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VVIVM huts llllni lVV1111V Viild11 I11V1I VV VV VV lIV II VI Unuorlmlllv 11 111111111111 1111 111 11115 lull lHlt 5V1 1111111 In dllt V1111 111m ppulnl ins pmll 11 urn The lcVeloiillient 111 more puhhc Olllll flailillillfIljllllllllllly From the Flleq of 211111 111111111 ism111 011 ot 1111111111111111 11111 Ullt 111011 to $01110 tXCIl lliVV gt lVVIIIIVI lIV II Il II 1011 111 wound to 11 11111 11111111s1s111ltl 111 l11 Ill llwm 11 111 1I 111 111 1111111 VI 15 The Northern Advmce I1er mmng MNliigtmm no 3tull Ilortletl 111 1111mm 1141121111 in kmll 01 rill1 llillllltlllltli51 PM 11131AH IH111 will llll mlmhmm WI lmm 1lltl lll llllllLl 111111 more Qlll 10 VV WIN 11 111 3111 cowboy ll itll ltlt 1111 11111 vVii ltt 11 my 1111 lltmllt 1th mo mml 311 1I1 11 1111 11 11111111 1111 will mu Vm ticulurly llllptiltllllt 111 Villlllllt lllld ls 51911lV VVVVV VVlV VVV VV AVL 18 the 157111 llullilion lroeeeds 11111 lllvosioi who1115 only 500 to investl Hill 10 VlllllyV lmll llmllll MullVath ls l1 llVVV VVVlVVVVV VVVVV VVVlVilVV VVVVVVVVVV VVVV sum111 CountyBrick 1111111111111 337 in mm 11 i1t11slhivill1geoilluwlie yum rlrsllsrs should not think this too small 111 ulnounti mom l0 mlS ml pm and WM i1ch lV VllVI VVVVIVVVVVIVVIV VVVVVIllVI lVV CVVVVVVVVVVVVVV to put into 1111 1111111 Every $50 counts 111111 IVII 111lt 1111 1111111111111 but llliiJCStCtl lliiiliiuizz 11111111111115 are oecilliiinll mum lmmlic prmmmg 11111310 11111 doing lttllllllllg storied 11 1111111lt 111 11111113 Crown llill 111 Illt in Mlilllind district lhr tVUltiltl while one 1191111119 ll tl oi111 or such investor 41re Vintcd Itl JVLVVSVV V1117 hp illnlonllwlwwl llltbondq ImIVylYOURb NOT TO DO AND DIE VYOURS 1111111111 instructor was puztrlg zil 114 is much illllgtltlULl by the 1lllVVllV lgtlttl 1111 lurk iion 1tlhiimgis 11 LI Elm IllllStlfl Andrcuis is liSSLlll BUT To GO AND BUY lllltl 1111111211 its puccs Not until ll 111 be bought on the lllstllngnl D1le lll lll Hm llkl ll lmllV lmlk llle VVl billldlllg ml ll cmmllelllm 1111111iVl115Vb11nd V111 Midland this Week ONMRH 15 TORONTO AA WINDSOR IVIIVAI 1wi anguish AL ifle he buildings 11111111154111 to Me irting oil With 222 members vl CTORY V1I IImlm mllV Ill 111mi 11 111111 lei1ilill Mr llumilton blOl LOOK LOOSEN BUX VI VV Wm 11 11811311 llll lllq were lllllmlifll 11mle llllVK 1mmllVlVCll ll no 11 lt BONDS W1 VVV VV VVVV VV 111111 Vlrn they 1111 11111 111s coml 11H1111l for his 111111 11111 111 30 lliut 19 hhoum 30 1110111 rould 11111 111111111 111 oldtimrlicnils 1221241111 the 111111 to incrcuse 17 CI WuewthsurLLLh1CLQlJinldhL r11ur nizisicr hunt lie once 5116 1111 i1111lt1tr lhlee hundred VAXAVJA AR 401 HAS Al VVVVA VVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV CVVVVVVS VVV VVVVVVVVV were VIVVVVVVVVVVFVVCSHVEV IV TAX FIELD Tl VTVVVlV IlgV ll thI MW li 1V It 11 11111 Coll 1111 11 11111 1kins prlme Mllllslpr IltinqisrcjeclV1011 of Prom1m V0 DIODOSU 10 1111101193501an ml mowl lue 111i 1111 r111 its outing and 118111 and Wyrvuli The brick lll Provm 11513 SllOllld be accompanied by tho rationing drinking liuhits is fur inori than work 111 lenctung Town 11111 is lllllmm 1mm 01 01H of 113 11 II 101 V0 11110 liquid which 15 too Omen l11uh1c 11111111 As Vloll 11 toliipiiutl Neilly will Cnnermuio taxation and fluflncm lnlxpd wth nlollll fuel lqniiwsI 1111=11ll 1151mm 1115 beg1133 BlildltllVlI scored 92h the mollully lirohlcms Wlls lill wt of caution in VlCW 511111211 111 zirinios since time in rifle liiiittice 1111oulthcon linrinorinl There were times in 1111 CCllS 111111 1111121 society me tings an Newton llihiiison secured funcls to luy new sidewalk from corner of Church 11111 3111111 to the post of ficc 11s Lorncrs 1111 21 grand 1011113013111erroll the ithcr lay the previous cxpcriinccs at such contcrenccs New YOVVIV IV 111113 li Comoromisc or cvcn piotitublc discussion 2110 kind VV 011 011 CW 17 1111 1m 118 Oi nnoullugc to mnkcbuildinos Ml mm impossible where ccrtum membcrs 01 L011 reconnmble from an 1111 lm ml Il llml numb will Hence have conic with tixcd locus 21th are mike VVVVVV 111 That wouldnt Mm mm