Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 Sep 1941, p. 8

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1111 Paper with the Classifieds Loodrin News and Advertising 17 RRlE gum BARRIE ONrAmO CANADA 111111 701h Your ROX XAMINER 11111 1111111 ovormouomoniu on ENLISTED FOR SERVICE TO THEIR KING Weekend Trottic Heavy as Civic Holiday tFour Soldiers Charged OSPEND 35000th nce THIS FALL 0N HYDRO SYSTEll 11lti HOUSE OF HlTS rumors tINltiltlAlNMENT ii rimsi iMiors rmrcns THEATRES More Grand and Glorious Fun Days AT THE ROXY THURSDAYFRIDAYSATURDAY Continuous Show Saturddy 230 COUNCIL BRIEFS il lllltl 111 1111 The mintr is anxious to hose who have enlist ed from Barrie and district for service to their King and Coun Ilelzittves and frlrnds are rcqursted to write this office or With the publics co operation rumplrte record of enlisted men can be kept Their names will be published in re celved fvitdl till 11 1lldilitl 11112 011 rccugiiil El 511 11v1f ANNUAL CONVENTION it itll1llt1f 111 111111111 111 lit tlltltl phone lltiiltisl 11 111111 11i11l 11 11 ODAYS PRICES CATTLE EGGS POULTRY 01181111 jBorric Woman tturt In Motor Accidentf Sippei li1t Allen next 111 1111 lliiuiiiu 11l11111 ll lttll 1111J 131111111131 13111111 111 G1 fir11 in Mrs Allen tlltiillii HOGS t111 1111 11 tl111lotte the 111111111 1111111 11111 111111 WI XH 111 111 1111111 151111111 111111111z1t 1113 11 Mi 11111 H121 ilafl 111 1111 31llv 111 ii K11 7111111111L1 111112k11igtgt11j1 1111117111111 ti1111ie 111 11111 3111111111 111 H1111 1111111 ii1111c illdtfllilll 51 111l1li111l 1111111 H11 1l111Ij 11 fl111 Si klltliilllt stated that she suffered 11341111111 loiciicail l1eiitioii 11nd tiillt X11y 1111111121 were tak 11111d11 to 1111111111141 1111 lVllltlbl lilii 0111 4111111 1111i Weight on raili $11111 $1111111H1v 11 hr ut 11lil 1l11111 ittlllll liiiil II It ili1i1 ilt Kiwi Allan lbhzi lailL son of Mr and 111 ifill William laik Allaizdale with 111121 of 11111 1111111 The 111111 11111 11111111 of cait 111e11 east on Charlotte Si by 11 l11l1n Allen ltawn son of M1 and Atkcv H1111e collided llll tliei Dllo Stephen Roi111 New Lowell 1111111 111111 puitiuii nt 1111111 ownin iw1teilr=l ltawn Collinizwnoded by took 11111 lWith 1111 RCA Manning llepot 111s winch 11 11411111 on the stilllll1l Hiandon Man 1111111 Valtallli Qlilu 11111111 gt11 1111 SUWH 41111111 11 lthl ilt lhlaiiniin lool loronti 11111les1 gunner tile1111 IieIiJiH 1111111111 butchi lid1111 111 lbs tacinl soiitlil side and Mrs 13 lllll the 11111li1v diivcv 11 wii of 111 tlinhs 51 11111111111 toiiiieil 1111111311111 with 1111111 11111111 dangle it 13111111 1lll ltt 11111V1ititci 1e1c itti1 1111111 11111111 pre Wings at Uplands ttt1w1 Augustpm411 111 1131111 111 their home 111111 U1lst1i 111111 iilrs than unfinished 45 73 V11 111 l311 li1 11 Per th vinogt7101111111 it TitlrSti 111 141119 111 $3 tilli till 5111111s21 1111 5111111 3111111 t1ill AITLE 11 mile i131li 111111 21 111 it 11 lll1llt DUNNinf 111 loinnto and Mrs Smith was standing on 1111 Hub lllllillltl believed iiiipzict 1213 Magistrat Iii 1111l1 11 felts Gives Judgment In Three Casesi 1111 ii i1111oi11 11 nor ni siioirr 11111 Minus i111111 till for 111 11 1111 111 111 11 11 H11 ltllll1l ii 1111i doughnut ii 1111 111 1111li is 11111 ciittvis that cauwd her l11 theiii force of the toiehead 11 he struck by the no nverhanizing Souths tlllt 11 111 Wm 11 1111i1 CANADA IAIHUES 0N inSTRATEGY OF METALS CARTOON