Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Jun 1941, p. 5

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Pig Five vn Tiluldi Juri 12 lMl BARRH FXAHNER BARIIHE ONT ANAHA MIW III II II M4 HINTS HNE PROGRAM Museum Exhibits COLWELL mees 8mm rm gt ii II our11 hi more fig ting ones an Wars 1p Count Wont11s lnzt Home SPITflRl HURRICANE Minwt 3191th 301111111 wLLriNCHl commie bodies Pqu 11 51111111 gt SUNDHHAHD fLYiNL BOA MI II 11 MS uooo RODNEY Ann from BY II um Msmovm SUEMARIM an gt zowir lORPiDO no and cum am 300 Chldlgl Heard ALLEN In Delightful il iIHK niioux Concert II II Bensons com sraszrii to 2111 Wm MV 11 lI 5mm mos atrium s1 mutt 19 as who 1m 11 cnowu BRAND shrew s2 11 11 I11 MI 1L 10511 II IIIII IIIIII III II IIIIII ii it 111 1i QILK 11 121 111 1i ii till l1 TU if 11 Vi II fl ti11iil1it tlt1i 111 111 II II II II 119 1w II I1 11 L2 11i1 1121 11 vcncd and Excellent You Emmy LL Ws Mature PamGum II Were the Acyics of II Ar 111111 ii 116 11 Churcm scnlor InSt II 1I SI ii WEDNE in 11 111 II 1I1I1 IIIII IIII IIII SIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII II II 113 11 1111 Wow KI Xe 11111 IIIIfIII iI 11L it ffgsdlg 12 11 ii 111 111 11 II II II III to 111 york 11 II mm rwwtf 11 11 11 11 in 1n 1111 1115111111 W111 111 tlltllldld gt $12 e4 wvg 11 lI III II IJIII 11 nrisi 1111111 1111 111111 oi lliti he 11 11 11 lti l111 lllltlilt 1111115 E3 PE or it 115115 111hly Winn 1111 mr Hm Mum 111 911111 of 111111 11111 run1111 illlltil 1111 1Illl11itilti thisle iiiitihr Elm noose For SATURihV Al 11111 111111 111 other 11111 111 luihr the p131 1111 luo loved liloIl 121111 1v 111111 1H 111 ItI1I1 llltltI IiiltII InIiIItIn oIirIroliIiIIIl 11 the In How Ltii11111itgt t1rol 11111 0le Th How 11111 1111 lt 11 it wTh Tm V11WNWhmhnvihm h11l Aint tor our the ln UV $1 H1 leaded liI 11IIIII1111I1112I LIjtlIllerl IHIIIII IIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIImII 1111 Mian 11gI 1= record 11 121Hi 11 Apricots have 111111 1lJ1 lhlrtv 111111111115 were inrolltti 15 as 13 noono SEiiiiii honor 11111111u1s 111ri ltllltntll 1131111 Canadian Cookery 1r1 Illl 111111 tiiilliil il in 11hitiiiii 151 vliiii ml 13 111 111 Smiiul 1511111 III III III II III II IIIIII neuroneoh no 11511151 W131 RRY 1111I1111o 1i11i 111WI1I1 tiltllt 11 ltlllillli ol 33 There 111111 11Ii bl h1 iiiti incrouse ne 1111o1111 11 1111111 sotlnl tllllll5 111111 two lll 51mm 11 II tinI KNAE 111 111nin 11 511111 llyers who 1111 Ltlh liiese sptvinl 11111111115 lb will 1e 11111111 115111 work Hr my Wri tor the pilllitiw or raising al41111 Eu vdLuhutELx 11 IlitiillV tor our 111 iitill 51131 Iicjgj In ol 1111lt11i PlNlJPLE iiliiit 111 currozs sp11cl1 butt1 unnun simrriuuur 1111 1111 Rtniiilitliliii mliwiitili 1112911131 E61 ii ii an Pineapple Jam 3rmuhnoiher Told Me 11111 IIIIIIIIIIIII 1734 cups chopped pineapple bottle 1x1wII1mW VlllmI AanIli IIIMIIII III IIIQIII 111111 Nltlllllli the BilnI 01111111 IIIIII rents IlnI 11 111t111lt1 wrt 21 101 1I11w 111111111111 511 1111 turn oi 51x meetings 11nd v1111ou= tllti 1l1L1il llut through the comp mo 01 1mm 1er grinder 115111 the lines iIllf1 Mix 111111 very well ltttiitli Music lrr clips of the fruit and the 511111 111 had its place on ourintuit1111111105 110 mm 1111 Int1 MIG IW orcrIlWIthv rugg 11 11 1ospi1111 or bu hulk In teriiined neighbourin lnoneL 1111 mm and received much benefit from Iniinuies llemovefromthe111e111tl the HI p111Iumm YINontde on I1a SKlNLESS menses IIIIIIIIII 1111 11 RENDEREDBEEF Frill NEW COOKENG SENSATIONlI not an ordinary extract 14 mam Dciiiilciy Diicrcni and Sirongcr 11311 USE LESS Now available at your Grocers on LAco MAZDA LAMPS lellHi llilillIl 25 11 110 1110 11111 II stir in the pectin Stir 11nd skim Demonslrtitioiis included I11 Ilispliv by turns for minutes to cool slight oi sewing knitting and 0111511 