Thunder June 19 19 ewe P43 Thirteen to mmcnce Sept Robot II II lohistone SecyTmasurer RIRINQ REMINGTom pormble Typewrit FMv Innisfil one mile East Highwa lMLCl 11 house b1liii ilfiil LADIES II lII till lillllbliill St Apt 2H IIIILX budjnIQsI Apply Iglixllu l1iilz HawkosmneII 2425b er for sale All makcsfor rentaL II ROOMS AND BOARD II 2IIIIItlil stove and annex lll 50 AMIOIL OIIII RR ELM special student rates Ribbons for carrot saw it in The Examiner Apnly there to Mrs Ward 471 loan PONTIAC COUPE in mood rC TEACHER WANTED experienc any machineI Barrie Business Col ll YORKSHIRE IIGS wks old onililwai reasonable International FARM 0F LATE ant ed for as No 5Vcspru duties regs 24281LA1G1 IIOUSEKEEPING ROOM also young Yorkshire sow dlifilOIV Alilv llliNl ti Nih Moor illoiiilill or ox Burke for sale r30 acret unlit1 gel With hair that wont to commence lt gtili1l0 ill Slltllll Illilth l5 itll fi 1111 in Ilroiii cultivation rood lrI Ili Apply Stallllgslilliliitv iiiAdtLiiiiiiLlififAIFARM TRACORS FOR SALE Am UL Aml1AA LAMAMHA 5A Itiiiiid GU HAL lhnlliir uteshdrivc from Ilarrie lmmiii 1A 2ih buildings lLiAc JIlilOAAAtAhSl Adi Allin take ations to Walter Thbmpsan RR Built fromtrucks Guaranteed to WELL FURNISHED kitchcn and electritity spring water iarlio Ietr IA Iv CIICYI Apply III Mm II BIIIIII WVW Barrie 25 give satisfaction Apply bedroom to rent 128 Burton Ave FOUR YORKSHIRE SOWS with IIlose toJrater and dance hallI Let or Burke IlowinilI salt II SXLESWOM t1ullilEdgllfO Phone AUIIIIdulCI 251 pills two weeks old for sale illil ml or ml gtli AUIOIlllIOIIBIIIIEi SII vI Company Midland II GIIIIIIIIIIIII III Remove Err no rI vr Iv lg on raw laminar mIr II WWI EN WAIVER 01 no pURNgmrl ROOMS lms Kid I1 Am riAWAI BEACH nmr Midland IIARM 140R 75Mij Irwrap DIIIIIIIII IlIllzslzflgueupelrcefels IFaIrgIIEIx IPIio BED AND OSTERMOOR MIIIImSSI for IIIIIII IIIgIIlsOkeIiIIIII IIII lodging phonc DIiinh IlyI rllIIIIIrIIIIltIIId IIIIIIIIIIII III VIII 1913 DURANT FOR SIUIEI01 BIIISI fIIIIAIII IIIIII MS III II at wojmne Slumber Kim springs one am mSI SCIOPIIM wmmlnn tlilltlilllltl Owner enlisted Phone llIIJ2 Coil llllrlonte illillll 31 mm man to serve them and why our toll utiLLl 41 SCOJCH COlilIL PUIS lol all or IIII OI line is easy to SCHI Camkmue and dresser and one vanity dresser for Illilt iiied months MI Arrhirlnlace sandy beach Aim smaller liltll frillii buildines illll acres illltzlill If 51 tildid ls oooooolllloovolvaloocltl ll TO GET SPECIAL 7TFWW Twmw Overturned Hit Another hill Irt Eli 21 it ii ll VA Iv gt iv it Liftiitilit2l FURr til il1 rig Silili lrl lllx iIII II IAA II II II I5 IIIIIIIIIIIII CIIIII IKIIIII lIlIi AISLES II II II III gt III II III HA1 Ii II payment must be II Ill CAhADA II li lr made by Wednesda II MW IIIIIIIIOII Flee Booklet Jill aoop llczkes Othrrwise charge of gt II IAI A7 AA PEI 24C in you an it in no human 25c extra l12II 13 iliI xr A3 II III III Al SHIY PICIEtS IIIIIIIII IIIIII illllIIIIII to tour bookkctpmu costs lIIlIII IiInIIlIIII ii II II IIIII IIII IIIIII IIIIII III