to It truliiruts lliliitlltiltlt bread in own caclr dolcn irtial linking 30c Fruit Slater llilllllrtl lrccrr rillll wince the war slothl and pi lttn for It wt in aitarla llll taincd at he l1litl lIHlx In ten years In examining the lrvc lovh pini film from the nlitllilprrliil of cattle herd itirpiovemcnl Canadian ltlil err naturally vicwid it to the two important cla tlrtZ wliitt or ilft anti titlllc llllIZf llll The following suggestions not ill tfiictcrrl proditctron vticrovditt it Dunneroiis overcrowdim int ranize gthcltcrs or colony houses Says hobsters Sing In Refrigerator Carl re lcd rl itiaid infants Believe it or not if you vislii rlllllt ll to hear 1ltiililtl conlcittiiicnt ltorri KHAN THE PEI IIWTwo US Entries For Plowing Match wlliill Iolttpttt lgitllhl ftrtnr ol rnulim lloumtn tonal Irlr It itl ltlcrliotouclt rt Month lln lt Vidal loi lint llrli Iv lltl li ii tl Irlilli Itlll Kl iii Irrl mi v4 HI filrrill lt Hti lin ltlr IrillrtIQIE result of few nights of ovciu Do not have more llltllll 00 birds iii it tixil ranne shelter or more than 100 birds colony house liontlo Nests in Time Have few open nests near the Ill tltt toloity llollsts before lllt ptillets start to They should be at least 14 inches from the round otttrtle well served patrons enter an ittliatt National Express Willi live and you will hear the lobsters sing says an article iii the Sep tember issue of The Canadian Nat The authority is Smith Express Superintend etit at Moniloii Nil He says they sound like lites iuirimine We shruld lo can to pr lllll the increased use of lobsterl lflllSltl and canned ltllilll Mr Smith is further quoted as saying By so doing we Will be helping this great industry in the Maritime Provinces rendering it good ser vice to the Department of Fisher ics and assisting irt iio uucertrsin way the 1000 fishermen wiro toil so faithfully to make this industry possible St lrithfllft basket Duchess basket 20c illtll tooltint apples bushel nieloupcs basket lrtlr lllIttillS basket taitapplcs basket Flowers and Herbs lottcd plants begonins neiarriirinu cacti patience Different sizes Stir0 bunch ii diolr btrritli crowding refrigera lobsters it iadcd $100 iii in tlxlll inrt STRAW There is ready market now for your Surplu WHEAT and advantage of this present iopportunity tonal Mannme lillltit Sllllltli IIIE SIRIIW Take and weather proof covcrrirgr to keep titeni dry and clean liack of Water is Serious Provide an abundant supply of fresh drinking water at all times Lack of water is as scriousyin itsr effects on prowliiartd production Drinking tltCilSlls should be tIyaned frequently Feed titc plillClS chI so that they will have good body weight as they 10 Then when they go into winter quarters they tvlll be ready lo Lo to Work Increase the pro tein in the mash for lateglratched pallets to speed up maturity Supply Green Feeds Sritculence is needed in the rat ion for healthy development grasses or iiiive tinted up supply cabbage ritpc kale sprouted other tllllllll VC IIIIIIIIII 1m 21 should have rbstcr meat canned Votrtl Consult your local dealeror write promptly to HIIIDE DAUCHPAPER 80 TRENTDN ONT non Wan Record Hog InCrease in Prairie Brovincesl lack of feed Atcortlitr to it report hiill lllllt Iiill Silltt of lite numbers of livc whack on Ctrrzitltan fainilt 1ht were 2EJIJ2100hois on farms in the prairie Provinces toiiiptil vitit an incrtrzisc of 331 25 per cent The 1911 iii nunvv not now most phases of thee31 market irr dirrinu recent weeks has been tlcr abnormally heavy summer cue pro Province where the volume of receipts tltir inc July and August was ritnrrirain edat HuutduhigiioueyeLthnt one before GOES lOCAMI BURDEN MIDLANDMujor Wilfred Kit son who has been in charge of Mid land Salvation Army Citadel in Mid land for the past four years con ductcd farewell services on Sunday He has been assigned to new duties withthe armed forces at Camp Bot rdenMijor KilsTns transfer mtrks thc firuithclrgyman to leave Mld land