Page leurtetrt TOO LATE 1011 11459111101 QBTQT5ZQEKM we have 11111 lllnitla 1211105 11 1112 13111 till NHL Sllitl 1111 111 111115 25101111v111 11 1111 300 Wall li 11 Made 111 URRY llione lir iwrnrrtn 151112 1111199119 Abdominal nllltlt Supports Arch Supports 111215110 1110131111115 fru i1irlil lli vLitvlii 3111 111111111 Exptrit 111111 iii illl Surgical pliaiiti =11 you at 111 cxiiciisv Warrens innit 111111111 Eri 1121 IM OAKLAND HILL 77 Nu PHELPSTON BELLE EWART tl lirrti 11 11o1 ll Niriiiu 1111 11111 gt111l iiiiiv ii 11k 3111 1111 All lt11 1111 111111111111 vi1=1i viii 11 111111 Hliillil 1111 Sun iitd Mix Selby 3111 and 11111 Mrs litl 1iid hairy iic11 11111 Ntillvs on ltoh Ktll 111 ltll iii 01 1111 several 1111s lust vttk 11112111 VI ttlilltltlltl White 11111 K1111 attended 11111111 211 1111 111 Qlitllt 1ii Llilll riliiivili 11 P1111 SlllV 1o 1111gt1 11111111111 111 1111 111111111111 1111110 Rex and hits 11l1t isittd Rev 111 Monduv Bisttdo 13111111111 and Mrs Wliipps and 11111 11dliiirs visited Mr and 11 Kill 1219 week 11 Uilllillllllll wis gtll1tkl 111 11 11117 and baby nilill Saturday With Smith is Victoria iltlllV Royal Cllstllltllli 111111 to 10 lie atl Ir 110101110 gt1 Mis Dodd is sllllltllil iie puma Admmm gamma 1H ML 11111101111 in dale slieii Thursday with Mr and Toronto and Mrs Lot Barrie Sympathy goes lioili bereaved 12111111105 HOLLY lllusliy Munro 1111 to 111 11111 Taylor is visiting at ti 11111111 from llt last week 113 11 thi has returned italicijsptiidiiit sonic 111110 at Hur 111111 Holly here attended United Church reopened joii Sept Sunday School will 13 Recent 1staiidard 1111101 visitors Miss Margaret iiiltfl 11 130 and ehiircli s01v100 Mm sCottwho 11351155 1151 it iGibson ofNew York Mr and Mrs 1Nelsoii Cripps and family BlllkSEfgmilyc Migs Joyce Whitlocke and Hullsat Jos Gibsons Mr and 1Mrs Charles Robson and daughter Crown Hill Mrs Win Manley and son Toronto at Chas certipbells 1940 DODGE COUPE 1940 SPECIAL DELUXE SEDAN CHEV 1940 CHEVROLET COACH THREE 1939 CHEV COACHES 11939CHEVDELUXE COACH 193901091109111131 COACH 193910111 swam 2193901111111101121 MASTER COACH 19971oiiocoacn 1997 FORD 19111121 TRUCK 1936 FORD ranch TRUCK 1931FOBD PANEL TRUCK 1931FORDCOACH 1929 FORD COUPE 1928 OLDS COACH 1928 PONTIAC SEDAN 1515111111 than 1926 BUICK COUPE consent 51 11 autonomous BARRIE 1s P19 lionie THE sf ENGLISH BRAWN ii 191 Bacon Squares lb 19c SAUSAGE lb19c FRUITS VEGETABLES Spring Chickens llltilllfx lilllHl llllhll lil Art Brennan llllll llioiits Jil 111111 lill ltllt llttnlllstultVltlI THORNTON 1111 1111111 iii 1i 3111111l 11 111111 11 11 11oiio 111 Sum 111v 1lltll 111 mu 1111 l11 111llgt111 11 111 11 liiviiz Vt ii 11 1111111L1111 311 1111 12l1 11111 Mb 11 111l 111 li1i 1111 X11 Neutoii 111 111111 liii Vviuuii llhlillt llll 111m 11 31151111111llaiifiiig on Thurs tl1 Sep 111 111141111111111 11 111111110 oi 1111 Allt11lllltl oin 11111111 1111111 111 11l 1111 gt iiittllt 11111 tltiiuhli 111 oiirl illllist Rtttlll lSlittifl 11 11011 1111111111 11s 11 11l1 Mrs liihu 1311s V1111i Millguii 111111 1111111 111111 Mr Burns liltl 3111 1111l 1111011111 11 lr llll 1i 114111111 1111111111s1111 11111111111 11 11 Henrys 10 iid Mrs Fruik 11111011 loioiito 11 1111111 retuts Miss ltti1liiul 111111 oi Ilioriibuiv illltl llol Sitwart oi letrkworth 11 VLs Diiitgtvs 11311101 Mis 130111101 sptiit Sunday lTUlOilltL Misu lltltii McCullough ix iiig triciids iiiloionto Jock Alluii gtllilllll 111111 11 11 wheai at 1111 Weekend 111111 311 nl 111111111 311 1111 111 Visit 111 Toronto with 11111ds