11111111 111 1111 mi 111111 gunfight lsViiiVViiiiVVVor ssion in lilew National Chairman Of Conserva ive ar VrV 11111114 1111 VHIIHI VWVM Over All Federal PortyAfj VV ioers OUlSICiC DCA and Commons mwwA ONLY 44 YEARS OLD Married M155 DGiSy 3111011 of Stoyncr Bom on FONT I1 11 11 VV1 VI 111111121 11 11 VVV VVlVVV 11 311 111 3111 1111 111 llVlllVllllVl Hi Ml RN ANIHHWV Inn 111 111 11 11 llV Sm gt 1V1 lldrv 11111111111111 111 VonIlWV VIVV 1111111 111111 1111 Ill5 1111 ll 11111111 111111 11 111111n1 5111111111111 lIIilll I1Vgllql H4 11 111 VV 111111111 11 VllVIV llVVVVll ll Il 111111 IIll II VV 1I 111111 11 11V11111V11111VI itllJi 111 lmiyV 111 Ilmlu ll VVVll lI lIlIll WM V11 tillllltl 11I 11 ltltIllll 111 111 lull All VV IV 1111111 1111 111 11il1111 111111 I11111111 11 11111 NWUWW 111 win VV 111111 1111lIV 111111111 1111111lIVVlV ll VIllIl VIII lVllIV iiil 11 11111 1111111 l1 3lV llVt 111 11mg 1111ri1 113111111 lhrVgt 111 1214 twill SWIVN Vin Vl ll VI iiiH niliuiufiixiii 111111111511 111 11 11 Vs 11111 1111 1111l1111111111t 11 lVVV lVVVIVVVVVI 1V VVlVVVVV llIVV VVVVVI ll ll VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVV VV VVVVVVl VVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVIVVL IV VVIVV lVVIVI lHVVlVVVVVVlV AHV llllllllV VVllllllIll lllm ml V15 Vl ynulILlVVVVVVVl VVVVVIFVVSVVVVVVlVlVV l1lVV VVlVVVVVlVV HnVV 1V Vlll ll IIllel ml Vlm VV II vI llilll 11 ttllll 11 111111 111111 41111111 11111111111V1111s Viil 1V 1111 Illhlhlv 1111111 llitlllltli manlrtil lot the liiuiiw 11 lllitlilntl lllml 311 IllMl ll 11111l 117111111 N11 bkiiloo to 111111 money or for 1llill 1111 ulinissuin MHVl 11 vV 1111111n klllrl1lv lunch foo is chuiii 11 we 11111111s1111 to ho 1311111 itllllttt 1111111 ehrI letu lell mm VIIV WNW Mull Vlml lIllV iVl lllc Ilull luluV ll 11111111 ll11u 11hi 11 ruyilon 11o never liiilli i1igzi1llgt11ii11 111 1111111 11111111 of VV VtriVhl ItV ml lllVm IV 11 VlI 1I 1I1I 11 ill lg ll 1111 gt eigt sir inI are 11 1V11VV1 VlVLVtVVVllVl 11111111 11V1 lllllVt V111 11V VV VV iV VV VVVV VVVVVVVV MVVV VVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVV 111131 111 111111 1Il1 llis 5111111 111111s111111111111111I1 s1111111foi VV VV 1111 briizuleiiul xvi11 111 wuisiimu dill111101111 1110111 mm VV VV VV VVVVwaV IcI IIVlV INN Mm Mom 111 111111 11111111s 1111 $11111 lxems lgtlllltl Ill Mrs Yourhouscwillstart wtiCF illimm mi Jmnmm 11111le mm grlisyllyllWlMm l111 31 Milt 11111111111 11111111 71 iowuri gt1111e1slitioi1VV new ll11llPI1l3TlPTfNFlllllf I11 so 111121 111 1111 21 113V Mungt11 THIS ADVERTISEMENT commaurro BY THE IMPERIAL urr ASSURANCE co or CANADA fidzm EsIZtAllmluw Ellis 111 lucky ilziy lie 11111111111 from 1111 l111111r the 1111111111 11 Mo thin1 VVlVVIESVVV$quV llm Vlull mumml ml Vn 51311 I111111I lIi 1111 VVV VVVVZVVVVWVVVVVVHVVVVVT llll Iillll 33V 11 ms lill lorkinen Loinliensunon 1131111 lw l1ll Wl ll mil11111111111111 11 r1111111 11 And TRUTONL stays wlmcr president of the 011111111 111111111 111211111 lli1s constitutrs 1111 1111 111 lillill 111 im mi WW gm iH it Anather Common Enemy 11 to 1111 rest on 1111 firinl1m mm mum 11 um number in 111 smote month 11 ie