Illiursila July 31 CLASIStFlED RATES ItII it not iniIIl iIiIIili so Ill of risk of lune IllIllI1 NIMH ii illSiIsn HELP WANTED Ills Lin EVIVV 11 11IiiII lll HIE 111illlilfllit Eli1lls11211lfllfll til illlill 71 1IpViI IIIIIIiiIir lillTlitt lllIlI 11111 iIlIl lll 11gt llpzie lllllSllll lIIIII lillll toil Ill 1n llliI IplIlV 1c IIIIII xlIIII1121 I11I 1111 Ch lll lIllII IIll lilit Illll lflttI ppl II IIIIIA MTV liilmtlti =iIII IIIiII III Iollagiv lillll III IlI iiiiII 11I1Illl lilUlt lCiiniiI NIlili icon lV=1I to Urdu illllt 11 Liiiiill 11 IlelI1iI iIilIIIi liitlliIlllt 1111 not lll IIIIIl eIiIl Vipr til liIl IIpIralie III1cIV of hilalio llllllltl llIIr ri pVIIiV llllii IlllSt ll1 illlllllilllll ll ant Say you saw 11 In Tim Emminur NT 1Ulll 1111 llfllllSll I11I1l Illltllliltll Slll lllVllNlSltlIl 1101151114 Illiilllltlll wanted hone Illllhl Ilp IIillVlltl lIliuiiI llliiiic 11711 lliliy 1115411 11111 ANllll IIIIIIIIII Ilc Iliaii ply Hwy 31 ciiali pen Ap iminei licc Rip Nllll 10 lIlllltllSl 711111 lilo Iiiatties1 in good condition for child 111 three years llione ltil 311 1VNl lO lllrlY electric ranizctte beds and other furniture private Apply 111 112 Ilarric 1x1iiiiiVilci N111 llllVCCltlllC Ioople In an tllllllllllSlLfl small apartment young lliillgtt VVV Apply cvcniiies lo 23 lrovc 551 lilac 12511 October 31 35 Minds Point August 131 1icut olliver General Dc livery AllEiiiLliIle Apply WANTED TO IIENK lIiIIIIlSI Apartinent furnished iinlurnislicd Sept 1st Mother and References Barrie Examiner four lIllc adult son 44 Box 3011 POSITIONS WANTED V$ay yousaw It In Tho Exanimar EXPERIENCED TRIUCK DRIVER desires Woik Call at 71 Essa Road Allandale VIAlVABLEI WOMAN testies dLLJII work Alply 12115 Bayficld St or phone 1011 JOB WANTEDDy rcliableyoung1 as truck driver Apply Box 54 Barrie Examiner CAPABLE MARRIED MAN wishes it anything in or near Bar Vpply stating kind of work and wagespaid Apply Box 53 EXLI111 lncr Office DI BY MANSDLIIRII light workwof mail prelcrablv work wig I5 any from kind Holderf chaulfcurs license 16 years baking experience IVIould till anywhere Phone 1535B Apply Anny 100 lcnetang SL Barric AGENTS WANTED SaTyi sawlt The Examiner SELL FAMILEX PRODUCTS Neededinevery home Easily sold and relented Pleasant work Start good earnings lVillllly Filler commission proposi tionV Write immediately for treeiralPllone582W catalogue prices and details FAM ILEX570 St Clement Montreal PLANTS ANVIDf VFLOWERS with and increase GLADIOLI FOR SALE25 cents Phone 767 or 97 Cumlgcla 11 dozen land St FRIESH CUT IGLADIIOLI for Vsalc at 31 John St Barrie liear Clarke Vo Tannery Price reason VClark fbl 3gp FARMSVFOITSAIIEI ORIRENTT YOUIWANTlto buy seiner rent farmsee MKDinwoodm Worsley St 31bl FARMS FOR SALE FARM FOR SALE440 acres good land tllldblllldlth rwellwifenced some bush lots of water near Bur and Highway 27 PoSsessron any time Stock and implements if desired on Barrie Thorn 31351 POUILTRY AND FRUIT FARMI 11 acres greenhouses large poultry houses colony Morrison 11 houses in v1illillooollloilriltrcololl TO GET SPEClAL rillIRATE CLASSIFIED ADS mode by