Ant ununlr tuanllAEJIs Jami tannin nix Auguel 334333 BARRIE EXAMINER rowing or Prune MLIEIS anlzuhzl vwx $533me dEVutedtothelnttrests oltht Pmmn All Canada Chief TOllllSt Booster LUlllt lix ii rzld or tiU 72 grown at horrid and tho surrounding courtly motd uh tux the Post Ollie Square Burnt every Thursdl morning by THE llAltillE ELXAMINEH LililIlEl with it Ulcorwruteti The 11 Advilltc shed in 184 The Eidzrn llrutlr 1211me The Canadian Wmhly Newspapers Association and or Class We kl Caliadm lllc post but WV suascurprlorl HATES Vi iii how My allyldle in izmtlu Li year III II Vii Ur iii United States 33 ill year My II VI IVV VVV Vi iIiIi vIl italic it 50 Iltlr belitticV tlllu No tiotlbli lll BdVlitt itjlr hi1th ii iii iiilii teuts KecLAklLN lnattvzl and trill ilirzl Lll iS IIlauaging Editnz it WALLS Orcigl NW NW WWI IN VVM VICIIIPIIIlIIdtIIII IId IIII III IIJII II IIIII IIIIII IIIILI IIIIII INIIII III II IIIIIIICII Ixer II vim wimp MI 31 ILIKLISL 28 IIIH il iHiriilhr Li by Vi II II 12 tits19 1x Ellii vulI itlltl lllllItIi iiVVi ii ii Viihi can 1er titIIllI Iitllilliil illilylnll HI llll it ilrl ii that lltl it ljit tw1illrf lll lilll iilr lrt llt lilt gumm my mm lVrVutuVlVi illV gtVVV VV VVVVVVV VVVVVVV ttt Mn motion Illthtlliv lltXl illtni llliUIirhmIIl IIIIIII IIlI It II lIx lit llllllitti IN in lyIit sitlllitiii VV VVV IlllNIlTlCl Will WWW my IIUIIII IIIII IIII IlltI lII lltl lltlltrl oI II IIIlIiI tII VVV VV eVlr It IV Vii IIIII ternII IIIIII IIIIIIIIKIIIIIIII III II IIIIIIIII IIIIII III IvIrlI lIllttlt Vitil ii ltvl inll ill illt ttrllt Sylotdkr iviVViyhii hi if iii jiiimiViV lllD llllU lllt tiilhiIItlllll lIIMlnllI hjl NIH VVVVV lit llllil Itithul ii iii llltl2l iiiltl 1ll til lr ltlw lttilltlllfiin iigtndiOSV Th0 yiilinii iiViiiii Hi iii iii rxtllliV ill= 1lt rgt Hittitglvl rl lli VKV VVVV iu iIl Il tlt input Ii in ltlllll Mutt lrl llc II lrtv line itl Irlli Iollliw ul tn ru tlroo hrl Vllll or kmwm snot LMtlItt mull in in it it rutw roll in or i=1rt all it sutchcl and lnorrttrn hrrm will WW mi no minimiw Ni ii iili 7m like small urrwillmm Mllooif lhut in ll MW IIlIIIII iIIIIIIIII IIIIII it ltiztr lrr wotrtl llIlt rllirl Hi to to kwilivllri IIIlilJl or loll it StVtl hm ptlssed lol tlltlilslll ttltittllitrlt Illill llrtonit Vttt lri ll Ll rrrrtnttd Lion Mtlllhi SrimhC iimiiii Vim in Vtit tt in VVIV VVVVhVVV 50 iiisciiihiiiiii giiii ii liiiltirtxii tool Willi to llr lztl Xit ill lllt liltt ilirmklllit illittl lit litirl orrrtlolr wt in int welrld Hlrii ll torn ll Murillo it VVstltl unit II vvz lll IJ inlaidill it ll tl hi Ilt illt LIotl Ii tfo tr tIIllll hll 24 mini lft Vteul upon school opening in vulttl ir hill Vrl All fllllHVU VV VVViVVVVV VfVVVlVVV VVVVf VVVVVVVVV VVVVVV VVVV VV VVV VVVVV VlVV VVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVV VVVVV VVV VVVVVV liimihimV ihi eriiiiimii Winh ihp rXtirillr in iVViVii My ltllills tint JllllltVAlItV VVVVVVVVVVV VV ZVVVVVVVV VVV VVVVV VV VV VV VV VV VVVV VVVVV VVVVVVV Vi VVV Vi ripluu SlblPII IlIIII IIIII IIIIIIKIIIIIIIIIIII III IIIIIIIIIIIl IIII IIIIIIII III III IIIII IIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII mpI IHIIl II IIIIIII IHIII IIII SI IIIXII Illflx ltiIII IaIilIIKIiriIiIIiIthI IIIIII III ilIIlllt