you 111 liz On T1118 and T1101 11 11 lN WOMANs REALM 17 Wer Todays Fashion lCut Kitchen Duties 5110113 11 Cool Chocolate Milk DrinksmTime Saversi MIA LI REMEMBRAC 1111 iv 115 tIl 112 1ch 111111 JilrtlallltlLS sin11111 11511111111 1l11 of gtL1iiplieity l1 Prune 9113 is 1111 season 1211111 11 111111 1t1111 1111111 l111 II 11 11111 to Mrs Steplyrh 11 fi elliiig luck rlltln vs 11 11 print lllh iit 14 Muilonhtwo DurhanCmn 811111 latch 1r 1111 lure desired or 111 Dec Hiv Syrup label Hizriicunc at the 13111 iZhrx nits Hull sriiz wtli your 1311 request 53 your 11111 tiling 111211 icpiratrt litfl 1111 1111 amen Slur 11 moon of 21 n1 1Ii Zzll 11111 no of ari igenieio 111111 general 111 tiIltiL 11111 Mi Mirpet Il McMillan Gil111 iiciiiz 1011615 II II Utlmiit lt Spitfirc 111111 119 birth11h Miss lc III gt131 lSlJlll 111 llIil 1111 randy 1111111 Mr 11111 14 11p 11111 the coziitr drug $1119 wda lillltllJtll rii111ger ilr1 ring II II ilk Thief Is An Expert 111111 day that chocolate hulk ilfilllib iresnap 311 1117111 111 31111 Liglitiimg leizitcd Port Cicht T1 31111 Hung No11 11 11 1111 llt it mine 1111 lIitli 1111 11 and all tllll 131111111 ilsllirc1 1111 11 it illante supper ticl e14 Alis land Mb Lealie iiilillilmtlt tun111 3hr Osbtlllii ca 311 italic Come on himz lltlglttr Mrs Murphy Mrs 1111111 Elis loliii lI Murphy 111 111 111 IiflalllCSI bills Brennan bingo lN 1111 111 1114 v1 inleis It 121 111 alive coisiiit 111 lilt ilLil 111 11111 ll1$tigtlt ll 111Iv tin11 it acenun tor 1111 111 111 l11gt1111v during 1111 1111112 11291 bl 111111 11 my enrtonizir like rte11111 e1 51 sucker for sport 1r 11v lHtl llttlltxt ll II 11 11111 the chore 1111 iettin l11i it leaves 1111 1111 to have fun it the 11111111 cioudwl ll 111 Io1 1211141131115 iii 111m 11 dont leave dripping 111111 lying 111 the floor ll 11 their RlillRNINl TO HELP lIiiglaiid my country 1111 g11 back to help dttlarcd llr 1111r lilielll as she left ller 11 1111 when 11111f1t cleared 11I Blackouts 111 1111 if 11 hr ltl111 of 1111 211111m loiItuI 1111111 girl 11117v 111111 111 111111111 nupq IMM 1111 about 1111lllj lllackout Im KIW RUMI IIIie 111111 111 1111 has become gm 11111111111iil111 111 the lIast Co Is 11111 11 mos 111lttlliitl1l At 11 WIN IInrp1111ist 1111 11 Saint John table 11 111111 utlt 111111111 gtHlllL time so 11111111 111 out as twci iiilc 11111 111 Included lrac lll11L lttl lllackouts as 1s 1111111 tiiiiigs Is harder 111 one 1111am liiiik Io stage one sur 115911111 but 81111 John liascim 1111in lIIl1111 how 11 lights out 211111 all traffic stopped fl who flew through lllackout s1 the flare of iii1ch attracted m1 1111 1111 11 11 1111 Iva 1111 Military Medal lhzii ti1r p11 llll 1111214 111l 31 SC 1111 11 11111 111 111 51111111 iiiI apaitineiit 111 Toronto 1111 1111 llie brideelect llll 11ii1lsoiiie coffee iieit1iiiii1i llarrie classmates and 1111 ltill1tll brides book made by 7L Illie ll1IgtlU 111121 111 Summez 111111111 1111111 suiiim mo JXRADLEYGILMORE BLKTCHlfillAll armyUr by the guests with SadicII delightful iiiidsuiiiiiier wedl wedding of interest 111111 place 110011 1111111 11551511111 1101 515101 111111 look IIIIiaceII at the home of the in liglllllilll liiitcd church 111o1 Among those present were lllrs brides parents till lciietaiig gtl1tet 1111 June 311 11111 when trace eorue luiiipkiiis Allaiidalc Miss llairie beautifuly decorated with Winnified liri1ii 1112111ter 112 111gtgtlt King Mrs liliner ler 1153 lllv VlillMlil Mill 1311s lIlsie liiIIii llrdtorcl lail Miss irace Little llolly