Wednesday roIIg 1111121 011 251 extra in CIIMK I1 kaphp Cloll 41 of oymcnt must be lllollIJlfiOrillll Itllv Hill SJLIIIIIII I811 ll listimu in 111 11 initial III 111 lilll1lllll1 Il1II EC 1111 Val tl 111111 Ilit iII 11 iiiiiimllinol iiI 1111 shim dii lizillli 311 II lie IIII lliiiili MARSHA IV1I111Vlll 1113 191111 1ll Ill 1IilllI il llllllll llll llIIIIIIiI IIVII llI=IIII ll WVV1II1llllllIIlIllltI llIil 11I1 IIlI llIII VHL ViVIIIit iiI tilll II iI1IIIIn vIl gel VIIII11I111I llll ullnl 51 111111 Illlt llltlllltiltt ALTOMOHILES SEED ILED 31 unit Il2En Iyyunt Tctu llll llltliS lImI SlIhlhllilt Ollil Li 131 gm WI11 LTllp IVVV 111 1111 liiIl III 1Il1IllIl 1IIiIt 1111Iil ll IIII IIllII 1111 IIIII III 11 Illlfllllflil1IIiIIil ii mm1 iIIi llcv 111 IIII1IlIi lIlIIlII ligtlI IIl 111 MIl ltiinriIIIUV IIili IllIlliI II lIIIIIl lllI FIIIIlI ItiIllI 11I III Tlipli lfllllr llllIlIli 1111113 111 II i111 Ingwali 11 11 INII fltll I11 lili Iiwiilz VHI lll STOCK FOR sALr In no lm 11 in The Ellillu1 Ialli IlIIs iIIiIIIIIIl 1n lllllil 1o 111155 ioi Sii IIIii IiIi II 11 1111 111 1111 LAW YtllllZSlllllll 11117111 1111 VgllzIIIII 15I11 515V PROPERTY FOR SALE VV 1I any 2111111 llll $13111 lIIIllr ulll Ioll p11V lll llii ti 1111311111 11111V Ullllul tigt11ll IIIII 17o Il illlltilll$ iII 1111111111 Itlllttllill lIIIllI11 llmrzt IVVI iiV 11 ll iIIIIVhV iIIVI lliIIIII lttll BAHI Residence of the late llgt Ill 311er 11 phone AIIIIlI Ti IIiiiisIIIi iIzitksIIIIIIIFI $111111 IIll lolin ll11lirll Illl llI 11 ill 11 Ill 11 Vlll1 ll YUM VVV Vm ianVIilVlwo Vi1I Ill lll tIII lIII lliin IVVVVIVVVHIV iVlIValiVpVIIce 81111141 Apply ltIgt11 llllttl Jimc 31 lttll sIiIiII1II 1111 tractors lrom triic feed to gtlco IIIi lltl VillIIllII 1111411 Ii iIIIzilIioiIxiiIviIIiNUNIT IIIIII lAllIll 19011 lllllIS Illlllyfllt Alm baud saw 11I 5113 sell for IZI or phone ltltldw WD BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY 1631 we you It In The Examiner VR0011ls IIND BOARD Say you saw it In The Summer kecpiiigApply 56 John St Stoves CVV 7V OR RENTWell furnished room attached convenw cubators colony acre asparagus raspberriesV room brick house near Barrie low thWate sunroom Dr Bar lentglocatlpnl Very sortable for bus xes 3034 iness than Phone 862J ply 62 Parksidc SVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV lllllll lliiiili lIVIIVVUIII 111111 ic ltlll 11111111 ppl lllllll IIIiIIII IValriw 1NOT1CE llttllSlS 1111 Slll mare IIlIl lllllll mm 111 VI Iiltl Apply 11111aiIli IlliiV1 ltlt Illlli one will 11111I1V llalslIIilI 111 lll llll1111tl l1l IIt Tl lliiiizilil 51 II ltlllllllt lliilIlicj 15011 SAHC Ayuhirc lhiiliaiu sIIIIIIi uIIlEI VIIIIl milk Apply lIIiIlIiI ppr lltIllLlll 11 lIlltlllth St 1111 V1 Ulll piiI Shanty Nl llllllIlII 1111111gtV1Ni LOTS for sale icpaialc or IIIILIithci in nice localI 1Vty lgoad roads town water ahdl yum5V 111311 Apply to llox DONT MISS supper to rush in for gas Wed lIIIiIl Service SlalirIzi operates on Standard Time Serve until 11 pm Harrison 2511 lli wclllm am tested luxziililli Vlllil Alltllbi Apply John Lees 31131131 lIIlIIi Iairic 11111113 also call