mm mm 8588 ow CANADA Former Barrie Girl W4 Jew Chat Wmi VVV the SC 00 CI VV tltltillllVHARPERVV VVIVVIVI Womans Viewpoint Reconnende VV 111 ENS QM That V1 Canadian Cookery 111111114 91731 VVV4VV 111111 thrrirs firxt tuibaiv style 1l1i1e VV UN 1t 14111 313 211 Arno urns Flld11yiul11gtI 1115 1111 llf 1111 11 111 sponmred 111111 iidlltt blllCll of the VON by Knit11s ztixdiary 111 the Arm itlie Iilllliil11 As 11111t111i of Lv1nl Lose funds for varVden College and War 11111111111 pie Vunttil 11 l141l1rei president 11 r1i41u1gt unis colorfully lot 121 1121 Ore1111151 4411 W111 11 posters bushels Sprout l1y irti while 1111113111 1111th illI lt ltui RASPBERRY OilAtuOE RUM 4411i1i the fir 1111 111 Atiltt AHOMF PINEAPPLE cfiilly BRANDY SlRAWElERRY NEW COOKING SENSATION le the tableslilon 1111 12111101 11 fl111 were 6112 II ithiillitli 11 5111111111411141mm not an ordinary extract 11 11 151111111 1111giaznino Was 411 you tvei1le1 IIW nd II 15f1111 11111 1111 for 1h 113111 14111515 1111115 Denigcly Diercnf and Vi hi 1121 lzi tztltlllltilt t1 ltiiitiigl At the colorful 11 lttlill 131 511 11i iiitigt1c11fll1li ioktvllIs11111131111151 11 11li4l local girl ltr11ii Stronger ockhl11 111 WV V41 1111 mm 11141131111111 41mg 41v1ri11 lllivj IIKI Ii 12111 SLVllJl solos by Vlhllull lot 11111 1f tli1 111111 seniors Wk 111111 interesting feature to W111 111 1w1rd f1 1111111111 intelli the introduction of is zitcns genre and ii gtElllb iic 11111 the EMULSIFIED alouer 1lllll Now available at your Grocers 111 1111 lotitlitiil limk lit llll tlllllillllll1 11111 titJ roses 11 ALOLD IcleLHIE 00 Dlntrlbii ors Libel 1i1i11 4111 lll11ll nid Comp1+ 111411111411111 Cup 111 gt1 111111 lLthl$ gt VcV V111 11111 11114 11 11 110 1m VtVVlVVVVV 1V 15V1VlVi VV41411V1VVV 41 Mirs 1111111111111 11111 Kim N11y11tl 311 men 11 min the past week flier 11 II LI Wm 121111 141111 Mucus Midi lNDLlIS Mlgt issi lAthtH 11 issTiii ml 111 1l1liv of 111iiitv llltV knittedwa 11 10 mp VV VV VV HVV H1 WVPaVVVV iI Sh LIV Vl Cttittlle oin1ii liittite 11111V llie lltttllrltii Ullzlll lllll 4t 11 1x 11I oi 111111 11 llltml VV 711 111114 11 111141111 lITllt 1111 11 t11gtlt40 11301115 IlLItillltll gttItlilli Presented on II liiiIIIxCJIIII III MIDI MIIII 11IIiIII IIIiII II IIIInI III iililtl 11 1I 11i iiilmlw 11111 hove been made by 1110 lltiIV the lawn iii froi of wound house IIIIIIII1ISI BIIiIdIIIIIIIifItll IiIIIlIlItI IIIIIIIIII1I III 1iViI1IIIImI Ilml Wu VVVV VV 1V 4V and more to We 11 mum1 21111311111 on is III ldWllml III 11 WIiI IIIIIII MM Bnmh II MS mi IIVIQ llly oneIL iflerrooii lll1illll Willi ilslnii itotiwl llltll tlltl women also 114 11w ll 111111 111114 HIM Illincr IM will ghllc CIIIIV1I11IrIlg ml 91 iileistiit 1i1l profi ible lllltftllilllttci4m4v tum01m Imm 1I 1414 l4li 11 11 lli ii iiitiiiiers iiii 11111141 111 111 or 111 is emf51m 111 1V 1mm AH 44 148 hVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVHV VV EVEVVEVVQ Vh VVlVVSV tlnt VlVlMtlt inf mums and its sot11 intercourseHfmm 111 hung mam 11 IiIIIiIrmI IA Ivmum Will 11111 I1VVV VV VVVV Vi In lms gills 15 Ty pitifitulo mvvstiiiinl 01 pardmu 111i111u1 A115 Rum1 11x44 the sliruobciv 11111 1111 trues IlIII 1IIIIl 1111 111 sit 111 no you llllld the rllllll now 11 11 liliVL lilll mull ml 111 11 b4 11 VVVVV 11911b141 1111 coupe that Miss Lawsonl nukmmm 141 1110 Chm 1V1 ltl 11 ll ll Mild rr 11 141 arisumiti by 1111 11111 11111111 of 1111 NUHPV SI Ii IIIIII NIIMII It