Mrs ltay 11111 when Mary lIli1betli Gil Aw Tuxum 111 umutl 111r Lougheed Stiiiiitl=3lis Ted 1111111 1llltltl11111 than light left burnii mmi 111111191 Ml W1 A111111140 1o Corporal Edward ll 1113 lucv Vaiideihorn Miss Mabel 11 can 11itlll believe that red lilnioze Ivas united in myqu 1ILIIIHIII AWIIIUIM BNWHI forqu dark niehtIaii Altl warden was marriage to Leadiig Aircraftziian DWNIUII Camp Wm SH III the 111id 111151 billlw 1W 11193 RCAF Because Canadians live in clim match and it made regular flan BlidlCI 111 11110 ate where tlicv cannot have fresh The wardens have bliieglass in ll HM Ell1MWisMINlmniS vcgetables from their own gardenslfl1slil1gliis We usually have 11 1lte IIIIIIIIIIII1LIII SIiI III1II1II1ITIIIII IIIIIIISIIIS 111 year round Ll adxaiitage 1Iligli IbuiIiiaIig IIllLll n1 go or IIIIIIII IIIISIIIIISS IOII IIIII IIIIIIIIIIOIIII II should he It1l1en of homegrown tttfllllltls bu 11 cannot do 111111111 11 kI 11 and cook stirriiir eonstaiitl untiI 101m 11mm 1l1 the vegetables during the next few as Bliclout miIlitbe lild wli 1mm mii JIL Hiliken 1i IUIIIMI and MI MIMI MCAIIILI 1I Iboat 111 Julv 15 to the IhoIIIs iiiixtiiteroils Remove from the II III II months we Iwere out We hope the F1 Innd Islands The Instltllll 10011 lit11 and add vanilla Pour into Wu mmh 1mm VtitlulJlCS NW VCACliIblCS 0511 111celtv will never come but 1d to make quilts and orphans for HI lage was soloist wok vegemblw canned IIIIIIIIImICS IIIIVC IIIII II IIII III IIIIIII me Red CIOSSI J1 OVL 1In lltIlllI tintiatoi 1mm Mi tulle illusion veil Ltllll11 with seed mum be immmd 011011 lidVi work in getting the people practhcdi The iii0111111111110 was in charge 109011110 Mlk 1ii111Ii1ge by liei fattiei was IIIIIIIIII III II II II II mm AS Vegetables 11 supplyljlhm lt0 mm migh be of Mrs Maw conveiier ot ch To cup of mot milk add 11 lliiljnvmz 1191 WImmI Edwina mini lzlgnwliiifhis itaiiiins minerals water and bulk impI 15141110 11 Cimmlmlllzuuon Tl312 tablespoons cliocolatococoa sy JCISLY 11110 W011 501111 2le Im pawlus servings of 11 non Bored BI moms iup Mix or beat well and serve Chocolate Matted Milk Shake II III 1110111 To make the world 11 hridicc and full skirt matching tur 515 Isis sie iigrazii friendly place one must show 31 111 ham and Corswe of America who wore pink Sllli not over taiteta 5Id1 he reading of reports seems to be trienle face was beautifullv 111 Beauty roses and blue coriiflowerslllll bolero sliouldcrleiigtil 1111 is excllent mfg T1 bill130411 11 every CUHVCHHUIL 10111101 WM an V11 T0 cup cool milk add to Thc maid of 1mm Miss Edna veil and tiara 111 eornfloiveis She it WY 1411 gt70 111011 me hidl 1111110 Impsi 01 Lgllltyl taablespoons chocolatecocoa svruh Bradley Sister of 111C 1111111111 W010 med bouquet UL 150 11d tll 1mm Miilusiiillcld yriiv 111111111 might be Wm consmwlwc ms tablespoon malted milk powder pale pink silk jersey made on 51111 CWIIHMVLIS 15 111 use When reports are printed as and 18 brick vanilla ice CWIImI ls Jessie lovston md tier mother were lioslches to the Wov mens llllll1Tltllsflttl afternoon lulv at their lovelv countrv home Maple llolmc The bian iitul maple trees surrmizidiiiigthe house added greiitlv to the loveli iiess of the scenery One always Ieels the genial and cordial hos pitalitv that pervades this home Mrs Forstoii is the oldest liv ing person born in Mincsing The members of the Institute aways II look forward to the meetings held I1 WW IW 111 this home 11 teaspoon salt 11 UlS 11 lherc were 28 members present 11L13 