rIIIII llt lIllIlIItllIl tIII lltllilltl VV liowh upwri VV VVV VVVVV ll interests mirko Mllthdlllt totlr lul from rlt iptlton 11 hlr til Lilla mww vln iii irltllti ill ltz tt soon in will ltlllfi llIt WttKtlltl tilt llw tr ml ll drudgery it writs lrl blinmnpi llt rlll it iltr plrl til tilt at mm hl iiiVmim ii rlll tlrlwlltt wu 31 tilt rl it lIrIil ItlitEIrriitrllx lls rllilrr llttml lit llrlllrlu o1 Illlrll lo llrt T1 in 0qu tly till tlllrtll lllllltl iLllt lull llrr tt it It Ill ll intrrnolrtllanr tll lrt rl tlzi IllcnileIr Iii Will he Iltltlt ltl lrzrl ril ttllll lriv IHiiilII iv tars that riillli 31W 311 dgt1liurlhtl ux llllfw ltZtllllV tor rtr or WV lll Ws Drum III lI rzrrl lirrlrrlrlr oi the liniver iiiii nun Mirror in llllillrllll tlllltlgt Iilillll com tlllth tlll VV thls Im Vl IIIII VV Ni 1l vi llltll wltiritr tllvr UV VVV VVVV VVViVVVVVV VVVVV VVlV VVV iVVVVVhdltlerltli llllllrlltl hm llt woridV Whit Hhimiiihn plllys illi llllptrildll lunar hag uril lot lourl thlirtr to hm Vh ithh himmhmi VV VVVVV VVVV VVVVVVVVVIV IIVVVIVVVVVIVVIjIlrlll lill rprrt nt 13 twill Vzmlmt who it i2 sitter itlllrlllilltI lIElt hylitw to lorllrd irllllll Knuth olilV tliiiiV whh VV Ipcl tliII tIilirlillll hr ktll IIIIIIII mIIIII IllIIIIIIIIlI ISIII IllliiI IhltllIlhorll lIltl ol litllIl tiI tollr lltthtll Blylltltli Ii Em lll Im Ill liHI hi or milliliter vlllKl Irr Illlll IIIIIIIIIIIIiIi IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIII IIIIIII uml llm mil Illltli Aliitrst gt lsl ll Im ilt pst mm III IICI III te on to li mnr tlhstrvlliovrs tllllillli tho Thv will or lllt donutyearon 10 When the hlllil orll he llrltl IIIIII III II III 10 Ilrr lIotlrtl ilirllll lot tlle ypar WI 0L HA II IIIlII iWolltl Wrrr ii is at llrlllll Illlll is Ill1 MrlmvI Im IIII IIIIIIIIIIl just lttli rltclttl to pro it to II IIIIINI In Il liner llrrlllitli ttlllon imiiiiV apply hlmsclf to his job lhrotltzhmlt the Near post it tirV st ill to lllflltillt llrrt tire rctllihw VVVNVVVVI VVVV cm im pi nil whim hmhr himm VVVVV VVV VVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVEVVVr immutaw 11 Mi ch iliVViiVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVV HVVVV KVVVV gt ir Il iIvlI ii II IlllQISLtKltlll Wilt fritters thily ills lllllt illith wininlltws rr llllI Ht lit it inurlrlt tElltlt llIUlI tllt lllllcltout lnmlw in Hi iii hiiVIiiniwhwruhl VII VlVj llH inert lip ljititii hut mun wiun VVXVUVVmluhmc in imhii Wini Wiiii Mimi whim in ii huriiiimm Shim vamp ll ls lthVtiluVllon VVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVV SVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVV VhVVV VVVV liootls it VIr l1 lrro girth huhhhi Huh mm mm gt v5 VV Nicephi ii UV iiiV VVVV much L0 100k lVVVVWVUVVi VVVV Tiw minim mpVVKh iHV huh iimiiimh iiimhh in mt if VVVVVP VVV VVVVVVV VVS iVV hVVV VVWVVVV VVVVhVVo thVVVViifoVlVrVLVt VVrV VtVVthVVVliVVVVVViVIVV offered his servrrrs lirVrtrs to the ViVVVV lVVVVV VlVVi VVVIHVlV VV VtVlVlleVt Vi lnr tltriii ultimo it Lyn rr mi pioym ik hhiiig vmiiiu iiiiihihi inVV hhw iiiillii1vV hoiii iiiiiiiii uririiiiniv Siimiid HimCi rinlrtlrry iliilttl of tlllrr it would VVVVV VVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVIVVVVV by VVVVVVV ThVVVVtiovcrnmtm lntl dirt