FOX NEWS MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAY MAIINEE WEI 230 RM IIJUS draft 1111 port it 111 Aliivi iiiLats ili 111 llt i=1 ventilator The rear of lI parked on the south side of the street 111 hold 111 his home also was struck Constable Walter Rayner iltj5il gated the accident lt1itc llltplltill oi MAinOfMSONS 1111 11111111i EGGS 1111111111 1111111111 111111l11i v11l 111111 15 illgtlll 11 uyill11111131 1111i11itc1i ii111 All 11191111 111111 11111 111111 1111 il HUN H11 11 1t11 lttl 1111 1111111 11iv1lt1ltlt11l second 11 11311111111 AGENCY lhonc Magistrate Coiiipton Jeffs in court here yesterday passed j11dg ment in three cases in which jud11 inent previously had been reserved All three accused were convicted Airman lays $5425 lAC Harry Hall ItCAF Sta was fined $11 and costs in all $5425 when he was of careless driving llis license to drive was also sus pended for one month Highway Traffic llylcs laid the charge following an accident on south of Stroud on July 16 when 11111111111 iiilllit pnlt llt 1111111 itlll1 1111 112111 MI 11 1l11 11411 11i 1il11l l1111111t livtillltll 1111111i111ll H1tilvi livlitri 111 Litci Imperial Theatre 11 1011111 Livestock Exhibitors Win Prizes at CNE Americas Most Beloved Drama of the Human Heart i11111i i11 lcnl hiiil111 rill 1111111 llt11ll executive H1ll1d1 fi111ct 111111 CHICKENB Mikado Live Dressed ll1111 liiiiiaivliiie Flu11111 liilltllllll ll11211111211 1111111111111 11119111 flttlll1litl Meat 111 Siincoc County livestock exhibi tors fared well 111 the Judging at Exhibition tioii Trenton lit 11 11111111 811111111 13111 lill4171il 1111 Rerunuitin siilcd 111d 31 lot liilt Lic11111ll Owen Sound tll1tll 1111 11114 city h1111 lllll 1iiil11711111 111 bold it1 113111111 llivtt1 lbs It 11 31 lbs 1111 1111111 st1 adv FOWL Ml anadian National in Toronto George placed first in boar 12 to 18 months and third in boar two years and Carscaddcn and Son Bradford were third in hour 12 found guilty BilIN Eliill ltilr 18511 1111li Wilkinson Alliston Officer over Kings Highway Grade Live Dressed the boat ed out of Owen 1111111 111p cililtt not be an iound to 18 months 111 the judging of Shorthorn cat1 tic Murphy rillia captured the followi111 prizes FlihlS suin nicr yearling bull summer yearliiid heifer first and second breeder121 secondsscnior get of sire three animals three to males any age bred and by exhibitor tivo bulls bred and owned by exhibitor calves bred and owned by exliibrl of tor thirdsvsenior heifer calf Mr Murphy also unior Champion and Reserve 111111 four United States women driving south after spending holiday in seriously when their car and truck driven by Hall collided almost headon One Month in Gaol Ptc Kenneth Rawn 16was sen tenccd to onemonth cacli of two charges cameras terms to run concurrent of Police George laid the theft was decided to 1111111 lllilll lort McNicoll lt1lcl111len superintendent Hydro department welcomed 111111 ititlttl1 lt tll iii 119 13 151 1141 1111 111 lbs Market steady GETS AR FUNTRACT lillll Hunter Bials Limitedu Canada were milled wcn Hound and later lillilltilli surplus of 511113 111111 been ltIilltrt from the opcrui 111 111 lOrillia has been awarded an $83 lilin excursion l1t e11 1111111 own tilth contract for shipbuilding by 11111 Him illepartineiit of Munitions and 141111 1111111 Puomounl lunnti JOHN WAYNE BETTY BEULAHBONOI JAMES BARTON SAMUEL HINDS MARJORIE MAIN MARC lAWRENCE Dinuld by KEN