Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 Sep 1941, p. 3

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1111 Thursday aepltmtxr 1341 manic 1111111111 niiii 1753 CANADA on or 1111 PWW Imthywk7wm7 11 lg I111 11111311211111 Today Fashion IIIIL wwwwww IEULINLETMMmI I1 II II Lets Chat 1r1111111 Viewpomt 111 this and That 11 SPlTFiRE Ill IIdl Iltllltlll mi VIE PICIUIIS oi the Flying Tmfrdo Sky kxkhfl Liglxi 331 lcgl Catalina Sumac ll11 llil 515 ll II III III 411111111 Ln cane and other 1111 RAY plan 31 111 11111 1101 111111 1011 11 nl1 11 3111am 2111311111 3111 111 3112111 AMwwc Mir1 11 llcr Iliic Syrup label for tfh pzilulr dc 11 01 no Duiluni Can SNI1llidl 11 1111111 11114151 icIarstri ultras air mazl Limit 111 Q11 Limited Put 1311111111 2111311 111 1V 11 51111111131 Is1 V420 ll1111r V10 111 T1111o 111 1xkliiuir Mt 1th llilniunondl Hillitlldll Szdllithtl II II 17111 111111 1111 Mr 0101 ViewsW Hm i1111111 lbtHlx 1111 lu11i 11111 UN rxruvliluc huh HI tilltitlltll under Mm all mi pi 1111311 71111N11 l1111111 Him 11 in Imml 111 Sitllfldli Ni 501111 1ltr1 l11 1111111141111 10 11 but his mu 513 111111 5W 111 111111111101 11121 or lliltlirlllt Wild lt11l 31 kWh 111 1511001111 111 Millndt ii H1110 111111111111 111= lm 111 51111 01111110111111 wen i13 11 38111713111 1mm 111111 Sualrlgrrl MUN1 111111153i11Aili KIM 1IIII11 11lt1111 111 1110 xlllllfil il1111110 1111 l11 sleil 3111011 1111111 1111111111111 MI Sm KIWI IIIIIIIIIHI 31= tort 11111011 111011 0111 1111111 1111111111 IllnVlil him 5tgtl1lilll 13 11 show by anion0 under Ill IlillS ittlifl 111111 112 101 use 111 llimltf 11111111 UM 1111111311 WI 511131 Alainv 1110113 11111111 811111111 111 1110121111 1111 iashuig 111101111105 111 or dormstir IIIIVl l1111I 1111151111 IllrlenIliartlmloniew 1111011 111 111101t 111v IlllliiNxI 11 111111111101 11 ot liliukstiuk 1911131111 11111114 illisxiig IEIIITHIEY llgliqulsihlllgliiglhfg I11 l1110 11f 112110 111111111 trelle 1i01l 111 1120 to 911111111211 VIN 111I111I1I IuXIum had SIIIIIII VIII slIqw 111 1110 rtion 1x 111111 1111 wasl 1n111110 iiuncy 1110 111 1111 Jack 50111 Ronald Sum 11 Ilmm ll1 2111 fittlllll ll lltlilillll my 10111111 ruling 1111 1211111101 l11 H11 111 it 11111 Music1111ggiii1r 11 11 1011 110 11 11 211 1101111 111 11011 1111111111 1111111 fuw 11 11111iI l1l 1k 111111 3111 111 1111311 117111 1111 11115 prorated by Snail 11l f11111 Follow 0110 spvui lr 1111 11 1111121v1 MAY sici1 111 NS II 1111 1111 ii 111111 1110 1111 llll BtVILInl 11111 atoll111 1111 11111 11 II fly Museum Exhibits lilttl It 11 111 31111111 111$ 11111i11110i 11 11ml HIIIH 0II1I 111 110 001111 W110 lu1 l11111gt1r 1ll1111i 11111011 1101111 Hartley 3111101 lio0r In 1h1110 111 1111111111111111 11 Sllillitill 1011 Alma1 will 113 1111tut10 111 1111 1111 511111111011 by buncoe Founty 111111101111 111st $1111 11111119111111 srool SIAM No10 11gt1 1311 11111112 11111 11 minted 311 111 at 1111 11 11 111 illflx 11111 1111l1 111 1011 1111111 ll1 ltil 11111 11101 111111111 11101 ll01 ll11lllt 1111 is llWllHl lt Mll IlPEllllE PRICES Plus PERSONAL SERVICE 11L1 1111 11111 Im o1 111 Willllmk Ii ll vmml 11 ll1tl 111111111111 WM 1111111 111 1111111011111 11 11 1111 11111 1211 tilI1 11111j 1111111 111111 11 IIxlirinl 11 11 1II 11111 115111 1111 11111 11121 111 1111 111Hl 1110 10 11111 111 ri111io 11111111 110 111101053011 1110 Il1 Hum and Mrs A1111 a111 011111 11 10 111 1110 gt11 111 