stunt unimrt VVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVV VVV VVV VVVVVVV VVVVV VVV with lllv VV lVlVMthAVVW vilthltltlll lrt1ll tl rot Illt innitr rc lro only an duvuulm but who IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII IIII IIIII IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII IWI lIlIlt IIonIcIolIlIrIlI ItIIlIlI iIrrIIIlIIs II III ILIIIIIIIII III IIIII IIIImIlId Row III ltrI lIlItI ui rII stIILItrlItlltIItIlI II III IIIIIIII IIIIIIII Hm III 1l WU II Il IIII II II II ll vv rt apply thmr me and IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIW III IIII II II II III IIII IIIII II IIIIII III IIII InyIIIIIIII It unbelievably lltlltl tlilln lt Wib ill IIIsIIlIlIII rI IIIIgtIIIIII WWI lWHlli lllu lllt Wor Sllvllrithi IIII IIIIII IIIIIIII III II IIII IIIII ll Im 1I Wll task they litht in llrlllti lllt Slittltlll Will is pretty llillti to Mt itIsltli Sign ll ttllS tllt ihi Hid mi first yeah gtWVHVgtV runs lll slitmn that meVanV to or gr tilt rcrlt Vtprotn li lrntllmh 5miin NH iVmth hx ii hroctiv in mi the frr scheme is based on it llc VV rs slurr l1lllll ltnilltiztl for lttt of Stlnllidzrle rtrt torrxlllnetl thinks its small to lilkt llllllt th 15 mlV illlllkl rlt V1 1V Just twelve months our tha boys ihiii ii iS hiii Shiiieihhih how huh MW VlV III hw otlrposc lie lit urt fvellri lillttllllv too There tlY in vinr sud mistake and one for which he wrll motorist llllt or lslolr Imrt holds title Ill the lioan llVlItlltth vclc itzlrt llltltl intcntls to set up but olllt llw brlsulhs to not 78 rhinoi tl la VV me Vt mi iqih hm him nhhmi lt retrnr tt nrptrontr lllttllllh rl pay dearly in insecurity ltlttt 11 particularly ll lllt 5WD Hill 11 C0111 5V to 11L Llm Isl VVl f5 thing rlrrrost its old its history rrlle VV LillliNld for highway trawl rntl eriqihiiii Ipnnuiiiuh ihi nihihh II Lll llltltIS tlllt little ittlllp tilI lltV it lililptlltlll lIImIill mm mmlum 1le force in the intcrest of the III IIIIIIII ille sinus tm ask our own people Shiuhiiiuiif hornm ihi midmmw In III iiii rp ii to the mqu Ponce For the rcrrl strike in the Battle for min Mr Ztllcrs imcrtsl in IlrlliltlilIS io cut down plirrsllrtr lliltl IlIlltIiiii wiqoithihh hi VcomersV gomg to schhhi fUr iiip iirhtVV mil ttsl rt 7HL 01Vr Brim his hmnhfs Vihihiy hugs Tm Miler in Hi the WM Vim tom3h hmh is him minding thithK Mh Mummy he mm VVWVIVVVV VVVVVVVhtVVV VlVVVVVothVrth sVeiiiermg upon world that is Misti lllloltnt Dt pilVlllllt llt lit ll lllt hits Jlt ilVC mp0 doihhh Chiiqhhgi mi hintVeiyV VVHHVVVVVVVV VVVVVVV CVVVVVVVVV CVVVVVVZVVVV hihh him Mich WV iLiiuLlnihiii icing hihthiS VVhmimi ViihVuimVV VVV 8pm VVVVVVV Brunihnmi Ijrom the little world of homo wlnchhirs been llzrytleld irrrtl clzrppcrton Strccts beating the Today lllllcr lSV lunged in 1525 minim in mid was Minus pltilllt or Vthr bu placard which Certainly it is lnml to think of niviiiniiy mic hi unusually him truieir life heretofore He is going to see and warning Stop not enLerV why not add perute race rrgarrrst trlllc lllVWlVtiCil in increasing imminxV 0n hm lrridVbnrlt into the luggage cirrrler bulltl Clltlltlt for this job than wnl mmmd Cum ii Ifm nu VV VVVV imar new thngS to meet new peopiCV and to im wme UmuWhy Stump That