rm mm nairingjggavnsikifromrm mm wwwww ir Member of Bombers CrewIIIIVVI Tamhlya gamma lV iqu II eI II GM IVRXHCIM1 Luminous Lube ii II II bruSiCtiu TM is lhr rlglrtlr of strirs ol Artil lltlcs rtluut lllr Rout martian ierzrd fune ariltrn Mtldlh for Vlht Morlth tlrltprt ot tillttrlo ii rev leaole 245 as RESUMES MRS AITKENS BROADC its mum and mm Jazng my mom mmomrtVxnieigionrms021tawnffgyxzfiggza IhIirIrIiIIiiIifIfIrIi IIonIuIIoIIllictliigvstiizol 11 JOIIIpmprI4 JO me DAItIu ions AM in conduct gt gt Drui 3N0 Bruits huh Lam iyrlInmn il pitunred chat at which will be drawemu to ring ndsIf wk It Nu gum Vrmnm strain squV Vn thiihd thfSOLDlER who Algmn man ihmtVnmhLk gt it it ls at trill nova on an II III II fig tiring HdPJLC In th Hull Imrrd 4nd if than will not acmmncdm all the taking JdmithchrdM hurl um in Arm no in aulublc in ac un ii iii iv ii Zurich Lynx yInIIIIi fink rhmI SLIIlIliIlIIIr lhzhuamc ltIrInIc itIyIrINIu rim Tillildb3 mm l5 NI Cgxulnoi nd plgalgnl VanJ Vthlblc arqullc tut rgqotiiru ol Drug Stole H1hindttclrcmllnk inily um Ind ll Mk ICORO II 111 VV VV VVV iV VV Vi VV ii VVV EV ll ill Vi r1 Vi if rm lib lri nv Zl dl VV II NIH Vi ll li= lll inn lmm if cl it gt but CMtiPIt0ri it VVV V6 Year irrannIee 53 IOII egI 33 AswtIl Oluu Xitlr lll lt Il II iV UH hi hm unt tirlltlinVtl ronn 404 Reg 81 53 his RcdBlueGrccu VVVV VVVV VVV VV VVVVV VVVVVVVVV VVWV lVVVV iV VV IIIII IIIII IIIII IIII IIIIII IIIIIII III IIIIII IIIIIlIIIIIIII lII IIItII IItI gt li it VVVV VV VVV tyii Viii ViViiiV VVVHV VIV tV do tltllltlll lll WM trwl ll VVVVV HIV In hm IIv II Hn or PGwder Reg 356 Um Vc VVi VV mf MIquIiV VVVVmIV ll own mi BVSODOI Min Reg 25 lscrlcrs llrtl rnlgu ms ViV VHV Vi VVVVi minti rr 1tltilt Vllill VV IN ill =1 31 VVVV VIVV VVV WV VVVV Vi mares li ll 60c Vaiue wonllrn lll llllll1 VVVV ijVVVV VVV VVVV 1VVV VVVV WV KEEPS THE AIRVYOUNG or ill in tr Srlroi iii II III III Il Ordin For Dark Hair BaycrAspmn PFCll Mule lr 11 IIIIIIIII IIIlIIIIIIIiIIIIIIII III IIII IIIII II jiI III iI IiIiI vitI ll Camothe For Fair Hlir Mm ACICPIICIIIIII 50 lZIS 2236Ii 39 ni lilI II II lhmw mlrwr tr III III rd 15e2 for 25 RHMJ CJPWES 100 98c of tilt irtrliln Ills artth il Woter lVVV VI ihVi Ii whihiih l2l SOC303 100 ih VVV mm iiVVVVWV VVVV VV hurt uln illiltlttll Vttlztlirtllllrrll VVV VVVVVVV VV VV VVVVV VVVV 200V 500 chhm 33m giant 52 ll ttl iI llllli urn ers min in plum inoiIVVIVV IV VHIIV VIIIVVI Iih Vi ihwi Uh iVihi VV vi he sum 510 69c lotrlts oh iiVIM Wily iiiiiii LVtVV VVilV1Vll VVVV VVVNV VVlV VV VEVVV VV VVVVViVVhVVi ii VA ViVV Vapino 39c 820d 535 Sal Hepatify For the Libraries of MimaVy Dismc iV VV Mix tVV mi tr lt lVlVrt to lll llVr Vt Vrrtl lVotV VVVV VVVVVV VkVVVV VHVVi VV VVh iVVV mh VVi Kelloggs Anhma Relief VVVV30 59 115 NOV