l11a11110 lra1l l1111111110 Willi Labor Day past 11111111 111011 1101 Chapman who snow 1110I111d 1110 Exhibition 1111 about over i111n 11111 1151 31111 M13 An autumn is now v0ll on its way 11111110ll who has 1111111 1011Il11010 111111llllll1 0531001111 111121 In 111 1111s 111111111 We had 1311111 about the llfLLllllllllL 111 this 1111111 out Monica Muaan 1111111 11111110111111 51131151111 lief 0111011 and 11 nbn illlllx RON 111111111 110r 111 has many i15 iii1111111111 after gt1111111tl free of 110101 11010 5110 11111 5110 Md 1111111 duties one feels 11111111111111110 I111 nv 11101r1atit 1110111111105 of her like getting back to ones aetiwlics 111111 In rl111 years 11011 and IS 111 theehureh war work 110 11111111111I 111 0111111I III in 1111111 The 11111 llIlS 1511110 lllttt Flilli We reserve the right to limit quantities hm MM WHIEHW 11111111 11 Vlll illl 11 shortly to ttIllttlIllllllllllliltill tor thinkinu of that 110w11lloitfit M1111 ll 11 Uri111111111311111111nasl quid wk And of all the s0asons utiunit lawn 1110 11111111 1101 111011 by her mug 111 NHVJ 812111 lllktl 01111110 seem the 111111 interesting for their warm r1011 11111ll$ and mother It is smaller and inoreI II Imme 11Imfolmy dilirutr in 11111111111 1112111 1111 WI tombw r1111 rill1 new 1111111 strong BIG SAVINGS are YOURS at Your l1D1A Store HM vimm Rxmhmm IVllllh PM 11 HM jwmlsve 0101 111 when there on our own rom coo erotion MN MW pm mi Mm Tip llllllilllVP 1111 iJv ltllllil onipliiiiciits are in order to 1111851 bg Savngs come 13 ng MW and domg busmess on large scale There are NI 11111 over 260 DA Drug Stores buying and od vertisin cooperatively This is several times DER wen made mew km as mang stores as there are in any chain drug low that will 1111111 1502 vacuum bottle 750 value II III IIIIIIIIhII11lt1 is very interested in our Gladys 115 111I I1 11I1kI 81111011 playing cards 0111 119311 HIIIIIEM ElnLIII3III1 HIIIEIcounty as this sumner she became 1on girl who attended Barrie 11 cleaned by dipping1 jsmall sponge 11 gt01 1l PEPSODENT Contains Irium company in Canada 50 its little wonder that 1111111111111 1111 11x1 ciIiIiIi money your DA druggist can give youthe benefit MIMI clump 111 power Eltilll FIT 11 l1ttt 1111 11 1111141 511111 111 1ll 111111111111 1111i 1111111110 111 1111d 111 lj1110 0v 11111111111 to 1111 l1li 111 1111 1111111 IlitIr 1010 11 111111 11111110 111 1111311 111100 111 With 110 111011011 111 1I1I1111 of 1111111 1111111011 in 11111011gtliiivn and 11111 01 1111 11111111110 11101x1onally we tiiull 1110 11111 spool ratk 111 1110110 01 111111 11111111011 llll hand for 1101111 HOMEBODIES 1111 11011 10111111 11111 Independent Druggisis Alliance SPECIAL VALU CS AND REMINDERS for THURSDAY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 90 lhrecMaslml Schooner 11111 11501121111111 11111 115 binadtast And 114 for 1110 Exhibition itself 11110 to the enthusiasm of Il1i lo mler saw 11111011 more of it than Sllttlltld comma 11111 lllZNlAi rilr1 POWDER 11 gt11 onion last week 0a 1turcd first lllZdl much IhII bust In 57m 14411115 We have all guoiblcd Md mIIIIIII In III ImpIIIIrlmngt WI moanH Shrxlbulll how little and how slow Caii HM 1111 lg writers contest 11th her composi was not 21111111111111 11111 but 1111111311115 111111CllllllI mg mp um lion Whislin II to 11 W1 from on of 1110 1111101 British of war has been But when one mm 11Vs01s the displays of th doniitinent she