II In III II II II ltll II Noooonocou14 AHA7H gt7 gt 3A II uvaom We CI il lllthlIlt JANIIZil will My fJ tiNH LUSH it 49 lIxiirr ithir mkWWNV WAAAAVVAA 01 lultli SALE AA III III IIIII II A1 10 SALE IIII lil ii ixv lliAzlilv ii gll liq you lt In 11 Lumtonl AAi lII Milka iiIlti um III III II II II III ll All tiliil lllrh II II llaiin lllillilitl iilIlAlAAiAAiI IAI vi pin ir Hl LAMAR iluiil frt rp 13 ItlliillllINI oratorii savior IIIIIIIIITMII IIIII IIIIII rirrIIrIIIrIfitiIrI IiIIiIxIt mm IIlIrSl let itMl iJlillk 77777 10C hitll out Apply 28 Caroline St til IA AA AMA ill at Mailing Station IA AlAAA AA 12A gt lti Illx lllliiltllitltll tttii IIIIIIW IIIHI III lIIIIIIII XIII IIIII HIIIIII III III ii ruil la trill II II 31 ll kph lilll llll titiilv If iglngj Iv iin AlAlilJl SA illll llC llt1 AA lt ll xliliJiIiultlfr AA AA rlla II MI II gt Hviieial housewoi AAlliilAjy hill liliAxA Am JAM VWI RH iNAiIAiAiiAigvliAlAtriAlRI ilihil IAjl 13in l4 soap ilittli Street ffh Lvli IIlII smile ll lAAV PKUPLRYI 10 Rth AA VIIIK II II III II 01 61y Tile Lm our lzxri1iliiacli SIXHM motIitIlIIlllII3tgillIiltIlI MAI rm Liw lillti1ll liVSozzs nru lli Vi1 Wit lilltii norm iron si II 3111110313 one 81 itlllt iai in mint wiiriwl is 11A Mh 113 it new nu iivt loi min IM lCXlliiltlliNtlCl l7llAl shim HI Iuu lllIlA55II5Illli N1 IItIAlI BANANA to if iiilll le Uitl olIIIJ II II iIli ill 91 lulce for farm lork at once rye or ls IlI itll 31 I5 cWW ill ill Ill If All lrilll I3 Iv Down nanil till rui oiiisri lilolil liliiililm 1i ri to run WW Ir ill tms 19C AIlljlplAII AIAlllzlr IHW HUI Euz bl Hi MA WANTED III II II III llAMi Hill bAll lpiipht Moon III II II IrmI II II rumor hr 10 IrInpg ll Us 13HI DULY WWII IIIIIISMIIIIIII IIIII oiidltion IIIJbilllnItlpI AM li IIIIIIIIIIIII IlIlIgt dav lliiim iiliiwzi lllltl oi Good wallls Apply loonto lliadfoid St Ltiti than that on the 111er Ii hog II HI IVIHIY IVDS St II reg lllttit ot the euonli ltliUll Ill Mirna IIOUSNI if JAZIAiAxAlmAA MARINA LLMAAIA ArAihIrIilAliirirla iiiliilithIIAI lllilttr tilt nillie lllailillizt loiiili Ll1 JOB xviI it1 lIISlI guiltll iil or ltlll ti ruin WI lt Ii IIIIII id to illl for elderly lady in iiir am it Hour 1012 2a IffII II2IHI 33 IiIjfi VVVWrl il Lioiuizl to in liiiliil Good which lljx Ai ill lw 11 51 iiiir Office MA AVM HAWAlli lAHl Nil ill timid IHII11II SAL VII MANY llKS III II III torlifg In tIiilillllltill Kelly ti lalrpeilai ICIHIII IIIIIAII IIIIII IIIIIIII III Alt it Iii ll AA My IA olt Illarr and Elizabeth IVARM lIlANl WANlIIl expel 51 lholn 5110 En III IAsIIlI Mimi Innii in IM AI NEW tuiti diti Alexi it Advily VIltIIl llllittl fillllill rooil whom lomo IEIFII7IfIITIw MIN IIIIIIIII AIIIIII IA IIIIv in Hominid at lI Willi IKIIH IIlll lIlIlIIll IIIM IIIII Ill WM mkI Mldmu p0 HIIIIII ltltdultAlUll tor sill on IIIII IIII IIIIIIIIIII III IIIIIIlMII liI Stroll Inn in pii ew II Iu IN lillll Harrie lip IEIIIIIIII1IIllllllitt itll tifffll jlv Ill1I IfhIAIIf lIVI 3155 IA IWAV we IIII II IIII ill will lll willI IIIIIIIIOMIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII