Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Sep 1941, p. 18

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rugt 1431 Bombing and Gunnery Specialized Occupations lah in wires oi 441 of Illr Ill Lair 13 llltrliHlJIHI If rant Itl Iai Ila iir ti trig Ultlalin Hli duh le Itltli ilrllll tilt lHll lltv =rrt wit it lil tIl rr vm Il rcd ira int lllt itondnultl lit rtrlllt in ll in il fetcd flight uti am or chmc Illlilill out of lttliili tlic llllllt xi irrrz tila rral 3d Difficult oursr of Studies ilrtlrir purrt dint illi iilfllitiilili5 Hint School IIc he lurrawi 2t litet Ir it linc 6y staying at FOR0 HOTELS Modern iiieptifgf located note Parking srso aslow as no hialrer than per person ror MAP FOLDER Write to FORD Horns co Manfrch tritium Bd flight To the thousands who toss night Whose eyes slumber will not come To those who slecprinarkindwf wanbut wliose rest is broken by hybrid dreams and nightmares morning as tired as on going to bed eroer in Milbrrriis Health and Nerve Pills remedy to help soothe and calm the nerves and bring them back to perfect condition and when this is done there shouldpe no more sleepless nights do to shat terednervea tr fruitful utlllh l1lhtf om MP RATE Irish humorist and AmericanB drop REMAINS SAME unann liner Lei res Up Slightly to Higher Educa litili Costs GRAHAMHASSESSOR Azii iI inc iltl Ha the illd lil ltl tnci ltllilxltd lr tit lxlillg lltlidlti i11t itth if not you wont get tire head start you need in ii iii hi lilti llatilli Illt tZi ltlii truth3 iont Keaton n1 SS help to digestion Theyre sustaining too Kelloggs iorn lilakex with nrilk trid sugar help gitc you the food energy luixy people tinil No wonder more people eat Kelloggs tom lilizkes than any other ready Atoeat certail in the world ict set ertl parkapex tomorrow Miitic by Kelloggs in London iriitlt Tomorrow morning start the day better with howlful of Crisp delicious Kelloggs orn Flakes The first tasty spoonful will tell you why out of Canadian women oicil Kelloggs tops for flavour And why hutrim taste experts unhesitatingly agree lelloggs appetiring flavour is actually llt oi lit tirt Lirr ll were itccplerl kullll Ylllll If foiltiuri til Alilti till ll 51 13 Short lti It Sltllt nax pawcrl to lrlt levv Ill films liti Illll lfll ll Illtl mills ll tnril up kicntial School lItIl fit with special llic local ixrc tlllt the oc ltrtlttly llilt rw1 inclinectl trtl of ultttalioii incrcmcd titiiilttl Ud llil Kelloggs FirsfKiy out of Yes during the llt thice tii Milli Hillllll have been asked ltit is your familys nour itc cereal You tiller year Kelloggs turn flakes lttc on by ticrlltllllillK majority lust year when asked specifically hith brand do you think Irrifcs first out of said Kelloggsl Your family too will enjoy Kelloggs torn lilikex Irt restaurants ask for Kellokgs iii the imitirHd package now triplewrapped for cvlm freshness litt talc 110 tirlti lrr elliti My mics Il tl Economical Just fcw pcnnret for the whole family Scrte the 50 secondIrrcakttsrtomorrowflntwo convenient sis ill your grocer liigtli gttliool iryiatv was pakscd containing tlilrilillldlll of Alex tlraittm citor of Taxes for illll iv 11le to iiriciicSF olscasoii no at kcn or rcoucst of Mr Stubby oltr1c coilcclioir lliui 703 oir ollut rctpicsis rc road anti ucrc left ill hands of florid ix ipciittttiidciit to look into lln lload Sururmtcndcnt report Tliii lirrdrzcs on roads 3B and 1013 iii bad old lrc replaced ile presented rlric prints for new structures The GREM thi SIIIAGNITM MOSS BIC SIlIIRINIIINIHCNI RESIGNS NHIIANIC iNrw shear Hpcakcii For the purpose of testing the tarcrtlitry Mrs of Ill dc tadvcttisc fora new gt1tlOltltlLllI Li thins iiikiii Alcluiialrlirf1cr nin on Indusitil rtrnittzs icarlt as gtI1Iltllllltllfltlll of the limi llllltil has submitlcd her resignation llllI DISTRICT rrcNICiANt General lllospttai board has Illrilllltlttl the IItompson to ltlltlillll TOXOIDIN DIPHTHERIA ESSA CHILDREN corrrincrcmT pogtib1lit posits of spimumun nu state repair at rd ltiitil it and till north of och sioncr tgttld irta iinlcaxis lililtl lirt l1rl llrtltl llit iitzrt cuts the flights rctruircs less to The iiorttzc plane tlltltS back oil mp tirc iclti and drops tls lirrilt re ihr can of 2t Lillllii rt blue and Ilit other in half Tp Council Hos Again Made Treatment Available WOLF roomy PAID At the meeting of Essa Council held iti Thornton on Sept with all members present it letter