itllTWIN vanilla and three visitors The business Combine the cocoa sugar and part of theI meeting was in Chargegau and blend well Add the hat of 111th picsidcnt Mis Johnston WWII gradually IIIIII III III II ll 1011 smooth paste llace over low heat gt ulegood 111111315 111 explzimcd 311Ull lZcaii be made in 11 homi HOMEBODIES nr mxmlk Ude JUN Wu IIII Uh Uh 1111C1n 11111111l wrap 111 131 kept in die refrigei llaigiiaiii Countess of 11 many iiiilk lieveiages is Just 1114 w4x to have mine 1nlic11u 11i11g late cakes wuii ice cream irovidis IIIAI So relax cut short our kitchen FflllilS 11411 for coo sips and ligiil 1211 11 II lne basis to 1ll the 11111 1111 i111lk drinks is gt111o11h Llll1ltlllill lllt kitchen quickly with rich chowi 111111 cor11 water sugar and fll1il BY 11I1I 111I1 111mg enough to blend 1111 tiigredI JESSIE ALLEN BROWN 21I Anti icziizlioiu 111251 Rik in Ihvn 41W Jimi the 111nl11 1111 it to nice deat 111 Wllll 21 111 of llll ch 1111tlg t1ll lgtke is 1111 forinci iiul1 1111 hand the iiiakiiig of 11111 lll111Olt111t1i11llttCn 11i oi l1gttiiiiiiiite mixing 5111 1lll1 home iii England Another aid to kinping cool is Interesting Meeting foliaies 1L1tl to stltc llie corni llllltllltlll of tine tasty lttl1liiic1gt of Minesmg Institute delightful summer fare for family and guests duties by having jar of elioio late syrup and batch of fudge icfrnsliinents 11 any hour Here are the recipes and some LIIIIICLIIIIIIiQILthILIli III1111 1111 use 1hL Ull MI 11 m1111 Inn 11 1I 111 11111110 II III illi1 hit 3ll 111 ltIt c1i 11s ini 1111 11 11 111 thief 12111 was rewardId when this Illli11 setur 111111111 lrtuiipy came low1 street lliLl bottle Iinltre1 111 uIiiuv 111 111111 11d 111111 lo llts oi1nisI1 11 11I1Iilnii llls 11111 tricks lle can take amp 1111 null bottle easily 1ltll ts more than lots of people can do and with his lo 1e 111 Ell laps up the contents at ChocolateCocoa Syrup than Grumpy is his name id hes 11 blv fie11 111 1li IV Constable 111 Mr and Mrs William Burtcli Barrie The ceremony was performed by Rev WI Johnston Edward Tins played the wedding 111isic liven in iiiairiage liI lierlbtfth er William lngiaiii llCl tzie biidIc voie white embroidered ori gaiidy over taffeta with fingertip VI The Examiner has not claimed COSt 0f Llvmg Index circulation but one guaranteed by UP in Junelunne Examiner fast ZtllltllnhllC presses and fine assortment of type The c1istoflivnig index for Can YES in fill was given ada based on prices as of June advanced 11 points from May to 11013 according to the Dominion llureau of Statistics The index is figured on the base of 1935351 equalling 1th and the bureau termed the advance shown at June an unusual increase She said the Institute should cre ate public opinion in favor of de Buchzinan Preston chiffon with natural Ibaku picture IIhat and coIrsage of roses groomsmother whoalso received 31 werea gown ofturquoise blue chif ried cascade bouquet of white car bridesmaids IMiss Marion Clarksori Miss Constance Perkins and Miss fmatching heartShapcdpoke bonnets and carried cascade bouquets of pink carnations man The ushers were Ross Munro irother of the bride Ronald Stew art Thornton James Joyceand Fred Ruscoe ilar lines with matching hat and Sydney Martin Barrie was corsagei of Sweetheart roses and giooiiisman blue coriiflowers reception The groonisman was Jack llaCk ett Toronto reception was held following the ceremony The brides mother wore liina blue crepe with match ing lace jacket and whitenecessor ies and corsagc