wohid lit VlVras lVerlt Yul VVuchkVi Jills28 one hand ncw inventions loi mini til hr Vltl rrd rr md huh mtl Mr tlli IS Vthth lth mu uVVVVV VVX oy 10 ii 7rr III vii while he may have bccn cockot Xplillll tllf new sltrltrtlon little more clcarly Ll tmlml 0th mt itrvr frh rtrnt form or an ear viiii hwmit the whhiC mm flhewulk at home he is NOW lust small part it ill blIWIMllIlIl lltlfmw mUlmIlIts 1possibility of total disaster himself mum ihe mm mid IiIVI VVV VV VV vof the vast schulllc Of things Murry years ago The 1940 possibility was lllaLUl iiihich hi the System mlim Motor accidents in the United road victims in America are morcI IIiIIIIh MIr VIIiIII ly defcrt of Britnin The II 1941 Sltrtes and almost rs llill toll of gt 15 Hillier1 was torcbodrrlu exptll UV rlrsm in its lllllLll tlrrd ctorromlc llnmtlous than lord rtlrnls in lung VV SIIIIIIIIthiiiaICIyiIitil sympathetic and skilled IM 01 MSHRS II VI tby lllcm mm aspects were makinrz it impossible mm WW land Slllltlrhls tllt litvmsitv of crirlrltIlIIIiI lIIItIIII IIIIIIIlIl IIIrIIIIIII lIIII lIIIIII it tilIIllI vt lc rt enpe 710 tidvpnuiiii lhe pltstlll summer $011501 has been murr Nd 1va mnequem for the improved facilities to fllnc Im fI mull Nd HIM WNW km lltlivitletl inlo si diviii nIs II IiII prlmaxy teaChel 1t 15 iv minim iq numeroug drowiiicollapsc of thc llltlcr regime or him hs we as ihc idV bombs rnlllcl ill the British Isles safe Vehicles off the roads of bctlcr II III Lets wish him and all those who are re 15 Onyt VIVV leosIIIlnIi rive Isome ofSllCCLSS by Hitler in Russirr whigh Even hi my lifetime ii med hC This disclosurc of lllc lilyttpday enforcement of traffic regulations IiIiIiIiIiIIIIhlIIIIlIIISITV ilI 05 mm IS ivC him llrs pc ltllltt trll lllllt lllrnmg to Continue the 5mm me rt thc utmost Ltll on bumble to truvcl around most of traffic toll comes ll rr clrrlllcngmg Jlltl oi lilllll vrzlr illt menace oil Succpgs possible in will work They will COtllSO tllt unavoidable It IlSV not possible ihe iihwei hm imig wan the glube with nothing harder VVV minim hf ihi Giithhh Np York both drunken llltl iilltl llVlllllxillI$1IIIIIIIIIgIIiiiJILIII IIIQVIIIIII II which to prevent some drowning thClClelltS but ill These lacts lily llllllK observer out than the mm ihe heapmm Szrfcty Council which SlilLCS that pedestrians need it in the complex Clllhcmml lLuchIutv lrlslltulv Board request in must record on the good sldeot the from Juno HMO thr on rh Arrrl 1941 Frr or gt be ome helm tilt mulmlty 1805 ICC cu can 01 this or rt as llnpossrlllc to Vl nlt Jonts ptsrtltnt of th Wi hm Chum rm Voith UHV tity lave edV T00 mtan 80pm venture out in boats ledgeiV But Uh the bud iiidVdingerV iiuveiVVamhmC any comment bomhinuin tuition coslVJoJaG lives New York Sui01y CUUHCiiV mid VVV WVVVVVVVVVVV VVVV VVVVV VVV VVVVVVVV ous sldc there are other lactd which without himmid0 ragtiiciiohg iii 1W1 44830 lrrlurrcs DurmU the cor issuing the rnporl that lh lltlll II III iub IIIV Ilnd Into the water Who are not Competent seerrl to me Icvcn more impmtaul int one it llI CVCrI turl ICl ILI rclpundmg perm in united Ill dlIlVClI Illld IIIIIUI lll IdlllllIl IIIIIIII IIII AT LAST ONE MJJ ARES TAKF SWlmmOlISI Many more Will Qt Observe theiAtld until those