ms MC Ummusnm mas mly ritvsressmns saw 101 111 21x lt rm but II War mu rump Canadian port but not 11111 51 munitions and sunlics 1111 of tlfx 111tor industrv lime 111111111 lill MISS 131510 Wilson is 5111111 mm 511113 writer of some prominence Imw curmlry with only 12 111111111 WII tu inter 1111 11 jl In of Hmphm md mm mom hIId Ihm b1511 1033 11 lilxllrlHl 1111511111 It 51111 Iilllllllt for vc 11 1115I of big savingslow prices day in andday out tlhis W00 110 1111 trip andllllmlc Oculwu Ldy End 11 Lilliluated 11511 1111150 trtlm 1111 carl gently This will restore IIIIIIICHQI1 III IIIIIIIIIIIIIISIIIII of IIII IIIC IXIIIbIIjI IIIC IIIIISV IIII Jmurm HOSPWIL 011111 III Mb and monyspccia bargains each weekend lt 1I sehuone She was bvaiitv and pressure we felt were the military llm at Canadian National 111 Buffet Meals 11110 liczilis REALLY KILL Onto pad kills ies all day and every day for or weeks pads in each packctia No spraying no stickiness no 111111 111lor Ask your Druggist Buffet 1110115 1111112110 1110 like best can 51 ata table the dining room table as usual There is usually all assortnientwf things and it isluii lopi0k outrh11 you Even though like 1110111 so much seldom serve tliem be cause most ofllnltl company for meals are married people and menI Seem more Comfortable when they This summer have adopted buffet meals but sctI Us erial and equipment to turn out 1110 multitudinous needs of the three armed services Considering that Canada started from scratsn and got away to slow startthe results at the end of the second year of war are gratifying to Cinadiuns and should give 21 conclusive answer to American visitors who have doubts about Canadas war effort fpeople can have the factories niat 25111111111113 11111111131111 1111111 311011 lConttnued from page One TAKE ENOS FRlllT SALT Three sizes I1 300 590 980 220 21110 1511 1130 $121 1111 tabs 7110 FruitAJlivcs Auilol In 11 Yeast VLTONE 1111111111111 PRODUCTS lhf1r0lt very wide range of 11A products that arevdaytoday necessities in every home Here are few specially priced for this weekend CASTOR OILI40nnce bottle regular 250 17c MILK OF MAGNESIA TABLETS 100s 3911 27c 170 Urocery oiicncral Store 10 CENT PER PACKET WHY MORE HE WILSON FLY PAD Hamilton Ont LAXATIVE COLD TABLETS 25s regular 25c COD LIVER OILBP Standard 160unces reg 89c 670 HALIBUT LIVER OIL CAPSULES 100s reg $119193c THEATRICAL COLD CREAM 16 oz jar reg 69c 57C COCOANUT OIL SHAMPOO ounces reg 39c 23v REVLON pINAllDlS Null LIIIAswr Refreshing Aftershave Lotion iially have salad meal and let Mrs Harold Phillips nee Mar my guests assemble their own It NYC 11 MK 31on of 10111100 01 lliljoric Marsellusl was feted follow mixed salad greens if can get my her marriage by members 01 L151 Of PFIZCWIHIIGIS them Then have something subfhcr lodge the Golden Star LOBA Class ABest two roses vitli stamtal Often 11 was baked llamNOI 551 at regular meetmg 0f the foliageIGOidoIn Waldie Best so but we cannot have that these days lodge at the Orange HunI Auan 10595 Wlth fOIIageGordon Waldie Now frcqucntly have cold sIaln111nIIdale II IIDmiIIIIg the meeIung she was szletogf 82112545 Ragga You may have heard Saint John presented With pale Of 10de MrsIIIJaSI StoddartGI ScabiosaII CO1 peIoplc boast about the Saint Johngcrystal candle sticks by he lodge lectionfGordIonWamig Snapdrag Harbm 5m III IllnhsllII lsland latter was given miscellaneous