tunnuy 27SUNDALYaXUGUST 19911 10 AMSUNDAYSCHOOL 1l AMFELLOWSHIP SERVICE 730 PillEVENING SERVICE EVENING zzzf The SOlVOllOfL Army COLLIER STREET Officers inCl1rge TEIAJomAUMONT Llcurculrlnlmlsiv 111Tusd Putt 11111 11 111 ilg Lighl Wc 10 fresh 1801011 Sodas HNlll ll BRYSONS Tea and aluly Shop LOOK FOR Till SIGN 22 Ellzabrth st Phone While0111111111 arms 111110151115 Lucms FLOWER SHOP SlllIlll ililS ililllllOlil THIS WEEK omomomomc iiiiiiiiiriiiiiii 1111111 self cleaning Lasts longer ll10129Cgonrlrinirral ohm3 cinema 13 36 defield 51 13=0==i002==l St Baptist Church OSpel Tabernacle 75 Collier St Ii HEV BALL PASTOR Collier PMFRIDAY 11 SUNDAY AUGUST 1911 11AMMMORNING WORSHIP 230 PALSUNDAY SCHOOL ramEmmett SERVICE ay 8pm RS Womens Aux Thursday pm id Meeting Saturday pm PREACHERTREV LEWIS 11 ml Pork 17 Barrie Evangelistic Senices are being conductedin the Gospel Tent ncloys ondEvery IWeek 1qu excepr Saturday 1131 THOS ROBINSON TORON wro and LDELLANDREAARN TEIN ALL ARE CORDTALLY NVITED iA Free Methodit Mission Clapperton Street EV LOFT Htlisdale Pastor TSUNPAY AUGUST 1941 5111mm SCHOOL looCLocK mnvrcmm 11 AM and PM Tclcck ilculfu A9 it is outside white you wish HERE IT IS mi Buoys Phone 453 QFOQOEOEO THE FRIENDLY CHURCH PASTOR REV WHITE SUDLRAY mam 11111 10 AM BIBLW ll AlliEEV WHITELAW of Home Hospital and Highway Evangelism PhiREV WIIITELAW Trumpet Solo byWDorVWhitelaW at each service 830 PMTOPENAIR SERVICE Monday plllFBYPA WEDNESDAY RM PRAYER AND PRAlsri M153 Maigrrriaiissoh dangled of Mr and MrsJTJohnsonrlslington UNION SERVICES Collier St and Central United Churches SUNDAY AUGUSTA1941 l1 VAMACQLLIER sTCHURCH ENGAGEMENTS 1wv gtVwwwm 11 in ll lit ll 71 1111fl1 1111 1311 1317 in 11 li izllll Tili lliv iuioiilii llil 711m 11111 lil 111 li liiln Hupcrintciidcnl of illiil CC 11111 ll11 liln li 11 Ii 4111141 ll1ilt i111u 11 111 11 Til nllll 1111111r 31111 Treasure Chest 11 11 111 illl 11 1111 11111111 it 11 llixiilll 51111111 r1 11 111111 11113111 13 lll llLf lg SpeClal Value 5395 Phone nlral 55 Recognizes Faithful Services of All 1I11l il ll lilnilll Vtli 1111 11n1nt oi tit oi 1pprcclar 111111 11t=1 tiild iunddy School 113511 Armin in photo ltllli lli ii1=cn active wilik gprl11H thinIL 111 lid 111111 liii iii i1gt2 hdlli 11iili11 11 lilijvs clns 11l 1111 ly li1i1l iiptiln tcniiciil and Mrs llilwiiitll 11111 111 gt111111l hci holidays at hcr 111 ll ill llllyilllhl 11111111 111 iilc1oii lliiic ntaiio la 11 lhlworth 111 lciivim 11 till 311 Nit111151 and creates vacancy which will he Mi Siiiitlp All ninlhlrs Hui1111 difficult to fill All lli lliciu llicll illnllitl las icliiriicil11111211 attci Monomono Home Owners Here is or Paint That Starts whiter spinduir icn days with her uncle md aunt Mr and Mrs lillillL Walker 11 llill and Mrs llill 11111 faintly xho wcic isilinfz ill llills gunindninther Mrs lininizif lundy and other ltlilllVUw lavgl returned lutlieir home in North Syltlney1 Nova Scotiii Mr and Mrsll111h1 Whit1 aild ilzililzhlcrs were in llLiilis1lle last ttl attending the funeralof the date Frank kc who was kllicd 11 an accident the previous Saturday when on his way to visit them Bowman Dolgcvillc NY ii is 1111111 istlllll her sister Mrs week they attend 111 illl funeral of their cldcsl bro Tl1 ill 11 F1st VinillirlllllTWFTltFlT who had died in Windsor while vis l111c mm nltonw 117 17 is the guest of llisunclc and aunt Mr and Mrst Mosley at Was Lida Bench Staff Sgt arid Mrs Pat terson and John Wright of Brant tord are visiting with Mr and Mrs latlerson 04 Clappcrton