Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 17 Jul 1941, p. 6

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1311113114 July It 111 Camp Borden Flyers Left to right front row Shanks Imrie Alex ander Crowc Lt Badglcy Manager Reb betoy Bent Slicctcr Mathewson McKay Asst Mgr Kallio IIanunond SJL 11ers 1111111 roundup 11111111111111511111 111111111111 11 31111111 1111111 110111111 Arrangements have been completed now for the superi duper benefit game for Iuarl Marshall badly injured localpmumg 31135 1051 softballStal It will beheld at Shear Park Allandale nexu Monday 11154111111715 The committee in charge of the game headed by Bill Garner of the oxy Aces and Ross smith oi tl1e Collegians how 11 natural attraction lined 11p clash between 1111111pm undefeated county lcagucdeadillg Barrie Collegians oi 19411111111111 1111111 and the Barrie Roxy Aces of 1035 who won the Ontario inKIW 11 with termediate championship that year Everyregular ot the 1035 Aces has been notified and will be on hand for the benefit name was an infielder on 111111 team 1111 11 111scl Aside fl11111 lllc 111111111 usnf thcrcl is 31011 11111111111 duel comm 11p biwrcn Harry Muss ice of the 10113111111111 111 star 111 the 11st for himsclf j11 the 111111y from 151310 to 1030 then went on to 111111 11111 111s exploits iiuNorth 21 111111 gt111 ball Gilly is now located at Culling wood but was pitching in 11111111114111 Staffs 11 Roanoke Rapids and R11 lcigzh NC In 1937 the year 119 lct Barrie Ken was working and pitching for 1111119 tcnm 11p nortl Although getting into 11111 Ciiiuli class after 12 years of 1151 ball 1111 fiiylc is ever today Interest for Cookstown Couse is just 21 and is now in his second year of the county league He lost only two games last ycai none so far this season and has been averaging about four hits per game ilunitstrikeoutsr Hogs big and fast with 1111 kinds of stuff on the ball So is Gilly with added years of experience under fire Its 11 natural attraction in itself Cooks Iown llarrys home town should end 11110 delegation tip for the game lllcreillas been so much ar SummeriHosieryl gnment over the respective merits of Cruise and Guilfoyle around this district heres the ChllllCC to settle Hope for Good Weather Officials are looking for ilbleilk from thewcather Barrie Band will be present t1113111y1361111e and during the game Shear Park should witness its biggest crowd of soft dalc Imperials and Roxy Aces were battling for the local crown seven years ago The Aces were finalists in 1934 and 1930 won the OASA title in 1935 Then they disbanded when Gilly went north Howard Smart was manager of that great 19am and thc same guitarstrumming Smarty now proprietor Of lunch mph in Toronto has promised to come up and mastermind agaiir next Monday The Examiner sells at $200 and is worth more TROPICAL WORSTED fBEDFORD CORDS AND SHARKSKIN Celariesilk inAirforce Blue Greens AlrQBroWnSH Sizesdrom 30th 44 Choice wearing forrhot weather Shorts with elastic tops at 25c and 39C Regular 14 hose from SPORT SHIRTSlnbIl sizes UNDERTOGS 29c 390 50c C1 LOWER 13 Dunlop St 111119111 11047 Ant UulhlL Lhbubo kn ubuu4 an sleAu 11113 WIN 11 1111111111111 nozzz 3111 1l11i 11211 three giudps starts 1111 ace and p15 11 over 31111111111 cmnpetznti in 1111st 111111511131 with 1111 11111 lhc l1111migt 1114 K1111 tuilfoylc 11111 in lcr forwtln lI ids on Satinday 111112 Ant1111 lioiiihcis 1n 1111 1131115411 clchratim1 z11vcd at noon from 1111 111111111 111111cr ircgt 0111151111 inf slopl 111111111111 his fellow lliirilcizcl industrnd ritual1111111111111 1111111111111 the shipyard pitchc 1111 py1d hall 1111111 lilly 11 in 111111113111111111 Alihwuh ll111ic he spent his youth Baseball Team Hession President Sports Club 11icill111sky Bruce Del111 Thompson rainwiiggiit 111111 Absent Clawl Alt1111111111 Standing Teach l11ll ttw lttlll and indus llay city to the 1111 111f 1111111 l11bu lt1lvlt 1111 returned to his 11111v1lihl1I 11 dcvclop into 11111111111111 11111 fililflcdi1cd ball player 11 1111 km lt11l=i 1111111111 AElxlllillttl 11 ltllrdy lliiliitl 111111 plziy hi livnlli 111 11111 mi 111111111 111111111 li1E1h 111 11111111111 season 5dr tl