Iltlcts are challidI rigs were iIiiiIiei hiyrei iiIto ItiItII Statcs traffic accidents killed 33 pcdcsiriirn lIlltVttIl Ino ernrll irIt IIIIIT BIIIIIIIII IIIXIIIIIIIIIIII CIIIIIIIIS more STAND AGAINST LB DICIAlllltSllll rules of swimming which may easily prevenliwe cannot cvcrl bcgi to win the the Strong Immiis MI bani 470 persons and iniurrd more than In Automobiles IlliIltlItlllVIb lrIirliIoIletIrlIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ifiiIiIIIIIISIIIilI IIIIiIII IIIIy OIIII the Ontrrio Legislature mdnydcaths from seizure with cramps while real World struggle of which this harder to get out of than prisons mm highways ltltlmo iIiottwrrtiIillll ilstIIIIWIII III IIIIIIII III At last mem to Igwimhiiiig World War II is but one part workman mice knew used VOII HHSH Ammitlm Cllbllill liltlgtlttlls 15 bulltls or bombs so has pmmed up SIImCIemI inOIaI COIIIIIlge There should be some System Of teaching WIIIII IS IIIIIt rgzllIwmImISlmKLEle call the boundary between Canada SlIIIIHd mitt society cannot afford to Whitii MG 4513132 Ismnd mme agaInSI PIIemIIIII HQIIIIIIIII IIIVI It it know th dan Silhl dmd hf System 0f and the United States an insult to IlIlIVI 150 th Bl CW i1 WhiskyDOP hiVV beer barons of the Liquor Control Bomd young peop rm dllt international relationships is in 511060an If his description was am the Lou Nevertheless tho finding that fuddled driver iii iiiit hhciV SA IJ Ham member for Lincoln County has 01 0f swimming Ulldel certain CORdlUOnS 1n ceed that of sirculled rlzrtiollaiism Almighty was iiisuhed i055 hiNmVhi hieEu lg ed hiISI Seat in protenst against the issih waiVEi that is too cold too em after heavyVWhich came to and Di its use AVVVeVVicVV than ckmvhrehqnd VVVVVVQ mwmNmm Sept If the 177th Bllttzllion res doesnt xz in Europe thtm anywhere bum mt powerlul destructive force ill his tory All of which comes down to this Not only what happened before the WIVHI but what has happened during as Was done by the Kiwanis Club some years the democratic worldrrlllst take ago When child is considered proficient the offensive We must produce and to have mastered botlithe art of caring and Cl Wn WSW PIm for himself andothers in the IwVater certifi If world Smbllty Gate of proficiency might be Vprehented We Are The Enemy lhei IZWDr ilself bavcidrcated not From the Files of The worldV of women has Nory plyiaisgrcatppportu ity but rlIgrezrt YmngStEIS Should Oil be left all tOVlearn reason to feel proud and cncourag responsibility forgoiir part of the The Barrie Examiner SWlmmrng They hould have the dvrce Olicd by the rciultVofItllcjrecent World The Creat Warhad then pro vgressed about same period as an expert In thiS waythe appalling toll ChurchilltRoosvelt confclenceBVut Wecan onlyrelrlly bcgiu to wier iives by drowningmight be cut to mini hmV another event took place while that the larger war when we make up Present Otter 59 conference was in progress wlricl ourVVmindsvthth it is not question fl AUGUST 31 1916 with Mr St Clair Gordon and his Liquor Control Board cohorts Mr Gordon as re ceritlyI as February in 1940 assured VMr Haines and the City Council 01 St Catharmes Tthait nobeer license wbuld be issuedfto the hotel which has now becn licensed How riever