Mr and Mrs 11 1111 Ioroiito vlsited Mrs Jean Wciks 1111 week Gladys K011 Toronto true weekend visitor at her home 3here Mr and Mrs Gordon Dunn of 101111111 sptill Sunday 111 NIC 1ontiglis Clarence Wlmu Pelawutvu Camp spent 11 few days with Mrs Whan Mrs Wight entertained the WMS at her home chntsuu vilClllOCll Mr and Mrs Iltllll Toronto visited her parents Mr and Mrs Thos Tebo 011 Siiiidav ling 1101 sister Mrs Reive returned 110 liei home in Winnipeg Mr and Mrs John Scott and Verle Morris returned to Toronto latter spending tlieirdiolidays with M1 and Mrs Fred Morris T110 men who were out collect ing aluminum report iuil success Anauction sale in aid of the local Rcd Cross Societynt 111 end of September is being looked forward to iMLnnd Quad Frank moved 10 11101 wwnlronieonthe highway last week MisJoiie= spent thegrcatcr part of her 1110 here in tiie4111age and the he wishes of the community go with PAINSWICK At time of writing Burton Carr Gait is patient in RV Hospital Barrie and is improving nicely Sclioolhas reopened with Miss Kathleen Ingram Lefrov at Paiiis wick school and Miss Gladys Spring of Craigvale at Twelfthl Line school resuming their duties Visitors 31 Walter Fralicks on Sunday were Miss Hattie 01 chard Strdud Mr andMrs Chas Bailey Seattle Wash Mr and Mrs Oliver hCarson Kenneth and Donald Minesing St Pauls WA St Pauls WA met at the homeof Mrs Knight tthe rectory on Thursday afternoon Sept 41 with good attendance Blocks were madexfor quilt Tea hostesses Were Mrs W111 Booth tMrs Geo Martin Mrs Walter lBrowning Mrs Knight The nextymeeting will be held in the basement of the church sunnidale Corners Mr and Mrs Phillip Schell visi ited with friends at Sundridge re cently Miss Virginia Schell is visiting with her sister Mrs Stanley Tory Durham Mrs Gilchrist Edenvalc spent few davs recentlv withher bro ther Geo Culham Mrs McDonald Hamilton is vist iting her nephew Ivie Milnennd 1her niece Mrs Bryce Anderson Miss Ivy Jean McQuav left on ITuesday morning for Toronto where she will attend Normal Sehool Mrganders Wm Bristow Nor man and Louis Barrie visited on lVisitors at Philip Schells on irizititi stirk 110 0110 till BARKIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONT CANADA illllllllllllwoalodllltlIIIlllllllllllllllllllIIOIOOlllllrli ulncs for the Smart tllltl Thrifty ELLE 129 RETAILERS To THRIFTY CANADlA COOKSTOWN 11 NY lltlill t11111ii tlptiiiiig 1111 lltiiil1111 11 Schools l111 1491 MW NORTH SUNNIDA 11111 Ntlw xlltli 11 rlliilgt11 llo1 11111 51111111 11111 litir lioiiils liit viv liiiilv oi 1111 rottiw 111 111111 1111111 Ilit ltil Stlimll 111 1111 3111 oi 111 1lI1L11 11 lli llil 1111 llaiiix Iltlm lltut Stttliiig 111 lit1vv i1iii 111v1 litlltil 211 111111111 11110 11111 lit1111 ti Lived 1111111111 1111 11111 tisiiailv coi i111111 tiltillt 1111 litsi rcsul lllllllsll Stltitts 1121111111 11lt1s vtit litll ill 1111 Mciiiioiiiti Church 111 Sliiitids 111111111111 itlltl evtiiiiig li 1111111111 115 1111 1iow tlltltlll itiv Saiiilitl lolidit whose 1ll 1111 1111gt11L1gt are ever detpiv azi 1151111l Siloist Mr Bell lo 11111111 lltltlltl llllitll io tht UCLttr ion 11v 1101 delightful service oi 11 lhc l21r1111s Income Around 11117111111 tinic p1r11ul1r 1v vt 11111 11 1111111011 11111 0111 1111 that 1111 siiiruv vcrununrv 1111 111111 working itltlltftllillx 111111 1111 1111 1211111 is nothing 11111 the backbone 01 Canada and all 1111 rest of the liOIlt stock phrases lt1111111l purveyors of Duneonilic Ulllt the polling is tltllli 1111 tllttlllilltl dies down 1110 