f11 MArrn vr MIDLAND play fast balland serious 1111111 goiter 111 ollingtvnod innings was barely 11ndc cn Huck Caesar was w1117 Aircralt 1l111ld to hail from Il1inilltl Io damage other than to Iccl Bombers blue 11111 l111i 1211111111 11 31111 111 urn11 111 1gt1111 111111 111 1151115 tv1 l11111l with 111 1i1l 111111ll111l1iWilli lclt Norrn 111111 tutisc tczc Ewvvi Ilium 1111111 and hayhc hides 1111 11 11 1v111 if 11f lt 11f pulls 1111 li1r11c town lc111c 111111 1111 by 1121 0111111111111 l1i clthn supp llll111l 1113 tin 1111111 lull 111v 111111 Pun11113 iillp 11 and Tom S1111 sad 111 11l11lr 111 any 11ci 111111111 11111 111 ihc1r 11i 1111 1111111 lju1ll cnicrtaiumcnl lll and is 101 Cilll MitiSllitll llllllSleZ11111111h the some is all cvcn Itildlanll Rill 111111111 1313 Eco 31111111111 sc111c 1111111 211111IV pldy VV 111 11111111 11111 1111111 111111 lll em 1111 1111111 111 l1clv avoided were 1111111111111 white stripes real bigr 11111411111 style lydc Bombers 1111vcl 1111portcd pittlicr Johnny Rules by 11111111 11111 hc staccd 11 real mound ducl Harriette The flashy 1111111 11111111 and llnvxcn pllcd 11p nicei 11111111 il11 lc 1111111 11 11 Mad orb 111lltllllfA 1111 11 lllt111p 11111 1111 tl 11f 1111c 111ml 13x1111111 1111111 111111111111111 lllilltli for 111111 i11c lliitti 111 lltl 112111211 1131111 111110 VWml lltltl 111111111 off 1111111 iryint 111 ytrctrl 11 sinulc 111141 11111111111 nokc was quite cficctivc with better support 11illl had much clmcr score 113 1111111 lipt 1111l six hits facing 111111 11111 11110 flll timc llir drop even had li1111c Gilt11111 111111pfo1lh1xy Ace Roxy Aces will have two catchers 11100111111111 151111111 and Jimmy lohnszonlony Saw 1111 1111111151111 troud aficr workingKun Walls for 11 r111 vcus in the north cwun Chus licnrscy 1111111111 idaxvmd oi lllllli can chan 111 that pc1 11111111ylc of course wdl be 111 51111111 1111111111111111 and the Accs 11111 111113111 11111111 urc 111 hauling any rciicf pitcher llcrb Sparham ll1le OIrlarc Geo McConkey Dr larrott Claude Craig Cliff Brown Roy Merrick 251 Illaii 111 11115 IProminent Sportsman lTurk DoylepDeod Ernest IIurkl Doyle 53 New lnarkct prominent in lacrosse and other sports was found dead in his car Wednesday night at midnight iua parking lot at Jacksons Point It is believed he was stricken with aheart attack He was represent for Canadian Breweries lIl NOVIIIIIIIRCL 1111 scisoii A1111V l1tll McNamara 1111 ch 111111111 1111111 ti11ilfoylc but the fin llv came out on top We would like in see the Ilarrie Cillliiilillls Clilrl with one of these crack ol Jiiuitl would be nice softball but the 111 mound 1h 31111101111111 111111 111d Twin 801111111111 palm 151111k11 1111111 Nuvcitihcr 11d 11111111 cnthu1l 11 11111 lxcn unlicyc who made 117111 1111114 11 111111111 D1 11111111 ouse could take care of themselves ith Harold and Wallacc llrown fam ous athletic twins of Ilc1fltfrd have gt positions at the Ontario Athletic Connnissiou 11111111 Lake Coucliiching for the summer Iwo 11111111 players lost to Ilc11ford have continue lcaicue Wallace llitnlll g111lllll1f Varsity will teach Frcnch and RT at Sinicoe High school next term although certain of the 01111111411115 claim they will Steve Hines third sucker 15 the only player of the 1935 Aces nowl playing for the C1111cgiansbut he senior ranks carlicr 111 the year twill be with the Aces next Monday From 19311 11 15110 he phehed in tact li Fri accepted head coaching Dave 11111 11231111 CENTRE Au nwt luull ball pltlll lead team Knight and reserve 111 11cc returned home holidaymtz Collegians have signed Roly Lee Midlmrst Ilincs place at third for this game Lec will be available for the rest Earl Moshalis place utility infielder for the Collegians Tony $1150 at first Morry Strans mail at second Bill Hare at Short Bud Kashuer in left Eddie Straus 111111 in centre Joe 8330 in right completes the Roxy Aces lineup forl They had practice to gether last week plan several more By that 11111 the stiffness 11115111111121013 idlirkd 131117111 Sonicof the creaking joints Outside of Steve Colic glans Emma Wallwtn on Sunday Ncwmarket Mrs former may mp an Hickling is visiting with her sister Mrs Meggmson