at f1111ll Phone 31111 11111 Aililas CLAY LOAN for sale iiiniiIiIziI vow to close rlllt of the late Saraliwccks old yinold lieifcr hull 21 SlllllLtltllltl llor further particulars hlcCuaig llllllISlIlNU h1lllllIIIlil 11p tliimlcy llilllill llIIllIrl llcll com binalcil sep iii 11 late model AIM pl llox 113 Examiner lIlIltL 2111 IIOIIIHIIId iIIlilICIIiI or Iizzps ltl mI cII IIIIII Biliillplfiln lot llllllrtfll Iyipply Duncan HY1C1 iic i11W 1101191 19011 SALIIleearly0551 ltdN 1111l GlClililNG lllllll gt1 Icars 511111111 tlllll 1371 lbsne Is with down payment Iarvolrl filly brown llll 2yrIIlIl lltllgili10111111114111111 filly dark rciiIzil 111 llllllffll St llarrie lltllilc for milk cows eitliol fliIVrIIV Arnold 5111 vulk11l box or sale alrIi scales and butchers counter and cqiiip IieIil Apply llIIx i111 llailic 19x iiniilci RI IIIItIlltlt llroomed lit121111 11 or mo hay For sale freshen inches wide in rolls T011 cents 1b lllOUSIIl FOR SALE IN bllIOLIDIVeliifiV Commit lelllli ll yards iii 11 llillls zippy matcly lbs and 11111 Apply at 11le minute from highway 11 liloee unliner Office 231flllllllSC oftl rooms all cr iliydro double garage Particular Barrie Exainin IlllIlzlflllMNllYS lll1llllll Ick work painting etc iIliI 1111 Apply MISCELLANEOUS Say you will it In The Examiner mvenicnc BABY llASSlNlIIIll liili cllaii and walker cheap for quick sale apply Box 415 IIOUSII AND LOT forsale in Mid lilljlsl land 177e1son 51 near Midland Iark room frame house ltllgthFOR pAINTER AND paperhmwv iIIIIIiIrs received in AUSIUSL sIIIIA Miller 59 McDonald sr III 111 11111 highest or any tender not V9311 5Vi Cmmiry or mom 31331 PAPER IOIiACII 1AN1IIIJ TO IIENI III ROOFING SUPPLIES Zone Ilcuvy Duly roof coating for flat slanted leaky roots Makes old roofs new at quarter the Cost of new roof Witlt years guarantee de fiaVncc to sim snow wind railri slcet and frost The superior coal mg of the day Iloll roofing shingle lllSllllllCli steel aild built iip roofsrCaulkiiii work done 11 llicks 113 Maple Ave BarrieLI Phone 126911 31310 Ztlilllil llC iwi acceptor 1111s time It tables loa meetings etc for sale at Examinoi Saves work LOST AND FOUND lOS1Icar1 llionc 53 Office costs RUNS IN SILK STOCKINGS gmendcd 15 cts per stocking Send 21 fistockings and money to Mrs Geo ggifbVMoney RR VVUtopia and laundr sunburst toward LOSTRed boat bumper Vlong Reward Valley Taxi 221321 LEARN TO MAKE curtains and LsCurtain demonstration at the Singer IVCcntVrc on Tuesday August ii at llOUNDArrShoppinq bag containingJZEUVpm Free admission parcel of print graham wafers etc Please phone 155 BLACK AND GOLD RING LOST Dunlop or Elizabeth 815 out please phone IleOSl4OiltIiliIIl auto license Z783i1 VV lliinder please notify 177 ElliVabctllIdldD SL Barrie Iilp the hold Sewing CARTAGIEV BUSINESS in Barrie for sale 1011 truck witha Class license All conditith Willi moving equipilieiit Town license All insurance 111 health caiisc for selling Apply Box 52 EXaminer Office Lilb IltlpV thr To CREDITORS AND OTHERS NOTICE is hereby given pursu 3ipant to The Trustee Act that all iClCdllOIS and others having