voteeat 11111 niarncy having done intervening years are occupied with the more important the 111111 farmer the division Surely oi the iiiconu 1111 toiiul 111111 equipment his long hours of hackliitakiiig labour is eniitledl to good siriic of the 34411000j 000 given as 1111 10111 01 the 111 coitu 111 1111 1111 people of Canada 111 1111 llll 1941 An interesting article in the current issue 01 the liistiates how the come is handed 0111 to the differ ent clussts of 1110 Doniinions popl ulation Couiit out on table little pile of 44 peas representing the 111111 iiicoiiic nubour took SJlllbl 000000 so 29 peas 1111 set aside as Labours share Business nndl professional incn teachers doctors lawyers 010 received 51027000 000 and 10 pens are placed 111 an otliei pile Five pens are left which approximately represent the 11211111015 share of 300900000 Try it yourself some rainy day GUTHRIBxizi Lloyd Campbell Moirtrcul spent last week at his home here M1 and Mrs Capel and fam ily Owen Sound visited at Ml Gilehrists last weekend sister Mrs visrting the latters McKcesport Arthur Knight Sr Pa Mr and Mrs Gerald Rattle 0n WiidWOlthemmg lPtcple at corn and wiener roast last Saturday evening 1111 and Mrs tattle showered Friday evening last miscellan 1eous shower was held for Mi and 111115 Gerald Rattle at the home Lot Mr and Mrs Alex Graham An appropriate address was read by Miss Florence MacArthur to which the groom made fitting lreply Little Betty Scott and Billy Sinclair presented thebaskets of lgifts After the many beautiful gifts had been opened refresh3 linents were served WA and WMS Meeting The September meeting of the 1UnitedWAand WMS was heldi 211 Mrs Gilchristis last Wedl nesday with good attendance in the absence of the presidents ltfrs NewtonBesse presided overL the WA meeting The treasurer Irreported that the freewill offeri 1ng had exceeded $25 The usual annual fowl supper for Oct 28 was planned Mrs Love opened the wLMs on the theme fBeginNow Mrs Gordon Clark had the devotion 01 period on Love after which Miss Helen Caldwell rendered solo onthe same th8m8 MrsJ Love ledthe missionary study on iChina andwas ably assisted by Mrs Walker and Mrs Har old Walker Plans were made for the part that Guthrie society has been asked intake in the annual Divisional meeting to be held at Edgar on Oct Mrs Gilchrist served dainty lunch at the con clusion of the meeting Pike and Mr and Mrs Leonard tHalliday Collingwoodz MiSSes Ed na and Frances Pridham Bethel man Schell Mr and Mrs Wesley Crvderman anti son Flint Mich visited last week with the formers sister Mrs Neil Bowser Visitors at Melville Bates on Sunday were Mr and Mrs Claude 1Duffen and children Mr and Mrs Milton Armstrong of Terra Nova and Mr McIntyre and Marelda of Strong Siinday were Mr andeis Jinth V111 of he reprugi 11111 his heavy investment in land VA AAmgwsMvw meeting with thecall to worship Sunday with Mr and Mrs Nor and Mrs Donald 11121113 71 1111111 Livilri 111 1111 lllil 11111l 31 Autumn Flids to Chic PRETTY SCARFS the no 11 5149 11111 SMART GLOVES 111111 3311911911115198 tvliiiis lil 11 11 lit 11 1l11 would 1111 lung 511111 11 11iilitoititr 11111145112 lrtli ll 11 211 111111 $119 lit 111111 lr ll1lsiVl Ill ilii1l1iricltll 111 9110 1111111 Toronto and Mrs day in 1s Eliick Hills Mrs Jus Rix Harvest Tiianksgiviiig service on Sunday evening Sept when it is hoped the speaker will be the Rev 1011 of Wycliffe College Mr Cot The many friends here of Root assistiiiLy Newman who has been Rev W111 Newman vitlithe A11 glican services here summer