she is born 1111 the 111111 slnll of West livillnnbiiry because its actually self clcaning shcds dirt Whats more CIL TRU Lonsirvutives on 1111 23 reeleet 01 ml to that office Feb 221 and was Since the Act 1s put 1111111111ce lirst nominated to Parliament on In April of this ycnr there Were SlilltSliilllgt11n went wuh 111111 but That MCIIGCC Man litthlilIv 111w tillil11I lllllrl 1111 Wulter stuyed on the furm 1111111111111 most lenilly to 1131111 ll FllllCSltl Illillllttl ill l3 Simmwy 1111111111111 11 iillt iFll WW lbw Fly Raul 11 VV TONE WHITE hides bcttcr Min111 2le 8110 accidents 111111 in lillliy or 11151 l111 l1tlt11itt 111 1111 88111 VVV JVVVVVV MVVWVVVVVVVVVV by UVVV RVVVV VVVVVV VVVVVVVVV VVVV VlNVIVVVV IVVVl Vllm uuublo 111111111 tin1111111111111 11111 spicadsfzirthcrand savesyou special press gallery rcportor your therc were 5945 this shows JVVhVV Mml1llgllllcrle ml if Ill house lhiyro llltfiillflvlliilL 111111 money because it looks better tor the Ottawa Journal ilees ii 101C356 11 58 51 HHVM by ENG Mlle MT mlgdlglrllu llr ham ImJmU IIIVM NV lull llllllll ll lmlgmspcclly CIIILTRUTONE Vlvngllw munl lhI llppImllmml mum in 1941 1121112111 of London 0111 1nd VVVVtVVVoVVV VVVVV VVVVVVVV VVV SVVVV HVVVVVVV 1111111 11V1V1h1l11m ot 1111 1V1111111V1o1 VMVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVV VVVV VVVVVVVVVVVV VVVV 11 11 111 l11 11 VHITE Point to your muster Vof thoMl for Pro us tollows 11 bUllW Viol111 11111114 Mal lfMhH AWN hmmll lilch 11Lll Al ml llllI bf 17 If VMV MVVlm1I llI livilllt vhn sulfur 11111 HM puintcr this your itll1iiiceot Gordon Gruydon hill nulllmld lillllmmm Whyh ltxml Hf Bmmn MM wry 111 A1111 liillcil 111h hm In Vlll gt1 111lliliw 1111 1111 111141111 v1 11 gt 13 11i 711 111 ltll lttl 111 llllltllilll SBBUWUAJ 15 fl mmwnmtm Mmmn mi 111mm kh hmm nw in 1111 llll 11s II in HM Huh mm WV t111lt 11111 10 lVVVVFl VVl VVVVlVVVVVVVl VVlVVVlVIVVVVVVV VVl ml SlgllVrlllVIlll lIll mallml My lsimit also by nui11e1ous nieces and Vol1 VVVV11VV 1C VV r111VVVIVVVV VV 11 111 lyoupreencotoun91114314in l1 IV lllllllllV 11111 111111111 11 st ll lVVll lllll Vl 731 oiisrimtiw lll 111 1111il1 Hl V1 Vg VV Dczilcr canofler youa choutc of ll llllllml will Enlllrllll Silllslllmllllll 1111 11110131 lliCllVlS hold 111 llllVllthjglllVlVllVVVl Vl lVllVVlVlVlV llVlV VV 11 1tiili1isV1wi 11 1111111 111 111 251istinctivc shades of LlL mll Ulllv lyV llls CUllmllllCS lll llll ell JUN 111 1110 AURIINH Cemetery VVH Vlml 111 11 11 111 1V PAiNT Also FLOOR PORCH and c1ulnnlt Ilil runs lurgcly attended 11111lltllldml 11111111111 Eli1 llilli7lll 11 111111111115 but by 111 ho follow VI ll lI Tl DADO ENAMEL for Steps and the lllllvq Olillllllis Ml Grilvdllll ldmU1ghbUKLiUltLlitillsglutl lllmlod ll1lb Wt an JVmnm nVV oors In and TRFLLIS for will nc chief organizer of the liilrtv mlmy hm Ililfltives Thole md cm Uh in Mlmrgwr yrmrslhml Hi 11 In 1111 Iininj in Rummy oumd will lnvo mm ll lllullllnujl illldlllIc from llSlilllQC were Hon tLihillllilllllltlf115lllrlliSl1Cllili 133V liner0 11ml fills rFJlllllLlliVtf 1H rv Muieliett VV11111111i11i111s church and are 111111c11121r ziltcu II 51V 1111 