HHHAWAV herd bull calf 111 gaol on of theft of 11 tttttlt any Balance on Hand Hanover tllytlt1lhlltl ifW1rlci balance 1111 hand of $1138 after ilii deficit of convention paid and before receipts from this convention Membership fees totalling $712703 were received from Illlllltllltllllit81 Bay on the north t11 Arthur on the south 121cvcn iiiinii cipalities inrido donations totalling help defray 111 convention deficit Later 111 the meeting Mr was voted the usual honorariinn oft Rfllt 11111 cttiiient discharge of his duties was praised by several speakers Three Subjects Discus Discussion at the convention cen trod around thrce subjects posal that flat power Illt be all vocatwl for Hydro considerati 111 Unemployment Act as it affects hydro 111111111111111111lti and tlicTizittei 0f the licensing lit electrical contractors Want Flat Rate resolution was receivcd 1111111 Commission urginr1 that the convention endorse ya suggestion of Hon lliillV 11xop and Hon Oliver tint there flat raio ifirllllgftiltl throughout the provinco Dixob of Arthur told the convention that because Arthur is at the end of transmission line much more for its power than some other centres flat hydro rate would he declared benefit smaller communities and result tializaiion of industry to the bone fit of the province as whole He admitted that some of the larger centres would have to paya rate for their power Theresoluiion was Opposed several speakers who declared flat rate for hydro would be de parture from the piinc1p1e OT vdib at cost Delegates from larger eeii tres were iiottheronly oncssto 11ch this view Halliday of fines lcy being one ofthoSe who voiced Oppositionto the proposal To Study Matter Beaulicu Chief Wasaga following from cars 011 the Beach one valued at $1450 and the other 111 $251 The police officer said that Champion 011mm he had found him on the Elmvale highway where he had taken the Iiinique method of lying down across the road to stop cars in order secure ride Ten Days in Gaol Found guilty of theft of money from shootingvgallery booth at Wasaga Beach on August 27 Frank IParkes former seaman in the Brit was sentenced to ten lays in gaol and to make restitu second charge of failing to have registration card was dis The charge was laid by Chief ofP01ice George Price Wasaga Beach on information laid by John Taylor employee of the shooting gallery Saturday Hottest Day Mercury Reaches 85 111111111 llcnet sum Price 1cliar1zcs cameras Beach LEARN Williltl leoplc naturally look 111 The llx HHS ziniiners Coming Events for dates ofdancjcs suppers etc 111 iiii0 The Ekamincr carried 2408 lines of this class of advertising 10 1111 had Reserve yearS my 1110 yeai were received PLUS OTHER ADDED TREATS SS 11111111111111 MATlNllll ROXY THEATRE SATURDAY MORNING 930 Special Show for the Children ADMISSION ALUMINUMWARE 0=0I=IOHO=O=Q=0=O= Entertainment THURFRISAT EVE SHOWSAT 531 MAT ALSO 230 Extra copies of The Examiner 5c mgAm SUITS TOPCOATS TAlLOREDTOMEASUIHI Priced From STOCK GARMENTS ReadytoWear $1950 $2350 $2495 BOYS SUITS to 18 years pant $895 $1295 $1495 HATS BY STETSON $345 to $700 WILFHTODD 55 17 11 11 in 111N131 wi 11 North from JAMES Milli Jimmys back in $5550 years the gay90 and Deiiet those good old days 350 111111 vllih 01 Wlli never be ish Nav Wool Hats $195 MENS AND BOYS WEAR VDUNLOP ST BARRIE tion missed pro iiisuiw 1111110 11131911111151 couimircouuurii ms Insiiianccv 111111111311111111111 11111111 