St The lIxanuncr on Monday had ant visit from 1111 fornicr lcnts who had not been in town for quilcafew years These were Marsh Butler of Toronto andllis son Harvey of Seattle Wash Harvey left Barrie for the West in 1904 and his parents mov ed to Toronto in 1908 Mr Marsll who was J93 yearMyycllknoyill shoe tlavellelill tllrsdistrict looks very well for his 817years They have beenholidaying at Vernon Lake near Huntsville where Mr lylarsll has had cottage for 21 years WEDDINGS orlssJonlvsou Wycliffe College Chapel Univer sity ofToronto was the scene of pretty summer wedding at 730 Monday evening July 28 1941 when wris united in marriage with the Rev Cross MTAfETh Shall ty Bay son of lrs CrosSand the late Mr Cross Brzlntford The ceremony was performed by the Rev HER Hunt MA BD rector ofSt Jo Chu Toronto The bit 7PMfCENTRAL CHURCH pink lace with mathuig bouquet Organist and Chriirmaster Miss Jessie Bryson VISITORS WELCOME li4 First Baptist Church St Andrews Presbyterian WELCOME you TO THEIR UNION SERVICES THROUGHOUT AUGUST SUNDAY AUGUST 1941 AT 11 AM1N FIRST BAPTIST Sunday School at loam AT PMIN ST ANDREWS Sunday School at 1015 am REv JOHN McGILLICUDDY Preacher during August MISS ELSIECLOUGIILEY at the organ quietnof bluegcornflowers 11 Coxwho attghdether sister were blue lac1vlih matching bou Rev Stringer BSc 1of Christ Church Oshawa wasythe grOOmsmvan The wdding music was played by Mr Percy MacDonltf aid FCCM organist of St Johns Church Toronto andrMiss Isobel Johnson sister of thelibride was the soloist Following the ceremony recep tion was held on the College grounds After wedding trip to the Geor gian Bay Rev and Mrs Cross will reside at the Rectory ShantyBay Using strong headlightv farmer near BigBay Point was noticed last week cuttinggrainat night tractor supplying the mo tive power Owing to the short age of help the useof trabtors in The Examiner has not acclaimed various farm operations has great circulation one guaranteed by Randell miner fnfastsiiiltoiiltic pressesand fine assortment 1y increiued this rear type Read and useltllkainiuer Clcssifieds pry KkliiitliivUHllSltzlltlmullliiiliiliidltl Mr and Mrs Patterson and Set Harold Patterson of the RC attended the Patterson family reunion at Sunset Park Coiling wood on July 211 Noel Patterson ltlle Dalston neighborhood in 711113 person of Mrsl Elizabeth Bonney passed away on July 1041 ill hcr Birthyew Death followed astliiie of paralysis The funeral was held on July 11 flrliil the home of her son It Bon ney to Dalston Cemetery with Rev West takinL the mikes Thoseacting as pallbearers were Edward Barr Milton Bouncy Har old Black grandsons Allan lion ney Fred Bonney Harvey Bouncy Black Hughenden Albert four sons Arthur Ernest grandchildren 16 gratsglan1lclllld ren also two sisters Mrs Annie Huddleston Thornton and Miss Sarah Smith Dalston of roses and gladioliwrhiile Mrs 111111 ligt liilllnnstci ill of Toronto i111 llllli new home in liiitLillifj recent visitor with Mrs Killq 11t1 11 iimhcrlzuid flilll l1 ll1i11111 lilsliuiy Toronto l1111111p111i11l by llll1illll Shine $1 1Two Presentations by Clarke Cldrke Girls The llll of the lariic Cl Clailit lnizncry l1111piii held their aninir pitnil at Mull1s loiiil on Tues lziy tliilii il lldna lliinte brideelect 111 ncxt month was pre scntcd with pair of boudilii lamps and Mrs llarry loodwin waif given llllull of 1111111108 be fore she left to join her husband in Vancouvci Misscs livclyn lilnin illll Marie liclly made the present ations Iliphtecn itirls mads the trip 1111 