Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Aug 1941, p. 16

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signm rm rumor IYAMINVR BARBIE ON CANADA ds 3rm5 loo0004coollollrloolO1oooloollllrlowloottvooooodlllvol Ploeliful grlfy NEWEQUIPMENT EVERYTHING elng uit 10111111311111 p0 School 111 ll111k111 llillI Ulljtili 11011 111 111211111 1111tu 1111111111 41111111111 111 1111111 1111 Il x1101 111 1111111 depots and unify NIII 11111111 tlillls 1111l UU URV 1111 11111111011111 11111 ch 111111 10111ph 111 tlllt 1Inh 1111111 11 is single111111111111 DAMN 1111111 1111111111 0111 111111m UPS 11111 11111 is 11 1111 111 lien 11 11111 1111111 111 111111 111111e 28C 11111l the 111 wuurgr insirle 1111 illhll Mun lr1 iI 11111 is 1111111 111 rnsure that t111uh111 1r1111111u1111nts ill 111 11 1111111ui11 uwlulmv in Chickens 1111 11111111111 oipx 1pt1 lll1l Ul Lilli llunVutnn its 11111x 111111 the British Army Ill 1hr itllllllltlll enemy tn Art Brennan 111111 11 1111 1111 lliones 112111111 13 Iljlqf ion rnmnrr Sliiultli For Final Test Loose 11211 Nutr Hooks l1rlur Hitlinu lins liclipw lrnltnvil Sets Loose lltl ltelills ooovoooovoooooiomoOOwOOOOOOOIIlII 00v olliillol Illlolloov aoo444 11 11111115 Erasers Drauin 01111 Quality Inks Martin rt Supplies wmmrs 213 lZssa 0111 Allantlah lhom W11 1111 111 111 111 l111 tt11l Ht 1111i 11 1v 101anal HH1HHH Hythwthhd Ht 1MP pnialrh 1111 max HM IIIIIOIIII yr IrttllltitrloclllllcolllllrtoArticlltlllloolllo 111111 11g 111111 111 11 l1 31 lot 11 111111111 III II 111moved lumpy II III 11 1111 11111111 111 11 11111 111 1111111111111 llll 111 l1111111 11t11 11111117 11l 111 trl111l 11 11111111 HA ll 11111111l 11 11 111l 11J1111 1111111111111 111111 1111 l11 51011111 111 1111 1111 11111111 111111111111ttl 111 111 21 1111 111 Art1m 111 1110 1I 41113 11 111111 1111 1111 51111l11 111 11111111 111111111A lulqumn ml 1111 t11111l 1n 111 111111 11111 11I 111 111 11 II hIlflkuhHm 11 11111 11 11111t Ut111 111111 IIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIII IIIII IIIIII IIIII II gt 11111111 111111211 1111011 mlll 11111111 and 11111 111 the plate ll1i 1l 11 ll1 11 tiNlt Pd ML were 11111111112 tl 11 11111111x1111A1 1111111 11 111 l1111111111111 oi 111111111111111111 PM runner III 11111 1111 11111 1111 1111 111111 11 1111 11H lhi 1N ivihuij 11111wp1l iv 1111 1111 11 ll lit 1X11 11111 11 1111 1t 11l1 lllnni 11111 1111111 11 1111111 111 11 iiinv when 11111 11111 II In tIhIlkHIlfl IIliti xtlnptilml 111111111 111 ive 10111 11111111 11 Nl 11 111 Invaluable Policy 1111111 111111101111 111111111115 1111111 Klti ll Wilill All rlllii11l 1stin 1111 111111111111 11I1111111111I111 111 mung um 11 111ll11l llH WHlN minor Iltly 11131ll itlll thlhg idw 61 iul1 hinq11lw 111h VHHle1HH th1 111p 111111 pliinlnt 1111 111i THE WEEK COO OWN 11111111 l11i1111111v11 1111111 1c 1iie up 1111 111 111111 111 11111 1111 1111 11111 11 lun 11 111 111111i 111 net 111 not urn thnrl1aln sHHHnm II II IIH II 11111 11 111111 11111111 although 1l III 1111I 11111111 111111 111111111111 11 1111011 1111 1111111 11 1111111111 zznonomouomomo 321019 1p 1111 111 111111 111111 11 1111 11111111111111 11 n11l1111112t 11 t1111i= sight aniulas tremendous HI I1 IIII muniti0ns and supply effort is Mm 01 11l11 51111 tt 1111511 111111til 111111 1111 111111 1111111 v111 1111 11 1111 11111111 11111111111 11111 111111111 111111 Thu 2111111115 11 0111111121I mime 222 llnlilt lliltl 111111 