NI II IL MI Hm III lltliillI lather lliisiiev 11111111I llitiit HIll llt iio llttllll iii lulv 14 21111 11i111ii1v11V4V l1 rfli llalllvforlli lll11 Al illlrK 11 GM GM Gmm Tumnm VV VV VV VV 11 11115 tlf 111 111 but 11 311s N1llt1i llti spoke 1112114 indium 5T INlnln CHURCH 14 Th foiiii1l 11111111211 of the camp IIIII IIIIIIIIIII II I5 III It HI mm II II 11 VV VVV VV VVVVVVVV 11t VHNIVVVVH 11 11v41ileetii11I mw is 11111111 Dim may V111111s 41 1111 gttt1lll as 111111 11gt 111111111 1111111111111 111 August 11 llil VV VV VV4VVV VVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVV UV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVV VVVVV VVVVVVKVVVVV V0 SV VVVV Jmn mechng 0f the Comm Vrloiiatioii 11 11111 dollars 111V1vzaitls inaVanst pal14 111 VVV Viva 71 4V 41 11 11 11ml lllltI lump 1111 secoiiltl 1Ull1ill member of 1111 hi lIIIli AlMh VhldV lew of its Hilllll bowVintich and IlVVVf mt 1HIIVIHVVL1 Idl 41 III liiti 21 Northern llttll 111111111111141 latte her self Mm Mr lLluIumv Ilmvliat wide varieiy of work is 10 will Tell it well and it Will sell Itll 41V 1Vi11 1111 of lllltlllllll 1111 I1III1I1 11 Mn 81 on Wednesday June 1141110111131 by Im pm4 rummg 31111 11 31111111 11111 tolling is best done 1V V4 VV VV VV VVV VV uni1 tirrss 11 11m 4III 15111111111 SlTVCd 11101110 V1 1111 hell Institute branch in this district ill NWTle 11 ltMVVtiIllngiiV thiiough lthlmiiniiier 14141V 11111 1141111911 W413 Cllltllttl by llilancing through the annual report mu MI lnwllmfnf mm IV1 414 1111 11111111 ill groom lIl 11 14 lm Willing Im MM lilllIIIUl lltt Slltllld Wl which won the liIIIgtIII IIII1II4IIICI1511DIIy IIII V1V 1i111 iii 111111 II IIlI 11th Miss 4104111 Mnlttimson lilltllltl prm 1111 11511111 11113 b41331 11311111 11114 lllvll ll Wm 111 44 IA FOR 1314 WolSlllll SEIVIWV 111111 111511 11vIy11rs work 11 the District Annual fltilLIlelif SVX thtlli IVITHVI IipV srugcnss INTER 111 111 ilLttllllll ofV ththiitsbyltrial of mo 5mm Vsnncm wvmms IVV VV ViVV V1V1V1 Vllft Vr VVVVVV Li 4t VA 111ml 11lllillg took it Home Ullllfl hold 11101111 131113 MlSlstitules recently one is amazed at VEVVVVIVV1VVVI VVITVVVidVVWVVV H4 fit 11 1304 VVVt 11M hVVVVVVV VVV Vhc lltltlt Lambert favored With solon 4119 val141 awning of hp VVlVVVlVVTVVVVVVVVVV VVVViV VVVVVVVVV 1955 4A 4111 nun 1t oclock 511111111va bOdleS MISS N111 Dtllilll Rith VtlV Vm Strottd W1 These activities are iVVVVIIVItWI II 12141111 Itljlfftc hmd per AN MISSION 11144 HV HIV who VVVVVV Ry ionsting reading on the mission typical of VV WVIV lVVVVVVhCS VVEVVVVRVVV i1V1VVVVVVV1 01V VVVVVVVVVVVVVHV 14 911 11411 11 111 i1 11 UV thlI1lllllllL United Church 1111 BY Wk Chmj Ior war work $44671 was raised were 11111 by th group iiid Mrs virt 4111 l111l ll 11 matriuci 11 ii veruge VVV Hm V1 llinizet 1111111 IICS Lml Mill JESSIE =phoiic Fliere is lziige aiiditoiiuin 11 VmVEVVlfVWl V1 mil WENS Ollilltll 51ml Wit WU mil1 1V 1g V111V 111 th VVV augtiter of Mr and WEVMV the classes can SSVmb1Vof socias and parties lhc mcm delightful half lltttl was spent V1tlt 11111 141 our VV 1mlllui llnnter Killvlcauh ALLEN lion speakers Illd music Visuil be llIIIlgod ml C11Cld the around the ll table Mrs Miilkiii VVV VV VVVV VV VVV VVV VVVVV VV 5V ri VVV V1 V4 VV c1 1V 1111 V1 VVlf11d 51115415 1mm BROVN 1immlon mt Cglecmi and theyV iniiual 1111 ioss llC The and M155 IVghmm 41mm WS1CSSVV VV 44 V11 111 Mi 1ilti Mrs llit111gtmq members are all either knitting ar 