of sweet peas Mrs Bradley Toronto aunt of the groom wore gown of soft beige with matching hat and Corsage of sweet peas Later LAC and Mrs Bradley left on 21 1111110 111111111 trip to Muskoka the bride travelling in pale blue crepe gown with matching vool jacket large navy hat and white accchoiies GUC from Instance incmded 311d Cookstown Rev Beach Miss Margaret Ferguson Miss llel en Barnes Port Hope Mis Elean or Sanderson Beverly Cook Jack Mulch Torontp Mr and Mrs Ingle Guelph Mr and Mrs was held at couple lbft on wedding trip to Northern Ontario the lliltlt travel willi white accessmies They will reside at 80 Owen 51 Barrie NltllITLEIIADLEYI Yoiige Street United cliuicli lo ronto was the setting for sum iiier wedding onISatuiday evening July 1911 when ltuth Elizabeth Hadley daughter of Mr and Mrs lladlcy became the bride of Corporal Kenneth Neilly RCAl mony and Mr Wilfred Powell played the wedding musicThe church was deCorated with red ros es and blue and white delphinium her father woreIa white silk sheer jersey dress with matching hand madcturban and circular shoul der veil of Englishnet She car and pink pconies pretty veddingIried Cascade bouquet of white ed Saturday evening roses cornflowers and bouvaidia in Knox PresbyterianMrs Funke was her sisters SlEWAItTMUNNO Amid setting of candelabra and tall standards of blue delphinium Church Tort 11131trfein ivmarci Jearimalronsoftwitch11awGrssslalnhhliLlnL $5151 1WtiiiimeJLcdiuav daughIePigifxcrepe dress with matching halo hat Dr and Mrs Bartho omew DJMun r1 LE1S married to Gordon Alexan der Stewart WestmountAve son of Mr and Mrs James Stewart Rev Christie Innes fficiated as 515th by Rev AlvinMcGiath cous in of the bride Mdrtha Hogg Wzilsh was atthc oraap The bfridgIven in marriage by as groonisman and the usherswere Mr Henry Funkc anddljlr Earl El liott At the reception held afterwards at Armadale Ave South Kings way Mrs Hadley received wearing printed grey and American Beauty sheetdress with white accessories and corsage of American Beauty roses Mrs Af Elliott who re her fathei worm chiffon wi sweetheart neckline and b0 fazit skirt extending into train Her fulllength veil of tulle 111115 on was caughtwith coroner oforzinge blossomswhich was her jrnothecs bridal headdress She car and biege corded Isheer with biege accessories and corsuge of Talis man roses Later thescouple left by motor f0 Northern Ontario the bride itraveI rig in tan ensemble with English tan accessories and carry ing biege Isports coat nations and heuvardia Mrs Ross Munro as matron of honor wore gown of applegreenIchiff1in The RAMSAYWOOD Udney Unied Church was the sceneef pretty weddingat 7pm Saturday 3119 12 194iwhenres sie Autumn Wood daughter ofMrS Wodd and the late Charles WQOdI Udne became the bride of William Ken th Ramsay son of Mrs Rank sayuand the lat Joseph Ramsay Barrie The ceremony was performed by cousin of the bride fIdaifwi llowyorch rosedawn chiffon All were IaIn McHattie was best Areception was held gitthe Park Plazi where the brides mother re ceive wearingfa own men Miss Fern Woodsister ofifhe bride End theisoloist WaSMis EWood The of the register Uhtil You Came The urch was beautifully dec orated by girl friends of the bride withflowers in pink blue and white tones background of ferns an pink baby rambler roses The gueIs pews were marked With hille and roses The bride who was given in mar riage by her brother Wodd Orillia were her aunts wedding gown or white lace floorlength 1911 with leghom picture hat