was read from the Provincial Department of Health asking the Board of Illilllll to trike the necessary action to make it possible that all the children in the Township can receive toxoid treatment against diphtheria As further notice to lllt ratepayers of Essa the Reeve pointed out that this action has already been taken Parents have the privilege of tak ing their ciiildren to their fzunily for treatment and when certified bill is presented accounts1 for treatment will be paid by lllL township iiitfltidllll turicultiirc Jilll construc tion Bilious Attacks liver complaint llllt iosccurc samples of the lllrir bcd ill the interests of representa tive of the Canadian National Rail Mr Nixoittold the Speaker that there was potential area of some 500 acres and that the depth of deposit virrirs from It to it feel Samples depths and Air Nixon said that the deposit appciiicd to be of good quitl iiy irltlrouizii ho had not as yet rel ccivcd the result of the analysis Prior to the outbreak of var Unit cd States imported large quantities of Sphagnum moss from the Old Cottntryand Europe Tin iiiosx has large variety of uses in iirdrtstryr ita turret puth lrrlll prrttitrtl pail lilir carrcia ram was troll trtt1 llti daxtitnl nl krtlllltll looked over them atid litr thcr action was left over until pric ex on them can be secured The various tcotrnts before Cortn til were passed for payment and rttiourntucnl was tirade utttil Octo liti it Britt STATESCASE RE NEW BOOKS which llit yr itll ingots vny Ms ltl uttvlirii lm than llatit irirr rti 124 Wilfl were taltcir various OGEIIS llr Illilitl and v1 11 It iliilllw tllltl irlt Bombs and llrtntltaglits rtttr Bilionsness In just another name for it clogged or sluggish liver It is very common complaint but can be quickly remedied by stimulating the flow of bile umutnulttfednins the poisons are carried out of the system and the liver and bowels are relieved and tuned up Milbumg LamLiver Pills tintlcnlivcn the sluggish liver open ing up every channel by causing Remember too that our boys whoi free ow of bilonnrl thus cleansing are riding in tanks gun carriers the liver of the clogging impuritlu and other army vehicles are not enjoying modern luxury during vets Ml Ill it ll or lTlIl Itomirth li lrccrrttc rt pmia it rtrlt brooch it scat oi rl vii tiiilt litllllr about incur izc1 ll tn like it sintitw parcirlly was rlfcn rtiil innS ltttt iitlv kiwi llay to iii rttti noun l1 contr1 Illlltl for throtadi the tool Il and explode rirftulc llll lrtitl vlLli ilt ilt ril This softens the rortusr rrrxns subunit ori lr ionio nitso ntl at its no iii by donuts if not sup irr lo iui rrinv had pit ciscl wont to Ill dry Itlit iirrml JHiit tll lit llgti ltln set the iron and looked llrroriLn itllttllliL an cailur story hand worked It tltosc that cotrtrolusnrali planes touch of my thumb on bittmr on Ieritl liltl Flown ll rlt iilttrlttl llit gtlt on ic litttii irall from otrlv handset plrcx ruti ill siztht dearzlmd tlgm already inconvenience involved So the next time you have to ride in bus that is not quite new we must win the war tr ttillgtv liad porary None for Publicor Separ ate Schools Two for High Schools TWO ON HISTORY+ No new textbooks will be auth orich this year for prrblic or sep arate schools according to report made by Dr Rogers Deputy Education actng Minister of lh quicken sticx nurldirmor llicw iit bombs that pttrcct llll itrlorc exploding lte imbs lfrlttil Illt lttl gtliilllil iiit liiittllilit 331 bit alirrgltrtl for curltit pillll lltllrllrt mechanism was toonposcs not in ioi lirrls toiraior slilp itootit tour loiird tinm up her and found the We kly sup li bwi rut rcrncmbcr doctor turn fast for me but scored not hit Arrolhcr turret what different bars like those trolled the itltilioib urtt to tight ieicgtctl ilcctriciilly by itlilrflf or left madeihe turret ttrii rnd little by lllliligrtll machine gun was moviii practice puns is carried out ovc rlhe pliittesused are tlt used earlier medittm iili different types of oe Rumbsl tillrlrln all in now to They are small and easy gripe weaken or delta drunnmomnmmmou way of their tra mticlt iir the carrcd on racks inside inc tustlmxrr deptnoun In inc type plane Do not was pattern sonc IILtridlc othtr touch ron li Wolf Bounty Among the accounts passed for payment was one of $10 to if Alt lison as bounty for killing two wolves Inliddflioulo nine bills for FC lief supplies the following