in the past few weeks velop 2itltlllll0 LEGAL BOYS BOYS Barristers Solicitors Notaries Pub lic Conveyanccrs etc loan at lowest rates of interest Of fico 13 Owen St Masonic Temple Building Elinwlc BoysJ Wands CAMERON CAMERON BARRISTER SOLICITOR ETC SOwen St Barrie MONEY TO LOAN COWAN COWAN Barristers Solicitors Conveyancers Notaries Public etc 17 Owen Street Barrie Boss Cowztn pursuit IIAMMOND no no Darrister Solicitor etc Temple Bldg Barrie Money to loan DUNCAN McCUAIa Kc BARRISTER SOLICITOR ETC Money to loan Ross Block Barrie nouAmEancLAnEN BA BARRISTERS SOLICITORS ETC Masonic Temple Building Barrie ACCOIVlNiIANTS arrada up or are is the iiigihcs recorded for in Provinces was greatest lll Alberta where nitrit bars were 20 per cent higher llu chaotic was Itporlttl in Mani 4oburWHiereveic increases of 83 per cent in pigs born and 87 per cent in pigs saved during the camberMay period of llHlHl the corresponding WELCII ANDERSON COMPANY Chartered Accountants Trustees etc gtCrown Life Building 50 Yonge St Toronto MUSIC nussous Edmund Hardy Mus Baci FTCM Teacher of Piano Organ Vocal and Musical Theory Organist and Choir masler of St Andrews Presbyterian Church Gold Medalist Toronto Corn servatory of Music and University of Toronto 113 Worsley St Barrie MAYDEE McAULEY ATCM Teacher of Piano and Theory Organist St Georges Church 115 Bayfield Sta Barrie Cittnorniforons am no ELSIE Afnurms DsC Licensed Drugless Electric Radio Hydro and Mechano Therapy 62ADunlop St MCKINNEY lrairic Iiie increaw Mum 10 lawn the Frame 1p Bmio mmch Gm clovcrs on the range on oats orany material Where no succulent feed is avail ridding onetruarter cup feeding molasses to each gallon of drinking Nater will be beneficial One Change at it Time Avoid changing the ration fed to pullctsrfor two weeks before mov ing them to winter quarters and for the same period change from rice range to close confinement is sufficient it is possible them run in dry yard after few days confinement to prevent feather currrribalism Have the Laying Pens Ready Early form green Tdephone 406 Me compared with months of 193940 Tire continued upward trend in hog productitrn says the report has resulted frorn relatively strong hog prices in relationvio the price of feed Aninciteasc of 325 per cent in the numbers of sows bred to farrow duringthepeiiod June to Novem ber 1941 as compared with the COP responding period of 1940 indicates that increasedinifrketings will con tinue throughout l04 and in the early months of 1942 Seed for Fort Wheat after The Masonic at one itirhe Where Therapim It may help pulling and Phone 405 tented my ltllrlgt2tlit aiiatlu llnx car the best the tour LltL tcrixftrl lirlrttiioiivi plour tllt Railways Indispensable In Canadas War Effort It worthy of rrllfllfl1llitrlt that the lit which thc railway lsystcinx and lattlilics ot tatiatla arc performing has ilit tlittt lilitt that IK Alex lilllt rir ilt iilltlt Irr Liv ftlllllil Illtrrl lhe inadtati Nat iornil MamaInc trrllr to all that niiintttorri lli tors liiforc litlli itillttl luzivi and lill lltlllt ltrciulit troti llitl tntl Icatl leonstrrrctron and for lln merit Save surplus atitrnr es iii to meals shortcuts its on GRIME WITHOUT OURthi flentiful This Year There is an ample supply of good seed for fall wheat but rye is not so plentiful advises John MacLeod Ontario Dept of Agriculture Farm ers who have not yet procured their etc seed requirements should get in the secretary ofrthe Ontario Crop Improvement Associ ation in their county InMr MacLeods opinion grow ers would be well advisedtn sow some extra rye for seed purposes He points out that there will likely be greatly increased demand for rye for pastures and that many farmrs could grow their own seed for another year Najob will pay the farmer better than the cutting and burning of weeds says lVlrlVIzic Lead It Will savehim nlot unwary ry andwork next year when labor will prohably be as scarce as it was this year GENERAL HEALTH