lulm mmml lls any 11191100 to th Nam the 110 lhc 1ctuzil figurcs for such discusis 111 UlVCfalldtlke That is what unw 118 ll ct Conference on the bombs ml13CllllllllzltclyI in 11111 Cullildmll Army now 111C111 tcmpcrunc licolile hoiving much happened at tne 1er uuww 11111 Show thutthcrutoislessthun11 activity StilIlLl cheese t1c Lthc 311013 RODOttI and it is llkCly to happen pm llioiisund tiny 11115 l1Vlmllmllllllllls I1 lhc 111 s11 mills iic run lllellltlll 131101 unions have declared that THEY GO TO 5011001 II VI never imlCl the Prussinndcsire to thn youngT CmViVuVVdians join this dominate They 11ch seen what such my 19 will lillsu 14 illntion means ill the SI 0m through tow vccks intensive 1111 ning rem The Ipopu lotionVot 011 according to the assessor is 1114 joyful noic again The rcsultwns that the last state of lisagleClllCllLVWds worse than the husband alot of bad blood was stirred up its well ML Klng was accused Vof trying toVbargain labor in Vhe Vavishconditions Of drill BM when they have nth is sounder 111 ice thc country for with M1 Hepburn anVplOpOSlng tOV rgstOle P0 EVVVVOpeV 121 dominated countries of 31131EllizilLiinfelld 11b1lsicthtrul1lllig VlhfVirgilClllgllnszilivilkblllylhlgcillcevg SGPYCVIOUSVlevezlvrmietax oniprovfnmll Oph rfirdretnlinh arugy r055101ian Church at Guthric is 1131107331101de101mgbondhomelsplovlded Amt not run out of Subhly of skilled Cary CJmllltied Asdd RCCi YOU wealim Torch Dill This em craftsmen needed for modern IiiIli db Ccurmd rlhomlonvby WhiCh omzis Chapman lost his life and zimcs McLelllin was seriously in thc011talioiGovcrnmcntjwns willing to accept bl the oilcr made to LhcProvinccs in the Do em Slgmlles VICEOIy Bond purchase It Willi the whole army moving 111 llr Ilslcy denied that this ShOws that the wearer has invested some of hecls it is 1111t surprising 111111 uninioniBudizet lured ll mm mm IL ms 1116 011 Robert bargaining but presuming it was what money to p1 OVV1de the tools which Chur giendlj Gilpins 111openva II v10usl 111 aSkEdt0Vm sthe war Theinchtmen Local Notes lSOlllC chines and 11 made in spiritof compromise But it may The nights are still vcrfchilly caiiicsgoo crestme for security the Th reets are disorganized in con well boaskcd whythdfcderal Government wealth of Canada VVVV VVVVVdVVCCd VCVVOVVghImeVVV SC VV Vi qucnce oIAViiijr on sewers mm the uemendoub walght Of the Wm emt particulartypc of know The excavationtor tllesewers is ler the mGjllg of Crete by parachuteV the the great depression of the 1111141111 causing trouble 1111011331 cavems in doproaching Mr Hepburn on such matters Germans are said to be turning their atten M141 lllxlhllEVJho age 01 1m and Water Mayor Peler Went VV who weretramcd 1n arpcntry con to Ottawa to attend the funeral of ThchlobeandMail suggestcd that Premier Eire aSthe next isle for air111112151011 Cine workyblack 1111111 and 51 101 Macdomld who died Vepburn Should make generous Offer to theV VtVul chi De yalcriniay yet repcnt his oppo forth inrOttawa 111101 an illnss at 1015 Ottawa Government byeclaringdiis Willing lo conscrlpilon in Northern Ireland IlVII leearsmred to Ileamh that pmi saturdayiJule 511391 The ness to vacate the income and corporation Ine Smdependence would vanishovcrnigiht geldnlrgyqqlcslnc 1ij St SCUM Ste3m Enterprise Will run reg VV IV the 1f the Germans landed there ul 16 in VP ulaily from Barrie this summer as tax held for the supreme end of Winning 1515 Most these are sought 111111 an excursion steamer and fugV VBy acggsiuiexadded the Globecand II II hand pickd from civil life But the the MaymuS proclamallom business tmature OtMl ren onTNiJinductiontntr HT15 Mallwould la 56 on camwe v11 le to do the ordinary Skilled spect Ito the lateIIjPremicr whose on its shoulders should have to watch itsVstcp get enoushmiizmmimn wamumendedJuneiddupbfaa me burn as leader But the pcople of OntalViVVio Well 11112659108 18081113137 and then names 1111111 work that the armymust do bublic funeral looklace at Ollawa ale not CODCVGmEd 211101111118 Stan 915 lk arma Coioi and COOK sounds He ethevaimyteachs11th Daniel Spry Past Office In Hepburn their one concern is the Winning