IIII IllltIi llIIII IlilIIilltiII quireI lIiII iIIl iIi In riII III IIHIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII III III III II II IIIII IIlIHIII IIIllllIrI WA liIl IIIDII IIIIINIIIIIAII IIIANO IIIOR gIH III IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII lIlIllIIIIIltiIrII or ItIlIII III IIIIilI II IIII IIIIIIIII IIIII II II II II IIIII III Ll 3i illlt 10 AA ii tl ill lAli ii iii tr or wilt oi iii ami ii Ii in or II IIIM hit5Elgtfit Aw 13 25 HullrillliAiiiAiliiuiiuiiiIsr Aiiiili WWW iluks iirroi horn nild riuiuII IlIIIIIII IIH Ef liiilroti Ill Print on St 11 IIIIII II III III II II iI topic it or ioil il AH lHW HA AA ll it l1r VANTFDW Milt rAlI liv llllllt illllliili till riot rivieln youiil man to lli IN II II It on lta 11Il III IIIIIII deliver acres of hay see xl Hr tilll lilil llri llrll Illl car Din tLllL11 lullL or July In lillkt to trail IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII SIIIIIIIIII IIIIIX 39 pm hr IIHI IIIIIIL 2J1 sold tttlvttll Ilivtillllllt llIl IiiiilliIId IIIIIII II III III III IIIII IIIIIII glIIuFl IIITACFS 11 LR IANIIJ Examiner OiIiee LilLilli llur gtlollx moo iuloi hung liurir mi7 team 17 rr in USFD CARS MMHm VAHH Silk HAVMVA HilrIrlv rmioiion 51 Home Hm HA 5137 YOUNG MAN WANllCl to clerk llllllllll 34th lthl think lllllll llvtll 15l MAI fIrIII wIIor IIIVITIjoir IIIIII It 1M in store and deliver orders for IWl1llllllltllltgtll 2511i AA II Mutable iul oI III ll lltvl tilt ruil to Hi llln summer lV1N ROOM lll iltll rl Homohhi hi owr Alli li lluli it lllrl Ill rim rim 1n oil Billlle EXHIHNHII 251 MASH ARRIS RAKE rm min Am llmw IAMIIVIIA lrlvhrl and llliillt1 tor the in EVAIAA AA AAA if ll lm Good as new Reasonable for cash Ifurnare water littht earav =IiIILIcol ho iniw that have 11 Am TW 7Iimwi lit rraplanr AtIMlI WAIIRFSSluS WII wole llhrrllo urolrshrwn 13 mrrs hm soil 11 IQIIHI or not inll I1 lll ix 1101 51 for III IIIIIIII IIIIIIIII lHI III II II IIII III II HIIIIII ioylrl this ttll Illtl ilw to all iii ltr Hill llll IrI II VI mu illuiiki 07 1I ii Ii HIIII III II preferred Hm IIIIIL11II131 FOR SALE Furnished Di Luxc 1533 153 ImI llIlIIIImIIImII IhlIhIII lI AIR lull llr lHoIWIII my AI FARMS T0 RFNT lop hrI Mh drunk II In are room Ill re iirii on lit on IIII IIIIIIII VI III III at RiVieia Restaiinnt li lit Ir il em lion Iioour gt11 iliuiik CMhmmL hmw MCKIHKV SIWVIANHUOMm Al lmm iliAANAnAlJIAEAIA LIAIIIIAAAHWAA AMIAri lvA MAHAAAAAAA AAIA llll Alli1 A3 llil ll ltitl lllv rent it AIII vIHIh ir illlL bilt kw xiiil Layla XIIPMIUII IIIND rtlI 11 mud lIlIII IIIIIIIHAIIIxIlIIIAIIAIIIII IIAIIIAI 77 1173r717 771777 lI HAN id ElAW mi ll linl ll rilllll til to ilai Il ziizlon ioi 111 IIIIIIUII WIIIIIII 1w IIIIOIIIIIICIISI III IECIRIC WASHING MAUHMm IIIIIIC II IIIIIMI IIIII AIIIIII III LIVIII 5310ng 10 bALE II II II III IIIIIIIIIIIIII lIIIlII IIIlIII IIIII 01 LAH IO LASbIIY IIIIIIIIIIIIII IfIIII II IIII III IIIIIIII IlII II loo HIIIIIIIIIII MIR Mm ply Box 17 Examiner Office 23p hlllil lllllLllnlol ook