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$1333 lliill 131111115 of tho 13111711 1111 iccd the 11 1111111 11 illilutiitc and cvcrsopiacticiil 1111 3121113 111111 1111 11 111 11 Junior herd sir1 111 present was 1111 11111l1nd Bl SHAVING SET SUPERTEX iiii1ltx Sinrs are li1111is loii1clt 11 they are 115 Wt1 W000 111111 1111 siliillltinrs above 1111 1111 11111ii shirts Mails 11 11111111121A11r 11f ltltixtitl 1111111111111 Vildftwtlv 401 wrappi 11 111 c3111 pilllit White and polliliir putt 111 111 1111111111 111111 1lede maxOUTER SPORT SHIRTS hirt AttachedH1111 style is 731 111 Father SANlUlllZllllSlllllNK Your 1111 11f slllllllittttllltd broad cloth 111 l1l1iiiwill 111111111 lliilt1iifr111 style shortshoved 111111 t1 illitktl Popular $1735 ANKLE HOSE TliurIdA June 11 lMl 141 Visit to the 1irns ldr Section 11 SHRTS SB100 world in 11 121 111 11111 Marksman pin1 C1 of why ll MeCaeuc tciswcll for $132500 115 1II1II1 111111 31111 51111 cornmenpit SlOlll SLAtlxS UlI$1llitililiftlSllltlllll cotton tabiic luiiglish drape 111111 to s11ost1i 1111 1131 and breeding of thix cls Sizes 10 111311111111 pleated lroiil Sizes 38 to gt10 1itii plain front til 1111 11311311111 ltlil 1111 11 ll Colsoii 1l1 IMIISI IIIIIII DIIII IIIIIIIII be IIICIIEIIII IIIII II GIII III 112111 11111111211 the owners or having lnolxct Ycuii t111d ciilrirc1 1ii in 11111 1111151 outstandiin 1111 1111111 goallooking splendid quality Pyjamas made of 111II1mfVIuShlpj 5p1 111111 111 Canada higlptuiiinf broadcloth Choose your DadsLiiil Very niiiny patterns in sizes 10 to 111 at per pair litifirinigs 111 111111 oi Ca II 111111111 the licld Day sub pocket lubtast Sizes 1391 111 11 411111111l11l11p 1111 II1I1 lIlItItIsur 1IT1 iIidid 1hr llldtllIgtI mum on 110mm lmI lloieil 1111 Dilllutl i111 1111 11 to loot par 1111 Tun niinc 1111 who many Vayl IMLl 11 1h 1111 111112114 11 cl 111111 LllltilLJ turrr tr41 11111 Canada 11 lillgliilltl1 bonds to moutri of 1111111 lion Kelvinalor Continued from page 11111 12111 rtir cl lllC 12 fl 11 111 1111111 1111111 fIIHIIIIIIIIILIIIIIIIIECITU 11 II BIIIIII MIIDII BIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIIIIII SIIII 1H 1I11I1MIju1y cnnmmod 10 en quietly throughout the court heat siriiiii 112 1111 1111 111 their 111 1111111111I tars iiii111iPacleis quire into the circumstances sur 100311191 11 1111L1f1blm reservng this until thell actual trial 111111 111111151 111111 Oh the Way cases for shipment Continued from Paae One rounding the death of William 1c wererl withaniusinpgreinarks CanI momma him and said faintly you StmcmnI find that the mid mum to be held latei II arliitii Vtcstinghousc Hamilton 111M pryng you mum chun rcsuinn mm an accident in he Brown Orillia physrcnui Calling all Cash bonds plltlllllBI Iiitllly Thompson of Barrie ml yards of the Canadian National Si he 05 Crlllcd 10 BitrIklIC 111111 of plaid sock CocaC0121 CW 11111 brakean on the same train Rdllwilys at Huntsville on May 10 ICSldCHCC 011 May and found Miss while said William Strachan was 1315000110 in critical Wildmml He ordered her removed to the Sol dich Memorial HOspital where Ishc died day and half later infection was given as the cause of death by Dr Erb pathologist of Toronto who performed the au topsy Mrs Barkley was quoted by Cliiel William Carson as admitting that lecry Dollar Counts bonds with trachan was the first to WW 111 Hm 111C111V lid 51111111 11ach thoiiijurctl man He testi iIiLS fltllllllliilb AC1 SWLW 1911111 tied it having pulled him from Llll COM idcr the whorls and applied such evident11submitted 11eziicit11lll 11111313 Tommy lilllltliiilggid us was possible until the doc ion11ml the accident was not duei ReSiding Right Oyer Your Wooden Walls withGenuine BP InsetAlert Sidings 58 Will Insure OWEATHER PROTECTION INSULATED COMFORT ORENEWED APPEARANCE FUEL SAVINGS Relief from Painting and Upkeep Expense for Years to Come ERIC SHINGLE OSTUCCO STONE BLOC TYPES Aschfor Ire Ihcioryniorlc OnePiece Iirsiitgtlmt Siding You can Pay for Residingyour Home in ConiimMUthty Payments under theBP Home improvement Plan discharging his duties as brakcman fVIVc further find that from the kIIthe with Bond ELK1111me 1111 old Rubi son who said of safety precautions by the Rail Bond explosbiis ill1lllcl0 mngcjous but suturing way C1mm1r 51111shinj swastika Goodyca my pain Sttachan he stated had Tire bcrn engaged with the Canatlian Elly RUNS 10 Ann 1110 FUICCS National about one year as brake tgold hop on Union Jack ltobeitfnhn Simpson Co Emery agent of the Can Wc further desire to commend the engineer Zeke Firman and Blakaaii Robinmn together with the gm was ken to her home few 311 manners 