months will be sorry continues his studies at Collegc WEST 0R0 Anniversary services at 010 Baptist Church SuiidayScpt 14 at 11 11111 Mr Gordon Orillia will be the speaker and in 131 singing FarmersAttention FOr Fall Seeding NO1 Purity Timothy 5450 For Bus ShuirGain and Pioneer Hog and Poultry gCOncentratedsr 111111111 10E TAXES 1941 The Second instal ment of thetoxes for 1941 will be due and payable at the Office of the TreOSUrer not later than September 25 l94l On payments made after the above date the penalties provid edior in bylaw will beimposed SMITH Treasurer Sept 10 1941 during the West the evening at r130 ST MinStanleyI and Mrs Walkerrei Beasley 1v111be the speaker Spec S1ltl SlYHLSY lllltll lltltll 11111 112111 Miss Anne Blktl Shelli 5311 Mrs Strong Siavin visit111 1111 sister week lent iii the RV Hospital 1311110 liaviiir wrll he held in SLJainesJlitiszlmimhgTtsidRBEEM US DU spew daughter Graham lheld last Thursday at the home emetto Mary McLean gave hum lationship jof Plowiight last week and moved into the house foriiicrly cc to cupied by Mrs Choppel hear of his departure to Toronto A11 wish him every siicc0ss as he Wycliffe to the Vespra th Cross since Aug quilts khaki sweaters pairs seamcns socks 11 suits 1311111111215 culture 1111111 =11 iiittvv 111 11111111 FEATURED IiRRl lylrlttrlllltoroa may Fall Frocks $298 ll 111 111 ll lltiiniiinii lilt 111111 111111 lllJlln low Iiiit 111 iltiii lil11l llttiiinin liliit Iii ill1 tililotii1 liitt HATS FOR VERY YOUNG LADIES llll1ll7llh 11 111 1111ll1111li 111 lwlm 1311111 111 111 hump111111 1l1ir llltl ll lLll 111 11 11111111 1li perk liillc 111lii 4111 131001159 litittlx HATS THAT ARE SURE TO PLEASE CASUAL IliIlS itztiuizill Nttv 1llltlll 1111111 111 llli lllItLl 011111 $11 11 41 NW 11 71l11 MINESIN Mrs Geo Crawford last Muss Elsie Plowrigiit is pal Mr Mrs Gordon Peggy and Mrs Vandort visited and Carr James Mrfs Miss Botirii with her aunt Archibald mother have Victory Clubs Contribution The Victory Clubs contribution 12 is asiollows quilts CH Red Cross August Shipment The following list of goods was shipped 011 Aug 12 from the Min csing Unit of the Red Cross 11 1111115 afghan pyjamas 17 girls dresses blouses bloom ers 13 seainens socks l5 army socks sweaters helmets mens overcoats Outfits for six girls were sent including turtles sweaters slips bloomers stockings Three large boxes of clothing were sent to the Salvation Army Snipnrent of Sept consisted of quilts cot quiltswlichilm drens dresses khaki helmets pair Seamans stockingsuLpair seamans socks pairs army socks navy helmets sweater Anyone wishing to have wont may get same from Mrs Cecil White Minesjng or Mrs Fred Miles Minesing Station Education and Farm Federation school near Elmvale for this term Ede day David Smiths Subject atWJ The monthly meeting of the Minesing Womens Institute was of Miss Mary McLean with 23 members and two visitors present The meeting was under the con venershio of Mrs Maguire with the topic Agriculture The roll call wastanswered by an ex change of slipsiand seeds Maguire spokel fittingly on the ofous readingand Mrs Ward rend ereda lovelysplo Mrs Maguire introduced the guestrspeaker David Sniith Bar 110 leader in AdultEducation He gave very interesting and instructive address on The RC Education tothe Success rof the Federation of Agri Mrs Maguire then preScnted most interesting pictorial demon stration on lard After the con ventiOn report by Mrs John ston an dainty lunch was served by Mrs Cook and Mrs Johnston The October meeting is to be held