were paid Barrie Examiner Coxworth relief services $22 Miller weed inspector $10 LCil nox lamb killed injured $18 35 Kennard sheep valuator b3 Coleman hospital accounts $4201 Wilfred Thompson lamb killed $10 Bull valuator $150 lSpeers lamb killed injured $12 Reg Arnold valuator trips $6 Coxworth two Old Age Pen sions $6 Treasurer Bell and Coun Bantirtngere appointed to sell township property pt half lot W17 Council adjourned to meet on lr51lil ilrt out 1ltt ilit tlt llllt nde to str rift modern bombiuht most Minister HT complicatcd instrurrufnl Vlli are Harry Nixon vihclsoine ten ad the height of the plane tiirve the iurountl tlic spccd the dirccirn of the wind affect the full Roman CNUIUIIC Hon WM DYMENT 74 High St BARBIE lever Much Slilt been heard ulnar rcccrd lilvilililli elaborate irrcni Ilgtll to tllllt liia ll billiill travelliri1 unsure dllCillltili The report states that four of the Corona readers whieh$mc approv ed but not atrthorizedfor use in separate schools have been revised this year These have been approved for use in the is New Ah schools by the acting Minister of It is noted that separ use the public we school readers the Corolla readers whichiuive beenapproved for sev eral years or the new editions of four of these readers which are now approved There isho neces sity for anyseparate schools mak ing change in textbooks this year Only two itillx only mrvn Vnw Actual with machine iioiiiithi is an instru rvi lirie Ilitl will lillitl on or near the target its the earl tiays of the last Irrirtilmly Some atefWar bombs were siirrpiy drotutc planes painted vgitu yel over the cdue by tltepilot Plan luv and black stripe as illllil2lllliLl slowly and lanky io littiil to other planes that they are trail at that many oftliesc first bombs Emu behind them longs hitIt printing $l8 and vcl bomb on Cct 1cm bonibers 1pr OS lpcraturc The bombsiuht knobs and dials and scales When alliltcsc have been atljusted the lObscrver ithrough an eyepiece Ile secs iappztrenily movingr down be ltrvo pairs of wires witn cplorc lbeads at intervals alougtiieru At ilitst the railway stationfiictorv or iwhntever the target may be t1p lpears between two tiny pointers glhe observer pulls lever and the ibomb starts on IIS way It maybe Education ate schools may STRONG CANADIAN COMPANY rsrrinusrirn 1889 no orrrcr rorrorrro cel vsircfprobabiy landed inilelrortr the watches land twcen rew textbooks have een authorized for high schools collegiate institutes and continua after night on sleepless beds and to October at 10 House Barrie zgt Call Out Reserves on Financial Front 120 seconds before it hits and OCIOCk 11 Court Eother ten before itexplodis The Bmeing Teaclten Students tion Schools These are two history books The first of these is Ancient and which casts is an alternative learn to operate the Mediaeval bombsight with the aid ofzt teach one donor whrchgis one of theniost in text whichinaybe used in place of Wandingeniousmachines the textbook authorized last yeah evei saw It is contained in iallybuilt threestorey building book Eand kept locked History Tothose rrlia wake up in the Buses Due for Retirement Pressed into Service for We Emergency The reason for addingthis says the report there was great deal of criticism watched F1ymg0ffrcer Iohn of thetext Ancient andAerdiaeval titer Worldosiing 85 cnts which was idrawing lines across tlfefacc of its introduced in Septenerf 1940 Icompass and making calculations parliCUIRTb by members iThen Ilay on inStoriiatiliiinidi RomanCatltalicChurch through 1We were in the building is that The next time you board bus for Toronto or Barrie try not to be too critical if you have to travel on an oldtimer for wear of guns or butter Like everyone else people are havingxtheir troubles and for some months their biggest headache has been shortage of buses Due7t04war4timepmspe regular traffic iswincreasin have also to be found for special military service Foster VicePresident lot Gray CoaCh Lins says than the modem highpowered buses are made only inrthe USA and that the company has postponed forth er buying of new equipment to conserve United States funds for the Canadian Governments purf chasm of essential War materials To meet the emergency large numberof buses which are due for retirement have beenirecorfdiv tioried and pressed into service Foster says that every effort is made to place the most modern buses an the regularly scheduled