and Drsage of roses Following motor rip totheI eastern provinces the bupl will reside in Toronto For ailing the bride Wore printed edinzote ensemble with navy blue ceessories and corsage of roses groom is grandson offhe late and IMrs Alex estewart of futon rangement orange blossoms and the brides home following which tiie ling iii an Alice blue silk dresst Pieton foriiierly of CampBorden officiated Iat the double ringwcerem The bride given in marriage by Cleary eelved for the grbom Iworerust phalfar Rev GGardner The organist was with long net veil halohead ar iiiany people realize Radishes cucumbers celery cabbage onions carrots beets turnips cauliflower and tomatoes are appetizing when thus served and provide the high est vitamin value in this way llUlll the point of view of good Ilicaltli vegetables are valuable in eliiiiiiinliiig poisons from the body The coarse fibrous material in the leaf and stem vegetables as well as tlib fiiaiiiework of root veg etables does more to free the body of pIiisoiIious waste that any ortiv ficial method 16 Ideal weather large crowd an excellent programme all contribut ed to making last Wednesdays garden party on the lawn of St Marys church very successful event Supper was served or the lawn where the tables were prettin decorated with roses and cut flowers TlicBarrie Band and the young peoples choir pro vided splendid varied pro gramme Bingo and various games helpedto make the evening great success II The winners of the lucky draw wereas follows $15 War Savings Certificate McWaters $lUIWinr Savings Certificate MacMil S21 gs CertificateI Mrs 13511 11 hangover andrcziiriedwaicascachbotx1uekof tenhamer Trowley lampMr5 pink roses M13 Frank SellekactecLMcKinnon lamp Anne Menride Mimico permanent Wave Joseph Copeland electric toaster basket of fruit Hurst magazine rackaiSSMcKee picture Mrs Barkey $3 prize was won bijonald LaP ante for selling the most tick matching accessories Her flowers xveiILBIijarcliff roses and Igypso The bridesmaid Miss DorisWood Orillia sister of the bride wore floorlength gown of pale pink net over taffeta with silver accessories and her floWerSwere creamroses and gypsophalauf The flowerygirls were three small nieces df the bride Nancy MernerI June Davis and SylviaiW01d who were dressednlike in long pink and blue taffeta gowns TIhey 931C1 rose nosegays Thegroomsman was AlanG Ram say Toronto brother of thIe guoom and the usherswere SgtMajor Thorpe Fingal and Robertson Udncy reception for fifty guestswas heldIat the brides home inUdney attractivelydecorated in pink and whitecelourscheme buffet lun cheon was erved The brides mo ther wore naVyredliigoteensanvblE Orillia Who sang during the signing withwhite accessories and corsage of red roses and the grooms mother were black and turquoise blue printed sheer with black accessories and corsage of white sweet peas Lter Mr and MrsRarnIsay left on honeymoon trip the bride tra vetting in gown of navy$heer with matching naVy and white Iaccessor ies On their return they willIre side in Parry Soundi Guests were present from Toronto Barrie Owen Sound Orillia St Thomas andUdney they so often are it does seem ainf they might be omitted at Conven tion One morning of joint meet llrunswiek WoiIiiens Institute was taken up with reading reports Af ter the meeting was overl strolled around and shamelessly listened in on several groups of women talking the meeting over Without excep tion they complailicd about it One woman said she had made her re port as short as