assurancc mean little or nothingto the ILiquor Control Board which has fVloutcd pub ic on with n10n9t0119151991th talion in Bradford last full illlti transferred to ll Toronto IbilLlilllUll early in the spring Roy King Sorr of David King 7th Linc Innis til was rescued from ship curry inthmseIs to Saloniczl when it was lorpedoed ruinequ August 4V varlce of beverage room license in the eltyof meul Without adequate did being avolll VSViiVe pathetic mpeieSSV Hid New Order Cerium it is probable that it will be qunr St Catharincs Mr Homes to to be com able Local sorvrce clubs in Vthe coming blind belief that nations Gm Vi on TWO mums VVVVVVVVVny the VVVVCVVVVVVV tcrcd in the three SinlCoe towns fmended on his Stand months rmth well COIlSldel the inauguratiothvmg as they lived before 1914 that of the idea behind molds VVVVVCVVHV which lrccorannodrltcd the With 341th moo um 0w is for moreoi Mi Hep of swimmiihg Class for local young peopieViiS one mot cause of Whild 1318ng ed New Order The mm is VVVV LVXV lirlron lust winter but Elliott ROOMS low WIat neete 0f the 76th Battalion who was 113 him on this ques It would be neither dilifrcult or expensrve to to al IS sense IIlh Nl rstlng institutions were mtcrnallv WITH A5 Ibum SIIIIIIIIjIIerS I8 SIiInl Board has Ibecomc secure the servhcs of or swimming expert to Which we are engaged is notlllcre so rotten that they were tumble to Porig Pliisgm IftlWF 10 mu mo lion The rquor 011 TO one in which we must 5m in pol rank Eld little dictatorship all of its own and the 001118 to Ballle Heist summer and instruct lie me not conquered by when it Silhiiiitd IitelIIgIrISIalIkIupTIle lidg recently reported killed in wishes Of the people seem t0 corny no weight the young people 01 the town in SWImmmg is onein which wetllc people of II wont enhsted Will 1571 Bil Ilir pastrrbeveralwyear 77 Theomazingthing about all this is that Mr Hepburn tells the people of Ontario that the wlll not stand for political interference in the operation of the Liquor VControlBoard The cXperisVeinvblvchwouldbe smallln co parison with the value of one life lost iridicatedthIextrcrnIIlliminess oV ongoirrghnck to 1941 or cvc to the ice on which we are trying tti 1914 ate That was the vote in the The world iSgoing to get inter Unitgd States Congress when the nationallaw and order because it is bill idprolong the term of service vital necessity and will grow for thxrucn in comnlilsorgLumry oreso year Wyear There are only three ways that serviccwvas sustained by one single know of whereby this can be done VV Newsy Notes IHundrcds of old men who magi EDITORIAL NOTES mmwm The Faeleet Times states that 6rme popier 6F Lincoinm Cgwgjismg there arc 11000 DoolittlesV Vin the United voteV Vimmi interference when he tens theBoRid States and Canada Seems like conserva Thatmeans That if Just one lor Itcarfcome from Hitler or some that Vhis conistitdentsdonit want any more live estimate man had voted the other way the body like himwho comes utter him as hellimselt came after theKaiser United States army would soon Vltquor licenses ISSUBd It can comeII from Communism Iv have been plunged into state of Surely Ml Hepburn Will give the people In twodays 1n Tommi 1291m0t0r15tswere disorganization which