Coloch DVSVOV xviw iii iH VV VQVVVQVVRVVVVTV VVVV VVV VV lVf gVVVVVV VVVVV VVV VVVVVVV VVVVVV VVVV VV lr tY tVl ll Vll VuVVVVHV 23 98 TRYPESCRESAQHVWOEVTRUE BionicSeltgey asked us to heip cone M4 numbeh Inn lll fll zit rwa or IIIIIIIIII IIIIII IlIIIIIII IIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII II IIIIINII IIII IIIIIIII IIIIKI IIIII III IIIIIIIII lo IIiiIt tIi hotly mi WWW25 50 Loo NKEJHVU End Spavlllszrprints Engcgs Iiizo 69 Leave thXiIIaIl Tamblyw rI it Ili lI ii ii ill III II II II II III IIII IIIIIII II II III IIIIIII III IIII IIIIIiIi iIiII IILI Frog Allersol 60 100 I30 59 98 DH Store gator lll he llltV imp rtll of tilt VVi VI VIIII 1ih out on lrw illtll in ENLARCEMENT 1Ili ill13gt illlti illl lIlHi Will ht gtllllv Ur Ml ViV Vii Softens the Toughest Beard 5mm Diop NV L19 SPECIAL Lysol 301 35 my IlII IhlIIIImIIIII in mIHIJIlI II IIl 151 IfIIIII III IIII IIIIIIII II lIIIIII rI To Size 701 65601V125 Mr woollizz lnnnn ln ltt whit lirar charmed below HM hm lmlt Vapine Noso Drops 25c VV Hih ill ill llr to it Maunrcd in Olympch 50 100 he is LIHIIHIL lrnrrri lle unis lllot VlHHlltl in mi Ih Ih Vh Ephazone Tablets BRADLEY Absorbine Ir 981K 95 IIIII llllllSLllI irr 1h lr wor rrrrl halt tutti The Air Obserwr llllll horn snot VV VSV 50303 so FOVVDER much to do with flylnt ever slrrct Klnll things and ill of llllll llltl LII 19 1M IIEIVV IVl KICCSX Eczema in iiiit hi Fohhlmtii hihm hhhhiiiii ltn dung Whit Ridiin Hwy mith ho Wimtl 1th Hr WV AlvVlllii HIVii 100 750 232 0f 45 50 100 200 VIV VVVVVi and wrllr rnollrtr lllo of thr htal llllllt ltllotlll no mus iixiiVm 11lein in VI HIT VV rr VVr tlt VV ti ColoredV 25 Exm Vm Hrrstultd illlilliml lllrh W1 III WW Ifi iiihiIIfhIIIIIlInvI IiilItl nItil IItnnIh SPWIP TM WM 15 35 North Country llommiol Skyways wmd illltl veirlhtr that Will lrrltv VVVLVVVI VVVVVIVIIVIViIVH iII IIiV VVIViI Reg L75 Siu gtr He rro Vinniid mty nut 11 thd tVVlmr him VlllVVllCV rsV oldtVruVl ioV go VVVVV VVVVVVV VVVVVVVVV VVV VV VVV VV VVVV VVVVVV 01 my an us urn VI fmlw tornst ilttlllIlltly nntl tn nionlrl he erchec Lillti into to Namc 1nn rntl kilov uhr llt htts hornt NH Nw able to tell to the lllllllllt ultru ll VVV VIH lV mIlVil ilVIlVlliiiiVVViiiVVli Tllo lax PanSVaVndfflenglVVFgVSCSwOl WV If We VVVV iliiiItIIl thIiiiIIiit IIIIIIIII III II 195 it Wm hI R82 25 ml 2m loot llllr of Arro IllSllllrw ours llIrIIIlI Hll illgtll it mtml lt swear mm SARIFLUSH 27 iVIIHl AI lItWVVlelUiJlIlVillithVV V1 ACOMPLETE them llrl sttVn ltllt gttlt it WRITING UNIT FOR 201 250 0L Reg 503 RETURN tnt llterrd tor lgtr the school largo 4E OLD ENGLISH 1in Except bunday HV VVVVVV VVVVVVV V1 VVV VVVVVVV VVVVVV VVVVi VVVVVVV iV VV F000802Reg490396 Auglht 23rd StllL it til rndo lrlu it ill nn or our ax IFAVF BARRIE