the Point by motor l1llili after closinz time and enjoyed picnic lsuppcr AtH leAJA lllIAfll utduor sric1lt on Sundrys 1111 d1 llllhll i1oiilt 111 summcr 111 11111111 11111 in the services 1111 lrof College llcv Mr llickcnson 111 the United Church Publishing 11 and lMiss Rayner Last Sunday Mrs II llcalll and group of child sons stlis took 11111 musical pziri ot the service Rev Stanley ilffliltitle will assist next month Readers of The Barrie Examiner get ALL the news for Barrie and District $200 and worth more MRS ELIZABETH BONNEY One of the respected pioneers of DOUGLAS tiiiil1d it conccsioii llssa on iii 111 July 121 The service Lii func llill 21131 11 llllll lllllN ilth 11 liil 11 11111 111 11 111lil 111 11ll1 i1 11p lililillll 111 11 111 l1mn the many beautiful floral ily Mr White chlrc as his text litl 151111121 lilwirl iitlic bw it 11111 tribute 12111 those 1111111 the fol lly the iliikcu of lot an who llillll Hill lllllilull 1111 11 f11 lluuinc 11111111lioils WA of the 1111 The Il1ttgtliillill liyinn 1111 111111le Huh lili tic lip 1111 111i1 111111111111 hurc11 Aiiplican fluid of The Sweet llyc and liye 1111 301111 fill 11 11 li11i 11111 111li1l 11 10 Tl Ell 11 iii 111311111 111211 il111cf lliciwy 1111111 111 hillllluh 14 ir 1911111111111 111 11111 111 lid111 and law lfillnlil litlilililli 1f it 11 ilin St 111 lll1i1y1f ll 111 111 1111111 Pl til11 1111a l11i11y toiicpuridcntci 11111 illiqoiiizls i11 ilil7 of five 1lini 11 111 1111 llililtrll 11 wiic 111 lflll The 111 111l iHtvt in the Unit 111 tiiiiiru on July 31 Wmi lulun 11y 1111 ll Morrison lllltl 11 111 St Johns A11 11 1zl1111y lhc p1llbc11rcis 11l l11c Jilin Reynolds Brown ll1lI 1lillllll wcn French tnlnis thurch lliA No iaicllcy Vill Womens lillt illilill Jilltl hiy astcis Club 1Iilc oil Mr and Mrs Dilworth 11111111111vziu 1w llitlill 11nd 11lalics who came untimely from distance to 1tlcnd lhc fun 111111 1i Mrs Mary Quinlan and Mia 1211111 lorolito Mr and Llhs Alex lladdcn Mrs Mary ilicll III Hillll lliiit iv1mdiniin Miss May Adainsoil 111i 1111c 51111 li l1is 3111111 1111 tll11l 811 linuncf film 11llc llillci llitl li111 Alllwlili 1l tl1lcnc1 11 home llncc bro Thomas of illiooiit Mair 3mm1ir1lih11n 111 1111 111111111 Department iMr and Mrs lil1gtllll were pre 111111l 111111 11hlc ininp from lllt M111 ll 111l11i ll1ililll ion11 511111111 umi 111s lhluwltil was 111v Xion 1111l iltlillill 1I llisioii ml one sidci Mrs landlcy Aill tdiiiii1l llioriihiiiy dm 21lt 1111c brother Archie of 11h1oirt Man prcdlccastd 111111 yinrs The funeral which was largely litllitlitl by or Lewis 11 iimlstoii llllllttl hiiich lntcr 1111 tiiul llil Lil llhlllll lllllill 1nl11 MRS FLORENCE ANIHJCY lrs 131 r1 111 l1 for 1111111 of y1 Ar 111 ilttl resident larnc 11 11 July lli lllll of Hill 1111 liiioiio lii 9111 1111 tool pl1 on July 21 51 rvrc ciliiiliiticrl at Lloyds 1r and llziiric Union CuliillUEy by 12121SShortfll of St Altdii ws thurch whcrc sllc faithful 11111111pp1r many Anion thosc from distance illitllllW 11111 Miss J11ltsi AltNiv en Ll Yolllvgi ls lath iiigs ltssii McKay llrs llaiolil l111yall 11loroiitozMl and 1511111 Welte CLiprcol 111111 1re aid ll1iliii 1th Misses and here Sonic of those Benton Oril Li Mrs 1111luy was born July 11 lil7liarldlullliii Ontario whcrt she lived for two years Sluy also had residence in 111vcland Ohio Pills burch leinu Toronto and Billll Until inoilnsz 111 Toronto few years ago sllc lived for several years on Elizabeth 81 with her brotherl the late Donald llcNivrn and sister Miss Jessie