would have which his readymode complete plan for theinclusiVon in the Soviet Ichredlt for morc brains than that If the is given ticketstor spcedingthhatrlsagrrg Wayimeant nullifying its USefulncss as suahce of the license inVVStVCatharines is not of cutting down gagohne consmfjiionV IaV posVsiblcinstrument for quick ac of other peoples not now under the political in its iscope wesliould be very much servethhe North Bay Nugget on 115 World emergency Red ag amnot casting any reflection ItcanVcome from the democracies surprised We Suppose those to Whom It was on the people of the US because in by the simple extension into the lVSSlld Wc1en0l3 friends othhe party had not report from beiingwoodV published in this attitude there is no malrial Ifield of international relationships voted goryhe party orsupportedlth1n some Toronto newspaperV says IOVOOO tourists wele hrlerenclc betwecn thug or the Bri oi preciselyVVthe same principles we tether wa Mr Hepburn must irlk the parliament in 193 the Cana Vnowuse for municipaland national NJWVRVA ltumed away flom wasaga Beach on CIVIC dian parliament in 1939 or the us governmerft It cannot come toall house of chresentativcs in 1941 theworldat once But the time to In the IfirIst named year VMr $tartls now And unless we start Chamberlain could talk to chain We are finished lug House of Commons about fdts taut VCzechoSlovakia Six mbilihs CANADA FEEDSKICHILDREN litfen puymg pimlums mf the IIIIOO Ancient Order of United IWork men for rem twenty and thirty years haveI receiVed notice that their policies are valueless Mayoral Craig appealedthrough The Examiner for aid for the suf errers from the fire which swept Northern Ontario Good proI gress being mane in the construc tion of the new Bell Telephone building Barrie Collegiate In stituteI had good record at the departmental examinations In case of speedingonc witness said the girl driver was driving the car iat agribrcliclgse to 30mi1e5 aThour along Dunlop St Eggs were 2830 cents dozen butter was 3033 cents pound and spring chickenswere 20 rcentsxu pound on the market Saturday Veterinn peTlBleoll Ontario are littlcsoft in the how IIII ididnot play part in the issuance of this jltcense Mr HIaineIsIls riIghtVndVighHepV iburn and his Liquor Control Board wrong be aISham t08i00i1 good story for lacklof avfew cipher3V gt The right thing to do now isto withdraw late Itll Mackee Kng 011 911 Emmi 11113 Information aryV inspectors were in town 3Itllis license and ask Mr Halnes to withdraw iGasghne Savmg ls far below the OPEN Canadian Illamemalans at lie mid3mm our WW9 Vestigang some SHED911 cases IM of his lir tooI accpldmgloacanvassmade bytheFmBnclal 63 that Wet Went resistarcels 1le not only byof hog choleravTaxpayersseek WM lgsgm Qn en Post Rough average across Canada for the Yearslhmumxzthhhasrall Clmadm mnranimachines but aling discounts paid total of $2300 19911153190 1053 133193Slalm Wm can first half of Adgustshbvlred total conSurrip 56th i9 SqubyC3dia fwd We lint the ToWthIraIsIrer Barrie MMtl many independent it com 52 bei commitm szlilllitizsixsi trialilll$rlretsgruzll Vi VVV loaf for bread EbutlOrillia price is eight cents PeninsularPalk HotelBig Bay Point Was clear ed of guests Monday Iafter very