11lb111 m1 s1 1111111111 11 11111 11111 111ty 11111 1111 Mostpeople 311m meagrsz the 111IVIVHVVVlVVVVIV lVVVVVVVlVVVVV MVVV VVVVVl MVSV lVVVVV lVV KVVVVX CVVIVVNVIVVIV lVVVVImu VVVVVVVVVVV VVV VVVVVVX VVVVVVVVV VVVVV ViVVVVVVVVVIV will 11111111111111 11111 1111 litVii now pltiptuofl humanundo survcy seriousness of bad back Nlmnm Km lVVIleVV Ml IVle lVVVllVllIVl VVl H1 1110 Plrmfli1 no mums in The Stitmgtwudes and twmg Mrs Arnold Mitchell Bllltvilh 1111 church 111111 11c lt 1e Dost 1111311 1131 vcll llldllfloL are bad enough pm mum great Suf MVVVVVVVVVVlf OVVVQVVVWV MVVV VVVIVVVV VVl lV VVV lVVVVIVIlV lVVVI VVVV VIVVlV 1111 has an insight initiatflicultlllitl fermg but back of tho backache Ch Im DollIVVll MVVIhI Ml de VIVIVV le llVIVVmVVI ViVl RUM lllti 1h DHL ms md knov hum and the cause Of It all Is the Vers Stiwurt Ilogg lclerboro Mrs cemetery committec for over thirty 1y ioiitlookrllis lclizil trinninu and ex ordered kidnc crvin out u1ri1 THERES CIL pVVVVlVVVVcVVhV1VVcbVVVmVVhV NV VVVQ gm mg through the lVchkg VjAszi Webster l11toi1 Mr und Mrs tivp yours Mil Forrestcr 815V11V1Vs1 lV HV llVVIVIlIVrVIV WV llVV Wm Fruscr chsiermi 1111 ihtcrs treasurer of Sciool N11 113 111 Ns EXACTLY RGHT VV Mum an or clcar and logical thinking and pain in the book ithhe kViilncys VSl EhVVVVVVVI IV VVVVd MIVVVVJVVVV Ilium VVVVCVV mm WVVVIV VVVVVl IVVVVI VV lVVVVVVVVVV 11101111111 1111 faculty of making decisions Cry forhelp Go to their assurance II All 111ct 11111wereut11101111121111 D1 Chas Austin and Litightci En semenUN 01 01 Amumnl yr 11111 llirv 1111 1i11 rhythmical 11 92 box of 01111 Ki MMC than thls ne mill ppm Ge duel 11 iiiiskillcn Ont society of the lutimnsnt llllllgtl columnist of no mczm ability and remedy for backache and sink VI VV rciuhi contihuoi t1 Ll kidnele ThepillllXlllCls1CJollllPulkS 111111 111 11111 lltlsltO Associuuiin ot in 1313111111011 1111 1111 Pin Doana are put up in on Chmmllllkr119013111111111114111113011 51111010 HO or ill bow11111 IV lcrryb 00 James VVllltICSldCS llcusurer of Coin Iliinn 1o 1111 11111 11 1111111111 1111 1c11iii11ol cs FOR YOUR PURPVOSE VVV VT IV oblon re box with our lrIVVlO IGBO Jahnson Silxlgigmhje iyolllcddgicic markg gylltiapl Leaf int SCWiCOM the home Md grilyesidc Leilngmby plum ytfjix Rad NeweSt Feature Barrie highest perccntgcs of soldiers Wrapper YCrc Cmflucrd by RP Blew AL 1380 519931 1h muff Mil 94 verel vows Gamma at the general Clgc Refusuumtitutes GetuDunnys kmbn SUUIwLwn Jirjllifld lion 0f 1949 mm TOW Jonnmfimnsrnn 11011321 1111 n1111 111111 11115 Chars Lennon and 111111111191 1116 Isaac Miller of Elmvulc Mr zinc Mrs 1Iof71sev and Jlimes presented by The lg11111 of John SilvestcrI at hisrcsidcnce Munle St Midland Wrzgley$ SWEET LAUREL on cash Thursday8 Pr EDST $193de mmmng JW 1941 Am 10 NI llli 11 movecTVurcsident who was held high Ml 14 fl in Vthc estcein of the citizeiisot LOUIS BCSldcs lllSWll lllti faintly hlr 27 yew Forrester leaves to mourn his 111 Mr Sllc1illlhd uildcriono on 111g four brothers Thos Forrc 11 operwtim ibout tw iccl levi 11 ously bul the lcllml we ill his of Chicago 111 Fronk of Dunkirk LlvGly Enleriammentfor 1118 Wthle