DUSSlblC 111111 as flash the other women told her she had taken nine minutes they had timed her ller answer to that was you Couldnt make report on years workin less time or you might just as well not make it An other woman said she was not in terested in hearing of the past and what was gone she wanted to plan for the future Another saidany woman making report should im agine she was writing telegram and paying fivcccnts for each word she used There are some good things to be learned from the re ports but usually people are too boredtomgetvthemlfiucitte11 re ports were sent inand gone over ahead of time and the highlights picked out and only these icad wouldnt that help solve the prob Tenh1113671anWinswa only session had chance toat tend so cannot report 013 what must havereen an interesting con vention IIIIIEatI Proteing WithTSzilads The tendency is to undereat in hot weather especially with those who are working hardendi oiIne times feel it is too hot to eatOne needs different food but enough of it Salads vegetables and fruits are everybodys choice for hot wea ther musket we 0691 some 1119 teids too Some meatffishfeggs and cheese Iarea all gOOd accompani ments to the vegetable meals Did you every try crackers and cheese 35 dessert following salad first c0uisef If you are one of thosewho like asweet with Ichcese strawberry jam is tops If you have never eat en sweet witthourcheesIeftry jam jelly or marmalade with it rindjust see howgoods combinationI itniakes Slicedihardwobked or C119 Waler HeaVyIsyrup cupIsugarLto devilled eggs do more than taste good with salad They forma natural balance to make perfect whole Canned Cherries Vlfash the cherries then stem and pit them andpack into sterilized jars Cover with medium syrup cup sugar to cup water Run knife which has been dipped in boiling water down into the jar to remove airrbubblesw Puton new rubber ring which has been dipped in boiling water Screw top tight then unscrewIa halfiturn Heat the oven to 275 degrees Set the jars tw0 inches apart on tray 91 pan and put in the heatedoven for 35 minutes Remove and screw tight Never open jar because the contents has shrunk and left space This is due at the top of thtear to air spaces but the contents is ster Iile and should keep ing of the Federated and the New mocracy Intelligentlv guarding against Nazism Fascism and Com iniinisni every Canadian woman should know the laws The In stitute meeting should be conduct ed on businesslike basis The Nationaliaition Act should be studied and tolerance shown to ward the stranger in our midst paper on CanadianiZation writ ten bv MrsBpitFoyston was read by Miss Jessie Foyston She stress cd the fact that all immigrants and lllcIEQIlllg pcople should be taught 1ilxiiitCaiiada and arous ing true patriotic feeling The importance of welcoming the new comers and making thenilcl the spirit of friendliness was 0111111121 51200 Interesting events about Czinadzi were given by Mrs Camp bell which were very instructive and enlightening such facts should be interesting to every Can adian Current events Mrs Ward She made this part of the programme very entertainingI The singing of the National An them brought to close delight landrwhatvtwo ks would you wish with you ostesses for the afternoon iwjllI be all the mem bers of the Institute Come and enjoy this beautiful park and the lovely flowers Forget troublesrfor while andsnend few houisln the great outdoors BARBIE WOMENS INST The summer meeting of the Bar Tie Wordens Institute