slow JUhnsrmI llox io liraecbrittlw lelI say you saw it in The Examlnuri II IIII IIIIII IIIIIIIIII IIIIIN so you saw It in The Examiner IIIHIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII burner oil stovd for sale 102 lltll ifr ilioiil 137 11 it MFW HOUSEKEEPIER WANtIEDvCIIIII III SIII BIIITICI 25p IN MI IL mm IIII IsIIIII Apply IIIIrIl IIIIiIIIiiu 1i on in lIIIII IIIII III iIIIIIIIIlIIIlIl IIIuIIiIiIIiiIIIIIIIIIiIIJ llIlIlIl umr IlItIIIII in llIbICIUl tzlkilitz full mini39 ll filllll I8 24 HOUSE FOR SALlZWUlllrl illltl Winn Ditblll Phi1C HlJ IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII HIIIIIII IIVIIIIIWI IIIIII FARlllb IOR SALL JillI Jill ai lmttlillll Preferred State wages BUILDING II LIIII III lowlr iliulhiitllt Silllilliilt tlll III FVIIN YORKQHIIIII MIN IIII 6Ii031r1 FURNISH iilli lilI itltllllsr to get something expected Apply Jllhlmlln WW 1mg iance double lot and dollhlt 1111 jII III to on tol lllt season millili lll PERSON who liitllttl ll ACRES IAOR bmIA huh lllti ll Ultl ll Tins letltold Mills Our 25 Easily IllthCd FULk Apply age modern conveniences Write rgy hyrlr running water kill Ir lmh omelroie reulr for NFL Almm ihllAh to suit Agar Bnnd Hmd 5p 13th 11X1lllllll31 Offlcc UPIl HUHA in lltlltA1lill1 illill Mrs lilililllt restoriIaV knoll iilAUiilAAliI AiASWiAAIHIiim AALH mil IiiignincXiiziiiicEaliiiyilil Simm Wi REFRIGERATOR FOR sAl 77 the by TWO omen nonsus ltilgtlAL1l Iviov1=iltltnlivnOnt 3337li lilo 113i were In immune lightworkshortimurs Illzlsmolcm SuchmlW 59 LOVELY BAYSIDE HOME to ml br7fl rnoollljl llniNisnlzi rm rum rm rum 1E Apply by letter state aw expel ng new $12500 Barrie Radio Izlec WI UMMI for 1110 III IIIII Ilioiil lltiilll all III IIIIIIIIIIII II II II II IIIHIIi no Illt luv of II ii irgt IdIII Ii tom Clt 139x ill Barrie Exmn mo 56 delmltl bl liltl every modern comcrucum nilmu Rvasiiililill ii ri IIII SHIN In ELM ll BOW 10h bAlil oorshnl du ll AAA HAZBA HS MHrmms bvmltfl in llitilll one ti Aliplv Ito lll 15 lllA1 ll wt tuv roti me for 31 AAA AAAA Hun Mn 51 1th TEACHER IWANTED1IOII SS No IIIfIIQRIEEIIIII IIIIIIIIII CIIIIIIIAIIB NI qriilllldsI loiiilie rage Very lLnv IIIIIIIIIIIII SIIIIIIII IIIIIAIIIII If IIIII won Phone Stroml Jilrl 21tii 16 Oro sonath for ca Apply Mrs ixicl ii llllil DISHES gttrul Inn in 105 lilt Ir Ir Oil WU taiclmettletrIununooo thiiS CXlCrlilAVO ti1lt1lilglalqlnllAliliils XiiiillyAALtlil Cllll31 St1 7351 SGICH IAIIAbH MWU YOUNG is FOR SAJJLG 11 IIll5ll $03 IfzII IlleII liwl itl iiiil iiirtliligt ill ziiod ilrIlIrI MI II HUI 130 Bali old Apply Iohn Donnelly 6th lilo 114 nHllliillIwiillil liiiil illul lgouo loam wild l5 full information re uest 51110 Mrs Quinn 31 Dunlop St BEDROOM TO LET with 01 with marked phone Elmvule 2m 1511 iottaee Apply ll Card 35 en II 5300 wooded Ilsaleablei N15 Kill WAVE anilexI 570 StI Clggent Sqtreet upstairs 25b out board Apply 18 Worsley St IMcClungI phelpsmm 0m 33 ISL Barrie 25 leJIf IIIFTIKSIOIIRI lEIIAIxlg1ATFIIIAI ind W1 Sillllllcf fill llllliltttliilk in lAhilhls Sztwml to