claims against the Estate of Sarah Martin late of theTown of Bar Vrle Widow deceased who dicdlon illMillie 18th day OfJUllI 1941 are re iqucsted to send palticulaxsoftheii claims to the undersigned on or before the 20th day of August 1911 after which date the Executor will Vdistribute the assets of the Estate having regard only to theclaims of which he then shall have notice and will not be responsible for any other 2931b 31 Wednesday 853J LOSTVI pair oars between Elin wile and Big Bay please notify COvillg Transport Re ward1 BEAGLE Finder Point Finder ROOM FOR RENTApply 29 To ronto lhonc 1052M 3115 ROOMS FOR RENTLight thUND LOSTBlack brown and white Answers to Clip per Tim Colinell Stlolid 15132 LOSTOn Saturday night cameo pendalit with chain Finder please phone8r2 Ivy and reverseecharges Tel ROOM TO RENTCentral reasonl able 14 Worsley St Phone 421 31p ROOM TOLETBoird Optional App1y2V0I Parkside Drive Phone 493J V3113 Thornton red white gold ESTEN ESTEN Barrie Solicitors for Executor MORTGAGEISALEII of Valuable Residential IIProperty IN THE TOWN OF BAR IN THE COUNTY OF VSIMCOVEI UNDER and by virtue of the powers of sale containedxina ccr lainmortgagewhich will be proV duced at the time of sale there Will be offered for sale by publiCaiicV at the QUEENS HOTELVV BARRIE on SATURDAY AUGUST 2nd 1941Vat 12 oclock noon DzlyI light SavingTime1 by CoughU 11in Auctioneer the following par celvortruct of land Situate1yinr and being in saidrrrTVown of Barrie and being composed of lot Lettcri on tth East Side ofOweil Street in the saidwToan offBarrie egistered plan numl ONE CARTON IMPERIAL Tobac co lost Addressed KnowlesBailey contact Transport CO Ltd Reward 30311 YOUNG SOW STRAYED to No 90 Highway July 26 owner may have same by iprovihg property andVpaying eX penses LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOM for rent downstairs Apply 181 Elizabeth St 31p LARGEI FURNISHED ROOM suit able for light housekeeping Ce3nlt UNFURNISHED ROOMS i6 rent Adults Quiet home Apply Box V49 Examiner Office Slpb ONE LARGEDOWNSTAIRS front IroomVVfurnished Housekeeping pri vileges 132 BurtonAvg 31p TWO FURNISHED ROOMS for light housekeeping Weekly rent 46 Codringtoll StV Barrie IV 31p DRIGHT COMFORTABLE Room to let in private home Central Gentlemen only Mary St V31p Orillia Finder CoVille Fleethams RIE 31331 LAVRGE GREY PERSIAN CAVT lost Monday night in vicinity of Cunw dies answers to name of Mickie telephone 1509R 31b ltion Finder please Reward STRAYED TO PREMISES ronVIlot 122 Cons3 Ore orror about Julyi lpair of guns Oeriel uiay Vha vVe property andeaVy N31p same byprovin IngV eXpenses DOSTI0ne boat lVlookI pike pole with bronze head and tenfoot var= nished hardwood halldlciPlcaserc iturn to Delaney Boat Lines at Bay field St Wharf TARPAULINVLOST between Dun lop St and south end of Essa Road Wednesday mOrning Finder please notify WLLivingstonr 2267Elizabeih St Phone 105W Reward LOSTQSatIiIday nightI on Clapper between Collier St gold ROOMSAVAILABDETOF soldiers lwives No Women sniokcrsiNo in chiiibrance 227 Bradford St 5311 THREE BRIGHT ROOMSV to rent available