iNOW OPENff uvriNiNos and Saturday Afternoons ARCHIE uUDSON Proprietor 1v4ALSO siiowmo mm LAUREL and HARDY THEIR FIRST MTSTAKJE Windham Hydro The hottest day Of the past week was Saturday when shortly after noon the temperature was 8631 for Cr fromithe weeks low 0L Thursday last hiures should 111 There was con erable rain over the weekend mandaminimunpteinpeh atures during the past week were as follows nanny IDA SPECIAL 11111111111111111 univs CI1111011ILLROOSEVELT MEETINCS pay gunsmatl with heart NUMPNREY BOGARTI dreamer willi gun decenif Midnite Sept also MongTuesWed Sept 8910 ACTION DRAMA Starts Sunda OPTOMETRIST Successszr to Geo Fitzpatrick Office hours am to pm Saturday to pm JeanneKELLYOShempHOWARD AGEL Kathryn ADAMS lewis HOWARD PLUsuNivDSAL NEW Annet OE T1115 r11 EAST SREEL uglier Ii Near Newmorket Excites Interest CDerlayiri Finding by Adolph lotto presents MDELEHE QOQPERFARROLL 1111111111111 DIED wow Cras oanv ON+TUELWED gt ThoYears Big Show oh the screen at last DoNu Miss IT one killed and two lseriously injured lay beside the liyvreckage 10f 1111111111111 after itlhad struck bridge Thursday night twomiles north of Newmarketfor more than seven hoursootore they were found by dworkman on his way to1his employment They were Merrill Fogala visitor them the United States who was killed and his brother Earl Fogal Darcy1St Newmarket and Frank ERoss Oshawaswho are in York ounty Hospital at cgal has fractured skull internal injuries and severe lacerations to the face Ross has fracture of the right leg lacerated face and possible internal injuries According to Ross driver of the car the accident occurred at 1115 pm and it was not until 645 am Fridayvthat James Siickwood iound them He immediately called police and doctors The Examiner has not claimed circulation but orlb guaranteed by chartered acdountants audit Thre Amen 9111411111101 St EastuoffostOffices 11111111113332 Zlobert Renetangui ishene brought the discussmn to lconclusion whianme made 11 p165 for studyof the proposal neither it because it cOntrary to principleS laid down many years ago when conditions were different from those todav nor entiOrsing it withoutclose examina tion His motion that tho question be given further study was second ed by Dixon of ried Byrne Beavcrton voiced strong objection to employees of hydro commissions being considered as municipal employees under the Un employment Insurance Act Muni cipal employees if they areperm anent do not have to make unem ployment insurance contributions Mr Byrne explained that his ob jectiouhad nothing made with the merits of unemployment insurance Turn to page fourteen premium1 11 Nowhre willyou find better fruitsand vegetables for preserving and pickling than at Cancillas theyre tops Liisr CALL FOR PEACHES Getyour Peaches this weekoto get the best Walk up Clapperton Street to Canoillas Fruit Marketg and iSAlE CANCILLAS FREEDELIVERY Phone 130 rejecting appeared Aanmunl More with WILLIAM ERAWLEY DUDLEY DtGGESv AKIM IAMIROEF filmed by wt Miloth SPECIAL ADDED Tllllltlm win BELLS CARTOON omn 11111111611111 TREATSFW7A our Ilium ennui onirwm mi om mum mum in 11 1111 A1131 111111 Summmllll Word ma 9111 141111111 run 1115wa 311111 my limoy ion1117151 by JOHN FOID Protocol by DAIRVI Nth CuminPu llmu PLUS 2ND BIG Newmarket Lady SNIFFLE thu JANUCK aid 111 APP SHOW WAYNE MORRIS in 13f50nvs Guns ROXX GRANADA 17 Clapperton St

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