willbeheld in St Vincents Park Thursday July24 at oclock Therolkcali will be Why every woman should have holiday requested to bring her own lunch and dishes Linda full attendance is requested Visitors are welcome Syrup For Fruits Thin syrup cup sugar water SMediuiIn syrup cup sugaryto cup water five minutes Pint jars of large fruits require aboutl Cupiofsyrup and pintjars ofsSmIaltgfruitgiabput 1A clip Cherry Olives Wash firm ripe cherries either red or white leaving them unpitted with the stems attached Pack in sterilized bottles Make vinegar mixture of cup cider vinegar cup cold water tablespoons brown sugar teaspoon salt Tie 14 oz stick of cinnamon and tablespoons whole clovIesin bag Drop into the vinegar mixture and bring to boil and boil for five minutes Cool removespices and pour over the cherries Seal The Examiner worth more programme Each membetis to cups Stir the sugarandwateri and boil sells at $2110 and is Shake in jar or beat with rotary eggTJLETCr inntil smooth Serve at once Chocolate Ilip cup cold milk into tall gluis Add tablespoons chocolate cocoa syrup and mix well Pour in cup chilled ginger ale and top with large spoonful of vanilla ice cream If desired whipped cream or more ice cream may be added Four 11 the rise ins For Mocha Flavor To any 131th above recipes add tablespoons cold strong coffee Mix well and serve CocoaFudge Squares cup butter cups fine gran 81112 inches cicain together ture Bake It was due very largely3 ood index which mounted from 1007 to 1125 said the bureau Sharply higher bacon prices and substantial advances for fresh pork aiid other meats combined with less or advances for dairy products eggs vegetables and other food to produce 15 cup chopped nuts Cup iais Cream the butter add sugar and thoroughly Add ivrll beaten eggs and Villllll sifted dry ingredients to egg mle ITild imbued nuts and raisins and pour 111111 greased pan iii ulRlecl sugar eggs well beaten lcrate ovcnIIIIof 350 degrees for teaspoon vanillarflfrcupIsifted flour 30 to 35 minutes Cut into squares were given lit5 tablespoons coc0a 1A1 teaspoon SJllJItnd cool to the AGENTS mod 39 Bayfield St Urry Bro one 453 ful and interesting meeting Tea hostesses were Mrs Wilson and Mrs Ward who served dc licious lunch Thekugust meeting will be at Spiingwater Park when Minesiniz will be hostesses to the Centre Vespra branch The will be in charge of Mrs Perrv MunceiivenerwoszdueaHonfRell call If wrecked on desert is Whenyou mark your 15 919 err2 Mr four out of FiveIsdy IKelloggs Whatis yourfamilysfavouritc rendy toIcentcrealI Each year for the last three years an enormous majority of Canadian women from coast to coil hgive told us KelloggsICorn Flakes Asked specically Whichbrand of cbniake tastes best out out of five said KelloggstITaste experts too vote Kelloggs First for Flavour Your family likewise will enihy Kelloggs CornFlitkes Now in two convenient sizes When you eat out risk for the triplewrapped individual package Made by Kelloggs in London Canada Economical tool The 30second breakfsrf Costs only few pennies for the whole family SERVE 111511111191 3111 WARI SAVINGS CERTIFICATES yoqunow It Kellogg Com Hake in the bowl whestdelicious SpoonfulofKellflgSisCornFlalEes IIrelIls the Story Asrhousainds of women 1111111111111111 II partial investigatorsy Kelloggjs are first for IaIvIoutp And thismelldw deliciousness stimulatestoiim appetitefmakes digestionasier Whats moman averageIservingwithmilkand Sugafglvesyouneedcd food energy Get several pngkkges tamome