August4 Pleasecall be tween and pm 71 Essa Road according to her 261 This property is well and centI rally located and there is said tol ll comfortable storey rough casta cent Idf theVpur lbe erected there Allandal 31p one and onehalf EDBusiness girl or nurse to are apartment with another business girl Apply Box Barn rie Examiner 31p ROOMS FOR RENTPartly fur nished Pantry and use of shed on round flooi Reasonable rent Ap ply 107 Maple Ave 31p residence Terms ten per chase money at the time of sale until the balance thereafter The property will be offered for sale subject to reserved bid Further forms and conditions of sale will beV made known at itlme of sale or in meantime on tapplication tor STEWART STEWART Mortgagees Solicitors Barrie OntarioV Dated July 17 1941 within thirty days ton St Tamblyns and octagonshaped ladys wrist watch with leather strap ReWard Phone 1657W STRAYEDFrom Sharps pastiirc on 27 Highway east of Midhlust one White yearold heifer little red on tips of ears and slit in left notiny the Plane 293lb 99 310 uoroton 130 KnllyV To whom it may concern HI iI lI llll lltliltlllliill hm 11 Ippral fIIi llll inIIIt 111 111w lIrIIi timid III illllll our llllHitVI 1o lxiu in 131 lttltlliiilll 11 ill and It lIgtI IIl lilo in tile iftciiiooii 11 it out 11 this 1ll go Iiilo illill ill lllisl ll Barrie Creamery 51 llllllIs Hill lll uii llk 1i I1 lllll 1111 11I1=I in 1111 lliii II II1 11 pIIIlI1I to III 1111 lt lt Tlll 13 111 hll iIIIt llltll IlII iiit1ll 1115A II iiliiIIIIIIIIIlIIx Sollcitwi OwlII Ell 11ric Jill lllVI of March 1911 lll 1II1 to send 1illltlllll Ill llltllI illlll 1111 or 11cV 111 lllIl IlllSIl lllIll illlll which laII ITAccuIors will proceed to IllI I1I tlie Iissetz of the 1041111 I11 those entitled tliIicloIlial ltittlitl only to the chant 111 they shall then have notice 2111121 at llziiiic iiiaiio 1111 IICIllgreiLzhtll day of September 1VllllllV to 1111 with iIII SlXll IEItY GOOD KNOWLES Dairy Lunch CARPENDRY CONTRACTING GENERAL REPAIRS AND ALTERATIONSv SHINGIIING HARDWOOD FLOORS Pleascdto Igive SlJimatS LATANVILLE Phone 287K WANTED New crop WinterIthat Bags and trucksupplied To save gasoline we will pay charges on all telcV phone calls II LEFROY ELEVATOR PhoVVIIlc 231v Model Irjick Up Nice qonI VVdition Hudson ScdllilGooil tires LLQSLBIIicLV Special Salon Lovely ear3Vlhroughout 1935 Pontiac DeLque Oogch New tires and paint Be sure and look these overI WilltlcalV 0ND BLACKIMARE PONY 14 hands 900 lbs v11 SPROULE 19 THOMPSON s11 DARRIEII Phillie 1930 me linen Iffiim 1111 IIIII1ci Wellin tun II1 2211121 111 lllitl liiiltl iii 1111 5211111 Illii III Ill 11 lV It III leVILi icIi iIIIl Hllyihkl III toil 11 11 VVIVVVVVVV 11111 11 lIIIII tI Iiil InIl tIIiII 111311 Il lllI11 pidltw 11 Vtiaclor VIliziiao used linilVdiVY iilltllll ISltlt 1111 iIaVI lIiI 1141331 11 l1i1lj IliiIIIliIlt1 IIl1llll 1I 3111 Ii III liiiv iIgiII lit IIII 14 IltllllVI lilttllt IlliiliIi 1IIII 11 lllllll plIIII1 111 Ml 1111 11 11v lilIIi llll11l hand SI l=112l I1 linoi It from 11 pet IlIllt will hail iin til the north HI With liiiik 1lllt and ilnprIIvIii