in 111111 out 1101 21 11111111 111 11111111101111 the way READ AND LOT THE ers lllt guns the tanks and the automatic unions The man lithind the lath and rivet uuns is almost ly to equip lllt anadian rniy for war in 11 111 111 l1 in WW Over Net POhf Uh mi all that priu rts multitmhnous 5111M 111111 1111111 and had 111111111L II mhluhlh 1H 111 1me gt asfc COIICCHng Nexr lilm lllitl 11 Wil lilllllil 11111 1151111 1m X11 HIM uni sud llumu that he arrived when thi 1111111 harll sole studs iloni payhook to h01 1b tlltlnt 1H lHI hi hqnwx gunnlnni uthvvis g0 1nwu aw x1 153 mllxk ml lmludlni 05 rohot for the st artist and me C111 WI mwmm 01 i1111111dts 11111 11111111 11 1111 11 111 1111 11111111 11111111 ogomomomouomaozuommo Hm mm 111111111 111111 11 111111111 11111 11111 1111 result at low 1111 Just wam llI 1M 11 H=111111l 11 int ha but the ET by hlllllllln lllthnlill +1 Garden Party chldCd 11 11111111111 011 111 11111110er 1lmtli in Barrie VANl Alili Attempt 111 ll11e liar 11111 117111 011 11111511111 v11 111111 111111 11111111111111 1117 11111211 111111511 011 C1111 I111111111 11311111 1111111115 111 lltl 111 toilavs 11111111 i11 11111 2111111111111 0111 131 10111 lltli 1111111 11111111s from the 11 1x 11gt1111 11111111111 111111 11 11 11111 111 111111 mm WEN WW that the 111l1lt1111l 1111 1111 1111 1111111111 11111 never before in the 11151012 iiiistortuno 1111 1I I1 Iliav 1111111111111 of thehfwllin 1111111111112111211111111111111111 11111 11m hm 111 10Sh arms has so much lohmdul Wk mlh 11111 11111111121111 lhex Xttlllllt wi 11mm limth mm IIIIHIHII trained scientific soldier 11 pm training 10mm Iimx Si 11 611111 1111 11111111111s 111 11111 11 II Mime Kidd hotn 11211 111111 511111 1111111111111 1011 all viizlciislllmd lll 15 1111 12111111 1111lt111111lc lion 11 H1M 41 lmtm lmlu ndcd MW PIIIIIHMWIH III room mum 1h 1Wml11nlitary 111112 111111111 11e1110111l1l1 The 117 I5 II II ghting WWI hm 111 1111111i111 Thesel Sense of lrgcnvi 111 wl it is carried out 14 115 ltBMllle that iealizahon explains why 11111111 111111111 111 11111 11 Im ill3lml 01111110101111 Mlltlll 11 1111111d in the 3rd Clii1l11 11131101111115 1011101101111 and erluiliGenertls MCNa 11111111 and icmr Minim 11 1111111 HH 1l11 111v 1110l ifl111111plare11cv 111 Canada 111 1011 lt tliLl 1311111111111 Pin Hw whim Army We aslhnve rigidly insisted upon 11111111 1105an 1111 11111111111 hm vmlmmml 15 13114111111101 WM thorough grounding in the 11111117 11 Its 1111111111111 111 weeks litlll11= ii 311111111211 101 01L111111 it 1s the outgrowth 0f 10 ll inentals and basic weapons of 5111 Cm own Fair 1111 mn11113111111inblit ing the Ctlllllf an 1111 lelmll LN 101 Del mm idlering than is called 1111 111 fortiImIatclv 01m 111 111 1H 50 Wm xhglyct hhl Wllnllti of National lklLlltt 1111 1112 mm ll last war it ha urpriscd the riv lllCl 31 11 gt 11 1s tl1ttl that the school sec111011 Raisin down 11111111 1s111p111 tit111 03 Lumen mm ll hm Lmmhlllm Iljh IIIEIIlIhIIlIiiIIIImil iiiIthisIdis lot will o011015111greater sense of 111111111 111 31 of 1111111 ciIICiiiiiIliilIlIIIIIllr AuiIthnIiy made mum II the NMMIIIHW will he held as 111111 1111 mid Ill llmvllnlpml 15 where than 111 the 1111 tillcry Oiih 12 9111311 ARM Iprhases the most 1111porta11t of all md 31 111ll11Tyfflzlilltlilil12Lll0$6 1111115 111111 111111111111111013 A1111 11111 to Curl nnlp mien I11 MilttIfEImf II II 1Czinudu ls bmlrlme an arm which kasmw 