None Ill Montreal gt256 0110 1331J 2513 IC L5 25 4110 Manlllng Illzgeiald lllllISi $301 or Our Oil Finished FIOR SIALEIRGIdeIIglsigrgas1mg FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT IYRSIHIRE COWv 30 mini ESIINIIMERIHfmgA hemfiglIiIIINILI rAmL dill 73 gm III Mrs0 98111905 1m ue tlis week 14 mile west olltlIlil on new lllCiit II1 wn PSOSITIONS WANTED mOWCIS lllcltll DIOUSllSr 2410 HlIlSeliICICDUlEIIIIgVilllilble lcillI Highway ll line Innisfil II it itIIAmSheL my AWCIAism viArgrAiAiDilgizlxgiillijiin SOL SiAl AIiAIAlm Am IIIAAYiAiAi itiwlinhilitw Ado AAOA $290 in in iii luilaxll ll Ii EIIII IIIr II av you in It In no Examnan EggsHIpIpsly Geolge Geddes 21F Maillnis Ifefloy Post OlllLLb IclIlIIgiIIIfohIIIItIItIlIiI IiIiIiI IIIiIIoIiIlI 119 III IIIIIII IIIII IIIZI OIIII 3W IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIlIIIIIIIIII IIlIiIII MIN illl Il MIX II gt lt II GIRL WQULD LIKE WORK by lIWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS l0 FOR SALE7 Vl Mm II ikibt 25 carage etc for sale the day from to Tel lOilW pApER FOR TABLESI thirtyfive USC If 3piecc bath Hardwood meIOISI MI all IIIIiehIILIIILLLLLIl BRICK IIlOlIIIlIIVCr SCI IIII IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII III YOUNG WOMAN WAINTSW III incheswldeI in rolls Ten cents ibIII oorsI phone 420I 25p weighII Phone 47 OIIOI GCIIIIIIC III ISUMMEIR COTTAGES IIII IonI by llllIIttBIIIICILIIIIIIICIII LIIIIIlII WWII QIIII III IIIIIII IIIIIIV JiiIlIllAqiinlrb IIlimlC by day BOX 50 Examigler about BIyardS to 1b 30115 approx II Campbell RR 1I Shanty Bay 251 linonth orseason Completely furnf possessmnIil sold as conet ppy mater lbs and up Apply at EX FOR REhTrlhlee Ullflllmbhed Zisljied choice locations rents rea I1 Owner lElClrsllelp and wishes to on momma 251 aminer officeI 23If moms Heated Ewe POImSI TWO cows 3m ulvonible For llliCllllrlt see IORD IRUCh FOR SALE BOY WITH ABHICYCLENIOUId like Permanent with 1939 mIIIIII IIh pcy ter other business At least ml anellla phone 10 30b ufll 1v tt will Cash necess Wlili FOR SALE9 posts 10 10314 ft A3151 fresh Would mm R0vi DUIIP 01 class also Ioldson tiattol An C1 PHONE 356 glittering AWttkiASle long beams 10 x10 25 feet long ONE LARGE DOWNSTAIRS front mini$6135glforigffcgfjgngIt AAEVplVhmg 53 D1$Buxtcr Game 01 $101 351 mm Ollie 2Cfjff Phone 869 25 plate 60 feet long plate 40 feet room light housekeeping privileg 1615 2A long 5111 12 1160 feet long 33 es 132 Burton Ave 25pIi10ROBY LODGE OrcrBeaehxaAc EEVRngVElVCgEEII 19303 plyIWeS HughesChurchill Zoe RNISHED ROOMS Is TWO COWSFOR SALE due lolcommoaaimn tor summer guests COIIIIIIIOII Apply evens II HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE 12rentU Divlikable July Apply ii lemmiono Dulhmn one lcrltutlEltC11nt meals Also cottages 1d Yrent Safe smdv mrrc bmcir All HendersonDavSt BallieKel sale Applyto 110 Kempenfeldt St Mary St or phone 769W 25b yeus CS penteldtlhll Inong troll 2p one block past St Vinents Park Apply to ClarkeIBIpm conveniences Daneing boating Hills Org Station Tel 0m 