RigrigotfgileCLIOJIIimggrdogd WlaldicI that it lives 11 to 101 1g est rsI ames mmaisommlmwy lwlll 101311 by StoddartGordon Waldie Zinnias members of the lodge The 111 collecnonMrs Jas Stodd IIII 1m1n119b13rlt decorawd has 111 mm out of 13ng gm 0n Waldie IPanSies COllCCLlOll 0005513 ket were brought by Mrs Nor Gordon waldie Mrs Walker Cald 1ns have VCFEtmzm Daugherty and Reta Stunden Well Mrs Jas1St0ddart Phlox1 lalgc glass plate and on it ur mm 15 concluded the Drummondi collection Gordon range all 1th things can findto 1501 Re res W31dle Mrs Strachan III II into the salad In thecentre pile plelml evemm Phlox PerennialGordon Waldic5 Nasturtium with foliageMrs Jas hleCr the 105 pommsaid he did not know when he had Johnston Stocks collectionMrs Im FCYed LIT lfndmes 11m enjoyed 21 meal as mUCh aslhere Jas JohnstonMrs Strachan X11181 hflvyj rpmI HIIILI IlfeIsgrphe of was Such variety Later Himself Gordon Waldie PIetunias collec ICWSIIleCq saidthat was good meal you gave tlonglordflmi Waldle Mrs1 WalkA had at V111lOLlS times cucumbers Us tonight grinned to myself gr Ca we Sweet Peas apnea radishcs green Ollltlllb sliced On th dnvt been IonMISS Dorothy Walker HYr ions separated mo ringSI rings of 811111100116 neW drangeaPaniculataGordon Waldie green pepper 11119111111 ltiherkins iemugl 0f anyllmg 103 10 MFS Strachan Basket Cut 0U Heal Gllletts Lye Slower Freezing ix FlowersMrs Caldwell Mrs or sliced 10ktcjl pas the eltucem kitchenand in the bathroom bowl firs then the Smer thingq Every instructionlhave ever seen Ja5 smddarl Gladioll spikes for making ice cream in electric Gordon Waldie Vase Gladioli not KltAhhdyTdrdram9forandglet each person make up their refrigerators tells you to freeze Ias $06 giant lzlllIlrsI Cgldwell Slad 111 likin 91 en re as 810 dart pots and pans for numerous era er g1 quickly as DOSSlble It may be 0111 Class BSalplglossisMrs seem to enjoy it and it is interest that household tasks mg seeing the way the individual particular refrigerator although Hall Mrs Wm Scott MrSICarl effeririii Salads varyI the instructions with it says fast Drury ScabiosaMrs Win $0011 Gilietts Lye will save you hears of hard workits the This Id That eezingI but Can make much Mrs Hall Snapdragon 11 easy efficient economical way nearly every section Altogether it was most creditable exhibition For llcadachc etc BAYERS ASPIRIN 12s 21s and 100s CHOCOLATE FLAVOURED FOOD DRINK 12 oz 39 Absorbinc Jr Pills iminrroz 35C 980 $11195 HOUSEHOLD NEEDS These few household needs are rcminders of the full range of DYOdUCIlS Of this LYDC thatrwe have for you at low moneysaving prices 21 oz 73 Velvctta Brillillntine Whme 350 ll oi 23 Chases IIINDS CREAM th 49c SlllllllNG BRUSH Good bristle firmly set in rubberI white handle black ferrule 75C value153c sizes 650 $125 5wiLLiAMS BLADES FREE OLD DUTCHICLEANISER 10c for 190 RUBBER GLOVES red latex firsts pr 19c OXYDOL cleaning powder 22c 59c LUX FLAKES sniaiiJLMrusciarge230 RINsoror dishes 11mm 11argebox23c WThompsonirShavingrCreamw395 Pinauds Shave Lotion 65c $123 BON AMI cake or powder 120 for 230 Bracer supporter belt $300 PRINCESS SOAP FLAKES large for 290 Marathon Liniment oz 500 LotIonI This b1 ffd de his CS III smoother creamier ice cream by Spike Mrs SCOtt MTS J1 lt 15 US 111 of cleaning Hall Snapdragon smkeSMrs 81490 emergency On Sunday someone reeling Slowly If want mo 11 Hall Mrs Scott MrsA gt 11gt suggested we ask the Bs for