at Sault Ste Mane Mr and Mrs Dorgan of T111 weekend v1sitors Wllll Pratt and Shirley returned holidnYint of the season Tennis is almost 11 dead duck in I111r11c this year lhcrcuscd to be two thrivini clubs both with en tries 111 the district lcattue Now the Allandale folded up There is one net up at he Barrie courts but apparently no 1rganization or upkeep of grounds although some playing takes place No Sign of life or nets may be not1 iced at the Allandalc courts There is 11 onecourt private club operat1 ing at the north of Hayfield street Not only have Barrie 11nd Allan dale formerly powers in the tonal world dropped out of the York SimcocOntario Simeoc County Penetang Mass 81 51 Johns Catholic clmrch11ees Owiam and Harold Pringle NUWTmekutnterment was in St lAurora are president and secretary lof the loop this season Entries me were and 01111 Mar home two Mrs STRAINS SPRAIIS SOREMIISOLES BRUISES MIND 11111111111511111c111111111u 11tcd as 11131 as good as nan1 after weeks Mr and there and llarrie clubs have and Mrs Donald Cameron Sunday vxith Mr and Mrs James Orok at Mldhurst Several from tcnded the July 112 celebration 1n 1Collingwood on Saturday Sunday visitors with Mr Wm Brown family visited at1ve Born life member 11160nt1r113111cu1ssc VASsricizltion of the Holy Name Society and the Independent Order ofForesters He was unmar ried ll Survmng are four five sisters Funeral services were held Sat morning Monday he was past president 11 this hood and around here at 110 was member and were Gladys illrown Miss Haugh Mr and Mrs Sharpe of Toronto and Miss Appieby of Barrie Mr and Mrs Barrie regular Hines will use their starry lineup of Barrie and Mid hnrst players who have been rollingr along this season Mrs brothers and Patterson 11nd Mrand Mrs Wilbur Dobson at Niagara but lnCllldlilLi Ortlli league teams Midland weekend ails and St Catharines Mr and Mrs Alex Miller and Emory of Newmarket visited 0111 Sunday with Mr Wallwin Ruth Wallwm returning lwith them Centre Vespra Womens Institute The Centre Vespra Womens In 1stitute held their meeting at Mrs Lawrences on July 10 The 111ext meeting will be at the home iof Mrs Rennick on August 14 Armor Mr and Mrs Gordon Tebo and family Toronto are holidaying at their cottage here and Mrs visited their daughter Mrs John Rattan at Gravenhiirst Over Sun my Loni 11rdz1y ient with Requiem and and Mrs LI NTHE OGREENO ohns Cemetery BB COLLINGWOOD FIRST AT BARRIE MIXED DOUBLES ball fans next Monday since Allanj Barrie club held their annual mixed doubles tourney on Wednes day afternoon and evening July with 11 rinks present from Colling wood Allandale and Barrie Mrs Chatterson and Folliott of Collingwood won first prize Mrs Walker and Todd Bar rie were secOndMrs McCyaw1 Malcomsbn third Mrs Hewson and Nettleton COI lingwood fourth Mr Hugh Donnelly llFEGUARD Bosellt has secured pos ition at Oshawa in box factory Mrs Wni Jack is having sale of her household goods on Satur Whan had family in honor of day Mrs Frank reunion on Sunday her sonrPte Clarence Whan who was home from Petawawa on last leave before going to Halifax The Red Cross Tea held by the Womens Institute was very suc cessful over twenty dollars being realized The ladies are now selling tickets on quilt which has been donated by Mrs Alex Canning Mrs Melvorof Sudbury is vis ng Mr and Mrs Robert Keli spent week with Mr and Mrs Wray McLennan 111 Hamilton MrfandWMrs serll and Mr and Mrs Kell attended the wedding Of Dr Miss Beatrice Perry Saturday Mr LLANDALE CLUB INCREASE LEAD 1N BERGER TROPHY Allandale on the third night of phylum weekly Berger Cup ser ies added 15 points to their lead over Barrie and are now up 16 Play continues tonight at Bgrie reens Robspr and Knight of Allandale trimmed Hilliard Mer edith andWalter Sarjeant Barrie 216 Cecil Sharpe and Reid took 1711 verdict over Mayne Maleomson Only Barrie team were Wilson aner McCuaig who beat Goring and Webb by 1812 gt GOOD ATTENDANCE AT IRISH TREBLES ALLANDALE CLUB and winnin Clifton Kell to in Oshawa on and Mrs Occomore and Morton Mr and Mrs Airman GOrge Werv151torSatf Seymour Kells over the weekend Mr and Mrs Watt and son Bruce of south River wereweek end