1i 1044 nlet1 HY liilomh 14A motion pictu1o UtVUlllmdl tides fVVVV Idiom or SCWVVVVV VVVV VVVVV llUmJLr V1VVit nVi lilVVlsV VV 111 tildes lusf Th0 btidp 31V bpcnminvl 44 I4 MIC hi but and 15 plenty i010 rm livitml Il imam In 11 Mxh Cummugh Vrillllssijli ollc lad kllls les lay and every VV VV EXVVVW 11 bum Dmk show VVVVVVA vVVhowned 3pod teaching lit the little red schooi VVddVVVVVVV VVV bu4VVVVVVVigmmVVVV VVVVS eniiig to plan the year piogitiminc day for or 3111 pads 111 each MADE IN VV VVVV 0V VV VVVVVVV VVV VVVVVVVVV CQSSVVVVVLVVV VVVVd CVVVVVVVL V1 is me ac line Slinkfspoariu Festival 11111150 but it seems too bad they iWVVVVk dVVVVVVVVVV VVLK gVQLVV the ot activmes packet No spraying no stickiness 11 CANADA 111 1111111i111111 230 roses and fern Vliss eutgftg WSltlllt of 1311211411111 IS astound imubt mm out mmy of the IillOul patriotic funds Volun Federation of onmens Institutes 40 bad 04d Ask lour Druggm ter the 11 1111 rThe annual Shakespeariaii Fes TMWD mdcm dUCIOPHWmb lJmCCll lentral 50 tillltlld 1111 dug WI 1d 1ditceiswcic sent totie Hostess House and the Barrie Rtst Room Willi rock and pried Ne Will 10 birthday ofthc Bard Wllgt1LdludUOn 11 VWltiT Va 011 1t Cimp Borden lopiCS of general interest were 10 CENTS PER PACKET hzive if we cou on earn wor flag llfldVdLV $111111 1111 thL 1111188 4w 10mm Work in peace time zictivitics was stressed during the year such US 4b Ve groom was attended by his 95 Tlmm mpomme This to Fit commued d0 was give 1mm mom Reward PM llEVILSONFLYPADCO 01 11 gt 101114 CliffiudV of AmsmnV bet V1lt41gt1111n11d1111lt1114V IWlle Vlldd HVV to the llorticulturalVSoCiety to the Home Economics and Education VAfierV the 1me luncheon they 1V0 stcp on cots 1n the dressmg VdVC 10 19910170161110 V11 41M amidst showers of looms of the theatres and infan titlilltiilsgl0105 and SUChllke 19 points norm For VrVVVCIVlIFtE almost any place where cot cou1d fit the needs of your family Ilis V4 bride Chose gOV Vnd whiff the be set up Practically 1111 of the lule ling 1110 WW 1950 need their re theatres in London differ There is nothing worse than turn 11 will live on 111 be grooms am at Shumy Bay closedbut the Players have 310110410 havnig big family and ichavmg thQV pmvmcesV Towns and Cmeg shrunk to try to go on baking and IrROBERTSON Which have not had any theatre for Serwng t901rge dlshes the Al 4ft oclock Saturda afte years 1m having SUCCCSSfUl 583 Other hand It madlmmg to to noon J1 ie 14 1941 th song When they are bombed out of 0001 for fmlly and Cl have ederriage of V1155 mm Robesmi MV one town they move to 111mm dish big enough We have three urine going to musical comadv at Sized we Plates Little fellows caVrVBcIl was solemnized at VllGCS home 127 Worsley St VBarrie The house was beautifully Edcmirated with pink and 11111113 pcVoViiies orange blossoms and ferns rnVlhc brich wore floorlength VVVVV VVV Vmee embrmdemd sheer Yeslci day 11151th Consolidated 1030 in the morning and yet that is Vthich just make nice pie for two when some of the matinccs begin Medium 131 01195 zdelhen the big Business as usual is more than ones 50 fit my Pie in my phrase family must practise what Consolidated 50110015 preach because the only casserole have right now is one bought one ihe MADE IN CANADA carried sheaf of pink Esme and lthws dellgm 588 XIziIiteIlligfcm131251621llSICitIliIeI to was ztt va in ich it Was er ended by Mlbs piipped make too much or the food looks Edith