0f the 1mm CFCWI mldays previous to April 30andtha she gave her douche with soap the11111oinptols of action in ZELLERS LIMITED tlil 131111118 111111 the Atlantic rainbow of crr He immediately called the Readers of The Barrie Examiner ldoctors get ALL the news for Barrie findlBarrie the telling is best done through The Examiner Tell it well tid11 il C1111p111 The jury consisted of 8001 Districi $200 and worth more ltteti the 111111 Sllltiil1ll1lt up by foreman Cliristenson Mcllroy MacDonald and and water The chief referred to 11 statement signed by Mrs Barkley which he read The gist of the statement was few days previous 5100105 Gilly 000 AnswerVicaadian National at Huntsville ex I1iy all ical scroll 111111915 illld lpiaincd the nature of the swnch 31010131 at which the accidentIoccurrdd and Ami tilted that he and his staff had Tell it well and it will sell For bccn warned that something had to April 30 this girl was taken to lBarrie the tellian is bcs donethippcned when he heard the Wlln ome IadVised him Oliver ling whillc soundcd by the ciigin Tryon to marryfier They went the reunistances connecth with mil bmng limb ILbtllli itS illilVfd IVE 10013 11 titlFItO any form of neglect or the lackl lthe iiccidcnt throiigh The Examiner away Later helcam back and her ha Chan ed hisanid thought he was going to marry is Gal Gt LCVI 13111111015 Vlltueslwhen he brought her back oaithe of British Freedomand Pre 30th of April told him would gents E3611 Jewish Soldir give her douche with soap and with Book ofJewish WM That is mid Arthur IBisonetie father of Iihel Thoughts dead girl testified he had identified ithe body rrrrrr The manslaughter charges were laid under section 262 ofthe Crimin VJ Capt Gershon Levi recently appointed Jewish chaplain for Call ada pal visit to Camp Borden on Sundayrand MondayLHeis oraniz fingechish Chaplaincy Lworkds culpabvlEhgmmde notamount throughout Canada and Carriperlmg to murder Where does the money come from to wage this Wbuild the ships the planes and tanks we need to nish the job 111 den is one of the military campsL 5331 which he intends to visit in the tion 301 of the act against Mrs JeWish soldiers and Elllmen from plying means to procure abortion almost every unit at Camp Borden FeadSI EVer0nf iS guilty Of an nttenvtjd the Jewish service SundayI indictable offence and liable to two morning in the reading room of the years imprisonment who unlawfully YMCA loaned for the purpose supplies or procurcs any drug orl for which they are fighting that the shines intended to be un The ideals of justicefreedom and lawfullyrfused or employed with brotherhood of manfor which all intent to procure themiscarriage reedomloving pcOplc are striigg of Iany woman whether she is or is brig today had their roots in the not with child Bible and theancient teachihgsof theJewish religion1Capt Levi de clared in his address The Jew has special stake in this struggle notonly because his ideals are at stakethe ideals of all humanitYbut because the Jew was the firrl victim of Nazi aggressiond the firs peopleon whom theNazis declared war ofextermination The new Jewish chaplain was born in Toronto and graduated from the Universityof Toronto in Philosophy English and History in 1929 and later from the Jewish Theological Seminary New York and Master of Arts from Columbia University For the past four years he has been associatediyvitha Jew ish congregation in Westmount Que rsraeusneo 111111 111 112 little hillbilly watched man at touristcamp making use of comband brush tooth brush nail file and whisk broom II Say mister he finally ed1 are you always that much trouble to yourselfF VI II ILP Eran if CURIOUS course of this tour of inspection Barkley under the heading of within Lli11 Short Socks cotton cotton and 11131111 mixture with laistex ciitlA and ii 111111751111 For Much of it comes from the savings of culinary men and II 1v0111e117tliethrit1y jeoplo of Cunadufthc savers These are ul Codewhich defined manslaughter lilt people who buy Victory Bonds and Wiir Savings Cdriiiientesf who pay their War Taxes ontho nail Never before has moiserial thrift been so vitally necessary Watch your srfending Every dollar you canspare is needed now to arm and equip our ghting fewestto win this War gt This Book will help you save The Boyiil Bank Family Bridget liook shows you how to budget your Inoomo how to have by planned spending Ale Or 11 free copy ntIyour nearest Branch ah ffmvimhattedwith the boys other noxious thing Genny instru gt and discussed with them the ideals ment or thing whatsoever knowing BAiiiziis BRANCH rc11biisrott11i111 iSii i=0 EVERY suReAc 1sitmmcontinue