supI oIEiiTii 10 flies mosquitoes aiidaolIliei insects as soonas it is really firm it begins Graham Zinnias PomPomMrsI to get ice crystals in it and thatruihisi J1 Halli MIS Scott Mrs it forI our tasteSI If it iSInot Ito beiFred Crawford Vase of Asters used immediatelyl put the tray inllggxslI RAsirgau iflghlgf thehiEhest compartment very eat eachMrs Scott correction 11 ly in the freezing or it freezes too AstonMrs H811 MrSI wmI hardrand gets icy 11 can makesev $0011 Marigolds 15 bloomsMrs eraL varieties of smooth ice cream Scott Mrs JIHall Sweet but none 131 them will be 51110011111 geafIIMrsI IR 11 Hall Mrs Iw lheyfare stiffly frozen If1y6uhaveI co Ph xvDrmmndiMYSW ing before it actually gets firm JIust Hall Mm Scott Mrs Nt as we all like the Bs Womanlike immediately thought what We would haveto eatand it didnt seem as if wefhad anything HoweverI given time one Can always mhnage something raided the refrigerat or and found imbcr of odds and ends 1114 notcnough of any one thing to be of much use SO devilledIeggs tofrnake aback log of plenty These piled in the centre of my big plate Therewere afew sliceshf Canned meat that is being advertised so much these days There wasnt slice apiece so Ihalvedleachslice and arranged these neatly on one side There was part Of canof shrimps and piled these on the other side of the plate There were three tomzitOes and part of cucumber and these were slicedand neatluarranged and in between ut aI few slices of celery handful of radishes and some pickled onions The plate was an attractive looking plate and didnot look as if It Ihad been made up of odds and ends Whenwe finished supper Mr disiolvd ya in hot water The action of the lye 1211 heotsthawatdrd be smooth have to step the freez NI Graham zmniaSLMrsI per Now that WAS good idea IisLnfcrlantI 111I21 and 40 0711111st NOTISOAP IjLUCKYI STROKE NOTIIOIIL 1311115ny suds II RajzOIBIddieSf banisIcs 71 TV repairigtteinazbgsI soap film leaves hair 150111111511101115 IdesIto 150II=396 Lllllltjofl pkgs2 103 customer 6711 $1111f Usefuliilivays import ant measeof iIlIlInesIsl DIS1 been having trouble with your ice fdial 1121111111 C193m1 try leSSlFeZing and See ston MrsW1 Scott Nasturtiums what happens llectIiIgnSCMrI 1IVElung Xmgburn Pickled Tongue rs 15 amb lteaspoon black 99913811 hp 56111 mamasMiss all Mrs 12 teaspoon pepper Scott PandasMrs Gra Mix ingredients and bring to ham Hand BouquetMrs boil Pour over fresh tongue and Hall Mrs J85 StOddalL Mrs Scott TableCentreMrs let stand rec days Drain cover Mr WI Sc tt Mr with fresh water and boil untilIJnllr infect anddeodorizeas you clean 35c 65c $1215 43 nossurins DOUGLAS KNIGHTS iioniiiusors DRUG STORE II DRUG STORE 11110515110311 DRUG STORE 50 Dunlap Street Welllngton Hotel Block Next to Roxy Theatre opposite Post ofce PHONE1I2I sPHoNEvsp 9119113 545 PHONE BOOKLET The 11133111 Lye Boo tell hawthupawerf drlina keepaqute homes clean and Mode by rtemm therntontaofItlwclolct howltI gm Vase Cut FlowersMrs tende WCaldwell Mrs Hall Mrs Jas Stoddart Roses with 101 iageMrs Campbell Mrs Cucumber Sal Pare large cucumbersjauarter and remove seeds Di add little finely chopped air1 apdImix with enough salad 11 essing to moisten Good withIhot meats Caldwell Mrs Jas Stoddart 5101111311 Mrs Cockburn Mrs Strachan Coleus Plant Best Rose with foliageMrs Jas 7M118 R1JI Hall Mrs Jas Slade It

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