1940prij SEDAN rum 144414 CUSTOM WORK WANTEDuPlow mg discing and cultivating$1125 per hour RusseIIWarnica Tifle St 24289 YOUNG GIRL of ngdappear AIBWN or BARBIE AT XE SA Eggi Tilids qr th has afternoons from to mornings FURNISHED ROOMIOI renteSLute Lg 1911 22436 II mi 11 115 11 Ol laxcs ltll ltldl lb due dlltl lltlhlble Brice Wt Ichals 11th School Ibl II II II pill10 Pymou Luke so an WIShes phone 1168 for appomtment 20b 01 lgl IOUSCKCGPIDB CL GENERAL pURposE HORSEAffr dI 1933 CWT let CHM at the office of me Treasurer on keeper orpgfliidgnwzikmiiggrggg INDE alum rallyilocmed Phone 1414M 29115ale alsofour pigs months 0me LA1k0IxsmCII9I 51m idizlbgliexriiiict sedan Oldsmo YL LilA mer reSlc ence ive errooms POW for sale with all attachments LOVELY LARGE FRourired 111 exchmge for feed at We Sudan Gwilx Rem Amo II turn 25m loci lsplendid condition Under 1001 centmII Sver Stephensor Beattl BZIIIIC Tel 22lIiInsIOUIFII PhoneiElmvnle 9X3 25DVI all 7r guagmlllte 11955 halIlIhalf grim A21I Jewellery Store 18 Elizabeth St Shou gt plgathinliif three hundred AandAfiftyir MISCELLANEOUS 50 carnagev 13 1393 GOOD FARM TEAM mare and 0iCGIAS fnmih G00 Lis RELIABLE MAN between 25 and Grove Sl gt 25p ggoIMgchhfi fllfte gelding 20 pigs one SODgal steel ier 165 Yengc St Toronto ii amount of the in fiUlIVCaleEL are iil make payment of at discoliiit of 11 per SecrzndIlTsmhliilil noTh Iatepaycrswho are in airl readsduring present month AGENTSWANTED Say you law It In The Examiner Say you saw It In The Examiner iences Apply Box 41 Barrie EX westAof Allandale Phon 611r12 231 Idesignillgspecirn lates80Park side Drive Phone 1858 25I29b DRESSMAKINGChildrens cloth es etc Rates reasonable Apply 153 chn ISthIPAhoneflI211Ru 25b AIBLAACK LOAM well rotted man urezj sodding and grading done lawns repaired Phone 611112 25p PAPER =for tables at tea meetings etc for sale at Examinng Office Saves work and laundry Elizabeth St Barrie 225b train yolL Company represent will be in vicinity to interview pros pects shortlyIApply in rSt instance stating qualifications to the Wtatkins Company 2177 Masson St Montreal Que Dept OcIBSA 2326bl emitter 25 sEwEIr lt bakininjiiwder andcocoa to ESTAB one 5mg fortlablteseleggcdogsoi ayner IB in good condition sell cheap 01 0X is appreciated Reader Pgeacup8 etc ApgilgII LISHED to mi one 138 me eecflcv one ROOM WITH CARD in comfort Chan for For vth me one cus mersm commun ca ppy in 1tyFarm experience helpful Selling trzeadle Snger llke new $3090 able home Central All convenVcspra corner townline me mile DRESSMAKING ETC 10150111 experience not necessary as we751nger sewmg Machme Icon 45 lproperty and paying for this adven gggmggo g$PLmBiggp NE DemBLE ROOMI on ground STALLION floor and one upstair rooni not ANQ PERSON SlcigfligrieSA ingillleletbrdgrdmirigull fumiShed Apply P0x55uBarlie Percheronv StallioiblfTFAtiiiiAgliglp ti gidingglsteel roofing rind shineling Examiner 25b le lastfhthreeIIIivgarsv by Gcofge Work done Roof coating 70 peIr TWOIFURNISHED ROOMS III III 0051 IoneI IrI ITtIBrIIns24$I2IEIDI