Family NY and Albert 11nd George 11 uncxpecmd pasm db amlbmed Its teenagecomedy 1n swingtime Packed SL1 01 to recurring heart condition Ellc P1 ml Dlm died numbch of ycursgigo Mr Silvcstcr was born in London held VVV Eng on Novcmbcr 1876 and mi iThe funmilr 50W glued wllh hls pamms al an emly Esson Chui ch on Saturday und was Hov1rd eV Ollan conducted by Rev D1 VA VI gm L8gklleugccagle 5dr Sign nss1sted by Rev Mr Finluyson T11 casket was bunkedhigh with flow cva gt VV leg clues alld in VanillaVb Toron son Church Knox Cemetery Board Over thirV Isix eats to SJrllla and other Canadian go th Brantford ROOng centrcs including many visits to with all the romance tragedies AaIndprcdica ments which accompjiny young love Be Sure TngListen Every Week ITS ADATEAT EIGHTEEAQI Company establishedarigid policy of strict adher ence to Quality This policy has been closely TBWHVS VVan 1th dismch He vgaEVgi 7V somae in 115 preiic mg an Ve followed Withgthe result that thousands of Can teaching with Christians gathered adian homeowners arVevenjoying complic roong inth Name of the Curd Jesus satisfaction This satisfaction has enduredbecauSe hFreVWSVtOlocatmg Midlandi ex erigncerantfordR resided fora number of years at VI hp loong crasmnuseronlyW Farry Sound In 1904he mnrrred hrfsto rawmaterinls to produce Brantford Mary Brooks al ShanlymayV 15 Slates Ssivivingm hi5 wif one 501111 WhenYoubuildarhomeyouzeicttYit 1115 Brantford Asphalt Slates are Weatherresistant 233V Cgilhmles legalghg or lifetimpemanece in wall mdceilig 1vcs er Vever ram snowtsleet and wmds wont warpt curl BridgeVMrs Roy FcntonI Grace construction is assurcdif you speafy JV gt Beulah 41ndTEvnall ofIMidlnndV loosen them Theyarelrearsistaht SBecause alsofourrubrothers Sidnefof L05 ZiPEDIiARSV 10 15 vVita featureinsurancepremiugisteoftgn 10W Wtla BFantford R005 AfeVVVCHlinVs 211194 tofHBOWma ci war 9r 019613 Bzrangfqtd ASPhalt RQOIEg ls available many George of Toronto UHLVCI 51 distinctive colour combinations Funeral servicesweye held lnlhe For your hom specifyuhe roongthatpr01ecrs 6051 Hal saturdly emmni This Mowing meShi51mdwillf10tbllf Vnnd beautiesBrantford Asphalt Roong gggthlalebiilZygll1 Flej Fin prevention authorities have aCCfLied Metal Lath and plastercnc full hour lire protection rating PEDLARIS Universal Metal Lath with WALTER FORRESTER VV Sold by Reliable Dealers Evgrywhere Olllllu News Lem its waterproof backing also imizlatci against knooiVVVVlVVVVVgSlVVngsioztclxg giftiiztesngels dampness heat and cold and it deadens sound thedenth at Nevis Wednesday May 28 1941 of Walter Forrester be loved husband of JeanMcWhinnie If who passed away 111his 88th year 0rd Rfm9 ledead Mr Forrester wusa son of Thomas AMEORL 3me wv EorrcstcrugnZdyvngpgrthrjglver hampton England He came tothis EOR BY contincnt With his mother and bro 1V IVVV thers and sisters shortly after his Ask you111mm Mtzdot ar ainth fix partialarr The PEDLAR PEOPLE Limited onion QHAWAQilT Montreal Ottawa Toronto Winnineg CalgaryVancouver father had crossed over When Still 21 lad of about sixteen Mr Forrest Ver camc to Oro with his father and settled on the farm on which he