11H and mm fhmhng UNI pm the Home Econorits 01112 oi the 111sl1ow IC 5mm LIDICI Ind Continuation bclrool1 110 mm for Institute iiiei1ilerlt 111111511111 ttHiI 25 11 Culul HAROLD RITCHIE 10 Distributors dbz and for torts When use it for 11 53 1119 Ciliilmun 11 Fwont ion Connnntee oi ilio Count Council and was featured it 11 asImamummwmm II flilKiS 1111 economical companv li11srii1 bur 1mg Jam for mum as dinner and milk domtvs 25 WM Frost 25C 11111 thick because use it inosi The meeting devoted to the uloumi one ly 115 filling between 21kt lnyers iltine Edueution was lliiil$$1fl 14 layer ezilie mnke butter reing Assured new in Bulging KTiinTteifouaiilityofsnier iiin1 10 donated two bautiful sweaters caCh would 1mm minim mg id Union 011 1111111010115 MDCCKS combmntion makes 21 delic1ous c111e IIIIIIIII and summary school Strawberry Hard Sriucc 313011 Our szlIrI effortIIvt 11 cup butter cup icing sugzliuli i3 91 byhiiiiciid Oilolloltirodim strawberries teaspoon boiling Of mcnmemem in II film ggggm WillCl president of the local branch 15171 Cream the butter thoroughly lldd the Red Cross Tire Historical Minn the 113 then stir in the search Committee wore fonu WNWvvs sugnr Clileillf thoroughly Add I1IIIlI5831111151515IfglfgfflntpluiillilglIV For 11mm strenuo Drink the crushed berries pile lightly in 31 II dIShI IIIId CIIIIII ItIlsIIthioigeevgzggIcgnti Fry Im IIIIIOIIII InnCID featured the IIIIII IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII mumcrpal history of Srmcoc Coun iv Other uddresses included rn TEA BISK omens 01 Tea Public Heiltn Ie QUERIch and Ireland and He MAPLE LEAF Ir III The Fedemmn of ASIIIIIIIIIIIIII min 24 and its development were discuss tines II II gicI an prncica onph pkgsI II AI1T31$I1011 ma mIm lhlolh on has been rnzideIDv the 1111 SQVEEiJGN the Bl IIIwr 10 the 3115111411 Doorman of an Insuline reprc Iliiul gt IthC do EO PmsmnI fun Selltatif OI mfg CglnngthIeIIIozf 1111 SPECIALHANSENS ennetAssortcd Flavours Rith Red Socneye Iglence aIciIoSsII the Red NSIIeu 11113 ActivIeIe en1ItIg1iIII pkgs II quIlllJaimehntIlh SIIILvIIfIHII have been an upgrtfant IIIII III gasp TL the Jeni3 Work In cuoier1io1 HEINZ mi aihilcliuathcyeiegijdsgfiiiienri iii1 iii lwnh neignbpurigg manen um FANCY QUALITY In II II Iagnin SDOIISOIeCl 21 mm andIHomt II mm ible 100k pm It 91911 9193 IjlnpiqvEIHielnc Pineal do 11 25M 39 is we IC YELLOW LABELBlock II imII Cessive ye member or people the Hobievrs who wrote II II II OT where they cargofrom 21nd 131 1m III when and how they got into the Ingmute mues to ninqnq VI If II SHIRRIFiSAssorted Flavours III if fjegeojji5cW sliviliili hath i1521 11 Lusus ders rm 7x IbI II IMI from 11 he mIIIIIIQ County Road Churchill T1111 IIII SUNLEGHT SOAP II 1m end Id 03 customaw manmwere made II III Mait They played the png world do OCH HIItiultural 80610Iy and IIIII VutciSoito11cp VBJPHWLAMRCEAH111DSUig9 and test room illIliilIlIlle also donrio ORDERS FOR YOUR ngssTglgxs CHARM CLEANER 115 ng lglgOSdmlfmift 333$ mriqhesougiirisshcaee SUMMER HOME 0R CAMP Kiwi JUNE 1111 CCC11MGlt1JH01 gt Arlisiri 1llgjjggIIgfIsfgsI IIIIIIIIII bmmittee Sm parcels fIIIII Ordcrs left with your local manager IIICIIGIIIIII IIIIIII I1 MVEX II IGoz 111 and clothinv to five neodv 130111 111110 forwarded and made available limit qunniities of all W10 39g E15951 lkgs mIour Bible Study past CW5 be The 8101 Pide Shutinsv were for you at the Loblnw Storemnearest merchandise 031$in wmtc Mpha gyloilet Soil roieb cr1t1c1smIIofh 1ItLIItXI11IiII12LOU3h1 1ne1nberedwithI fruit aIiiderr your Slimmer location weekly require 0n15 PEAHLSDAP c5111 FALMQLWE Zak lgiglldonti 1111in iii raczviifli hrtiesmtaliecmcctiniiiiiiiitii Ll1 Ii 511571 Fast Catholic51516311ins fir tiiigigaafa c0tIbsliinuge0h cametram one common stock This eighty years and over m3 19 lergens soap