lit peaiaiicc of the 11111111 Doug ILADIESI INJURED IIIDllltE or iiiiiiTilT BIIRIIEN SATURDAY ttaWa July 311 The llnla IIl VKcnt will port in plane of the 11C 11 91111 am Saturday arrive ligtii at 11113 tour the station aiiilV have early The party will continue 1in air at 11 111w 11 llltI IIIIl 1111 Izlcat Cillliiiis CRASH Villain Milliiiiiisr IIxutlI of liIIiIlIIn crash IlIIIItciIlIl IiiIi To CRIEDIIIlIIORs xlitltti 1S llllltlilltl llVlIN II lo the lriistcc Act llIIIlIIVVIVHH 1115Vlll11I 11IIIII1 11 01 llllillllIlIl 1lIIIl11nlovn1Iipotno tIIiiiIljs IlI thincoo VlililI II Iizcd 1111 or about the lvcnlyl lIavc ltoikcliffe oacli at tilel and ray lIiiltl car lllIVllV lrcil 11mm lllltlMlllIill at 111113 last niplit twu silawa women are in llic Royal VIItnlille Ime RVVMNL MTV Inmlllml llmII Mm llllllI 111l at 230 tour the air station and and llt1 injuries and Mrs 1iankvim 1m runwm inpircd liincll division and 11 leave for tlziwa at 513 arriving other ladies were treated for min1 V3 or injuries and left for home later intersection Staple pelvis inorniin the Duke will my Midlattend church with the Governor lllllSl 31 Film 111 lllVLll ll iliiieneral his host in Ottawa and plot leave by air for coach almost headon the smaller WHV car striking the coach while it vasI on the right side of the road pciicis 111 1111 coach gaveliyi lII 1112 diuvcr Joseph who il 11 the liilli ZilicIIiillIIl of llll1iiI gt111 of llic road whichl l11IIIIe1Vv igtlllfll1Illllllll11llllllilltl swcd 11 pgisseiiuirs from muchI VVllllgtL1111 cc1lIVlit Swon received head injuries andl his car was badly sillasllcd cwcli Sunday Al the 11rd Swan of lhtllNHl1 Winnipeg at ltlillll=ltl to proceed or its way am Traffic lt11ll 2l1I1IltlIN Solicitor lI1l the llxcculors II 331 Barrie Ontario Officer lliitfiiiI llllliI 1llil1t Dll7ltAllSI llNWARY wrril PAINTED New Waterford NS July 25Capc Bretoners are wear ing Britains for Victory campaign miner here painted anVL on chair scat kept it wet and watched his companions awhilcvthcn walk prominently but unknowing ly displayingI their patriotism 1i too badly FooD may 1001 sniwlclc EltY CONGENIAVL COMPANY 1It wax SLACKAt CVIIIIIIsIIIIVII 11141 to Mr and Mrs llioriiton Ont on July 22 Black daughter DlBBlEAt the Royal VicIgtriI Hospital Barrie on July 24 1941 to Mr alid Mrs Lloyd DibolcyI son LEONARDAM tllc Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on July 27 1941 to Mr and Mrs AZ Leonard Ail uiis daughter hlllibsVAt 183 Elizabeth St rle on Tuesday Jilly 29 194 IMI and Mrs Mills son MOOREvAt Ontario PERSONALS Joyce Archer of Barrieuis spend 1111 months holiday with Mr and Mrs Jas McDonald Pickering Ont Mr and Mrs Reg Archer Lornic BVVrlHlltllll Archer Spent Sunday with to IMr Archers brothel Dave mdd Vwho has joined the RCAIFI Mail VningAhiolToronto TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Bay you saw It In The Examiner FOR SALETDiningrooin ktable 11 so kitchcn table bedroonl chairs odd VVVVVVV cheiii Ittelilsil REaSOhIabIly priced for immediate sale Phone 63 FOR SALV cillmLarchcheaue the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Jilly 