Vsuccessful season cottagers Iandr campers are returning htime Potatoesselling at $3 bag 90 pounds nearly sztr record price for all time two years ago they were eiod oflastyar Currentlygreports gite the THE PRIME MINISTER IN ENGLAND ratEof savihg at INS evident that ration prime Minister MackenZie Kihgis IiIiI Engi mg is the onlstystemthat will bring desired IIlIandhconferring with high officials of the resultsand give falrtreatment mallusers British Government on the best means by which Canada can assiIstln the struggle 01 the democractesIagainst the evils of totall seems tomany riightniarund slicerVrmdncbsV The attitude of ItheI US thisiyear is simply ditterentto the degree only thatthe US polit ically andgeographically is Slight ly mOre remote than the others But the real point is this tr the people of the united States and bench Vinomcr toI fill our larders In onerof our Londonjparks one of the citys biggestIevacuation critres Iwhollyjstockcd with food from Canadajiecds daily conSigrri merits ofVchildren that pass through ltS hands on their way to safer homes Howard Fleming publisher of Owen bound Dally SunTimes and Mrs Fleming will lam Shiveri The V13 Mr King loEnI have the sincere sympathy of confreres in alnlealllallli FAMOUSbrunt orllmtmz 50 CIIIIIISI anI gm In Mon ag inland is important in many ways Principally the newspaper publishig business through cbuid be thigwoild Stabie iIasIZhig ESSEX ENGLAND tII It REMEMBER 3ng VLeihmYcfchm cm ud zahovrevgr it psychological effect is ltkelyto our Canada in the reported loss of their hesceduthViidthVe when frefworlil iTtleVfgilowiithV mm mini PV Ewell Men In 112MB runoff you hi insignia Vi funding gimp col on an on or ram We nreyearo cnderson ewLow mnea awor an Va sV on or EtvgfthVr 08ft trggulljtgmgilgclvtlgitbatheB Verllrgiggr sh $11803 beOdffrtcetV GerVugVeV Iglwrtlg timtho comeV the anarchy of Dow tombsm in the Church prKVrby VVVV was Genny awardVVVcVVVheVDVSV ddxuquwnffe 5050 med VVEVVVmV VVVVIVJVVVXVVCVVVVVVVSVYJ gt politics armament raccs and leg Cemetery tmgurshcd Conduct MedaL Flight that not uropjswualad our Fighting Elves the people Of that baleaguercd Hallo result of air operations orgAugust l5 and aiim wars our whim agtitiide when pictures look alive wit LieuL victor Hewson 22 gm of Force need ulllhe gasolineihey cungebz tItpeaksViolfhemtofchhadas believed to have lost his lifeV The young man wouldchange Wemighh mbiiemeiiis freeV JudgeandVMrsV HewsonV doreVByV VV Vv Tm on Dar war was flnetypemof youngtnlullanran31111F The Uhiuedjalcswouldltio1vhatv hcn alibi fishes swlmybe reported killed in action hadn rledthlthe Sea thn melt outstripping birds shall iscttn the sky emulm 899515 Offlhe moral suppalfl 0f be remembered by manyln arrie as mam7 had dltlg if dummies WeIWIS the material support ber of Owen Sounds juirlorbaseball tcam m9 335 PM The nferencestlrr Great Britain may re Walls been missing since June By cable Mr and Mrs Thomas Rog ers Were notified that the body of Seaw amt Skate yin IIII 77 few years ago when ltwas engaged in COM whatev rclsebet served Hip purVlherrhaltthe Worlddeep drenched their son FlightLiam George 0195 jgL ll mmmm deem9115 the mswrlc lemlm With Barrle PoseI IIlIbwd R959 lhqmd ve in am =1