11111111 11 i1 1111 111111 11 iiluniiiiuin tdklllclt1lll the 111111111111111 are 11111 1111111 l5 AI HLIIIEIIl IIlet1tlIiilS great poxer IironiI Is ina rd 1111111 111111 11 11111111 11111111 11 11111 chool in your listrirts11ar and patient resolution gt1 11 111111111 111111 artill I1l5l1 TlliilCS but suct w1il 11 111 the glenfgdBhlllstldlwl 3111 IQ 5111111111101 11111111 at1e 111 under greater 211 lluiingl Ahhhgt the ehnyciimlI XlllIlltlIJlllltlI zitiifillh LIlgltdllast anal 111 the strength that 11 11 1111 1111 lltlilL 11 10 en ire or on SundMI 111 IIlIlItIIIliiIIiIti II1S liIELSIIFIlIlllllctIlIstiaIiiiI Ithe nI liIunIiIs 1111 1111 actual 1111111111 stall thus had oveI ichIIIIIIIIII training and CIIIIImIIIIIIIeiricjwurfoinlIIIIIcogInIil11333110 Carr and son Mi Motion is in rliaree oi the boxesidlbtlnLe md guilds OHS UXWHQHCC11mm 11 hero the 11171111111 Armv 1thon1e 2111111f1 171 Elise Carr My uhd Mn 11 hm hm be to DMD lhey know the innumencc and 1911 uhudu II III II III KIIDIIQI IIII dinecI 10m soun ounrauon Marwood of 1111s ens mm to tent of 1c threat but they al qhicd Whey 154011110 ems 1mm Ll from tom of training which 11111llll11 directly inav take Ionlklww it 1W11Ulltl lw Slittitliil 11111 in 11111 swiii N11 and constantWells MS MO In mm 150 Calls fOI ltillh DOYlWDS VLiilDllls 111110111 to ti urer Malinefiicient men into the ilCl lh changing the and huihuds BllllhCUlWllim 0510115 111 11 and monotonous hut still 1111pcra IIo111 01 leave the Roval Blllkll11 that mnhmg um he 51 being mw ted and dew111111R0111131115 tive period of basic training in 115 01 Cmmbmlmls W1 be 111 left out nothing left 10 Chum oped with minimum of disturbl The Canadian Army First Things First llml the Town DullV1 11 11110 recruit 11 In the fourteen months anC the It ff1 11 11 235 Bradford St Barrie 15 ml 10 10081 D31 mg 1L mlulu 1mlt 15 he nl 1Ionda1September 1Lahour the 1110110111 bdlilelLlfl Long bound lrannng lEmDHL ldlllffl fun the 511C or To send partly tltllllCduSU Phone llI11 will be observed as holi That is perhaps the most aptv Ahhthm new and hhlmLantithetlc 1cle in ance and the 110w out on todays swm fmemngmg the Oll 01 lCSCTlPtlC 0f the 0111111111111 feature of the overridingCanadian1C0UmI1C5 10 Canadian Almy1 CX manoeuvres as soon as he is given LOC 01 MN Arm1131Niing all Arm training pl is the pn ionlClUSth 0f 10 RCSCFVC 11115 beCOmCla uniform as some impatient ob TRIP5 1I 1ll I1 look in The which leaves nothing to chance which g1 Canadian 111111115 much force Inf well over 200001 Lien sewers seem to pmpUSBI mum int IIIIIIIII Tim 5011011115 MLI 21111011011 and CYCI more training in Canada than they eiilIlsteIcIlfIUIlIIsCIIiEC OllIInJI 1011 mean fiasco Without tr ninig mm $31408 1i tilif are bnlmng can received in the last war Inc 10190 UIY 141 191111119 by section and platoon he will snarl l5 the Gill 0111 111000 Under the new stem the 111 them DlUb mill 170000 bUbJCCl 2y company and hat 15111 dividiiav 1F T1111an 67Clrfm Chhj alion Enough llliihiaiia 3011 ence on the manoein months of basic weapon and 51 about 6650 CXClVlCC menor an have mob with Inubs chums England and the ialist or tradetraining jons Chisiizcd its 10 VClCIimS Guard 01 ion impotence lack of purpose limd 11111ng RYOUHdS 01 Canada unit and then Lindei illninithimadiL and direction ain him iilndly 311 WOIkinB RelcmllV llWUElll and unit training by Comp 81161 On Englands frontline the in the basic weapons