InCIUdes IIIIII IIIII IIIIIIIIIIII IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII Remove Ii vt Exhibition Admission IIIIII III IIIIIILI IlIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIII IIIIII SIIIIIIII 5lf195 CMMI IIII III II IIIISIIII andCouch TlieHoahdhom IIIII IIIIIIII III IIIII IIIIIIIIlIII new tag 750 ill Wm Terminal imide the mouhds IIIIIIIVhIII Im IISIIIII Sin BKSllle 3081 ll 233 Stop Pain 8z0am sCllIIl lIIlILIl IIJ IlIIIllIILTIS III 15 25 4050 75 lnstanll LEAVE TORONTOI IifIIIIIlII IIlIIIImIS 1h IIII III IIII loo waIlls 3ll23c Buy at Drindas Dlmloll Muicastcr Sts IIIIIIIIiII IIiII IFCIIIiIIIIII iIIIII IIIIIII 20 Each Ill 39 ll lsrttll8L is Vrs hoot is lit ti VV ten 700 Ill BARRIE kHONE 0n srrrous probltlrl th Vrll schools gt of Standard lrmc using Blltrsh or Allltlltilll lilillltrs ZBRITISH LllX 100$ 243 easily obtainable lnrlicriirls NIVitth more money and lltVtilltll tllt plrrllcs flying Planes arc orerhrtuled in two huge hangars Aftch So nilrlly hotlrs flying the ArmstrongSiddley mo overhauled EN All An has two nfthtse big eng 109 living ti ltlIJIIISiJLCd to the illitIlItilIl future of letlmiles ln htilll Al awyisullel longer intervals tho whole illllliI II 89 and $139 is torn down Lind rebuilt Foot Remedies Bluepy 7Com Plaster Cress CorniSalVe NUFef Santa Foot Comfort $19 amblynCorn Remedy 56 8c Scholl Corn Pads 56 lSthL obtaining of repnrr ports iAt Million most or them are inun llllllSWllS 399349 ll VVVV ulirclurcd irl littlt ttlllisllnll HBV Tin VVV 186 linnrcul 80Vlr HVl XV 39 am SUSS mum Mm using lllViitfllllltS or lllrlt own RegV mi 168 WfiumWwTT+HW+ Vt lgllngVulntll look us llll D115 246 mar li151iiIIlk 5IVfi Your mm tor Rel till 160 Vcrrtr oilrrson cur tron lililit millly or the rthirlr ilirrls ollt ol Hard Glossv Finish IVMV 35c 23c II l2lerlleg15c lllI ViTVlIrVeIIUVInilgrsilIVIToIriE nd LlSTEri IN EIIl TOOTH PASTE uu impugnm Valor Shaving Bowls 49 Valor Shaving Lotion 41 39 Gillette Tech Razor 25 Glllerle Londoner Rdtor 59 Lislerlm Shavln Cream large and hi sizc bollllor 36 Colgate Shaving CreIam 29 43 Palmolive Shaving Cream 33 49 Lilac Lotion mentholrcdl Reg725c 19 EnglishVLilac Lotion 302 Reg 25c 19 6Ioz Reg 39 34 Lilebuoy Shave Cream 33 Colgate Toorli PasteI large and small 53c value bolllfor40 LislerinVe Tooth Powder large and small bolhlor39 Minlys Tooth Pastel 3for49 Kolynos Tooth Pastd 29 47 Macleans Tooth Paste Pepsodent Tooth Paste 296 45 DIrVWesl Tothli Brushes Nylon rId Exton 50 ITeltITOOlll Brushes 29 Twin for 49 lIhzrt dzry tliiIe was visiting plan in one of the hangars huge Douglas bomber belonging to lnl American Army committee from the AirCorps was visiting Canadian schools illld gathering in formation The visitinghombcr dwarfed the Avro Ansons