SERVICE Chiropctic and DruglessIherapy WG Ethel WE Violet McKinney Gra uates CC College and National one Complete Thoroughly cleaniwith hot water andilye disinfectiwand whitewash the laying houses and allow them to dry well before thewpullets are to be moved in good time to make repairs to the buildings ernFeedP MONEYTO LOAN MEDICAL DR BIGELOW fiPhysicinnrand Surgeon 39 Owen SL Office Hours 1230200 6309 pmr DR LEWIS Surgery and Diseases of Women Chief Coroner County of Simcoe and DR MacPHERSON Physician andurgeon Office58 CollierSt 830930 am 1300 and 6308 gm DR LITTLE Associate Coroner County of Simcoe and DR ISAAC WELDON Physicians and Surgeons Office 47 Maple Ave Telephone 213 Office hours IAto 74 anl to by appointment an LAURIE Physician andSurgeon 110 Elizabeth St Phone 200 Office hours 130330 700330 DB Ni SMITH PhySician and Surgeon OfficezpwenSt at Collier Office Hours 130330 7830pni Phone 700 Residence 47 COIIIEIS mt GEORGE Sumatra Physician and Surgeon Office andResidence Corner Eliza beth and Toronto Sts Hours 130330700830pm DR TURNBIJLL Gradbate MeGill University Office and residence corner Dunlap and Payntz Sis flours 910 am 13 pm 78 pm OPTOMETRY ROBERT SMITH EYESIGHT SPECIALIST 53 Dunlop StPhone 80 Hours 96 daily Saturdays till 10 AUCTIONEEB JACK SLESSOR LICENSED AUSTIONEER Phone Ivy 813 Examiner Classifieds but do It bl Job Naturopathy Ch This is also ysica any Enrica Examination 10 Essa Rd Allandale Phon OSTEOPATHY EDWIN WILSON BSA DO OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN KingBloek BarriEiTelephone 345 Office Hours912 130 to and by appointment VICTORIAN ORDER OF Nunsns Barrie Branch Well Baby Clinic from 230 to 430 oclock eveAryW nesday Application for nurses ser vices may be made direct or throttgh Telephone36rr Phone 1615 cal revents Trouble Prepare ahead for abundant sup ply of green feed for the pullets in winter quarters Cabbage kale lettuce Swiss chard clover rape or sprouted oats should be supplied for at least three weeks offer th pullets are confined Green feed will help to keep the pullets ingOOd physical condition and may assist in preventing prolapsesfea ther pulling and other troubles When to Houseiliullet early hatche letsinto laying quarters too early Ten per cent production on the range isnot objectionable When edrlyppllets are housed inAugusti and September there is adanger oftoverheating in extremelyl warm weather Bullets still on range af gt or even earlier shouldbc housed at once if there isany signj of bad weather setting Many good latehatched pul ilets me ruined by leaving them in overcrowded rangeho full weather Hoppers and Drinking Vessels Move feed hoppers and drinking equipment three or four feet twice week to prevent contamination of the ground Prevent loss of feed around the hoppers Control Lice and Mites on colony houses and range Shelters for mites every ten days duringiwarm weather application of wate motor oil to theroosts and supports will keep mites under control birds for any signs of lice and take immediate steps to get infestation No Visitors Al Keep visitorspoultry buyers and even neighbors avvay from your ock particularly iftharaie touch with fresh grass need for hard rubbingand scrubbing when you use solution of Gilletts Pure Flake Lye It cutsright through grease clearsclogged drains keeps out 551T isfanitryiand+odorlcss scours pots and pans takes the hard work out ofheavy cleaning Keep tinclways handy Phone doctor fjjort mov right now VETERINARIAN DRtC FLE VETERINARIAN and 43 Bayfieldrst Barrie ERTA pan or MING UGEON Office Phone 811 12WARTIME FOODS The Consumers Section Market mg Servic Dominion Department has issued pamphlet on fFoads for HomeDen fenceff This includes information on wartime foods buying hints and list of menus for one week in September publicatioris are bulletin No 486 Milk desserts 501 Honey and Some Ways it May be Usted 521 Can adian Vegetables for Every Day 533 Home Canning Vegetables in Tin Cans 534 