visitors at Alex Cannings Men are busy at work finishing iupthe matchingr of the Dave on the fourth line Bilnusilitaeks 1111111 complaint nonunion just mother for clogged or sluggish liver It finvery common complaint but can berquickly remedied by stiniuluting the ow of bill This softens the accumulated mass the carried out of the system and the liver and bowels toned up Mburns LugLiver Pills and the sluggish liver open ingltp every channel by causing if iron own bile and thurcieunsing the liver oftho dogging dmpuritiou mall and only high vain trMO Lawrence Allandaleclub had very good at tendance forvthelr weekly urnar merit Monday night 24 wlers were on hand and Some keengames resulted Irish trebles were played McKerracherW Mayne and Garside took firstprize Rev WHA DoeV Sharpe and Puncher Were secdnd while Hut chines ARyan and 115111113111 were 1111 meat Nic PLAY TOURNEY LoCAL Rinks Two mixed rinks from Allandalg went to Tottenhamlast Friday The rinkrskipped by Webb took second prize The rinks were com posedqfflR Rogers Peck MrsPeekG Webb Mrs AR Walker Kennedy Mrs Kennedy and Harry Wharton United States Navy Band is one of the largest aswell as cheer the finest bands in the Wworl eightyfive members under the dun Lieutenant Charles Beater willbe fourteenday feature on 1the Band Shellat theCanadianNa tional Exhibitionthis year poisons are are relieved and HAP APPLETON Barrio Manager quicken glqppertonSt ORILLfAeZZ 11151 St ection COLLEGIANS WIN EIGHT STRAIGHT COUNTY SOFTBALL 111111111 Itork Put on ircut Show of lime Running llircc Ilits Off Cause Some mutt fielding by Barrie 1111151 fielder and We 111 Luff hllli l1111lll iii11 111 1211 112101 thrcc 11111111 111111115 other iicldlnzf 1111 11111 who 11ll some 111111111111 pm 1111111 dccp 1111111 111 1111 1t lmpnc Ramsey fooled atatimcs 111110 pitched his usual steady game particularly in the pinches but his control seems tirbc slipk ping as some of his bad pitches are lot wider and higher than earlier in the season Barrie tallied second run in theSth Miles was safc on Cases error only to be forced by ouse Rock walked and pulled 11 double steal with Couse The latter was nailed at the plate when Norris tapped to short Rock reached third and soon stole home on Vanlants NEW DAIRY PRODUCT new dairy product has been evolved in 111101111 from whey by ircscarch workers of the West of Scotland Agricultural College 11 115 s11n1111r111 all respects to first class buttermilk Since bakers lit 11311111111 are prohibited from 11511 iniilk or milkpowder the new prov duct which can be made common Cially with existing equipment should be of pariicular value 111 the present time Isnfifa llFEGUARDS PREVENT BlOWOUFACCIDENTS Every experienced motorist is consciom of the dangers pos sible fromblowouts or other fcauses of sudden tire collapse That swhythousandsgof motorf ists say wouldnt drive for milewithout LIFEGUARDSIIL safe smooth stop Anyone who knows the facts would rather ride in car that has Goodyear LifeGuards in the tires For LifeGuards 11111511111 the danger out of blowouts AVE 15111111111111101111111111113111111w 11111 $111111 TAKE YOUR TnotrinLns 10E DALBY Repairs Battery Service Greasinq Tire Work REFRIGERATION Sales Service 93 Bradford St PHONE 654 1111 five 11111115 vithphy 311111 111111 1111151 111 scored 1rrl tnle II 1111111111111 1171 1111 litli 5115 131211111111f 111111ntyne 73111111 The whole family enjoy 11 OIIcalthful refreshing Spearmint Gum is treat for young and Old And the chewing helps keep your teeth clean bright and at tractive The delicious flavor sweetens your breath freshens you 1111 Jointh millions Of happy families who enjoy Spearmint after every meal thatreplaces theordinary inner tube in your tire Should blowout ocCur there is no sud den tire collapse The LifeGuard remains inated long enough on to bringyour car to Every earezveryr rider needs hisvaluable everpresent pro1 LifeGuards any fire make any tire saferl Let us equip yourftires with LifeGirards The LifeGuard is 2plyinner today You cant get better reserve tire inside avlieavy tube prOtectlonito save yourlifelj Tit000 mi Ihone phone 482 JV

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