but if was Somewhat oldcr and ltrclred= something of tllcirslcclltncss Thc buildings at all Air Force camps are much alikeivbut info things impressed memat on Parowax lb Certg Fruit Pellnfei jar Rings Dill Seed ox qunericiowdery Mixed Spice 02 VGVV CHEAPER nucltusn nuns LESS ro mm oulln la Tin mmWmv WW1 imp Milk MAGNESIAIV Corrects Stomdch Disordcn Mildly laxativeAntacid lavewise Mirage metE Viwrexkslepl Though officers civilian personnel 77 and Imen ill have SCpLilllOVlltSS VV VswzmnnVozEcHSL0VAKlA Silliiclliii rrllospltal wrth Spoce forrVZ bed Blllllllr lltEE FRANCE II and the four corncrciof twdlld ilzilldlc at this school in 20 months In Istite ol submarines and Nazi Music Evarywllero 0nthe coInv 59 48 WIE Diung iRectal soreness Vwams Vof pange PROMPT RELIEF AVAILABLE Mu nd themelm laced Wllh ml unity they neglect rst ugli of normal inching lirtk oaintul oincei amund rectum All that any thou glbanfambulalicetlrlwuysrsta no fr 777 rady and two crash beds are al ways kept Wztrm Willi hot wrucr statist1csin dIefiurice of bombs tinents largestdgapcc oofinjihea and bombastryoull Bee eyeopn ancePavmon you llcwmg bottles rIXEibits from all arouudc did And ayttlie rhythms orTommy TIrl Itlle mens mess hall lrillsize propellor hangs oni the will hircltcd by msquare of blue carpet used in In II III be dunner srnuls olrllemmnom Wu Dun Will Canadas rellell Exhibl DOTSIG AGIQY Lombardo Ilozly WestIminSlr Abbe whel the KineI It MIG IItilIiIRilI III IiIII nIxIIIlIrigIs youugramatic picture Pasta yIVau him outperina Ravi and Queeiiwere cyrowneId 0n the whmV lmiiiigiiihIrdIImlrillm otliftoay in tabloid WOfld Hallo dgi OdmaiesImf hub is aIinlvcrIIAvro Allsom de lsilllslii HUNGER lisllilltiiilllllfmilwlfilmfx NMJBand and hilhdreds 91onIIthebladeezrrcreplicasinSI NIIIVES mummmlxlumb otlheroutstsmding mummlwgwi of ore Observers budge etrchoncI WWWMW =MADE matwa EIidaiiadasIFightinmaurinniwilllltlievExhlbitlfriiP belongslire nameI of tho llIigIhcsL ugh349 oiaim Rem iube ms lt rnActaonr vLllliallalcllillsllnhll office are picturcsof thVe graduate and scrap books with ipping5ll +V VV more pictures of VsthulcnIls+Winston Vr VV rmed whom one in ham Hi5 mothersuffered ChlIIICIIIIIIIS nephewt III blOIIIIIII III Penetqnyufdfene IsIlIiItieIItlgsIcrlgiiItlI aas tall and Idressed Umque Deflencfegms Iiniuries necessitating her removal among opera 13 Im 50 ar to the R0 11 Victoria Hospital Many of them are in Britain hwy FIRST Arrhed light suit and wearing peaked DISMISSG 13 roamed the counterVV and No other cars wereinvolvcd but IfII fIIdIIII are dead III IIIIII IIIIIIIC for DesDChe agediiplbr doughnuts second carelgssprwmg damage to Hamiltons carbmount ree cm Fiddlers Contests are part of the Salem mid arm of this 2week anihrganda SEEI