dtNinll She had hed positions as bookkeeper for the Singer Mfg 111111111 in Toronto and Barrie Her husband Henry 1111511 ley died at 13114111 0111 about twenty years ago Shruis survived by tivo Sisters Miss Jcssic lilcNiven Toron 15 and Mrs Alexandria Tipping Victoria BC 17L The Barrie Examiner carries more Classified Advertising than any oth er t0wn weekly 111 Canada vimiiDnuciromnni litltl it the home years Orillia years Orarlgeville years and Barrie39years Shehts 1111s 11111 Spci Stayncr Mr and HEN OildW cl lliklirx l1icd Adamson Misses lliyllis mm lmlm hind Pmn llezlvclton The late Mrs Adainson was born 1111 May 11170 in Hastings Nor lllllllllJLlliillll but she had spent the menu1 part of her life in Wav erley She attended the United Church 1111 to mourn her loss are her husband two lniighters Mrs Ill don French Floricc and Mrs uthhcrt Annand Anne Wavcr icy four sons llcubcii of Vasey llldwnld of Martinvnlc Orval of Toronto and Arthur sailor on SS Soodoc One sister Mrs lllrittain Waverley also survives MRS HN lllAXTON lii poor alth for llic past eight years ha Jane Claxlon belov ed Wife of the late John Clzixlon p1sl away at Beverley llall Bar ric on Wednesday July 23 1041 The funeral was held from the home on Saturday Jilly 26 with llcv Lewis IiA BD iil charge Burial was made in llleHills ric UnionCemetery The pallbear crs wcro Wildinan Duncan McCuiiia Dr Atkinson Wal lcr Saijcant Albert Sarjcant and Thomas Sinclair lhcre vcle many floral tokens of esteem from friends and relatives as well as the following iiiganizu tions The staff of Clzlxton and Company Lindsay Robinson Lit tle and Company Toronto Council and Officials of the Town of Lind sziy Collier St United Church Bar rie and Barrie WClU Those who Came from distance to attend the funeral were Mr and Mrs Claxton Lindsay Mr and Mrs Ronald ClaxtOn Toronto William Mansfield Lindsay tbro flier of Mrs Claxton Jack Claxton and daughter Mary Grcnfcll Sask and Miss Ida Gordon Paisley Mrs Claxton was born August 12 1819 on her fathers farm near God crich She resided ill the following places Godcrich 20 years Paisley 28 tended the United Church and for years had been very active in mis sionary and WCTU work being president of bothsocieties in earl ier life Left 1011116111111 are three sons Claxton Lindsay Jack and Ed illiwuoii 1m vac KEDETTES REDUCED OPPOSITE POST l1l1ltll 11 JanA11 July 111 cilenipliiiy ill cli111rtc1 21111 1111 principles of Tiliitian li1113 1111 thiitrcn years he 1111 1111111 tllt ttdl 111 ollier Slilct llgipliit lllllli Barrie and for lillliilui of 11 llii 1llicl 11itliili11n llit lgiliiiy Itlimils Service Wm iii charrc of llc Vllllt Ntlllllldh 15 iiil lij t11111ld lhown and Norman llcv lvor ll llilllllllltl 11 Hamili lloii 111 intimati liitlitl 111 the ldHl ll Interment li11llit Sixth lin1 tciiictcry Pallbearers wcic litililll 31111 1111111111 111111111111 Muir liiilt lloycs Reuben Rout Snuth lcrcy laillcs honorary pali ziicis Styiiiillli licll Norman King Thomas Atkinson and Tower Among lli lloltll llllllill 11 Li troy Tarolinc Street Sundoy School Hamilton and in 111cm 11 of the deceased number of 21d con lliblcs were lltllit plnccd by the church he allcndcd Relatives and friends from dis lancc included Dr llii and Mrs Coleman Toronto Kenneth iylc Lennon Montreal MI 11111 Mrs Ray McLennnn llaniiltou Mr and Mrs Moir Sunnidale Eben Todd Toronto Rev and Mrs 1Whitc Jean and Charles linrric Theodore White of Manning liiol Toronto Mrs Coll Campbell Slay ncr Mr and Mrs Percy lanics Toronto Alfred