and so JU1vplalbirrrllcPliUt iliillwvrweilgtattz 11111014thehwvalentmirlSiTth2UdTthCbIlll0f ic3rii movements and then give him Naming ICinfOICLmen 11d llddi Canada If time equipment andlDivisions and the Army Tank Bri sensible progression to advanced tional units for thc Canadiaiithc wai situation permits lirigadcgade In 11111111113 in Canada are weapons and tactics and you we C1111 overseas takes 1110 10011111 manoeuvres 21 carried on and thelItheAth Division the 5111 Ar part which will fit per prog sively fthrough months offd near when Canadian rem aured Di 11 their auxiar fectly into place in the huge com basic andIadvanch 111111111191 115 onements will leave Canada and ancillary troops and sufficient plex machine calledrlhe IArmy technical and tradetraining for the ready in all respects 011action huttaljons to provide the infantry gleaLhOSiS 3f SkmCd ClilliSlS diow welland far the policy haslfor sixth division Why the tank has madahasic plus largescale manoeuvres and progressed is clearly evident The Behind all the hours of their training all important how the mild PlaCtiCGS for 111 intention of last winter and thisl training is the clear knowledge mechanized Canadian Army Will Powerful Tangible spring to send to congested Eng that the substitution of ma fight in theory how the demand It is 11 10111iln30 jplc iamme 12 1d only those troops who arc chines for menuln attack and for thousands of technicians is WhiCh began from standing start ready for the fight is in order to Obtain Sliced and ing met and how the preeiure of less than 10000 men in all three heady reality The lst Diwslmh rangeI as we as hitting Bowen promotion from therzmks is Ica II or items When that time comes1nd it is coming rapidly aniulian troops will take fallacy lhc Ioppositi has happened It is safe to say that thin but MIt 21 and lianical engineer has proven Canadian fighting services It which arrived in England 1171ch has resulted in an enorm us rial out and new officers aI 1940SFECIAL DELUXE WTWO been hampered fromItheIou Ci Dy leember 1939 still recfun AngLtheI imorta trainedkiuhe told in sub an inevitable shortage equip lplete mostef its training oversea individual soldier articles by Mr vment It has had to be chai eleIhe 2nd Division also had consull longstanding prophecy that ltr againand again to meet ever tez1erablework to do But the 310 the arrival of machineage war Readers of The Barrie Examiir Iing tactics and war 5111121110 but Division which recently arrived would makefthe private soldier geLI ALL the news for Barrie 1d WhiCh despite all 56th and was able to enter into the last an insignificant cog mere District $2 00Iand worth more 1939 F0111 SEDAN 1ff 1939 CHEVROLETpOACH gHLIBOET MASTERCOA 72001201111110115 WOFVkCANADIAN 1111 CH 11gtLANL 1937 COACH 1935FORDPANEL TRUCK if 10111351333353313213531111111111a II 71 laines andpapersold sweaters andweel or part 193IAPORDfCOVACH 11le meterialSevervssqrap odntsclhesahIare 19291FIORDCOUPE Elidfifmipil1151511531111111pilieiii 1926BUIlqK1CQUpEg othe1I11111rIprauc1111 mama For YOUR CONVENIENCE THE SERVIeE STA Bdlfkl Cross AIIXIllaly ITION WILLBE 0min menEVENING FROM iPhone MISS GRACE BRYMNER c111249 To 11 PM FOR CARLUIBRICATIONONLY IFQR COLLECTION DATES I1 ISIIUEDLBY DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL WAR Sinners mapnanzmm 113343921121132111 s1 Lemon

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