IIllIdtlllEurc oha wartime basls Womans World ofVToV marrow Sports classics every hotlr evbry Jay the brilliant NJVEI HalsSllibwizSee it all and see at ca atlasNayy Army aVnd Air Forco will give you liftingSide aVeatlVfor Wd wit of swift gmaehmgr 111 out anadjapbuiltVghting hmcsgotlirougllg elhngtests wapeclullyconstimc battle ldl Gum and shell nd other robin at Mirbe mhed and obtaining data on greenan ruled ccrcaLgrasIscsV an cut at various stageVIs in evaluateI them on thebasis min and mineral couldnt to $350 Giving dcfndbnt the suchas wheat oats mile armieriambladdftli=i milatdramaticfimpbr mln ShOIIIIIIIiSIOCIlT IIIIeaIIIIIg lIJenefit of the doubt the ma istraie rass and alfalfa haI III EgrrglggtrfmthBat inspmm EXhlbitim IPIOZIOEEV Wilma lid39 Chief or PolIiceVHeniy HVamelin jog SiOIIIiIIIllgE ii Egg m0goiiiiggieeffii$3212 commented WodldnItI like Vto gifferent stages andgampua olBrltltVamwdllle or alltrme VVVVVV Quenchelggvloioflollm even Polletangurshenc rsthaiithotllfiy added the money and rifledthe Compion Jeffs in police mint onVestVablisli zl recedeut on tho kind dried amV1VVground arid51023 isimke SOme hi my baifemt of cahgsdrgggche ran VVVVO the sVVeeV Friday then dOdwenV Hagjiltog offvgf stgfisgliif ggrgea Cghgegicesggrgmm VV IV Toronto eene rims A1 wonder WhywOmen pay ablation the mcn had disappcaredV Po charge of careless driving HamilV BaggllgcwguggciVgeclgncf ggymavigne samplegvgtl LVillt362lx1lv1ng almost immediately ton mid the court that he had suf PF VV magma imiIIie entIOII to beauty than to list Elldup the my 0f combdethVe districtwithout success femd period of aboutgthiiee set thVebarnVand 3150111 bl VVVBcaVVse no maVVeVV how clailglushenc Vth IVEVVVVVVVGV Vim ends of unconsciousnesIs during INVEEIIGKIVE PASTURES Wlu bel ambletfmr WO men ODEIWI IVGKIVES BIGGEST VALUE which time the accident occurred The projectofigzrtiirlng informa No11 Highway nine milesV tiVon 0n the species of plants for hay north of Barrreg was the scene of and pasture purposes Whichls being vaIsI th ugh till he II stupid man is he is scldom blind day his coat forced Des loches St to the rear of her sliop What you get for your money not gt EX IBl tort bb Eve thr 521 Scnlpel about $10 IIom the Gas inIlaIt youphy determinesthe vav the acciderrtin which Hamiltons conducted bbVe ForageIIVlflants Die Wheyuis thaIiysoIgll drawer and escaped2 VV mimic my news and adVergiDgp car left the road trvelled lor35VO vision in cigiertml with other 3atl16llnes 016m According to Mrs Dourochslilll9 FBarr eat along che boulevard striking divisions of Dominion Exprll I19lllwitbza Hubby Yes it goes all over ihVe Examiner nivw 05f hi neighborhood shopwas empty when the Women biggbx llreelelfephone P0195 bleaklw mental Far 93 dealswm will