llincs ioronio Ted Gale llainillon Misses White lock Toronto Mr aild Mrs Abra llains Hamilton Mr and Mrs Tower Barrie Mr andMrs zmononuiai New fer iHairdo is Now to be had at 1Christasg Salon Phone 996 00 Iagoomondooonnoooanoooo nephews Mrs Bolmcy was b01111 August 26 1852 in Yorkshire England At the age of fifteen ycals she came to Canada She lived fouizycnvs F105 59 years at Dalston and tol thrustfemurs atmthc hiinc of her son Herbert Crown Hill Immediate relatives survjy are herthree daughters Mrsf Min nie Emms Barrie Mrs Milton Barr Mount St Louis Mrs Hector DIRMAcLL Cliu 24 NEW IIAIRSTYLES 1NEED NEW PERMANENTS To have lovely natural look ing curls get Dcrmac per manent Get the best you can afford by skilled operators Prices from $300 BEAUTY SALON 33 1111111111131 Phone 288 5335Xfl33 $2750 =io=io==iox=o= ROBT OPTOMETRISTEs 53 Dunlop St LET us EXAMINE gran FIT YOU mm VERY LATESTSTYLE Justoalkyour convenience an appointment is not necessary We are alwaysrheiedo serve you GLASSES COMPLETE lililtfiiiii i1 50 BARRIE jPhonesu Hadron61 DenysSaturday to 1011111 iYOUR EYES SMITH lishd since1920 mnoomiuo born on the 2nd line of Innisfil 1near Cookstown on April 12 1872 sorl ofJohnMcLennan andilMary Todd McLennan He zittendd public school at Bethesda and later Parkdale Collegiate Ati thaage or twenty hecam to Iier0yltoth11r Mr McLennan hnslived ever iter of Coleman 2nd line Cookstown family of two sons Barrie One sister 1Isaellz pr deceased him inchlldhoddi gar mentalSash one daughter Mrs Amy Monkman wife of Rev Monkman Barrie daughteiiMrs Maud Smith prede ceased hersMr Claxton died eight years ago Mrs Claxton wasp lovingimd de votedivifeand mother anunus ually onal friendand an ardn advocate of temperance She was deeply interested in all Christiari and humanitarian enterprises and lifelong believer in andcontend er for the Word of God 215 found in the Holy Scriptures which she could quote readily up to the last is She will be greirtlyiimissgd Wide circle of friends McLENIiiAN Lefroy Correspondence It was withgreatregret the com munity learned of the sudden pass 111g of Charles Minimum of Lle rroy Though unable for The post few monthsito lead an activ life lowing to heart Conditionhowls able to enjoy the Companionship of friends arid the friendship of books Charles Porter McLennpn was homestead of his grandmother band settled in 1831 and Where he since Early in the 90s he married Mary Edith Coleman second daugh iand one daughter Kennedy miss slonary Shanty Mens Christina Assocwtion Ray an Xray stud out Hamilton MabelV wifeo Rey TL wring 53 Worsiey St1 My McLennan was exceedingly kind and hospitable uprightjpn Mrs CharlesTodd vheriiher hus Azoiinngs SHOES bowfqMmupwcusn awninn LOAFERS ll SADDLE 75 SHOES BAlflUliS LEADING SHOE Sltllili lllliNlI ltltillkv llol l1llil ll1c 1111l Halidwl lit ll iilll lt1i ll 111111 511411 ltilllllll 3111 lllt DRAMAIH lusniilif 11111111 Ilt lllilIS llii pt cut story narrated by tllk1lltlil ltlil ltllitlhil lhui Choose Your liilt AND LET US WRAP IT FOR YOU Smart Gift Wraps TIES SEALS RIBBONS Gil1 CARDS for every occasion SO PEN School ANDA ENIRS ANTS and POST CARDS WEAYMOUTHS Bookstore 30 1111221111111 Street Barrie Ont Phone 475 iiiiiiiciii WINTHlSWAR in everybodyand dig outall those nilonio thatvcan beturnedin10war production materiil Gould ofall those oldfavorites youve been hoarding around the house for years Ybuacan do arbig job of helping to win thicwariright hatyour ownbaick door BARBIE Bro CROSSAUXILIARY 31191119 GRACE BRX MNERg 0111