compoundmmnw original Sleek topkfqrm in the AI 131111101163012ii10gl81 and V2 13RUHBING lozmottla abian ndeser$IIweIItIe knovnII85II th IhIS branch has sought to d0IIII gringong IrIxItIiCIsgIIIczaIrnisgf Cedar Furniture cream PIolish 23 IThe adaplabiliw and conI SerrIntIesfe an 1III finmennngo part in the prosecution of the war dim no sold from WES LEMONIOIL lloz BIottlo We Ii eiw Iof 01 Coal Ta 19130 035 AS F116 DIGVOPS 55 TOILET SOAP Cam 13 Wmence oasis to Lndwaici and Leo for er the branch nos worked in 31 TI unIIIrIaIu gsIIIIIIuIssr Electric Range are 115 Mels They We ends Wlth gftggno1fetigefogmmil 25 ys ITEXSUN or TROPIC 400141340 Fl 52 T11 Rehiggaior gEIwIdsheiIvExciusiya thstaindingIfeaturesIIII some ofIItIherovmgIIba1Iids were it IIIIIIIIII has beenImade IdriisIIIIIath IIITARIO GROWV If II II GivosItcngI epen we craves zone III enmity with others his as 111 moo IIvIII rublelllle wushlnuachon 11 V6 the 86d V01 done by Institute member 91800 ein world history With some they as this would mean duplication gt endsavingsthatHlSpeed Ixmted iiIIithAsoIirIiev shat fought butsu6h work ineludes the fol eWIWVim STYLE 03er Elements ive You 13 13 95313135 10Wtng Seames cooks seameus Yr Der rea HII Benliastef mealg plIISJI ferhlocrescgert fromSoutheIrn Eul goatsgotcLLrtIenfglo Isweatefrs soIl iicw 1rriving in gcxil Iqujntiiy BRIISEO min salad Brewing fl it ebtmel up Jordnlvaney to lts twosan 3155s 1833512125 VEfQ TIIEVI The Newlcorfge Discovery Cmmwmeipkgqmm the advantage Wing lheadwatersandto those of the Tig 1II 70 tTEN 401 4802 coal 614 Wood llcaten for ris andr Euphrates and dOWn the dressglgt qgwgsv alsoCoatfsv 119 FL Tin QUAKE OATS Pk esIs 11 sweaters or re II Is homes Ith kitchens gut11 valley wateredbyihcse two gees IboxesIfor overseas and Iquilts ONTARIO onow 59101 irNer the Persmn Gum whre 4T9 InStltUte membelsracmd Gcod Size qs have no heating facrlmesI fertility is constant lifecan be con iIrIolunteer assistants at Hostess end ea slant and where life is constant the 01156 Camp Borden grant SectheGE Combination nmenities of civilization grow So was made to the Federated W0 Ilia135 iluantlt ofI smaller hCJSIat lomachm POPULARLY PRICED II in this fertile crescent life grew mens Institme toward Lthe our BLUE LABEL I4 CoalElectcrcRaugeatyoul chase of arimobrle eld kitchen 10m Me more settled and comfortable than SC cctlon of dealers Budget teyms could be attained in roving life iiildaarilcggtiigivmiclootge fgilagtiiiilo 11 7kc Gradually the desert people drifted Borden The branch has contri into the more comfortable lives and buted Ithe sum of $10500 to South 1195111 Lemme Cabling Rich Blend of the Whrdy be inevitably drawn iiito the more BIIIIancllIIi d0f the Red Crosy Xpmnch Eadisho IIIEI II II 19 Grated Wm Chadd spuragus rem illons Elvllito 01 med Dem tires and has purchased Hothouse Tomatoes Hothouse Cucumbers 65 RudmttonsEot GE CleanmUmlahl 1me the desert peoples overran the II rigs Certificates and Stamps to Bunch Bets Etc 11mm ymii land and hem ofamore W116 We the value of $2125 RoasterFresh than the sodtoned ones of ease as To finance these efforts as stat Selected California Large Size mm hi sorted themselves and dominated ed Iabove the Institute held three 13111 CANTALOUPES teas me knitted and II V9fiue 111 35 mo from v7 LEARN WHERE TO GO FFEE People naturally took The Ex 311511313211 tliciletsixiiiaigstsgcidfigiig New fro California Ir 11138 3mm iris II amine Coming Evemsn for dates contributh articles for 21 draw to them man he nmy mm my gt c0 0f darices SVQPeszetggm 1940 $eggt9iol toe iiiiiiiibiiglizblef Selection of at Least Sizes to Choose From olh 13111261I1m mm 13m Oi Egggmsupmrt accorded on all Scv $$$$ $$$8 LOBLAW GROCpTERIAS coleMliED Heaa 0mm ToronIoFw MM wounmawaAMwmm in so so II

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