LOST ANDFOUND Kai and up Guaranteed maIerla available end of month Suitable Eamm 71 grgg 13391 =ka iMplegz for light housekeeping Apply Registcred Clydesdale Stallion FOUNDSinall slim of moneyf Barrie Examiner 2511 BONNIIE SCOTLAND Premium Owner may have same by provmgl Will stand for the 1941 sea Ii T939 EUICK SEDAN 1939 PLYMOUTHSEDAN i1939 MERCURY COACH 1938 PLYMOUrlrctmcm 1937 CHEVRQLET COACH 1936 PLYMOUTH SEDAN FRESH Elsa SPRING LAMB AVYDUTYR rerg root itroublegoto 316AM FURNISHED ROOMor rent edx son at his own stable Lot 19 Con Ii tisement Phone 3121 25 specialize in flatslopingpasphalt trail smtable for hght housekeen 0m Feerttl Noman Carin 1936 FORDCOACH costs 23 HOICE ROLLED VEAIL lbII IIIII 186 mm to Hm rarrllagbs llgroritdtsoil3fftsrrpl he or Ownermayhaveysgmepby moving IIIS kind deanlzn I0 sun wind THE CLYDESDALE STALLIONI 1934 FORD COACH your Quip mad by Nancy Lqigh III IIIIII 17C property and paying expenses snowSIAeet rain andfrost UnconY BEDSITTING ROOMV Comfort Miltoll Junior is now standing at 1933 FORD3COUPE Dans Corner Store 35 EllZEleth Smoked Shankless PICNIC HAMS 113270 gtr iksI 113 rance every convenience ill to nor ig wa mi LOSTOn Saturday May 31 on iieaiilci AalAvgamldzgrig Phonelone or two People 40 McDonald notice Of his mute is 13311511511611 in 19313315 COACH AMPLIFYINC SYSEEM mi lent SAUSAGE 1bS 25C Highway 93 between Barrie and 1289K 2125b St Phone 168W 25p this paperIthe above will be his 1930 ESSEX COUPE I3 ccgggergegggIiggeetgsggivglog Ingram road kitchen chair Iper BELVEDERE LCDGE145 Bay Stand Ophle Lelgh 25b 1930 PONTIAC COUIES early Barrie Busmess Col mted bouom mahogalny ali SEED FEED from St Comfortably furnishedr Tm 1929 CHEVROLET COUPE 19 2423 cane bottom out Finder ezlase II In mm IIghI musekeeping suites and 1929 FORD COACHES RKI lfy IA MCCleuan HIHSda moms daily weekly or monthly 1928 CHEVROLETSEDAN CUSTQDQITRACE W0 1t 52 MIXED HAY FOR SALEStand ed Ploucimg lscmg cu lval II ingI Apply Lawrie HarkerIRIRI the 1519D McDonald 2411 Barrie 259 FOR RENTNice comfortable wishes to purchase small rooms for light housekeeping frame building approximately FIELD OF CLOVER HAY FOR suitable fer airmans WifeAllCft ethy41LfeetcCnmmuiiim SiltLEA cc AATlSIWAwly veniepces Kalilsmell cute with ll FELT StacyTreats Wm IrwinIvIlQrsley St 25b SmrrhI Victoria stIIIEastI $150 per houl Everything supplied Barrie Agricultural Society v1927IlP0NIlAC SEDAN TENDERSWANTED tsnyliouuw It in Tim lxgmlwi TENDERSIjWArNHJEDIEor erectIion Of bungalothlansands Ieclflca tions Cowans off cc Not necess rily zany tender accepted Apply Harold WaltonLefroy or Wnl iRinehart Thornton 21A25p rleNBSGAPEWGARBENFINGjmrd I13 Clappertonvst tree surgery Good advice and Dunlap sij BARBIE Phones 50511 Hrp Win theWltIr IBUY VICTORY BONDSJ estimates without obligation John ton Buildin Cdm 1ede beforeSept Elly VictoryviBonderelp fmlSh Bafe Agllcultulal Society PHONE 1646 Crossland certified gardener 52 19 25p the Job III Extra copies of The Examiner 5c WW Dnnlop St Phone 756W 25p gt II