CanningFrults and Vegetables 535 Iams Jellies zmd Canned Fruits and in Every The Gillettfa Lye Booklet tellslhow this powerful cleanser clcara clogged drahs houses cleanand odorless by estroymg the contents of the close performs dozens ofAaska Send for rec copyo StandardBrnnds Ltd vund Iberty Street ENT units AisECURE The Versatile nigh cuss Hum orous Entertainer for your next Lodge or Church or other En Illustrated Circu wford lOtfi ter OCtObEI keep out how it Agriculture Frdicr Toronto On USES in bad Phone 140 Other household tertainment tar FREE Address 628Cra TorOniaZ WWW FUNERAL DIRECTORS LLOYD STECKLEY FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE Elizabeth SI SMITH co Establlshed 1869 FUNEEAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMEES Motor ambulance In connection AND NIGHT PHONE 83 Phone 105 Cheek Pickles Vegetables for Variety Day Meals 566 Canadian Grown Apples 596 Salads That are Dif Iernt628 Home Preservation of and Soup Household Storage of Fruits and Vegetables and 635 Milli the Food The publications may be obtained freebnreqiist from the Publicity and Extension divis ion Dominion Department of Agri culture Ottawa 536 Phone Free Examine the Meats Poultry 632 rid of any of Epods Thornton lowed liklTh EN DAY myldlwyll hinwghe watch cm cost thtle no cooking Save by knowing how much to buy Save sour milk cakes and biscuits Save dry bread for esealloped dishes sauces some cases NCREASE Decorating Expense PEDLARS Universal METAL LATH llwx lZEiil1lit llJCLi ltt iiaf it itftxflit LAR PEOPLE LIMITED ri Interlink ili ltotlt ltl Ilrilillilii lllrllll Nirval iritrlrkol ElirJi lt Hinton pl rt rii kllnl ll Villa czuw rill Illt liltt lhr Alitlrii Ilflt ttltlil Aialrl irrc the history of tiltv attending irritcst extitinl ll lb what in nako Altar ll and didnt Etn my jtt1 lh SecItd ieziiovtd tiri fr liitrl Ito llittlgilr irc lllit trriir Win ii lit iitllllii Mulch wrll of untodate farm irritthitrcry lllttr irtt illt llrrl WITH luv found llllt Lrrrll rvoziitrr of the back of in cr ll Hfri with lrlaui liftll ttltl An llt cu1 BAIIIIIZII IIIIAI trqi fliillrtl ttoztynl It iczt iii the tvtiriiipij ll out rfiltt flax Ttlanztotra and an lJtliiwrl Will lit it lilrtc piorltctI rot ttlrrt tot tllpprtii irirv IIII lllliirvrrl lnril llr lira lr iili rt 8er llliil ll ycot intr ltllliHl lurr Ii lii you ittrr halo in lliil He io lifl ttl rtI ltrl ctri orn lllllt l1ltllli it in litt itlilivil rtul Alalita llrr pita lllrlil llril 1lrtirittrl illiri oli lirlll or lllitlti llic ro itrlzilillmii tirtl pomqr oliro ram lrrtti illIll poor trt ilal rtr tzirr ti Iii 114 fl r1lirl lrlltl llttr olri titan for the handling Ill lttl coal lumber ritcklt and ilutrtinmn cop1 liltillllli illr ruTFhddhif lllrc itottsinr of inert iii the fitlYlttb etrttip lltiilttlztlr plant loaded at week Cars are now litinn itiie rate of lellllltlfltl 15l1lllli out In addition incnt of troops UARANTEED BIG MILEAGE quaooo the move there coNStcuvArioN Sztve pennies by right buying products cunning and ramtnakiinz Save lpotl value by proper prepar by home Save flickby cookinu several dish at one time or not iiigptitrttoes or ecrcallor two Save time by knowing okiiie Save flavor by proper coolring Save 2111le Clarify and use fol It makes tender It makes crumbs dressings Save wax from jelliespjains etc Wash Dryii Melt and use again Save vegetable water for soup or Save vinegar from pickles Tire spicy flavor adds zest in salads Save celery tops parsley or green onion topsn Dry for seasoning Sav butter wrappers excellent for buttering pans Save energy by planning ahead They are SKUNKS 0N LOOSE COLDWATER Skunks have been playingfrhavoc tyithtutkt13L flock in the Coldwater district In nearly entire flocks havebeen wiped out over night Advertise in The Examiner FoWIerls Tire Service CiillCmperltohS Burrief fPlione 52x IIAP APPLETON Barrie Manages Orillia22 west Sign Phone 3132 ran Arruis FOREVE RYiSIURFACAEilf THE SAVRJEANT COMPANY LIMITEQJ