of cal110 breakfast uremarked the station Ad 2th 15 1mm lmpfrttzlntvttne spector was in Victoria county last command my enc es Iese men ens on Vveek in the Wallyand 1f1t=bethe duly to Fame the fl tv Names Of maths1 Seem to the Pacific coasoby themost pro VSam glilgllogiggplsmg 9f incomenodeorporatlgniaxllijhlf 1101119 913le in tll932lj PierVand Wine grossive methods known to the warden re 15116ng olfneceslccggf not shirkthat duty wailcmed matrimony 111 Tommistilfcmglglpljgsgni ZlVVVniittafbytiinostmastismth i4 wee gt orla OVr ms 31169 iate 1ectionI CanadaSIWar Ieffort hasthe rst Claim army trades school is DQWVCOIT1 Ben park Blme l1 ht upon the fmanmal as Vwell asVVtheV physmal ltgtV IV platingmnstmmmof aleVSmVIey ouV Vhe old lm AVVVVlinV VeouVVgmVV and material reources of theDominion Uni TherepmoftheAAuditolGneral owing16011116313910Wotthis intends openinganverylsn 1e lsshirwar ls wonyall curresonrcescwill thatMaJOF Gladstone Murray g8 IalIman me by the emgi med Mr Ken late oanVer of the miii ri for army work rrThe new theory is ntnds that men takgmore interest if what er clung newpvne 35 $0011 bcworthlesseicept to thecnmy Thedmo 5gIOfieICnnadiahiBmadCastiICofnora as came at Slte DnJoseph crumb rights of every citizen Var nccssarily 110 drewin 1940 Salary of $1 00pV1usVe1igt they are doing haSrea1VvaliicI Arthur has commenced practice curtailed in time of War and therightsof DenSSS 0f $10497 has been subiect of Incidentallythisrwholarmy1301 withDr Ros in place otnn Provincial andlvVIuniCinal governments must 11111116111 dcomment Andrightlyf Major Murray lCYofhfiVEting lagggerlilgferss VltVlVf Vilma AVthhurV Susi who has gone to re on not be allowedto awa with such or amp 35 Si 91 ngandfor somatime thevnsg be enemaChEd uponI in Order that an expense account with warllme trades speaks for ltSGlf University of Toronto examination fVulleaVr Veffommay be carried out and vlc VV th giv ng 13V 3115 as INFANTRY OF TODAY results include Fourth Yeah 150mm tory assuredVVV ow moneywas spent It is time the In cohlrast Wlm but work in the Ross Pninswick Third Year Joseph Garvm Second Year Stoddart GovernmentWas wak up the fad that artillery in the last War thegunners First Year Classics Sissons hr the people Will nots hdfor this sort ofthing of today seem tolme to have lad SAVE FOR YOU COUNTRVlVlOR SLAVE pipe cinch orcoursethedisappear Vespra Mathematics Hattie FOR THE HUN The improvcma of kem enfeldt St east ee the Mtgenot to mention crew LPgrmdge Mime the muiehas simplified things for and Dyment wrll cut at Barrie and Bradford this summer 6000000 feet of lumber and at Gravenhurst 000000feet It is currently re portedthat Buffalo syndicate has purchased Peninsular Park Big of Duckworth is somethingwhich should the artillery Butnew ways ofcom receive the ention of the Board of Works munication such aSby radiO have this ear donelikewise only ShQuld the roadway be The infantry on Itheotherhzind kept in godcondition but the weeds and long seem wrme lVo we fall llama ngass 111d be cut so that the street may training 111 undergo As everybody BayIIPOHIIt for $101000 and intends havefiwajttjfamvfapgamcemthgkrrowsthrrmodemrinfantrybnttnlioir mkmglLaIStClassmnmeri tourt hosmany times the fire power of its sort Staveral summer residences intensive training in new tactics Point this summer ore tourists were thesc improvements made made necessary by these new weap and sign placed near thestreetat Bayview ons Havent you friend wiio would Park cauln atllen 10 at V0fsllV WveVatched Scottish baitialionVlike Ito se capy ofthis weeks Ex HO iQn learning how to take coverVirom 1amin8r For saleat all newsdealers r1 witnlts picnic rantings oerhlsVomch VVVV COUNTY WAR RECORD IVheCountVy of Peel has war records bOard has er its objective complete record Tot theWholchountys part in the war Organ zcdowrrjtomvsrypotngrsubedivisionrthe system is saidito befunequalled in any other art of Canada1ElseWhere in this issue details the blah as described by TheVBrampton gooservntor aregivenrmje The sy tem is an xcellent Oneand shou beV difficult to carryout thong it Vincentsfifa diveV bombersrwho insisted on drop