Jamiesm in turquoiscr sheer It shows once more what can be with bUUQUQt of cllow done by cooperation The little Slny In this big casser11 11m groomsman was hllr JOhllOlsdfIHOrhgfi oneroom schools throughout the sever 51285 0f cake tms1and If the son of 139119111119 country have to struggle along ascake lsgomg tolbe 19Ilgrgelhalye 1he grobms gift 10 me brid Vya best they can Whereas if they cov iIhe reelpe and bake 593 tm pearl necklace to the bridesmeiidI 0Demitad and had Consolidated If youhave the kind OfIEamlly that 11 bracelet of brilliants and to theI school they could have so much getsurei of lhmgs quCklyIthen sroomsman silve more The Primar r00 lman tins and small quantities are CStance Hardy rwIlIif CIlI3leipIethIlfb sandtable and the larcsiirtl liriichecat order II II II Apple Juice is 73mm wedding musiCyand Mis was an air7p0rt The things even who took Charge of the 585513ij these little youngsters can make are Most of us like to be able toVserv VV VV VV VVlykdainty refreshments Ieach re amazing Each room has its gmma gnexpgctel callers Witt blte to GEU 11111101111 AliFloCyllndar caved blrliJCHCllPSifbrilliants land Somethmg Wm 50m mam5111mm Priced About thirty guests were presem was held at the home of the biideslhw we express our hospltallty coming from Ayr BenevmeV 1110104 parents the brides mother wearing way When the warm weather to and Sudbtiryfm embroidered navy sheer with shoTil comes 001 drink is in Order Hall II7II thelarge 105 oz can believe it or not it is considerably cheaper than pace oftdrinkifyo HodgsonVV the groamvs mothefwm beige with shoulder bouquet of Jo gray printed sheer hanna H111 roses Among the many beautifu1 gifts For travelling to Northern pointsl 105150 drinks IItIkgps for some the brlde Wore QueenS blue red time in cool place so just punchie W115 set of quaint silver cu with stand 50 years old agngd til itlgote dress with navy accessories lloIe Either31 you do for you tried serving apple juice in sheer receivedV assisted by Mm and the grooms mother printed rose spinning wheel that belonged to the On their return Mr and Mrs Carr lFondensed milk and leave il right brides greatgreatgrandmothcr Wm r95ide WHOgrooms farms in the can mHave package of his For travellin th Thornton Wits 1de away and can 05 ash green rediigigotee Edsgfnblgriiviiii mo alpplejlpice arVinyouTare all set for VV white accessorie 44 V4 ers 4w come4 on the day will 55 Mn and MISBEH MollABB WATSON you are just out of cake Gin er hannSfOrmed your dull Ilfe lde in Toronto ThB 4marriage of Miss Ethel Irene snaps go well with apple juice If 00K bdeyhm the Shmt Pastt see dim Soty Watson daughter of Mr and Mrs you havent tried it in your mixed II oil lamp Prestola clean brilliant electric bulb See smoky oldfashioned sItove Prestol fast cool gleamingclean electric rangeI Magic indeedlFoda Talsoiasifbymagicxlectric servant CARRBOAKE lVatsonStayner to Mr Geodrinks have missed someth walertrIliiixsiJeIiiIedfghuYCh 10an William McNabb1450n of Mr zmd yiiIam With Mint mg 410 pretty W991de Mrs Peter McNabb Stayner took To serve mint with lamb is tradi ILLlJlloclcjaturdayafternoonI 44 Juncizi 19411whenlllisslIelenAnnaiplace aHhe homemf the brideidhalf Here are cowfted GE Refrigerators7 lovely gt parents4at230oclock weanesda modelsErlde 119111 szoa BQalfe daughter orMr and Mrs amom June 18519 mm andtrue rC1gtES Mm Sauce f0 wash and iron theclothies reserve andcookjthefood 