trips but the demands for service frequentlyrequire the addition or substitution of older equipment After all the company has de monstrated very convincingly over period oilseveral years its faith in publicappreciatian of the hlglr est possible standard of service by supplying modern and luxurious equipment for its routes Now that war emergencyis upon us Mr Foster believes that the public will tons of aluminum endorse the companys etion in valued at $464 pound last year cooperatin with the gavernments it produced 200000 tons at about plans for conserving exchangeand will gladly accept any slight tern Vison adjust the bombsignt bit the worse Its just another case of the who SLghts thought that the treatment of the ganery of the topics dealing with their church intricate pm from an historical standpoint was jectors designed by Britisirin OE adequate in this tEXt book +uegtg adustednfgp artitudefwgnd LIhelseeorrdbaolcisWorldliivjli ispeeLandrso 4m gmunLamL zation part This new book was Down below inetlie landscape of the Enemy country moved past canld see its farms thetoris and jellies the line of th coast chose factory in the distance watched come down betweenihe wires and as it reached jhepointer pull ed the trigger For some twenty seconds the time it took that borrib to drop thestenery moved past Then it stopped and 21 white light one the bomb had land Racks under the Wings of Plane Fixing the Bombs in the Canadian Air Force Photograph llooked Royal the bus VI Brantford Roof WITHSTANDS TIME mp WEATHER III Militant GooLtd Toronto on Upstairs in authorized because it WAS found that none of the textbooks iny use coVered the course in mode tory forgrade 12 In the upper school cla 13 there are no textbooks author lzedi Teachersare given the priv liege of selecting anytextbook they wish which will cover the course asset forth in the syllabus In my the Minister or Ediication approved change in the methods studying foreign languages ThisfneCESsitated new textbooks Pupils who have been taking these courses under the new method have now reached thrupper school and it is found necessary to recom mend new books in Compasltfon and grammarforFrench Spanish and Italian As the examinations of 1942 will be based on the new courses of study it is assumed that pupils in the upper school will be asked by their teachers to purchasa these new books rather than attempt to complete their courses by the use of the present grammars In 1888 the United States pro duced seven daily and buses ruhis sses guide Never befam has individual titanbeenscivitari factarjn iry Every dollar we can saVBc0unts 1n the conduct Thirtyosix vearg of satisfactory service in our variedclimate proves the qualltvof Brantford Roofing By using the finest 1f materjials skilled craftsmen have combined qrialities of beautyand permanence alongiwith weather proof and reresistant features to give you outstanding value in Brantford Roofs Assuryaurself of safety and comfortby specify in Brantford Roong showed wh edf Actu iErie ttached under IlFairey Battle are aimed at red raft grain heights wellbver mile pqu of smoke goes bomb hits the water on shore watch the puffs of smoke use some simple trigohdmetry and plot titerplaces where the bombs drop The student marks where he thought they went The best tar get hangs in the conference room Over it is sign Beat this and yours will hang here instead Also no doubt the owner of the target will head his clas next wings parade THE END Read and use Examiner Classifieds 15 cents pound gt countryshrs of this war To overwhelm the enemy and hastenva victorious Empire musthavea modern smooth running hard hitting mohine cannot bejiuilt without individu 211 bombingis done over Lake Small practrce bombs wings of the peace the fightin tiruchine But such snericeself deninljthrift Until this wants won make ersonul thrift younwatchword Vntch yourupendirlg Build up ervenf fighting dollars out of current earnings Save for victory mammomma mm from touusron Manager Sold byReltable Deole gt This book will lralp you vi The Royal Bank Famin Budget Book ialrows you how to budgetyour income how to snva by planned spending Ask for free copy at you nearest branch up as the Observers Gefman rs Everywhere Brantfard Roofs Brantford Roofing Company limited enmrrorn Okir5AlE try aning Mill Co Iiimild auras ONTARIO $31 the the Ball Pl

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