29 19411 to Mr and Mrs Jack Moore 112 DSSaIIford St daughter suite bedroom rocker kitw equippd BANTINGln the Township of on Friday July 25 Angus NeisorlertiTTgTbcTov husband of and brother of Thompson Allisl and the late Sir Frederick Tinting Interment Alliston UriI ion Cemetery July 28 WATISuddcnlyfin Toronto on Friday July 25 Stafford Whit taker dearl if Muriel Sloan Evelccn Temple Jeanvand Dor othy and eldest son of the late Rcv and Mrs Watt Bond Interment in St Petersl hurchill July 27 HUSTONOn Monday Jilly 21 1941 at Kingston General pital OlilQVVHVIVleton yeaiIbeloved wife of Corporal Jack VHuston now on active sci vice overseas formerly of Bar rie and daughter of MLand Mrs Clarke Belfast Ireland InterI Incnt Toronto July 233 MEM liouseblargc lot puLdl IPart cash balance arranged Phone was Essa Margaret Drcnnan ton Cral lIiirst AUCTION SALES Vg Vm Pm chnesday August 20MrsN II br Rogers 50 Mary St Barrie will hold an extensive sale of high class household Mllitureand SalcstartrafiBO Grose and father of fects lDIST Auction cor Head 0=0=0=0F0=0==0=0 Cemetery QUALITY 010 HOS Ami2441 VVVVVFRESH VFlISVIIIISPRING VLAMB If TOWL SPRING CHICKENSVIJ VCH1CKE2NS TORI FRVYIVNVG HANDLE cHRISTIEs IBRE FRESH VDAILYV BACON SQUARES 1b zoo ROASTS ofIIBEEF Ibis226 MSWEETPICKLED PICNICHAMSrlb 23o lbs 25c FRESH VEGETABLES AND FRUIT ND SERVICE OURMOTTQ BRENN 79 Diinlop St BARBIEF Phones 5051 Elm Irwm oaonomouoggogowo VV ZVUsEDV C535 LTf BOOTHIn lotlug memory VVofour deal brother John BOoth who died ill Thornton on July 28 1941 VL0Vvingly remembered by Belle and Mary FLEMMINGIn loving memory of my dear mother Mrs FlemI Tilingwho passed away July 27 1940 also my dear fatherrwho passed away February 13 1924 Beneath the sodlies slpigllr loving mother and father dear IOn earth they loved in death de VtaiVVned So grant Iinheaven weVall mee gain bSadly missed by daughter Lila HILLIn loving memory IVOfIWil liam Hill killed in train wreck August 1930 Meillories keep him near Daughtcr and son Myrtle and 3lpb =0=0m0=0a SAUSAGE is IUALITY no==o=o YOUR GROCER 215 KELLUUGS CORN FLAKES pkgs 27C SlllRllllIFS HANGll Marmalade 1b JCIIS 29C hllllllllllIS Lemon Pie Filler pkgs 25c 1lltlih PORK and BEANS Small tins 25C Duchess Apples ll 91li1ltl 35C MCCULLOUGH or Mary and Elizabeth Phone 215 II ll $1111iu113 WANTED LADIES With hair 111111 is difficult to wave Vlle lllllilllil WAVE II III None at $111111 11 11111111 lI111Illtl II $1151 lIrmaiicnts lice $151 for $200 For 8111 AVA Appointment only CAMERONS lappIrtonqst Phone 356 it 37 11 iinI lllYlOll1l SEDAN Ions ioliiif tlll IVIm lllllll AllI ism roan coAcii 1113 PLYMOUTH coACli 1113 liitlck OAell 1111le Form COUPE inzIz Foal SEDAN 1112 vilILrs orlic 1931 Min ROADSTEI 111211 lllkAVNl COUPE 11123 DitiiAxr SEDAN Groves Allen 13 Clappcrton St PHONE 1646 WANTEDV BUYER FOR 1928 Dodge calm Autotruc class shape on Nqu with lights and tested Westinghouse 8llllc Radio Cabinet cLeLtlicV runningr Jiarage Refrigerators Water Systems Washers Taco Implement RadiosF crrrgimrgiWiTllIoTIeSilsrssi ====9=91VV=OI= ADV HWOEOaOHO