1Wllllam Boake Thornton became Wmpresei1t use and the4Jelly for the dth 14 thewde of James 011331 c1114 cOEms Plrfmaed 4th carom fdays Wheniyouj cannot get fresh gee ouSec afngand do allthesetasks WltllV Thornton 5011 of Mrs Carr andthe The bride wore gown of white mint The jelly is such pretty ease and economy undteamed of before Hydfos magic towers began their match across th province late sVJV cal1V Thornton RevV EV brocaded marquiSette with full green that use it in thewinter In werytrutlifyour Hydro Stembrqught the 1C Armstrong conducted the core skaVt ans slitrVEVulderleIngthVVf tulle wheVnevr bit of greenis indicated 1mony ye caug W43 acoroneto seIed Mint sauce VV VVL 7V The bride waSgowned in white Prls and carrigd Sh0IW1 hou IlIgcIup finely chopped minteavesI TweanmCen QntVanPFI It aSPuththm reachi iI IiI IShEF with ngertip veil caught quefIiaIfIIBmffy r0595 12 mIIIViriegar tablespoonIsugIari Ofalmqst evifyfamlly 111115 ProVince4the4elcCtrical with orange blossoms 1Hr flowerSI cIThe bridesmaid Miss Ella Add therinegar to the sugar and MEIqu lwingIIIFor Ontario Hydro has OtIonlyIII were White roses and bouvardia ameeIL WOFe aIgOWXI 01 romance when dissolved add the mint leaves IIiIla We ever heroavailablgbu has 504 EVHpin VVThe bridesmaVid Miss May Dom blue brocadcd marquisette fash Let stand in awrm place for half providgd it at 03 tl I1 Ehdmkannmmu VneVlVlyVV Churchan wore pink sheer med after the bnde45V unmarried mun If the vinegar is StrongVitVVVS II Cap of pinllt flowers With ShowgII bouquet 0f Brlaldiff 1391151 to dilute it with butter r1 on reamers Her bouquet was r0595 Mint JeuIy 0fDink roses and cornowers The Mt ArChie MONabb Sta ner II at owhrgirl Miss Marian Black niece was the groomsmm cuplmlnt cupVVinegarV1V chp of the bride was dressed iii pole Miss Elsie Armes played the xgter boime peatInIgreenco MI blue Organd Will nosegayV 0f Dmk Wisde musw Wash mint and pack into chp with roses and bouvardia The ring bear fler the ceremony reception out removmg stems put into lafge er Master Fraser Carr nephew of was held at Wilcox Inn Stayner saucepan and press the leaves with udfogfmacndlbns VV GVaERagtokonfchlqu the groom carried the ring on the brides mother receiving in Va mashen Add vinegarV waterV and W1 white satin cushion blue shadow sheer dre come hied 111111131895 11111111 sarcasm1 53 81 sugar and mix Bring to bail ovel 44 DdrV1Ci1 Carr Cookstown at grooms mother 1nblack swiss er hottest fire While the mixture is 8M am 44444 en iSVbwlhELasmgrQDVmSInanLLQifigItiSheEgBQllLlQig oxsagcomin toIaboi add the reen coiorI II VLA The church was prettin decorated es of Briarcliff roses ingmf1hmrm OUR WAR EFFORT RELXES on phymm lth pmk andwmte peonies Mrs For1 almomr and boat trip the desired shade is reached As soon COMMUNITY DEPENDS 0N Twyuun lance Black 515m 051119 bllde1 brlde C1108 CYYStal blue sheer as the mixture boils add pectin stir SUPPORT MAKE5 51mm was organist and Mrs LeRey Jam dress With eg shell ieson Sang VVVI Love You Truly The thing accessorges coa an mat zlotilgingoitlalalhlgbo1311n1 irtVo fRufl one elerigbmh9n and lVlNblic V4 $511113 were Marwood On their returnl the bride and move from fire and skim VPour vr 4V Xlst011tVand Black VV groom wiii take up residence in througha fine sieve into sterilized VTHEV HXDRQELVEQTVRICVPQWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO er ceremony 4a recep ion Qmemee 4V glasses andseal VV VV VV LV