on Wednesday the 8th AUTO OVERTURNSJN RUTS CHILD DIES NEAR WAVERLEY MIDLANDHelen Cochrane age 7501 Huntsville was almostin stantly killed near Waverley Sunf day night when car driven by her uncle Reuben Pears Orillia overturned in deep ruts onya hill The drivers wife and son 12 MrsRalph Berry of Orillia and her children Billy andBarbara escaped with minor injuries The Examiner sells at $2 Offend is worth more Mrs JlllllggflltOldIIIIOJJOIIOOW JvivNfI 0410I Boys mv VVear 111 1111 1111 2311 ll 31011895 SEI ll 11 llv1=itl 111 1i Xillii 11i111l Knee Pants 11115 111 iiu1i igtliit 1ll i1 11111 llllt ilt1l 11 llitlt pockets 811 ill in 1111111111111 1i wnirCORD BREECHES 5110511111 113 l1ci 111l 11117 iiitttl it l1111 i1l11111 11 5011 Made with 1110111 111 pockets 8111 1111111 111111111 ii ISlllp illltll hr11 111111111 11 1111011 1t il MISSES Untrimmed COHTS 51295 1l 1111i iiis iiiitiiiiuiittl 11 1111111111 111111115 11 1111 11ml 111 or polo 111 green grey litigtrtist 11111 lilutk Hose 8121 to 10 11111111401311 good11111111 Wool and wloii iolf llosu 11111111 1111111111 111 Grey brown or lilu 11111 1iiicv jut1111111 cuffs SLIPS 96 llltl 1lt 11 11114 white cotton $11 well made and styled 111 11 Durable isytolaund er the thrift 11111111111 AND COTTON GULF iii popular111liui Lastixld 1liliitl cuffs WOUI 110 with Sizes priced for Wariiiinster and llziwlttstoiic ing iii lllSSlillll 111111 11 business of the church people new outlook on 1111 tungsten in upon them with its 1111111102 its glory and its power There is no greater work than this among men Miss Ila Smith Oiillla spent the w0ckcnd with Mrs Ed wards Mrs Sinkinsoii Pittsburgh Pa is the guest of Mr and Mrs Ir1 win McMahon Misses Teresa Berry Leigh are visiting friends in Bar 110 and Midland Mr and Mrs Crawford spent 11 couple of days in Toron to and attended the Exhibition Thos Slielswell has bought Mrs Wrigleys property in the vil logo and expects to move in the near future Mr andngRendall Robert son and wee daughter Linda of Toronto visited their uncle Rev Mr MeCarten on Monday Mrs Puijvis and her daughteri Mrs FergiisOn andchiidien gof Orillm are spending some timel with Mr and Mrs AH Crow1 ford Mrs 1F Has your subscription liihtl that nice paidinadvance look wml Armstrong Taxi 235 Bradford 51 Barrie Phone 454 LOCAL OIL OUT 01 TOWN TRIPS Prompt Service Reasonable Rates Ellis Leigh has taken We shall miss her in the village but hopeto have her home week Anniversary services in the United ML ChurchriextSunr Sept 14 Rev West Dalston in charge Services at 11 armand739nrnu Rev Robt and Mrs Wisenian formerly of Hewkestone are the guests of Mr and Mrs Irwin Mc tank locking caps WE CAN oer YOU COMPLETE Manon We are pleased to see SERVICE ON NEW AND USED Mr and Mrs Wiseman and to TIRES lgggdel 125313 15 much v1mTSpringsmade to order also radiators Church ShotuliTGive People pmmmwmml IubesJe Outlook Rev McCarten and Miss Hazelwood were welcomed homeI to Hawkestone after spending August on former charge at Kemble Mr McCarten took the Sunday services at Forest Home makes of cars and trucks Satisfac tion guaranteed or money refunded Dominion AutoWreckers MAPLETVESWWTIIONE 420 Opposite Barrie Flour Mills inniiinivstrs We can319a complete Stock of Military Sets at 92251250594901510 and pens with14 Kt sun Nibs $15n$30n59500982011V spzcm PEN Made specially for military use with extra stur $3 gt dy nib onus STORE Essa Rood Allandale cause41m spiritual world to break and Iitez New Iincrs new and used parts for all J1meme wiuw Wu awn Wecarrwmtt99 5109